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Posted to by Jerome <> on 2006/01/29 00:51:29 UTC

Windows XP - Authentication and Authorization for Network places

I have configured my application in tomcat with a JDBC Realm.


When following these steps slide actions are performed using a cached user.


Slide Configuration




<Context path="/slide" docBase="${catalina.home}/webapps/slide" debug="100"

            <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.JDBCRealm"



                   userTable="users" userNameCol="user_name"

               userRoleTable="user_roles" roleNameCol="role_name"/>




Domain.xml (Default)


Step 1: Create a new network place and login as john2 (this is the standard
user created in slide_users database and defaulted in domain.xml)


Step 2: Remove the network place created in step 1


Step 3: Create a new network place and login as john


Step 4: Attempt to move file to /files


Step 5: Examine stdout you will be authenticated as john but Windows XP or
Slide (not sure?) will cache john2 and use this user as the authenticated
user to access slide resources and perform slide actions.


This gives the user different permission in slide from the user
authenticated by the servlet container.  Is there a configuration setting to
resolve this?

