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[13/51] [partial] incubator-geode git commit: GEODE-1952 Consolidated docs under a single geode-docs directory
diff --git a/geode-docs/images_svg/transactions_partitioned_2.svg b/geode-docs/images_svg/transactions_partitioned_2.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9445e1
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+++ b/geode-docs/images_svg/transactions_partitioned_2.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
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 nt-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="31.216797" y="10" textLength="48.920898">Application</tspan></text><rect x="76.5" y="270" width="67.5" height="40.5" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(78.5 272)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="11.988037" y="9" textLength="44.024414">secondary </tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="23.991699" y="20" textLength="17.516602">data</tspan></text><g id="id8_Graphic"><path d="M 93.94052 290.4185 L 88.42157 289.76076 L 90.27482 294.92455 L 86.36462 298.77286 L 91.55731 300.5435 L 92.12807 306 L 96.75 303.04417 L 101.37193 306 L 101.94269 300.5435 L 107.13538 298.77286 L 103.22518 294.92455 L 105.07843 289.76152 L 99.63173 290.4185 L 96.75 285.75 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_4)"/><path d="M 93.94052 290.4185 L 88.42157 289.76076 L 90.27482 294.92455 L 86.36462
  298.77286 L 91.55731 300.5435 L 92.12807 306 L 96.75 303.04417 L 101.37193 306 L 101.94269 300.5435 L 107.13538 298.77286 L 103.22518 294.92455 L 105.07843 289.76152 L 99.63173 290.4185 L 96.75 285.75 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(86.36462 290.375)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="6.1380655" y="9" textLength="8.494629">W</tspan></text></g><g id="id9_Graphic"><path d="M 317.16 180 L 591.84 180 C 595.5182 180 598.5 182.98178 598.5 186.66 L 598.5 416.34 C 598.5 420.01822 595.5182 423 591.84 423 L 317.16 423 C 313.48178 423 310.5 420.01822 310.5 416.34 L 310.5 186.66 C 310.5 182.98178 313.48178 180 317.16 180 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_5)"/><path d="M 317.16 180 L 591.84 180 C 595.5182 180 598.5 182.98178 598.5 186.66 L 598.5 416.34 C 598.5 420.01822 595.5182 423 591.84 423 L 317.16 423 C 313.48178 423 310.5 420.01822 310.5 416.34 L 310.5
  186.66 C 310.5 182.98178 313.48178 180 317.16 180 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(314.5 184)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="14" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="195.99316" y="14" textLength="84.006836">Member (M2)</tspan></text></g><g id="id10_Graphic"><path d="M 326.16 216 L 582.84 216 C 586.5182 216 589.5 218.98178 589.5 222.66 L 589.5 398.34 C 589.5 402.01822 586.5182 405 582.84 405 L 326.16 405 C 322.48178 405 319.5 402.01822 319.5 398.34 L 319.5 222.66 C 319.5 218.98178 322.48178 216 326.16 216 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_6)"/><path d="M 326.16 216 L 582.84 216 C 586.5182 216 589.5 218.98178 589.5 222.66 L 589.5 398.34 C 589.5 402.01822 586.5182 405 582.84 405 L 326.16 405 C 322.48178 405 319.5 402.01822 319.5 398.34 L 319.5 222.66 C 319.5 218.98178 322.48178 216 326.16 216 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/>
 <text transform="translate(323.5 220)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="113.65625" y="11" textLength="34.6875">Cache</tspan></text></g><path d="M 252 396 C 252 376.875 264.37087 372.09048 278.99587 368.99673 C 290.89296 366.48003 304.28172 365.0822 318.55208 364.6483" marker-end="url(#FilledArrow_Marker)" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(253.75 378.75)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="8.165039" y="10" textLength="11.669922">T3</tspan></text><g id="id13_Graphic"><path d="M 121.41 288 L 126.09 288 C 129.76822 288 132.75 290.98178 132.75 294.66 L 132.75 299.34 C 132.75 303.01822 129.76822 306 126.09 306 L 121.41 306 C 117.73178 306 114.75 303.01822 114.75 299.34 L 114.75 294.66 C 114.75 290.98178 117.73178 288 121.41 288 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_7)"/><path d="M 121.41 288 L 126.09 2
 88 C 129.76822 288 132.75 290.98178 132.75 294.66 L 132.75 299.34 C 132.75 303.01822 129.76822 306 126.09 306 L 121.41 306 C 117.73178 306 114.75 303.01822 114.75 299.34 L 114.75 294.66 C 114.75 290.98178 117.73178 288 121.41 288 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(118.75 291.5)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="1.9985352" y="9" textLength="6.0029297">X</tspan></text></g><g id="id14_Graphic"><path d="M 166.41 252 L 204.84 252 C 208.51822 252 211.5 254.98178 211.5 258.66 L 211.5 312.84 C 211.5 316.51822 208.51822 319.5 204.84 319.5 L 166.41 319.5 C 162.73178 319.5 159.75 316.51822 159.75 312.84 L 159.75 258.66 C 159.75 254.98178 162.73178 252 166.41 252 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_8)"/><path d="M 166.41 252 L 204.84 252 C 208.51822 252 211.5 254.98178 211.5 258.66 L 211.5 312.84 C 211.5 316.51822 208.51822 319.5 204.84 319.5 L 166.41 319.5 C 16
