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Posted to by Arun Joseph <> on 2021/07/13 17:06:15 UTC

[Python] why does write_feather drop index by default?


I've noticed that if I pass a pandas dataframe to write_feather
(hyperlink to relevant part of code), it will automatically drop the index.
Was this behavior intentionally chosen to only drop the index and not to
allow the user to specify? I assumed the behavior would match the default
behavior of converting from a pandas dataframe to an arrow table as
mentioned in the docs

Is the best way around this to do the following?

import pyarrow.lib as ext
from pyarrow.lib import Table

table = Table.from_pandas(df)
ext.write_feather(table, dest,
                         chunksize=chunksize, version=version)
Thank You,
Arun Joseph

Re: [Python] why does write_feather drop index by default?

Posted by Arun Joseph <>.
I do generally have more data that can fit into the OS cache and data that
increases mostly monotonically. When I previously benchmarked parquet vs
arrow, parquet did generally compress better. However, read speeds seemed
to be much faster with feather compared to parquet, however I was just
blindly going from file to pd.Dataframe, vs slicing into it. I'll take
another look.


On Wed, Jul 14, 2021 at 5:01 PM Weston Pace <> wrote:

> > Is there any type of performance difference between
> RecordBatchFileReader and RecordBatchStreamReader? Or in other terms, when
> should either one be used?
> The performance should usually be similar if you are scanning the entire
> file.  The file reader allows for random access but, when creating a file,
> it is not valid until you have closed the writer.  When you close the
> writer it writes down a footer which contains indices to all of the
> individual batches (this is what gives you the random access).  So if your
> workflow is to create a file and then later read that file then the file
> reader is typically what you want.
> The stream reader is useful in situations where you are never terminating
> the file (and maybe never even creating file(s)).  For example, if you are
> processing a continuously updating stream of batches from a socket (e.g.
> Arrow Flight) you will often want to use the stream writer/reader because
> there is no "end".  Random access doesn't even make sense in such a
> scenario.
> > Also, is there a way to construct a pyarrow.TimestampScalar from a
> pd.Timestamp?
> `pa.scalar(ts)` is the way to do this but you are right that it is
> probably not what you want.  There is indeed an overhead and if you can
> avoid marshalling an entire column of data to python you probably should.
> At this point you would be better served by simply converting the entire
> table to a dataframe and doing your math on the dataframe.  However,
> pyarrow does support some basic compute & filtering operations (see below).
> > I'm trying to create a pd.DataFrame from a subsection of a chunked
> feather file/pyarrow table e.g. feather file represents a 24hour time
> series and I want to return a pd.DataFrame of some slice of it.
> If I understand correctly then one way you can achieve this is with the
> compute functions[1]:
> ```
> import pyarrow as pa
> import pyarrow.compute as pc
> import pandas as pd
> times = pd.date_range(start='1/1/2018', end='1/1/2019')
> times_arr = pa.array(times)
> table = pa.Table.from_arrays([times], names=["times"])
> start = pa.scalar(pd.Timestamp('2018-03-01'), type=pa.timestamp('ns'))
> end = pa.scalar(pd.Timestamp('2018-04-01'), type=pa.timestamp('ns'))
> after_start = pc.greater_equal(times_arr, start)
> before_end = pc.less_equal(times_arr, end)
> in_range = pc.and_(after_start, before_end)
> filtered_table = pc.filter(table, in_range)
> print(filtered_table.num_rows) # 32
> ```
> This avoids any marshalling of the times array into python when you are
> doing the filtering.  Of course, at this point, you may be interested in
> the dataset API and filtering:
> ```
> import pyarrow as pa
> import pyarrow.dataset as pads
> import pyarrow.parquet as pq
> import pandas as pd
> times = pd.date_range(start='1/1/2018', end='1/1/2019')
> times_arr = pa.array(times)
> table = pa.Table.from_arrays([times], names=["times"])
> pq.write_table(table, '/tmp/some_table.parquet')
> dataset = pads.dataset(['/tmp/some_table.parquet'])
> start = pa.scalar(pd.Timestamp('2018-03-01'), type=pa.timestamp('ns'))
> end = pa.scalar(pd.Timestamp('2018-04-01'), type=pa.timestamp('ns'))
> after_start = pads.field('times') >= start
> before_end = pads.field('times') <= end
> in_range = after_start & before_end
> filtered_table = dataset.to_table(filter=in_range)
> print(filtered_table.num_rows) # 32
> ```
> If your dates are randomly ordered then you won't see much difference in
> performance between the two approaches.  On the other hand, if your dates
> are monotonically increasing (or even mostly monotonically increasing) I
> would expect to see the dataset API approach perform better as it will be
> able to skip entire batches.
> Also, if you have a lot of data (more than fits into memory or enough that
> you can't reliably expect the data to be in the OS cache) AND your data is
> monotonically increasing (or mostly so) then you will want to use parquet
> instead of compressed IPC/feather format.  Parquet supports row group
> statistics so it will store the min/max value for each batch.  The dataset
> API can take advantage of these statistics to prevent even loading the row
> group from disk if your data can be reliably excluded from your filter.
> [1]
> On Wed, Jul 14, 2021 at 4:49 AM Arun Joseph <> wrote:
>> Thanks for the clarification re: allow_64bit. I was able to get the
>> RecordBatchFileReader approach working, but I will probably need to toy
>> around with different chunk sizes. Is there any type of performance
>> difference between RecordBatchFileReader and RecordBatchStreamReader? Or in
>> other terms, when should either one be used?
>> Also, is there a way to construct a pyarrow.TimestampScalar from a
>> pd.Timestamp? The docs [1] don't seem to expose a way to construct it. I
>> tried initializing the class directly, but I get the following error:
>> `TypeError: Do not call TimestampScalar's constructor directly`, use
>> pa.scalar() instead, which I don't think is the right approach for me. I'm
>> trying to create a pd.DataFrame from a subsection of a chunked feather
>> file/pyarrow table e.g. feather file represents a 24hour time series and I
>> want to return a pd.DataFrame of some slice of it. I'm able to construct
>> the pd.DataFrame as expected, but I think there might be (correct me if I'm
>> wrong) an overhead with converting the pyarrow.TimestampScalar to the
>> pandas equivalent (.as_py()), for every row I iterate through. I
>> essentially check to see if a chunk is part of the range I want, iterate to
>> a start point, and slice the chunk, and do the same for the end, and then
>> concat the results. I want to see if there is a tangible difference if I
>> just convert my desired start/end times once and then use them to do the
>> comparisons to create the slices.
>> Thanks again for the help so far, it's been very useful and much
>> appreciated.
>> [1]
>> On Wed, Jul 14, 2021 at 12:13 AM Weston Pace <>
>> wrote:
>>> > Additionally, should I be enabling the allow_64bit bool? I have
>>> nanosecond timestamps which would be truncated if it this option acts the
>>> way I think it does.
>>> Sorry, I missed this question.  I don't think you would need to worry
>>> about this for nanosecond timestamps.  This controls whether arrays are
>>> allowed to contain more than 2^31-1 elements.  Implementations are allowed
>>> to represent lengths as 32 bit signed integers and so even though the
>>> C++/python implementation supports 64 bit lengths it may be incompatible
>>> which is why this defaults to False.
>>> On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 2:11 PM Weston Pace <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Yes, you can reduce your memory footprint.  Both the
>>>> RecordBatchStreamReader and the RecordBatchFileReader support reading a
>>>> table a batch at a time.  Compression is applied on a per-batch basis so
>>>> there is no need to read the entire file just to decompress it.
>>>> For this to work, the file will need to have been written as multiple
>>>> batches in the first place.  You can use the
>>>> RecordBatchFileWriter/RecordBatchStreamWriter to do this or you can set
>>>> `chunksize` when using pyarrow.feather.write_feather.  The default chunk
>>>> size for write_feather is 64k and most tools that create arrows files will
>>>> create reasonable sized chunks by default so this shouldn't be a problem.
>>>> On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 12:06 PM Arun Joseph <> wrote:
>>>>> cool, that's good to know. I guess for now I'll just use the older
>>>>> method until support is exposed for compression_level. I do have an
>>>>> unrelated question:
>>>>> Is there a way to reduce the memory overhead when loading a compressed
>>>>> feather file? I believe right now I decompress the file and then load the
>>>>> entire thing into memory. Not sure if chunking is something that is
>>>>> applicable here. I've read this article[1] from a couple of years back.
>>>>> Would the right approach be to use pyarrow.RecordBatchStreamer to read a
>>>>> file that was written with chunks and skip chunks that contain series I
>>>>> don't care about? However, would that even reduce the memory footprint if
>>>>> the file was compressed in the first place? or is the compression applied
>>>>> on a per-chunk basis?
>>>>> [1]
>>>>> On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 5:26 PM Weston Pace <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Ah, good catch.  Looks like this is missing[1].  The default
>>>>>> compression level for zstd is 1.
>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>> On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 10:39 AM Arun Joseph <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> The IPC API seems to work for the most part, however is there a way
>>>>>>> to specify compression level with IpcWriteOptions? It doesn't seem to be
>>>>>>> exposed. I'm currently using zstd, so not sure what level it defaults to
>>>>>>> otherwise:
>>>>>>> Additionally, should I be enabling the allow_64bit bool? I have
>>>>>>> nanosecond timestamps which would be truncated if it this option acts the
>>>>>>> way I think it does.
>>>>>>> ```
>>>>>>> """
>>>>>>> Serialization options for the IPC format.
>>>>>>> Parameters
>>>>>>> ----------
>>>>>>> metadata_version : MetadataVersion, default MetadataVersion.V5
>>>>>>> The metadata version to write. V5 is the current and latest,
>>>>>>> V4 is the pre-1.0 metadata version (with incompatible Union layout).
>>>>>>> allow_64bit: bool, default False
>>>>>>> If true, allow field lengths that don't fit in a signed 32-bit int.
>>>>>>> use_legacy_format : bool, default False
>>>>>>> Whether to use the pre-Arrow 0.15 IPC format.
>>>>>>> compression: str or None
>>>>>>> If not None, compression codec to use for record batch buffers.
>>>>>>> May only be "lz4", "zstd" or None.
>>>>>>> use_threads: bool
>>>>>>> Whether to use the global CPU thread pool to parallelize any
>>>>>>> computational tasks like compression.
>>>>>>> emit_dictionary_deltas: bool
>>>>>>> Whether to emit dictionary deltas. Default is false for maximum
>>>>>>> stream compatibility.
>>>>>>> """
>>>>>>> On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 2:41 PM Weston Pace <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I can't speak to the intent.  Adding a feather.write_table version
>>>>>>>> (equivalent to feather.read_table) seems like it would be
>>>>>>>> reasonable.
>>>>>>>> > Is the best way around this to do the following?
>>>>>>>> What you have written does not work for me.  This slightly different
>>>>>>>> version does:
>>>>>>>> ```python3
>>>>>>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>>>>>>> import pyarrow._feather as _feather
>>>>>>>> table = pa.Table.from_pandas(df)
>>>>>>>> _feather.write_feather(table, '/tmp/foo.feather',
>>>>>>>>                          compression=compression,
>>>>>>>> compression_level=compression_level,
>>>>>>>>                          chunksize=chunksize, version=version)
>>>>>>>> ```
>>>>>>>> I'm not sure it's a great practice to be relying on pyarrow._feather
>>>>>>>> though as it is meant to be internal and subject to change without
>>>>>>>> much consideration.
>>>>>>>> You might want to consider using the newer IPC API which should be
>>>>>>>> equivalent (write_feather is indirectly using a
>>>>>>>> RecordBatchFileWriter
>>>>>>>> under the hood although it is buried in the C++[1]).  A complete
>>>>>>>> example:
>>>>>>>> ```python3
>>>>>>>> import pandas as pd
>>>>>>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>>>>>>> import pyarrow.ipc
>>>>>>>> df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [1, 2, 3], 'b': ['x', 'y', 'z']})
>>>>>>>> compression = None
>>>>>>>> options = pyarrow.ipc.IpcWriteOptions()
>>>>>>>> options.compression = compression
>>>>>>>> writer = pyarrow.ipc.RecordBatchFileWriter('/tmp/foo2.feather',
>>>>>>>> schema=table.schema, options=options)
>>>>>>>> writer.write_table(table)
>>>>>>>> writer.close()
>>>>>>>> ```
>>>>>>>> If you need chunks it is slightly more work:
>>>>>>>> ```python3
>>>>>>>> options = pyarrow.ipc.IpcWriteOptions()
>>>>>>>> options.compression = compression
>>>>>>>> writer = pyarrow.ipc.RecordBatchFileWriter('/tmp/foo3.feather',
>>>>>>>> schema=table.schema, options=options)
>>>>>>>> batches = table.to_batches(chunksize)
>>>>>>>> for batch in batches:
>>>>>>>>     writer.write_batch(batch)
>>>>>>>> writer.close()
>>>>>>>> ```
>>>>>>>> All three versions should be readable by
>>>>>>>> pyarrow.feather.read_feather
>>>>>>>> and should yield the exact same dataframe.
>>>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>>>> On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 7:06 AM Arun Joseph <>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > Hi,
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > I've noticed that if I pass a pandas dataframe to write_feather
>>>>>>>> (hyperlink to relevant part of code), it will automatically drop the index.
>>>>>>>> Was this behavior intentionally chosen to only drop the index and not to
>>>>>>>> allow the user to specify? I assumed the behavior would match the default
>>>>>>>> behavior of converting from a pandas dataframe to an arrow table as
>>>>>>>> mentioned in the docs.
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > Is the best way around this to do the following?
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > ```python3
>>>>>>>> > import pyarrow.lib as ext
>>>>>>>> > from pyarrow.lib import Table
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > table = Table.from_pandas(df)
>>>>>>>> > ext.write_feather(table, dest,
>>>>>>>> >                          compression=compression,
>>>>>>>> compression_level=compression_level,
>>>>>>>> >                          chunksize=chunksize, version=version)
>>>>>>>> > ```
>>>>>>>> > Thank You,
>>>>>>>> > --
>>>>>>>> > Arun Joseph
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Arun Joseph
>>>>> --
>>>>> Arun Joseph
>> --
>> Arun Joseph

