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Posted to by on 2015/09/21 16:26:58 UTC

[02/52] [partial] ignite git commit: IGNITE-1513: Moved .Net.
diff --git a/modules/platform/src/main/dotnet/Apache.Ignite.Core/Impl/Unmanaged/UnmanagedUtils.cs b/modules/platform/src/main/dotnet/Apache.Ignite.Core/Impl/Unmanaged/UnmanagedUtils.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index c55d92f..0000000
--- a/modules/platform/src/main/dotnet/Apache.Ignite.Core/Impl/Unmanaged/UnmanagedUtils.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1263 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-namespace Apache.Ignite.Core.Impl.Unmanaged
-    using System;
-    using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
-    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-    using Apache.Ignite.Core.Common;
-    using Apache.Ignite.Core.Impl.Common;
-    /// <summary>
-    /// Unmanaged utility classes.
-    /// </summary>
-    internal static unsafe class UnmanagedUtils
-    {
-        /** Interop factory ID for .Net. */
-        private const int InteropFactoryId = 1;
-        #region PROCEDURE NAMES
-        private const string ProcReallocate = "IgniteReallocate";
-        private const string ProcIgnitionStart = "IgniteIgnitionStart";
-        private const string ProcIgnitionStop = "IgniteIgnitionStop";
-        private const string ProcIgnitionStopAll = "IgniteIgnitionStopAll";
-        private const string ProcProcessorReleaseStart = "IgniteProcessorReleaseStart";
-        private const string ProcProcessorProjection = "IgniteProcessorProjection";
-        private const string ProcProcessorCache = "IgniteProcessorCache";
-        private const string ProcProcessorGetOrCreateCache = "IgniteProcessorGetOrCreateCache";
-        private const string ProcProcessorCreateCache = "IgniteProcessorCreateCache";
-        private const string ProcProcessorAffinity = "IgniteProcessorAffinity";
-        private const string ProcProcessorDataStreamer = "IgniteProcessorDataStreamer";
-        private const string ProcProcessorTransactions = "IgniteProcessorTransactions";
-        private const string ProcProcessorCompute = "IgniteProcessorCompute";
-        private const string ProcProcessorMessage = "IgniteProcessorMessage";
-        private const string ProcProcessorEvents = "IgniteProcessorEvents";
-        private const string ProcProcessorServices = "IgniteProcessorServices";
-        private const string ProcProcessorExtensions = "IgniteProcessorExtensions";
-        private const string ProcTargetInStreamOutLong = "IgniteTargetInStreamOutLong";
-        private const string ProcTargetInStreamOutStream = "IgniteTargetInStreamOutStream";
-        private const string ProcTargetInStreamOutObject = "IgniteTargetInStreamOutObject";
-        private const string ProcTargetInObjectStreamOutStream = "IgniteTargetInObjectStreamOutStream";
-        private const string ProcTargetOutLong = "IgniteTargetOutLong";
-        private const string ProcTargetOutStream = "IgniteTargetOutStream";
-        private const string ProcTargetOutObject = "IgniteTargetOutObject";
-        private const string ProcTargetListenFut = "IgniteTargetListenFuture";
-        private const string ProcTargetListenFutForOp = "IgniteTargetListenFutureForOperation";
-        private const string ProcAffinityParts = "IgniteAffinityPartitions";
-        private const string ProcCacheWithSkipStore = "IgniteCacheWithSkipStore";
-        private const string ProcCacheWithNoRetries = "IgniteCacheWithNoRetries";
-        private const string ProcCacheWithExpiryPolicy = "IgniteCacheWithExpiryPolicy";
-        private const string ProcCacheWithAsync = "IgniteCacheWithAsync";
-        private const string ProcCacheWithKeepPortable = "IgniteCacheWithKeepPortable";
-        private const string ProcCacheClear = "IgniteCacheClear";
-        private const string ProcCacheRemoveAll = "IgniteCacheRemoveAll";
-        private const string ProcCacheOutOpQueryCursor = "IgniteCacheOutOpQueryCursor";
-        private const string ProcCacheOutOpContinuousQuery = "IgniteCacheOutOpContinuousQuery";
-        private const string ProcCacheIterator = "IgniteCacheIterator";
-        private const string ProcCacheLocalIterator = "IgniteCacheLocalIterator";