 2.73178 319.5 159.75 316.51822 159.75 312.84 L 159.75 258.66 C 159.75 254.98178 162.73178 252 166.41 252 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(161.75 254)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="6.532715" y="10" textLength="39.46289">Partition </tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="4.3061523" y="22" textLength="41.137695">Region B</tspan></text></g><text transform="translate(161.75 287.75)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="8" font-style="italic" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="17.089844" y="8" textLength="17.792969">data </tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="8" font-style="italic" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="8.8691406" y="18" textLength="34.234375">accessor </tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="8" font-style="italic" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
 x="17.537109" y="28" textLength="14.675781">only</tspan></text><g id="id16_Graphic"><path d="M 224.91 252 L 272.34 252 C 276.01822 252 279 254.98178 279 258.66 L 279 312.84 C 279 316.51822 276.01822 319.5 272.34 319.5 L 224.91 319.5 C 221.23178 319.5 218.25 316.51822 218.25 312.84 L 218.25 258.66 C 218.25 254.98178 221.23178 252 224.91 252 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_9)"/><path d="M 224.91 252 L 272.34 252 C 276.01822 252 279 254.98178 279 258.66 L 279 312.84 C 279 316.51822 276.01822 319.5 272.34 319.5 L 224.91 319.5 C 221.23178 319.5 218.25 316.51822 218.25 312.84 L 218.25 258.66 C 218.25 254.98178 221.23178 252 224.91 252 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(220.25 254)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="8.5302734" y="10" textLength="44.467773">Replicate </tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="
 8.5302734" y="22" textLength="41.689453">Region R</tspan></text></g><g id="id17_Graphic"><path d="M 229.61033 290.0961 L 229.52043 290.08539 C 228.59022 289.97452 227.74627 290.63874 227.63541 291.56895 C 227.60428 291.83017 227.63433 292.09505 227.7232 292.34266 L 227.7232 292.34266 C 228.28812 293.91674 227.88667 295.67562 226.69472 296.8487 L 226.69472 296.8487 C 226.02821 297.50467 226.01966 298.57675 226.67562 299.24326 C 226.86045 299.43106 227.08656 299.57314 227.33596 299.65818 L 227.33597 299.65818 C 228.91885 300.19792 230.0437 301.60844 230.21769 303.27175 L 230.21769 303.27175 C 230.31498 304.20184 231.14783 304.87695 232.07792 304.77966 C 232.33999 304.75225 232.59205 304.66405 232.81403 304.52209 L 232.81404 304.52208 C 234.22294 303.62106 236.02706 303.62106 237.43596 304.52208 L 237.43597 304.52209 C 238.2238 305.02592 239.2709 304.7957 239.77473 304.00787 C 239.9167 303.78588 240.0049 303.53382 240.03231 303.27175 L 240.03231 303.27175 C 240.2063 301.60844 241.33115
  300.19792 242.91403 299.65818 L 242.91404 299.65818 C 243.79915 299.35637 244.27202 298.39417 243.9702 297.50905 C 243.88516 297.25965 243.74308 297.03354 243.55528 296.8487 L 243.55503 296.84846 C 242.36324 295.67554 241.96188 293.91687 242.5268 292.34304 L 242.5268 292.34304 C 242.84273 291.46288 242.38534 290.49327 241.50519 290.17734 C 241.25723 290.08834 240.99193 290.05843 240.73039 290.08997 L 240.73008 290.09001 C 239.06972 290.29028 237.44433 289.5074 236.56589 288.0843 L 236.55599 288.06825 C 236.07429 287.28788 235.05118 287.04576 234.2708 287.52746 C 234.04553 287.66652 233.85677 287.85742 233.72026 288.08425 L 233.72026 288.08425 C 232.8653 289.50494 231.25678 290.29232 229.61033 290.0961 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_a)"/><path d="M 229.61033 290.0961 L 229.52043 290.08539 C 228.59022 289.97452 227.74627 290.63874 227.63541 291.56895 C 227.60428 291.83017 227.63433 292.09505 227.7232 292.34266 L 227.7232 292.34266 C 228.28812 293.91674 227.88667 295.67562 226.69472 296.8
 487 L 226.69472 296.8487 C 226.02821 297.50467 226.01966 298.57675 226.67562 299.24326 C 226.86045 299.43106 227.08656 299.57314 227.33596 299.65818 L 227.33597 299.65818 C 228.91885 300.19792 230.0437 301.60844 230.21769 303.27175 L 230.21769 303.27175 C 230.31498 304.20184 231.14783 304.87695 232.07792 304.77966 C 232.33999 304.75225 232.59205 304.66405 232.81403 304.52209 L 232.81404 304.52208 C 234.22294 303.62106 236.02706 303.62106 237.43596 304.52208 L 237.43597 304.52209 C 238.2238 305.02592 239.2709 304.7957 239.77473 304.00787 C 239.9167 303.78588 240.0049 303.53382 240.03231 303.27175 L 240.03231 303.27175 C 240.2063 301.60844 241.33115 300.19792 242.91403 299.65818 L 242.91404 299.65818 C 243.79915 299.35637 244.27202 298.39417 243.9702 297.50905 C 243.88516 297.25965 243.74308 297.03354 243.55528 296.8487 L 243.55503 296.84846 C 242.36324 295.67554 241.96188 293.91687 242.5268 292.34304 L 242.5268 292.34304 C 242.84273 291.46288 242.38534 290.49327 241.50519 290.17734 C
