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Posted to by on 2012/03/23 11:54:32 UTC

[2/3] Add CHANGELOG for 6.0.0-beta1 Remove for 1.5
diff --git a/CHANGELOG-1.5 b/CHANGELOG-1.5
deleted file mode 100644
index dc85253..0000000
--- a/CHANGELOG-1.5
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1200 +0,0 @@
-This file contains all changes done on the 1.5 version.
-Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.5.5
-** Sub-task
-    * [WICKET-4417] - CombinedRequestParametersAdapter ignores duplicate values for the same parameter name
-** Bug
-    * [WICKET-2949] - Select does not work properly in functional flows e.g. Wizards
-    * [WICKET-4257] - Ajax indicator getting stuck when button is pressed multiple times
-    * [WICKET-4267] - Descendants of DynamicImageResource don't pass PageParameters to rendering code
-    * [WICKET-4296] - In Firefox the auto complete dialog will not be closed when clicking besides it.
-    * [WICKET-4297] - Wicket autocomplete when click right into the popup list without moving the mouse will not selelect the item under the mouse
-    * [WICKET-4330] - Non standard ("wicket") namespace causes incorrect relative URL in certain cases
-    * [WICKET-4338] - POST params ignored by IPageParametersEncoder#decodePageParameters()
-    * [WICKET-4345] - CryptoMapper does not work for applications having a home page that needs query parameters
-    * [WICKET-4346] - getAjaxRegionMarkupId called for not enabled behaviors
-    * [WICKET-4347] - renderHead not called in an IAjaxCallDecorator that implements IComponentAwareHeaderContributor
-    * [WICKET-4357] - Calling WebResponse#enableCaching() is insufficient to enable caching on WebPage (which by default is non-cacheable)
-    * [WICKET-4359] - Package resources leak file handles
-    * [WICKET-4361] - Markup Inheritance & getVariation(): markup loading (and merging) order depends on whether the super constructor adds components or not.
-    * [WICKET-4363] - Duplicate html ID for generated divs in modal.js
-    * [WICKET-4365] - Form components' name/value are encoded in stateless form's action url
-    * [WICKET-4367] - WicketTester.assertFeedback broken
-    * [WICKET-4370] - HttpSession getSession() in MockHttpServletRequest is not compliant with the j2ee servlet spec
-    * [WICKET-4378] - datatime extension's calendar-min.js appears to be corrupted / out of sync
-    * [WICKET-4379] - org.apache.wicket.validation.ValidatorAdapter class causes problem with validator properties to be loaded
-    * [WICKET-4384] - improve wicket's handling of empty / null page parameters
-    * [WICKET-4387] - StringIndexOutOfBoundsException when forwarding requests
-    * [WICKET-4390] - MarkupParser#add(IMarkupFilter filter,Class beforeFilter) doesn't add the filter into the correct place.
-    * [WICKET-4391] - XsltOutputTransformerContainer incorrectly claims markup type "xsl"
-    * [WICKET-4392] - autocomplete: show list on empty input is ignored if show list on focus gain is false
-    * [WICKET-4398] - Any empty url-parameter will make wicket 1.5 crash
-    * [WICKET-4401] - Redirect after sign in with SignInPanel does not always reach homepage
-    * [WICKET-4406] - ApplicationListenerCollection onBeforeDestroyed calls onAfterInitialized for each of the listeners
-    * [WICKET-4409] - Form#getJsForInterfaceUrl(..) works not correct if cookies are disabled
-    * [WICKET-4420] - Unversioned pages don't get touched when created and cannot be found by ID later
-    * [WICKET-4424] - getComponentFromLastRenderedPage appends componentInPage id when it shouldn't
-    * [WICKET-4425] - Wicket 1.5 rewrites template content where it should not
-    * [WICKET-4429] - executeAllTimerBehaviors does not find all timer behaviours
-    * [WICKET-4435] - UploadProgressBar won't update while uploading if CryptoMapper is used as RootRequestMapper
-    * [WICKET-4436] - Pressing ESCAPE doesn't work for AjaxEditable components
-** Improvement
-    * [WICKET-2244] - Allow overriding of the Validator default MessageKey 
-    * [WICKET-2745] - Add info about SubmittingButton to RequestLogger
-    * [WICKET-4350] - Add more programmatic support for web app construction via servlet 3.0 
-    * [WICKET-4354] - org/apache/wicket/util/io/FullyBufferedReader getLineAndColumnText not used
-    * [WICKET-4356] - StringValueConversionException should not be thrown when requesting a conversion on StringValue with a default value
-    * [WICKET-4368] - Useless concatenation with empty string in 
-    * [WICKET-4369] - Allow user supplied behaviors to override automatically created ones
-    * [WICKET-4372] - Two WicketSerializableException classes
-    * [WICKET-4380] - Null url argument on missing static resource
-    * [WICKET-4386] - Add maxlength to  wicket-datetime hours, minutes input fields
-** New Feature
-    * [WICKET-4419] - Option to deflate serialized pages on the fly
-** Task
-    * [WICKET-4377] - Deprecate Component#onMarkupAttached()
-    * [WICKET-4389] - Is there any use for EmptyAjaxRequestHandler?
-    * [WICKET-4399] - Remove IRequestCycleSettings#(s|g)etUnexpectedExceptionDisplay in favour of IExceptionSettings
-Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.5.3
-** Bug
-    * [WICKET-4071] - AjaxIndicatorAppender removes itself immediately when added via ajax
-    * [WICKET-4138] - BookmarkablePageLinks not working on a forwarded page
-    * [WICKET-4144] - FilterForm directly adds <input> to <form> --> invalid XHTML strict
-    * [WICKET-4146] - Image not showing if parent component is disabled
-    * [WICKET-4151] - Wrong argument to request logger in DebugBar panel
-    * [WICKET-4155] - FilterStateModel class is duplicated in DataTable FilterForm
-    * [WICKET-4161] - AbstractResourceAggregatingHeaderResponse does not order javascript properly
-    * [WICKET-4163] - BufferedResponseMapper doesn't recognize the the stored response because the session id is not available
-    * [WICKET-4164] - StoredResponsesMap not threadsafe
-    * [WICKET-4165] - HttpSessionDataStore uses asynchronous saving by default
-    * [WICKET-4168] - Error page resource relative urls are wrong
-    * [WICKET-4172] - Enclosure can't find a child with deeper path in TransparentWebMarkupContainer
-    * [WICKET-4173] - Incorrect URL for setResponsePage() within a Form#onSubmit( )
-    * [WICKET-4175] - AbstractTransformerBehavior: org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.BufferedWebResponse
-    * [WICKET-4176] - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process
-    * [WICKET-4178] - Use a strategy to decide how much information to log when a thread cannot get the lock to a page
-    * [WICKET-4180] - WebApplication.unmount(String) doesn't work if invoked from Application#init() (or IInitializer#init())
-    * [WICKET-4181] - RequestCycle listeners's ondetach() is ran before pages are detached, should be the other way around
-    * [WICKET-4183] - NullPointerException in JsonRequestLogger when logging resource requests
-    * [WICKET-4184] - AppendingStringBuffer.insert  infinite loop
-    * [WICKET-4185] - ListenerInterfaceRequestHandler should not assume existence of a page
-    * [WICKET-4197] - ListenerInterfaceRequestHandler fails with an exception if a new page is created and the component does not exist on that page
-    * [WICKET-4198] - RestartResponseException does not work correctly with newly created page instances
-    * [WICKET-4203] - Wicket fails to start when deployed filenames contain space characters
-    * [WICKET-4205] - AbstractResourceAggregatingHeaderResponse does not override all render functions
-    * [WICKET-4206] - DatePicker dialog closed, when the user clicks on calendar navigator with autoHide == true
-** Improvement
-    * [WICKET-4154] - Add localization resources for DataTable components
-    * [WICKET-4170] - Dump the threads' stack traces if a thread cannot acquire the lock on a page instance 
-    * [WICKET-4171] - Add additional constructor to DownloadLink that accepts the filename in a Model
-    * [WICKET-4189] - RequestHandlerStack: Unnecessary Stacktrace in log on PageExpiredException
-    * [WICKET-4192] - Do not add anti cache parameter to the images used for the Tree's junction links
-    * [WICKET-4194] - update/improve javadocs of SpringComponentInjector and GuiceComponentInjector.
-    * [WICKET-4199] - add a hook to  SubmitLink  that allows to insert arbitrary JavaScript before code that submit the form
-    * [WICKET-4200] - Allow AjaxRequestTarget.prependJavaScript() to work from Component#onBeforeRender
-    * [WICKET-4207] - Use the correct cast in WizardButtonBar
-    * [WICKET-4210] - AutoCompleteTextField should not kill Escape keypress event if options are not shown
-** New Feature
-    * [WICKET-4149] - Modify wicket-ioc modules to take advantage of the new IBehaviorInstantiationListener
-    * [WICKET-4162] - Add new StringResourceLoader to allow Wicket extensions to provide localization resource bundles
-** Task
-    * [WICKET-4125] - Remove the example for PageLink
-    * [WICKET-4177] - Use Clirr Maven Plugin to keep Wicket API backward compatible
-    * [WICKET-4190] - Implement Session.clear()
-Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.5.2
-** Bug
-    * [WICKET-4077] - Error detaching RequestCycle listener after serialization failure
-    * [WICKET-4092] - Improve wicket-ajax.js processScript method to not use XMLHttpRequest for loading <script src="">
-    * [WICKET-4093] - Deprecate ISessionSettings#getPageFactory() and delegate it to Application#getPageFactory()
-    * [WICKET-4096] - AjaxIndicatorAppender.renderHead does not pass Components id  in its call of renderJavaScript
-    * [WICKET-4097] - ModalWindow: large title breaks close button 
-    * [WICKET-4099] - SmartLinkLabel doesn't recognize already tagged links
-    * [WICKET-4102] - AutoLabelTextResolver fails to pick up locale changes in the session
-    * [WICKET-4105] - Using ajax to update a component that has an AbstractTransformerBehavior attached throws a ClassCastException
-    * [WICKET-4107] - StatelessForm resubmitting via GET
-    * [WICKET-4109] - AutocompleteTextField after Submit does not work
-    * [WICKET-4111] - addDomReadyEvent broken for IE
-    * [WICKET-4112] - WicketTester#startComponentInPage and WicketTester#assertModelValue have inconsistent behavior.
-    * [WICKET-4116] - Ajax link reports weird error when session is expired
-    * [WICKET-4119] - FileResourceStream returns unknown content type
-    * [WICKET-4121] - WizardStep$FormValidatorWrapper.isActiveStep( causes NullPointerException
-    * [WICKET-4122] - Event listener not properly detached for multipart AJAX requests
-    * [WICKET-4123] - BaseWicketTester should use custom ServletWebRequest
-    * [WICKET-4126] - Automatic Image Linking broken for images in base packages
-    * [WICKET-4130] - RenderedDynamicImageResource doesn't pass PageParameters to rendering code
-    * [WICKET-4132] - remove -moz-opacity from modal.css
-    * [WICKET-4134] - Localizer.getCacheKey() generating redundant keys for same values causing memory leak.
