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-          <h1 class="title">User Manual: Contents</h1>
-          <p>** Next:** <a href="Introduction.html">Introduction</a> ** Up:** <a href="accumulo_user_manual.html">Apache Accumulo User Manual Version 1.3</a> ** Previous:** <a href="accumulo_user_manual.html">Apache Accumulo User Manual Version 1.3</a></p>
-<h3 id="a-idcontentsa-contents"><a id="Contents"></a> Contents</h3>
-  <li><a href="Introduction.html">Introduction</a></li>
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-    <p><a href="Accumulo_Design.html">Accumulo Design</a></p>
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-      <li><a href="Accumulo_Design.html#Data_Model">Data Model</a></li>
-      <li><a href="Accumulo_Design.html#Architecture">Architecture</a></li>
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-        <p><a href="Accumulo_Design.html#Components">Components</a></p>
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-          <li><a href="Accumulo_Design.html#Tablet_Server">Tablet Server</a></li>
-          <li><a href="Accumulo_Design.html#Loggers">Loggers</a></li>
-          <li><a href="Accumulo_Design.html#Garbage_Collector">Garbage Collector</a></li>
-          <li><a href="Accumulo_Design.html#Master">Master</a></li>
-          <li><a href="Accumulo_Design.html#Client">Client</a></li>
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-      <li><a href="Accumulo_Design.html#Data_Management">Data Management</a></li>
-      <li><a href="Accumulo_Design.html#Tablet_Service">Tablet Service</a></li>
-      <li><a href="Accumulo_Design.html#Compactions">Compactions</a></li>
-      <li><a href="Accumulo_Design.html#Fault-Tolerance">Fault-Tolerance</a></li>
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-    <p><a href="Accumulo_Shell.html">Accumulo Shell</a></p>
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-      <li><a href="Accumulo_Shell.html#Basic_Administration">Basic Administration</a></li>
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-      <li><a href="Accumulo_Shell.html#User_Administration">User Administration</a></li>
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-    <p><a href="Writing_Accumulo_Clients.html">Writing Accumulo Clients</a></p>
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-        <p><a href="Writing_Accumulo_Clients.html#Writing_Data">Writing Data</a></p>
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-          <li><a href="Writing_Accumulo_Clients.html#BatchWriter">BatchWriter</a></li>
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-          <li><a href="Writing_Accumulo_Clients.html#BatchScanner">BatchScanner</a></li>
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-    <p><a href="Table_Configuration.html">Table Configuration</a></p>
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-        <p><a href="Table_Configuration.html#Locality_Groups">Locality Groups</a></p>
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-          <li><a href="Table_Configuration.html#Managing_Locality_Groups_via_the_Shell">Managing Locality Groups via the Shell</a></li>
-          <li><a href="Table_Configuration.html#Managing_Locality_Groups_via_the_Client_API">Managing Locality Groups via the Client API</a></li>
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-      <li><a href="Table_Configuration.html#Constraints">Constraints</a></li>
-      <li><a href="Table_Configuration.html#Bloom_Filters">Bloom Filters</a></li>
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-        <p><a href="Table_Configuration.html#Iterators">Iterators</a></p>
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-          <li><a href="Table_Configuration.html#Setting_Iterators_via_the_Shell">Setting Iterators via the Shell</a></li>
-          <li><a href="Table_Configuration.html#Setting_Iterators_Programmatically">Setting Iterators Programmatically</a></li>
-          <li><a href="Table_Configuration.html#Versioning_Iterators_and_Timestamps">Versioning Iterators and Timestamps</a></li>
-          <li><a href="Table_Configuration.html#Filtering_Iterators">Filtering Iterators</a></li>
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-      <li><a href="Table_Configuration.html#Aggregating_Iterators">Aggregating Iterators</a></li>
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-    <p><a href="High_Speed_Ingest.html">High-Speed Ingest</a></p>
