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svn commit: r1299369 - in /subversion/trunk/notes/directory-index: schema.sql

Author: brane
Date: Sun Mar 11 15:01:52 2012
New Revision: 1299369

Significantly reduce the space requirements of the directory
index by storing each unique abspath only once instead of
once for every recorded change.

* notes/directory-index/schema.sql: Update schema and queries.
* notes/directory-index/ Reimplement schema and ORM mappings.


Modified: subversion/trunk/notes/directory-index/
--- subversion/trunk/notes/directory-index/ (original)
+++ subversion/trunk/notes/directory-index/ Sun Mar 11 15:01:52 2012
@@ -26,44 +26,93 @@ class Error(Exception):
-class _SQLObjectMixin(object):
+class SQLobject(object):
+    __slots__ = ()
+    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+        for name, val in kwargs.items():
+            setattr(self, name, val)
+        for name in self.__slots__:
+            if not hasattr(self, name):
+                setattr(self, name, None)
+    def _put(self, cursor):
+        raise NotImplementedError("SQLobject._insert")
+    @classmethod
+    def _get(self, cursor, pkey):
+        raise NotImplementedError("SQLobject._insert")
-    def _columns(cls):
-        return ", ".join(cls._fields)
+    def _from_row(cls, row):
+        if row is not None:
+            return cls(**dict((col, row[col]) for col in row.keys()))
+        return None
+    LOGLEVEL = (logging.NOTSET + logging.DEBUG) // 2
+    if logging.getLevelName(LOGLEVEL) == 'Level %s' % LOGLEVEL:
+        logging.addLevelName(LOGLEVEL, 'SQL')
-    def _qualified_columns(cls):
-        return ", ".join("%s.%s" % (cls._table, f) for f in cls._fields)
+    def _log(cls, *args, **kwargs):
+        return logging.log(cls.LOGLEVEL, *args, **kwargs)
-    def _vars(cls):
-        return ", ".join("?" * len(cls._fields))
+    def _execute(cls, cursor, statement, parameters=None):
+        if parameters is not None:
+            fmt = statement.replace("%", "%%").replace("?", "%r")
+            cls._log("EXECUTE: " + fmt, *parameters)
+            return cursor.execute(statement, parameters)
+        else:
+            cls._log("EXECUTE: %s", statement)
+            return cursor.execute(statement)
+class Revent(SQLobject):
+    __slots__ = ("version", "created", "author", "log")
+    def _put(self, cursor):
+        if self.created is None:
+            now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
+            self.created = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ")
+        self._execute(cursor,
+                      "INSERT INTO revision (version, created, author, log)"
+                      " VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)",
+                      [self.version, self.created,, self.log])
-    def _columns_nokey(cls):
-        return ", ".join(cls._fields[1:])
+    def _get(cls, cursor, pkey):
+        cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM revision WHERE version = ?", [pkey])
+        return cls._from_row(cursor.fetchone())
+class Pathent(SQLobject):
+    __slots__ = ("pathid", "abspath")
+    def _put(self, cursor):
+        self._execute(cursor,
+                      "INSERT INTO pathindex (abspath) VALUES (?)",
+                      [self.abspath])
+        self.pathid = cursor.lastrowid
-    def _vars_nokey(cls):
-        return ", ".join("?" * (len(cls._fields) - 1))
+    def _get(cls, cursor, pkey):
+        cls._execute(cursor,
+                     "SELECT * FROM pathindex WHERE pathid = ?",
+                     [pkey])
+        return cls._from_row(cursor.fetchone())
-    def _nokey(self):
-        return self[1:]
+    @classmethod
+    def _find(cls, cursor, abspath):
+        cls._execute(cursor,
+                     "SELECT * FROM pathindex WHERE abspath = ?",
+                     [abspath])
+        return cls._from_row(cursor.fetchone())
-class Revent(
-        collections.namedtuple("ReventBase", [
-            "version", "created", "author", "log"]),
-        _SQLObjectMixin):
-    _table = "revision"
-class Dirent(
-        collections.namedtuple("DirentBase", [
-            "rowid", "abspath", "version", "deleted",
-            "kind", "origin", "copied", "subtree"]),
-        _SQLObjectMixin):
-    _table = "dirindex"
+class Dirent(SQLobject):
+    __slots__ = ("rowid", "pathid", "version", "deleted",
+                 "kind", "origin", "copied", "subtree",
+                 "abspath")
     def __str__(self):
         return "%3d %c%c %s" % (
@@ -72,163 +121,178 @@ class Dirent(
             self.kind and "f" or "d",
+    def _put(self, cursor):
+        pathent = Pathent._find(cursor, self.abspath)
+        if pathent is None:
+            pathent = Pathent(abspath = self.abspath)
+            pathent._put(cursor)
+        self._execute(cursor,
+                      "INSERT INTO dirindex"
+                      " (pathid, version, deleted,"
+                      " kind, origin, copied, subtree)"
+                      " VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
+                      [pathent.pathid, self.version, self.deleted,
+                       self.kind, self.origin, self.copied, self.subtree])
+        self.rowid = cursor.lastrowid
+        self.pathid = pathent.pathid
+    @classmethod
+    def _get(cls, cursor, pkey):
+        cls._execute(cursor,
+                     "SELECT dirindex.*, pathindex.abspath"
+                     " FROM dirindex JOIN pathindex"
+                     " ON dirindex.pathid = pathindex.pathid"
+                     " WHERE dirindex.rowid = ?", [pkey])
+        return cls._from_row(cursor.fetchone())
+    @classmethod
+    def _find(cls, cursor, abspath, version):
+        cls._execute(cursor,
+                     "SELECT dirindex.*, pathindex.abspath"
+                     " FROM dirindex JOIN pathindex"
+                     " ON dirindex.pathid = pathindex.pathid"
+                     " WHERE pathindex.abspath = ?"