-        private const string ProcCacheEnterLock = "IgniteCacheEnterLock";
-        private const string ProcCacheExitLock = "IgniteCacheExitLock";
-        private const string ProcCacheTryEnterLock = "IgniteCacheTryEnterLock";
-        private const string ProcCacheCloseLock = "IgniteCacheCloseLock";
-        private const string ProcCacheRebalance = "IgniteCacheRebalance";
-        private const string ProcCacheSize = "IgniteCacheSize";
-        private const string ProcCacheStoreCallbackInvoke = "IgniteCacheStoreCallbackInvoke";
-        private const string ProcComputeWithNoFailover = "IgniteComputeWithNoFailover";
-        private const string ProcComputeWithTimeout = "IgniteComputeWithTimeout";
-        private const string ProcComputeExecuteNative = "IgniteComputeExecuteNative";
-        private const string ProcContinuousQryClose = "IgniteContinuousQueryClose";
-        private const string ProcContinuousQryGetInitialQueryCursor = "IgniteContinuousQueryGetInitialQueryCursor";
-        private const string ProcDataStreamerListenTop = "IgniteDataStreamerListenTopology";
-        private const string ProcDataStreamerAllowOverwriteGet = "IgniteDataStreamerAllowOverwriteGet";
-        private const string ProcDataStreamerAllowOverwriteSet = "IgniteDataStreamerAllowOverwriteSet";
-        private const string ProcDataStreamerSkipStoreGet = "IgniteDataStreamerSkipStoreGet";
-        private const string ProcDataStreamerSkipStoreSet = "IgniteDataStreamerSkipStoreSet";
-        private const string ProcDataStreamerPerNodeBufferSizeGet = "IgniteDataStreamerPerNodeBufferSizeGet";
-        private const string ProcDataStreamerPerNodeBufferSizeSet = "IgniteDataStreamerPerNodeBufferSizeSet";
-        private const string ProcDataStreamerPerNodeParallelOpsGet = "IgniteDataStreamerPerNodeParallelOperationsGet";
-        private const string ProcDataStreamerPerNodeParallelOpsSet = "IgniteDataStreamerPerNodeParallelOperationsSet";
-        private const string ProcMessagingWithAsync = "IgniteMessagingWithAsync";
-        private const string ProcQryCursorIterator = "IgniteQueryCursorIterator";
-        private const string ProcQryCursorClose = "IgniteQueryCursorClose";
-        private const string ProcProjectionForOthers = "IgniteProjectionForOthers";
-        private const string ProcProjectionForRemotes = "IgniteProjectionForRemotes";
-        private const string ProcProjectionForDaemons = "IgniteProjectionForDaemons";
-        private const string ProcProjectionForRandom = "IgniteProjectionForRandom";
-        private const string ProcProjectionForOldest = "IgniteProjectionForOldest";
-        private const string ProcProjectionForYoungest = "IgniteProjectionForYoungest";
-        private const string ProcProjectionResetMetrics = "IgniteProjectionResetMetrics";
-        private const string ProcProjectionOutOpRet = "IgniteProjectionOutOpRet";
-        private const string ProcAcquire = "IgniteAcquire";
-        private const string ProcRelease = "IgniteRelease";
-        private const string ProcTxStart = "IgniteTransactionsStart";
-        private const string ProcTxCommit = "IgniteTransactionsCommit";
-        private const string ProcTxCommitAsync = "IgniteTransactionsCommitAsync";
-        private const string ProcTxRollback = "IgniteTransactionsRollback";
-        private const string ProcTxRollbackAsync = "IgniteTransactionsRollbackAsync";
-        private const string ProcTxClose = "IgniteTransactionsClose";
-        private const string ProcTxState = "IgniteTransactionsState";
-        private const string ProcTxSetRollbackOnly = "IgniteTransactionsSetRollbackOnly";
-        private const string ProcTxResetMetrics = "IgniteTransactionsResetMetrics";
-        private const string ProcThrowToJava = "IgniteThrowToJava";
-        private const string ProcDestroyJvm = "IgniteDestroyJvm";
-        private const string ProcHandlersSize = "IgniteHandlersSize";
-        private const string ProcCreateContext = "IgniteCreateContext";
-        private const string ProcEventsWithAsync = "IgniteEventsWithAsync";
-        private const string ProcEventsStopLocalListen = "IgniteEventsStopLocalListen";
-        private const string ProcEventsLocalListen = "IgniteEventsLocalListen";