-    * [WICKET-4135] - retrying of exception handling
-    * [WICKET-4136] - component without close tag fails with "Unable to find close tag for" if it is the last componet on page
-    * [WICKET-4141] - Automatic Linking in base page broken
-    * [WICKET-4152] - NPE in CachingResourceStreamLocator due to the search in parent's markup in Autolink code
-** Improvement
-    * [WICKET-2244] - Allow overriding of the Validator default MessageKey 
-    * [WICKET-4098] - AjaxLazyLoadPanelTester should take BaseWicketTester as parameter
-    * [WICKET-4117] - Improve markup parsing in order to generate a meaningful message when a not balanced quote is found.
-** New Feature
-    * [WICKET-4147] - Add Application and Session lifecycle listeners
-    * [WICKET-4148] - Add listener to intercept behavior instantiation just like we do component instantiation
-** Task
-    * [WICKET-4095] - Adding wicket-example for rendering a Page in the current requestCycle
-** Wish
-    * [WICKET-4120] - Don't register DebugDiskDataStore automatically when wicket-devutils are enabled
-Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.5.1
-** Sub-task
-    * [WICKET-3934] - Provide AttributeModifier#remove(String)
-    * [WICKET-4029] - Improve RequestLogger to not do anything after IPageManager#commitRequest()
-** Bug
-    * [WICKET-3773] - Onclick Script displayed as Link Text
-    * [WICKET-3977] - Calling for DropDownChoice invokes onSelectionChanged with null argument
-    * [WICKET-3991] - SignInPanel prevents the page being Stateless when signing in with the "rember me" facility.
-    * [WICKET-3993] - Wrong ASCII Key Code for END Key. AutoComplete not working properly
-    * [WICKET-3998] - CreditCardValidator returns incorrect cardId for VISA
-    * [WICKET-4004] - PageExpiredException still thrown after handled by IRequestCycleListener
-    * [WICKET-4005] - AutoHide of DatePicker breaks showOnFieldClick
-    * [WICKET-4009] - Page Lock on Browser Back Button after Page Expiry
-    * [WICKET-4010] - SignInPanel may lead to infinite redirects if there is rememberMe cookie with outdated data
-    * [WICKET-4012] - Component's onAfterRender() is called so many times as it is depth in the component tree + 1
-    * [WICKET-4014] - Wicket 1.5 Form Post Action and Link Get discard Page Class Information
-    * [WICKET-4016] - MarkupContainer.toString(true) fails with MarkupNotFoundException if the call is made in the component constructor
-    * [WICKET-4020] - ResourceMapper throws IllegalStateException when attempting to map a request to a URL ending in a empty segment (directory)
-    * [WICKET-4021] - PageProvider can instantiate pages even if isNewPageInstance returns false
-    * [WICKET-4022] - Hidden auto generated field in Form has invalid value for autocomplete
-    * [WICKET-4025] - AbstractLink does not detach body model
-    * [WICKET-4030] - HeaderResponse.renderCSSReference does not render context path relative url, but wicket filter url-pattern relative url
-    * [WICKET-4031] - TextRequestHandler doesn't set Content-Length header
-    * [WICKET-4032] - ComponentStringResourceLoader must not include the index of repeater items in resource lookup but still resolve properties to them
-    * [WICKET-4038] - MountedMapper.mapHandler ruins Links inside mounted pages appending parameters wicket-ajax and wicket-ajax-baseurl
-    * [WICKET-4047] - WebClientInfocauses NullPointerException when the request header "User-Agent" is null.
-    * [WICKET-4048] - label's wicket:for does not work completely for Radios
-    * [WICKET-4051] - max-age header is set in milliseconds rather than seconds
-    * [WICKET-4053] - AbstractTree#updateTree(AjaxRequestTarget target) is invoked even when request is non-ajax
-    * [WICKET-4054] - Memory leakage in browser with AbstractAjaxTimerBehavior
-    * [WICKET-4055] - LocaleFirstMapper does not strip Locale from url in getCompatibilityScore()
-    * [WICKET-4058] - RadioGroup WicktTester with a AjaxSubmitLink fails
-    * [WICKET-4059] - CheckBoxMultipleChoice does not respect isEnabled
-    * [WICKET-4061] - Invalid listener url generated for nested components that have an id which starts with a dash
-    * [WICKET-4063] - Theading issue in AsynchronousDataStore causes OutOfMemory exception
-    * [WICKET-4066] - RestartResponseAtInterceptPageException.InterceptData is never cleared
-    * [WICKET-4070] - Errors reported from Form#onValidateModelObjects() are ignored
-    * [WICKET-4072] - Form Input example fails when changing the language
-    * [WICKET-4073] - Wicket quickstart advertise HTTPS but it doesn't work when started with jetty:run
-    * [WICKET-4075] - Extended browser info gathering is broken
-    * [WICKET-4080] - domready events not always fired in IE
-    * [WICKET-4081] - WebRequest.getIfModifiedSinceHeader does not handle IllegalArgumentException
-    * [WICKET-4082] - org.apache.wicket.request.Url#toAbsoluteString 
-    * [WICKET-4083] - WebResponse#enableCaching does not take care of a possible "Pragma: no-cache" header
-** Improvement
-    * [WICKET-2790] - Submitting a form with Ajax in WicketTester does not check if form is multiPart
-    * [WICKET-2930] - Method isSelected in Select should be public
-    * [WICKET-3938] - Impossible to remove particular key-value from PageParameters
-    * [WICKET-4006] - Add a check preventing trying to add the current component as a child to itself
-    * [WICKET-4023] - Please Allow AjaxLink to use getChannelName
-    * [WICKET-4024] - Provide a Convenience API for usage of Ajax Channels
-    * [WICKET-4028] - Improve PageInstanceMapper#getCompatibilityScore() to return higher value if the request starts with 'wicket/page'
-    * [WICKET-4037] - Archetype quickstart references release candidate
-    * [WICKET-4042] - Typo in FormTester fail message
-    * [WICKET-4044] - Change the style of "WICKET AJAX DEBUG" link when some error gets logged
-    * [WICKET-4046] - Touch pages only when they are returned from the data stores
-    * [WICKET-4049] - Enable SSL for quickstart to make debugging SSL errors easier
-    * [WICKET-4052] - Add org.apache.wicket.request.Response.write(byte[], int, int) to make it easier to write buffered data to the web response
-    * [WICKET-4067] - Register devutils only if IDebugSettings#isDevelopmentUtilitiesEnabled() is true
-    * [WICKET-4068] - Assume that form.onsubmit() without explicit return value means that submit should proceed
-    * [WICKET-4079] - Provide new HybridPageParametersEncoder class for backwards compatibility with pre 1.5.x Hybrid URL encoding
-** New Feature
-    * [WICKET-4015] - Implement a listener which can be used to measure the render time of a component
-** Task
-    * [WICKET-4069] - Wickettester: submit select via AJAX
-Promoted Wicket 1.5-RC7 to 1.5.0
-Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.5-RC7
-** Bug
-    * [WICKET-3989] - MarkupNotFoundException when refreshing a component with AJAX inside a TransparentWebMarkupContainer
-** Improvement
-    * [WICKET-3988] - Make AbstractMapper.getPlaceholder and similar methods as public methods
-Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.5-RC6
-** Bug
-    * [WICKET-2650] - Consistently create body for short tags.
-    * [WICKET-3727] - MultiFileUploadField internationalisation does not work
-    * [WICKET-3818] - AbstractTree.updateTree() method not works
-    * [WICKET-3820] - New Chrome merges text in replaceOuterHtml, breaking wicket-ajax
-    * [WICKET-3822] - some jmx values are not working since they require wickets filter environment (application, session, etc.)
-    * [WICKET-3825] - MockHttpServletRequest getRequestURL and getRequestURI should not return query parameters
-    * [WICKET-3827] - Component loses state after replace another one
-    * [WICKET-3828] - QueryStringWithTimestampResourceCachingStrategy#undecorateUrl(ResourceUrl) can causes NPE
-    * [WICKET-3832] - RequestLogger doesn't log incoming event and outgoing page
-    * [WICKET-3833] - Components inside an invisible <wicket:enclosure> are still rendered
-    * [WICKET-3834] - WicketTester does not follow absolute redirects
-    * [WICKET-3836] - regression on strategy to integrate cas authentication
-    * [WICKET-3837] - StringResourceModel doesn't handle correctly resources containing a single quote
-    * [WICKET-3838] - In wicket 1.5 urlFor returns incorrect string for package mounted pages
-    * [WICKET-3840] - AjaxSubmitLink does not respect its getForm()
-    * [WICKET-3841] - Redirecting to the home page after binding the session leads to Wicket creating an invalid URL
-    * [WICKET-3845] - support custom response headers in AbstractResource.ResourceResponse
-    * [WICKET-3846] - in environments without reliable timestamps (e.g. some clusters) resource caching is useless
-    * [WICKET-3847] - Modal window won't show in internet explorer document mode 8
-    * [WICKET-3848] - resource caching is not working for localized package resources
-    * [WICKET-3850] - Unnecessary static call to Application.get() in PropertiesFactory though it's already available in a field
-    * [WICKET-3851] - Remove usage of System.gc() in Wicket code
-    * [WICKET-3855] - Problem scavenging sessions with Jetty and Wicket 1.5
-    * [WICKET-3858] - AsynchronousDataStore needs  to stop - make thread a daemon
-    * [WICKET-3859] - WicketFilterTest.testIgnorePaths java.lang.IllegalStateException: Request#getLocale cannot return null, request has to have a locale set on it
-    * [WICKET-3860] - StoredResponsesMapTest Random.nextInt takes only positive integer arguments, not 0
-    * [WICKET-3861] - AbstractTransformerBehavior sets wrong namespace
-    * [WICKET-3862] - ComponentInfo: simplified -, : encoding procedure
-    * [WICKET-3863] - SecurePackageResourceGuard acceptAbsolutePath pattern check loop 
-    * [WICKET-3864] - o.a.w.spring.test.ApplicationContextMock.getBean(String, Object[]) method signature is incorrect
-    * [WICKET-3867] - URIs should be used instead of URLs as Set or Map keys.
-    * [WICKET-3868] - Feedback message should be handled the same way everywhere.
-    * [WICKET-3869] - ResponseIOException when ajax response contains resource reference
-    * [WICKET-3870] - Restore the functionality for unmounting already mounted IRequestMappers from 1.4
-    * [WICKET-3871] - ResourceStreamRequestHandler should use content-disposition attachment when filename is set
-    * [WICKET-3872] - MarkupContainer.removeAll() does not detach models recursively
-    * [WICKET-3874] - RequestLogger#getRequests throws concurrentmodificationexceptions when used
-    * [WICKET-3875] - Clear Files.remove() behavior
-    * [WICKET-3876] - Improve synchronization in AsynchronousDataStore buffer structure
-    * [WICKET-3878] - When base markup file has been removed from the cache, the the derived markup should be removed as well
-    * [WICKET-3880] - Reference to a non-existing images causes IllegalStateException "ResourceResponse#setWriteCallback() must be set."
-    * [WICKET-3882] - NullPointerException in QueryStringWithTimestampResourceCachingStrategy
-    * [WICKET-3883] - ResourceReferences URL are not decorated with the CachingStrategy
-    * [WICKET-3884] - Null model for AttributeAppender should not render empty attribute
-    * [WICKET-3885] - setResponsePage in AjaxLink goes always to localhost:8080 instead to the right host and port
-    * [WICKET-3887] - Problems concerning IE9 with "ActiveX Filtering" enabled
-    * [WICKET-3890] - Add SharedResources.remove(String key) as it was present in 1.4.
