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Posted to by Leonardo Uribe <> on 2011/07/26 17:43:51 UTC

[ANNOUNCE] MyFaces Tomahawk v1.1.11 Release

The Apache MyFaces team is pleased to announce the release of Apache 
MyFaces Tomahawk 1.1.11.

MyFaces Tomahawk provides a series of JavaServer Faces components that 
go beyond the JSF specification. These components are compatible with 
the Sun JSF 1.1 Reference Implementation (RI) or any other JSF 1.1 
compatible implementation. Of course the custom components can also be 
used with the Apache JSF implementation "MyFaces Core".

There are also artifacts (tomahawk12) with enhanced compatibility with 
JSF 1.2 and JSF 2.0

MyFaces Tomahawk 1.1.11 is available in both binary and source 


MyFaces Tomahawk is also available in the central Maven repository under 
Group ID "org.apache.myfaces.tomahawk".

Release Notes - MyFaces Tomahawk - Version 1.1.11


     [TOMAHAWK-96] - Data table Scroller not working the dataTable which 
was actually contained in other DataTable
     [TOMAHAWK-961] - Deleting a row when t:dataList/t:dataTable 
preserveRowStates=true assigns submitted values to wrong row
     [TOMAHAWK-1359] - activeOnViewIds toggleActive does not work properly
     [TOMAHAWK-1389] - TableSuggestAjax - security popup in IE7 when 
using SSL
     [TOMAHAWK-1451] - [myfaces-example-simple-1.1.9] Popup example 
doesn't work with Mojarra 1.2/2.0.0
     [TOMAHAWK-1479] - CLONE -t:inputCalendar displays year 1900 when an 
incorrect date is entered
     [TOMAHAWK-1480] - Calendar shows wrong year in Opera
     [TOMAHAWK-1551] - f:ajax doesn't work in t:selectOneRadio 
     [TOMAHAWK-1553] - invokeOnComponent does not call pushComponentToEL 
/ popComponentFromEL like visitTree does
     [TOMAHAWK-1557] - InputDate calendar popup does not render 
correctly on IE7
     [TOMAHAWK-1560] - Tomahawk 1.1.10 for JSF 1.2 fails to deploy on 
JBoss AS 6 because of TLD errors
     [TOMAHAWK-1562] - tomahawk20-1.1.10 for JSF 2 does not work: aliasBean
     [TOMAHAWK-1565] - CLONE - UIView.createUniqueId shouldn't call 
encodeNameSpace to build the id. (tomahawk 2.0.x)
     [TOMAHAWK-1567] - t:dataTable preserveComponentRowState is not used 
when decode occur
     [TOMAHAWK-1568] - UIInputs in DataTable (UIData) lose submitted 
values when UICommands are set to immediate=true
     [TOMAHAWK-1571] - t:collapsiblePanel does not render its id when 
behaviors are used or it is indicated by user
     [TOMAHAWK-1573] - <t:validateEqual> throws 
java.lang.NullPointerException: expr
     [TOMAHAWK-1574] - t:inputCalendar is not triggering f:ajax
     [TOMAHAWK-1576] - Outdated version of prototype.js is used
     [TOMAHAWK-1577] - t:inputCalendar disabled status is not working 
with f:ajax
     [TOMAHAWK-1578] - Quotes are not escaped in TableAutoSuggest in 
ajax requests
     [TOMAHAWK-1581] - selectText() javascript function not found
     [TOMAHAWK-1584] - clientId does not append separator when mojarra 
is used
     [TOMAHAWK-1592] - t:inputCalendar do not work on IE9
     [TOMAHAWK-1597] - Tld documentation on inputFileUpload - accept 
     [TOMAHAWK-1598] - Tomahawk trunk not compilable from root in maven 3
     [TOMAHAWK-1599] - HtmlCalendarRenderer Throws ClassCastException


     [TOMAHAWK-939] - t:radio should support standard pass-through 
     [TOMAHAWK-1538] - upgrade tomahawk poms to use 
<dependencyManagement> + use latest geronimo spec versions
     [TOMAHAWK-1554] - CollapsiblePanel CSS Question
     [TOMAHAWK-1570] - CLONE - Support SKIP_ITERATION FacesContext property
     [TOMAHAWK-1600] - Do not enforce check ExtensionsFilter setup in 
tomahawk for JSF 2.0, because it is only required by 2 components

New Feature

     [TOMAHAWK-1497] - New component: ValidateBeanBehavior
     [TOMAHAWK-1552] - t:dataList, t:dataTable ajax
     [TOMAHAWK-1558] - Create custom base class for ClientBehaviors


     [TOMAHAWK-1583] - Add rowStatePreserved alias for 
     [TOMAHAWK-1586] - Update sandbox module for JSF 2.0
     [TOMAHAWK-1589] - Move s:accordionPanel to sandbox for JSF 2 module
     [TOMAHAWK-1590] - Move s:passwordStrength to sandbox for JSF 2 module



Leonardo Uribe