+                     " AND dirindex.version = ?",
+                     [abspath, version])
+        return cls._from_row(cursor.fetchone())
 class Index(object):
     def __init__(self, database):
         self.conn = sqlite3.connect(database, isolation_level = "IMMEDIATE")
+        self.conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
         self.cursor = self.conn.cursor()
         self.cursor.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON")
         self.cursor.execute("PRAGMA case_sensitive_like = ON")
         self.cursor.execute("PRAGMA encoding = 'UTF-8'")
-    def execute(self, statement, parameters=None):
-        if parameters is not None:
-            fmt = statement.replace("%", "%%").replace("?", "%r")
-            logging.log(logging.DEBUG//2, "EXECUTE: " + fmt, *parameters)
-            return self.cursor.execute(statement, parameters)
-        else:
-            logging.log(logging.DEBUG//2, "EXECUTE: %s", statement)
-            return self.cursor.execute(statement)
+    __schema = """
-    __initialize = (
-        """\
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dirindex""",
-        """\
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS revision""",
-        """\
 CREATE TABLE revision (
   version integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
   created timestamp NOT NULL,
   author  varchar NULL,
   log     varchar NULL
-        """\
+CREATE TABLE pathindex (
+  pathid  integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
+  abspath varchar NOT NULL UNIQUE
 CREATE TABLE dirindex (
-  rowid   integer PRIMARY KEY,
-  abspath varchar NOT NULL,
+  rowid   integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
+  pathid  integer NOT NULL REFERENCES pathindex(pathid),
   version integer NOT NULL REFERENCES revision(version),
   deleted boolean NOT NULL,
   kind    integer NOT NULL,
   origin  integer NULL REFERENCES dirindex(rowid),
   copied  boolean NOT NULL,
   subtree boolean NOT NULL
-        """\
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX dirindex_versioned_tree
-  ON dirindex(abspath ASC, version DESC)""",
-        """\
-CREATE INDEX dirindex_successor_list
-  ON dirindex(origin)""",
-        """\
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX dirindex_versioned_tree ON dirindex(pathid, version DESC);
+CREATE INDEX dirindex_successor_list ON dirindex(origin);
+CREATE INDEX dirindex_deleted ON dirindex(deleted);
 INSERT INTO revision (version, created, author, log)
-  VALUES (0, 'EPOCH', NULL, NULL)""",
-        """\
-INSERT INTO dirindex (abspath, version, deleted, kind, origin, copied, subtree)
-  VALUES ('/', 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0)""")
+INSERT INTO pathindex (pathid, abspath) VALUES (0, '/');
+INSERT INTO dirindex (rowid, pathid, version, deleted,
+                      kind, origin, copied, subtree)
+  VALUES (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0);
     def initialize(self):
-            for statement in self.__initialize:
-                self.execute(statement)
+            SQLobject._log("%s", self.__schema)
+            self.cursor.executescript(self.__schema)
     def commit(self):
-        logging.log(logging.DEBUG//2, "COMMIT")
+        SQLobject._log("COMMIT")
         return self.conn.commit()
     def rollback(self):
-        logging.log(logging.DEBUG//2, "ROLLBACK")
+        SQLobject._log("ROLLBACK")
         return self.conn.rollback()
     def close(self):
-        logging.log(logging.DEBUG//2, "CLOSE")
+        SQLobject._log("CLOSE")
         return self.conn.close()
-    __get_revision = """\
-SELECT %s FROM revision
-WHERE version = ?""" % Revent._qualified_columns()
     def get_revision(self, version):
-        self.execute(self.__get_revision, [version])
-        row = self.cursor.fetchone()
-        if row is not None:
-            return Revent._make(row)
-        return None
+        return Revent._get(self.cursor, version)
-    __new_revision = """\
-INSERT INTO revision (%s)
-  VALUES (%s)""" % (Revent._columns(), Revent._vars())
     def new_revision(self, version, created=None, author=None, log=None):
-        if created is None:
-            created = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ")
         revent = Revent(version = version,
                         created = created,
                         author = author,
                         log = log)
-        self.execute(self.__new_revision, revent)
+        revent._put(self.cursor)
         return revent
-    __insert = """\
-INSERT INTO dirindex (%s)
-  VALUES (%s)""" % (
-    Dirent._columns_nokey(), Dirent._vars_nokey())
     def insert(self, dirent):
         assert isinstance(dirent, Dirent)
-        self.execute(self.__insert, dirent._nokey())
-        return Dirent(self.cursor.lastrowid, *dirent._nokey())
+        dirent._put(self.cursor)
+        return dirent
-    __lookup = """\
-SELECT %s FROM dirindex
-WHERE abspath = ? AND version <= ?