-    * [WICKET-3891] - in development mode Wicket stops picking up markup changes
-    * [WICKET-3892] - Modal window does not show the right page 
-    * [WICKET-3896] - INamedParameters and IIndexedParameters should not know about their implementations
-    * [WICKET-3897] - renderCSSReference doesn't work with mountPage("/")
-    * [WICKET-3900] - AsynchronousDataStoreTest is failing randomly
-    * [WICKET-3906] - PageParameters#set not follow INamedParameters#set behavior
-    * [WICKET-3908] - Encoding problem with POSTing a form with Ajax
-    * [WICKET-3909] - Encoding problem with JavaScriptRefrences
-    * [WICKET-3910] - o.a.w.pageStore.AsynchronousDataStore#getData() returns null if the StoreEntryRunnable is currently running
-    * [WICKET-3912] - SCRIPT tags in Ajax-Response are not evaluated in Chrome
-    * [WICKET-3913] - WicketTester doesn't changes from panel to page
-    * [WICKET-3914] - Wicket 1.5 violates servlet standard, Glassfish spews warnings
-    * [WICKET-3917] - NPE with RequestLogger enabled and Https
-    * [WICKET-3918] - NPE when requesting
-    * [WICKET-3919] - RequestLogger generates log entries that are not parsable
-    * [WICKET-3921] - No HTTP response cache headers are set in Wicket Ajax redirects
-    * [WICKET-3926] - CryptoMapper does not correctly decrypt URLs for the home page
-    * [WICKET-3929] - PropertyModel/PropertyResolver breaks when using a List as the root object
-    * [WICKET-3931] - Component markup caching inconsistencies
-    * [WICKET-3940] - Some of the recent commits break junit tests in wicketstuff minis
-    * [WICKET-3949] - ClassCastException: IOException cannot be cast to NotSerializableException
-    * [WICKET-3954] - MockHttpServletRequest#setURL(String url) does not respect protocol, domain and port
-    * [WICKET-3958] - Autolinks with getMarkupSettings().setAutomaticLinking(true) produce error in subpackage
-    * [WICKET-3965] - A (stateless) page immediately disappears after the first render
-    * [WICKET-3971] - TextTemplateResourceReference should be registered into the ResourceReferenceRegistry because otherwise the next request is served by PackageResourceReference
-    * [WICKET-3972] - wicket:message attribute results in "The component was rendered already" error
-    * [WICKET-3980] - Adding a SignInPanel to a page generates an additional call to the page's constructor
-    * [WICKET-3986] - Potential StackOverflowError in SerializableChecker
-** Improvement
-    * [WICKET-933] - Look into removing AbstractSingleSelectChoice.NO_SELECTION_VALUE
-    * [WICKET-2762] - Multiple fileuploads in one http-session
-    * [WICKET-3066] - Make showing of empty list in AutoComplete configurable
-    * [WICKET-3310] - Multiple language support for UploadProgressBar
-    * [WICKET-3478] - Allow for dynamic prefix and suffixes in CheckBoxMultipleChoice
-    * [WICKET-3480] - org/apache/wicket/extensions/markup/html/tree/table/{PropertyRenderableColumn,PropertyTreeColumn} common code
-    * [WICKET-3564] - AjaxRequestTarget#addComponent(..) should guard against improper usage
-    * [WICKET-3689] - @SpringBean: support 'required'
-    * [WICKET-3784] - ListMultipleChoice should allow its model to return a different collection on each access
-    * [WICKET-3785] - CheckGroup's model update should be aligned with ListMultipleChoice
-    * [WICKET-3788] - wicket FileChannelPool has scalability issues
-    * [WICKET-3815] - LinkType inner class is duplicated
-    * [WICKET-3819] - Ensure page id don't get increased inside an AJAX request cycle
-    * [WICKET-3821] - MarkupCacheProvider should create keys following resource name standard
-    * [WICKET-3824] - Unnecessary method overwritting on PackageStringResourceLoader
-    * [WICKET-3826] - Remove inline styles from NavigationToolbar markup
-    * [WICKET-3830] - DefaultPageFactory Exception Message Improvement
-    * [WICKET-3831] - EmailTextField should have a EmailTextField(final String id) constructor like TextField
-    * [WICKET-3835] - Use AsynchronousDataStore by default
-    * [WICKET-3839] - RequestLogger issues
-    * [WICKET-3844] - Fallback to RedirectToBuffer render strategy if none of the conditions match
-    * [WICKET-3852] - make PropertiesFactory easier to use outside of wicket scope
-    * [WICKET-3895] - Ignore the exception when closing a connection used to get the resource last modification time
-    * [WICKET-3903] - Split AutoLabelResolver into wicket:for and wicket:label
-    * [WICKET-3911] - Hungarian localisation for upload component and examples
-    * [WICKET-3916] - FilterForm#enableFocusTracking(FormComponent) method uses ComponentTag#put(String,CharSequence) with key="id" which gives a warning in Wicket 1.5
-    * [WICKET-3932] - Hide the DatePicker, when the user clicks on an area of the document outside of the DatePicker
-    * [WICKET-3935] - DynamicImageResource shouldn't be that lazy
-    * [WICKET-3937] - Improve AJAX FunctionsExecutor robustness with try/catch
-    * [WICKET-3941] - Provide hooks to alias the class names generated/consumed by PackageMapper
-    * [WICKET-3948] - IResourceCachingStrategy is too much bound to PackageResource, make it more general
-    * [WICKET-3975] - Publish source artifacts for test-jar artifacts too
-    * [WICKET-3978] - Delegate the Page#isBookmarkable() to the IPageFactory implementation
-** New Feature
-    * [WICKET-1469] - New Wicket tag 'wicket:for'
-    * [WICKET-3857] - Allow validators access to component's model
-    * [WICKET-3865] - Create a debug page with which the developer can browse the disk data store 
-    * [WICKET-3886] - Option for providing caption to DataTable
-    * [WICKET-3898] - Add CompoundClassResolver
-    * [WICKET-3901] - Provide a hook in form processing after models have been updated to validate model objects with values in place
-    * [WICKET-3963] - Improve introspection of page instance in IPageRequestHandler
-    * [WICKET-3964] - IRequestCycleListener should have a hook for post processing an executed request handler
-    * [WICKET-3966] - Create Fragment.getAssociatedMarkupId
-    * [WICKET-3968] - Introduce IRequestCycleListener#onUrlGenerated(Url) listener method
-** Task
-    * [WICKET-3849] - Restore the support of ISecuritySettings#enforceMount in 1.5
-** Wish
-    * [WICKET-3811] - Using tree table leads to warnings in log
-Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.5-RC5.1
-** Sub-task
-    * [WICKET-3810] - Fix Generic(Panel|WebPage)'s getModel() method
-** Bug
-    * [WICKET-3812] - xmlns:wicket="" rendered for each panel
-Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.5-RC5
-** Sub-task
-    * [WICKET-3684] - Introduce IComponentAwareEventSink which will pass the behavior's component as context to onEvent
-    * [WICKET-3692] - Providing bound Component to Behavior's onEvent()
-    * [WICKET-3724] - Strip the jsessionid from the resource urls in Java instead of in wicket-ajax.js
-    * [WICKET-3787] - Bring back IObjectStreamFactory methods to JavaSerializer
-** Bug
-    * [WICKET-3449] - Tree doesn't update correctly
-    * [WICKET-3471] - WicketTester checkUsability is called before the request has started
-    * [WICKET-3514] - SimpleTree example not working with CryptoMapper
-    * [WICKET-3520] - SHOW_NO_EXCEPTION_PAGE responding with HTTP status 500 is overwritten by redirect
-    * [WICKET-3566] - IE 8 report error when opening the 'Access Denied' or 'Internal Error' page
-    * [WICKET-3567] - BookmarkablePageLink on home page renders non bookmarkable
-    * [WICKET-3615] - ModalWindow does not work in Opera 11.10 and MSIE 6
-    * [WICKET-3617] - Using render strategy ONE_PASS_RENDER fails for Ajax requests
-    * [WICKET-3649] - ClassCastException when AbstractResource writes in response of some type other than WebResponse
-    * [WICKET-3655] - Component should use the new renderHead(Component, IHeaderResponse) instead of the old renderHead(IHeaderResponse)
-    * [WICKET-3666] - IValidationError should extend IClusterable
-    * [WICKET-3669] - <script> element in Ajax requests is executed twice in Opera 11
-    * [WICKET-3670] - WicketTester does not support custom pages for component testing using the new API
-    * [WICKET-3675] - Usage of JavaScriptCompressor by resources other than PackageTextTemplates is lost!
-    * [WICKET-3688] - WebPage cannot find the head container if TransparentWebMarkupContainer is associated with <html>
-    * [WICKET-3690] - Session is invalidated more than once because Session.sessionInvalidated is not reset
-    * [WICKET-3691] - NPE in PersistentPageManager.SessionEntry.writeObject(ObjectOutputStream) when using embedded Tomcat
-    * [WICKET-3696] - PageParameters violates hashCode() contract
-    * [WICKET-3697] - NOTICE File contains wrong notices for 1.5
-    * [WICKET-3698] - FileUploadField no longer updates model in wicket 1.5
-    * [WICKET-3700] - WicketTester.startComponent(Class, Markup) doesn't deliver the contributed response to the headers
-    * [WICKET-3702] - wicket:border: inconsistency between add() and remove()
-    * [WICKET-3704] - Quickstart for 1.5-RC4.2 fails with some reference to 1.5-rc2
-    * [WICKET-3713] - g/apache/wicket/protocol/http/request/UserAgent matches method is not correct
-    * [WICKET-3715] - FileUpload writeToTempFile() method throws NPE for sessionless requests
-    * [WICKET-3717] - Patch to clean up markup files
-    * [WICKET-3719] - Component's markup cannot be found in Ajax requests if the parent is transparent
-    * [WICKET-3721] - The Url's query parameters are not properly URL encoded
-    * [WICKET-3725] - wickettag contents aren't skipped when trying to find markup in 1.5
-    * [WICKET-3730] - extremely slow performance in development mode
-    * [WICKET-3731] - PackageResourceReference.lookupStream(IResourceStreamLocator, Locale, String, String) creates wrong PackageResourceReference.StreamInfo
-    * [WICKET-3733] - org/apache/wicket/util/tester/apps_4/EmailPage Form wrong generic type
-    * [WICKET-3735] - IAjaxLink and BaseTree.ILinkCallback have onClick method
-    * [WICKET-3736] - npe in StoredResponsesMap
-    * [WICKET-3739] - wicket-datetime datepicker fails to display calendar with js error in calendar.js:3225 in IE8
-    * [WICKET-3740] - Scalability issue with PageAccessSynchronizer
-    * [WICKET-3745] - AbstractSingleSelectChoice tries to convert the input using the id generated by IChoiceRenderer
-    * [WICKET-3753] - PropertyVariableInterpolator add support for IConverterLocator (patch included)
-    * [WICKET-3755] - RequestLogger was renamed to DummyRequestLogger
-    * [WICKET-3758] - throw new RestartResponseAtInterceptPageException is not serializable
-    * [WICKET-3761] - unexpected order of head contributions
-    * [WICKET-3762] - NumberTextField does not work with lists
-    * [WICKET-3764] - Ajax behaviors are failing in stateless pages
-    * [WICKET-3765] - Form in FormComponent causes child components to get processed after parent FormComponent
-    * [WICKET-3767] - INullAcceptingValidator behavior seems broken in 1.5-RC4.2
-    * [WICKET-3769] - WicketSessionFilter and HttpSessionStore use different attribute name for Wicket Session
-    * [WICKET-3774] - html file are not encoding to utf-8
-    * [WICKET-3777] - visibility of NavigationToolbar is based on the previous filter state
-    * [WICKET-3779] - Session MetaData changes aren't synchronized and don't call dirty()
-    * [WICKET-3780] - Warning text outdated in InheritedMarkupMarkupLoader
-    * [WICKET-3792] - Quickstart 1.5RC4.2 depends on wicket not wicket-core
-    * [WICKET-3793] - ModalWindow shows 'Page Expired'
-** Improvement
-    * [WICKET-3564] - AjaxRequestTarget#addComponent(..) should guard against improper usage
-    * [WICKET-3572] - Add a link to the main page of Wicket Examples in the "stateless" example page
-    * [WICKET-3614] -  MarkupException appends the markup stream to the message
-    * [WICKET-3639] - if and when a xml prolog is written to the response
-    * [WICKET-3652] - Provide a Typesafe Panel, that allows to use getDefaultModel and getDefaultModelObject without casting
-    * [WICKET-3673] - A little heuristic for "Unable to find component" exception
-    * [WICKET-3685] - Split IHeaderContributor into IHeaderContributor and IComponentAwareHeaderContributor to make implementation cleaner
-    * [WICKET-3686] - Provide an xml schema for the wicket tags and attributes
-    * [WICKET-3693] - Enhance ByteArrayResource for dynamic byte arrays
-    * [WICKET-3694] - Simplify AbstractResource#configureCache() signature.
