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Posted to by "LITTLEWOOD, John, GBM" <> on 2007/02/01 20:24:43 UTC

result maps and complex property

I am using .net and Oracle. (using the .net oracle as provider.)
here is my xml mapping
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>





<!-- XML document for the Static Header class. -->


<typeAlias alias="StaticHeader"  />

<typeAlias alias="StaticDetail" />




<resultMap id="StaticHeader-Result" class="StaticHeader">

<result property="StaticHeadersId" column="STATIC_HEADERS_ID" />

<result property="FullDesc" column="FULL_DESC" />

<result property="AuditComment" column="AUDIT_COMMENT" />

<result property="AuditEmpId" column="AUDIT_EMP_ID" />

<result property="AuditWhen" column="AUDIT_WHEN" />

<result property="AuditWho" column="AUDIT_WHO" />

<result property="AuditVersionNo" column="AUDIT_VERSION_NO" />

<result property="StaticDetails" column="STATIC_HEADERS_ID"


<resultMap id="StaticDetails-Result" class="StaticDetail">

<result property="StaticDetailsId" column="STATIC_DETAILS_ID" />

<result property="StaticHeadersId" column="STATIC_HEADER_ID" />

<result property="FullDesc" column="FULL_DESC" />

<result property="ShortDesc" column="SHORT_DESC" />

<result property="AuditComment" column="AUDIT_COMMENT" />

<result property="AuditEmpId" column="AUDIT_EMP_ID" />

<result property="AuditWhen" column="AUDIT_WHEN" />

<result property="AuditWho" column="AUDIT_WHO" />

<result property="AuditVersionNo" column="AUDIT_VERSION_NO" />





<procedure id="StaticHeader-GetStaticHeader"
parameterMap="StaticHeader-Select" resultMap="StaticHeader-Result">



<procedure id="StaticHeader-GetStaticDetail"
parameterMap="StaticDetail-Select" resultMap="StaticDetails-Result">





<parameterMap id="StaticHeader-Select">

<parameter property="p_id" column="p_id" direction="Input" dbtype="Int32"/>

<parameter property="p_out" column="p_out" direction="Output"
dbtype="RefCursor" />


<parameterMap id="StaticDetail-Select" >

<parameter property="StaticHeadersId" column="p_id" direction="Input"

<parameter property="p_out" column="p_out" direction="Output"
dbtype="RefCursor" />





on my pageload of my UI code I have this piece of code


protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


ISqlMapper mapper = null;

DomSqlMapBuilder builder = new DomSqlMapBuilder();

mapper = builder.Configure("sqlMap.config");

Hashtable param = new Hashtable();

param.Add("p_id", 1);

param.Add("p_out", null);

StaticHeader oSH = null;

oSH =
er", param);

Label1.Text = oSH.FullDesc;

Label2.Text = oSH.StaticHeadersId.ToString();

GridView1.DataSource = oSH.StaticDetails;




The parent populates and so does the child but I get the following error



I trace through the Ibatis code, hence how I know that both the parent an
dchild are getting populated.  However, this is the error message I get.


So near and yet so far :-((

Many thanks


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