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Posted to by Patrick Mueller <> on 2012/03/30 20:01:31 UTC

unofficial weinre binary packages for your convenience at my apache home page

cross-posted from:


weinre is now getting ready to go for the brass ring at Apache: an
"official" release.


Until that time, I have unofficial binary packages available for your

I've gone ahead and created a little download site at my personal Apache
page, here:

The download site contains all the doc and binary packages for every weinre
version I've 'shipped', in the 1.x directories. It also contains unofficial
binary packages of recent cuts of weinre for your convenience, as the bin,
doc, and src directories in the weinre-builds directory, and the same
version of the doc, unpacked, in the latest directory of weinre-docs.

As with previous binary releases for your convenience, you can npm install
weinre. Here's the recipe:

    npm install {base-url}apache-cordova-weinre-{version}-bin.tar.gz

    {base-url} =
    {version}  = 2.0.0-pre-H0FABA3W-incubating

That version number will change, so I'm not providing an exact link. Check
the directory.

help me help you

If you'd like to accelerate the process of getting weinre to "official"
status, you can help!

* install it
* use it
* review it
* build it
* enhance it

Feel free to post to the cordova mailing list at Apache, the weinre google
group, clone the source from Apache or GitHub, etc. All the links are here:

One link I forgot to add, and feel free to open a bug about this, is the
link to open a bug. It's hideous (the URL) [note: link elided in this email
post - you know what it is]. Add component "weinre" and maybe a "[weinre]"
prefix on the summary.

Thank you for helping yourself!

you f'ing moved the downloads again you f'er!

Chill. And some bad news. The official releases won't be here (I don't
think). But I will provide a link on that site to the official releases,
when they become real.

I intend to keep this page around until I can get all the weinre bits
available in more appropriate places at Apache. Not there yet.

personal home pages at Apache

Apache provides "home pages" for Apache committers. That's what I'm using
for this archive site. If you're a committer, and curious about how I did
the directory indexing, the source for the site (modulo actual archives),
is here:

2012/03/30 1pm update

Jan Lehnardt pointed out to me on twitter that I should avoid the use of
the world "release", so that word has been changed to things like "binary
package for your convenience".

Patrick Mueller