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Posted to by Apache Pulsar Slack <> on 2020/04/28 09:11:05 UTC

Slack digest for #general - 2020-04-28

2020-04-27 10:35:22 UTC - Sajith Sebastian: @Sajith Sebastian has joined the channel
2020-04-27 10:38:02 UTC - Subash Kunjupillai: &gt; That is a good question, I would have to look at the code to know for sure
@David Kjerrumgaard sure, will wait for your response.

&gt; When you enable TLS on the broker, then all the incoming traffic will be encrypted automatically. This is just how TLS works and is independent of Pulsar. If you are able to see plain text on that connection then there must be an issue with the configuration itself.
If TLS is enabled only in broker, the data will be decrypted by broker and when it is stored in Bookie it will be in plain text. I was interested in encrypting the data between Broker and Bookie. Thanks @Sijie Guo, will go through these information and will get back.
2020-04-27 11:08:16 UTC - Ebere Abanonu: @Sijie Guo is there any difference with the schema function uses and that of the topic producer? I have tried everything I can to get pass this issue: Registered schema:
```"GetSchemaResponses": [
      "Version": 8,
      "Type": "AVRO",
      "Timestamp": 0,
      "Data": "{\u0022type\u0022:\u0022record\u0022,\u0022name\u0022:\u0022Covid19Mobile\u0022,\u0022fields\u0022:[{\u0022name\u0022:\u0022DeviceId\u0022,\u0022type\u0022:[\u0022null\u0022,\u0022string\u0022],\u0022default\u0022:null},{\u0022name\u0022:\u0022Latitude\u0022,\u0022type\u0022:\u0022double\u0022},{\u0022name\u0022:\u0022Longitude\u0022,\u0022type\u0022:\u0022double\u0022},{\u0022name\u0022:\u0022Time\u0022,\u0022type\u0022:\u0022long\u0022}]}",
      "Properties": {
        "__jsr310ConversionEnabled": "false",
        "__alwaysAllowNull": "true"
ERROR - Error during schema compatibility check: Unable to read schema: 
org.apache.avro.SchemaValidationException: Unable to read schema: 
	"type" : "record",
	"name" : "Covid19Mobile",
    "fields" : [ {
		"name" : "DeviceId",
		"type" : [ "null", "string" ],
				  "default" : null
   }, {
     "name" : "Latitude",
     "type" : "double"
   }, {
     "name" : "Longitude",
     "type" : "double"
   }, {
     "name" : "Time",
     "type" : "long"
   } ]
 using schema:
   "type" : "record",
   "name" : "Covid19Mobile",
   "fields" : [ {
     "name" : "DeviceId",
     "type" : [ "null", "string" ],
     "default" : null
   }, {
     "name" : "Latitude",
     "type" : "double"
   }, {
     "name" : "Longitude",
     "type" : "double"
   }, {
     "name" : "Time",
    "type" : "long"
   } ]
2020-04-27 11:11:33 UTC - Konstantinos Papalias: it depends on how you are registering your producer, how do you define the Schema on your Producer ? Do you get the error on your function instance or on the producer  ?
2020-04-27 11:18:47 UTC - Ebere Abanonu: If I registered the Schema first with producer, I get the error at the function instance. But if I however delete the topic, schema and function and then register the function first before creating the producer, then the error is thrown at the broker while creating the producer
