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[GitHub] iilyak closed pull request #1682: Feature flags

iilyak closed pull request #1682: Feature flags

This is a PR merged from a forked repository.
As GitHub hides the original diff on merge, it is displayed below for
the sake of provenance:

As this is a foreign pull request (from a fork), the diff is supplied
below (as it won't show otherwise due to GitHub magic):

diff --git a/src/couch/src/couch_db_epi.erl b/src/couch/src/couch_db_epi.erl
index 5ff8cfcd63..21879f683b 100644
--- a/src/couch/src/couch_db_epi.erl
+++ b/src/couch/src/couch_db_epi.erl
@@ -35,14 +35,15 @@ providers() ->
 services() ->
-        {couch_db, couch_db_plugin}
+        {couch_db, couch_db_plugin},
+        {feature_flags, couch_flags}
 data_subscriptions() ->
 data_providers() ->
-    [].
+    [couch_flags_config:data_provider()].
 processes() ->
diff --git a/src/couch/src/couch_flags.erl b/src/couch/src/couch_flags.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5cfe7f6d15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch/src/couch_flags.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+% This module serves two functions
+% - provides public API to use to get value for a given feature flag and subject
+% - implements {feature_flags, couch_flags} service
+% The module relies on couch_epi_data_gen which uses the data returned by
+% `couch_flags_config:data()` to generate callback module `couch_epi_data_gen_flags_config`.
+% The generated module shouldn't be used directly. We use following APIs
+% - `couch_epi:get_handle({flags, config})` - to get handler (name of generated module)
+% - `couch_epi:get_value(Handle, Key) - to do efficient matching
+% The generated module implements clauses like the following
+%  - get(couch, {binary_match_rule()}) ->
+%       {matched_pattern(), size(matched_pattern()), [flag()]} | undefined
+% For example
+%  - get(couch, {<<"/shards/test/exact">>}) ->
+%        {<<"/shards/test/exact">>,18,[baz,flag_bar,flag_foo]};
+%  - get(couch, {<<"/shards/test", _/binary>>}) ->
+%        {<<"/shards/test*">>,13,[baz,flag_bar,flag_foo]};
+%  - get(couch, {<<"/shards/exact">>}) ->
+%        {<<"/shards/exact">>,13,[flag_bar,flag_foo]};
+%  - get(couch, {<<"/shards/blacklist", _/binary>>}) ->
+%        {<<"/shards/blacklist*">>,18,[]};
+%  - get(couch, {<<"/", _/binary>>}) ->
+%        {<<"/*">>,2,[flag_foo]};
+%  - get(_, _) -> undefined.
+% The `couch_epi:get/2` uses the Handler module to implement efficient matching.
+% In order to distinguish between shards and clustered db the following
+% convention is used.
+% - it is a shard if pattern starts with `/`
+%% Public API
+    enabled/1,
+    is_enabled/2
+%% For internal use
+    rules/0
+%% For use from plugin
+    subject_key/1
+-type subject()
+    :: #db{}
+        | #httpd{}
+        | #shard{}
+        | #ordered_shard{}
+        | string()
+        | binary().
+-define(SERVICE_ID, feature_flags).
+-spec enabled(subject()) -> [atom()].
+enabled(Subject) ->
+    Key = maybe_handle(subject_key, [Subject], fun subject_key/1),
+    Handle = couch_epi:get_handle({flags, config}),
+    lists:usort(enabled(Handle, {<<"/", Key/binary>>})
+        ++ enabled(Handle, {couch_db:normalize_dbname(Key)})).
+-spec is_enabled(FlagId :: atom(), subject()) -> boolean().
+is_enabled(FlagId, Subject) ->
+    lists:member(FlagId, enabled(Subject)).
+-spec rules() ->
+    [{Key :: string(), Value :: string()}].
+rules() ->
+    Handle = couch_epi:get_handle(?SERVICE_ID),
+    lists:flatten(couch_epi:apply(Handle, ?SERVICE_ID, rules, [], [])).
+-spec enabled(Handle :: couch_epi:handle(), Key :: {binary()}) -> [atom()].
+enabled(Handle, Key) ->
+    case couch_epi:get_value(Handle, couch, Key) of
+        {_, _, Flags} -> Flags;
+        undefined -> []
+    end.