  241.25723 290.08834 240.99193 290.05843 240.73039 290.08997 L 240.73008 290.09001 C 239.06972 290.29028 237.44433 289.5074 236.56589 288.0843 L 236.55599 288.06825 C 236.07429 287.28788 235.05118 287.04576 234.2708 287.52746 C 234.04553 287.66652 233.85677 287.85742 233.72026 288.08425 L 233.72026 288.08425 C 232.8653 289.50494 231.25678 290.29232 229.61033 290.0961 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(224.73962 290.375)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="7.6366007" y="9" textLength="5.4975586">F</tspan></text></g><g id="id18_Graphic"><path d="M 262.125 288 L 262.125 288 C 267.09556 288 271.125 292.02944 271.125 297 L 271.125 297 C 271.125 301.97056 267.09556 306 262.125 306 L 262.125 306 C 257.15444 306 253.125 301.97056 253.125 297 L 253.125 297 C 253.125 292.02944 257.15444 288 262.125 288 Z" fill="none"/><path d="M 262.125 288 L 262.125 28
 8 C 267.09556 288 271.125 292.02944 271.125 297 L 271.125 297 C 271.125 301.97056 267.09556 306 262.125 306 L 262.125 306 C 257.15444 306 253.125 301.97056 253.125 297 L 253.125 297 C 253.125 292.02944 257.15444 288 262.125 288 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(257.125 291.5)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="1.4997559" y="9" textLength="7.0004883">G</tspan></text></g><g id="id19_Graphic"><path d="M 339.66 252 L 416.34 252 C 420.01822 252 423 254.98178 423 258.66 L 423 312.84 C 423 316.51822 420.01822 319.5 416.34 319.5 L 339.66 319.5 C 335.98178 319.5 333 316.51822 333 312.84 L 333 258.66 C 333 254.98178 335.98178 252 339.66 252 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_b)"/><path d="M 339.66 252 L 416.34 252 C 420.01822 252 423 254.98178 423 258.66 L 423 312.84 C 423 316.51822 420.01822 319.5 416.34 319.5 L 339.66 319.5 C 335.98178 319.5 333 316.51822 3
 33 312.84 L 333 258.66 C 333 254.98178 335.98178 252 339.66 252 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(335 254)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="3.9731445" y="10" textLength="73.930664">Partition Region </tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="77.356934" y="10" textLength="6.669922">A</tspan></text></g><rect x="342" y="270" width="67.5" height="40.5" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(344 272)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="7.7407227" y="9" textLength="50.018555">primary data</tspan></text><g id="id21_Graphic"><path d="M 359.44052 290.4185 L 353.92157 289.76076 L 355.77482 294.92455 L 351.86462 298.77286 L 357.0573 300.5435 L 357.62807 306 L 362.25 303.044
 17 L 366.87193 306 L 367.4427 300.5435 L 372.63538 298.77286 L 368.72518 294.92455 L 370.57843 289.76152 L 365.13173 290.4185 L 362.25 285.75 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_c)"/><path d="M 359.44052 290.4185 L 353.92157 289.76076 L 355.77482 294.92455 L 351.86462 298.77286 L 357.0573 300.5435 L 357.62807 306 L 362.25 303.04417 L 366.87193 306 L 367.4427 300.5435 L 372.63538 298.77286 L 368.72518 294.92455 L 370.57843 289.76152 L 365.13173 290.4185 L 362.25 285.75 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(351.86462 290.375)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="6.1380655" y="9" textLength="8.494629">W</tspan></text></g><g id="id22_Graphic"><path d="M 386.91 288 L 391.59 288 C 395.26822 288 398.25 290.98178 398.25 294.66 L 398.25 299.34 C 398.25 303.01822 395.26822 306 391.59 306 L 386.91 306 C 383.23178 306 380.25 303.01822 380.25 299.34 L 380.25 294.66 C 3
 80.25 290.98178 383.23178 288 386.91 288 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_d)"/><path d="M 386.91 288 L 391.59 288 C 395.26822 288 398.25 290.98178 398.25 294.66 L 398.25 299.34 C 398.25 303.01822 395.26822 306 391.59 306 L 386.91 306 C 383.23178 306 380.25 303.01822 380.25 299.34 L 380.25 294.66 C 380.25 290.98178 383.23178 288 386.91 288 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(384.25 291.5)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="1.9985352" y="9" textLength="6.0029297">X</tspan></text></g><g id="id23_Graphic"><path d="M 431.91 252 L 508.59 252 C 512.26822 252 515.25 254.98178 515.25 258.66 L 515.25 312.84 C 515.25 316.51822 512.26822 319.5 508.59 319.5 L 431.91 319.5 C 428.23178 319.5 425.25 316.51822 425.25 312.84 L 425.25 258.66 C 425.25 254.98178 428.23178 252 431.91 252 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_e)"/><path d="M 431.91 252 L 508.59 252 C 512.26822 252 5
 15.25 254.98178 515.25 258.66 L 515.25 312.84 C 515.25 316.51822 512.26822 319.5 508.59 319.5 L 431.91 319.5 C 428.23178 319.5 425.25 316.51822 425.25 312.84 L 425.25 258.66 C 425.25 254.98178 428.23178 252 431.91 252 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(427.25 254)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="3.699707" y="10" textLength="80.600586">Partition Region B</tspan></text></g><rect x="434.25" y="270" width="67.5" height="40.5" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(436.25 272)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="7.7407227" y="9" textLength="50.018555">primary data</tspan></text><g id="id25_Graphic"><rect x="472.5" y="288" width="18" height="18" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_f)"/><rect x="472.5" y="288" width="18" hei
