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Posted to by on 2017/10/11 17:45:51 UTC

[05/24] incubator-netbeans git commit: [NETBEANS-54] Module review xml.text.obsolete90

[NETBEANS-54] Module review xml.text.obsolete90

- no external library
- checked Rat report; added license header to testfiles and ensured 
  tests still run cleanly, removed unused file, that only differs from
  neighbouring file by license
- skimmed through the module, did not notice additional problems


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: dae04c89d95b2231df68064af032fa8a9504f98b
Parents: 7fe8ddf
Author: Matthias Bläsing <>
Authored: Tue Oct 3 18:18:44 2017 +0200
Committer: Matthias Bläsing <>
Committed: Wed Oct 11 19:04:15 2017 +0200

 .../XMLFormatterTest/testReformatSample1.pass   |   19 +
 .../XMLFormatterTest/testReformatSample2-.pass  | 1716 ------------------
 .../input/XMLFormatterTest/testReformat/web.xml |   19 +
 .../modules/xml/text/syntax/invalid.xml         |   20 +
 .../netbeans/modules/xml/text/syntax/test.xml   |   20 +
 5 files changed, 78 insertions(+), 1716 deletions(-)
diff --git a/xml.text.obsolete90/test/unit/data/goldenfiles/org/netbeans/modules/xml/text/indent/XMLFormatterTest/testReformatSample1.pass b/xml.text.obsolete90/test/unit/data/goldenfiles/org/netbeans/modules/xml/text/indent/XMLFormatterTest/testReformatSample1.pass
index 11e1b78..46cdf92 100644
--- a/xml.text.obsolete90/test/unit/data/goldenfiles/org/netbeans/modules/xml/text/indent/XMLFormatterTest/testReformatSample1.pass
+++ b/xml.text.obsolete90/test/unit/data/goldenfiles/org/netbeans/modules/xml/text/indent/XMLFormatterTest/testReformatSample1.pass
@@ -1,5 +1,24 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+    or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+    distributed with this work for additional information
+    regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+    to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+    "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+    with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+    software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+    KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+    specific language governing permissions and limitations
+    under the License.
 <web-app xmlns=""
diff --git a/xml.text.obsolete90/test/unit/data/goldenfiles/org/netbeans/modules/xml/text/indent/XMLFormatterTest/testReformatSample2-.pass b/xml.text.obsolete90/test/unit/data/goldenfiles/org/netbeans/modules/xml/text/indent/XMLFormatterTest/testReformatSample2-.pass
deleted file mode 100644
index 700be9a..0000000
--- a/xml.text.obsolete90/test/unit/data/goldenfiles/org/netbeans/modules/xml/text/indent/XMLFormatterTest/testReformatSample2-.pass
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1716 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- -*- sgml-indent-step: 2 -*- -->
-The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development
-and Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in
-compliance with the License.
-You can obtain a copy of the License at
-When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL Header Notice in each file
-and include the License file at
-If applicable, add the following below the CDDL Header, with the fields
-enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying information:
-"Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
-The Original Software is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
-Software is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2006 Sun
-Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-<project name="nbbuild" default="all" basedir=".">
-    <import file="default.xml"/>
-    <!-- To make people happy who want to do `ant clean all': -->
-    <target name="all" depends="build,commit-validation" description="Build the IDE and run basic validation tests."/>
-    <target name="all-nozip" depends="build-nozip,commit-validation" description="Build the IDE (no ZIP file, unpacked) and run basic validation tests."/>
-    <target name="assure-ant">
-        <condition property="">
-            <!-- this is in 1.6.3 only -->
-            <!-- actually needed for 'executable' attr on <javadoc>, at least -->
-            <available classname=""/>
-        </condition>
-        <fail unless="">
-            You need to have ant 1.6.3 at least to build NetBeans.
-        </fail>
-    </target>
-    <target name="bootstrap"
-            description="Bootstrap NetBeans-specific Ant extensions."
-            depends="-jdk-init,-assure-jdk-1.4,assure-ant">
-        <echo message="Bootstrapping NetBeans-specific Ant extensions..."
-        />
-        <property name="ant.jar" value="${ant.home}/lib/ant.jar"/>
-        <path id="bootstrap-cp">
-            <pathelement location="${ant.jar}"/>
-            <fileset dir="..">
-                <!-- For JavaHelp indexing: -->
-                <include name="nbbuild/external/jhall*.jar"/>
-            </fileset>
-        </path>
-        <!-- Sanity check: -->
-        <pathconvert pathsep=":" property="">
-            <path>
-                <fileset dir="antsrc">
-                    <include name="**/*.class"/>
-                </fileset>
-            </path>
-        </pathconvert>
-        <fail>
-            <condition>
-                <not>
-                    <equals arg1="${}" arg2=""/>
-                </not>
-            </condition>
-            You have stray *.class files in ${basedir}/antsrc which you must remove.
-            Probably you failed to clean your sources before updating them from CVS.
-        </fail>
-        <!-- OK, continue: -->
-        <mkdir dir="build/antclasses"/>
-        <javac srcdir="antsrc" destdir="build/antclasses" deprecation="true" debug="${build.compiler.debug}" source="1.4">
-            <classpath refid="bootstrap-cp"/>
-        </javac>
-        <jar jarfile="nbantext.jar">
-            <fileset dir="build/antclasses"/>
-            <fileset dir="antsrc">
-                <exclude name="**/*.java"/>
-                <exclude name="**/package.html"/>
-                <exclude name="package-list"/>
-            </fileset>
-        </jar>
-    </target>
-    <target name="init-module-list" depends="bootstrap">
-        <!-- Define modules. -->
-        <resolve name="modules" value="config.modules.${moduleconfig}"/>
-        <resolve name="fixedmodules" value="config.fixedmodules.${moduleconfig}"/>
-        <property name="allmodules" value="${fixedmodules},${modules}"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="set-buildnumber" unless="buildnumber">
-        <tstamp>
-            <format property="buildnumber" pattern="yyMMdd"/>
-        </tstamp>
-        <tstamp>
-            <format property="buildday" pattern="d MMM yyyy" locale="en" />
-        </tstamp>
-    </target>
-    <target name="init" depends="init-module-list,set-buildnumber,init-tasks">
-        <taskdef name="cleanall" classname="org.netbeans.nbbuild.CleanAll" classpath="nbantext.jar"/>
-        <taskdef name="nbmerge" classname="org.netbeans.nbbuild.NbMerge" classpath="nbantext.jar"/>
-        <taskdef name="for-each" classname="org.netbeans.nbbuild.ForEach" classpath="nbantext.jar"/>
-        <taskdef name="getdependsclusters" classname="org.netbeans.nbbuild.GetDependsClusters" classpath="nbantext.jar"/>
-        <taskdef name="repeat" classname="org.netbeans.nbbuild.Repeat" classpath="nbantext.jar"/>
-        <!-- We need absolute path to ${netbeans.dest} -->
-        <property name="netbeans.dest.abs" location="${netbeans.dest}"/>
-        <!-- Overridable. Note: need not necessarily be a number at all): -->
-        <property name="buildnum" value="dev-${buildnumber}"/>
-        <property name="sanitystart.args" value="-J-Dnetbeans.close=true ${sanitystart.args.additional}"/>
-        <!-- Set up automatic all-* targets: -->
-        <taskdef name="insert-module-all-targets" classname="org.netbeans.nbbuild.InsertModuleAllTargets" classpath="nbantext.jar"/>
-        <insert-module-all-targets/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="all-java/storagebuilder" depends="init">
-        <antcall target="build-one-cluster-dependencies" inheritall="false">
-            <param name="one.cluster.dependencies" value="nb.cluster.platform,nb.cluster.ide"/>
-            <param name="" value="this-cluster"/>
-        </antcall>
-        <echo message="Building java/storagebuilder library..."/>
-        <ant dir="../java/storagebuilder" target="jar"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="all-ide/branding" depends="init">
-        <echo message="Building module ide/branding..."/>
-        <getdependsclusters name="dependsClusters" list="${nb.clusters.list}"/>
-        <antcall target="build-one-cluster-dependencies" inheritAll="false">
-            <param name="one.cluster.dependencies" value="${dependsClusters}"/>
-            <param name="" value="this-cluster"/>
-        </antcall>
-        <ant dir="../ide/branding" target="netbeans"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="all-installer" description="Dummy target for build system compatibility"/>
-    <target name="all-tomcatint/tomcat5/bundled" depends="init">
-        <getdependsclusters name="dependsClusters" list="${nb.clusters.list}"/>
-        <antcall target="build-one-cluster-dependencies" inheritAll="false">
-            <param name="one.cluster.dependencies" value="${dependsClusters}"/>
-            <param name="" value="this-cluster"/>
-        </antcall>
-        <!-- XXX this and xtest are clumsy: <antcall target="all-monitor"/> will not work since the subproject used by antcall does *not* have the synthetic targets! -->
-        <ant dir="../monitor"/>
-        <echo message="Building module tomcatint/tomcat5/bundled..."/>
-        <ant dir="../tomcatint/tomcat5/bundled" target="netbeans"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="all-translatedfiles" depends="init">
-        <echo message="Building module translatedfiles..."/>
-        <getdependsclusters name="dependsClusters" list="${nb.clusters.list}"/>
-        <antcall target="build-one-cluster-dependencies" inheritAll="false">
-            <param
-                name="one.cluster.dependencies" 
-                value="${dependsClusters}"/>
-            <param name="" value="this-cluster"/>
-        </antcall>
-        <ant dir="../translatedfiles" target="netbeans"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="all-xtest" depends="init">
-        <getdependsclusters name="dependsClusters" list="${clusters.list}"/>
-        <antcall target="build-one-cluster-dependencies" inheritAll="false">
-            <param name="one.cluster.dependencies" value="${dependsClusters}"/>
-            <param name="" value="this-cluster"/>
-        </antcall>
-        <ant dir="../xtest/nbjunit"/>
-        <echo message="Building module xtest..."/>
-        <ant dir="../xtest" antfile="build.xml" target="netbeans"/>
-    </target>
-    <!-- this is project is not a netbeans module project, so we do a no-op
-       here.  The code in appsrvbridge gets built by XXX -->
-    <target name="all-serverplugins/sun/appsrvbridge" depends="init">
-        <echo message="Building module serverplugins/sun/appsrvbridge... NO-OP"/>
-    </target>
-    <!-- build NBMs for selected modules -->
-    <target name="build-nbms" depends="init">
-        <!-- It's good idea to call merge target before this one.