2020-04-27 11:23:04 UTC - rani: thanks @Sijie Guo!
2020-04-27 11:23:42 UTC - rani: @Sijie Guo, any clues here ^?
2020-04-27 11:26:35 UTC - Konstantinos Papalias: can you check the schema when you register the function? As this one is likely to not register an Avro Schema but a Json Schema instead
2020-04-27 11:26:53 UTC - Konstantinos Papalias: I'm assuming the one you have provided is coming from the Producer
2020-04-27 11:27:45 UTC - Ebere Abanonu: this is what the function registered:
      "Version": 8,
      "Type": "AVRO",
      "Timestamp": 0,
      "Data": "{\u0022type\u0022:\u0022record\u0022,\u0022name\u0022:\u0022Covid19Mobile\u0022,\u0022fields\u0022:[{\u0022name\u0022:\u0022DeviceId\u0022,\u0022type\u0022:[\u0022null\u0022,\u0022string\u0022],\u0022default\u0022:null},{\u0022name\u0022:\u0022Latitude\u0022,\u0022type\u0022:\u0022double\u0022},{\u0022name\u0022:\u0022Longitude\u0022,\u0022type\u0022:\u0022double\u0022},{\u0022name\u0022:\u0022Time\u0022,\u0022type\u0022:\u0022long\u0022}]}",
      "Properties": {
        "__jsr310ConversionEnabled": "false",
        "__alwaysAllowNull": "true"
2020-04-27 11:28:59 UTC - Ebere Abanonu: I dont actually see any difference from this:
``` using schema:
   "type" : "record",
   "name" : "Covid19Mobile",
   "fields" : [ {
     "name" : "DeviceId",
     "type" : [ "null", "string" ],
     "default" : null
   }, {
     "name" : "Latitude",
     "type" : "double"
   }, {
     "name" : "Longitude",
     "type" : "double"
   }, {
     "name" : "Time",
    "type" : "long"
   } ]
2020-04-27 11:31:11 UTC - Ebere Abanonu: I tried using that as schemadifinition withjsonDef but same error
2020-04-27 11:31:51 UTC - Ebere Abanonu: ```ISchemaDefinition.Builder().WithJsonDef("{\u0022type\u0022:\u0022record\u0022,\u0022name\u0022:\u0022Covid19Mobile\u0022,\u0022fields\u0022:[{\u0022name\u0022:\u0022DeviceId\u0022,\u0022type\u0022:[\u0022null\u0022,\u0022string\u0022],\u0022default\u0022:null},{\u0022name\u0022:\u0022Latitude\u0022,\u0022type\u0022:\u0022double\u0022},{\u0022name\u0022:\u0022Longitude\u0022,\u0022type\u0022:\u0022double\u0022},{\u0022name\u0022:\u0022Time\u0022,\u0022type\u0022:\u0022long\u0022}]}").AddProperty("__jsr310ConversionEnabled", "false").WithAlwaysAllowNull(true).Build()```
2020-04-27 11:33:18 UTC - Konstantinos Papalias: that's weird, what is your Function Signature? This is not a valid Avro Schema <;cid=C5Z4T36F7>
2020-04-27 11:35:31 UTC - Konstantinos Papalias: I would expect something like this:
  "version": 0,
  "schemaInfo": {
    "name": "topic-name",
    "schema": {
      "type": "record",
      "name": "POJO-name",
      "namespace": "package-name",
      "fields": [...]
2020-04-27 11:35:37 UTC - Ebere Abanonu: here :<>
2020-04-27 11:38:47 UTC - Ebere Abanonu: That is how it exist in pulsar broker
2020-04-27 11:52:50 UTC - rani: This is with respect to Refreshing Authentication Credentials (<>) which was released with 2.5.1.