 ght="18" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(476.5 291.5)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="2.2512207" y="9" textLength="5.4975586">Z</tspan></text></g><g id="id26_Graphic"><path d="M 524.16 252 L 569.34 252 C 573.0182 252 576 254.98178 576 258.66 L 576 312.84 C 576 316.51822 573.0182 319.5 569.34 319.5 L 524.16 319.5 C 520.48178 319.5 517.5 316.51822 517.5 312.84 L 517.5 258.66 C 517.5 254.98178 520.48178 252 524.16 252 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_10)"/><path d="M 524.16 252 L 569.34 252 C 573.0182 252 576 254.98178 576 258.66 L 576 312.84 C 576 316.51822 573.0182 319.5 569.34 319.5 L 524.16 319.5 C 520.48178 319.5 517.5 316.51822 517.5 312.84 L 517.5 258.66 C 517.5 254.98178 520.48178 252 524.16 252 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(519.5 254)" fill="black"><t
 span font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="7.4052734" y="10" textLength="44.467773">Replicate </tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="7.4052734" y="22" textLength="41.689453">Region R</tspan></text></g><g id="id27_Graphic"><path d="M 528.86033 290.0961 L 528.77043 290.08539 C 527.84022 289.97452 526.99627 290.63874 526.8854 291.56895 C 526.85428 291.83017 526.88433 292.09505 526.9732 292.34266 L 526.9732 292.34266 C 527.53812 293.91674 527.13667 295.67562 525.94472 296.8487 L 525.94472 296.8487 C 525.2782 297.50467 525.26966 298.57675 525.92562 299.24326 C 526.11045 299.43106 526.33656 299.57314 526.58596 299.65818 L 526.58597 299.65818 C 528.16885 300.19792 529.2937 301.60844 529.4677 303.27175 L 529.4677 303.27175 C 529.56498 304.20184 530.39783 304.87695 531.32792 304.77966 C 531.59 304.75225 531.84205 304.66405 532.06403 304.52209 L 532.06404 304.52208 C 533.47294 303.62106 535.27706 303.62106 536
 .68596 304.52208 L 536.68597 304.52209 C 537.4738 305.02592 538.5209 304.7957 539.02473 304.00787 C 539.1667 303.78588 539.2549 303.53382 539.2823 303.27175 L 539.2823 303.27175 C 539.4563 301.60844 540.58115 300.19792 542.16403 299.65818 L 542.16404 299.65818 C 543.04915 299.35637 543.522 298.39417 543.2202 297.50905 C 543.13516 297.25965 542.9931 297.03354 542.80528 296.8487 L 542.80503 296.84846 C 541.61324 295.67554 541.21188 293.91687 541.7768 292.34304 L 541.7768 292.34304 C 542.09273 291.46288 541.63534 290.49327 540.7552 290.17734 C 540.50723 290.08834 540.24193 290.05843 539.9804 290.08997 L 539.98008 290.09001 C 538.31972 290.29028 536.69433 289.5074 535.8159 288.0843 L 535.806 288.06825 C 535.3243 287.28788 534.30118 287.04576 533.5208 287.52746 C 533.29553 287.66652 533.10677 287.85742 532.97026 288.08425 L 532.97026 288.08425 C 532.1153 289.50494 530.50678 290.29232 528.86033 290.0961 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_11)"/><path d="M 528.86033 290.0961 L 528.77043 290.08539 C
  527.84022 289.97452 526.99627 290.63874 526.8854 291.56895 C 526.85428 291.83017 526.88433 292.09505 526.9732 292.34266 L 526.9732 292.34266 C 527.53812 293.91674 527.13667 295.67562 525.94472 296.8487 L 525.94472 296.8487 C 525.2782 297.50467 525.26966 298.57675 525.92562 299.24326 C 526.11045 299.43106 526.33656 299.57314 526.58596 299.65818 L 526.58597 299.65818 C 528.16885 300.19792 529.2937 301.60844 529.4677 303.27175 L 529.4677 303.27175 C 529.56498 304.20184 530.39783 304.87695 531.32792 304.77966 C 531.59 304.75225 531.84205 304.66405 532.06403 304.52209 L 532.06404 304.52208 C 533.47294 303.62106 535.27706 303.62106 536.68596 304.52208 L 536.68597 304.52209 C 537.4738 305.02592 538.5209 304.7957 539.02473 304.00787 C 539.1667 303.78588 539.2549 303.53382 539.2823 303.27175 L 539.2823 303.27175 C 539.4563 301.60844 540.58115 300.19792 542.16403 299.65818 L 542.16404 299.65818 C 543.04915 299.35637 543.522 298.39417 543.2202 297.50905 C 543.13516 297.25965 542.9931 297.0335
 4 542.80528 296.8487 L 542.80503 296.84846 C 541.61324 295.67554 541.21188 293.91687 541.7768 292.34304 L 541.7768 292.34304 C 542.09273 291.46288 541.63534 290.49327 540.7552 290.17734 C 540.50723 290.08834 540.24193 290.05843 539.9804 290.08997 L 539.98008 290.09001 C 538.31972 290.29028 536.69433 289.5074 535.8159 288.0843 L 535.806 288.06825 C 535.3243 287.28788 534.30118 287.04576 533.5208 287.52746 C 533.29553 287.66652 533.10677 287.85742 532.97026 288.08425 L 532.97026 288.08425 C 532.1153 289.50494 530.50678 290.29232 528.86033 290.0961 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(523.98962 290.375)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="7.6366007" y="9" textLength="5.4975586">F</tspan></text></g><g id="id28_Graphic"><path d="M 561.375 288 L 561.375 288 C 566.34556 288 570.375 292.02944 570.375 297 L 570.375 297 C 570.375 301.97056 566.34556 306 5
 61.375 306 L 561.375 306 C 556.40444 306 552.375 301.97056 552.375 297 L 552.375 297 C 552.375 292.02944 556.40444 288 561.375 288 Z" fill="none"/><path d="M 561.375 288 L 561.375 288 C 566.34556 288 570.375 292.02944 570.375 297 L 570.375 297 C 570.375 301.97056 566.34556 306 561.375 306 L 561.375 306 C 556.40444 306 552.375 301.97056 552.375 297 L 552.375 297 C 552.375 292.02944 556.40444 288 561.375 288 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(556.375 291.5)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="1.4997559" y="9" textLength="7.0004883">G</tspan></text></g><g id="id29_Graphic"><path d="M 454.5 288 L 454.5 288 C 459.47056 288 463.5 292.02944 463.5 297 L 463.5 297 C 463.5 301.97056 459.47056 306 454.5 306 L 454.5 306 C 449.52944 306 445.5 301.97056 445.5 297 L 445.5 297 C 445.5 292.02944 449.52944 288 454.5 288 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_12)"/><path d=