+-spec subject_key(subject()) -> binary().
+subject_key(#db{name = Name}) ->
+    subject_key(Name);
+subject_key(#httpd{path_parts=[Name | _Rest]}) ->
+    subject_key(Name);
+subject_key(#httpd{path_parts=[]}) ->
+    <<>>;
+subject_key(#shard{name = Name}) ->
+    subject_key(Name);
+subject_key(#ordered_shard{name = Name}) ->
+    subject_key(Name);
+subject_key(Name) when is_list(Name) ->
+    subject_key(list_to_binary(Name));
+subject_key(Name) when is_binary(Name) ->
+    Name.
+-spec maybe_handle(
+        Function :: atom(),
+        Args :: [term()],
+        Default :: fun((Args :: [term()]) -> term())) ->
+    term().
+maybe_handle(Func, Args, Default) ->
+    Handle = couch_epi:get_handle(?SERVICE_ID),
+    case couch_epi:decide(Handle, ?SERVICE_ID, Func, Args, []) of
+        no_decision when is_function(Default) ->
+            apply(Default, Args);
+        {decided, Result} ->
+            Result
+    end.
diff --git a/src/couch/src/couch_flags_config.erl b/src/couch/src/couch_flags_config.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ad45add311
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch/src/couch_flags_config.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+% This module implements {flags, config} data provider
+    enable/2,
+    data/0,
+    data/1,
+    data_provider/0
+-define(DATA_INTERVAL, 1000).
+-type pattern()
+    :: binary(). %% non empty binary which optionally can end with *
+-type flag_id() :: atom().
+-type flags() :: list(flag_id()).
+-type parse_pattern()
+   :: {
+       binary(), %% pattern without trainig * if it is present
+       pattern(),
+       IsWildCard :: boolean(), %% true if the pattern has training *
+       PatternSize :: pos_integer()
+   }.
+-type rule()
+    :: {
+        parse_pattern(),
+        EnabledFlags :: flags(),
+        DisabledFlags :: flags()
+    }.
+data_provider() ->
+    {
+        {flags, config},
+        {callback_module, ?MODULE},
+        [{interval, ?DATA_INTERVAL}]
+    }.
+-spec enable(FlagId :: atom(), Pattern :: string()) ->
+    ok | {error, Reason :: term()}.
+enable(FlagId, Pattern) ->
+    Key = atom_to_list(FlagId) ++ "||" ++ Pattern,
+    config:set("feature_flags", Key, "true", false).
+-spec data() ->
+    [{{pattern()}, {pattern(), PatternSize :: pos_integer(), flags()}}].
+data() ->
+    data(get_config_section("feature_flags") ++ couch_flags:rules()).
+-spec data(Rules :: [{Key :: string(), Value :: string()}]) ->
+    [{{pattern()}, {pattern(), PatternSize :: pos_integer(), flags()}}].
+data(Config) ->
+    ByPattern = collect_rules(Config),
+    lists:reverse([{{P}, {P, size(P), E -- D}} ||  {P, {_, E, D}} <- ByPattern]).
+-spec parse_rules([{Key :: string(), Value :: string()}]) -> [rule()].
+parse_rules(Config) ->
+    lists:filtermap(fun({K, V}) ->
+        case parse_rule(K, V) of
+            {error, {Format, Args}} ->
+                couch_log:error(Format, Args),
+                false;
+            Rule ->
+                {true, Rule}
+        end
+    end, Config).
+-spec parse_rule(Key :: string(), Value :: string()) ->
+    rule()
+    | {error, Reason :: term()}.
+parse_rule(Key, "true")  ->
+    parse_flags(binary:split(list_to_binary(Key), <<"||">>), true);
+parse_rule(Key, "false") ->
+    parse_flags(binary:split(list_to_binary(Key), <<"||">>), false);
+parse_rule(Key, Value) ->
+    Reason = {
+        "Expected value for the `~p` either `true` or `false`, (got ~p)",
+        [Key, Value]
+    },
+    {error, Reason}.
+-spec parse_flags([binary()], Value :: boolean()) ->
+    rule() | {error, Reason :: term()}.