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-      <li><a href="High_Speed_Ingest.html#Pre-Splitting_New_Tables">Pre-Splitting New Tables</a></li>
-      <li><a href="High_Speed_Ingest.html#Multiple_Ingester_Clients">Multiple Ingester Clients</a></li>
-      <li><a href="High_Speed_Ingest.html#Bulk_Ingest">Bulk Ingest</a></li>
-      <li><a href="High_Speed_Ingest.html#MapReduce_Ingest">MapReduce Ingest</a></li>
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-          <h1 class="title">User Manual: High Speed Ingest</h1>
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-<p><a id="CHILD_LINKS"></a><strong>Subsections</strong></p>
-  <li><a href="High_Speed_Ingest.html#Pre-Splitting_New_Tables">Pre-Splitting New Tables</a></li>
-  <li><a href="High_Speed_Ingest.html#Multiple_Ingester_Clients">Multiple Ingester Clients</a></li>
-  <li><a href="High_Speed_Ingest.html#Bulk_Ingest">Bulk Ingest</a></li>
-  <li><a href="High_Speed_Ingest.html#MapReduce_Ingest">MapReduce Ingest</a></li>
-<hr />
-<h2 id="a-idhigh-speedingesta-high-speed-ingest"><a id="High-Speed_Ingest"></a> High-Speed Ingest</h2>
-<p>Accumulo is often used as part of a larger data processing and storage system. To maximize the performance of a parallel system involving Accumulo, the ingestion and query components should be designed to provide enough parallelism and concurrency to avoid creating bottlenecks for users and other systems writing to and reading from Accumulo. There are several ways to achieve high ingest performance.</p>
-<h2 id="a-idpre-splittingnewtablesa-pre-splitting-new-tables"><a id="Pre-Splitting_New_Tables"></a> Pre-Splitting New Tables</h2>
-<p>New tables consist of a single tablet by default. As mutations are applied, the table grows and splits into multiple tablets which are balanced by the Master across TabletServers. This implies that the aggregate ingest rate will be limited to fewer servers than are available within the cluster until the table has reached the point where there are tablets on every TabletServer.</p>
-<p>Pre-splitting a table ensures that there are as many tablets as desired available before ingest begins to take advantage of all the parallelism possible with the cluster hardware. Tables can be split anytime by using the shell:</p>
-<div class="highlighter-rouge"><pre class="highlight"><code>user@myinstance mytable&gt; addsplits -sf /local_splitfile -t mytable
-<p>For the purposes of providing parallelism to ingest it is not necessary to create more tablets than there are physical machines within the cluster as the aggregate ingest rate is a function of the number of physical machines. Note that the aggregate ingest rate is still subject to the number of machines running ingest clients, and the distribution of rowIDs across the table. The aggregation ingest rate will be suboptimal if there are many inserts into a small number of rowIDs.</p>
-<h2 id="a-idmultipleingesterclientsa-multiple-ingester-clients"><a id="Multiple_Ingester_Clients"></a> Multiple Ingester Clients</h2>
-<p>Accumulo is capable of scaling to very high rates of ingest, which is dependent upon not just the number of TabletServers in operation but also the number of ingest clients. This is because a single client, while capable of batching mutations and sending them to all TabletServers, is ultimately limited by the amount of data that can be processed on a single machine. The aggregate ingest rate will scale linearly with the number of clients up to the point at which either the aggregate I/O of TabletServers or total network bandwidth capacity is reached.</p>
-<p>In operational settings where high rates of ingest are paramount, clusters are often configured to dedicate some number of machines solely to running Ingester Clients. The exact ratio of clients to TabletServers necessary for optimum ingestion rates will vary according to the distribution of resources per machine and by data type.</p>
-<h2 id="a-idbulkingesta-bulk-ingest"><a id="Bulk_Ingest"></a> Bulk Ingest</h2>
-<p>Accumulo supports the ability to import files produced by an external process such as MapReduce into an existing table. In some cases it may be faster to load data this way rather than via ingesting through clients using BatchWriters. This allows a large number of machines to format data the way Accumulo expects. The new files can then simply be introduced to Accumulo via a shell command.</p>