-  can set property "modules" to the list of realy
-           built modules (excluding fixedmodules which must build everytime). -->
-        <mkdir dir="nbms" />
-        <property name="" location="nbms" />
-        <for-each startdir=".." target="nbm" locations="${allmodules}"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="nbm"/><!-- dummy target -->
-    <property name="jnlp.signjar.keystore" location="build/default.keystore" />
-    <available property="jnlp.signjar.keystore.exists" file="${jnlp.signjar.keystore}" />
-    <target name="jnlp-generate-keystore" depends="init" unless="jnlp.signjar.keystore.exists" >
-        <property name="jnlp.signjar.alias" value="jnlp" />
-        <property name="jnlp.signjar.password" value="netbeans" />
-        <property name="jnlp.signjar.vendor" value="CN=NetBeans, OU=NetBeans,, C=US" />
-        <mkdir dir="${jnlp.signjar.keystore}/../" />
-        <echo message="Going to create default keystore in ${jnlp.signjar.keystore}" />
-        <genkey 
-            alias="${jnlp.signjar.alias}"
-            keystore="${jnlp.signjar.keystore}"
-            storepass="${jnlp.signjar.password}"
-            dname="${jnlp.signjar.vendor}"
-        />
-    </target>
-    <target name="build-jnlp" depends="init,jnlp-generate-keystore">
-        <fail message="Property jnlp.codebase must be set to final location of your JNLP files!" unless="jnlp.codebase" />
-        <property name="jnlp.dest.dir" location="build/jnlp" />
-        <mkdir dir="${jnlp.dest.dir}" />
-        <for-each startdir=".." target="jnlp" locations="${config.modules.jnlp}"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="set-config-to-javadoc" >
-        <property name="moduleconfig" value="javadoc" />
-    </target>
-    <!-- build javadoc for selected modules -->
-    <target name="build-javadoc" depends="set-config-to-javadoc,init" description="Builds Javadoc documentation for modules; on branches pass e.g. -Djavadoc.web.root=">
-        <ant dir="." target="merge">
-            <property name="modules" value="${modules}"/>
-            <property name="fixedmodules" value="${fixedmodules}"/>
-            <property name="merge.dependent.modules" value="true"/>
-            <property name="stop.when.broken.module" value="false"/>
-        </ant>
-        <mkdir dir="build/ModulesExportedInterfaces" />
-        <property name="export.interfaces" location="build/ModulesExportedInterfaces" />
-        <mkdir dir="build/APIChanges" />
-        <property name="export.apichanges" location="build/APIChanges" />
-        <!-- build javadoc for supported APIs -->
-        <for-each startdir=".." target="javadoc" locations="${fixedmodules}"/>
-        <!-- build javadoc for unsupported APIs -->
-        <for-each startdir=".." target="javadoc" locations="${modules}"/>
-        <antcall inheritall="true" inheritrefs="true" target="javadoc-generate-xml" />
-        <antcall inheritall="true" inheritrefs="true" target="javadoc-generate-html" />
-        <antcall inheritall="true" inheritrefs="true" target="javadoc-check-broken-links" />
-    </target>  
-    <target name="javadoc-generate-xml" depends="set-config-to-javadoc,init" >
-        <echo file="build/APIChanges/header.gen" >&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&gt;
-            &lt;changes&gt;
-        </echo>
-        <echo file="build/APIChanges/footer.gen" >
-            &lt;/changes&gt;
-        </echo>
-        <concat destfile="${netbeans.javadoc.dir}/apichanges.xml" >
-            <fileset dir="build/APIChanges" includes="header.gen" />
-            <fileset dir="build/APIChanges" includes="*" excludes="*.gen" />
-            <fileset dir="build/APIChanges" includes="footer.gen" />
-        </concat>
-        <echo file="build/ModulesExportedInterfaces/header.gen" >&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&gt;
-            &lt;apis&gt;
-        </echo>
-        <echo file="build/ModulesExportedInterfaces/footer.gen" >
-            &lt;/apis&gt;
-        </echo>
-        <concat destfile="${netbeans.javadoc.dir}/modules.xml" >
-            <fileset dir="build/ModulesExportedInterfaces" includes="header.gen" />
-            <fileset dir="build/ModulesExportedInterfaces" includes="*" excludes="*.gen" />
-            <fileset dir="build/ModulesExportedInterfaces" includes="footer.gen" />
-        </concat>
-        <taskdef 
-            name="javadoc-index" 
-            classpath="nbantext.jar" 
-            classname="org.netbeans.nbbuild.JavadocIndex"
-        />
-        <javadoc-index target="${netbeans.javadoc.dir}/allclasses.xml" > 
-            <packageslist dir="${netbeans.javadoc.dir}" >
-                <include name="**/allclasses-noframe.html" />
-            </packageslist>
-        </javadoc-index>
-    </target>
-    <target name="javadoc-generate-html" depends="set-config-to-javadoc,init" >            
-        <tstamp>
-            <format property="modules-javadoc-date" pattern="d MMM yyyy" locale="en" />
-        </tstamp>
-        <style 
-            in="${netbeans.javadoc.dir}/modules.xml" 
-            out="${netbeans.javadoc.dir}/usecases.html" 
-            style="javadoctools/export2usecases.xsl"
-        >
-            <param name="date" expression="${modules-javadoc-date}"/>
-        </style>
-        <style 
-            in="${netbeans.javadoc.dir}/apichanges.xml" 
-            out="${netbeans.javadoc.dir}/apichanges.html" 
-            style="javadoctools/export2apichanges.xsl"
-        >
-            <param name="date" expression="${modules-javadoc-date}"/>
-            <param name="changes-since-year" expression="${previous.release.year}"/>
-            <param name="changes-since-day" expression="${}"/>
-            <param name="changes-since-month" expression="${previous.release.month}"/>
-            <param name="include-introduction" expression="true" />
-        </style>
-        <copy file="javadoctools/netbeans.css" tofile="${netbeans.javadoc.dir}/netbeans.css" />
-        <condition property="" >
-            <available file="${netbeans.javadoc.dir}/org-openide-util/javadoc.css" />
-        </condition>
-        <fail unless="" >
-            The org-openide-util/javadoc.css has to exist as we are refering to
-            it from to master module javadoc pages. If it does not anymore, update
-            the javadoctools/export*.xsl templates.
-        </fail>
-        <style 
-            in="${netbeans.javadoc.dir}/allclasses.xml" 
-            out="${netbeans.javadoc.dir}/allclasses-frame.html" 
-            style="javadoctools/export2allclasses.xsl"
-        >
-        </style>
-        <style 
-            in="${netbeans.javadoc.dir}/modules.xml" 
-            out="${netbeans.javadoc.dir}/overview-frame.html" 
-            style="javadoctools/export2allmodules.xsl"
-        >
-            <param name="date" expression="${modules-javadoc-date}"/>
-        </style>
-        <style 
-            in="${netbeans.javadoc.dir}/modules.xml" 
-            out="${netbeans.javadoc.dir}/layers.html" 
-            style="javadoctools/export2layer.xsl"
-        >
-            <param name="date" expression="${modules-javadoc-date}"/>
-        </style>
-        <style 
-            in="${netbeans.javadoc.dir}/modules.xml" 
-            out="${netbeans.javadoc.dir}/overview-summary.html" 
-            style="javadoctools/export2html.xsl"
-        >
-            <param name="date" expression="${modules-javadoc-date}"/>
-        </style>
-        <!-- at the end geneate the index.html so people know where to start -->      
-        <echo file="${netbeans.javadoc.dir}/index.html" ><![CDATA[
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN" "">
-<FRAMESET cols="20%,80%" title="" onLoad="top.loadFrames()">
-<FRAMESET rows="30%,70%" title="" onLoad="top.loadFrames()">
-<FRAME src="overview-frame.html" name="packageListFrame" title="All Modules">
-<FRAME src="allclasses-frame.html" name="packageFrame" title="All classes">
-<FRAME src="overview-summary.html" name="classFrame" title="Module, package, class and interface descriptions" scrolling="yes">
-<H2>Frame Alert</H2>
-This document is designed to be viewed using the frames feature. If you see this message, you are using a non-frame-capable web client.