 "M 454.5 288 L 454.5 288 C 459.47056 288 463.5 292.02944 463.5 297 L 463.5 297 C 463.5 301.97056 459.47056 306 454.5 306 L 454.5 306 C 449.52944 306 445.5 301.97056 445.5 297 L 445.5 297 C 445.5 292.02944 449.52944 288 454.5 288 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(449.5 291.5)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="1.9985352" y="9" textLength="6.0029297">Y</tspan></text></g><g id="id30_Graphic"><path d="M 339.66 348.75 L 411.84 348.75 C 415.51822 348.75 418.5 351.73178 418.5 355.41 L 418.5 387.09 C 418.5 390.76822 415.51822 393.75 411.84 393.75 L 339.66 393.75 C 335.98178 393.75 333 390.76822 333 387.09 L 333 355.41 C 333 351.73178 335.98178 348.75 339.66 348.75 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_13)"/><path d="M 339.66 348.75 L 411.84 348.75 C 415.51822 348.75 418.5 351.73178 418.5 355.41 L 418.5 387.09 C 418.5 390.76822 415.51822 393.75 411.84 393.75 L 
 339.66 393.75 C 335.98178 393.75 333 390.76822 333 387.09 L 333 355.41 C 333 351.73178 335.98178 348.75 339.66 348.75 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(335 350.75)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="21.45459" y="10" textLength="34.467773">Region </tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="55.375488" y="10" textLength="6.669922">A</tspan></text></g><g id="id31_Graphic"><path d="M 359.44052 369.1685 L 353.92157 368.51076 L 355.77482 373.67455 L 351.86462 377.52286 L 357.0573 379.2935 L 357.62807 384.75 L 362.25 381.79417 L 366.87193 384.75 L 367.4427 379.2935 L 372.63538 377.52286 L 368.72518 373.67455 L 370.57843 368.51152 L 365.13173 369.1685 L 362.25 364.5 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_14)"/><path d="M 359.44052 369.1685 L 353.92157 368.51076 L 355.77482 373.67455 L 351.86462 377.52286 L 357.0573 37
 9.2935 L 357.62807 384.75 L 362.25 381.79417 L 366.87193 384.75 L 367.4427 379.2935 L 372.63538 377.52286 L 368.72518 373.67455 L 370.57843 368.51152 L 365.13173 369.1685 L 362.25 364.5 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(351.86462 369.125)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="6.1380655" y="9" textLength="8.494629">W</tspan></text></g><g id="id32_Graphic"><path d="M 386.91 366.75 L 391.59 366.75 C 395.26822 366.75 398.25 369.73178 398.25 373.41 L 398.25 378.09 C 398.25 381.76822 395.26822 384.75 391.59 384.75 L 386.91 384.75 C 383.23178 384.75 380.25 381.76822 380.25 378.09 L 380.25 373.41 C 380.25 369.73178 383.23178 366.75 386.91 366.75 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_15)"/><path d="M 386.91 366.75 L 391.59 366.75 C 395.26822 366.75 398.25 369.73178 398.25 373.41 L 398.25 378.09 C 398.25 381.76822 395.26822 384.75 391.59 384.75 L 386.91 384.75 C 38
 3.23178 384.75 380.25 381.76822 380.25 378.09 L 380.25 373.41 C 380.25 369.73178 383.23178 366.75 386.91 366.75 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(384.25 370.25)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="1.9985352" y="9" textLength="6.0029297">X</tspan></text></g><g id="id33_Graphic"><path d="M 431.91 348.75 L 504.09 348.75 C 507.76822 348.75 510.75 351.73178 510.75 355.41 L 510.75 387.09 C 510.75 390.76822 507.76822 393.75 504.09 393.75 L 431.91 393.75 C 428.23178 393.75 425.25 390.76822 425.25 387.09 L 425.25 355.41 C 425.25 351.73178 428.23178 348.75 431.91 348.75 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_16)"/><path d="M 431.91 348.75 L 504.09 348.75 C 507.76822 348.75 510.75 351.73178 510.75 355.41 L 510.75 387.09 C 510.75 390.76822 507.76822 393.75 504.09 393.75 L 431.91 393.75 C 428.23178 393.75 425.25 390.76822 425.25 387.09 L 425.25 355.41 C 425.25 351.73
 178 428.23178 348.75 431.91 348.75 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(427.25 350.75)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="21.181152" y="10" textLength="41.137695">Region B</tspan></text></g><g id="id34_Graphic"><rect x="472.5" y="366.75" width="18" height="18" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_17)"/><rect x="472.5" y="366.75" width="18" height="18" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(476.5 370.25)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="2.2512207" y="9" textLength="5.4975586">Z</tspan></text></g><g id="id35_Graphic"><path d="M 524.16 348.75 L 569.34 348.75 C 573.0182 348.75 576 351.73178 576 355.41 L 576 387.09 C 576 390.76822 573.0182 393.75 569.34 393.75 L 524.16 393.75 C 520.48178 393.75 517.5 390.76822 517.5 387.09 L 