-<p>To configure MapReduce to format data in preparation for bulk loading, the job should be set to use a range partitioner instead of the default hash partitioner. The range partitioner uses the split points of the Accumulo table that will receive the data. The split points can be obtained from the shell and used by the MapReduce RangePartitioner. Note that this is only useful if the existing table is already split into multiple tablets.</p>
-<div class="highlighter-rouge"><pre class="highlight"><code>user@myinstance mytable&gt; getsplits
-<p>Run the MapReduce job, using the AccumuloFileOutputFormat to create the files to be introduced to Accumulo. Once this is complete, the files can be added to Accumulo via the shell:</p>
-<div class="highlighter-rouge"><pre class="highlight"><code>user@myinstance mytable&gt; importdirectory /files_dir /failures
-<p>Note that the paths referenced are directories within the same HDFS instance over which Accumulo is running. Accumulo places any files that failed to be added to the second directory specified.</p>
-<p>A complete example of using Bulk Ingest can be found at <br />
-<h2 id="a-idmapreduceingesta-mapreduce-ingest"><a id="MapReduce_Ingest"></a> MapReduce Ingest</h2>
-<p>It is possible to efficiently write many mutations to Accumulo in parallel via a MapReduce job. In this scenario the MapReduce is written to process data that lives in HDFS and write mutations to Accumulo using the AccumuloOutputFormat. See the MapReduce section under Analytics for details.</p>
-<p>An example of using MapReduce can be found under <br />
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-<h2 id="a-idintroductiona-introduction"><a id="Introduction"></a> Introduction</h2>
-<p>Apache Accumulo is a highly scalable structured store based on Google\u2019s BigTable. Accumulo is written in Java and operates over the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), which is part of the popular Apache Hadoop project. Accumulo supports efficient storage and retrieval of structured data, including queries for ranges, and provides support for using Accumulo tables as input and output for MapReduce jobs.</p>
-<p>Accumulo features automatic load-balancing and partitioning, data compression and fine-grained security labels.</p>
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-          <h1 class="title">User Manual: Security</h1>
-          <p>** Next:** <a href="Administration.html">Administration</a> ** Up:** <a href="accumulo_user_manual.html">Apache Accumulo User Manual Version 1.3</a> ** Previous:** <a href="Analytics.html">Analytics</a>   ** <a href="Contents.html">Contents</a>**</p>
-<p><a id="CHILD_LINKS"></a><strong>Subsections</strong></p>
-  <li><a href="Security.html#Security_Label_Expressions">Security Label Expressions</a></li>
-  <li><a href="Security.html#Security_Label_Expression_Syntax">Security Label Expression Syntax</a></li>
-  <li><a href="Security.html#Authorization">Authorization</a></li>
-  <li><a href="Security.html#Secure_Authorizations_Handling">Secure Authorizations Handling</a></li>
-  <li><a href="Security.html#Query_Services_Layer">Query Services Layer</a></li>
-<hr />
-<h2 id="a-idsecuritya-security"><a id="Security"></a> Security</h2>
-<p>Accumulo extends the BigTable data model to implement a security mechanism known as cell-level security. Every key-value pair has its own security label, stored under the column visibility element of the key, which is used to determine whether a given user meets the security requirements to read the value. This enables data of various security levels to be stored within the same row, and users of varying degrees of access to query the same table, while preserving data confidentiality.</p>
-<h2 id="a-idsecuritylabelexpressionsa-security-label-expressions"><a id="Security_Label_Expressions"></a> Security Label Expressions</h2>
-<p>When mutations are applied, users can specify a security label for each value. This is done as the Mutation is created by passing a ColumnVisibility object to the put() method:</p>
-<div class="highlighter-rouge"><pre class="highlight"><code>Text rowID = new Text("row1");
-Text colFam = new Text("myColFam");
-Text colQual = new Text("myColQual");
-ColumnVisibility colVis = new ColumnVisibility("public");
-long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
-Value value = new Value("myValue");
-Mutation mutation = new Mutation(rowID);
-mutation.put(colFam, colQual, colVis, timestamp, value);