Arun Joseph

Re: [Python] why does write_feather drop index by default?

Posted by Weston Pace <>.
> Is there any type of performance difference between RecordBatchFileReader
and RecordBatchStreamReader? Or in other terms, when should either one be

The performance should usually be similar if you are scanning the entire
file.  The file reader allows for random access but, when creating a file,
it is not valid until you have closed the writer.  When you close the
writer it writes down a footer which contains indices to all of the
individual batches (this is what gives you the random access).  So if your
workflow is to create a file and then later read that file then the file
reader is typically what you want.

The stream reader is useful in situations where you are never terminating
the file (and maybe never even creating file(s)).  For example, if you are
processing a continuously updating stream of batches from a socket (e.g.
Arrow Flight) you will often want to use the stream writer/reader because
there is no "end".  Random access doesn't even make sense in such a

> Also, is there a way to construct a pyarrow.TimestampScalar from a

`pa.scalar(ts)` is the way to do this but you are right that it is probably
not what you want.  There is indeed an overhead and if you can avoid
marshalling an entire column of data to python you probably should.  At
this point you would be better served by simply converting the entire table
to a dataframe and doing your math on the dataframe.  However, pyarrow does
support some basic compute & filtering operations (see below).

> I'm trying to create a pd.DataFrame from a subsection of a chunked
feather file/pyarrow table e.g. feather file represents a 24hour time
series and I want to return a pd.DataFrame of some slice of it.