-Link to<A HREF="overview-summary.html">Non-frame version.</A>
-        ]]></echo>
-        <replace dir="${netbeans.javadoc.dir}">
-            <include name="*.html"/>
-            <replacefilter token="@JDK@" value=""/>
-            <replacefilter token="http://root/" value="." />
-            <replacefilter token="$${javadoc.web.root}" value="." />
-        </replace>
-        <echo message="Javadoc index has been generated to ${netbeans.javadoc.dir}/index.html" />
-    </target>
-    <target name="javadoc-check-broken-links" depends="init" unless="javadoc.skip.brokenlinks.check" >
-        <taskdef name="checklinks" classname="org.netbeans.nbbuild.CheckLinks">
-            <classpath>
-                <pathelement location="nbantext.jar"/>
-            </classpath>
-        </taskdef>
-        <checklinks basedir="${netbeans.javadoc.dir}" checkexternal="${javadoc.check.external.links}" checkspaces="false" failonerror="true" >
-            <include name="*/overview-summary.html"/>
-            <include name="*/apichanges.html"/>
-            <include name="*/architecture-summary.html"/>
-            <include name="*/**/package-summary.html"/>
-            <include name="*/**/doc-files/**/*.html"/>
-            <include name="*.html" />
-        </checklinks>
-    </target>
-    <target name="build-messaging" depends="init">
-        <echo message="Starting a build for NetBeans (build ${buildnum}, config '${moduleconfig}') ..."/>
-        <echo message="Selected modules: ${modules}"/>
-        <echo message="OS: ${} ${os.version}  Locale: ${user.language}_${user.region}"/>
-        <echo message="Java: ${nbjdk.home}"/>
-    </target>
-    <!-- Use of nbmerge target has the effect of automatically depending on all-X for every module. -->
-    <!-- It also runs deltree(dir=wherever) and copydir(src=../X/netbeans,dest=wherever) to create the IDE install. -->
-    <target name="build-nozip" depends="clean-cluster-flags,build-clusters" description="Build the IDE but do not create a final ZIP file.">
-        <loadproperties srcFile="${clusters.list.file}" />
-        <loadproperties srcfile="${netbeans.dest.dir}/" />
-        <mkdir dir="${netbeans.dest.dir}/bin" />
-        <copy file="../ide/launcher/unix/netbeans" todir="${netbeans.dest.dir}/bin" />
-        <chmod file="${netbeans.dest.dir}/bin/netbeans" perm="ugo+rx"/>
-        <copy file="../ide/launcher/windows/netbeans.exe" todir="${netbeans.dest.dir}/bin" />
-        <copy file="../ide/launcher/windows/nb.exe" todir="${netbeans.dest.dir}/bin" />
-        <copy file="../ide/launcher/os2/netbeans.cmd" todir="${netbeans.dest.dir}/bin" />
-        <!-- if anybody knows better place for icons, let me know: -->
-        <copy file="../ide/launcher/os2/" todir="${netbeans.dest.dir}/${nb.cluster.nb.dir}/" />
-        <mkdir dir="${netbeans.dest.dir}/etc" />
-        <copy file="../ide/launcher/netbeans.conf" todir="${netbeans.dest.dir}/etc" />
-        <echo message="${netbeans.dest.dir}/${nb.cluster.platform.dir}/lib/nbexec" />
-        <fixcrlf eol="lf" srcdir="${netbeans.dest.dir}" >
-            <include name="etc/netbeans.conf" />
-            <include name="bin/netbeans" />      
-            <include name="${nb.cluster.platform.dir}/lib/nbexec" />      
-        </fixcrlf>
-        <fixcrlf eol="crlf" srcdir="${netbeans.dest.dir}" >
-            <include name="bin/netbeans.cmd" />      
-            <include name="${nb.cluster.platform.dir}/lib/nbexec.cmd" />      
-        </fixcrlf>
-        <echo file="${netbeans.dest.dir}/build_info">NetBeans dev build
-            ------------------
-            Number:   ${buildnumber}
-            Date:     ${buildday}
-            Branding:
-            Branch:   trunk
-            Tag:
-        </echo>
-    </target>
-    <target name="build" depends="build-nozip"
-            description="Create a complete build including a ZIP distribution (but do not try it).">
-        <delete file="NetBeans-${buildnum}.zip"/>
-        <delete file="NetBeans-${buildnum}"/>
-        <property name="nb-extra-files" value="*.built,test/**,extra/**"/>
-        <!-- package the zip file -->
-        <zip destfile="NetBeans-${buildnum}.zip" update="true" duplicate="preserve">
-            <zipfileset file="${netbeans.dest.dir}/bin/netbeans" filemode="755" prefix="${netbeans.dest}/bin"/>
-            <zipfileset file="${netbeans.dest.dir}/${nb.cluster.platform.dir}/lib/nbexec" filemode="755" prefix="${netbeans.dest}/${nb.cluster.platform.dir}/lib"/>
-            <zipfileset dir="${netbeans.dest.dir}/${nb.cluster.ide.dir}/ant/bin" filemode="755" prefix="${netbeans.dest}/${nb.cluster.ide.dir}/ant/bin">
-                <exclude name="*.bat"/>
-                <exclude name="*.cmd"/>
-            </zipfileset>
-            <zipfileset dir="${netbeans.dest.dir}" filemode="755" prefix="${netbeans.dest}">
-                <include name="**/*.sh"/>
-            </zipfileset>
-            <zipfileset dir="${netbeans.dest.dir}" prefix="${netbeans.dest}" excludes="${nb-extra-files}">
-                <!-- XXX exclude the temporary cluster for parts of openide -->
-                <exclude name="tmp" />
-                <exclude name="tmp/**/*" />
-            </zipfileset>
-        </zip>
-        <!-- package the zip file with extra files not to be included in regular product package-->
-        <!--
-    <zip destfile="NetBeans-${buildnum}" update="true" duplicate="preserve">
-        <zipfileset dir="${netbeans.dest.dir}" prefix="${netbeans.dest}" includes="${nb-extra-files}"/>
-    </zip>
-    -->
-        <echo>Build created; see NetBeans-${buildnum}.zip (in nbbuild/).
-            If you like, you may run the IDE straight from
-            the ${netbeans.dest}/bin/ directory.
-            (For example, type: ant tryme)
-        </echo>
-    </target>
-    <target name="delete-and-merge" depends="merge-delete,merge" />   
-    <target name="merge-delete" depends="init">
-        <delete dir="${netbeans.dest}" />
-    </target>
-    <target name="merge" depends="build-messaging">
-        <mkdir dir="${netbeans.dest.dir}"/>
-        <nbmerge failonerror="${stop.when.broken.modules}" 
-                 dest="${netbeans.dest}" 
-                 topdir=".." 
-                 fixedmodules="${fixedmodules}" 
-                 modules="${modules}"
-                 builtmodulesproperty="${}" 
-                 targetprefix="all-" 
-                 mergedependentmodules="${merge.dependent.modules}" >
-        </nbmerge>
-        <chmod perm="ugo+x">
-            <fileset dir="${netbeans.dest.dir}">
-                <include name="bin/netbeans"/>
-                <include name="bin/**/*.pl"/>
-                <include name="jakarta-tomcat-*/bin/*.sh"/>
-            </fileset>
-        </chmod>
-    </target>
-    <target name="build-platform" depends="init">
-        <run-depend-build clusters-to-build="nb.cluster.platform,nb.cluster.harness"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="build-cluster" depends="init">
-        <run-depend-build clusters-to-build="${cluster-name}"/>
-    </target>
-    <macrodef name="resolve">
-        <attribute name="name"/>
-        <attribute name="value"/>
-        <sequential>
-            <property name="@{name}" value="${@{value}}"/>
-        </sequential>
-    </macrodef>
-    <macrodef name="run-depend-build">
-        <attribute name="clusters-to-build"/>
-        <sequential>
-            <echo>Repeat @{clusters-to-build}</echo>
-            <repeat target="build-one-cluster" name="" values="@{clusters-to-build}" /> 
-        </sequential>
-    </macrodef>
-    <target name="build-clusters" depends="init">
-        <run-depend-build clusters-to-build="${nb.clusters.list}"/> 
-    </target>
-    <target name="build-one-cluster-dependencies-check">
-        <condition property="${}-hasNoDependencies">
-            <equals arg1="${one.cluster.dependencies}" arg2="" trim="true"/>
-        </condition>
-        <echo>Dependency prop :${}-hasNoDependencies:</echo>
-        <echo>Cluster dep :${one.cluster.dependencies}:</echo>
-        <resolve name="test.prop" value="${}-hasNoDependencies"/>
-        <echo>Cluster dep prp:${test.prop}:</echo>
-    </target>
-    <target name="build-one-cluster-dependencies" 
-            depends="build-one-cluster-dependencies-check"
-            unless="${}-hasNoDependencies">
-        <run-depend-build clusters-to-build="${one.cluster.dependencies}"/> 
-    </target>
-    <target name="build-one-cluster-check">
-        <condition property="${}-is-built">
-            <available file="${netbeans.dest.dir}/${}.built"/>
-        </condition>
-        <resolve name="test1.prop" value="${}-is-built"/>
-        <echo>Cluster ${} is :${test1.prop}:</echo>
-    </target>
-    <target name="build-one-cluster" unless="${}-is-built" depends="build-one-cluster-check">
-        <echo message="Building ${} modules"/>
-        <resolve name="one-cluster-modules" value="${}"/>
-        <resolve name="one-cluster-dependencies" value="${}.depends"/>
-        <echo>${one-cluster-modules}</echo>
-        <echo>Dependencies: ${one-cluster-dependencies}</echo>
-        <insert-module-all-targets/> <!-- we are in a subproject, so need to reinsert the targets... XXX <antcall> and thus <repeat> apparently reparses the Ant script from disk! -->
-        <antcall target="build-one-cluster-dependencies" inheritAll="false">
-            <param name="one.cluster.dependencies" value="${one-cluster-dependencies}"/>
-            <param name="" value="${}"/>
-        </antcall>
-        <mkdir dir="${netbeans.dest.dir}"/>
-        <nbmerge failonerror="${stop.when.broken.modules}" 
-                 dest="${netbeans.dest.dir}" 
-                 topdir="${nb_all}" 
-                 fixedmodules="${one-cluster-modules}"
-                 builtmodulesproperty="${}" 
-                 targetprefix="all-" 
-                 mergedependentmodules="false">
-        </nbmerge>
-        <touch file="${netbeans.dest.dir}/${}.built"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="zipclusters" depends="init">
-        <mkdir dir="${}/zips"/>
-        <repeat target="zip-one-cluster" name="" values="${clusters.list}" /> 
-        <!-- package the misc files -->
-        <zip destfile="${}/zips/${clusters.prefix}-misc-${buildnum}.zip" update="true" duplicate="preserve">
-            <zipfileset dir="${netbeans.dest.dir}" filemode="755">
-                <include name="bin/netbeans"/>
-            </zipfileset>
