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Posted to by iscope GmbH // Oliver Siegemund <> on 2008/08/07 14:04:00 UTC

Problem with filters and SQL perfs

Hello List,

My problem is: i like to store rules and score definitions in a MySQL
Database like this:
INSERT INTO `spam_userprefs` (`username`, `preference`, `value`,
`create`, `description`, `added_by`, `id`, `date`, `ownerIDs`) VALUES 
('%GLOBAL', 'score', 'CONTAINS_TEST 2', '2008-08-04 10:19:00', '',
'iscope', 492, '2008-08-05 14:37:16', ''),
('%GLOBAL', 'body', 'CONTAINS_TEST /TEST/i', '2008-08-04 10:19:00',
'','iscope', 491, '2008-08-07 12:40:56', '');

but spamd does not aply this rules, no matter if i set "allow_user_rules
0" or "allow_user_rules 1"

in the allow_user_rules 0 case spamd finds the rules and does not aply
[21173] info: config: not parsing, 'allow_user_rules' is 0: body
[21173] info: config: failed to parse line, skipping: body

in the allow_user_rules 1 case there is no sign about this rules in the
debug output, and in the Reporting in a scaned message where the rule
should hit.

A whitelist_from osiegemund@* is parsed, applyed and reported.

I am using spamassassin 3.1.7 on an debian with a 2.6.18-4-486 kernel as
spamscanner for a exim 4.63.

Exim Conf: 
spamd_address = /var/run/spamd.sock

allow_user_rules 1
use_bayes 1
use_bayes_rules 1
bayes_auto_learn 1

user_scores_dsn  DBI:mysql:spamd:localhost:3306
user_scores_sql_password xgeheimx
user_scores_sql_username spamassassin
user_scores_sql_custom_query SELECT preference, value FROM
spam_userprefs WHERE username = '%GLOBAL' OR username = _USERNAME_ OR
username = CONCAT('&',_DOMAIN_) ORDER BY username ASC

thanks a lot for your help and
best regards

Oliver Siegemund

::iscope gmbh osnabrück
::oliver siegemund, servertechnik / php - programmierung
::kollegienwall 17
::49074 osnabrück
::tel 0541 350286-0 fax -5

::HRB Amtsgericht Osnabrück 100676
::Steuernummer Finanzamt Osnabrück 66/200/31696
::Umsatzsteueridentnummer DE 210056864

:: ||