Does setting `authenticationRefreshCheckSeconds` in the `broker.conf` ensure that the token configured in `brokerClientAuthenticationParameters` is  refreshed? Or is this mainly intended for refreshing existing connection objects?
2020-04-27 13:05:24 UTC - Rattanjot Singh: Hi, How does pulsar function scale. Does it scale along with broker?
2020-04-27 13:13:04 UTC - Ebere Abanonu: This is a problem for `AutoProduceBytesSchema` and `AutoProduceBytesSchema` solved it!
2020-04-27 13:21:31 UTC - Ebere Abanonu: Now the issue is now at the function instance and meanwhile there is no issue with presto reading from the topic
2020-04-27 13:29:52 UTC - Konstantinos Papalias: how did you solve it?
2020-04-27 13:44:52 UTC - Ebere Abanonu: Used AutoProduceBytesSchema at the producer side. Now am having the issue at the function instance
2020-04-27 13:45:50 UTC - Ebere Abanonu: How does one set autoschema for function?
2020-04-27 14:32:30 UTC - Ebere Abanonu: @Sijie Guo I used AutoProduceBytesSchema to get rid of this at the producer end. Schema type is Avro. Am battling with it at the function instance as below:

2020-04-27 14:32:30 UTC - Ebere Abanonu: ```at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.encodeThrowable( ~[?:1.8.0_242]
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317375035Z 	at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.completeThrowable( ~[?:1.8.0_242]
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317379135Z 	at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.uniRun( ~[?:1.8.0_242]
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317383535Z 	at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$UniRun.tryFire( ~[?:1.8.0_242]
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317387936Z 	at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.postComplete( ~[?:1.8.0_242]
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317392136Z 	at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.completeExceptionally( ~[?:1.8.0_242]
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317396536Z 	at org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.ClientCnx.handleError( ~[org.apache.pulsar-pulsar-client-original-2.5.1.jar:2.5.1]
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317400837Z 	at org.apache.pulsar.common.protocol.PulsarDecoder.channelRead( ~[org.apache.pulsar-pulsar-common-2.5.1.jar:2.5.1]
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317406637Z 	at ~[io.netty-netty-transport-4.1.45.Final.jar:4.1.45.Final]
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317411237Z 	at ~[io.netty-netty-transport-4.1.45.Final.jar:4.1.45.Final]
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317415838Z 	at ~[io.netty-netty-transport-4.1.45.Final.jar:4.1.45.Final]
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317420438Z 	at io.netty.handler.codec.ByteToMessageDecoder.fireChannelRead( ~[io.netty-netty-codec-4.1.45.Final.jar:4.1.45.Final]
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317424738Z 	at io.netty.handler.codec.ByteToMessageDecoder.channelRead( ~[io.netty-netty-codec-4.1.45.Final.jar:4.1.45.Final]
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317433939Z 	at ~[io.netty-netty-transport-4.1.45.Final.jar:4.1.45.Final]
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317438639Z 	at ~[io.netty-netty-transport-4.1.45.Final.jar:4.1.45.Final]
2020-04-27T14:29:30.31744324Z 	at ~[io.netty-netty-transport-4.1.45.Final.jar:4.1.45.Final]
2020-04-27T14:29:30.31744784Z 	at$HeadContext.channelRead( ~[io.netty-netty-transport-4.1.45.Final.jar:4.1.45.Final]
2020-04-27T14:29:30.31745234Z 	at ~[io.netty-netty-transport-4.1.45.Final.jar:4.1.45.Final]
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317456941Z 	at ~[io.netty-netty-transport-4.1.45.Final.jar:4.1.45.Final]
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317461441Z 	at ~[io.netty-netty-transport-4.1.45.Final.jar:4.1.45.Final]
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317465941Z 	at$EpollStreamUnsafe.epollInReady( ~[io.netty-netty-transport-native-epoll-4.1.45.Final-linux-x86_64.jar:4.1.45.Final]
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317471142Z 	at ~[io.netty-netty-transport-native-epoll-4.1.45.Final-linux-x86_64.jar:4.1.45.Final]
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317475642Z 	at ~[io.netty-netty-transport-native-epoll-4.1.45.Final-linux-x86_64.jar:4.1.45.Final]
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317480142Z 	at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$ ~[io.netty-netty-common-4.1.45.Final.jar:4.1.45.Final]
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317484543Z 	at io.netty.util.internal.ThreadExecutorMap$ ~[io.netty-netty-common-4.1.45.Final.jar:4.1.45.Final]
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317489043Z 	at ~[io.netty-netty-common-4.1.45.Final.jar:4.1.45.Final]
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317493543Z 	at [?:1.8.0_242]
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317497644Z Caused by: org.apache.pulsar.client.api.PulsarClientException$IncompatibleSchemaException: org.apache.avro.SchemaValidationException: Unable to read schema: 
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317501844Z {
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317505644Z   "type" : "record",
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317509545Z   "name" : "Covid19Mobile",
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317513345Z   "fields" : [ {
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317517245Z     "name" : "DeviceId",
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317521445Z     "type" : [ "null", "string" ],
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317525846Z     "default" : null
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317535946Z   }, {
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317539747Z     "name" : "Latitude",
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317543647Z     "type" : "double"
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317547447Z   }, {
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317550748Z     "name" : "Longitude",
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317554648Z     "type" : "double"
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317558748Z   }, {
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317562248Z     "name" : "Time",
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317566349Z     "type" : "long"
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317570449Z   } ]
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317574149Z }
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317577749Z using schema:
2020-04-27T14:29:30.31758155Z {
2020-04-27T14:29:30.31758515Z   "type" : "record",
2020-04-27T14:29:30.31758895Z   "name" : "Covid19Mobile",
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317593051Z   "fields" : [ {
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317597051Z     "name" : "DeviceId",
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317600951Z     "type" : [ "null", "string" ],
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317605051Z     "default" : null
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317608952Z   }, {
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317612552Z     "name" : "Latitude",
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317616052Z     "type" : "double"
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317619752Z   }, {
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317623453Z     "name" : "Longitude",
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317627653Z     "type" : "double"
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317631253Z   }, {
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317634854Z     "name" : "Time",
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317638654Z     "type" : "long"
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317642354Z   } ]
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317645654Z }
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317649255Z 	at org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.ClientCnx.getPulsarClientException( ~[org.apache.pulsar-pulsar-client-original-2.5.1.jar:2.5.1]
2020-04-27T14:29:30.317653255Z 	... 21 more```
2020-04-27 15:57:23 UTC - Tom Greenwood: @Tom Greenwood has joined the channel
2020-04-27 16:15:52 UTC - Tom Greenwood: I am having some trouble figuring out the broker url on kubernetes.. I deployed it as-per this guide <>

