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Posted to by Riaan Annandale <> on 2017/12/13 11:56:34 UTC

RE: XQuery NPE going from saxon 9.5 to 9.7 (upgraded camel from 2.17.4-> 2.20.1)


Further to this/ extra information, I downloaded SaxonHE9-7-18 from sourceforge, and using the command line, I was able to get the xquery to work correctly:
$ java -cp saxon9he.jar net.sf.saxon.Query transformBody.xquery -s:data.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

I was hoping to see the same behavior using Saxon outside of camel, so at this point it looks like it has something to do with camel and not SaxonHE

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From: Riaan Annandale
Sent: Wednesday, 13 December 2017 12:33 PM
Subject: XQuery NPE going from saxon 9.5 to 9.7 (upgraded camel from 2.17.4-> 2.20.1)

Hi guys

I think saxon went to 9.7 in camel 2.18 (could be 19). Anyway, I used the latest to illustrate my problem (2.20.1 at the time of writing)

I have a routes that receive XML payloads which I then transform via xqueries. Inside these I use local functions for readability (read: it’s the first thing I tried when solving my problem and it worked). 

Since saxon went to 9.7 I get a null pointer exception when an xquery containing a local function tries to process the XML.

To demonstrate this, I have made a GitHub project:

In the project I use two xqueries to transform the same source. 
- One uses an inline for loop:
	<variables>{for $v in /root/Data return $v/Name}</variables>

- One uses the local function style:
declare function local:loopMe($nodes)
   for $node in $nodes


The latter is the one that returns the NPE.

I know I could probably go refactor all my xqueries to match the inline style, but I figured I’d see if there is an issue here other than PEBKAC. They also get quite complex, so it’s quite a bit of work.

The camel website says I should ask on the mailing list first before raising an issue, so here I am – first post and all.

Thanks guys

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