+parse_flags([FlagsBin, PatternBin], Value) ->
+    case {parse_flags_term(FlagsBin), Value} of
+        {{error, _} = Error, _} ->
+            Error;
+        {Flags, true} ->
+            {parse_pattern(PatternBin), Flags, []};
+        {Flags, false} ->
+            {parse_pattern(PatternBin), [], Flags}
+    end;
+parse_flags(_Tokens, _) ->
+    couch_log:error(
+      "Key should be in the form of `[flags]||pattern` (got ~s)", []),
+    false.
+-spec parse_flags_term(Flags :: binary()) ->
+    [flag_id()] | {error, Reason :: term()}.
+parse_flags_term(FlagsBin) ->
+    case couch_util:parse_term(FlagsBin) of
+        {ok, Flags} when is_list(Flags) ->
+            lists:usort(Flags);
+        Term ->
+            {error, {
+                "Flags should be list of atoms (got \"~s\"): ~p",
+                [FlagsBin, Term]
+            }}
+    end.
+-spec parse_pattern(Pattern :: binary()) -> parse_pattern().
+parse_pattern(PatternBin) ->
+    PatternSize = size(PatternBin),
+    case binary:last(PatternBin) of
+        $* ->
+            PrefixBin = binary:part(PatternBin, 0, PatternSize - 1),
+            {PrefixBin, PatternBin, true, PatternSize - 1};
+        _ ->
+            {PatternBin, PatternBin, false, PatternSize}
+    end.
+-spec collect_rules([{ConfigurationKey :: string(), ConfigurationValue :: string()}]) ->
+    [{pattern(), rule()}].
+collect_rules(ConfigData) ->
+    ByKey = by_key(parse_rules(ConfigData)),
+    Keys = lists:sort(fun sort_by_length/2, gb_trees:keys(ByKey)),
+    FuzzyKeys = lists:sort(fun sort_by_length/2,
+        [K || {K, {{_, _, true, _}, _, _}} <- gb_trees:to_list(ByKey)]),
+    Rules = collect_rules(lists:reverse(Keys), FuzzyKeys, ByKey),
+    gb_trees:to_list(Rules).
+-spec sort_by_length(A :: binary(), B :: binary()) -> boolean().
+sort_by_length(A, B) ->
+    size(A) =< size(B).
+-spec by_key(Items :: [rule()]) -> Dictionary :: gb_trees:tree().
+by_key(Items) ->
+    lists:foldl(fun({{_, K, _, _}, _, _} = Item, Acc) ->
+        update_element(Acc, K, Item, fun(Value) ->
+            update_flags(Value, Item)
+        end)
+    end, gb_trees:empty(), Items).
+-spec update_element(
+        Tree :: gb_trees:tree(),
+        Key :: pattern(),
+        Default :: rule(),
+        Fun :: fun((Item :: rule()) -> rule())) ->
+    gb_trees:tree().
+update_element(Tree, Key, Default, Fun) ->
+    case gb_trees:lookup(Key, Tree) of
+        none ->
+            gb_trees:insert(Key, Default, Tree);
+        {value, Value} ->
+            gb_trees:update(Key, Fun(Value), Tree)
+    end.
+-spec collect_rules(
+        Keys :: [pattern()],
+        FuzzyKeys :: [pattern()],
+        ByKey :: gb_trees:tree()) ->
+    gb_trees:tree().
+collect_rules([], _, Acc) ->
+    Acc;
+collect_rules([Current | Rest], Items, Acc) ->
+    collect_rules(Rest, Items -- [Current], inherit_flags(Current, Items, Acc)).
+-spec inherit_flags(
+        Current :: pattern(),
+        FuzzyKeys :: [pattern()],
+        ByKey :: gb_trees:tree()) ->
+    gb_trees:tree().
+inherit_flags(_Current, [], Acc) ->
+    Acc;
+inherit_flags(Current, [Item | Items], Acc) ->
+    case match_prefix(Current, Item, Acc) of
+        true ->
+            inherit_flags(Current, Items, update_flags(Current, Item, Acc));
+        false ->
+            inherit_flags(Current, Items, Acc)
+    end.
+-spec match_prefix(
+        AKey :: pattern(),
+        BKey :: pattern(),
+        ByKey :: gb_trees:tree()) ->
+    boolean().
+match_prefix(AKey, BKey, Acc) ->
+    {value, A} = gb_trees:lookup(AKey, Acc),
+    {value, B} = gb_trees:lookup(BKey, Acc),
+    match_prefix(A, B).