-        private const string ProcEventsIsEnabled = "IgniteEventsIsEnabled";
-        private const string ProcDeleteContext = "IgniteDeleteContext";
-        private const string ProcServicesWithAsync = "IgniteServicesWithAsync";
-        private const string ProcServicesWithServerKeepPortable = "IgniteServicesWithServerKeepPortable";
-        private const string ProcServicesCancel = "IgniteServicesCancel";
-        private const string ProcServicesCancelAll = "IgniteServicesCancelAll";
-        private const string ProcServicesGetServiceProxy = "IgniteServicesGetServiceProxy";
-        #endregion
-        private delegate int ReallocateDelegate(long memPtr, int cap);
-        private delegate void* IgnitionStartDelegate(void* ctx, sbyte* cfgPath, sbyte* gridName, int factoryId, long dataPtr);
-        private delegate bool IgnitionStopDelegate(void* ctx, sbyte* gridName, bool cancel);
-        private delegate void IgnitionStopAllDelegate(void* ctx, bool cancel);
-        private delegate void ProcessorReleaseStartDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj);
-        private delegate void* ProcessorProjectionDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj);
-        private delegate void* ProcessorCacheDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj, sbyte* name);
-        private delegate void* ProcessorCreateCacheDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj, sbyte* name);
-        private delegate void* ProcessorGetOrCreateCacheDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj, sbyte* name);
-        private delegate void* ProcessorAffinityDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj, sbyte* name);
-        private delegate void* ProcessorDataStreamerDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj, sbyte* name, bool keepPortable);
-        private delegate void* ProcessorTransactionsDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj);
-        private delegate void* ProcessorComputeDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj, void* prj);
-        private delegate void* ProcessorMessageDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj, void* prj);
-        private delegate void* ProcessorEventsDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj, void* prj);
-        private delegate void* ProcessorServicesDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj, void* prj);
-        private delegate void* ProcessorExtensionsDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj);
-        private delegate long TargetInStreamOutLongDelegate(void* ctx, void* target, int opType, long memPtr);
-        private delegate void TargetInStreamOutStreamDelegate(void* ctx, void* target, int opType, long inMemPtr, long outMemPtr);
-        private delegate void* TargetInStreamOutObjectDelegate(void* ctx, void* target, int opType, long memPtr);
-        private delegate void TargetInObjectStreamOutStreamDelegate(void* ctx, void* target, int opType, void* arg, long inMemPtr, long outMemPtr);
-        private delegate long TargetOutLongDelegate(void* ctx, void* target, int opType);
-        private delegate void TargetOutStreamDelegate(void* ctx, void* target, int opType, long memPtr);
-        private delegate void* TargetOutObjectDelegate(void* ctx, void* target, int opType);
-        private delegate void TargetListenFutureDelegate(void* ctx, void* target, long futId, int typ);
-        private delegate void TargetListenFutureForOpDelegate(void* ctx, void* target, long futId, int typ, int opId);
-        private delegate int AffinityPartitionsDelegate(void* ctx, void* target);
-        private delegate void* CacheWithSkipStoreDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj);
-        private delegate void* CacheNoRetriesDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj);
-        private delegate void* CacheWithExpiryPolicyDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj, long create, long update, long access);
-        private delegate void* CacheWithAsyncDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj);
-        private delegate void* CacheWithKeepPortableDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj);
