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Posted to by on 2008/08/30 05:04:24 UTC

IBatis Cache Model

Hello,  I would like to know how this particular ibatis cache model works.   I have this cache

<cacheModel id=alertCache" type="LRU" readOnly="true" serialize="false">
            <flushInterval hours="60" />
        <property name="cache-size" value="2000" />

<select id="getAlert""
    resultMap="alertMap" cacheModel="alerttCache">
     select blah blah goes here...............

My domain object is AlertInfo.  Does this mean that 2000 unique objects of AlertInfo will be stored in cache for up to 60 hours?    If I query for an object of AlertInfo, Ibatis will hit the cache first.  If it is not there, then fetch it from the DB.    It should not issue a query when IBatis looks for it in the cache.   But I saw Ibatis issues a query when I turned on debug.      Is my understadning wrong?  Thank you