If I understand correctly then one way you can achieve this is with the
compute functions[1]:

import pyarrow as pa
import pyarrow.compute as pc
import pandas as pd

times = pd.date_range(start='1/1/2018', end='1/1/2019')
times_arr = pa.array(times)
table = pa.Table.from_arrays([times], names=["times"])

start = pa.scalar(pd.Timestamp('2018-03-01'), type=pa.timestamp('ns'))
end = pa.scalar(pd.Timestamp('2018-04-01'), type=pa.timestamp('ns'))

after_start = pc.greater_equal(times_arr, start)
before_end = pc.less_equal(times_arr, end)
in_range = pc.and_(after_start, before_end)

filtered_table = pc.filter(table, in_range)
print(filtered_table.num_rows) # 32


This avoids any marshalling of the times array into python when you are
doing the filtering.  Of course, at this point, you may be interested in
the dataset API and filtering:

import pyarrow as pa
import pyarrow.dataset as pads
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
import pandas as pd

times = pd.date_range(start='1/1/2018', end='1/1/2019')
times_arr = pa.array(times)
table = pa.Table.from_arrays([times], names=["times"])

pq.write_table(table, '/tmp/some_table.parquet')

dataset = pads.dataset(['/tmp/some_table.parquet'])
start = pa.scalar(pd.Timestamp('2018-03-01'), type=pa.timestamp('ns'))
end = pa.scalar(pd.Timestamp('2018-04-01'), type=pa.timestamp('ns'))

after_start = pads.field('times') >= start
before_end = pads.field('times') <= end
in_range = after_start & before_end

filtered_table = dataset.to_table(filter=in_range)
print(filtered_table.num_rows) # 32


If your dates are randomly ordered then you won't see much difference in
performance between the two approaches.  On the other hand, if your dates
are monotonically increasing (or even mostly monotonically increasing) I
would expect to see the dataset API approach perform better as it will be
able to skip entire batches.

Also, if you have a lot of data (more than fits into memory or enough that
you can't reliably expect the data to be in the OS cache) AND your data is
monotonically increasing (or mostly so) then you will want to use parquet
instead of compressed IPC/feather format.  Parquet supports row group
statistics so it will store the min/max value for each batch.  The dataset
API can take advantage of these statistics to prevent even loading the row
group from disk if your data can be reliably excluded from your filter.


On Wed, Jul 14, 2021 at 4:49 AM Arun Joseph <> wrote:

> Thanks for the clarification re: allow_64bit. I was able to get the
> RecordBatchFileReader approach working, but I will probably need to toy
> around with different chunk sizes. Is there any type of performance
> difference between RecordBatchFileReader and RecordBatchStreamReader? Or in
> other terms, when should either one be used?
> Also, is there a way to construct a pyarrow.TimestampScalar from a
> pd.Timestamp? The docs [1] don't seem to expose a way to construct it. I
> tried initializing the class directly, but I get the following error:
> `TypeError: Do not call TimestampScalar's constructor directly`, use
> pa.scalar() instead, which I don't think is the right approach for me. I'm
> trying to create a pd.DataFrame from a subsection of a chunked feather
> file/pyarrow table e.g. feather file represents a 24hour time series and I
> want to return a pd.DataFrame of some slice of it. I'm able to construct
> the pd.DataFrame as expected, but I think there might be (correct me if I'm
> wrong) an overhead with converting the pyarrow.TimestampScalar to the
> pandas equivalent (.as_py()), for every row I iterate through. I
> essentially check to see if a chunk is part of the range I want, iterate to
> a start point, and slice the chunk, and do the same for the end, and then
> concat the results. I want to see if there is a tangible difference if I
> just convert my desired start/end times once and then use them to do the
> comparisons to create the slices.
> Thanks again for the help so far, it's been very useful and much
> appreciated.
> [1]
> On Wed, Jul 14, 2021 at 12:13 AM Weston Pace <>
> wrote:
>> > Additionally, should I be enabling the allow_64bit bool? I have
>> nanosecond timestamps which would be truncated if it this option acts the
>> way I think it does.
>> Sorry, I missed this question.  I don't think you would need to worry
>> about this for nanosecond timestamps.  This controls whether arrays are
>> allowed to contain more than 2^31-1 elements.  Implementations are allowed
>> to represent lengths as 32 bit signed integers and so even though the
>> C++/python implementation supports 64 bit lengths it may be incompatible
>> which is why this defaults to False.
>> On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 2:11 PM Weston Pace <>
>> wrote:
>>> Yes, you can reduce your memory footprint.  Both the
>>> RecordBatchStreamReader and the RecordBatchFileReader support reading a
>>> table a batch at a time.  Compression is applied on a per-batch basis so
>>> there is no need to read the entire file just to decompress it.
>>> For this to work, the file will need to have been written as multiple
>>> batches in the first place.  You can use the
>>> RecordBatchFileWriter/RecordBatchStreamWriter to do this or you can set
>>> `chunksize` when using pyarrow.feather.write_feather.  The default chunk
>>> size for write_feather is 64k and most tools that create arrows files will
>>> create reasonable sized chunks by default so this shouldn't be a problem.
>>> On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 12:06 PM Arun Joseph <> wrote:
>>>> cool, that's good to know. I guess for now I'll just use the older
>>>> method until support is exposed for compression_level. I do have an
>>>> unrelated question:
>>>> Is there a way to reduce the memory overhead when loading a compressed
>>>> feather file? I believe right now I decompress the file and then load the
>>>> entire thing into memory. Not sure if chunking is something that is
>>>> applicable here. I've read this article[1] from a couple of years back.
>>>> Would the right approach be to use pyarrow.RecordBatchStreamer to read a
>>>> file that was written with chunks and skip chunks that contain series I
>>>> don't care about? However, would that even reduce the memory footprint if
>>>> the file was compressed in the first place? or is the compression applied
>>>> on a per-chunk basis?
>>>> [1]
>>>> On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 5:26 PM Weston Pace <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Ah, good catch.  Looks like this is missing[1].  The default
>>>>> compression level for zstd is 1.
>>>>> [1]
>>>>> On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 10:39 AM Arun Joseph <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> The IPC API seems to work for the most part, however is there a way
>>>>>> to specify compression level with IpcWriteOptions? It doesn't seem to be
>>>>>> exposed. I'm currently using zstd, so not sure what level it defaults to
>>>>>> otherwise:
>>>>>> Additionally, should I be enabling the allow_64bit bool? I have
>>>>>> nanosecond timestamps which would be truncated if it this option acts the
>>>>>> way I think it does.
>>>>>> ```
>>>>>> """
>>>>>> Serialization options for the IPC format.
>>>>>> Parameters
>>>>>> ----------
>>>>>> metadata_version : MetadataVersion, default MetadataVersion.V5
>>>>>> The metadata version to write. V5 is the current and latest,
>>>>>> V4 is the pre-1.0 metadata version (with incompatible Union layout).
>>>>>> allow_64bit: bool, default False
>>>>>> If true, allow field lengths that don't fit in a signed 32-bit int.
>>>>>> use_legacy_format : bool, default False
>>>>>> Whether to use the pre-Arrow 0.15 IPC format.
>>>>>> compression: str or None
>>>>>> If not None, compression codec to use for record batch buffers.
>>>>>> May only be "lz4", "zstd" or None.
>>>>>> use_threads: bool
>>>>>> Whether to use the global CPU thread pool to parallelize any
>>>>>> computational tasks like compression.
>>>>>> emit_dictionary_deltas: bool
>>>>>> Whether to emit dictionary deltas. Default is false for maximum
>>>>>> stream compatibility.
>>>>>> """
>>>>>> On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 2:41 PM Weston Pace <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> I can't speak to the intent.  Adding a feather.write_table version
>>>>>>> (equivalent to feather.read_table) seems like it would be reasonable.
>>>>>>> > Is the best way around this to do the following?
>>>>>>> What you have written does not work for me.  This slightly different
>>>>>>> version does:
>>>>>>> ```python3
>>>>>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>>>>>> import pyarrow._feather as _feather
>>>>>>> table = pa.Table.from_pandas(df)
>>>>>>> _feather.write_feather(table, '/tmp/foo.feather',
>>>>>>>                          compression=compression,
>>>>>>> compression_level=compression_level,
>>>>>>>                          chunksize=chunksize, version=version)
>>>>>>> ```
>>>>>>> I'm not sure it's a great practice to be relying on pyarrow._feather
>>>>>>> though as it is meant to be internal and subject to change without
>>>>>>> much consideration.
>>>>>>> You might want to consider using the newer IPC API which should be
>>>>>>> equivalent (write_feather is indirectly using a RecordBatchFileWriter
>>>>>>> under the hood although it is buried in the C++[1]).  A complete
>>>>>>> example:
>>>>>>> ```python3
>>>>>>> import pandas as pd
>>>>>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>>>>>> import pyarrow.ipc
>>>>>>> df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [1, 2, 3], 'b': ['x', 'y', 'z']})
>>>>>>> compression = None
>>>>>>> options = pyarrow.ipc.IpcWriteOptions()
>>>>>>> options.compression = compression
>>>>>>> writer = pyarrow.ipc.RecordBatchFileWriter('/tmp/foo2.feather',
>>>>>>> schema=table.schema, options=options)
>>>>>>> writer.write_table(table)
>>>>>>> writer.close()
>>>>>>> ```
>>>>>>> If you need chunks it is slightly more work:
>>>>>>> ```python3
>>>>>>> options = pyarrow.ipc.IpcWriteOptions()
>>>>>>> options.compression = compression
>>>>>>> writer = pyarrow.ipc.RecordBatchFileWriter('/tmp/foo3.feather',
>>>>>>> schema=table.schema, options=options)
>>>>>>> batches = table.to_batches(chunksize)
>>>>>>> for batch in batches:
>>>>>>>     writer.write_batch(batch)
>>>>>>> writer.close()
>>>>>>> ```
>>>>>>> All three versions should be readable by pyarrow.feather.read_feather
>>>>>>> and should yield the exact same dataframe.
>>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>>> On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 7:06 AM Arun Joseph <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > Hi,
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > I've noticed that if I pass a pandas dataframe to write_feather
>>>>>>> (hyperlink to relevant part of code), it will automatically drop the index.
>>>>>>> Was this behavior intentionally chosen to only drop the index and not to
>>>>>>> allow the user to specify? I assumed the behavior would match the default
>>>>>>> behavior of converting from a pandas dataframe to an arrow table as
>>>>>>> mentioned in the docs.
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > Is the best way around this to do the following?
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > ```python3
>>>>>>> > import pyarrow.lib as ext
>>>>>>> > from pyarrow.lib import Table
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > table = Table.from_pandas(df)
>>>>>>> > ext.write_feather(table, dest,
>>>>>>> >                          compression=compression,
>>>>>>> compression_level=compression_level,
>>>>>>> >                          chunksize=chunksize, version=version)
>>>>>>> > ```
>>>>>>> > Thank You,
>>>>>>> > --
>>>>>>> > Arun Joseph
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Arun Joseph
>>>> --
>>>> Arun Joseph
> --
> Arun Joseph