-            <zipfileset dir="${netbeans.dest.dir}">
-                <include name="bin/**"/>
-                <include name="etc/**/"/>
-            </zipfileset>
-        </zip>
-    </target>
-    <target name="zip-one-cluster">
-        <taskdef name="setclusterpatternset" classname="org.netbeans.nbbuild.SetClusterPatternSet" classpath="nbantext.jar"/>
-        <taskdef name="setcluster" classname="org.netbeans.nbbuild.SetCluster" classpath="nbantext.jar"/>
-        <loadproperties srcFile="${clusters.list.file}" />
-        <loadproperties srcFile="" />
-        <setcluster cluster="${}" name="one.cluster.dir" />
-        <setclusterpatternset cluster="${}" name="${}.files" trackingpath="${netbeans.dest.dir}" clusterdir="${one.cluster.dir}"/>
-        <resolve name="zipcluster.file" value="${}.pkg.filename"/>
-        <zip destfile="${}/zips/${clusters.prefix}-${zipcluster.file}-${buildnum}.zip" update="true" duplicate="preserve">
-            <zipfileset dir="${netbeans.dest.dir}" filemode="755">
-                <include name="${one.cluster.dir}/lib/nbexec"/>
-            </zipfileset>
-            <zipfileset dir="${netbeans.dest.dir}" filemode="755">
-                <include name="${one.cluster.dir}/ant/bin/*"/>
-                <exclude name="${one.cluster.dir}/ant/bin/*.bat"/>
-                <exclude name="${one.cluster.dir}/ant/bin/*.cmd"/>
-            </zipfileset>
-            <zipfileset dir="${netbeans.dest.dir}">
-                <patternset refID="${}.files"/>
-            </zipfileset>
-        </zip>
-    </target>
-    <target name="create-rpms-proto">
-        <mkdir dir="${}/rpms"/>
-        <repeat target="create-one-rpm-proto" name="" values="${clusters.list}" /> 
-    </target>
-    <target name="create-one-rpm-proto">
-        <taskdef name="setcluster" classname="org.netbeans.nbbuild.SetCluster" classpath="nbantext.jar"/>
-        <loadproperties srcFile="" />
-        <loadproperties srcFile="" />
-        <setcluster cluster="${}" name="one.cluster.dir" />
-        <mkdir dir="${}/rpms"/>
-        <resolve name="" value="${}"/>
-        <resolve name="pkg.version" value="${}.pkg.version"/>
-        <resolve name="pkg.desc" value="${}.pkg.desc"/>
-        <resolve name="pkg.vendor" value="${}.pkg.vendor"/>
-        <resolve name="" value="${}"/>
-        <resolve name="" value="${}"/>
-        <resolve name="pkg.rpm.requires" value="${}.pkg.rpm.requires"/>
-        <resolve name="" value="${}"/>
-        <resolve name="pkg.rpm.url" value="${}.pkg.rpm.url"/>
-        <resolve name="pkg.rpm.copyright" value="${}.pkg.rpm.copyright"/>
-        <resolve name="" value="${}"/>
-        <resolve name="pkg.rpm.prefix" value="${}.pkg.rpm.prefix"/>
-        <echo file="${}/rpms/${}.spec">
-            %define global_product_version ${pkg.version}
-            %define global_product_release 00
-            %define _prefix ${pkg.rpm.prefix}
-            Version: %{global_product_version}
-            Release: %{global_product_release}
-            Group: ${}
-            Copyright: ${pkg.rpm.copyright}
-            Vendor: ${pkg.vendor}
-            URL: ${pkg.rpm.url}
-            Prefix: %_prefix
-            AutoReqProv: no
-            Name: ${}
-            Summary: ${}
-            %description 
-            ${pkg.desc}
-            %files
-            %erpm_map ${} nb_destdir
-            %dir ${}
-        ${}/${one.cluster.dir}</echo>
-    </target>
-    <target name="create-svr4s-proto">
-        <mkdir dir="${}/rpms"/>
-        <repeat target="create-one-svr4-proto" name="" values="${clusters.list}" /> 
-    </target>
-    <target name="create-one-svr4-proto">
-        <taskdef name="setcluster" classname="org.netbeans.nbbuild.SetCluster" classpath="nbantext.jar"/>
-        <loadproperties srcFile="" />
-        <loadproperties srcFile="" />
-        <setcluster cluster="${}" name="one.cluster.dir" />
-        <mkdir dir="${}/svr4s"/>
-        <resolve name="" value="${}"/>
-        <resolve name="pkg.version" value="${}.pkg.version"/>
-        <resolve name="pkg.desc" value="${}.pkg.desc"/>
-        <resolve name="pkg.vendor" value="${}.pkg.vendor"/>
-        <resolve name="" value="${}"/>
-        <resolve name="pkg.svr4.pkg" value="${}.pkg.svr4.pkg"/>
-        <resolve name="pkg.svr4.maxinst" value="${}.pkg.svr4.maxinst"/>
-        <resolve name="pkg.svr4.sunw_pkgvers" value="${}.pkg.svr4.sunw_pkgvers"/>
-        <resolve name="pkg.svr4.hotline" value="${}.pkg.svr4.hotline"/>
-        <resolve name="pkg.svr4.classes" value="${}.pkg.svr4.classes"/>
-        <resolve name="pkg.svr4.basedir" value="${}.pkg.svr4.basedir"/>
-        <resolve name="pkg.svr4.pkginst" value="${}.pkg.svr4.pkginst"/>
-        <resolve name="pkg.svr4.category" value="${}.pkg.svr4.category"/>
-        <echo file="${}/svr4s/${pkg.svr4.pkg}.spec">
-            PKG=${pkg.svr4.pkg}
-            NAME=${}
-            ARCH=sparc
-            VERSION=${pkg.version}
-            MAXINST=${pkg.svr4.maxinst}
-            CATEGORY=${pkg.svr4.category}
-            SUNW_PKGVERS=${pkg.svr4.sunw_pkgvers}
-            DESC=${pkg.desc}
-            VENDOR=${pkg.vendor}
-            HOTLINE=${pkg.svr4.hotline}
-            EMAIL=${}
-            CLASSES=${pkg.svr4.classes}
-            BASEDIR=${pkg.svr4.basedir}
-        PKGINST=${pkg.svr4.pkginst}</echo>
-    </target>
-    <target name="sanity-check" depends="testuserdir-delete,sanity-start" description="Test whether the build can start up without problems."/>
-    <target name="-testuserdir-delete-init" depends="init">
-        <property name="test.user.dir.lock" location="${test.user.dir}/lock"/>
-        <available property="app.running" file="${test.user.dir.lock}"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="-testuserdir-delete-ok" depends="-testuserdir-delete-init" unless="app.running">
-        <delete dir="${test.user.dir}"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="-testuserdir-delete-fail" depends="-testuserdir-delete-init" if="app.running">
-        <!-- #66799: best to warn about this condition... -->
-        <fail>Will not delete ${test.user.dir} because ${test.user.dir.lock} still exists; kill any running process and delete lock file if necessary</fail>
-    </target>
-    <target name="testuserdir-delete" depends="-testuserdir-delete-ok,-testuserdir-delete-fail"/>
-    <target name="sanity-start" depends="init,maybe-build-nozip,-jdk-init">
-        <mkdir dir="${test.user.dir}"/>
-        <echo>Starting the IDE as a sanity check...</echo>
-        <echo>WARNING - the sanity-start target is deprecated. Use commit-validation instead.</echo>
-        <!-- XXX better would be to scan start log for stacktraces and just show those; -->
-        <!-- possibly after filtering for duplicates or something like this. -->
-        <!-- Timeout is ten minutes; should be enough for valid start, while preventing -->
-        <!-- a deadlock from hanging an automated build: -->
-        <exec os="Windows NT Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows 2000 Windows 2003 Windows XP" executable="${netbeans.dest.abs}/bin/nb.exe" failonerror="yes" timeout="600000">
-            <arg value="--jdkhome"/>
-            <arg file="${nbjdk.home}"/>
-            <arg value="--userdir"/>
-            <arg file="${test.user.dir}"/>
-            <arg line="${sanitystart.args}"/>
-        </exec>
-        <exec os="Linux SunOS Solaris Mac OS X" dir="." executable="sh" failonerror="yes" timeout="600000">
-            <arg value="${netbeans.dest.abs}/bin/netbeans"/>
-            <arg value="--jdkhome"/>
-            <arg file="${nbjdk.home}"/>
-            <arg value="--userdir"/>
-            <arg file="${test.user.dir}"/>
-            <arg line="${sanitystart.args}"/>
-        </exec>
-        <echo>Finished starting the IDE, pay attention to any reported errors.</echo>
-    </target>
-    <target name="check-for-build"  >
-        <available property="have-build" file="${netbeans.dest.dir}/bin/netbeans"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="maybe-build-nozip" depends="check-for-build" unless="have-build">
-        <ant dir="${basedir}" target="build-nozip"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="nozip-check" 
-            depends="build-nozip,sanity-check">
-        <echo>WARNING - the nozip-check target is deprecated. Use all-nozip instead.</echo>
-    </target>
-    <target name="tryme-setup-debug-args" if="debug.port" >
-        <property name="debug.pause" value="n" />
-        <property name="debug.server" value="y" />
-        <property name="tryme.debug.args" value="-J-Xdebug -J-Xnoagent -J-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,suspend=${debug.pause},server=${debug.server},address=${debug.port}" />
-    </target>
-    <target name="tryme-debug" depends="-jdk-presetdef-nbjpdastart" description="Start IDE in debugger. May only be called from within IDE.">
-        <nbjpdastart name="NetBeans" addressproperty="debug.port" transport="dt_socket">
-            <classpath>
-                <fileset dir="${netbeans.dest.dir}">
-                    <include name="**/*.jar"/>
-                </fileset>
-            </classpath>
-        </nbjpdastart>
-        <property name="debug.server" value="n"/>
-        <antcall target="tryme"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="tryme-profile" depends="-jdk-presetdef-nbprofiledirect" description="Start IDE in debugger. May only be called from within IDE.">
-        <property name="profiler.roots.path" value="profiler.roots.all" />
-        <fileset id="profiler.roots.all" dir="${netbeans.dest.dir}">
-            <include name="**/*.jar"/>
-        </fileset>
-        <nbprofiledirect 
-            jvmargsprefix="-J" 
-            jvmargsproperty="profiler.jvmargs" 
-            mainclass="org.netbeans.Main"
-        >
-            <classpath>
-                <fileset dir="${netbeans.dest.dir}">
-                    <include name="**/*.jar"/>
-                </fileset>
-            </classpath>
-            <rootspath>
-                <fileset refid="${profiler.roots.path}" />
-            </rootspath>
-        </nbprofiledirect>
-        <antcall target="tryme">
-            <param name="tryme.args" value="${profiler.jvmargs}"/>
-        </antcall>
-    </target>
-    <target name="tryme" depends="init,maybe-build-nozip,tryme-setup-debug-args,-jdk-init"
-            description="Try running the IDE interactively (build it first if needed).