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 roke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(108.86462 258.875)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="6.1380655" y="9" textLength="8.494629">W</tspan></text></g><g id="id8_Graphic"><path d="M 357.66 162 L 596.34 162 C 600.0182 162 603 164.98178 603 168.66 L 603 281.34 C 603 285.01822 600.0182 288 596.34 288 L 357.66 288 C 353.98178 288 351 285.01822 351 281.34 L 351 168.66 C 351 164.98178 353.98178 162 357.66 162 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_5)"/><path d="M 357.66 162 L 596.34 162 C 600.0182 162 603 164.98178 603 168.66 L 603 281.34 C 603 285.01822 600.0182 288 596.34 288 L 357.66 288 C 353.98178 288 351 285.01822 351 281.34 L 351 168.66 C 351 164.98178 353.98178 162 357.66 162 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(355 166)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="14" font-weight="50
 0" fill="black" x="159.99316" y="14" textLength="84.006836">Member (M2)</tspan></text></g><path d="M 292.5 378 C 292.48438 360 292.5157 358.8824 292.48445 351.0074 C 292.45692 344.07064 292.38084 331.8907 270.9299 329.08693" marker-end="url(#FilledArrow_Marker)" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(270.625 360.75)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="8.165039" y="10" textLength="11.669922">T1</tspan></text><g id="id11_Graphic"><path d="M 175.41 234 L 254.34 234 C 258.01822 234 261 236.98178 261 240.66 L 261 276.84 C 261 280.51822 258.01822 283.5 254.34 283.5 L 175.41 283.5 C 171.73178 283.5 168.75 280.51822 168.75 276.84 L 168.75 240.66 C 168.75 236.98178 171.73178 234 175.41 234 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_6)"/><path d="M 175.41 234 L 254.34 234 C 258.01822 234 261 236.98178 261 240.66 L 261 276.84 C 261 280.51822 258.01822 283.5 254.34 283.5 L 175
 .41 283.5 C 171.73178 283.5 168.75 280.51822 168.75 276.84 L 168.75 240.66 C 168.75 236.98178 171.73178 234 175.41 234 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(170.75 236)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="2.3222656" y="10" textLength="85.60547">Replicate Region B</tspan></text></g><g id="id12_Graphic"><path d="M 209.16 256.5 L 213.84 256.5 C 217.51822 256.5 220.5 259.48178 220.5 263.16 L 220.5 267.84 C 220.5 271.51822 217.51822 274.5 213.84 274.5 L 209.16 274.5 C 205.48178 274.5 202.5 271.51822 202.5 267.84 L 202.5 263.16 C 202.5 259.48178 205.48178 256.5 209.16 256.5 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_7)"/><path d="M 209.16 256.5 L 213.84 256.5 C 217.51822 256.5 220.5 259.48178 220.5 263.16 L 220.5 267.84 C 220.5 271.51822 217.51822 274.5 213.84 274.5 L 209.16 274.5 C 205.48178 274.5 202.5 271.51822 202.5 267.84 L 202.5 263.16 C 202.5 259.48178 205.481
 78 256.5 209.16 256.5 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(206.5 260)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="1.9985352" y="9" textLength="6.0029297">X</tspan></text></g><g id="id13_Graphic"><path d="M 83.16 306 L 155.34 306 C 159.01822 306 162 308.98178 162 312.66 L 162 346.59 C 162 350.26822 159.01822 353.25 155.34 353.25 L 83.16 353.25 C 79.481783 353.25 76.5 350.26822 76.5 346.59 L 76.5 312.66 C 76.5 308.98178 79.481783 306 83.16 306 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_8)"/><path d="M 83.16 306 L 155.34 306 C 159.01822 306 162 308.98178 162 312.66 L 162 346.59 C 162 350.26822 159.01822 353.25 155.34 353.25 L 83.16 353.25 C 79.481783 353.25 76.5 350.26822 76.5 346.59 L 76.5 312.66 C 76.5 308.98178 79.481783 306 83.16 306 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(78.5 308)" fill=
 "black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="21.45459" y="10" textLength="34.467773">Region </tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="55.375488" y="10" textLength="6.669922">A</tspan></text></g><g id="id14_Graphic"><path d="M 116.44052 330.9185 L 110.92157 330.26076 L 112.77482 335.42455 L 108.86462 339.27286 L 114.05731 341.0435 L 114.62807 346.5 L 119.25 343.54417 L 123.87193 346.5 L 124.44269 341.0435 L 129.63538 339.27286 L 125.72518 335.42455 L 127.57843 330.26152 L 122.13173 330.9185 L 119.25 326.25 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_9)"/><path d="M 116.44052 330.9185 L 110.92157 330.26076 L 112.77482 335.42455 L 108.86462 339.27286 L 114.05731 341.0435 L 114.62807 346.5 L 119.25 343.54417 L 123.87193 346.5 L 124.44269 341.0435 L 129.63538 339.27286 L 125.72518 335.42455 L 127.57843 330.26152 L 122.13173 330.9185 L 119.25 326.25 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" st
 roke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(108.86462 330.875)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="3.63538" y="9" textLength="13.5">W1</tspan></text></g><g id="id15_Graphic"><path d="M 175.41 306 L 247.59 306 C 251.26822 306 254.25 308.98178 254.25 312.66 L 254.25 348.84 C 254.25 352.51822 251.26822 355.5 247.59 355.5 L 175.41 355.5 C 171.73178 355.5 168.75 352.51822 168.75 348.84 L 168.75 312.66 C 168.75 308.98178 171.73178 306 175.41 306 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_a)"/><path d="M 175.41 306 L 247.59 306 C 251.26822 306 254.25 308.98178 254.25 312.66 L 254.25 348.84 C 254.25 352.51822 251.26822 355.5 247.59 355.5 L 175.41 355.5 C 171.73178 355.5 168.75 352.51822 168.75 348.84 L 168.75 312.66 C 168.75 308.98178 171.73178 306 175.41 306 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(170.75 308)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size=