Re: [Python] why does write_feather drop index by default?

Posted by Arun Joseph <>.
Thanks for the clarification re: allow_64bit. I was able to get the
RecordBatchFileReader approach working, but I will probably need to toy
around with different chunk sizes. Is there any type of performance
difference between RecordBatchFileReader and RecordBatchStreamReader? Or in
other terms, when should either one be used?

Also, is there a way to construct a pyarrow.TimestampScalar from a
pd.Timestamp? The docs [1] don't seem to expose a way to construct it. I
tried initializing the class directly, but I get the following error:
`TypeError: Do not call TimestampScalar's constructor directly`, use
pa.scalar() instead, which I don't think is the right approach for me. I'm
trying to create a pd.DataFrame from a subsection of a chunked feather
file/pyarrow table e.g. feather file represents a 24hour time series and I
want to return a pd.DataFrame of some slice of it. I'm able to construct
the pd.DataFrame as expected, but I think there might be (correct me if I'm
wrong) an overhead with converting the pyarrow.TimestampScalar to the
pandas equivalent (.as_py()), for every row I iterate through. I
essentially check to see if a chunk is part of the range I want, iterate to
a start point, and slice the chunk, and do the same for the end, and then
concat the results. I want to see if there is a tangible difference if I
just convert my desired start/end times once and then use them to do the
comparisons to create the slices.

Thanks again for the help so far, it's been very useful and much


On Wed, Jul 14, 2021 at 12:13 AM Weston Pace <> wrote:

> > Additionally, should I be enabling the allow_64bit bool? I have
> nanosecond timestamps which would be truncated if it this option acts the
> way I think it does.
> Sorry, I missed this question.  I don't think you would need to worry
> about this for nanosecond timestamps.  This controls whether arrays are
> allowed to contain more than 2^31-1 elements.  Implementations are allowed
> to represent lengths as 32 bit signed integers and so even though the
> C++/python implementation supports 64 bit lengths it may be incompatible
> which is why this defaults to False.
> On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 2:11 PM Weston Pace <> wrote:
>> Yes, you can reduce your memory footprint.  Both the
>> RecordBatchStreamReader and the RecordBatchFileReader support reading a
>> table a batch at a time.  Compression is applied on a per-batch basis so
>> there is no need to read the entire file just to decompress it.
>> For this to work, the file will need to have been written as multiple
>> batches in the first place.  You can use the
>> RecordBatchFileWriter/RecordBatchStreamWriter to do this or you can set
>> `chunksize` when using pyarrow.feather.write_feather.  The default chunk
>> size for write_feather is 64k and most tools that create arrows files will
>> create reasonable sized chunks by default so this shouldn't be a problem.
>> On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 12:06 PM Arun Joseph <> wrote:
>>> cool, that's good to know. I guess for now I'll just use the older
>>> method until support is exposed for compression_level. I do have an
>>> unrelated question:
>>> Is there a way to reduce the memory overhead when loading a compressed
>>> feather file? I believe right now I decompress the file and then load the
>>> entire thing into memory. Not sure if chunking is something that is
>>> applicable here. I've read this article[1] from a couple of years back.
>>> Would the right approach be to use pyarrow.RecordBatchStreamer to read a
>>> file that was written with chunks and skip chunks that contain series I
>>> don't care about? However, would that even reduce the memory footprint if
>>> the file was compressed in the first place? or is the compression applied
>>> on a per-chunk basis?
>>> [1]
>>> On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 5:26 PM Weston Pace <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Ah, good catch.  Looks like this is missing[1].  The default
>>>> compression level for zstd is 1.
>>>> [1]
>>>> On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 10:39 AM Arun Joseph <> wrote:
>>>>> The IPC API seems to work for the most part, however is there a way to
>>>>> specify compression level with IpcWriteOptions? It doesn't seem to be
>>>>> exposed. I'm currently using zstd, so not sure what level it defaults to
>>>>> otherwise:
>>>>> Additionally, should I be enabling the allow_64bit bool? I have
>>>>> nanosecond timestamps which would be truncated if it this option acts the
>>>>> way I think it does.
>>>>> ```
>>>>> """
>>>>> Serialization options for the IPC format.
>>>>> Parameters
>>>>> ----------
>>>>> metadata_version : MetadataVersion, default MetadataVersion.V5
>>>>> The metadata version to write. V5 is the current and latest,
>>>>> V4 is the pre-1.0 metadata version (with incompatible Union layout).
>>>>> allow_64bit: bool, default False
>>>>> If true, allow field lengths that don't fit in a signed 32-bit int.
>>>>> use_legacy_format : bool, default False
>>>>> Whether to use the pre-Arrow 0.15 IPC format.
>>>>> compression: str or None
>>>>> If not None, compression codec to use for record batch buffers.
>>>>> May only be "lz4", "zstd" or None.
>>>>> use_threads: bool
>>>>> Whether to use the global CPU thread pool to parallelize any
>>>>> computational tasks like compression.
>>>>> emit_dictionary_deltas: bool
>>>>> Whether to emit dictionary deltas. Default is false for maximum
>>>>> stream compatibility.
>>>>> """
>>>>> On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 2:41 PM Weston Pace <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I can't speak to the intent.  Adding a feather.write_table version
>>>>>> (equivalent to feather.read_table) seems like it would be reasonable.
>>>>>> > Is the best way around this to do the following?
>>>>>> What you have written does not work for me.  This slightly different
>>>>>> version does:
>>>>>> ```python3
>>>>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>>>>> import pyarrow._feather as _feather
>>>>>> table = pa.Table.from_pandas(df)
>>>>>> _feather.write_feather(table, '/tmp/foo.feather',
>>>>>>                          compression=compression,
>>>>>> compression_level=compression_level,
>>>>>>                          chunksize=chunksize, version=version)
>>>>>> ```
>>>>>> I'm not sure it's a great practice to be relying on pyarrow._feather
>>>>>> though as it is meant to be internal and subject to change without
>>>>>> much consideration.
>>>>>> You might want to consider using the newer IPC API which should be
>>>>>> equivalent (write_feather is indirectly using a RecordBatchFileWriter
>>>>>> under the hood although it is buried in the C++[1]).  A complete
>>>>>> example:
>>>>>> ```python3
>>>>>> import pandas as pd
>>>>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>>>>> import pyarrow.ipc
>>>>>> df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [1, 2, 3], 'b': ['x', 'y', 'z']})
>>>>>> compression = None
>>>>>> options = pyarrow.ipc.IpcWriteOptions()
>>>>>> options.compression = compression
>>>>>> writer = pyarrow.ipc.RecordBatchFileWriter('/tmp/foo2.feather',
>>>>>> schema=table.schema, options=options)
>>>>>> writer.write_table(table)
>>>>>> writer.close()
>>>>>> ```
>>>>>> If you need chunks it is slightly more work:
>>>>>> ```python3
>>>>>> options = pyarrow.ipc.IpcWriteOptions()
>>>>>> options.compression = compression
>>>>>> writer = pyarrow.ipc.RecordBatchFileWriter('/tmp/foo3.feather',
>>>>>> schema=table.schema, options=options)
>>>>>> batches = table.to_batches(chunksize)
>>>>>> for batch in batches:
>>>>>>     writer.write_batch(batch)
>>>>>> writer.close()
>>>>>> ```
>>>>>> All three versions should be readable by pyarrow.feather.read_feather
>>>>>> and should yield the exact same dataframe.
>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>> On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 7:06 AM Arun Joseph <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Hi,
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > I've noticed that if I pass a pandas dataframe to write_feather
>>>>>> (hyperlink to relevant part of code), it will automatically drop the index.
>>>>>> Was this behavior intentionally chosen to only drop the index and not to
>>>>>> allow the user to specify? I assumed the behavior would match the default
>>>>>> behavior of converting from a pandas dataframe to an arrow table as
>>>>>> mentioned in the docs.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Is the best way around this to do the following?
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > ```python3
>>>>>> > import pyarrow.lib as ext
>>>>>> > from pyarrow.lib import Table
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > table = Table.from_pandas(df)
>>>>>> > ext.write_feather(table, dest,
>>>>>> >                          compression=compression,
>>>>>> compression_level=compression_level,
>>>>>> >                          chunksize=chunksize, version=version)
>>>>>> > ```
>>>>>> > Thank You,
>>>>>> > --
>>>>>> > Arun Joseph
>>>>>> >
>>>>> --
>>>>> Arun Joseph
>>> --
>>> Arun Joseph