-            It is possible to use -Ddebug.port=3234 -Ddebug.pause=y to start the system in debug mode" 
-    >
-        <property name="tryme.debug.args" value="" />
-        <exec os="Windows NT Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows 2000 Windows 2003 Windows XP" executable="${netbeans.dest.abs}/bin/nb.exe" failonerror="yes">
-            <arg value="--jdkhome"/>
-            <arg file="${nbjdk.home}"/>
-            <arg value="--userdir"/>
-            <arg file="${test.user.dir}"/>
-            <arg line="${tryme.args}"/>
-            <arg line="${tryme.debug.args}" />
-        </exec>
-        <exec os="Linux SunOS Solaris Mac OS X" dir="." executable="sh" failonerror="yes">
-            <arg value="${netbeans.dest}/bin/netbeans"/>
-            <arg value="--jdkhome"/>
-            <arg file="${nbjdk.home}"/>
-            <arg value="--userdir"/>
-            <arg file="${test.user.dir}"/>
-            <arg line="${tryme.args}"/>
-            <arg line="${tryme.debug.args}" />
-        </exec>
-    </target>
-    <target name="l10n-kit" depends="init">
-        <taskdef name="l10n" classname="org.netbeans.nbbuild.L10nTask"
-                 classpath="nbantext.jar"/>
-        <delete dir="${l10n.dist.dir}"/>
-        <mkdir dir="${l10n.dist.dir}"/>
-        <delete dir="tmp"/>
-        <mkdir dir="tmp"/>
-        <property name="nbroot" location=".."/>
-        <l10n topdirs="${nbroot}" modules="${fixedmodules},${modules}"
-              localizablefile="l10n.list" generatedfile="l10n.list.translated"
-              distdir="${l10n.dist.dir}" changedfile="l10n.list.changed"
-              builddir="tmp" buildnumber="${buildnumber}"
-              excludepattern="**/ja/,**/*_ja.*"/>
-        <delete dir="tmp"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="bootstrap-javadoc"
-            depends="bootstrap"
-            description="Generate Javadoc for Ant extensions.">
-        <!-- XXX this ought to be deleted at some point. -->
-        <!-- Can be done anyway by apisupport/ant, and published as regular module Javadoc -->
-        <!-- by the regular daily Javadoc build process. -->
-        <!-- Then all of this stuff can be deleted from the www part of CVS. -->
-        <mkdir dir="www/nbantext-javadoc"/>
-        <delete>
-            <fileset dir="www/nbantext-javadoc">
-                <include name="**/*.html"/>
-            </fileset>
-        </delete>
-        <tstamp/>
-        <javadoc sourcepath="antsrc"
-                 destdir="www/nbantext-javadoc"
-                 packagenames="org.netbeans.nbbuild.*"
-                 windowtitle="NetBeans Ant Extensions"
-                 doctitle="Extended Ant Tasks for Building NetBeans"
-                 nodeprecatedlist="true"
-                 notree="true"
-                 noindex="true"
-                 nohelp="true"
-                 nonavbar="true"
-                 author="false"
-                 version="false"
-                 bottom="Built on ${buildday}"
-        >
-            <classpath refid="bootstrap-cp"/>
-            <link href="" offline="true" packagelistloc="antsrc"/>
-        </javadoc>
-    </target>
-    <target name="clean-external">
-        <subant target="clean">
-            <fileset dir="..">
-                <include name="*/external/build.xml"/>
-                <include name="contrib/*/external/build.xml"/>
-            </fileset>
-        </subant>
-    </target>
-    <target name="real-clean" depends="clean,clean-external"
-            description="Clean everything possible.">
-        <echo message="Cleaning old builds..."/>
-        <delete>
-            <fileset dir=".">
-                <include name="NetBeans-*.log"/>
-                <include name="NetBeans-*.zip"/>
-            </fileset>
-        </delete>
-        <!-- This step must be last: -->
-        <echo message="Cleaning NetBeans-specific Ant extensions..."/>
-        <delete file="nbantext.jar" quiet="true"/>
-        <delete dir="build/antclasses"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="ant-clean">
-        <delete file="nbantext.jar"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="clean-cluster-flags" unless="do-not-rebuild-clusters">
-        <mkdir dir="${netbeans.dest.dir}"/>
-        <delete includeEmptyDirs="true">
-            <fileset dir="${netbeans.dest.dir}">
-                <include name="*.built"/>
-            </fileset>
-        </delete>
-    </target>
-    <target name="localclean" depends="clean-cluster-flags,init">
-        <delete dir="${test.user.dir}"/>
-        <delete dir="build"/>
-        <delete file=""/>
-        <delete dir="nbms" />
-        <delete dir="${netbeans.dest.dir}"/>
-    </target>
-    <!-- more correct but takes too long: <target name="localtest" depends="bootstrap,all-xtest/nbjunit" > -->
-    <target name="localtest" depends="bootstrap">
-        <ant dir="test" target="cleanresults"/>
-        <ant dir="test" target="runtests"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="localtest-nb" depends="localtest">
-        <nbbrowse file="test/results/index.html"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="localtest-single-nb" depends="bootstrap">
-        <property name="unit.test.base" location="test/unit/src"/>
-        <pathconvert property="xtest.includes" pathsep=",">
-            <path path="${includes}"/>
-            <mapper type="glob" from="${unit.test.base}${file.separator}*.java" to="*.class"/>
-        </pathconvert>
-        <property name="xtest.attribs" value="empty"/>
-        <ant dir="test" target="cleanresults"/>
-        <ant dir="test" target="runtests"/>
-        <nbbrowse file="test/results/index.html"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="localtest-single-nb-debug" depends="bootstrap,-jdk-presetdef-nbjpdastart">
-        <property name="unit.test.base" location="test/unit/src"/>
-        <pathconvert property="xtest.includes" pathsep=",">
-            <path path="${includes}"/>
-            <mapper type="glob" from="${unit.test.base}${file.separator}*.java" to="*.class"/>
-        </pathconvert>
-        <property name="xtest.attribs" value="empty"/>
-        <ant dir="test" target="cleanresults"/>
-        <nbjpdastart transport="dt_socket" addressproperty="jpda.address" name="${test.class}">
-            <classpath>
-                <!--
-            <path location="test/work/sys/tests/unit/classes"/>
-            <path location="test/work/sys/tests/"/>
-            <path location="test/unit/src/"/>
-            -->
-                <path location="nbantext.jar"/>
-            </classpath>
-        </nbjpdastart>
-        <ant dir="test" target="runtests">
-            <property name="xtest.debug.address" value="${jpda.address}" />
-            <property name="xtest.debug.pause" value="false" />
-        </ant>
-        <nbbrowse file="test/results/index.html"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="cleanall" depends="init">
-        <cleanall topdir=".." 