-    * [WICKET-3701] - Simplify focus management in wicket-autocomplete.js
-    * [WICKET-3703] - Disable ModificationWatcher in BaseWicketTester
-    * [WICKET-3706] - add message level 'success' to feedback messages
-    * [WICKET-3707] - add FeedbackMessages#messagesForComponent (plural)
-    * [WICKET-3708] - Component.getAjaxRegionMarkupId loops over all behaviors even if markupId is found
-    * [WICKET-3709] - SignInPanel shouldn't hard code input field size
-    * [WICKET-3710] - org/ apache/wicket/markup/html/tree/ treeNodesRemoved loops forever
-    * [WICKET-3714] - org/ apache/wicket/util/lang/ method getValues never returns null
-    * [WICKET-3716] - Please improve ErrorMessage for WicketTester#assertRenderedPage
-    * [WICKET-3723] - Introduce StorageSettings for the settings related to default inmemory and disk storages
-    * [WICKET-3726] - set resource caching duration to maximum since the default caching strategy will prevent stale caches
-    * [WICKET-3728] - Allow filtering and grouping of resources in the <head>
-    * [WICKET-3732] - Optimize retrieval of last modification timestamp for urls that point to local files
-    * [WICKET-3734] - org.apache.wicket.extensions.markup.html.tree.table.PropertyRenderableColumn IConverter type param
-    * [WICKET-3741] - Don't throw MarkupNotFoundException when the markup is acceptable to not be available yet
-    * [WICKET-3742] - BaseWicketTester: provide startComponentInPage with componentn parameter but without pageMarkup
-    * [WICKET-3744] - Add RestartResponseException constructors to specify a RedirectPolicy
-    * [WICKET-3748] - Normalize methods in IRequestCycleListener by introducing RequestCycle as a parameter to methods that are missing it
-    * [WICKET-3757] - Image always noncaching when included in ajax request. However, sometimes caching image is desirable.
-    * [WICKET-3759] - Touch the page only when it is just read from the page store
-    * [WICKET-3775] - Add methods to allow for better configuration of header values in WicketTester
-    * [WICKET-3781] - Differentiate Google Chrome from Safari in wicket-xyz.js
-    * [WICKET-3783] - Rework AttributeModifier, SimpleAtttributeModifier, AttributeAppender to simplify working with them
-    * [WICKET-3786] - Add model-less constructor to DateTextField
-    * [WICKET-3790] - Rename PersistentPageManager and PersistentPageManager.SessionEntry pages variable
-    * [WICKET-3791] - Improve AsynchronousDataStore
-    * [WICKET-3794] - Simplify BrowserInfoPage by using InterceptData
-    * [WICKET-3796] - Change the default strict politics to prevent locators from ignore resources
-    * [WICKET-3797] - Remove duplicated resource resolution logic
-    * [WICKET-3799] - Prevent ResourceNameIterator from iterate the same name twice
-** New Feature
-    * [WICKET-3674] - Provide an interface to allow css resources to be compressed like javascript resources
-    * [WICKET-3738] - Provide an API for retrieving form component label when one is not set via setLabel(IModel)
-    * [WICKET-3778] - Add possibility to use different (de)serializer for pages
-    * [WICKET-3782] - Notifications before and after DOM node replacement 
-    * [WICKET-3795] - Upgrade to current version (v3) of spring
-    * [WICKET-3803] - Add JMX MBean for the new StoreSettings
-** Task
-    * [WICKET-3687] - Remove the support for <wicket:component>
-    * [WICKET-3750] - Reintroduce WicketFilter.ignorePaths
-    * [WICKET-3772] - Destroy WicketTester after each test that uses it
-    * [WICKET-3806] - Remove the possibility to configure ExceptionMapper
-Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.5-RC4
-** Sub-task
-    * [WICKET-3653] - Add a method to IHeaderResponse to create IE conditional commented link to CSS resource
-** Bug
-    * [WICKET-3023] - Ajax does not work with XHTML
-    * [WICKET-3328] - Selection remains after removing collapsed node in the tree.
-    * [WICKET-3473] - Inline Javascript evaluated is executed before head contributions are loaded
-    * [WICKET-3557] - Can not add validator to AjaxEditableLabel unless it was added to page
-    * [WICKET-3563] - Interaction betwen IAjaxRegionMarkupIdProvider, renderPlaceholderTag and visibility
-    * [WICKET-3569] - DateField is broken
-    * [WICKET-3571] - Popup close link not working in wicket examples linkomatic page
-    * [WICKET-3573] - Wicket frame example shows empty frames
-    * [WICKET-3575] - ResourceLink uses the wrong PageMap, if used as a PopupLink
-    * [WICKET-3576] - Cannot set a cookie on bookmarkable page
-    * [WICKET-3581] - CryptoMapper ignores the IProvider<ICrypt> argument
-    * [WICKET-3587] - InspectorPage's RequestPage doesn't properly print the collected data
-    * [WICKET-3588] - AppendingStringBuffer.append(StringBuilder, int, int) interprets length as stopIndex
-    * [WICKET-3591] - NumberTextField and RangeTextField should always render/parse its value with English locale
-    * [WICKET-3596] - Problem with ajax requests in rc3 with browsers other than chrome
-    * [WICKET-3597] - Wicket 1.5 RC-3 Bug with conditional comments
-    * [WICKET-3598] - DatePicker issues with locale medium date format
-    * [WICKET-3599] - When resource responds with 404 custom error page rendering fails
-    * [WICKET-3600] - org/apache/wicket/util/lang/WicketObjects resolveClass resolved  not used
-    * [WICKET-3603] - DataTable row groups are present in markup even when they contain no rows.
-    * [WICKET-3605] - Ajax header-contribution omits IE conditional comments
-    * [WICKET-3606] - wicket-ajax.js replaceOuterhtmlIE() fails when the page title has to be updated with Ajax
-    * [WICKET-3608] - input button escapes escaped value
-    * [WICKET-3610] - ContainerFeedbackMessageFilter should use Objects.equal for equality checking
-    * [WICKET-3611] - Redirect to Buffer makes one redirect too much
-    * [WICKET-3618] - IllegalStateException: Header was already written to response!
-    * [WICKET-3620] - IResponseFilter cannot change buffer contents
-    * [WICKET-3621] - Wicket do not test the 'buffer response' property in IRequestCycleSettings when creating the WebResponse in WebApplication
-    * [WICKET-3627] - Tree 1.4 to 1.5 migration issue warning
-    * [WICKET-3632] - NullPointerException in AnnotProxyFieldValueFactory for singletons
-    * [WICKET-3634] - Error in Javadoc of IAuthentificationStrategy
-    * [WICKET-3636] - BookmarkablePageLink :: setParameter int versions missing
-    * [WICKET-3638] - Fix warnings for all projects except wicket-examples
-    * [WICKET-3641] - UrlRenderer should not always add "." to url
-    * [WICKET-3642] - ResponseResettingDecorator doesn't implement IRequestHandlerDelegate
-    * [WICKET-3644] - RequestCycleListenerCollection.onException should not throw an exception when multiple listeners handle the exception
-    * [WICKET-3646] - RequestHandler listeners are called with null handler
-    * [WICKET-3647] - Component#getMarkupId() throws exceptions when not added to page yet
-    * [WICKET-3648] - AbstractMarkupParser.removeComment() goes in endless loop when the comment is multi line
-    * [WICKET-3650] - parentFolderPlaceholder default value in Settings implementation is inconsistent with the javadoc
-    * [WICKET-3660] - MountedMapper should support optional named parameters
-    * [WICKET-3663] - accept-encoding is not a valid attribute for form elements
-    * [WICKET-3665] - NullPointerException in ResourceStreamResource when lastModifiedTime is null
-    * [WICKET-3671] - ListItem partakes in stringresource key generation, resulting in formName.repeaterName.0.fieldName like keys.
-    * [WICKET-3676] - Ajax-generated link cause ComponentNotFoundException if opened in a new browser tab
-** Improvement
-    * [WICKET-1856] - AbstractTree XHTML Strict validation
-    * [WICKET-3059] - IAjaxCallDecorator should implement IHeaderContributor
-    * [WICKET-3446] - Upgrade to new Guice 3.0
-    * [WICKET-3524] - Proposal: merge upload progress monitoring functionality into wicket-core
-    * [WICKET-3532] - updated info on the book "Enjoying web development with Wicket"
-    * [WICKET-3552] - Allow AttributeAppender to also prepend values
-    * [WICKET-3570] - Wicket Ajax Tree example loggin IllegalStateException on console
-    * [WICKET-3578] - Wicket should set the character encoding on requests
-    * [WICKET-3580] - Remove ISortStateLocator.setSortState() method.
-    * [WICKET-3582] - SessionTotalSizeModel in devutils has no meaning in 1.5
-    * [WICKET-3585] - Let AbstractResourceStreamWriter implement empty getContentType()
-    * [WICKET-3592] - Make AjaxFallbackOrderByLink an implementation of IAjaxLink
-    * [WICKET-3601] - org/apache/wicket/util/tester/TagTester createTagByAttribute elm isA XmlTag
-    * [WICKET-3607] - make ModalWindow CSS contibution more configurable
-    * [WICKET-3624] - Remove many Eclipse warnings in wicket-core, wicket-util and wicket-request
-    * [WICKET-3625] - Order of IRequestCycleListener invocations
-    * [WICKET-3628] - Unable to override final method isLinkEnable of class AbstractLink
-    * [WICKET-3635] - Copy and paste error in news for 1.4.17
-    * [WICKET-3637] - MarkupResourceStream should use debug instead of info to log non-standard namespace
-    * [WICKET-3645] - Improved swedish IConverter strings
-    * [WICKET-3658] - Add converter for Calendar class
-    * [WICKET-3661] - IHeaderResponse.renderJavaScriptReference does not support the "defer" attribute
-    * [WICKET-3662] - Correct Palette generics to use 'extends'
-    * [WICKET-3672] - Docs typos etc.