The output of my kubectl get services -n test is:

`NAME                    TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP                                                              PORT(S)                       AGE`
pulsar-bookie                     ClusterIP              None                             &lt;none&gt;                                                                                                                       3181/TCP,8000/TCP             69m
pulsar-broker                     ClusterIP              None                             &lt;none&gt;                                                                                                                       8080/TCP,6650/TCP             69m
pulsar-grafana                   LoadBalancer   <|>                                                  3000:30155/TCP                69m
pulsar-prometheus           ClusterIP               None                            &lt;none&gt;                                                                                                                        9090/TCP                      69m
pulsar-proxy                      LoadBalancer   <|>                                            80:32392/TCP,6650:31073/TCP   69m
pulsar-pulsar-manager     LoadBalancer    <|>                                      9527:30141/TCP                69m
pulsar-recovery                ClusterIP               None                            &lt;none&gt;                                                                                                                         8000/TCP                      69m
pulsar-toolset                   ClusterIP               None                            &lt;none&gt;                                                                                                                         &lt;none&gt;                        69m
pulsar-zookeeper             ClusterIP               None                            &lt;none&gt;                                                                                                                         2888/TCP,3888/TCP,2181/TCP    69m

What is my service urls? I've tried loads of cominations of dns, ip and port numbers from above and all I get in pulsar manager, when trying to add an environment is "This environment is error. Please check it"....
2020-04-27 16:19:17 UTC - chris: The broker url if you are running within the cluster <pulsar://pulsar-broker:6650> or <http://pulsar-broker:8080> for admin api
2020-04-27 16:19:44 UTC - chris: if you are running externally it's the external-ip of the pulsar-proxy
2020-04-27 16:20:15 UTC - chris: <pulsar://proxy-external-ip:6650> or <http://proxy-external-ip:8080>
2020-04-27 16:21:14 UTC - chris: you can also use the pulsar-proxy service within the cluster too
<pulsar://pulsar-proxy:6650> or <http://pulsar-proxy:8080>
2020-04-27 16:26:22 UTC - Tom Greenwood: thank you! worked perfectly.
2020-04-27 16:39:03 UTC - Sijie Guo: The auth provider will have to implement its refresh feature. The broker just makes sure to periodically check the expiration status for the `AuthenticationState` of every `ServerCnx` object.
2020-04-27 16:40:44 UTC - Sijie Guo: You provide parallelism when submitting a function. You can scale a function by increasing the parallelism.
2020-04-27 16:42:05 UTC - Sijie Guo: It seems that the schemas are same.
2020-04-27 16:42:36 UTC - Sijie Guo: where did you run the client?
2020-04-27 17:41:40 UTC - Shivji Kumar Jha: Hi @Rajan Dhabalia We wanted to use this feature <|> . 
The example on the issue shows 'property', whats property? How should this be set?
```pulsar-admin namespaces set-publish-rate &lt;property/cluster/namespace&gt; -m 1000```
2020-04-27 17:42:56 UTC - Shivji Kumar Jha: Tried using like a usual namespace command, but this doesnt seem to be a namespace command either...
```~# pulsar-admin namespaces set-publish-rate &lt;tenant/namespace&gt; -m -1
Expected a command, got set-publish-rate
Exception in thread "main" com.beust.jcommander.ParameterException: Asking description for unknown command: null
        at com.beust.jcommander.JCommander.getCommandDescription(
        at com.beust.jcommander.JCommander.usage(
        at com.beust.jcommander.JCommander.usage(
        at com.beust.jcommander.JCommander.usage(
        at org.apache.pulsar.admin.cli.PulsarAdminTool.main(
Expected a command, got set-publish-rate```

