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Posted to by Stephen Webb <> on 1998/10/03 09:26:12 UTC

config/3127: An Apache Offical rpm

>Number:         3127
>Category:       config
>Synopsis:       An Apache Offical rpm
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    apache
>State:          open
>Class:          change-request
>Submitter-Id:   apache
>Arrival-Date:   Sat Oct  3 00:30:01 PDT 1998
>Release:        1.3.2
Any Redhat Linux
I would like to request three things! 

One: That you make an extra make install option that does not set suexec to root.
This is so that when I or any other person that trys a make not as root
they do not get errors. Grant this only happens with suexec enabled.

Two: What I do right now is configure and make apache as a normal user. And then
as root type make install. Until last night I would have to edit the httpd.conf
file to change the port, but last night I found out that you can type "make 
install conf_port="80". But what I would like to request is that you add 
conf_user like you have conf_group so that at install time you can replace
no only the port and the group but also the user! That is a one line change in
the Makefile.tmpl file.

Three: I would like you to add a rpm.spec file the root of your distro. This 
would standardize the apache rpm's that are out there!	 
These are only request they are not really bugs! :) (As all the apache developers
wipe there brow in relief!) 
For One: Just put a if statment around the suexec install statements so I can
define something like suexecnoroot and have it skip of those 4 statements

For Two: Just add one more sed statement for replaceing the user in the conf

Three: If you implement my first request Here is the spec file to add to the 
root of the distro!

Start of apache.spec
Summary: HTTP server daemon to provide WWW services
Summary(de): Leading World Wide Web-Server
Summary(fr): Serveur Web leader du march�
Summary(tr): Lider WWW taray�c�
Name: apache
%define apversion 1.3.2
Version: %{apversion}
# Serial number taken from APACHE_RELEASE definition in src/include/httpd.h
# Update Serial Number when Apache version is changed.
Serial: 1030301
Release: 1
Group: Networking/Daemons
Copyright: BSD-like
Obsoletes: apache-suexec apache-extra apache-doc apache
BuildRoot: /var/tmp/apache-root
Requires: initscripts >= 3.25
Prereq: /sbin/chkconfig
Packager: Stephen Webb <>

Apache is a full featured web server that is freely available, and also
happens to be the most widely used. And this package also includes mod_ssl.
To take care of all your secure needs! :)

%description -l de
Apache ist ein voll funktionsf�higer Web-Server, der kostenlos
erh�ltlich und weit verbreitet ist.

%description -l fr
Apache est un serveur Web complet, disponible librement, et se trouve �tre
aussi le plus utilis� � travers le monde.

%description -l tr
Apache serbest da��t�lan ve �ok kullan�lan yetenekli bir web sunucusudur.

%setup -n apache_%{apversion}


OPTIM="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" ./configure --prefix=/usr \
        --sysconfdir=/etc/apache --datadir=/home/httpd \
        --libexecdir=/usr/libexec/apache --localstatedir=/var \
        --runtimedir=/var/run --logfiledir=/var/log/apache \
        --enable-module=auth_anon --enable-shared=auth_anon \
        --enable-module=auth_db --enable-shared=auth_db \
        --enable-module=digest --enable-shared=digest \
        --enable-module=expires --enable-shared=expires \
        --enable-module=headers --enable-shared=headers \
        --enable-module=mime_magic --enable-shared=mime_magic \
        --enable-module=mmap_static --enable-shared=mmap_static \
        --enable-module=proxy --enable-shared=proxy \
        --proxycachedir=/var/spool/proxy \
        --enable-module=rewrite --enable-shared=rewrite \
        --enable-module=speling --enable-shared=speling \
        --enable-module=status --enable-shared=status \
        --enable-module=unique_id --enable-shared=unique_id \
        --enable-module=usertrack --enable-shared=usertrack \
        --enable-suexec --suexec-caller=nobody --suexec-userdir=public_html \
        --suexec-uidmin=500 --suexec-gidmin=500



make install-quiet root="$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" \
	conf_user="www" \
        conf_group="www" \
        conf_port="80" \
        conf_serveradmin="webmaster@localhost" \
        conf_servername="localhost" \
rm -rf "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT"

/sbin/chkconfig --add httpd
ln -s /usr/sbin/apachectl /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd

if [ $1 = 0 ]; then
   if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/httpd ]; then
       /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd stop
   /sbin/chkconfig --del httpd

%defattr(644 root root 755)
%attr(755,root,root)  %dir %config /etc/apache
%attr(644,root,root)  %config /etc/apache/*.conf
%attr(644,root,root)  %config /etc/apache/magic
%attr(644,root,root)  %config /etc/apache/mime.types
%attr(644,root,root)  /etc/apache/*.default
%attr( - ,root,root)  %doc ABOUT_APACHE src/CHANGES KEYS LICENSE README
%attr( - ,root,root)  %doc src/support/suexec.[ch]
%attr(755,root,root)  %dir /home/httpd
%attr(755,root,root)  %dir /home/httpd/htdocs
%attr(644,root,root)  %config(noreplace) /home/httpd/htdocs/index.html
%attr( - ,root,root)  /home/httpd/cgi-bin
%attr( - ,root,root)  /home/httpd/icons
%attr( - ,root,root)  /usr/include/*
%attr( - ,root,root)  /usr/libexec/*
%attr(755,root,root)  /usr/bin/*
%attr(755,root,root)  /usr/sbin/ab
%attr(755,root,root)  /usr/sbin/apachectl
%attr(755,root,root)  /usr/sbin/apxs
%attr(755,root,root)  /usr/sbin/httpd
%attr(755,root,root)  /usr/sbin/logresolve
%attr(755,root,root)  /usr/sbin/rotatelogs
%attr(4755,root,root) /usr/sbin/suexec
%attr(644,root,root)  /usr/man/man1/*
%attr(644,root,root)  /usr/man/man8/*
%attr(755,root,root)  %dir /var/log/apache
%attr( - ,root,root)  %docdir /home/httpd/htdocs/manual


* Sat Oct 02 1998 Stephen Webb <>
Created this by using an apache-1.3b8 source from Manoj Kasichainula

end of apache.spec

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