-    * [WICKET-3679] - Improve WebClientInfo logic to extract the exact browser version
-    * [WICKET-3680] - Make Objects.convertValue() generic
-    * [WICKET-3681] - Make it easy to provide custom IXmlPullParser for MarkupFactory
-    * [WICKET-3682] - Add String constructor to FullyBufferedReader
-** New Feature
-    * [WICKET-3085] - Support for starting FormComponentPanel in WicketTester
-    * [WICKET-3527] - Simplified visibility control of Enclosures in Ajax requests
-Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.5-RC3
-** Sub-task
-    * [WICKET-3488] - Form can't be replaced when submitted
-** Bug
-    * [WICKET-3187] - StringResourceStream has null lastModified time
-    * [WICKET-3218] - Component#onInitialize is broken for Pages
-    * [WICKET-3420] - javascript with a less than character ("<") fails to execute when added through a header contribution in ajax response
-    * [WICKET-3463] - org/apache/wicket/extensions/yui/calendar/DatePickerTest convertDateNew hours param null 
-    * [WICKET-3465] - BaseWicketTester#isInvisible(String path)
-    * [WICKET-3466] - AJAX with prototype explample not working at IE
-    * [WICKET-3467] - Upload example failing at localhost on IE
-    * [WICKET-3469] - Referrer Leaking with ExternalLink
-    * [WICKET-3470] - Can't write session to disk with tomcat : Servlet is destroyed before serialization
-    * [WICKET-3473] - Inline Javascript evaluated is executed before head contributions are loaded
-    * [WICKET-3477] - Exception when setting session default timezone with GatherExtendedBrowserInfo
-    * [WICKET-3479] - Interface TestPanelSource isn't named correctly
-    * [WICKET-3482] - .java files do not show up in the "Source code" popup of the examples
-    * [WICKET-3483] - NullPointerException in PersistentPageManager's page cache
-    * [WICKET-3485] - Link tries to construct the URL when the link is disabled
-    * [WICKET-3486] - zero based NavigatorLabel
-    * [WICKET-3492] - Url.setCharset always set "UTF-8"
-    * [WICKET-3493] -  Login doesn't work if placing the SignInPanel on the HomePage.
-    * [WICKET-3494] - org/apache/wicket/markup/html/form/upload/MultiFileUploadField setDefaultModel type error
-    * [WICKET-3499] - org/apache/wicket/request/cycle/RequestCycleListenerTest MockRequestCycle setResponse
-    * [WICKET-3501] - DateTimeField and DateField do not set input tag "value"
-    * [WICKET-3503] - LazyInitProxyFactory using Class.forName(clazz) rather than Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass(type)
-    * [WICKET-3506] - ResourceMapper doesn't work: mapHandler() always returns null
-    * [WICKET-3508] - HttpsMapper triggers rendering of incorrect absolute callback url for Link
-    * [WICKET-3510] - DateTimeField improperly converts time causing wrong dates when the server's current date is different from the client's date.
-    * [WICKET-3512] - <wicket:enclosure> results in MarkupException when used with multiple <wicket:child>
-    * [WICKET-3518] - Multiple filter mappings in web.xml cause request.getUrl() to break
-    * [WICKET-3519] - DefaultJavascriptCompressor broken jquery v1.5.1 minified file
-    * [WICKET-3528] - Javadoc typo in PropertyModel
-    * [WICKET-3537] - Wicket example "Library" - sign out not working
-    * [WICKET-3539] - Event broadcast type "Depth" does not work when the sink is a Component but not a MarkupContainer
-    * [WICKET-3544] - Race condition in WicketFilter startup with following StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
-    * [WICKET-3547] - Autocomplete component doesn't work if the cookies are disabled
-    * [WICKET-3548] - Wrong exception type when readResolve fails.
-    * [WICKET-3551] - Using web.xml <error-page> to render error pages via Wicket yields undesired behavior in Wicket 1.5
-    * [WICKET-3556] - RequestLogger doesn't dump its collected data at the end of the request
-    * [WICKET-3559] - Autolink (AutolinkBookmarkablePageLink) already rendered problem
-    * [WICKET-3560] - mounting @RequireHttps-annotated page after HttpsMapper instantiation ignores @RequireHttps annotation
-** Improvement
-    * [WICKET-1214] - WicketTester#startPanel does not work (correctly)
-    * [WICKET-3456] - Would like a renderCSS method in IHeaderResponse
-    * [WICKET-3458] - PackagedTextTemplate -> PackageTextTemplate
-    * [WICKET-3464] - Greek (el) 
-    * [WICKET-3468] - org/apache/wicket/extensions/markup/html/form/DateTextField converter never null
-    * [WICKET-3476] - org/apache/wicket/extensions/markup/html/repeater/data/table/DataTable onDetach columns never null
-    * [WICKET-3481] - org/apache/wicket/velocity/VelocityContributor detach method
-    * [WICKET-3489] - org/apache/wicket/request/cycle/RequestCycle check context for null before using it
-    * [WICKET-3502] - Modify o.a.w.Component.send method signature to exactly match the one defined in superinterface
-    * [WICKET-3504] - Obfuscating url in Wicket 1.5
-    * [WICKET-3516] - Add behaviors to the event processing chain
-    * [WICKET-3522] - org.apache.wicket.ajax.AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior getCallbackScript onlyTargetActivePage
-    * [WICKET-3536] - Cache the value from Application.getConfigurationType()
-    * [WICKET-3540] - Make AjaxLink's URL more configurable
-    * [WICKET-3543] - Add possibility to test Resources/ResourceReferences with WicketTester
-    * [WICKET-3553] - Reset the busy flag in Wicket.Channel if the execution of the callback fails for some reason
-    * [WICKET-3558] - Expose active requests via JMX
-** New Feature
-    * [WICKET-3509] - Allow use of HTML5 <input type="search"/> and <input type="date"/> fields
-** Task
-    * [WICKET-3545] - Slovak version of
-Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.5-RC2
-** Bug
-    * [WICKET-2056] - Modal CSS Overflow Auto Bug
-    * [WICKET-3298] - Session may not be replicated if the response page has not be modified
-    * [WICKET-3318] - AjaxLazyLoadPanel doesn't render correctly after form submit
-    * [WICKET-3323] - TreeTable should call attachUpdate javascript on domready event.
-    * [WICKET-3346] - Wicket examples still show a Graduated logo
-    * [WICKET-3348] - Am/pm support in DateTimeField is broken
-    * [WICKET-3349] - Patch to correct a few Findbugs warnings in extensions module
-    * [WICKET-3355] - Devutils breaks applications if session size is not available for any reason
-    * [WICKET-3356] - The password field in Authentication1 wicket example is not visible in html5 browsers 
-    * [WICKET-3357] - Resource getResourceStream called twice with single request
-    * [WICKET-3359] - ITab.getPanel() should be able to return Panel or Fragment; not just Panel
-    * [WICKET-3361] - Validation Error on AjaxEditableLabel causes ajax calls in loop on Chrome Browser
-    * [WICKET-3363] - forminput examle: switching locales does not have the desired effect.
-    * [WICKET-3365] - 1.5-RC1 sources seem to be missing in Maven repository
-    * [WICKET-3369] - Compile fails using java version "1.6.0_22"
-    * [WICKET-3372] - XmlReaderTest fail because getClass.getResourceAsStream is not markSupported
-    * [WICKET-3378] - Ajax headercontribution does not handle resourcereference id's
-    * [WICKET-3380] - HttpsMapper and BookmarkablePageLink
-    * [WICKET-3381] - Unable to see source of the spring examle
-    * [WICKET-3387] - Usage of DataTable gives Child component of repeater x has a non-safe child id of $toolbar$n
-    * [WICKET-3396] - MockServletContext should report major, minor version 2.5 instead of 2.3
-    * [WICKET-3397] - Some i18n xml-s have wrong name
-    * [WICKET-3398] - EnclosureContainer: configure() should be called on the child component before calling isVisible on it
-    * [WICKET-3399] - HttpServletResponse is No Longer Accessible via 1.5 API
-    * [WICKET-3400] - DatePicker renders errorenous JavaScript in AjaxRequest
-    * [WICKET-3403] - Cannot convert 'this.content' to object in Opera
-    * [WICKET-3405] - POST fails if request.getParameter called by ServletFilter
-    * [WICKET-3406] - Invoking getParameter() on HttpServletRequest throws IllegalStateException
-    * [WICKET-3407] - Switching from HttsRequired page to http page with forms in both pages
-    * [WICKET-3412] - RememberMe doesn't remember me
-    * [WICKET-3413] - FLAG_INHERITABLE_MODEL and default model change
-    * [WICKET-3415] - 1.5 equivalant of protected void WebRequestCycle.onRequestTargetSet(IRequestTarget requestTarget) is mising from AbstractRequestCycleListener
-    * [WICKET-3416] - CheckGroupSelector does not inherit "disabled" property from parent form
-    * [WICKET-3423] - org.apache.wicket.request.handler.resource.ResourceStreamRequestHandler equals not Symmetric
-    * [WICKET-3425] - CryptoMapper jumping into directory
-    * [WICKET-3426] - FilterToolbar is broken in 1.5-SNAPSHOT
-    * [WICKET-3427] - Error in wicket-ajax.js when trying to log debug messages to js console
-    * [WICKET-3428] - IRequestCycleListener: RequestCycle.get() is null inside onBeginRequest
-    * [WICKET-3431] -  org/apache/wicket/util/tester/ add cookie twice
-    * [WICKET-3436] - OnChangeAjaxBehavior can render javascript before wicket-ajax.js is loaded
-    * [WICKET-3437] - onselect script is not called for AutoCompleteTextField
-    * [WICKET-3439] - org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.AbstractChoice renderer cast in method appendOptionHtml
-    * [WICKET-3440] - org.apache.wicket.util.collections.MostRecentlyUsedMap getRemovedValue method returns Object not V
-    * [WICKET-3442] - setResponsePage() to mounted Page fails to redirect correctly
-    * [WICKET-3444] - ChangeHandler fires in IE on POS1 and END
-    * [WICKET-3454] - Value exchange in a wicket:message throws an exception
-    * [WICKET-3455] - onremove() in RefreshingView.onPopulate
-** Improvement
-    * [WICKET-1802] - Propertyresolver could be more informative
-    * [WICKET-3338] - Provide a way to set Link's label/body without using Label child
-    * [WICKET-3350] - Patch to update Hungarian localization
-    * [WICKET-3351] - Add class for span with text in wicket-extensions\treetable
-    * [WICKET-3353] - 'wicket' Maven module brings the other three wicket modules as transitive dependencies
-    * [WICKET-3354] - Improve SerializableChecker message
-    * [WICKET-3362] - Rename WebApplication#mountSharedResource() to #mountResource()
-    * [WICKET-3364] - StatelessLink should not force the model type to Void
-    * [WICKET-3366] - Make all standard validators extend Behavior
-    * [WICKET-3368] - Open IMapperContext to extension
-    * [WICKET-3370] - Extend multiple file handling to IMultipartWebRequest
-    * [WICKET-3382] - JavaDoc: org/ap ache/wicket/util/upload/
-    * [WICKET-3384] - Comment: org.apache.wicket.util.upload.RequestContext interfsace to interface
-    * [WICKET-3386] - org/ap ache/wicket/util/io/ copy methods return long and/or int
-    * [WICKET-3389] - improve timestamps on resource filename by providing the possibility to add your own filename decorators
-    * [WICKET-3390] - org.apache.wicket.util.convert.converter.AbstractNumberConverter  convertToString method
-    * [WICKET-3391] - Extensibility of the Wizard component
-    * [WICKET-3393] - Remove ApplicationContextHolder from SpringComponentInjector
-    * [WICKET-3394] - org.apache.wicket.request.mapper.parameter.PageParameters Comment
-    * [WICKET-3395] - org.apache.wicket.request.RequestHandlerStack Comment
-    * [WICKET-3401] - Patch to add junit tests for MetaInfStaticResourceReference
-    * [WICKET-3408] - Add wicket version to initial page in wicket-examples
-    * [WICKET-3414] - Add break after finding Method in AutoComponentResolver invokeSetter
-    * [WICKET-3419] - org.apache.wicket.util.collection.MultiMap addValue 
-    * [WICKET-3421] - org/apache/wicket/protocol/http/mock/ documentation 
-    * [WICKET-3429] - org/apache/wicket/util/resource/ uses indexOf
-    * [WICKET-3452] - Remove commons-collections definition from pom and update httpclient to 3.1
-    * [WICKET-3457] - Add methods to IBehavior to listen for configuration events
-    * [WICKET-3459] - Update jetty to 7.3 and spring to 2.5.6.SEC02
-    * [WICKET-3460] - Relax BaseWicketTester's dependency on MockServletContext to ServletContext
-** New Feature
-    * [WICKET-1386] - Implement the FormComponentFragment
-Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.5-RC1
-** Sub-task
-    * [WICKET-3137] - error in 1.5-M3 in request mapper example
-** Bug
-    * [WICKET-1721] - FormTester doesnt support onSelectionChanged  for RadioChoice
-    * [WICKET-1732] - FormTester's DropDownChoice onSelectionChanged() behaviour doesn't reload page
-    * [WICKET-1894] - AjaxFallbackButton: inconsistent submit order
-    * [WICKET-1973] - Messages lost upon session failover with redirect_to_buffer
-    * [WICKET-2264] - Ajax xml response is not validated correct
-    * [WICKET-2467] - FilterForm requires focus-tracker and focus-restore be added as children in the markup
-    * [WICKET-3088] - "split-package" problem for wicket bundles started in an osgi container
-    * [WICKET-3139] - Fix comments for Form.process() to be consistent with method declaration
-    * [WICKET-3141] - On multipart form, sendRedirect() with PageParameters are not working
-    * [WICKET-3148] - Dropped support for Servlet 2.5 inadvertently
-    * [WICKET-3150] - Autolink already rendered problem
-    * [WICKET-3153] - Form Bytes getMaxSize never returns null and does not find maximum
-    * [WICKET-3161] - Can not create cookies
-    * [WICKET-3164] - executeAjaxEvent in WicketTester works although Component is not enabled
-    * [WICKET-3166] - isVisibleInHierarchy() possibly unnecessarily checks children whose parents are invisible?
