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Posted to by Randall Parker <> on 2001/08/11 00:43:35 UTC

Nightly Batik jars and nightly FOP: which jars to use?

I want to use the latest nightlies of both FOP and Batik. I see that in the released version of FOP there is 
just a single consolidated batik.jar. But if one builds the latest nightlies for Batik (or at least 2 nights ago) 
one sees all the files below. I have a few questions:

1) Should one use all the jar files in latest\xml-batik\batik-1.1 and latest\xml-batik\batik1.1\lib in one's 
path with FOP?

2) Which XML parser(s) to use? I see jaxp.jar and parser.jar and xerces_1_3_1.jar in the xml-batik\lib
\build and over in latest\xml-fop\lib I see xerces_1.2.3.jar.
   Does FOP require Xerces whereas Batik uses JAXP? Can I just use the latest version of Xerces of the 
two versions found here? Or can FOP use JAXP instead and could I just use the jaxp as the XML parser 
for both of them?

3) Similar question with Xalan. Which version to use?
    But here Batik has 2.0.1 and FOP has 1.2.2 and 2.0.0. Can I just put 2.0.1 on my path?

[j:\jprg\batik\latest]dd *.jar

 Volume in drive J is LastVolFirstIde   Serial number is 5C7B:E6C9

 Directory of  J:\jprg\batik\latest\xml-batik\batik-1.1\*.jar

 8/08/01  16:35           4,078  batik-rasterizer.jar
 8/08/01  16:35         188,301  batik-svgbrowser.jar
 8/08/01  16:35          12,480  batik-svgpp.jar
 8/08/01  16:35           1,375  batik-ttf2svg.jar
 8/08/01  16:35             506  batik.jar

 Directory of  J:\jprg\batik\latest\xml-batik\batik-1.1\lib\*.jar

 8/08/01  16:35         409,105  batik-awt-util.jar
 8/08/01  16:35         246,248  batik-bridge.jar
 8/08/01  16:35         177,746  batik-css.jar
 8/08/01  16:35         163,148  batik-dom.jar
 8/08/01  16:35         137,331  batik-ext.jar
 8/08/01  16:35          13,116  batik-extension.jar
 8/08/01  16:35         123,175  batik-gui-util.jar
 8/08/01  16:35         144,999  batik-gvt.jar
 8/08/01  16:35          58,728  batik-parser.jar
 8/08/01  16:35          13,397  batik-script.jar
 8/08/01  16:35         300,669  batik-svg-dom.jar
 8/08/01  16:35         177,586  batik-svggen.jar
 8/08/01  16:35          72,273  batik-transcoder.jar
 8/08/01  16:35          51,711  batik-util.jar
 8/08/01  16:35          25,175  batik-xml.jar
 8/08/01  16:35          66,725  crimson-parser.jar
 8/08/01  16:35         475,647  js.jar

 Directory of  J:\jprg\batik\latest\xml-batik\lib\*.jar

 3/08/01  11:19          66,725  crimson-parser.jar
 6/07/01   6:36         475,647  js.jar

 Directory of  J:\jprg\batik\latest\xml-batik\lib\build\*.jar

 3/07/01  19:21         295,934  ant_1_3.jar
 3/07/01  19:21           5,537  jaxp.jar
 3/07/01  19:21         136,198  parser.jar
 5/13/01  22:00          56,572  stylebook-1.0-b3_xalan-2.jar
 5/13/01  22:00         720,930  xalan-2.0.1.jar
 5/13/01  22:00         860,880  xerces_1_3_1.jar

[j:\jprg\fop\latest]dd *.jar

 Volume in drive J is LastVolFirstIde   Serial number is 5C7B:E6C9

 Directory of  J:\jprg\fop\latest\xml-fop\build\*.jar

 8/08/01  16:25       1,875,174  fop.jar

 Directory of  J:\jprg\fop\latest\xml-fop\lib\*.jar

 3/04/01  22:40         295,934  ant.jar
 5/22/01   2:01       2,166,551  batik.jar
 3/03/01  20:22         105,573  bsf.jar
 7/05/01  23:58          42,065  buildtools.jar
 3/03/01  20:22         455,489  jimi-1.0.jar
 1/08/01  12:32          58,947  stylebook.jar
 3/27/01  21:21         436,249  xalan-1.2.2.jar
 3/03/01  20:22         702,536  xalan-2.0.0.jar
 3/03/01  20:22          37,485  xalanj1compat.jar
 3/04/01  19:46         766,079  xerces-1.2.3.jar

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