-        private delegate void CacheClearDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj);
-        private delegate void CacheRemoveAllDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj);
-        private delegate void* CacheOutOpQueryCursorDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj, int type, long memPtr);
-        private delegate void* CacheOutOpContinuousQueryDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj, int type, long memPtr);
-        private delegate void* CacheIteratorDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj);
-        private delegate void* CacheLocalIteratorDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj, int peekModes);
-        private delegate void CacheEnterLockDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj, long id);
-        private delegate void CacheExitLockDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj, long id);
-        private delegate bool CacheTryEnterLockDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj, long id, long timeout);
-        private delegate void CacheCloseLockDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj, long id);
-        private delegate void CacheRebalanceDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj, long futId);
-        private delegate int CacheSizeDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj, int peekModes, bool loc);
-        private delegate void CacheStoreCallbackInvokeDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj, long memPtr);
-        private delegate void ComputeWithNoFailoverDelegate(void* ctx, void* target);
-        private delegate void ComputeWithTimeoutDelegate(void* ctx, void* target, long timeout);
-        private delegate void ComputeExecuteNativeDelegate(void* ctx, void* target, long taskPtr, long topVer);
-        private delegate void ContinuousQueryCloseDelegate(void* ctx, void* target);
-        private delegate void* ContinuousQueryGetInitialQueryCursorDelegate(void* ctx, void* target);
-        private delegate void DataStreamerListenTopologyDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj, long ptr);
-        private delegate bool DataStreamerAllowOverwriteGetDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj);
-        private delegate void DataStreamerAllowOverwriteSetDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj, bool val);
-        private delegate bool DataStreamerSkipStoreGetDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj);
-        private delegate void DataStreamerSkipStoreSetDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj, bool val);
-        private delegate int DataStreamerPerNodeBufferSizeGetDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj);
-        private delegate void DataStreamerPerNodeBufferSizeSetDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj, int val);
-        private delegate int DataStreamerPerNodeParallelOperationsGetDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj);
-        private delegate void DataStreamerPerNodeParallelOperationsSetDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj, int val);
-        private delegate void* MessagingWithAsyncDelegate(void* ctx, void* target);
-        private delegate void* ProjectionForOthersDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj, void* prj);
-		private delegate void* ProjectionForRemotesDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj);
-		private delegate void* ProjectionForDaemonsDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj);
-		private delegate void* ProjectionForRandomDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj);
-		private delegate void* ProjectionForOldestDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj);
-		private delegate void* ProjectionForYoungestDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj);
-		private delegate void ProjectionResetMetricsDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj);
-		private delegate void* ProjectionOutOpRetDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj, int type, long memPtr);
-        private delegate void QueryCursorIteratorDelegate(void* ctx, void* target);
-        private delegate void QueryCursorCloseDelegate(void* ctx, void* target);