-    * [WICKET-3168] - No Application in the thread when the web server destroys WicketFilter
-    * [WICKET-3174] - SmartLinkLabel failing to process email with +
-    * [WICKET-3175] - Radio uuid is calculated wrongly for heavy instalations.
-    * [WICKET-3178] - Correctness of tests is order dependent, ThreadContext.detach not always called
-    * [WICKET-3181] - UploadProgressBar does not show up on nested forms
-    * [WICKET-3187] - StringResourceStream has null lastModified time
-    * [WICKET-3191] - UploadProgressBar shows up on the wrong nested form
-    * [WICKET-3194] - IResourceSettings.setUseTimestampOnResources(true) and performance
-    * [WICKET-3196] - UrlValidator failes to validate urls that containt multiple dots in path
-    * [WICKET-3197] - getMarkupId() can be used only if the component's markup is attached
-    * [WICKET-3200] - Form, containing FileUploadField and UploadProgressBar throws an exception when removed from the parent
-    * [WICKET-3201] - icket/markup/html/debug/PageView clearing and possibly sorting empty list
-    * [WICKET-3202] - Form with UploadProgressBar and AjaxButton doesn't submit
-    * [WICKET-3207] - Localizer.substitutePropertyExpressions() is called twice when Localizer.getString() is called
-    * [WICKET-3208] - tests map's size 3 times rather than keySet, entrySet, values size
-    * [WICKET-3209] - WebApplication MostRecentlyUsedMap based upon Key age not Value age
-    * [WICKET-3210] - Wrong text encoding when receiving multipart forms data
-    * [WICKET-3211] - FormTester fails if multipart form is not submitted with a file
-    * [WICKET-3212] - WicketTester can't create new sessions
-    * [WICKET-3213] - YuiLib private constructor but implements IClusterable and has serialVersionUID
-    * [WICKET-3215] - AutoCompleteTextField does not work in an iframe under IE 6, 7 or 8
-    * [WICKET-3218] - Component#onInitialize is broken for Pages
-    * [WICKET-3222] - AbstractMarkupParser doesn't remove Comments correctly
-    * [WICKET-3223] - OpaqueRegion subtract for-loop does not process all rectangles
-    * [WICKET-3224] - FileCleaner issues
-    * [WICKET-3225] - SelectOptions onPopulate method exception will never be thrown
-    * [WICKET-3229] - Removing Child in IVisitor affects traversal
-    * [WICKET-3231] - In extensions CaptchaImageResource, instance variable challengeIdhashCode is never set
-    * [WICKET-3232] - In extensons CaptchaImageResource render method, while loop does not loop
-    * [WICKET-3239] - for stateless pages wicket complains with "The Buffered response should be handled by BufferedResponseRequestHandler"
-    * [WICKET-3244] - libxml2 splits large CData section.  This breaks the processEvaluate js
-    * [WICKET-3249] - DateConverter improperly converts time, causing different results between DateField and DateTimeField
-    * [WICKET-3252] - StalePageException on non-versioned Page in Ajax request does not render ajax-response
-    * [WICKET-3253] - NPE with nested property models
-    * [WICKET-3267] - Error page mappings in web.xml not working in 1.5
-    * [WICKET-3268] - Can't generate 1.5-SNAPSHOT project with the quickstart command
-    * [WICKET-3270] - NPE in PageParameters toString method
-    * [WICKET-3272] - Set an request parameter on Wicket tester do not add it in the request URL
-    * [WICKET-3278] - DropDownChoice no selection value
-    * [WICKET-3279] - ModalWindow title not visible
-    * [WICKET-3280] - IResponseFilter doesn't work in 1.5
-    * [WICKET-3287] - Patch to update Hungarian localization
-    * [WICKET-3292] - CreditCardValidator will erroneously mark some exotic card types as invalid
-    * [WICKET-3297] - UrlAttributes are encoded incorrectly when style is null but variation is not
-    * [WICKET-3301] - SimpleDateFormat-s should be created with Locale defined in constructor
-    * [WICKET-3302] - Endless recursion if LoadableDetachableModel.load throws exception
-    * [WICKET-3304] - TextField ingnores convertEmptyInputStringToNull = true property when the String type is set
-    * [WICKET-3306] - OrderByBoder MArkup problem
-    * [WICKET-3307] - UploadProgressbar doesn't work when nested in ModalWindow (using IE 8.0.7600)
-    * [WICKET-3309] - unable to add nodes to an empty rootless Tree (e.g. LinkTree)
-    * [WICKET-3311] - Delete unused IPageSerializer & co from o.a.w.Page class
-    * [WICKET-3312] - Tomcat complains about thread local memory leaking when using wickets XForwardedRequestWrapperFactory
-    * [WICKET-3315] - PackagedTextTemplate should set lastModifiedTime
-    * [WICKET-3316] - Unused private final ThreadLocal variable in DummyRequestLogger?
-    * [WICKET-3319] - AjaxEditableMultilineLabel generates invalid HTML
-    * [WICKET-3321] -  Ajax submit  link does not show busy indicator under IE
-    * [WICKET-3329] - Quickstart project should depend on slf4j 1.6.1
-    * [WICKET-3330] - TextField shows HTML entities instead of UTF-8 characters
-    * [WICKET-3331] - DropDownChoice with wantOnSelectionChangedNotifications fails without Form
-    * [WICKET-3333] - Links with multiple parameters are wrongly generated
-    * [WICKET-3336] - NPE when reloading updated markup in development mode
-    * [WICKET-3337] - Url to the home page is not correct when the current base url has only one segment
-    * [WICKET-3339] - Url interception doesn't work if the "intercepting" page is stateless
-    * [WICKET-3343] - Broken links in new Quickstart
-** Improvement
-    * [WICKET-1214] - WicketTester#startPanel does not work (correctly)
-    * [WICKET-1358] - Make Application Class More Bean-ish
-    * [WICKET-1382] - Image could be made ajax aware..
-    * [WICKET-1432] - Detection of ajax transport type
-    * [WICKET-1568] - contribution for wicket 1.5 generics (IConverter)
-    * [WICKET-1735] - Remove hard-coded text from the markup of PagingNavigator
-    * [WICKET-1790] - DatePicker javaScript should be optimized. Currently DatePicker generates 3000 bytes of javascript for each date field.
-    * [WICKET-1945] - make wicket's configuration type an enum
-    * [WICKET-2555] - Replace implementations of StringBuffer with StringBuilder
-    * [WICKET-2693] - improve css/js contributions
-    * [WICKET-2713] - Locate .properties files using the same convention as markup files
-    * [WICKET-2786] - WicketMessageResolver: Render warning if getThrowExceptionOnMissingResource is false like Label does
-    * [WICKET-2798] - Hungarian translation for Multiupload
-    * [WICKET-2816] - Refactor / rework pageability
-    * [WICKET-2829] - Tag attributes values are not escaped properly during writeOutput
-    * [WICKET-2832] - Output wicket attributes even in ajax response
-    * [WICKET-2833] - FileUpload#writeTo copies the stream / a possible rename would be faster
-    * [WICKET-2896] - OrderByLink should support a ASCENDING -> DESCENDING -> NONE cycle
-    * [WICKET-2913] - o.a.w.markup.html.form.upload.FileUpload.writeTo(File) is not optimal
-    * [WICKET-2971] - Refactor AuthenticatedWebSession class, introduce DefaultAuthenticatedWebSession class
-    * [WICKET-2986] - Feedback messages should be Serializable not String
-    * [WICKET-3017] - Add support for forward and error filter mappings
-    * [WICKET-3126] - Improve HomePageMapper to keep "/" as Url after the redirect
-    * [WICKET-3147] - Servlet 3 Annotation @WebFilter is not supported
-    * [WICKET-3149] - Merge DecoratingHeaderResponse to trunk
-    * [WICKET-3152] - Wicket tester should allow testing for enabled/disabled status and for fields being required.
-    * [WICKET-3154] - test for undefined in the  same manner throughtout the code.
-    * [WICKET-3158] - DateField, DateTimeField classes available, but no TimeField
-    * [WICKET-3163] - support building wicket offline by resolving DTD references locally
-    * [WICKET-3169] - Parametrize IFilterStateLocator
-    * [WICKET-3170] - ModalWindow moved event (besides resize)
-    * [WICKET-3176] - URLResourceStream loads target content twice.