 "10" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="21.181152" y="10" textLength="41.137695">Region B</tspan></text></g><g id="id16_Graphic"><path d="M 209.16 328.5 L 213.84 328.5 C 217.51822 328.5 220.5 331.48178 220.5 335.16 L 220.5 339.84 C 220.5 343.51822 217.51822 346.5 213.84 346.5 L 209.16 346.5 C 205.48178 346.5 202.5 343.51822 202.5 339.84 L 202.5 335.16 C 202.5 331.48178 205.48178 328.5 209.16 328.5 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_b)"/><path d="M 209.16 328.5 L 213.84 328.5 C 217.51822 328.5 220.5 331.48178 220.5 335.16 L 220.5 339.84 C 220.5 343.51822 217.51822 346.5 213.84 346.5 L 209.16 346.5 C 205.48178 346.5 202.5 343.51822 202.5 339.84 L 202.5 335.16 C 202.5 331.48178 205.48178 328.5 209.16 328.5 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(206.5 326.5)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="1.9985352" y="9" textLength="6.0029297">X</tspan><tspan font-family
 ="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="2.4973145" y="20" textLength="5.005371">1</tspan></text></g><rect x="67.5" y="288" width="193.5" height="72" fill="none"/><rect x="67.5" y="288" width="193.5" height="72" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(69.5 290)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="62.673828" y="10" textLength="6.1083984">T</tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="68.416016" y="10" textLength="48.916016">ransaction </tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="117.15625" y="10" textLength="11.669922">T1</tspan></text><g id="id18_Graphic"><path d="M 366.66 189 L 569.34 189 C 573.0182 189 576 191.98178 576 195.66 L 576 267.84 C 576 271.51822 573.0182 274.5 569.34 274.5 L 366.66 274.5 C 362.98178 274.5 360 271.51822 360 267.84 L 360
  195.66 C 360 191.98178 362.98178 189 366.66 189 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_c)"/><path d="M 366.66 189 L 569.34 189 C 573.0182 189 576 191.98178 576 195.66 L 576 267.84 C 576 271.51822 573.0182 274.5 569.34 274.5 L 366.66 274.5 C 362.98178 274.5 360 271.51822 360 267.84 L 360 195.66 C 360 191.98178 362.98178 189 366.66 189 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(364 193)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="86.65625" y="11" textLength="34.6875">Cache</tspan></text></g><g id="id19_Graphic"><path d="M 375.66 216 L 461.34 216 C 465.01822 216 468 218.98178 468 222.66 L 468 256.59 C 468 260.26822 465.01822 263.25 461.34 263.25 L 375.66 263.25 C 371.98178 263.25 369 260.26822 369 256.59 L 369 222.66 C 369 218.98178 371.98178 216 375.66 216 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_d)"/><path d="M 375.66 216 L 461.34 216 C 465.01822 216 468 218.98178 468 222.66 L 468 25
 6.59 C 468 260.26822 465.01822 263.25 461.34 263.25 L 375.66 263.25 C 371.98178 263.25 369 260.26822 369 256.59 L 369 222.66 C 369 218.98178 371.98178 216 375.66 216 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(371 218)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="5.970703" y="10" textLength="78.935547">Replicate Region </tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="84.359375" y="10" textLength="6.669922">A</tspan></text></g><g id="id20_Graphic"><path d="M 408.94052 240.9185 L 403.42157 240.26076 L 405.27482 245.42455 L 401.36462 249.27286 L 406.5573 251.0435 L 407.12807 256.5 L 411.75 253.54417 L 416.37193 256.5 L 416.9427 251.0435 L 422.13538 249.27286 L 418.22518 245.42455 L 420.07843 240.26152 L 414.63173 240.9185 L 411.75 236.25 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_e)"/><path d="M 408.94052 240.9185 L 403.42157 240.26076 L 40
 5.27482 245.42455 L 401.36462 249.27286 L 406.5573 251.0435 L 407.12807 256.5 L 411.75 253.54417 L 416.37193 256.5 L 416.9427 251.0435 L 422.13538 249.27286 L 418.22518 245.42455 L 420.07843 240.26152 L 414.63173 240.9185 L 411.75 236.25 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(401.36462 240.875)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="6.1380655" y="9" textLength="8.494629">W</tspan></text></g><g id="id21_Graphic"><path d="M 357.66 292.5 L 596.34 292.5 C 600.0182 292.5 603 295.48178 603 299.16 L 603 461.34 C 603 465.01822 600.0182 468 596.34 468 L 357.66 468 C 353.98178 468 351 465.01822 351 461.34 L 351 299.16 C 351 295.48178 353.98178 292.5 357.66 292.5 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_f)"/><path d="M 357.66 292.5 L 596.34 292.5 C 600.0182 292.5 603 295.48178 603 299.16 L 603 461.34 C 603 465.01822 600.0182 468 596.34 468 L 357.66 468 C 353.98178 468 351 46
 5.01822 351 461.34 L 351 299.16 C 351 295.48178 353.98178 292.5 357.66 292.5 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(355 296.5)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="14" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="159.99316" y="14" textLength="84.006836">Member (M3)</tspan></text></g><g id="id22_Graphic"><path d="M 366.66 319.5 L 569.34 319.5 C 573.0182 319.5 576 322.48178 576 326.16 L 576 411.84 C 576 415.51822 573.0182 418.5 569.34 418.5 L 366.66 418.5 C 362.98178 418.5 360 415.51822 360 411.84 L 360 326.16 C 360 322.48178 362.98178 319.5 366.66 319.5 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_10)"/><path d="M 366.66 319.5 L 569.34 319.5 C 573.0182 319.5 576 322.48178 576 326.16 L 576 411.84 C 576 415.51822 573.0182 418.5 569.34 418.5 L 366.66 418.5 C 362.98178 418.5 360 415.51822 360 411.84 L 360 326.16 C 360 322.48178 362.98178 319.5 366.66 319.5 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="ro