-ORDER BY abspath ASC, version DESC
-LIMIT 1""" % Dirent._qualified_columns()
     def lookup(self, abspath, version):
-        self.execute(self.__lookup, [abspath, version])
+        SQLobject._execute(
+            self.cursor,
+            "SELECT dirindex.*, pathindex.abspath FROM dirindex"
+            " JOIN pathindex ON dirindex.pathid = pathindex.pathid"
+            " WHERE pathindex.abspath = ? AND dirindex.version <= ?"
+            " ORDER BY pathindex.abspath ASC, dirindex.version DESC"
+            " LIMIT 1",
+            [abspath, version])
         row = self.cursor.fetchone()
-        if row is not None:
-            dirent = Dirent._make(row)
-            if not dirent.deleted:
-                return dirent
+        if row is not None and not row["deleted"]:
+            return Dirent._from_row(row)
         return None
-    __subtree = """\
-SELECT %s FROM dirindex
-  JOIN (SELECT abspath, MAX(version) AS maxver FROM dirindex
-        WHERE version <= ? GROUP BY abspath) AS filtered
-  ON dirindex.abspath == filtered.abspath
-     AND dirindex.version == filtered.maxver
-WHERE dirindex.abspath LIKE ? ESCAPE '#'
-      AND NOT dirindex.deleted
-ORDER BY dirindex.abspath ASC""" % Dirent._qualified_columns()
     def subtree(self, abspath, version):
         pattern = (abspath.rstrip("/")
                    .replace("#", "##")
                    .replace("%", "#%")
                    .replace("_", "#_")) + "/%"
-        self.execute(self.__subtree, [version, pattern])
+        SQLobject._execute(
+            self.cursor,
+            "SELECT dirindex.*, pathindex.abspath FROM dirindex"
+            " JOIN pathindex ON dirindex.pathid = pathindex.pathid"
+            " JOIN (SELECT pathid, MAX(version) AS maxver FROM dirindex"
+            " WHERE version <= ? GROUP BY pathid) AS filtered"
+            " ON dirindex.pathid == filtered.pathid"
+            " AND dirindex.version == filtered.maxver"
+            " WHERE pathindex.abspath LIKE ? ESCAPE '#'"
+            " AND NOT dirindex.deleted"
+            " ORDER BY pathindex.abspath ASC",
+            [version, pattern])
         for row in self.cursor:
-            yield Dirent._make(row)
+            yield Dirent._from_row(row)
-    __predecessor = """\
-SELECT %s FROM dirindex
-WHERE rowid = ?"""  % Dirent._qualified_columns()
     def predecessor(self, dirent):
         assert isinstance(dirent, Dirent)
         if dirent.origin is None:
             return None
-        self.execute(self.__predecessor, [dirent.origin])
-        return Dirent._make(self.cursor.fetchone())
+        return Dirent._get(self.cursor, dirent.origin)
-    __successors = """\
-SELECT %s FROM dirindex
-where origin = ?
-ORDER BY abspath ASC, version ASC""" % Dirent._qualified_columns()
     def successors(self, dirent):
         assert isinstance(dirent, Dirent)
-        self.execute(self.__successors, [dirent.rowid])
+        SQLobject._execute(
+            self.cursor,
+            "SELECT dirindex.*, pathindex.abspath FROM dirindex"
+            " JOIN pathindex ON dirindex.pathid = pathindex.pathid"
+            " WHERE dirindex.origin = ?"