2020-04-27 23:00:39 UTC - Addison Higham: huh, do the `pulsar.log.level` and `pulsar.log.root.level` work for anyone with the default log4j.yaml conf? It does not fore me, I just have to edit the conf file and edit those properties
2020-04-28 00:11:39 UTC - Sijie Guo: bin/pulsar scripts set those settings
2020-04-28 00:11:49 UTC - Sijie Guo: you can override using environment settings.
2020-04-28 00:39:40 UTC - Konstantinos Papalias: Change your function to use `GenericRecord` as the input Type, that should do the trick given the topic has already been created correctly from the Producer
2020-04-28 00:39:48 UTC - Konstantinos Papalias: Change your function to use `GenericRecord` as the input Type, that should do the trick given the topic has already been created correctly from the Producer
2020-04-28 02:27:44 UTC - Kohei Ichihara: @Kohei Ichihara has joined the channel
2020-04-28 04:13:08 UTC - Alexandre DUVAL: ?
2020-04-28 04:54:24 UTC - Addison Higham: yeah so what I see is when I set the env vars, they properly set the settings, but they aren't actually used. For example, I set `PULSAR_LOG_LEVEL=debug` and I see `-Dpulsar.log.level=debug` in the process args, however, I don't actually see any debug logs
2020-04-28 04:58:39 UTC - Addison Higham: it seems like it isn't overriding the defaults in log4j.yaml
2020-04-28 07:21:03 UTC - Al hennessey: @Al hennessey has joined the channel
2020-04-28 07:54:58 UTC - Ebere Abanonu: @Konstantinos Papalias same issue with GenericRecord:
2020-04-28T07:51:43.627361607Z Caused by: org.apache.pulsar.client.api.PulsarClientException$IncompatibleSchemaException: org.apache.avro.SchemaValidationException: Unable to read schema: 
2020-04-28T07:51:43.627365607Z {
2020-04-28T07:51:43.627369307Z   "type" : "record",
2020-04-28T07:51:43.627373307Z   "name" : "GenericRecord",
2020-04-28T07:51:43.627377208Z   "namespace" : "org.apache.pulsar.client.api.schema",
2020-04-28T07:51:43.627381308Z   "fields" : [ ]
2020-04-28T07:51:43.627385108Z }
2020-04-28T07:51:43.627388809Z using schema:
2020-04-28T07:51:43.627392509Z {
2020-04-28T07:51:43.627396209Z   "type" : "record",
2020-04-28T07:51:43.627400309Z   "name" : "GenericRecord",
2020-04-28T07:51:43.62740431Z   "namespace" : "org.apache.pulsar.client.api.schema",
2020-04-28T07:51:43.62740831Z   "fields" : [ ]
2020-04-28T07:51:43.62741241Z }
2020-04-28T07:51:43.62741591Z 	at org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.ClientCnx.getPulsarClientException( ~[org.apache.pulsar-pulsar-client-original-2.5.1.jar:2.5.1]
2020-04-28T07:51:43.627420311Z 	... 21 more
2020-04-28T07:51:43.628439184Z 07:51:43.627 [public/default/Covid19-function-0] ERROR org.apache.pulsar.functions.instance.JavaInstanceRunnable - [public/default/Covid19-function:0] Uncaught exception in Java Instance
2020-04-28T07:51:43.628451585Z java.util.concurrent.CompletionException: org.apache.pulsar.client.api.PulsarClientException$IncompatibleSchemaException: org.apache.avro.SchemaValidationException: Unable to read schema: 
2020-04-28T07:51:43.628456685Z {
2020-04-28T07:51:43.628460486Z   "type" : "record",
2020-04-28T07:51:43.628464586Z   "name" : "GenericRecord",
2020-04-28T07:51:43.628480687Z   "namespace" : "org.apache.pulsar.client.api.schema",
2020-04-28T07:51:43.628484887Z   "fields" : [ ]
2020-04-28T07:51:43.628488688Z }
2020-04-28T07:51:43.628492788Z using schema:
2020-04-28T07:51:43.628496588Z {
2020-04-28T07:51:43.628500289Z   "type" : "record",
2020-04-28T07:51:43.628504189Z   "name" : "GenericRecord",
2020-04-28T07:51:43.628508189Z   "namespace" : "org.apache.pulsar.client.api.schema",
2020-04-28T07:51:43.628512189Z   "fields" : [ ]
2020-04-28T07:51:43.62851609Z }```
2020-04-28 08:06:57 UTC - Lari Hotari: Hi, I have some issues with protobuf library version when using pulsar-client library. There's also a GH issue about the same problem and I added a comment with some questions there (<>) . What I'm wondering is if there's a "supported" Pulsar client that has unshaded dependencies. I noticed that there's pulsar-client-original (<>) and pulsar-client-admin-original (<>) . Are these intended to be used when normal unshaded libraries are preferred?
There's also "pulsar-client-all" (<>) . What is this for?
2020-04-28 08:54:44 UTC - Tymm: Hi, I am facing issue where the pulsar presto sql is not returning the latest row upon query. For example a topic has 0 row, then I add one row by publishing a message (aaa) to pulsar server. I query the table selecting *, it shows 0 rows. Then i publish another message (bbb), and try to query select * again, row "aaa" shows up, but not "bbb", if i publish another message (ccc), and then query, 2 rows returned: "aaa", "bbb"

Please advice, thanks.