Arun Joseph

Re: [Python] why does write_feather drop index by default?

Posted by Weston Pace <>.
> Additionally, should I be enabling the allow_64bit bool? I have
nanosecond timestamps which would be truncated if it this option acts the
way I think it does.

Sorry, I missed this question.  I don't think you would need to worry about
this for nanosecond timestamps.  This controls whether arrays are allowed
to contain more than 2^31-1 elements.  Implementations are allowed to
represent lengths as 32 bit signed integers and so even though the
C++/python implementation supports 64 bit lengths it may be incompatible
which is why this defaults to False.

On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 2:11 PM Weston Pace <> wrote:

> Yes, you can reduce your memory footprint.  Both the
> RecordBatchStreamReader and the RecordBatchFileReader support reading a
> table a batch at a time.  Compression is applied on a per-batch basis so
> there is no need to read the entire file just to decompress it.
> For this to work, the file will need to have been written as multiple
> batches in the first place.  You can use the
> RecordBatchFileWriter/RecordBatchStreamWriter to do this or you can set
> `chunksize` when using pyarrow.feather.write_feather.  The default chunk
> size for write_feather is 64k and most tools that create arrows files will
> create reasonable sized chunks by default so this shouldn't be a problem.
> On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 12:06 PM Arun Joseph <> wrote:
>> cool, that's good to know. I guess for now I'll just use the older method
>> until support is exposed for compression_level. I do have an unrelated
>> question:
>> Is there a way to reduce the memory overhead when loading a compressed
>> feather file? I believe right now I decompress the file and then load the
>> entire thing into memory. Not sure if chunking is something that is
>> applicable here. I've read this article[1] from a couple of years back.
>> Would the right approach be to use pyarrow.RecordBatchStreamer to read a
>> file that was written with chunks and skip chunks that contain series I
>> don't care about? However, would that even reduce the memory footprint if
>> the file was compressed in the first place? or is the compression applied
>> on a per-chunk basis?
>> [1]
>> On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 5:26 PM Weston Pace <>
>> wrote:
>>> Ah, good catch.  Looks like this is missing[1].  The default compression
>>> level for zstd is 1.
>>> [1]
>>> On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 10:39 AM Arun Joseph <> wrote:
>>>> The IPC API seems to work for the most part, however is there a way to
>>>> specify compression level with IpcWriteOptions? It doesn't seem to be
>>>> exposed. I'm currently using zstd, so not sure what level it defaults to
>>>> otherwise:
>>>> Additionally, should I be enabling the allow_64bit bool? I have
>>>> nanosecond timestamps which would be truncated if it this option acts the
>>>> way I think it does.
>>>> ```
>>>> """
>>>> Serialization options for the IPC format.
>>>> Parameters
>>>> ----------
>>>> metadata_version : MetadataVersion, default MetadataVersion.V5
>>>> The metadata version to write. V5 is the current and latest,
>>>> V4 is the pre-1.0 metadata version (with incompatible Union layout).
>>>> allow_64bit: bool, default False
>>>> If true, allow field lengths that don't fit in a signed 32-bit int.
>>>> use_legacy_format : bool, default False
>>>> Whether to use the pre-Arrow 0.15 IPC format.
>>>> compression: str or None
>>>> If not None, compression codec to use for record batch buffers.
>>>> May only be "lz4", "zstd" or None.
>>>> use_threads: bool
>>>> Whether to use the global CPU thread pool to parallelize any
>>>> computational tasks like compression.
>>>> emit_dictionary_deltas: bool
>>>> Whether to emit dictionary deltas. Default is false for maximum
>>>> stream compatibility.
>>>> """
>>>> On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 2:41 PM Weston Pace <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I can't speak to the intent.  Adding a feather.write_table version
>>>>> (equivalent to feather.read_table) seems like it would be reasonable.
>>>>> > Is the best way around this to do the following?
>>>>> What you have written does not work for me.  This slightly different
>>>>> version does:
>>>>> ```python3
>>>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>>>> import pyarrow._feather as _feather
>>>>> table = pa.Table.from_pandas(df)
>>>>> _feather.write_feather(table, '/tmp/foo.feather',
>>>>>                          compression=compression,
>>>>> compression_level=compression_level,
>>>>>                          chunksize=chunksize, version=version)
>>>>> ```
>>>>> I'm not sure it's a great practice to be relying on pyarrow._feather
>>>>> though as it is meant to be internal and subject to change without
>>>>> much consideration.
>>>>> You might want to consider using the newer IPC API which should be
>>>>> equivalent (write_feather is indirectly using a RecordBatchFileWriter
>>>>> under the hood although it is buried in the C++[1]).  A complete
>>>>> example:
>>>>> ```python3
>>>>> import pandas as pd
>>>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>>>> import pyarrow.ipc
>>>>> df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [1, 2, 3], 'b': ['x', 'y', 'z']})
>>>>> compression = None
>>>>> options = pyarrow.ipc.IpcWriteOptions()
>>>>> options.compression = compression
>>>>> writer = pyarrow.ipc.RecordBatchFileWriter('/tmp/foo2.feather',
>>>>> schema=table.schema, options=options)
>>>>> writer.write_table(table)
>>>>> writer.close()
>>>>> ```
>>>>> If you need chunks it is slightly more work:
>>>>> ```python3
>>>>> options = pyarrow.ipc.IpcWriteOptions()
>>>>> options.compression = compression
>>>>> writer = pyarrow.ipc.RecordBatchFileWriter('/tmp/foo3.feather',
>>>>> schema=table.schema, options=options)
>>>>> batches = table.to_batches(chunksize)
>>>>> for batch in batches:
>>>>>     writer.write_batch(batch)
>>>>> writer.close()
>>>>> ```
>>>>> All three versions should be readable by pyarrow.feather.read_feather
>>>>> and should yield the exact same dataframe.
>>>>> [1]
>>>>> On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 7:06 AM Arun Joseph <> wrote:
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Hi,
>>>>> >
>>>>> > I've noticed that if I pass a pandas dataframe to write_feather
>>>>> (hyperlink to relevant part of code), it will automatically drop the index.
>>>>> Was this behavior intentionally chosen to only drop the index and not to
>>>>> allow the user to specify? I assumed the behavior would match the default
>>>>> behavior of converting from a pandas dataframe to an arrow table as
>>>>> mentioned in the docs.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Is the best way around this to do the following?
>>>>> >
>>>>> > ```python3
>>>>> > import pyarrow.lib as ext
>>>>> > from pyarrow.lib import Table
>>>>> >
>>>>> > table = Table.from_pandas(df)
>>>>> > ext.write_feather(table, dest,
>>>>> >                          compression=compression,
>>>>> compression_level=compression_level,
>>>>> >                          chunksize=chunksize, version=version)
>>>>> > ```
>>>>> > Thank You,
>>>>> > --
>>>>> > Arun Joseph
>>>>> >
>>>> --
>>>> Arun Joseph
>> --
>> Arun Joseph