 und" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(364 323.5)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="86.65625" y="11" textLength="34.6875">Cache</tspan></text></g><g id="id23_Graphic"><path d="M 476.91 360 L 555.84 360 C 559.5182 360 562.5 362.98178 562.5 366.66 L 562.5 402.84 C 562.5 406.51822 559.5182 409.5 555.84 409.5 L 476.91 409.5 C 473.23178 409.5 470.25 406.51822 470.25 402.84 L 470.25 366.66 C 470.25 362.98178 473.23178 360 476.91 360 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_11)"/><path d="M 476.91 360 L 555.84 360 C 559.5182 360 562.5 362.98178 562.5 366.66 L 562.5 402.84 C 562.5 406.51822 559.5182 409.5 555.84 409.5 L 476.91 409.5 C 473.23178 409.5 470.25 406.51822 470.25 402.84 L 470.25 366.66 C 470.25 362.98178 473.23178 360 476.91 360 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(472.25 362)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10
 " font-weight="500" fill="black" x="2.3222656" y="10" textLength="85.60547">Replicate Region B</tspan></text></g><g id="id24_Graphic"><path d="M 510.66 382.5 L 515.34 382.5 C 519.01822 382.5 522 385.48178 522 389.16 L 522 393.84 C 522 397.51822 519.01822 400.5 515.34 400.5 L 510.66 400.5 C 506.98178 400.5 504 397.51822 504 393.84 L 504 389.16 C 504 385.48178 506.98178 382.5 510.66 382.5 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_12)"/><path d="M 510.66 382.5 L 515.34 382.5 C 519.01822 382.5 522 385.48178 522 389.16 L 522 393.84 C 522 397.51822 519.01822 400.5 515.34 400.5 L 510.66 400.5 C 506.98178 400.5 504 397.51822 504 393.84 L 504 389.16 C 504 385.48178 506.98178 382.5 510.66 382.5 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(508 380.5)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="1.9985352" y="9" textLength="6.0029297">X</tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" 
 font-weight="500" fill="black" x="2.4973145" y="20" textLength="5.005371">2</tspan></text></g><g id="id25_Graphic"><path d="M 368.91 360 L 454.59 360 C 458.26822 360 461.25 362.98178 461.25 366.66 L 461.25 402.84 C 461.25 406.51822 458.26822 409.5 454.59 409.5 L 368.91 409.5 C 365.23178 409.5 362.25 406.51822 362.25 402.84 L 362.25 366.66 C 362.25 362.98178 365.23178 360 368.91 360 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_13)"/><path d="M 368.91 360 L 454.59 360 C 458.26822 360 461.25 362.98178 461.25 366.66 L 461.25 402.84 C 461.25 406.51822 458.26822 409.5 454.59 409.5 L 368.91 409.5 C 365.23178 409.5 362.25 406.51822 362.25 402.84 L 362.25 366.66 C 362.25 362.98178 365.23178 360 368.91 360 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(364.25 362)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="5.6972656" y="10" textLength="85.60547">Replicate Region B</tspan></text></g><g id=
 "id26_Graphic"><path d="M 411.66 382.5 L 416.34 382.5 C 420.01822 382.5 423 385.48178 423 389.16 L 423 393.84 C 423 397.51822 420.01822 400.5 416.34 400.5 L 411.66 400.5 C 407.98178 400.5 405 397.51822 405 393.84 L 405 389.16 C 405 385.48178 407.98178 382.5 411.66 382.5 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_14)"/><path d="M 411.66 382.5 L 416.34 382.5 C 420.01822 382.5 423 385.48178 423 389.16 L 423 393.84 C 423 397.51822 420.01822 400.5 416.34 400.5 L 411.66 400.5 C 407.98178 400.5 405 397.51822 405 393.84 L 405 389.16 C 405 385.48178 407.98178 382.5 411.66 382.5 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(409 386)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="1.9985352" y="9" textLength="6.0029297">X</tspan></text></g><rect x="463.5" y="342" width="99" height="72" fill="none"/><rect x="463.5" y="342" width="99" height="72" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-l
 inejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(465.5 344)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="15.423828" y="10" textLength="6.1083984">T</tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="21.166016" y="10" textLength="48.916016">ransaction </tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="69.90625" y="10" textLength="11.669922">T2</tspan></text><rect x="508.5" y="432" width="90" height="18" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(510.5 435)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="7.8623047" y="10" textLength="23.901367">Java </tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="31.216797" y="10" textLength="48.920898">Application</tspan></text><path d="M 594 432 C 594 4
 14 594.0392 409.506 594.00012 400.506 C 593.9657 392.57915 593.8706 381.1568 572.43302 378.54554" marker-end="url(#FilledArrow_Marker)" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(571 414.75)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="8.165039" y="10" textLength="11.669922">T2</tspan></text></g></g></svg>