+            " ORDER BY pathindex.abspath ASC, dirindex.version ASC",
+            [dirent.rowid])
         for row in self.cursor:
-            yield Dirent._make(row)
+            yield Dirent._from_row(row)
 class Revision(object):
@@ -246,7 +310,7 @@ class Revision(object):
     def __enter__(self):
         if self.revent is not None:
             raise Error("revision is read-only")
-        logging.log(logging.DEBUG//2, "BEGIN")
+        SQLobject._log("BEGIN")
         self.revent = self.index.new_revision(
             self.version, self.__created, self.__author, self.__log)
         self.__context = {}
@@ -306,8 +370,7 @@ class Revision(object):
             if origin.kind != kind:
                 raise Error(action + " changes the source object kind")
             origin = origin.rowid
-        dirent = Dirent(rowid = None,
-                        abspath = abspath,
+        dirent = Dirent(abspath = abspath,
                         version = self.version,
                         deleted = 0,
                         kind = kind,
@@ -346,8 +409,7 @@ class Revision(object):
         action = "modify"
         target = self.__find_target(abspath, action)
-        dirent = Dirent(rowid = None,
-                        abspath = abspath,
+        dirent = Dirent(abspath = abspath,
                         version = self.version,
                         deleted = 0,
                         kind = target.kind,
@@ -361,8 +423,7 @@ class Revision(object):
         self.__check_not_root(abspath, action)
         target = self.__find_target(abspath, action)
-        dirent = Dirent(rowid = None,
-                        abspath = abspath,
+        dirent = Dirent(abspath = abspath,
                         version = self.version,
                         deleted = 1,
                         kind = target.kind,
@@ -420,5 +481,5 @@ def simpletest(database):
 def loggedsimpletest(database):
     import sys
-    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, stream=sys.stderr)
+    logging.basicConfig(level=SQLobject.LOGLEVEL, stream=sys.stderr)

Modified: subversion/trunk/notes/directory-index/schema.sql
--- subversion/trunk/notes/directory-index/schema.sql (original)
+++ subversion/trunk/notes/directory-index/schema.sql Sun Mar 11 15:01:52 2012
@@ -23,13 +23,18 @@ CREATE TABLE revision (
   log     varchar NULL
+CREATE TABLE pathindex (
+  pathid  integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
+  abspath varchar NOT NULL UNIQUE
 CREATE TABLE dirindex (
   -- unique id of this node revision, used for
   -- predecessor/successor links
-  rowid   integer PRIMARY KEY,
+  rowid   integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
   -- absolute (repository) path
-  abspath varchar NOT NULL,
+  pathid  integer NOT NULL REFERENCES pathindex(pathid),
   -- revision number
   version integer NOT NULL REFERENCES revision(version),
@@ -49,33 +54,42 @@ CREATE TABLE dirindex (
   -- the index entry is the result of an implicit subtree operation
   subtree boolean NOT NULL
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX dirindex_versioned_tree ON dirindex(abspath ASC, version DESC);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX dirindex_versioned_tree ON dirindex(pathid, version DESC);
 CREATE INDEX dirindex_successor_list ON dirindex(origin);
+CREATE INDEX dirindex_deleted ON dirindex(deleted);
 -- repository root
 INSERT INTO revision (version, created, author, log)
-INSERT INTO dirindex (abspath, version, deleted, kind, origin, copied, subtree)
-VALUES ('/', 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0);
+INSERT INTO pathindex (pathid, abspath) VALUES (0, '/');
+INSERT INTO dirindex (rowid, pathid, version, deleted,
+                      kind, origin, copied, subtree)
+  VALUES (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0);
 -- lookup PATH@REVISION
-SELECT * FROM dirindex
+  dirindex.*, pathindex.abspath
+FROM dirindex JOIN pathindex
+  ON dirindex.pathid = pathindex.pathid
-  abspath = '' -- $PATH
-  AND version <= 0 -- $REVISION
-ORDER BY abspath ASC, version DESC
-LIMIT 1;  -- then check .deleted
+  pathindex.abspath = '' -- $PATH
+  AND dirindex.version <= 0 -- $REVISION
+ORDER BY pathindex.abspath ASC, dirindex.version DESC
+LIMIT 1;  -- then check dirindex.deleted
 -- single-revision tree for REVISION
-SELECT dirindex.* FROM dirindex
-  JOIN (SELECT abspath, MAX(version) AS maxver FROM dirindex
+  dirindex.*, pathindex.abspath
+FROM dirindex JOIN pathindex
+    ON dirindex.pathid = pathindex.pathid
+  JOIN (SELECT pathid, MAX(version) AS maxver FROM dirindex
         WHERE version <= 0 -- $REVISION
-        GROUP BY abspath)
+        GROUP BY pathid)
       AS filtered
-    ON dirindex.abspath == filtered.abspath
+    ON dirindex.pathid == filtered.pathid
        AND dirindex.version == filtered.maxver
 WHERE NOT dirindex.deleted
-ORDER BY dirindex.abspath ASC;
+ORDER BY pathindex.abspath ASC;