Re: [Python] why does write_feather drop index by default?

Posted by Weston Pace <>.
Yes, you can reduce your memory footprint.  Both the
RecordBatchStreamReader and the RecordBatchFileReader support reading a
table a batch at a time.  Compression is applied on a per-batch basis so
there is no need to read the entire file just to decompress it.

For this to work, the file will need to have been written as multiple
batches in the first place.  You can use the
RecordBatchFileWriter/RecordBatchStreamWriter to do this or you can set
`chunksize` when using pyarrow.feather.write_feather.  The default chunk
size for write_feather is 64k and most tools that create arrows files will
create reasonable sized chunks by default so this shouldn't be a problem.

On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 12:06 PM Arun Joseph <> wrote:

> cool, that's good to know. I guess for now I'll just use the older method
> until support is exposed for compression_level. I do have an unrelated
> question:
> Is there a way to reduce the memory overhead when loading a compressed
> feather file? I believe right now I decompress the file and then load the
> entire thing into memory. Not sure if chunking is something that is
> applicable here. I've read this article[1] from a couple of years back.
> Would the right approach be to use pyarrow.RecordBatchStreamer to read a
> file that was written with chunks and skip chunks that contain series I
> don't care about? However, would that even reduce the memory footprint if
> the file was compressed in the first place? or is the compression applied
> on a per-chunk basis?
> [1]
> On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 5:26 PM Weston Pace <> wrote:
>> Ah, good catch.  Looks like this is missing[1].  The default compression
>> level for zstd is 1.
>> [1]
>> On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 10:39 AM Arun Joseph <> wrote:
>>> The IPC API seems to work for the most part, however is there a way to
>>> specify compression level with IpcWriteOptions? It doesn't seem to be
>>> exposed. I'm currently using zstd, so not sure what level it defaults to
>>> otherwise:
>>> Additionally, should I be enabling the allow_64bit bool? I have
>>> nanosecond timestamps which would be truncated if it this option acts the
>>> way I think it does.
>>> ```
>>> """
>>> Serialization options for the IPC format.
>>> Parameters
>>> ----------
>>> metadata_version : MetadataVersion, default MetadataVersion.V5
>>> The metadata version to write. V5 is the current and latest,
>>> V4 is the pre-1.0 metadata version (with incompatible Union layout).
>>> allow_64bit: bool, default False
>>> If true, allow field lengths that don't fit in a signed 32-bit int.
>>> use_legacy_format : bool, default False
>>> Whether to use the pre-Arrow 0.15 IPC format.
>>> compression: str or None
>>> If not None, compression codec to use for record batch buffers.
>>> May only be "lz4", "zstd" or None.
>>> use_threads: bool
>>> Whether to use the global CPU thread pool to parallelize any
>>> computational tasks like compression.
>>> emit_dictionary_deltas: bool
>>> Whether to emit dictionary deltas. Default is false for maximum
>>> stream compatibility.
>>> """
>>> On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 2:41 PM Weston Pace <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I can't speak to the intent.  Adding a feather.write_table version
>>>> (equivalent to feather.read_table) seems like it would be reasonable.
>>>> > Is the best way around this to do the following?
>>>> What you have written does not work for me.  This slightly different
>>>> version does:
>>>> ```python3
>>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>>> import pyarrow._feather as _feather
>>>> table = pa.Table.from_pandas(df)
>>>> _feather.write_feather(table, '/tmp/foo.feather',
>>>>                          compression=compression,
>>>> compression_level=compression_level,
>>>>                          chunksize=chunksize, version=version)
>>>> ```
>>>> I'm not sure it's a great practice to be relying on pyarrow._feather
>>>> though as it is meant to be internal and subject to change without
>>>> much consideration.
>>>> You might want to consider using the newer IPC API which should be
>>>> equivalent (write_feather is indirectly using a RecordBatchFileWriter
>>>> under the hood although it is buried in the C++[1]).  A complete
>>>> example:
>>>> ```python3
>>>> import pandas as pd
>>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>>> import pyarrow.ipc
>>>> df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [1, 2, 3], 'b': ['x', 'y', 'z']})
>>>> compression = None
>>>> options = pyarrow.ipc.IpcWriteOptions()
>>>> options.compression = compression
>>>> writer = pyarrow.ipc.RecordBatchFileWriter('/tmp/foo2.feather',
>>>> schema=table.schema, options=options)
>>>> writer.write_table(table)
>>>> writer.close()
>>>> ```
>>>> If you need chunks it is slightly more work:
>>>> ```python3
>>>> options = pyarrow.ipc.IpcWriteOptions()
>>>> options.compression = compression
>>>> writer = pyarrow.ipc.RecordBatchFileWriter('/tmp/foo3.feather',
>>>> schema=table.schema, options=options)
>>>> batches = table.to_batches(chunksize)
>>>> for batch in batches:
>>>>     writer.write_batch(batch)
>>>> writer.close()
>>>> ```
>>>> All three versions should be readable by pyarrow.feather.read_feather
>>>> and should yield the exact same dataframe.
>>>> [1]
>>>> On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 7:06 AM Arun Joseph <> wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> > Hi,
>>>> >
>>>> > I've noticed that if I pass a pandas dataframe to write_feather
>>>> (hyperlink to relevant part of code), it will automatically drop the index.
>>>> Was this behavior intentionally chosen to only drop the index and not to
>>>> allow the user to specify? I assumed the behavior would match the default
>>>> behavior of converting from a pandas dataframe to an arrow table as
>>>> mentioned in the docs.
>>>> >
>>>> > Is the best way around this to do the following?
>>>> >
>>>> > ```python3
>>>> > import pyarrow.lib as ext
>>>> > from pyarrow.lib import Table
>>>> >
>>>> > table = Table.from_pandas(df)
>>>> > ext.write_feather(table, dest,
>>>> >                          compression=compression,
>>>> compression_level=compression_level,
>>>> >                          chunksize=chunksize, version=version)
>>>> > ```
>>>> > Thank You,
>>>> > --
>>>> > Arun Joseph
>>>> >
>>> --
>>> Arun Joseph
> --
> Arun Joseph

Re: [Python] why does write_feather drop index by default?

Posted by Arun Joseph <>.
cool, that's good to know. I guess for now I'll just use the older method
until support is exposed for compression_level. I do have an unrelated

Is there a way to reduce the memory overhead when loading a compressed
feather file? I believe right now I decompress the file and then load the
entire thing into memory. Not sure if chunking is something that is
applicable here. I've read this article[1] from a couple of years back.
Would the right approach be to use pyarrow.RecordBatchStreamer to read a
file that was written with chunks and skip chunks that contain series I
don't care about? However, would that even reduce the memory footprint if
the file was compressed in the first place? or is the compression applied
on a per-chunk basis?