-    * [WICKET-3177] - Chunk.slice seq.subList(pos, pos) returns empty list so why bother
-    * [WICKET-3184] - Make method getContentId of ModalWindow static
-    * [WICKET-3199] - TextTemplateResourceReference should support Locale and Style
-    * [WICKET-3206] - Refactor IBehavior from interface into a concrete class
-    * [WICKET-3214] - Make IValidator a mixin for Behavior so validators can contribute to head and component tag
-    * [WICKET-3226] - NavigationToolbar has table instance variable but so does base-class AbstractToolbar
-    * [WICKET-3233] - In extensions, Select extends FormComponent but FormComponent has no type parameter
-    * [WICKET-3235] - AutoCompleteBehavior overwrites base class AbstractAutoCompleteBehavior settings variable
-    * [WICKET-3240] - AnnotationsRoleAuthorizationStrategy isInstantiationAuthorized package==false, class==true returns true
-    * [WICKET-3241] - Add support for the new HTML 5 input types
-    * [WICKET-3245] - SpringBeanLocator getBeanNameOfClass move if-test outside of while-loop
-    * [WICKET-3246] - AnnotProxyFieldValueFactory getBeanNameOfClass move if-test outside of while-loop
-    * [WICKET-3254] - Add file name to the exception in case of an error during temp file creation for upload
-    * [WICKET-3257] - Add restartResponseAtSignInPage() Method to AuthenticatedWebApplication
-    * [WICKET-3264] - MetaDataEntry set method traverses metaData even after key is found and data set/cleared
-    * [WICKET-3265] - Component data_remove returns Object which is never used
-    * [WICKET-3266] - introduce varargs for parameters in StringResourceModel
-    * [WICKET-3275] - Log a warn or throw an exception when an AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior is added to an choice component
-    * [WICKET-3286] - DropDownChoice:  "data" or "choices?"
-    * [WICKET-3288] - Remove "id" from Toolbar constructors
-    * [WICKET-3289] - Patch to update yui to version 2.8.2r1 from 2.7.0
-    * [WICKET-3290] - Another patch to update Hungarian localization
-    * [WICKET-3295] - Please use lists instead of arrays
-    * [WICKET-3296] - Url should accept null parameters list
-    * [WICKET-3299] - Please un-deprecate WebApplication.mount
-    * [WICKET-3300] - Redundant test in MountedMapper
-    * [WICKET-3303] - Use "META-INF/resources" (when available) to serve static resources
-    * [WICKET-3313] - WebPage cookiesResource is not used
-    * [WICKET-3324] - Markup NO_MARKUP can not call toString
-    * [WICKET-3342] - Upgrade maven-bundle-plugin
-    * [WICKET-3344] - Upgrade jetty version to 7.2
-** New Feature
-    * [WICKET-701] - Allow wicket filter-mapping to use servlet-name instead of url-pattern
-    * [WICKET-982] - Add accessibility support
-    * [WICKET-1203] - Support JavaScript contributions that will insert includes at the bottom of markup instead of header
-    * [WICKET-1237] - Support for AlternateParent in containers
-    * [WICKET-2874] - Copy attributes from wicket:panel to source tag
-    * [WICKET-3138] - Wicket 1.5 and GAE
-    * [WICKET-3144] - Extra client-side scripting before closing modalwindow
-    * [WICKET-3256] - Use a Provider for IExceptionMapper
-    * [WICKET-3261] - Create wicket-core Maven module that contains wicket + wicket-util + wicket-request
-    * [WICKET-3263] - Allow AjaxRequestTarget.IListeners to be Registered at the WebApplication Level
-    * [WICKET-3314] - Allow any Component to be a "Panel" or "Fragment" via configuration
-** Task
-    * [WICKET-715] - rename classes and methods from *Javascript* to *JavaScript*
-    * [WICKET-3283] - Update cglib to 2.2 from 2.1_3
-** Wish
-    * [WICKET-2963] - Add examples for the new request mappers in 1.5
-    * [WICKET-3015] - add (even more) support for front-end proxies (schema, client ip, ...)
-    * [WICKET-3237] - Exception when calling setOutputMarkupId/PlaceholderTag on wicket:container
-Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.5-M3
-** Sub-task
-    * [WICKET-2081] - Add optional support for "Setting Markup Head Elements" PLT.12.5.4
-    * [WICKET-3069] - java.rmi not allowed on GAE
-    * [WICKET-3110] - update migration guide to reflect the narrowing of the usecases for TransparentMarkupContainer
-    * [WICKET-3112] - Fix of issue 2886 breaks all individual implementations of any AbstractTree
-    * [WICKET-3115] - source code link doesn't work in wicket-examples 1.5 - request mappers demo
-    * [WICKET-3130] - update migration guide
-** Bug
-    * [WICKET-2888] - Nullpointer when inserting [i.e. moving] a node in a TreeTable (AbstactTree, treeNodesInserted)
-    * [WICKET-2912] - IE 8 gets 404 error after continueToOriginalDestination() when app is at root context
-    * [WICKET-3048] - Redirect page in Ajax callback broken.
-    * [WICKET-3052] - HybridUrlCodingStrategy probably uses wrong url encoding
-    * [WICKET-3053] - WicketTester does not preserve the form component values when submitting with AjaxSubmitLink
-    * [WICKET-3057] - NPE when deleting a TreeNode with visible children
-    * [WICKET-3065] - HomePageMapper ignores request to '/' with query string parameters
-    * [WICKET-3067] - The new mappers ignore single query parameter with empty value
-    * [WICKET-3070] - Method getParameterMap in CryptedUrlWebRequestCodingStrategy.DecodedUrlRequest is broken
-    * [WICKET-3072] - Deleting only child of collapsed tree node doesn't update the node
-    * [WICKET-3074] - CreditCardValidator throws NumberFormatException on non-numeric characters.
-    * [WICKET-3075] - AJAX file upload fails in IE8 due to Wicket.Ajax.handleMultipart() sniffing wicket:body tags as an HTML body element when running Wicket in development mode
-    * [WICKET-3076] - UrlUtils.isRelative returns false if URL parameter contains an absolute URL
-    * [WICKET-3078] - FileUploadException is masked behind WicketRuntimeException and not handled by a Form
-    * [WICKET-3079] - Nested fragments markup not found
-    * [WICKET-3083] - Broken AbstarctCalendar dependency
-    * [WICKET-3084] - CharSetUtil.getEncoding fails with an IndexOutOfBoundsException
-    * [WICKET-3086] - AjaxLink.onClick() -> setResponsePage(...) redirects to wrong url
-    * [WICKET-3087] - Form inside ModalWindow causes 'Submit Button not visible' exception in parent page's form
-    * [WICKET-3095] - Adding AjaxFormSubmitBehavior to Form leads to "Error: too much recursion" JS Error
-    * [WICKET-3097] - isTemporary behavior and ajax behavior together crashes with WicketRuntimeException: Couldn't find component behavior.
-    * [WICKET-3098] - AjaxEventBehavior#onEvent is invoked on disabled behavior
-    * [WICKET-3101] - No exceptionpage on exceptions during ajax
-    * [WICKET-3102] - WicketTester does not handle startPage(ITestPageSource) that contains a redirect/setResponsePage correctly
-    * [WICKET-3103] - RequestCycle logs something, when its intended for servlet container
-    * [WICKET-3106] - Security: Possible Redirection to foreign Page by using BrowserInfoPage's PageParameter
-    * [WICKET-3111] - TransparentWebMarkupContainer appears magically for html elements without 'wicket:id' but with 'href' attribute
-    * [WICKET-3119] - Localizer cache does not include style in cache key when no component is given
-    * [WICKET-3123] - MockSessionStore doesn't bind sessions properly
-    * [WICKET-3127] - Adding node to a collapsed tree node should not cause it to expand
-    * [WICKET-3134] - Commons logging must die
-    * [WICKET-3142] - Adding AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior to dropdownchoice does not work
-    * [WICKET-3143] - No Exception page are rendered when using ajax
-** Improvement
-    * [WICKET-385] - Move HTTP caching features out of wicket.Resource
-    * [WICKET-1215] - WicketTester recreates session after setting attributes on it
-    * [WICKET-1244] - Move IResponseFilter and its implementations into a new subfolder / package
-    * [WICKET-1531] - Behaviours cannot change tag name
-    * [WICKET-1779] - Palette component - make image URLs part of CSS
-    * [WICKET-1936] - Client-Side Image Map
-    * [WICKET-2035] - Change naming convention for xml properties files to *.properties.xml instead of *.xml
-    * [WICKET-2776] - Enhancing RadioChoice input items with individual title and css class attributes
-    * [WICKET-2937] - AbstractPropertyModel getObjectClass don't consider nested IObjectClassAwareModel targets
-    * [WICKET-3049] - CompoundPropertyModel constructor allows misuse of model object
-    * [WICKET-3055] - Application fails to start when disk access is denied
-    * [WICKET-3056] - Upgrade pom reference for joda-time from 1.6 to 1.6.2
-    * [WICKET-3062] - Improve cache keys to be more readable
-    * [WICKET-3071] - Upgrade maven plugins and non-essential dependencies to newest version
-    * [WICKET-3080] - Automatic sizing modal window
-    * [WICKET-3089] - onBeforeRender in NextButton should not be final
-    * [WICKET-3125] - Add IRequestListener interface to allow easier framework extension points
-    * [WICKET-3128] - FormComponentLabel should open open-close tags like Label does
-** New Feature
-    * [WICKET-2084] - Integrate Wicket Ajax debug console to Firebug
-    * [WICKET-3082] - Introduce IComponentOnInitializeListener for cross-cutting concerns
-** Wish
-    * [WICKET-3008] - clarify purpose of getMarkupSettings().setThrowExceptionOnMissingXmlDeclaration(true)
-Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.5-M2.1
-** Bug
-    * [WICKET-3039] - WicketServlet failes to initialise with NullPointerException in WebXmlFile.getFilterPath()
-    * [WICKET-3040] - Ajax form submit fails in Wicket 1.4.11/Firefox3.6
-    * [WICKET-3042] - AjaxLink does not work
-** Improvement
-    * [WICKET-1602] - Wicket resources - wicket is requesting resources every 1 hour
-    * [WICKET-2922] - AutoCompleteTextField should allow the generics specification for the getChoices iterator and the type of the model
-** Task
-    * [WICKET-3041] - Relative link in JavaScript
-Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.5-M2
-** Sub-task
-    * [WICKET-777] - See what needs to be done in abstractpageableview
-    * [WICKET-3016] - Port to 1.5
-    * [WICKET-3028] - remove obsoleted way of achieving this
-** Bug
-    * [WICKET-830] - FindBugs static alalyser shows many coding issues/errors
-    * [WICKET-945] - WicketTester requiring itself to be serializable
-    * [WICKET-1094] - Values over-escaped by FormTester
-    * [WICKET-1185] - Wrong message / parse error: "Expected close tag for <span wicket:id="column0">"
-    * [WICKET-1448] - SubmitLink bypass jquery submit eventhandler
-    * [WICKET-1456] - ImageMap blocks Image functionality
-    * [WICKET-1727] - Prepending JS in AjaxRequestTarget via listener is unusable
-    * [WICKET-1733] - WicketTester doesn't include form submitting component id in form submissions
-    * [WICKET-1928] - Enter key submits form in AjaxEditableMultiLineLabel on Safari
-    * [WICKET-1947] - rc1 generics - LabelTree
-    * [WICKET-1949] - rc1 generics - BaseTree
-    * [WICKET-1985] - AbstractTree breaks on multiple tree model events in the same request
-    * [WICKET-2010] - InspectorPage doesn't show component tree
-    * [WICKET-2115] - Make Component. 'protected List<IBehavior> getBehaviors(Class<? extends IBehavior>' public
-    * [WICKET-2150] - Wizard executes onSubmit() of wrong nested form
-    * [WICKET-2254] - ModalWindow size may exceed browser viewport making it impossible to close
-    * [WICKET-2262] - The starting of the ajax indicator don't respect AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior preconditionScript
-    * [WICKET-2265] - Drop AbstractHeaderContributor and friends
-    * [WICKET-2324] - ModalWindow iframe CSS to wide
-    * [WICKET-2401] - AJAX indicator turns off when calls overlap
-    * [WICKET-2514] - Encoding issue with wicket Ajax POST form processing 
-    * [WICKET-2557] - Component.urlFor( ILinkListener.INTERFACE ) + various url coding strategies produce errorneus behavior
-    * [WICKET-2676] - DataTable defines newCellItem to take IModel<T> but should really do IModel<IColumn<T>>
-    * [WICKET-2691] - Apply fixes from the named issues to 1.5 when API stabalizes
-    * [WICKET-2728] - Location headers (redirects) should be absolute, not relative URLs
-    * [WICKET-2739] - Throttling breaks AjaxFormSubmitBehavior's precondition check
-    * [WICKET-2765] - MarkupException on unclosed <col> tag
-    * [WICKET-2774] - Form#onSubmit() not called in StatlessForm on pages mounted using WebPage#mountBookmarkablePage(String, Class)
-    * [WICKET-2783] - FormTester.submit does not work with AjaxButtons
-    * [WICKET-2794] - Not all exceptions are properly handled by the WicketFilter -> results in empty response document with unset status code -> seen as HTTP_OK by client
-    * [WICKET-2807] - AjaxSubmitLink not calling the onsubmit event handler
-    * [WICKET-2828] - IndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown in onBeforeRender when tabs is empty.