-                  modules="${allmodules}" 
-                  targetname="clean"
-                  resolvedependencies="${resolve.clean.dependencies}"
-                  deptargetprefix="all-"
-                  failonerror="${stop.when.clean.error}" />
-    </target>
-    <target name="clean" depends="init,cleanall,localclean"
-            description="Clean out (almost) all build products.">
-        <echo message="Run `ant real-clean' if desired."/>
-    </target>
-    <!-- This section contains properties and targets used to build -->
-    <!-- Solaris packages.                                          -->
-    <property name="solpkg-pkgproto" value="pkgproto"/>
-    <property name="solpkg-pkgmk" value="pkgmk"/>
-    <property name="solpkg-proto-file" value="prototype"/>
-    <property name="solpkg-actual-dir" value="to-be-specified"/>
-    <property name="solpkg-pkg-dir" value="to-be-specified"/>
-    <property name="solpkg-pkg-dest-dir" value="to-be-specified"/>
-    <!-- You can run this target to create the prototype file and create -->
-    <!-- the package, or if you need to modify the prototype file before -->
-    <!-- building the package, you can run the two subtargets            -->
-    <!-- separately.                                                     -->
-    <target name="solpkg-build" depends="solpkg-pkgproto,solpkg-pkgmk"
-            description="Generate a prototype file and create a Solaris package."/>
-    <!-- This creates the pkg prototype file for a given directory and -->
-    <!-- its files.                                                    -->
-    <target name="solpkg-pkgproto"
-            description="Generate a prototype file.">
-        <exec executable="rm" failonerror="yes">
-            <arg value="-rf"/>
-            <arg value="${solpkg-proto-file}"/>
-        </exec>
-        <exec executable="${solpkg-pkgproto}" output="${solpkg-proto-file}" 
-              failonerror="yes">
-            <arg value="${solpkg-actual-dir}=${solpkg-pkg-dir}"/>
-        </exec>
-    </target>
-    <!-- This creates the Solaris pkg for a given prototype file, pkginfo -->
-    <!-- file, and directory.                                             -->
-    <target name="solpkg-pkgmk"
-            description="Create a Solaris package.">
-        <exec executable="${solpkg-pkgmk}" failonerror="yes">
-            <arg value="-o"/>
-            <arg value="-f"/>
-            <arg value="${solpkg-proto-file}"/>
-            <arg value="-r"/>
-            <arg value="${solpkg-actual-dir}"/>
-            <arg value="-d"/>
-            <arg value="${solpkg-pkg-dest-dir}"/>
-        </exec>
-    </target>
-    <!-- End of Solaris package section. -->
-    <!-- Localized builds -->
-    <target name="all-dutch" depends="set-dutch-locale,all"/>
-    <target name="all-russian" depends="set-russian-locale,all"/>
-    <target name="all-french" depends="set-french-locale,all"/>
-    <target name="all-ja-zh" depends="set-ja-zh_CN-locales,all"/>
-    <target name="set-ja-zh_CN-locales">
-        <property name="locales" value="ja,zh_CN"/>
-        <property name="locjar.locales" value="${locales}"/>
-        <property name="locmakenbm.locales"   value="${locales}"/>
-        <property name="locjhindexer.locales" value="${locales}"/>
-        <property name="" value="${locales}"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="set-dutch-locale">
-        <property name="locales" value="nl"/>
-        <property name="locjar.locales" value="${locales}"/>
-        <property name="locmakenbm.locales"   value="${locales}"/>
-        <property name="locjhindexer.locales" value="${locales}"/>
-        <property name="" value="${locales}"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="set-russian-locale">
-        <property name="locales" value="ru"/>
-        <property name="locjar.locales" value="${locales}"/>
-        <property name="locmakenbm.locales"   value="${locales}"/>
-        <property name="locjhindexer.locales" value="${locales}"/>
-        <property name="" value="${locales}"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="set-french-locale">
-        <property name="locales" value="fr"/>
-        <property name="locjar.locales" value="${locales}"/>
-        <property name="locmakenbm.locales"   value="${locales}"/>
-        <property name="locjhindexer.locales" value="${locales}"/>
-        <property name="" value="${locales}"/>
-    </target>
-    <!-- end of localized builds -->
-    <target name="print-selected-modules" depends="init" description="Prints list of modules to build in selected moduleconfig.">
-        <echo message="modules=${allmodules}"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="print-cvs-modules" depends="init" description="Prints list of cvs modules required to build in selected moduleconfig.">
-        <taskdef name="printcvsmodules" classname="org.netbeans.nbbuild.PrintCvsModules" classpath="nbantext.jar"/>
-        <printcvsmodules modules="${fixedmodules},${modules}" targetprefix="all-" />
-    </target>
-    <target name="check-commit-validation">
-        <condition property="run.validation" >
-            <and>
-                <available file="../ide/test/build.xml" />
-                <available file="../jemmy/build.xml" />
-                <available file="../jellytools/build.xml" />
-                <available file="../xtest/build.xml" />
-                <or>
-                    <not>
-                        <isset property=""/>
-                    </not>
-                    <istrue value="${}"/>
-                </or>
-            </and>
-        </condition>
-    </target>
-    <target 
-        name="unit-validation" 
-        description="Invokes all existing unit tests in all IDE modules.
-        Useful when one wants to deeply verify that his changes
-        work"
-    >
-        <ant dir="../xtest/instance" target="runtests" >
-            <property name="xtest.config" value="unit-nb" />
-        </ant>
-    </target>
-    <target 
-        name="commit-validation" 
-        depends="commit-verification,commitValidation,no-commit-validation" 
-        description="Runs tests to validate IDE before commit."
-    />
-    <target name="all-commitValidation" description="dummy target for build error recognition facility"/>
-    <target 
-        name="commit-verification" 
-        description="Compares result of a build with golden files verifying various aspects of the exported interfaces"
-        depends="
-        all-verification,
-        check-files-layout,
-        check-public-packages,
-        check-friend-packages,
-        check-shared-packages,
-        check-modules,
-        check-dependencies,
-        check-implementation-dependencies,
-        check-cluster-dependencies,
-        check-cluster-implementation-dependencies,
-        check-clusters-content"
-    />
-    <!-- JST: One day also add 
-    check-external-libraries
-  -->
-    <target name="all-verification" >
-        <echo message="Runs verification tests to check the IDE before commit" />
-    </target>
-    <!-- keep this target name at least for a while for backward compat -jglick -->
-    <target name="commitValidation" depends="all-commitValidation,check-commit-validation" if="run.validation">
-        <property name="xtest.home" location="../xtest"/>
-        <ant dir="${xtest.home}/instance" target="cleanresults">
-            <property name="xtest.config" value="commit-validation-nb"/>
-        </ant>
-        <ant dir="${xtest.home}/instance" target="cleantests">
-            <property name="xtest.config" value="commit-validation-nb"/>
-        </ant>
-        <ant dir="${xtest.home}/instance" target="runtests">
-            <property name="xtest.config" value="commit-validation-nb"/>
-            <property name="" value="true"/>
-        </ant>
-    </target>
-    <target name="no-commit-validation" depends="check-commit-validation" unless="run.validation">
-        <echo>
-            *** WARNING ***
-            You do not seem to have the modules needed to run the commit validation test suite. 
-            You may not commit any changes into the CVS repository without running these tests.