On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 5:26 PM Weston Pace <> wrote:

> Ah, good catch.  Looks like this is missing[1].  The default compression
> level for zstd is 1.
> [1]
> On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 10:39 AM Arun Joseph <> wrote:
>> The IPC API seems to work for the most part, however is there a way to
>> specify compression level with IpcWriteOptions? It doesn't seem to be
>> exposed. I'm currently using zstd, so not sure what level it defaults to
>> otherwise:
>> Additionally, should I be enabling the allow_64bit bool? I have
>> nanosecond timestamps which would be truncated if it this option acts the
>> way I think it does.
>> ```
>> """
>> Serialization options for the IPC format.
>> Parameters
>> ----------
>> metadata_version : MetadataVersion, default MetadataVersion.V5
>> The metadata version to write. V5 is the current and latest,
>> V4 is the pre-1.0 metadata version (with incompatible Union layout).
>> allow_64bit: bool, default False
>> If true, allow field lengths that don't fit in a signed 32-bit int.
>> use_legacy_format : bool, default False
>> Whether to use the pre-Arrow 0.15 IPC format.
>> compression: str or None
>> If not None, compression codec to use for record batch buffers.
>> May only be "lz4", "zstd" or None.
>> use_threads: bool
>> Whether to use the global CPU thread pool to parallelize any
>> computational tasks like compression.
>> emit_dictionary_deltas: bool
>> Whether to emit dictionary deltas. Default is false for maximum
>> stream compatibility.
>> """
>> On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 2:41 PM Weston Pace <>
>> wrote:
>>> I can't speak to the intent.  Adding a feather.write_table version
>>> (equivalent to feather.read_table) seems like it would be reasonable.
>>> > Is the best way around this to do the following?
>>> What you have written does not work for me.  This slightly different
>>> version does:
>>> ```python3
>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>> import pyarrow._feather as _feather
>>> table = pa.Table.from_pandas(df)
>>> _feather.write_feather(table, '/tmp/foo.feather',
>>>                          compression=compression,
>>> compression_level=compression_level,
>>>                          chunksize=chunksize, version=version)
>>> ```
>>> I'm not sure it's a great practice to be relying on pyarrow._feather
>>> though as it is meant to be internal and subject to change without
>>> much consideration.
>>> You might want to consider using the newer IPC API which should be
>>> equivalent (write_feather is indirectly using a RecordBatchFileWriter
>>> under the hood although it is buried in the C++[1]).  A complete
>>> example:
>>> ```python3
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>> import pyarrow.ipc
>>> df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [1, 2, 3], 'b': ['x', 'y', 'z']})
>>> compression = None
>>> options = pyarrow.ipc.IpcWriteOptions()
>>> options.compression = compression
>>> writer = pyarrow.ipc.RecordBatchFileWriter('/tmp/foo2.feather',
>>> schema=table.schema, options=options)
>>> writer.write_table(table)
>>> writer.close()
>>> ```
>>> If you need chunks it is slightly more work:
>>> ```python3
>>> options = pyarrow.ipc.IpcWriteOptions()
>>> options.compression = compression
>>> writer = pyarrow.ipc.RecordBatchFileWriter('/tmp/foo3.feather',
>>> schema=table.schema, options=options)
>>> batches = table.to_batches(chunksize)
>>> for batch in batches:
>>>     writer.write_batch(batch)
>>> writer.close()
>>> ```
>>> All three versions should be readable by pyarrow.feather.read_feather
>>> and should yield the exact same dataframe.
>>> [1]
>>> On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 7:06 AM Arun Joseph <> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Hi,
>>> >
>>> > I've noticed that if I pass a pandas dataframe to write_feather
>>> (hyperlink to relevant part of code), it will automatically drop the index.
>>> Was this behavior intentionally chosen to only drop the index and not to
>>> allow the user to specify? I assumed the behavior would match the default
>>> behavior of converting from a pandas dataframe to an arrow table as
>>> mentioned in the docs.
>>> >
>>> > Is the best way around this to do the following?
>>> >
>>> > ```python3
>>> > import pyarrow.lib as ext
>>> > from pyarrow.lib import Table
>>> >
>>> > table = Table.from_pandas(df)
>>> > ext.write_feather(table, dest,
>>> >                          compression=compression,
>>> compression_level=compression_level,
>>> >                          chunksize=chunksize, version=version)
>>> > ```
>>> > Thank You,
>>> > --
>>> > Arun Joseph
>>> >
>> --
>> Arun Joseph

Arun Joseph

Re: [Python] why does write_feather drop index by default?

Posted by Weston Pace <>.
Ah, good catch.  Looks like this is missing[1].  The default compression
level for zstd is 1.


On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 10:39 AM Arun Joseph <> wrote:

> The IPC API seems to work for the most part, however is there a way to
> specify compression level with IpcWriteOptions? It doesn't seem to be
> exposed. I'm currently using zstd, so not sure what level it defaults to
> otherwise:
> Additionally, should I be enabling the allow_64bit bool? I have nanosecond
> timestamps which would be truncated if it this option acts the way I think
> it does.
> ```
> """
> Serialization options for the IPC format.
> Parameters
> ----------
> metadata_version : MetadataVersion, default MetadataVersion.V5
> The metadata version to write. V5 is the current and latest,
> V4 is the pre-1.0 metadata version (with incompatible Union layout).
> allow_64bit: bool, default False
> If true, allow field lengths that don't fit in a signed 32-bit int.
> use_legacy_format : bool, default False
> Whether to use the pre-Arrow 0.15 IPC format.
> compression: str or None
> If not None, compression codec to use for record batch buffers.
> May only be "lz4", "zstd" or None.
> use_threads: bool
> Whether to use the global CPU thread pool to parallelize any
> computational tasks like compression.
> emit_dictionary_deltas: bool
> Whether to emit dictionary deltas. Default is false for maximum
> stream compatibility.
> """
> On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 2:41 PM Weston Pace <> wrote:
>> I can't speak to the intent.  Adding a feather.write_table version
>> (equivalent to feather.read_table) seems like it would be reasonable.
>> > Is the best way around this to do the following?
>> What you have written does not work for me.  This slightly different
>> version does:
>> ```python3
>> import pyarrow as pa
>> import pyarrow._feather as _feather
>> table = pa.Table.from_pandas(df)
>> _feather.write_feather(table, '/tmp/foo.feather',
>>                          compression=compression,
>> compression_level=compression_level,
>>                          chunksize=chunksize, version=version)
>> ```
>> I'm not sure it's a great practice to be relying on pyarrow._feather
>> though as it is meant to be internal and subject to change without
>> much consideration.
>> You might want to consider using the newer IPC API which should be
>> equivalent (write_feather is indirectly using a RecordBatchFileWriter
>> under the hood although it is buried in the C++[1]).  A complete
>> example:
>> ```python3
>> import pandas as pd
>> import pyarrow as pa
>> import pyarrow.ipc
>> df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [1, 2, 3], 'b': ['x', 'y', 'z']})
>> compression = None
>> options = pyarrow.ipc.IpcWriteOptions()
>> options.compression = compression
>> writer = pyarrow.ipc.RecordBatchFileWriter('/tmp/foo2.feather',
>> schema=table.schema, options=options)
>> writer.write_table(table)
>> writer.close()
>> ```
>> If you need chunks it is slightly more work:
>> ```python3
>> options = pyarrow.ipc.IpcWriteOptions()
>> options.compression = compression
>> writer = pyarrow.ipc.RecordBatchFileWriter('/tmp/foo3.feather',
>> schema=table.schema, options=options)
>> batches = table.to_batches(chunksize)
>> for batch in batches:
>>     writer.write_batch(batch)
>> writer.close()
>> ```
>> All three versions should be readable by pyarrow.feather.read_feather
>> and should yield the exact same dataframe.
>> [1]
>> On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 7:06 AM Arun Joseph <> wrote:
>> >
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > I've noticed that if I pass a pandas dataframe to write_feather
>> (hyperlink to relevant part of code), it will automatically drop the index.
>> Was this behavior intentionally chosen to only drop the index and not to
>> allow the user to specify? I assumed the behavior would match the default
>> behavior of converting from a pandas dataframe to an arrow table as
>> mentioned in the docs.
>> >
>> > Is the best way around this to do the following?
>> >
>> > ```python3
>> > import pyarrow.lib as ext
>> > from pyarrow.lib import Table
>> >
>> > table = Table.from_pandas(df)
>> > ext.write_feather(table, dest,
>> >                          compression=compression,
>> compression_level=compression_level,
>> >                          chunksize=chunksize, version=version)
>> > ```
>> > Thank You,
>> > --
>> > Arun Joseph
>> >
> --
> Arun Joseph

Re: [Python] why does write_feather drop index by default?