-    * [WICKET-2848] - Rename yahoo-dom-event folder to something else
-    * [WICKET-2849] - FormComponent.add(IValidator<T>) should probably accept IValidator<? super T>
-    * [WICKET-2850] - Wicket DateTimeField / DatePicker creates a memory leak on the browser when rerenderd using ajax requests
-    * [WICKET-2851] - Ajax responses do not update DOM correctly on Opera
-    * [WICKET-2852] - Palette nested in a ListView results in a NPE when an error feedback is logged when submitting form
-    * [WICKET-2854] - 'this.document' is null or not an object after quickly opening and closing a modal window (modal.js)
-    * [WICKET-2863] - MockHttpServletResponse does not save Session cookies (maxAge = -1)
-    * [WICKET-2886] - Tree doesn't update correctly
-    * [WICKET-2905] - Select.isSelected fails when Wicket application is using REDIRECT_TO_RENDER render strategy.
-    * [WICKET-2911] - continueToOriginalDestination does not work with mountBookmarkablePage and AjaxLink
-    * [WICKET-2919] - inconsistency in property expression when using . for self reference
-    * [WICKET-2931] - Form#getMaxSize - unsupported in the inner forms
-    * [WICKET-2932] - Modal window titles need to be marked up as such, for accessibility
-    * [WICKET-2933] - Form.MULTIPART_HINT is not cleared correctly with nested forms
-    * [WICKET-2934] - FormTester creates parameters in mock request even for disabled form components
-    * [WICKET-2935] - FormComponent#inputChanged does not properly check enabled/disabled status of the component
-    * [WICKET-2941] - DatePicker fail with "firstDate is undefined" when an out of range date is written in the textfield
-    * [WICKET-2944] - Application addRenderHeadListener causing error 
-    * [WICKET-2957] - Closing ModalWindow makes some form fields unclickable
-    * [WICKET-2958] - Success handler not called when redirecting with Ajax
-    * [WICKET-2972] - Some RepeaterView examples are not working
-    * [WICKET-2974] - IFeedback that is child of IFeedback gets added to the FEEDBACK_LIST too late
-    * [WICKET-2977] - AutoComplete onfocus behavior only working on last autocomplete field
-    * [WICKET-2984] - Wicket Quickstart not working
-    * [WICKET-2985] - DropDownChoice onSelectionChanged with setResponsePage causes weird exceptions
-    * [WICKET-2988] - Ajax requests increment page version when they should not
-    * [WICKET-2989] - Add IRequestMapper that can mount all pages in a package
-    * [WICKET-2993] - ClassCastException when requesting for non-page class 
-    * [WICKET-2994] - Wicket 1.5M1 tarball is incomplete
-    * [WICKET-2996] - if-modified-since checking is not working in AbstractResource
-    * [WICKET-3001] - AjaxRequestTarget.get returns null within AjaxLink#onClick
-    * [WICKET-3004] - Using RedirectPolicy.NEVER_REDIRECT when redirecting to a page will break URLs
-    * [WICKET-3005] - wicket should keep the url of a page that caused a runtime error
-    * [WICKET-3006] - redeploy in jetty 7 fails
-    * [WICKET-3013] - org.apache.wicket.request.Url.QueryParameter is not Serializable
-    * [WICKET-3014] - unable to launch StartExamples from IDEA (eventually other IDE's as well)
-    * [WICKET-3018] - CheckGroupSelector ignores disabled-state in Check
-    * [WICKET-3022] - All exceptions are handled by RequestCycle and no longer "visible" to WicketTester
-    * [WICKET-3024] - HttpsRequestChecker inadvertently instantiates page when checking for annotation
-    * [WICKET-3025] - DateTextField converter does not honor current locale
-    * [WICKET-3027] - set Content-Type for package resources
-    * [WICKET-3031] - Problem with date headers on error pages
-    * [WICKET-3033] - Stack Overflow in getBeanDefinition()'s of SpringBeanLocator and AnnotProxyFieldValueFactory
-    * [WICKET-3035] - there's something wrong with wicket's BaseTree (or with ajax support)
-    * [WICKET-3038] - Return the possibility to create custom WebRequest/WebResponse per Application
-** Improvement
-    * [WICKET-563] - Let Application create error pages
-    * [WICKET-776] - need to distinguish between statechange and hierarchychange
-    * [WICKET-822] - add CPU information to WebClientInfo (or ClientProperties)
-    * [WICKET-1620] - Portlet 2.0 support
-    * [WICKET-1936] - Client-Side Image Map
-    * [WICKET-2947] - IPropertyReflectionAwareModel should extend IModel<T>
-    * [WICKET-2964] - Improve the code that uses copy-list-on-iterate pattern 
-    * [WICKET-2978] - Usage of SimpleFormComponentLabel in FormInput example
-    * [WICKET-2981] - Remove HeaderContributor and friends in favor of IHeaderContributor
-    * [WICKET-2982] - IAjaxCallDecorator should receive Component as context
-    * [WICKET-2983] - Make Component and IBehavior directly implement IHeaderContributor to make things simpler
-    * [WICKET-3003] - Form.delegateSubmit: invoke onSubmit() of nested Forms before onSubmit() of enclosing Form
-    * [WICKET-3019] - Add getPath to MarkupExceptions to aid in locatin affected components
-    * [WICKET-3021] - Add timestamp part to resource filenames for better caching
-    * [WICKET-3029] - PageParameters api too verbose, needs to be optimized
-** New Feature
-    * [WICKET-206] - Default page map is null, should be set to something more usable
-    * [WICKET-537] - AjaxForm needed for full featured handling
-    * [WICKET-1134] - Multiple abstract/implement tags instead of child/extend
-    * [WICKET-1312] - Generic inter-component event mechanism
-** Task
-    * [WICKET-1082] - Check for concurrent access to HashMaps and other data structures
-    * [WICKET-2976] - Remove support for portlets from Wicket 1.5
-** Wish
-    * [WICKET-1883] - Refactor some constants in WebRequestCodingStrategy
-    * [WICKET-2967] - org.apache.wicket.util.value.Count: add decrement method
-Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.5-M1
-Bug	WICKET-2021	"When a form is not valid, the textfields become with ""raw input"" and can't change its model on subsequent requests"
-Bug	WICKET-2298	Style and variant resolution is broken
-Bug	WICKET-825	web browser displays empty page when WebPage mounted with HybridUrlCodingStrategy
-Bug	WICKET-2372	Include component does not handle UTF-8 content correctly
-Bug	WICKET-1343	HybridUrlCodingStrategy and StatelessForm ( or StatelessLink ) results in invalid parameter encoding
-Bug	WICKET-2386	JavaDoc: Some JavDoc examples still refer to WicketServlet
-Bug	WICKET-2396	DateField.newDateTextField's parameters should be generified
-Bug	WICKET-2470	Building ThreadTest fails in trunk
-Bug	WICKET-2558	FilterToolbar fails to render in 1.5-SS
-Bug	WICKET-2544	Generified TabbedPanel constructor is too much inflexible
-Bug	WICKET-2499	"in wicket 1.5, rename 1.4-SNAPSHOT to 1.5-SNAPSHOT"
-Bug	WICKET-2569	Inheritance layout excludes XML header from output
-Bug	WICKET-713	AbstractAjaxBehavior can not be reused.
-Bug	WICKET-2839	ajax not working due to bugs in resource handling
-Bug	WICKET-2636	Wicket enclosure cannot find wicket container children when hidden and in an extended page
-Bug	WICKET-2812	Textarea ignores first line in case of blank line
-Bug	WICKET-2956	WebApplication.onSessionDestroyed no longer invoked by anybody
-Bug	WICKET-2426	"""Couldn't resolve model type of Model"" for PasswordTextField"
-Bug	WICKET-1029	Get Invalid Content-Length header returned by TCP junction server
-Bug	WICKET-153	FormElement cookies not set when called using AJAX
-Bug	WICKET-1140	Adding WebPage.html after viewing it once requires restart of servlet container for updates in developer mode.
-Improvement	WICKET-96	Mechanism for extensible JS-contributing behaviors
-Improvement	WICKET-1591	let BrowserInfoPage be customizable / extendable
-Improvement	WICKET-2213	Remove FormComponent persistence
-Improvement	WICKET-2280	Remove IComponentBorder in favor of IBehavior
-Improvement	WICKET-2403	org.apache.wicket.markup.html.tree.WicketTreeModel should have a constructor taking a TreeModel
-Improvement	WICKET-2571** Resource related classes don't take 'variation' into account
-Improvement	WICKET-2820	change the Checkbox's onSelectionChanged to have a Boolean as the new selection
-Improvement	WICKET-2924	Duplicated method implementation setDefaultFormProcessing for AbstarctSubmitLink and Button.
-Improvement	WICKET-1238	Improve markup localization to support ajax rendering of dynamically generated components
-Improvement	WICKET-1530	Mount resources by locale
-Improvement	WICKET-2535	Improve consistency of ParseException error messages
-Improvement	WICKET-2588	ExternalLink to take IModel<?> instead of IModel<String> for label
-Improvement	WICKET-2612	create abstraction for content types
-Improvement	WICKET-2398	AjaxFormSubmitBehavior cannot be applied to Form
-Improvement	WICKET-2356	component report more informative message on error loading model object
-Improvement	WICKET-2409	"Widen type-constraint on TextTemplate.interpolate(Map<String, Object> variables)"
-Improvement	WICKET-2408	AjaxEditableLabel: allow starting edit programmatically
-Improvement	WICKET-2450	Performance of ThumbnailImageResource
-Improvement	WICKET-2238	Keep auto-compo