+-spec match_prefix(A :: rule(), B :: rule()) -> boolean().
+match_prefix({{_, _, _, _}, _, _}, {{_, _, false, _}, _, _}) ->
+    false;
+match_prefix({{Key, _, _, _}, _, _}, {{Key, _, true, _}, _, _}) ->
+    true;
+match_prefix({{Key0, _, _, _}, _, _}, {{Key1, _, true, S1}, _, _}) ->
+    case Key0 of
+        <<Key1:S1/binary, _/binary>> -> true;
+        _ -> false
+    end.
+-spec update_flags(
+        AKey :: pattern(),
+        BKey :: pattern(),
+        ByKey :: gb_trees:tree()) ->
+    gb_trees:tree().
+update_flags(AKey, BKey, Acc) ->
+    {value, A} = gb_trees:lookup(AKey, Acc),
+    {value, B} = gb_trees:lookup(BKey, Acc),
+    gb_trees:update(AKey, update_flags(A, B), Acc).
+-spec update_flags(A :: rule(), B :: rule()) -> rule().
+update_flags({Pattern, E0, D0}, {_, E1, D1}) ->
+    DisabledByParent = lists:usort(D1 -- E0),
+    E = lists:usort(lists:usort(E0 ++ E1) -- D0),
+    D = lists:usort(D0 ++ DisabledByParent),
+    {Pattern, E, D}.
+-spec get_config_section(Section :: string()) ->
+    [{Key :: string(), Value :: string()}].
+%% When we start couch_epi the config is not started yet
+% so we would get `badarg` for some time
+get_config_section(Section) ->
+    try
+        config:get(Section)
+    catch error:badarg ->
+            []
+    end.
+%% ------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Tests
+%% ------------------------------------------------------------------
+all_combinations_return_same_result_test_() ->
+    Config = [
+         {"[foo, bar]||*", "true"},
+         {"[baz, qux]||*", "false"},
+         {"[baz]||shards/test*", "true"},
+         {"[baz]||shards/blacklist*", "false"},
+         {"[bar]||shards/test*", "false"},
+         {"[bar]||shards/test/blacklist*", "true"}
+    ],
+    Expected = [
+        {{<<"shards/test/blacklist*">>},{<<"shards/test/blacklist*">>,22,[bar, foo]}},
+        {{<<"shards/test*">>},{<<"shards/test*">>, 12, [baz, foo]}},
+        {{<<"shards/blacklist*">>},{<<"shards/blacklist*">>, 17, [bar, foo]}},
+        {{<<"*">>},{<<"*">>, 1, [bar, foo]}}
+    ],
+    Combinations = couch_tests_combinatorics:permutations(Config),
+    [{test_id(Items), ?_assertEqual(Expected, data(Items))}
+        || Items <- Combinations].
+rules_are_sorted_test() ->
+    Expected = [
+        {{<<"shards/test/exact">>},{<<"shards/test/exact">>, 17, [baz,flag_bar,flag_foo]}},
+        {{<<"shards/test/blacklist*">>},{<<"shards/test/blacklist*">>,22,[flag_foo]}},
+        {{<<"shards/test*">>},{<<"shards/test*">>, 12, [baz,flag_bar,flag_foo]}},
+        {{<<"shards/exact">>},{<<"shards/exact">>, 12, [flag_bar,flag_foo]}},
+        {{<<"shards/blacklist*">>},{<<"shards/blacklist*">>, 17, []}},
+        {{<<"*">>},{<<"*">>, 1, [flag_foo]}}
+    ],
+    ?assertEqual(Expected, data(test_config())).
+latest_overide_wins_test_() ->
+    Cases = [
+        {[
+            {"[flag]||*", "false"}, {"[flag]||a*", "true"},
+            {"[flag]||ab*", "true"}, {"[flag]||abc*", "true"}
+        ], true},
+        {[
+            {"[flag]||*", "true"}, {"[flag]||a*", "false"},
+            {"[flag]||ab*", "true"}, {"[flag]||abc*", "false"}
+        ], false}
+    ],
+    [{test_id(Rules, Expected),
+        ?_assertEqual(Expected, lists:member(flag, flags(hd(data(Rules)))))}
+            || {Rules, Expected} <- Cases].
+flags({{_Pattern}, {_Pattern, _Size, Flags}}) ->
+    Flags.