-        private delegate void* AcquireDelegate(void* ctx, void* target);
-        private delegate void ReleaseDelegate(void* target);
-        private delegate long TransactionsStartDelegate(void* ctx, void* target, int concurrency, int isolation, long timeout, int txSize);
-        private delegate int TransactionsCommitDelegate(void* ctx, void* target, long id);
-        private delegate void TransactionsCommitAsyncDelegate(void* ctx, void* target, long id, long futId);
-        private delegate int TransactionsRollbackDelegate(void* ctx, void* target, long id);
-        private delegate void TransactionsRollbackAsyncDelegate(void* ctx, void* target, long id, long futId);
-        private delegate int TransactionsCloseDelegate(void* ctx, void* target, long id);
-        private delegate int TransactionsStateDelegate(void* ctx, void* target, long id);
-        private delegate bool TransactionsSetRollbackOnlyDelegate(void* ctx, void* target, long id);
-        private delegate void TransactionsResetMetricsDelegate(void* ctx, void* target);
-        private delegate void ThrowToJavaDelegate(void* ctx, char* msg);
-        private delegate void DestroyJvmDelegate(void* ctx);
-        private delegate int HandlersSizeDelegate();
-        private delegate void* CreateContextDelegate(void* opts, int optsLen, void* cbs);
-        private delegate void* EventsWithAsyncDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj);
-        private delegate bool EventsStopLocalListenDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj, long hnd);
-        private delegate void EventsLocalListenDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj, long hnd, int type);
-        private delegate bool EventsIsEnabledDelegate(void* ctx, void* obj, int type);
-        private delegate void DeleteContextDelegate(void* ptr);
-        private delegate void* ServicesWithAsyncDelegate(void* ctx, void* target);
-        private delegate void* ServicesWithServerKeepPortableDelegate(void* ctx, void* target);
-        private delegate long ServicesCancelDelegate(void* ctx, void* target, char* name);
-        private delegate long ServicesCancelAllDelegate(void* ctx, void* target);
-        private delegate void* ServicesGetServiceProxyDelegate(void* ctx, void* target, char* name, bool sticky);
-        #endregion
-        #region DELEGATE MEMBERS
-        // ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming
-        private static readonly ReallocateDelegate REALLOCATE;
-        private static readonly IgnitionStartDelegate IGNITION_START;
-        private static readonly IgnitionStopDelegate IGNITION_STOP;
-        private static readonly IgnitionStopAllDelegate IGNITION_STOP_ALL;
-        private static readonly ProcessorReleaseStartDelegate PROCESSOR_RELEASE_START;
-        private static readonly ProcessorProjectionDelegate PROCESSOR_PROJECTION;
-        private static readonly ProcessorCacheDelegate PROCESSOR_CACHE;
-        private static readonly ProcessorCreateCacheDelegate PROCESSOR_CREATE_CACHE;
-        private static readonly ProcessorGetOrCreateCacheDelegate PROCESSOR_GET_OR_CREATE_CACHE;
-        private static readonly ProcessorAffinityDelegate PROCESSOR_AFFINITY;
-        private static readonly ProcessorDataStreamerDelegate PROCESSOR_DATA_STREAMER;
-        private static readonly ProcessorTransactionsDelegate PROCESSOR_TRANSACTIONS;
-        private static readonly ProcessorComputeDelegate PROCESSOR_COMPUTE;
-        private static readonly ProcessorMessageDelegate PROCESSOR_MESSAGE;
-        private static readonly ProcessorEventsDelegate PROCESSOR_EVENTS;
-        private static readonly ProcessorServicesDelegate PROCESSOR_SERVICES;
-        private static readonly ProcessorExtensionsDelegate PROCESSOR_EXTENSIONS;
-        private static readonly TargetInStreamOutLongDelegate TARGET_IN_STREAM_OUT_LONG;
-        private static readonly TargetInStreamOutStreamDelegate TARGET_IN_STREAM_OUT_STREAM;
-        private static readonly TargetInStreamOutObjectDelegate TARGET_IN_STREAM_OUT_OBJECT;
-        private static readonly TargetInObjectStreamOutStreamDelegate TARGET_IN_OBJECT_STREAM_OUT_STREAM;
-        private static readonly TargetOutLongDelegate TARGET_OUT_LONG;