-            For more information:
-        </echo>
-    </target>
-    <target name="sanity-build-from-source-pkg" depends="build-source">
-        <available file="${}/${}-src-${buildnum}.zip"
-                   property="pkg.available"/>
-        <fail message="Source package ${}/${}-src-${buildnum}.zip not available" unless="pkg.available"/>
-        <delete dir="testbuild"/>
-        <mkdir dir="testbuild"/>
-        <unzip dest="testbuild" src="${}/${}-src-${buildnum}.zip"/>
-        <property name="" value="${}"/>
-        <propertyset id="sanity-build">
-            <propertyref name=""/>
-        </propertyset>
-        <echoproperties destfile="testbuild/nbbuild/">
-            <propertyset refid="sanity-build"/>
-        </echoproperties>
-        <!-- it should call build of the refered cluster and not just hardcoded platform -->
-        <ant antfile="testbuild/nbbuild/build.xml" inheritall="false" target="build-one-cluster">
-            <property file="testbuild/nbbuild/"/>
-        </ant>
-        <delete dir="testbuild"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="build-source"
-            depends="init,set-buildnumber"
-            description="Packages sources needed to compile given by (can be specified by"
-            if=""
-    >
-        <property name="buildnum" value="dev-${buildnumber}"/>
-        <echo message="Packaging sources of ${} modules"/>
-        <resolve name="cluster-modules" value="${}"/>
-        <resolve name="harness-modules" value="nb.cluster.harness"/>
-        <mkdir dir="${}"/>
-        <taskdef name="definefileset" classname="org.netbeans.nbbuild.PrintCvsModules" classpath="nbantext.jar"/>
-        <definefileset modules="${cluster-modules}" targetprefix="all-" id="source-modules" dir=".." />
-        <definefileset modules="${cluster-modules}" targetprefix="all-" id="external-modules" dir=".." mode="binaries" />
-        <definefileset modules="${harness-modules}" targetprefix="all-" id="harness-source-modules" dir=".." />
-        <definefileset modules="${harness-modules}" targetprefix="all-" id="harness-external-modules" dir=".." mode="binaries" />
-        <zip zipfile="${}/${}-src-${buildnum}.zip" duplicate="preserve">
-            <fileset refid="source-modules" />
-            <fileset refid="external-modules" />
-            <fileset refid="harness-source-modules" />
-            <fileset refid="harness-external-modules" />
-        </zip>
-    </target>
-    <target name="generate-golden-files-init" depends="init,bootstrap" >
-        <property name="template.files.dir" location="build/golden" />
-        <property name="golden.files.dir" location="../ide/golden" />
-        <condition property="golden.files.eol" value="unix" >
-            <or>
-                <os family="unix" />
-                <os family="mac" />
-            </or>
-        </condition>
-        <property name="golden.files.eol" value="dos" />
-        <mkdir dir="${template.files.dir}" />
-        <!-- convert the golden files into platform default encoding -->
-        <fixcrlf srcdir="${golden.files.dir}" destdir="${template.files.dir}" eol="${golden.files.eol}" >
-            <include name="*txt" />
-        </fixcrlf>
-    </target>
-    <target name="generate-golden-files" depends="generate-golden-files-init" >
-        <property name="generated.files.dir" location="build/generated" />
-        <mkdir dir="${generated.files.dir}" />
-        <taskdef name="deps" classname="org.netbeans.nbbuild.ModuleDependencies" classpath="nbantext.jar"/>
-        <deps>
-            <input name="platform" >
-                <jars dir="${netbeans.dest.dir}" >
-                    <include name="${nb.cluster.platform.dir}/**/*.jar" />
-                </jars>
-            </input>
-            <input name="ide" >
-                <jars dir="${netbeans.dest.dir}" >
-                    <include name="${nb.cluster.ide.dir}/**/*.jar" />
-                </jars>
-            </input>
-            <input name="j2ee" >
-                <jars dir="${netbeans.dest.dir}" >
-                    <include name="${nb.cluster.j2ee.dir}/**/*.jar" />
-                </jars>
-            </input>
-            <input name="nb" >
-                <jars dir="${netbeans.dest.dir}" >
-                    <include name="${nb.cluster.nb.dir}/**/*.jar" />
-                </jars>
-            </input>
-            <input name="harness" >
-                <jars dir="${netbeans.dest.dir}" >
-                    <include name="${nb.cluster.harness.dir}/**/*.jar" />
-                </jars>
-            </input>
-            <output type="group-dependencies" file="${generated.files.dir}/cluster-deps.txt" />
-            <output type="group-implementation-dependencies" file="${generated.files.dir}/cluster-impl-deps.txt" />
-            <output type="modules" file="${generated.files.dir}/modules.txt" />
-            <output type="dependencies" file="${generated.files.dir}/deps.txt" />
-            <output type="implementation-dependencies" file="${generated.files.dir}/impl-deps.txt" />
-            <output type="public-packages" file="${generated.files.dir}/public-packages.txt" />
-            <output type="shared-packages" file="${generated.files.dir}/shared-packages.txt" />
-            <output type="friend-packages" file="${generated.files.dir}/friend-packages.txt" />
-            <output type="external-libraries" file="${generated.files.dir}/external-libraries.txt" />
-        </deps>
-    </target>
-    <target name="check-public-packages" depends="generate-golden-files" >
-        <property name="check.public.packages.golden" location="${golden.files.dir}/public-packages.txt" />
-        <property name="check.public.packages.template" location="${template.files.dir}/public-packages.txt" />
-        <property name="check.public.packages.generated" location="${generated.files.dir}/public-packages.txt" />
-        <condition property="check-public-packages-are-they-the-same" >
-            <filesmatch file1="${check.public.packages.template}" file2="${check.public.packages.generated}" />
-        </condition>
-        <exec os="Linux SunOS Solaris " dir="." executable="diff" failonerror="no" timeout="60000" >
-            <arg value="-U"/>
-            <arg value="15"/>
-            <arg value="${check.public.packages.template}" />
-            <arg value="${check.public.packages.generated}" />
-        </exec>
-        <fail unless="check-public-packages-are-they-the-same" >!
-            *** Public packages has changed! ***
-            Differences were found while comparing file 
-            ${check.public.packages.template}
-            with 
-            ${check.public.packages.generated}
-            This means that the set of public packages changed since the previously known one.
-            Some packages may have been added, some of them may have been removed 
-            Either by changing manifest of a module or by adding or removing a class file
-            from a module package.
-            Changing the packages may or may not be ok. It means that an api of 
-            whole product changes and as such it is subject to review. If you passed
-            your review and want to change the list of public packages, then please
-            update the golden file at 
-            ${check.public.packages.golden}
-            and run the test once again. 
-            Read more about the Verification Framework:
-            Look at for information about reviews:
-            Check the page about APIs:
-        </fail>
-    </target>
-    <target name="check-friend-packages" depends="generate-golden-files" >
-        <property name="check.friend.packages.golden" location="${golden.files.dir}/friend-packages.txt" />
-        <property name="check.friend.packages.template" location="${template.files.dir}/friend-packages.txt" />
-        <property name="check.friend.packages.generated" location="${generated.files.dir}/friend-packages.txt" />
-        <condition property="check-friend-packages-are-they-the-same" >
-            <filesmatch file1="${check.friend.packages.template}" file2="${check.friend.packages.generated}" />
-        </condition>
-        <exec os="Linux SunOS Solaris " dir="." executable="diff" failonerror="no" timeout="60000" >
-            <arg value="-U"/>
-            <arg value="15"/>
-            <arg value="${check.friend.packages.template}" />
-            <arg value="${check.friend.packages.generated}" />
-        </exec>
-        <fail unless="check-friend-packages-are-they-the-same" >!
-            *** Friend packages has changed! ***
-            Differences were found while comparing file 
-            ${check.friend.packages.template}
-            with 
-            ${check.friend.packages.generated}
-            This means that the set of friend packages changed since the previously known one.
-            Some packages may have been added, some of them may have been removed 
-            Either by changing manifest of a module or by adding or removing a class file
-            from a module package.
-            Changing the packages may or may not be ok. It means that an api of 
-            whole product changes and as such it is subject to review. If you passed
-            your review and want to change the list of friend packages, then please
-            update the golden file at 
-            ${check.friend.packages.golden}
-            and run the test once again. 
-            Read more about the Verification Framework:
-            Look at for information about reviews:
-            Check the page about APIs:
-        </fail>
-    </target>
-    <target name="check-shared-packages" depends="generate-golden-files,-jdk-init" unless="have-jdk-1.5" >
-        <property name="check.shared.packages.golden" location="${golden.files.dir}/shared-packages.txt" />
-        <property name="check.shared.packages.template" location="${template.files.dir}/shared-packages.txt" />
-        <property name="check.shared.packages.generated" location="${generated.files.dir}/shared-packages.txt" />
-        <condition property="check-shared-packages-are-they-the-same" >
-            <filesmatch file1="${check.shared.packages.template}" file2="${check.shared.packages.generated}" />
-        </condition>
-        <exec os="Linux SunOS Solaris Mac OS X" dir="." executable="diff" failonerror="no" timeout="60000" >
-            <arg value="-U"/>
-            <arg value="15"/>
-            <arg value="${check.shared.packages.template}" />
-            <arg value="${check.shared.packages.generated}" />
-        </exec>
-        <fail unless="check-shared-packages-are-they-the-same" >!
-            *** Shared packages has changed! ***
-            Differences were found while comparing file 
-            ${check.shared.packages.template}
-            with 
-            ${check.shared.packages.generated}
-            This means that the set of shared packages changed since the previously known one.
-            Some packages may have been added, some of them may have been removed 
-            Either by changing manifest of a module or by adding or removing a class file
-            from a module package.
-            Removing shared packages is ok. Adding shared packages is silly, complicates
-            and slows down module system and startup of the application. Do not do that!
-            If you are removing a shared package please update 
-            ${check.shared.packages.golden}
-            and run the test once again. 
-            Read more about the Verification Framework:
-            Look at for information about reviews:
-            Check the page about APIs:
-        </fail>
-    </target>
-    <target name="check-external-libraries" depends="generate-golden-files" >
-        <property name="check.external.libraries.golden" location="${golden.files.dir}/external-libraries.txt" />
-        <property name="check.external.libraries.template" location="${template.files.dir}/external-libraries.txt" />
-        <property name="check.external.libraries.generated" location="${generated.files.dir}/external-libraries.txt" />
-        <condition property="check-external-libraries-are-they-the-same" >
-            <filesmatch file1="${check.external.libraries.template}" file2="${check.external.libraries.generated}" />
-        </condition>
-        <exec os="Linux SunOS Solaris Mac OS X" dir="." executable="diff" failonerror="no" timeout="60000" >
-            <arg value="-U"/>
-            <arg value="15"/>
-            <arg value="${check.external.libraries.template}" />
-            <arg value="${check.external.libraries.generated}" />
-        </exec>
-        <fail unless="check-external-libraries-are-they-the-same" >!
-            *** List of external libraries has changed! ***
-            Differences were found while comparing file 
-            ${check.external.libraries.template}
-            with 
-            ${check.external.libraries.generated}
-            This means that the set of external libraries (JARs that are not NetBeans
-            modules or does not have NetBeans-Own-Library: true in manifest) has 
-            changed since the previously known one. Some libraries may have been added, 
-            some of them may have been removed, they MD5 checksum or size has been changed.
-            Changing the external libraries is ok, but requires legal approval everytime
-            new version of a library is put into the product. If you have the approval
-            want to change the list of external libraries, then please
-            update the golden file at 
-            ${check.external.libraries.golden}
-            and run the test once again. 
-            Read more about the Verification Framework:
-            Look at for information about reviews:
-            Check the page about APIs:
-        </fail>
-    </target>
-    <target name="check-modules" depends="generate-golden-files" >
-        <property name="check.modules.golden" location="${golden.files.dir}/modules.txt" />
-        <property name="check.modules.template" location="${template.files.dir}/modules.txt" />
-        <property name="check.modules.generated" location="${generated.files.dir}/modules.txt" />
-        <condition property="check-modules-are-they-the-same" >
-            <filesmatch file1="${check.modules.template}" file2="${check.modules.generated}" />
-        </condition>
-        <exec os="Linux SunOS Solaris Mac OS X" dir="." executable="diff" failonerror="no" timeout="60000" >
-            <arg value="-U"/>
-            <arg value="15"/>
-            <arg value="${check.modules.template}" />
-            <arg value="${check.modules.generated}" />
-        </exec>
-        <fail unless="check-modules-are-they-the-same" >!