-<h2 id="a-idsecuritylabelexpressionsyntaxa-security-label-expression-syntax"><a id="Security_Label_Expression_Syntax"></a> Security Label Expression Syntax</h2>
-<p>Security labels consist of a set of user-defined tokens that are required to read the value the label is associated with. The set of tokens required can be specified using syntax that supports logical AND and OR combinations of tokens, as well as nesting groups of tokens together.</p>
-<p>For example, suppose within our organization we want to label our data values with security labels defined in terms of user roles. We might have tokens such as:</p>
-<div class="highlighter-rouge"><pre class="highlight"><code>admin
-<p>These can be specified alone or combined using logical operators:</p>
-<div class="highlighter-rouge"><pre class="highlight"><code>// Users must have admin privileges:
-// Users must have admin and audit privileges
-// Users with either admin or audit privileges
-// Users must have audit and one or both of admin or system
-<p>When both <code class="highlighter-rouge">|</code> and <code class="highlighter-rouge">&amp;</code> operators are used, parentheses must be used to specify precedence of the operators.</p>
-<h2 id="a-idauthorizationa-authorization"><a id="Authorization"></a> Authorization</h2>
-<p>When clients attempt to read data from Accumulo, any security labels present are examined against the set of authorizations passed by the client code when the Scanner or BatchScanner are created. If the authorizations are determined to be insufficient to satisfy the security label, the value is suppressed from the set of results sent back to the client.</p>
-<p>Authorizations are specified as a comma-separated list of tokens the user possesses:</p>
-<div class="highlighter-rouge"><pre class="highlight"><code>// user possess both admin and system level access
-Authorization auths = new Authorization("admin","system");
-Scanner s = connector.createScanner("table", auths);
-<h2 id="a-idsecureauthorizationshandlinga-secure-authorizations-handling"><a id="Secure_Authorizations_Handling"></a> Secure Authorizations Handling</h2>
-<p>Because the client can pass any authorization tokens to Accumulo, applications must be designed to obtain users\u2019 authorization tokens from a trusted 3rd party rather than having the users specify their authorizations directly.</p>
-<p>Often production systems will integrate with Public-Key Infrastructure (PKI) and designate client code within the query layer to negotiate with PKI servers in order to authenticate users and retrieve their authorization tokens (credentials). This requires users to specify only the information necessary to authenticate themselves to the system. Once user identity is established, their credentials can be accessed by the client code and passed to Accumulo outside of the reach of the user.</p>
-<h2 id="a-idqueryserviceslayera-query-services-layer"><a id="Query_Services_Layer"></a> Query Services Layer</h2>
-<p>Since the primary method of interaction with Accumulo is through the Java API, production environments often call for the implementation of a Query layer. This can be done using web services in containers such as Apache Tomcat, but is not a requirement. The Query Services Layer provides a mechanism for providing a platform on which user facing applications can be built. This allows the application designers to isolate potentially complex query logic, and enables a convenient point at which to perform essential security functions.</p>
-<p>Several production environments choose to implement authentication at this layer, where users identifiers are used to retrieve their access credentials which are then cached within the query layer and presented to Accumulo through the Authorizations mechanism.</p>
-<p>Typically, the query services layer sits between Accumulo and user workstations.</p>
-<hr />
-<p>** Next:** <a href="Administration.html">Administration</a> ** Up:** <a href="accumulo_user_manual.html">Apache Accumulo User Manual Version 1.3</a> ** Previous:** <a href="Analytics.html">Analytics</a>   ** <a href="Contents.html">Contents</a>**</p>
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-  <p><a href=""><img src="/images/feather-small.gif" alt="Apache Software Foundation" id="asf-logo" height="100" /></a></p>
-  <p>Copyright � 2011-2016 The Apache Software Foundation. Licensed under the <a href="">Apache�License,�Version�2.0</a>.</p>
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