-        private static readonly TargetOutStreamDelegate TARGET_OUT_STREAM;
-        private static readonly TargetOutObjectDelegate TARGET_OUT_OBJECT;
-        private static readonly TargetListenFutureDelegate TargetListenFut;
-        private static readonly TargetListenFutureForOpDelegate TargetListenFutForOp;
-        private static readonly AffinityPartitionsDelegate AffinityParts;
-        private static readonly CacheWithSkipStoreDelegate CACHE_WITH_SKIP_STORE;
-        private static readonly CacheNoRetriesDelegate CACHE_WITH_NO_RETRIES;
-        private static readonly CacheWithExpiryPolicyDelegate CACHE_WITH_EXPIRY_POLICY;
-        private static readonly CacheWithAsyncDelegate CACHE_WITH_ASYNC;
-        private static readonly CacheWithKeepPortableDelegate CACHE_WITH_KEEP_PORTABLE;
-        private static readonly CacheClearDelegate CACHE_CLEAR;
-        private static readonly CacheRemoveAllDelegate CACHE_REMOVE_ALL;
-        private static readonly CacheOutOpQueryCursorDelegate CACHE_OUT_OP_QUERY_CURSOR;
-        private static readonly CacheOutOpContinuousQueryDelegate CACHE_OUT_OP_CONTINUOUS_QUERY;
-        private static readonly CacheIteratorDelegate CACHE_ITERATOR;
-        private static readonly CacheLocalIteratorDelegate CACHE_LOCAL_ITERATOR;
-        private static readonly CacheEnterLockDelegate CACHE_ENTER_LOCK;
-        private static readonly CacheExitLockDelegate CACHE_EXIT_LOCK;
-        private static readonly CacheTryEnterLockDelegate CACHE_TRY_ENTER_LOCK;
-        private static readonly CacheCloseLockDelegate CACHE_CLOSE_LOCK;
-        private static readonly CacheRebalanceDelegate CACHE_REBALANCE;
-        private static readonly CacheSizeDelegate CACHE_SIZE;
-        private static readonly CacheStoreCallbackInvokeDelegate CACHE_STORE_CALLBACK_INVOKE;
-        private static readonly ComputeWithNoFailoverDelegate COMPUTE_WITH_NO_FAILOVER;
-        private static readonly ComputeWithTimeoutDelegate COMPUTE_WITH_TIMEOUT;
-        private static readonly ComputeExecuteNativeDelegate COMPUTE_EXECUTE_NATIVE;
-        private static readonly ContinuousQueryCloseDelegate ContinuousQryClose;
-        private static readonly ContinuousQueryGetInitialQueryCursorDelegate ContinuousQryGetInitialQueryCursor;
-        private static readonly DataStreamerListenTopologyDelegate DataStreamerListenTop;
-        private static readonly DataStreamerAllowOverwriteGetDelegate DATA_STREAMER_ALLOW_OVERWRITE_GET;
-        private static readonly DataStreamerAllowOverwriteSetDelegate DATA_STREAMER_ALLOW_OVERWRITE_SET;
-        private static readonly DataStreamerSkipStoreGetDelegate DATA_STREAMER_SKIP_STORE_GET;
-        private static readonly DataStreamerSkipStoreSetDelegate DATA_STREAMER_SKIP_STORE_SET;
-        private static readonly DataStreamerPerNodeBufferSizeGetDelegate DATA_STREAMER_PER_NODE_BUFFER_SIZE_GET;
-        private static readonly DataStreamerPerNodeBufferSizeSetDelegate DATA_STREAMER_PER_NODE_BUFFER_SIZE_SET;
-        private static readonly DataStreamerPerNodeParallelOperationsGetDelegate DataStreamerPerNodeParallelOpsGet;
-        private static readonly DataStreamerPerNodeParallelOperationsSetDelegate DataStreamerPerNodeParallelOpsSet;
-        private static readonly MessagingWithAsyncDelegate MessagingWithAsync;
-        private static readonly ProjectionForOthersDelegate PROJECTION_FOR_OTHERS;
-        private static readonly ProjectionForRemotesDelegate PROJECTION_FOR_REMOTES;
-        private static readonly ProjectionForDaemonsDelegate PROJECTION_FOR_DAEMONS;
-        private static readonly ProjectionForRandomDelegate PROJECTION_FOR_RANDOM;
-        private static readonly ProjectionForOldestDelegate PROJECTION_FOR_OLDEST;
-        private static readonly ProjectionForYoungestDelegate PROJECTION_FOR_YOUNGEST;
-        private static readonly ProjectionResetMetricsDelegate PROJECTION_RESET_METRICS;
-        private static readonly ProjectionOutOpRetDelegate PROJECTION_OUT_OP_RET;
-        private static readonly QueryCursorIteratorDelegate QryCursorIterator;
-        private static readonly QueryCursorCloseDelegate QryCursorClose;
-        private static readonly AcquireDelegate ACQUIRE;
-        private static readonly ReleaseDelegate RELEASE;
