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Posted to by "Walter.Kwaan" <> on 2002/12/02 21:33:57 UTC

RE: Using wsdd/dynamic deployment to generate WSDL with multiple serv ices

i was able to utilize the <operation/> element to create the new methods i
wanted exposed.
	<service name="myService" provider="java:RPC">	<!-- we're doing RPC
style -->

		<parameter name="className" value=""/>	<!--
the class we're exposing -->

		<operation name="methodOne" returnType="rtns:short"
xmlns:rtns="">	<!-- our method returns a
short -->

			<parameter name="line1" type="tns:string"
xmlns:tns="" mode="INOUT" />	<!-- note
the INOUT mode attribute -->



		<operation name="methodTwo" returnType="rtns:short"
xmlns:rtns="">	<!-- a second method - the
exact same layout as the first, but the data is processed a bit differently.

			<parameter name="line1" type="tns:string"
xmlns:tns="" mode="INOUT" />	<!-- again,
note the INOUT mode attribute -->


		<parameter name="allowedMethods"
value="methodOne,methodTwo"/>	<!-- our service only allows these 2 methods
or operations. -->

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Jordahl []
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2002 2:26 PM
To: ''
Subject: RE: Using wsdd/dynamic deployment to generate WSDL with multiple
serv ices

There is a <wsdlFile>/path/to/file</wsdlFile> element in the service
declaration in WSDD.
Axis will return this file instead of generating WSDL on the fly if this is
Tom Jordahl 
Macromedia Server Development 
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2002 2:49 PM
Subject: Using wsdd/dynamic deployment to generate WSDL with multiple serv

I am looking for a way to dynamically create a single WSDL with multiple
I succeeded in generating a static WSDL having multiple services with
Java2WSDL, but can't find a way to specify this with WSDD.
Is there a way to do this with WSDD, if yes, how can I do it?
If not, is there a 'best practice' for this, maybe it's possible to import
the dynamic WSDL's into a single 'wrapper', or hints on extending the wsdd
format? I really  want to do this dynamically.
(we are trying to do this to share lots of complex data types between
services, and this has to work easily with .NET)