Posted by Arun Joseph <>.
The IPC API seems to work for the most part, however is there a way to
specify compression level with IpcWriteOptions? It doesn't seem to be
exposed. I'm currently using zstd, so not sure what level it defaults to
Additionally, should I be enabling the allow_64bit bool? I have nanosecond
timestamps which would be truncated if it this option acts the way I think
it does.

Serialization options for the IPC format.

metadata_version : MetadataVersion, default MetadataVersion.V5
The metadata version to write. V5 is the current and latest,
V4 is the pre-1.0 metadata version (with incompatible Union layout).
allow_64bit: bool, default False
If true, allow field lengths that don't fit in a signed 32-bit int.
use_legacy_format : bool, default False
Whether to use the pre-Arrow 0.15 IPC format.
compression: str or None
If not None, compression codec to use for record batch buffers.
May only be "lz4", "zstd" or None.
use_threads: bool
Whether to use the global CPU thread pool to parallelize any
computational tasks like compression.
emit_dictionary_deltas: bool
Whether to emit dictionary deltas. Default is false for maximum
stream compatibility.

On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 2:41 PM Weston Pace <> wrote:

> I can't speak to the intent.  Adding a feather.write_table version
> (equivalent to feather.read_table) seems like it would be reasonable.
> > Is the best way around this to do the following?
> What you have written does not work for me.  This slightly different
> version does:
> ```python3
> import pyarrow as pa
> import pyarrow._feather as _feather
> table = pa.Table.from_pandas(df)
> _feather.write_feather(table, '/tmp/foo.feather',
>                          compression=compression,
> compression_level=compression_level,
>                          chunksize=chunksize, version=version)
> ```
> I'm not sure it's a great practice to be relying on pyarrow._feather
> though as it is meant to be internal and subject to change without
> much consideration.
> You might want to consider using the newer IPC API which should be
> equivalent (write_feather is indirectly using a RecordBatchFileWriter
> under the hood although it is buried in the C++[1]).  A complete
> example:
> ```python3
> import pandas as pd
> import pyarrow as pa
> import pyarrow.ipc
> df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [1, 2, 3], 'b': ['x', 'y', 'z']})
> compression = None
> options = pyarrow.ipc.IpcWriteOptions()
> options.compression = compression
> writer = pyarrow.ipc.RecordBatchFileWriter('/tmp/foo2.feather',
> schema=table.schema, options=options)
> writer.write_table(table)
> writer.close()
> ```
> If you need chunks it is slightly more work:
> ```python3
> options = pyarrow.ipc.IpcWriteOptions()
> options.compression = compression
> writer = pyarrow.ipc.RecordBatchFileWriter('/tmp/foo3.feather',
> schema=table.schema, options=options)
> batches = table.to_batches(chunksize)
> for batch in batches:
>     writer.write_batch(batch)
> writer.close()
> ```
> All three versions should be readable by pyarrow.feather.read_feather
> and should yield the exact same dataframe.
> [1]
> On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 7:06 AM Arun Joseph <> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I've noticed that if I pass a pandas dataframe to write_feather
> (hyperlink to relevant part of code), it will automatically drop the index.
> Was this behavior intentionally chosen to only drop the index and not to
> allow the user to specify? I assumed the behavior would match the default
> behavior of converting from a pandas dataframe to an arrow table as
> mentioned in the docs.
> >
> > Is the best way around this to do the following?
> >
> > ```python3
> > import pyarrow.lib as ext
> > from pyarrow.lib import Table
> >
> > table = Table.from_pandas(df)
> > ext.write_feather(table, dest,
> >                          compression=compression,
> compression_level=compression_level,
> >                          chunksize=chunksize, version=version)
> > ```
> > Thank You,
> > --
> > Arun Joseph
> >

Arun Joseph

Re: [Python] why does write_feather drop index by default?

Posted by Weston Pace <>.
I can't speak to the intent.  Adding a feather.write_table version
(equivalent to feather.read_table) seems like it would be reasonable.

> Is the best way around this to do the following?

What you have written does not work for me.  This slightly different
version does:

import pyarrow as pa
import pyarrow._feather as _feather

table = pa.Table.from_pandas(df)
_feather.write_feather(table, '/tmp/foo.feather',
                         chunksize=chunksize, version=version)

I'm not sure it's a great practice to be relying on pyarrow._feather
though as it is meant to be internal and subject to change without
much consideration.

You might want to consider using the newer IPC API which should be
equivalent (write_feather is indirectly using a RecordBatchFileWriter
under the hood although it is buried in the C++[1]).  A complete

import pandas as pd
import pyarrow as pa
import pyarrow.ipc

df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [1, 2, 3], 'b': ['x', 'y', 'z']})
compression = None

options = pyarrow.ipc.IpcWriteOptions()
options.compression = compression
writer = pyarrow.ipc.RecordBatchFileWriter('/tmp/foo2.feather',
schema=table.schema, options=options)

If you need chunks it is slightly more work:

options = pyarrow.ipc.IpcWriteOptions()
options.compression = compression
writer = pyarrow.ipc.RecordBatchFileWriter('/tmp/foo3.feather',
schema=table.schema, options=options)
batches = table.to_batches(chunksize)
for batch in batches:

All three versions should be readable by pyarrow.feather.read_feather
and should yield the exact same dataframe.


On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 7:06 AM Arun Joseph <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've noticed that if I pass a pandas dataframe to write_feather (hyperlink to relevant part of code), it will automatically drop the index. Was this behavior intentionally chosen to only drop the index and not to allow the user to specify? I assumed the behavior would match the default behavior of converting from a pandas dataframe to an arrow table as mentioned in the docs.
> Is the best way around this to do the following?
> ```python3
> import pyarrow.lib as ext
> from pyarrow.lib import Table
> table = Table.from_pandas(df)
> ext.write_feather(table, dest,
>                          compression=compression, compression_level=compression_level,
>                          chunksize=chunksize, version=version)
> ```
> Thank You,
> --
> Arun Joseph

Re: [Python] why does write_feather drop index by default?

Posted by Joris Van den Bossche <>.
A lot of interesting discussion on the thread, but to still answer your
original question about the dataframe index being dropped. I don't know the
historical reason to do so, but the easy workaround (without needing to
rely on private modules) is to convert the dataframe to a table first (and
ensure your index is preserved in this step), and pass that to
write_feather (which supports pyarrow.Table as well in addition to

import pyarrow as pa
from pyarrow import feather

table = pa.Table.from_pandas(df, preserve_index=True)
feather.write_feather(table, dest, ...)

On Tue, 13 Jul 2021 at 19:06, Arun Joseph <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I've noticed that if I pass a pandas dataframe to write_feather
> <>
> (hyperlink to relevant part of code), it will automatically drop the index.
> Was this behavior intentionally chosen to only drop the index and not to
> allow the user to specify? I assumed the behavior would match the default
> behavior of converting from a pandas dataframe to an arrow table as
> mentioned in the docs
> <>
> .
> Is the best way around this to do the following?
> ```python3
> import pyarrow.lib as ext
> from pyarrow.lib import Table
> table = Table.from_pandas(df)
> ext.write_feather(table, dest,
>                          compression=compression,
> compression_level=compression_level,
>                          chunksize=chunksize, version=version)
> ```
> Thank You,
> --
> Arun Joseph