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Posted to by on 2004/02/21 06:25:43 UTC

subversion-1.0.0-beta1 ready for testing

Subversion 1.0.0-beta1 (the pre-release for 1.0.0) is ready for
testing.  Please give it a whirl.  1.0.0 itself will be out on Monday
-- this pre-release is just to make sure we don't have any silly
packaging goofs in 1.0.0.  It's basically the same as 0.37.0, of
course, so don't expect any bugfixes if you already have 0.37.0.

The .gz and .bz2 tarballs are at:

The MD5 checksums are:

   6c2d83fa45e6a8ed8fc662a7cf94e0f2  subversion-1.0.0-beta1.tar.gz
   a0308565bf6d7a513771d57225e3b709  subversion-1.0.0-beta1.tar.bz2

Note that this pre-release is intentionally not being mentioned on the
announce@ list, nor posted as a News item on the web site.  We'll save
all that for 1.0.0.  But you lucky folks here in the donor's circle
get a preview; wine and cheese reception to follow in the ballroom.


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