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Posted to by Anjib Mulepati <> on 2012/03/29 19:38:33 UTC

Re: [S 1.3.8] Iterator inside Iterator

On 3/29/2012 10:58 AM, Anjib Mulepati wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am trying to pass COMPLEX bean to the JSP and trying to access their 
> property i JSP with bean tag.
> I have a class as follow
> Class TransferInfo {
>     private Transmission transmission; //My transmission object
>     private User user; //My user object
>     private List<Files> fileList; //list of my file object
>    //Constructor, setter and getter methods
>    ..........
> }
> In above Transmission, User and Files are another classes I have 
> created each with their attributes.
> And in Action class I populate this TransferInfo class and send to 
> client in request object by request.setAttribute("transferList", 
> transferList);
> Now in JSP I how should I get value of Transmission, User and File 
> object value and print them. Usually for simple class we write
> <bean:write name="transferList" property="firstName" /> to print the 
> first name. In this case how to get the first name.
> Can anyone help me in this?
> Thanks,
> Anjib
I got the answer for accessing property of first two types. I did 
<bean:write name="transferList" property="userInfo.firstName" />
Now my problem is on third type since it itself is an List. How can I 
run iterator or iterator?

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