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Posted to by Jeremy Boynes <> on 2005/04/02 17:42:48 UTC

Re: Splitting up geronimo-system

Dain Sundstrom wrote:
> I'm a bit confused about what specifically you are proposing to move.  
> For example, would it be the full logging stuff or just the logging 
> initializer code?

Everything that is not pertinent; system has become a junk drawer for 
"stuff that needs to happen early" and "stuff that might be done by a 
couple of configs". It's getting a bit like the common module (which 
could also use a clean out).

Take logging - the needs of a command line tool are different from those 
of a daemon (e.g. a command line tool runs and exits so you don't need 
to be able to change properties whilst it is running which simplifies 
things). But now both client and server are using the same mechanisms as 
defined in system.

> Also, are we going to loose reuse if we start moving this code to 
> configuration packaging modules?  I would assume that if we move the 
> command line stuff to one the packaged configuration, and another needed 
> the same command line code it would need to make a copy of the source code.

Most of the reuse in that example comes from commons-cli - the rest is 
specific to the command being run which by its nature is not reusable. I 
  think there's quite a bit more like that.

What got me thinking about this was wanting to add command line options 
to the server (e.g. so you can pass a list of configs in a file) and 
seeing that I would be conflicting with other stuff in Daemon.