+test_id(Items, ExpectedResult) ->
+    lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p -> ~p", [[P || {P, _} <- Items], ExpectedResult])).
+test_id(Items) ->
+    lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p", [[P || {P, _} <- Items]])).
+test_config() ->
+    [
+        {"[flag_foo]||*", "true"},
+        {"[flag_bar]||*", "false"},
+        {"[flag_bar]||shards/test*", "true"},
+        {"[flag_foo]||shards/blacklist*", "false"},
+        {"[baz]||shards/test*", "true"},
+        {"[baz]||shards/test/blacklist*", "false"},
+        {"[flag_bar]||shards/exact", "true"},
+        {"[flag_bar]||shards/test/exact", "true"}
+    ].
diff --git a/src/couch/src/couch_util.erl b/src/couch/src/couch_util.erl
index 8f25edc9c2..3efec84a9b 100644
--- a/src/couch/src/couch_util.erl
+++ b/src/couch/src/couch_util.erl
@@ -52,7 +52,8 @@
-    <<"query_servers">>
+    <<"query_servers">>,
+    <<"feature_flags">>
diff --git a/src/couch/test/couch_flags_tests.erl b/src/couch/test/couch_flags_tests.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f8f27c7c03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch/test/couch_flags_tests.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+%% couch_epi_plugin behaviour callbacks
+    app/0,
+    providers/0,
+    services/0,
+    data_providers/0,
+    data_subscriptions/0,
+    processes/0,
+    notify/3
+    rules/0
+app() ->
+    test_app.
+providers() ->
+    [{feature_flags, ?MODULE}].
+services() ->
+    [].
+data_providers() ->
+    [].
+data_subscriptions() ->
+    [].
+processes() ->
+    [].
+notify(_, _, _) ->
+    ok.
+rules() ->
+    test_config().
+setup() ->
+    %% FIXME after we upgrade couch_epi
+    application:stop(couch_epi), % in case it's already running from other tests...
+    application:unload(couch_epi),
+    application:load(couch_epi),
+    application:set_env(couch_epi, plugins, [couch_db_epi, ?MODULE]),
+    test_util:start_couch([couch_epi]).
+teardown(Ctx) ->
+    test_util:stop_couch(Ctx),
+    ok = application:unload(couch_epi),
+    ok.
+couch_flags_test_() ->
+    {
+        "test couch_flags",
+        {
+           setup, fun setup/0, fun teardown/1,
+           enabled_flags_tests()
+              ++ is_enabled()
+%%              ++ match_performance()
+        }
+    }.
+enabled_flags_tests() ->
+    [{"enabled_flags_tests", [
+        {"flags_default_rule",
+         ?_assertEqual(
+            [foo], couch_flags:enabled("something"))},
+        {"flags_wildcard_rule",
+         ?_assertEqual(
+            [bar, baz, foo],
+            couch_flags:enabled("shards/test/something"))},
+        {"flags_exact_rule",
+         ?_assertEqual(
+            [bar, baz, foo],
+            couch_flags:enabled("shards/test/exact"))},
+        {"flags_blacklist_rule",
+         ?_assertEqual(
+            [],
+            couch_flags:enabled("shards/blacklist/4"))}
+    ]}].
+is_enabled() ->
+     [{"is_enabled_tests", [
+        {"flags_default_rule [enabled]",
+            ?_assert(couch_flags:is_enabled(foo, "something"))},
+        {"flags_default_rule [disabled]",
+            ?_assertNot(couch_flags:is_enabled(baz, "something"))},
+        {"flags_default_rule [not_existent]",
+            ?_assertNot(couch_flags:is_enabled(non_existent, "something"))},
+        {"flags_wildcard_rule [enabled]",
+            ?_assert(couch_flags:is_enabled(bar, "shards/test/something"))},
+        {"flags_wildcard_rule [not_existent]",
+            ?_assertNot(couch_flags:is_enabled(non_existent, "shards/test/something"))},
+        {"flags_exact_rule [overide_disbled]",
+            ?_assert(couch_flags:is_enabled(bar, "shards/test/exact"))},
+        {"flags_exact_rule [not_existent]",
+            ?_assertNot(couch_flags:is_enabled(non_existent, "shards/test/exact"))},
+        {"flags_blacklist_rule [overide_enabled]",
+            ?_assertNot(couch_flags:is_enabled(foo, "shards/blacklist/4"))},
+        {"flags_blacklist_rule [not_existent]",
+            ?_assertNot(couch_flags:is_enabled(non_existent, "shards/blacklist/4"))}
+    ]}].