-            *** List of modules has changed! ***
-            Differences were found while comparing file 
-            ${check.modules.template}
-            with 
-            ${check.modules.generated}
-            This means that the set of modules changed since the previously known one.
-            Adding or removing a module significatly affects the set of APIs the
-            product offers and as such is subject to review. If you passed
-            your review and want to change the list of modules, then please
-            update the golden file at 
-            ${check.modules.golden}
-            and run the test once again. 
-            Read more about the Verification Framework:
-            Look at for information about reviews:
-            Check the page about APIs:
-        </fail>
-    </target>
-    <target name="check-dependencies" depends="generate-golden-files" >
-        <antcall target="check-dependencies-subroutine" >
-            <param name="check.dependencies.golden" location="${golden.files.dir}/deps.txt" />
-            <param name="check.dependencies.template" location="${template.files.dir}/deps.txt" />
-            <param name="check.dependencies.generated" location="${generated.files.dir}/deps.txt" />
-        </antcall>
-    </target>
-    <target name="check-implementation-dependencies" depends="generate-golden-files" >
-        <antcall target="check-dependencies-subroutine" >
-            <param name="check.dependencies.golden" location="${golden.files.dir}/impl-deps.txt" />
-            <param name="check.dependencies.template" location="${template.files.dir}/impl-deps.txt" />
-            <param name="check.dependencies.generated" location="${generated.files.dir}/impl-deps.txt" />
-        </antcall>
-    </target>
-    <target name="check-cluster-dependencies" depends="generate-golden-files" >
-        <antcall target="check-dependencies-subroutine" >
-            <param name="check.dependencies.golden" location="${golden.files.dir}/cluster-deps.txt" />
-            <param name="check.dependencies.template" location="${template.files.dir}/cluster-deps.txt" />
-            <param name="check.dependencies.generated" location="${generated.files.dir}/cluster-deps.txt" />
-        </antcall>
-    </target>
-    <target name="check-cluster-implementation-dependencies" depends="generate-golden-files" >
-        <antcall target="check-dependencies-subroutine" >
-            <param name="check.dependencies.golden" location="${golden.files.dir}/cluster-impl-deps.txt" />
-            <param name="check.dependencies.template" location="${template.files.dir}/cluster-impl-deps.txt" />
-            <param name="check.dependencies.generated" location="${generated.files.dir}/cluster-impl-deps.txt" />
-        </antcall>
-    </target>
-    <target name="check-dependencies-subroutine" >
-        <condition property="check-dependencies-are-they-the-same" >
-            <filesmatch file1="${check.dependencies.template}" file2="${check.dependencies.generated}" />
-        </condition>
-        <exec os="Linux SunOS Solaris Mac OS X" dir="." executable="diff" failonerror="no" timeout="60000" >
-            <arg value="-U"/>
-            <arg value="15"/>
-            <arg value="${check.dependencies.template}" />
-            <arg value="${check.dependencies.generated}" />
-        </exec>
-        <fail unless="check-dependencies-are-they-the-same" >!
-            *** List of dependencies has changed! ***
-            Differences were found while comparing file 
-            ${check.dependencies.template}
-            with 
-            ${check.dependencies.generated}
-            This means that the set of dependencies changed since the previously known one.
-            Adding a dependency can restrict the ways how a final product can be assembled
-            and as such it forms an important aspect of API and is subject to review. 
-            If you passed your review or you are sure you want to change the 
-            list of dependencies, then please update the golden file at 
-            ${check.dependencies.golden}
-            and run the test once again. 
-            Read more about the Verification Framework:
-            Look at for information about reviews:
-            Check the page about APIs and dependencies being important:
-        </fail>
-    </target>
-    <target name="generate-files-layout" depends="generate-golden-files-init" >
-        <property name="generated.files.dir" location="build/generated" />
-        <mkdir dir="${generated.files.dir}" />
-        <property name="check.files.layout.golden" location="${golden.files.dir}/files-layout.txt" />
-        <property name="check.files.layout.template" location="${template.files.dir}/files-layout.txt" />
-        <property name="check.files.layout.generated" location="${generated.files.dir}/files-layout.txt" />
-        <property name="check-file-layout-root" location="${netbeans.dest.dir}" />
-        <fileset id="check-file-layout" dir="${check-file-layout-root}" casesensitive="yes" >
-            <include name="platform*/**" />
-            <include name="ide*/**" />
-            <include name="enterprise*/**" />
-            <include name="nb*/**" />
-            <include name="harness*/**" />
-        </fileset>
-        <pathconvert property="check-file-layout" refid="check-file-layout" dirsep="/" pathsep="," >
-            <map from="${check-file-layout-root}${file.separator}" to="" />
-        </pathconvert>
-        <mkdir dir="build/generated" />
-        <echo message="${check-file-layout}${line.separator}" file="${check.files.layout.generated}" />
-        <replace file="${check.files.layout.generated}" token="," value="${line.separator}" />
-        <replace file="${check.files.layout.generated}" token="\" value="/" />
-        <condition property="check-files-are-they-the-same" >
-            <filesmatch file1="${check.files.layout.template}" file2="${check.files.layout.generated}" />
-        </condition>
-    </target>
-    <target name="check-files-layout" depends="generate-files-layout" >
-        <exec os="Linux SunOS Solaris Mac OS X" dir="." executable="diff" failonerror="no" timeout="60000" >
-            <arg value="-U"/>
-            <arg value="15"/>
-            <arg value="${check.files.layout.template}" />
-            <arg value="${check.files.layout.generated}" />
-        </exec>
-        <fail unless="check-files-are-they-the-same" >!
-            *** Layout of files has changed! ***
-            Differences were found while comparing file ${check.files.layout.generated} with 
-            ${check.files.layout.template}
-            This means that the layout of files changed since the previously known one.
-            Some files may have been added, some of them may have been removed or renamed. 
-            Changing the layout may or may not be ok. If you are sure that you want to
-            change the layout of files, then update the golden file at 
-            ${check.files.layout.golden}
-            and run the test once again. If you got this warning without intending
-            to change the layout of files, think twice whether your commit is really
-            correct and consider asking for a review first.
-            Read more about the Verification Framework:
-            Look at for information about reviews:
-            Check the page about APIs and files layout being an API:
-        </fail>
-    </target>
-    <target name="check-clusters-content" depends="bootstrap,init-tasks"> 
-        <taskdef name="checkcontent" classname="org.netbeans.nbbuild.CheckClustersContent" classpath="nbantext.jar"/>
-        <checkcontent clusters="${nb.clusters.list}" trackingPath="${netbeans.dest.dir}" kitDestDir="${netbeans.dest.dir}">
-            <exclude name="extra/**"/>
-            <exclude name="testtools/**"/>
-            <exclude name="bin/**"/>
-            <exclude name="README.html"/>
-            <exclude name="CREDITS.html"/>
-            <exclude name="LICENSE.txt"/>
-            <exclude name="DISTRIBUTION.txt"/>
-            <exclude name="THIRDPARTYLICENSE.txt"/>
-            <exclude name="nb.cluster.*"/>
-            <exclude name="etc/netbeans.conf"/>
-            <exclude name="build_info"/>
-            <exclude name="module_tracking.xml"/>
-            <exclude name=""/>
-            <exclude name="netbeans.css"/>
-        </checkcontent>
-    </target>
-    <target name="check-module-configs" depends="bootstrap" description="Sanity-check and">
-        <taskdef name="checkmoduleconfigs" classname="org.netbeans.nbbuild.CheckModuleConfigs" classpath="nbantext.jar"/>
-        <checkmoduleconfigs nbroot=".."/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="display-l10n-list-matches" description="Show which files are actually matched by an l10n.list in some module.">
-        <property name="nbroot" location=".."/>
-        <input addproperty="module">Select a top-level module (e.g. "java") to display results for:</input>
-        <property name="listfile" location="${nbroot}/${module}/l10n.list"/>
-        <echo>${listfile}:1: Matches follow... (click on hyperlinks from IDE!)</echo>
-        <echo>(warning: 'exclude' directives not honored here yet)</echo><!-- XXX use filtersets or something to fix -->
-        <apply parallel="false" executable="sh">
-            <arg value="-c"/>
-            <arg value="echo $0:1"/>
-            <fileset dir="${nbroot}" includesfile="${listfile}"/>
-        </apply>
-    </target>
-    <target name="increment-spec-versions" depends="bootstrap,init-module-list" description="Increment all standard module specification versions. Pass -Dbranch=true if not on the trunk.">
-        <property name="branch" value="false"/>
-        <taskdef name="incrspecvers" classname="org.netbeans.nbbuild.IncrementSpecificationVersions" classpath="nbantext.jar"/>
-        <incrspecvers nbroot=".." modules="${allmodules}" branch="${branch}"/>
-    </target>
diff --git a/xml.text.obsolete90/test/unit/data/input/XMLFormatterTest/testReformat/web.xml b/xml.text.obsolete90/test/unit/data/input/XMLFormatterTest/testReformat/web.xml
index 65c9467..cacd1df 100644
--- a/xml.text.obsolete90/test/unit/data/input/XMLFormatterTest/testReformat/web.xml
+++ b/xml.text.obsolete90/test/unit/data/input/XMLFormatterTest/testReformat/web.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,24 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+    or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+    distributed with this work for additional information
+    regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+    to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+    "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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+    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+    software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+    KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+    specific language governing permissions and limitations
+    under the License.
 <web-app xmlns=""