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Posted to by Matt Hogstrom <> on 2006/07/17 21:00:11 UTC

1.1.1 Release Plan


I've been travelling quite a bit over the past few weeks and have been a bit delinquent on getting 
1.1.1 defined and ready to go.

I see that Alan has been a busy little beaver and moving JIRAs out from 1.1.1 to the fateful 1.x 
release to help further refine the scope of 1.1.1.  I'd like to get the content formalized and 
propose a timeline for getting the release out.

1.1.1 is a bug fix release and is intended to incorporate a number of latent issues that are pending 
in Geronimo that didn't make 1.1.  These are bug fixes and not feature improvements.

Matt Hogstrom is the primary release manager for 1.1.1 and Alan Cabrera is riding shotgun.

Branch 1.1 to 1.1.1 on or around July 28th.  The date is a guideline but put out there to help 
people set expectations about what can be accomplished.

JIRA will be used to manage 1.1.1.  As JIRAs are closed we'll manage the release down to 0 JIRA's. 
It may be that we decided to defer JIRA's based on available interest to resolve issues so that 
we'll balance the date and the content so we can turn this out as quickly as possible.

The changes here are focused on bug fixes so there should not be any RTC changes required here.  The 
goal is to improve stability.

There are 25 JIRA's currently slated for 1.1.1.  In no particular order they are:

GERONIMO-1960	Bad GBean reference isn't caught during deployment
GERONIMO-1492	Many "org/apache/geronimo" configIds still live in source tree
GERONIMO-1524	DB pool portlet should let you select multiple driver JARs
GERONIMO-1695	CORBA for EJB with Local interface only causes NPE
GERONIMO-1476	Changes to default log4j.rootCategory are not dynamic
GERONIMO-1917	repository doesn't deal well with case insensitive file systems
GERONIMO-1996	Serialization failure during deployment leaves a config.ser in the repository but 
doesn't write a causing problems later.
GERONIMO-2007	Avoid Classloader warnings generated by BasicProxyManager
GERONIMO-1817	Test a Login while adding LDAP Realm fails with NullPointerException
GERONIMO-2186	Editing of Connection Pools other than Derby from console not working
GERONIMO-2196	Incorrect dependency loaded during Geronimo build
GERONIMO-2080	Create a Geronimo Bug Guidelines Page
GERONIMO-2169	Once tagged, the m:co goal of tags/1.1.1 should checkout the corresponding tagged 
version of OpenEJB (not a branch)
GERONIMO-2170	Tagged versions of Geronimo should not include in their 
list of maven repositories
GERONIMO-2198	CSSBean creates 2 unnecessary threads for every instance.
GERONIMO-2167	deployer.jar not cleaning up properly during redeploy and undeploy
GERONIMO-1791	LDAP Security Realm created via Console can fail deployment
GERONIMO-1959	Console: plugin % complete shoudl reset to 0 while preparing a download
GERONIMO-1716	Add usage of SimpleEncryption to PropertiesFileLoginModule and Admin Console
GERONIMO-2199	Key portion of Geronimo-1145 appears have gotten lost.
GERONIMO-1557	When you enter the url of a web service in the console You should get a page showing 
the service name
GERONIMO-2136	Remove/Update licenses displayed in about page of console
GERONIMO-2138	Configuration jsp-examples-tomcat includes Jetty dependencies
GERONIMO-1037	Clicking on "uninstall" link in Applications management pages deletes the 
configuration without any confirmation from user
GERONIMO-1810	Improve the "Error: Unable to distribute foo.ear: Cannot deploy the requested 
application module" message

Each of these issues are assigned to folks who I believe are planning on getting the work completed.

Personally, I have to go back through the ones that we're moved out and retrieve a few for myself. 
If anyone else is interested in getting a big fix into 1.1.1 please assign 1.1.1 as the fix version 
and assign the JIRA to yourself.

Let the coding begin.

I'll check the existing JIRA's for patches and start reviewing and applying them for folks that are 
not currently committers.