+match_performance() ->
+    [{"match_performance", [
+        ?_test(begin
+            ?debugTime("1 million of operations took", lists:foreach(fun(_) ->
+                couch_flags:is_enabled(bar, "shards/test/exact")
+            end, lists:seq(1, 1000000)))
+        end)
+    ]}].
+test_config() ->
+    [
+        {"[foo]||/*", "true"},
+        {"[bar]||/*", "false"},
+        {"[bar]||/shards/test*", "true"},
+        {"[foo]||/shards/blacklist*", "false"},
+        {"[baz]||/shards/test*", "true"},
+        {"[bar]||/shards/exact", "true"},
+        {"[bar]||/shards/test/exact", "true"}
+    ].
diff --git a/src/couch_epi/src/couch_epi.erl b/src/couch_epi/src/couch_epi.erl
index ddb3c48f22..a9132998b5 100644
--- a/src/couch_epi/src/couch_epi.erl
+++ b/src/couch_epi/src/couch_epi.erl
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ get(Handle, Key) when Handle /= undefined ->
     couch_epi_data_gen:get(Handle, Key).
 -spec get_value(Handle :: handle(), Subscriber :: app(), Key :: key()) ->
-    properties().
+    term().
 get_value(Handle, Subscriber, Key) when Handle /= undefined ->
     couch_epi_data_gen:get(Handle, Subscriber, Key).
diff --git a/src/couch_epi/src/couch_epi_data_gen.erl b/src/couch_epi/src/couch_epi_data_gen.erl
index 16a5986eb1..4a283450d8 100644
--- a/src/couch_epi/src/couch_epi_data_gen.erl
+++ b/src/couch_epi/src/couch_epi_data_gen.erl
@@ -149,15 +149,33 @@ version_method(Defs) ->
 getter(Source, Key, Data) ->
     D = couch_epi_codegen:format_term(Data),
     Src = atom_to_list(Source),
-    K = couch_epi_codegen:format_term(Key),
-        "get(" ++ Src ++ ", " ++ K ++ ") ->" ++ D ++ ";").
+        "get(" ++ Src ++ ", " ++ format_key(Key) ++ ") ->" ++ D ++ ";").
 version(Source, Data) ->
     Src = atom_to_list(Source),
     VSN = couch_epi_util:hash(Data),
     couch_epi_codegen:scan("version(" ++ Src ++ ") ->" ++ VSN ++ ";").
+format_key(Key) when is_tuple(Key) ->
+    Parts = lists:map(fun format_key/1, tuple_to_list(Key)),
+    "{" ++ string:join(Parts, ",") ++ "}";
+format_key(Key) when is_list(Key) ->
+    case lists:reverse(Key) of
+        "*" ++ K -> "\"" ++ lists:reverse(K) ++ "\" ++ _";
+        _ -> couch_epi_codegen:format_term(Key)
+    end;
+format_key(Key) when is_binary(Key) andalso size(Key) > 0 ->
+    case binary:last(Key) of
+        $* ->
+            KeyList = binary_to_list(binary:part(Key, {0, size(Key) - 1})),
+            "<<\"" ++ KeyList ++ "\", _/binary>>";
+        _ ->
+            "<<\"" ++ binary_to_list(Key) ++ "\">>"
+    end;
+format_key(Key) ->
+    couch_epi_codegen:format_term(Key).
 %% ------------------------------------------------------------------
 %% Helper functions
 %% ------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -187,8 +205,8 @@ defined_subscribers(Defs) ->
     [Source || {Source, _} <- Defs].
 fold_defs(Defs, Acc, Fun) ->
-    lists:foldl(fun({Source, SourceData}, Clauses) ->
-        lists:foldl(fun({Key, Data}, InAcc) ->
+    lists:foldr(fun({Source, SourceData}, Clauses) ->
+        lists:foldr(fun({Key, Data}, InAcc) ->
             Fun({Source, Key, Data}, InAcc)
         end, [], SourceData) ++ Clauses
     end, Acc, Defs).


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