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Posted to by Tamas Nemeth <> on 2018/08/01 14:08:14 UTC

Hive registration fails on avro schema with the latest Gobblin

Hi All,

I'm testing the latest release of Gobblin on our environment and I noticed
that with the latest release I'm not able to query the registered Hive
tables (it was registered with native MR compaction -> HiveAvroSerDeManager)
because it fails with the following error when I tried to run a sample
select query:
FAILED: RuntimeException
Encountered exception determining schema. Returning signal schema to
indicate problem: org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParseException: Illegal
character ((CTRL-CHAR, code 1)): only regular white space (\r, \n, \t) is
allowed between tokens
 at [Source: org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream@6be8ce1b; line: 1,
column: 2])

I checked the newly create Avro schema and it looks like this:
at which event was
original event which failed on validation"}]}

I think it fails on the first character which is I guess due to this change:

In writeSchemaToFile this was before this:
And it was changed to:

Our current Gobblin build wich working fine was built from an April version
of Gobblin, so I have a strong feeling this is the change which caused me
the issue.

Am I doing wrong something in Hive registration? I only changed the Gobblin
build (from the April one to the latest one) but I used the same config.