-        private static readonly TransactionsStartDelegate TxStart;
-        private static readonly TransactionsCommitDelegate TxCommit;
-        private static readonly TransactionsCommitAsyncDelegate TxCommitAsync;
-        private static readonly TransactionsRollbackDelegate TxRollback;
-        private static readonly TransactionsRollbackAsyncDelegate TxRollbackAsync;
-        private static readonly TransactionsCloseDelegate TxClose;
-        private static readonly TransactionsStateDelegate TxState;
-        private static readonly TransactionsSetRollbackOnlyDelegate TxSetRollbackOnly;
-        private static readonly TransactionsResetMetricsDelegate TxResetMetrics;
-        private static readonly ThrowToJavaDelegate THROW_TO_JAVA;
-        private static readonly DestroyJvmDelegate DESTROY_JVM;
-        private static readonly HandlersSizeDelegate HANDLERS_SIZE;
-        private static readonly CreateContextDelegate CREATE_CONTEXT;
-        private static readonly EventsWithAsyncDelegate EVENTS_WITH_ASYNC;
-        private static readonly EventsStopLocalListenDelegate EVENTS_STOP_LOCAL_LISTEN;
-        private static readonly EventsLocalListenDelegate EVENTS_LOCAL_LISTEN;
-        private static readonly EventsIsEnabledDelegate EVENTS_IS_ENABLED;
-        private static readonly DeleteContextDelegate DELETE_CONTEXT;
-        private static readonly ServicesWithAsyncDelegate SERVICES_WITH_ASYNC;
-        private static readonly ServicesWithServerKeepPortableDelegate SERVICES_WITH_SERVER_KEEP_PORTABLE;
-        private static readonly ServicesCancelDelegate SERVICES_CANCEL;
-        private static readonly ServicesCancelAllDelegate SERVICES_CANCEL_ALL;
-        private static readonly ServicesGetServiceProxyDelegate SERVICES_GET_SERVICE_PROXY;
-        // ReSharper restore InconsistentNaming
-        #endregion
-        /** Library pointer. */
-        private static readonly IntPtr Ptr;
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Initializer.
-        /// </summary>
-        [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1065:DoNotRaiseExceptionsInUnexpectedLocations")]
-        static UnmanagedUtils()
-        {
-            var path = IgniteUtils.UnpackEmbeddedResource(IgniteUtils.FileIgniteJniDll);
-            Ptr = NativeMethods.LoadLibrary(path);
-            if (Ptr == IntPtr.Zero)
-                throw new IgniteException("Failed to load " + IgniteUtils.FileIgniteJniDll + ": " + Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());
-            REALLOCATE = CreateDelegate<ReallocateDelegate>(ProcReallocate);
-            IGNITION_START = CreateDelegate<IgnitionStartDelegate>(ProcIgnitionStart);
-            IGNITION_STOP = CreateDelegate<IgnitionStopDelegate>(ProcIgnitionStop);
-            IGNITION_STOP_ALL = CreateDelegate<IgnitionStopAllDelegate>(ProcIgnitionStopAll);
-            PROCESSOR_RELEASE_START = CreateDelegate<ProcessorReleaseStartDelegate>(ProcProcessorReleaseStart);
-            PROCESSOR_PROJECTION = CreateDelegate<ProcessorProjectionDelegate>(ProcProcessorProjection);
-            PROCESSOR_CACHE = CreateDelegate<ProcessorCacheDelegate>(ProcProcessorCache);
-            PROCESSOR_CREATE_CACHE = CreateDelegate<ProcessorCreateCacheDelegate>(ProcProcessorCreateCache);
-            PROCESSOR_GET_OR_CREATE_CACHE = CreateDelegate<ProcessorGetOrCreateCacheDelegate>(ProcProcessorGetOrCreateCache);
-            PROCESSOR_AFFINITY = CreateDelegate<ProcessorAffinityDelegate>(ProcProcessorAffinity);
-            PROCESSOR_DATA_STREAMER = CreateDelegate<ProcessorDataStreamerDelegate>(ProcProcessorDataStreamer);
-            PROCESSOR_TRANSACTIONS = CreateDelegate<ProcessorTransactionsDelegate>(ProcProcessorTransactions);
-            PROCESSOR_COMPUTE = CreateDelegate<ProcessorComputeDelegate>(ProcProcessorCompute);
-            PROCESSOR_MESSAGE = CreateDelegate<ProcessorMessageDelegate>(ProcProcessorMessage);
-            PROCESSOR_EVENTS = CreateDelegate<ProcessorEventsDelegate>(ProcProcessorEvents);
-            PROCESSOR_SERVICES = CreateDelegate<ProcessorServicesDelegate>(ProcProcessorServices);
-            PROCESSOR_EXTENSIONS = CreateDelegate<ProcessorExtensionsDelegate>(ProcProcessorExtensions);
-            TARGET_IN_STREAM_OUT_LONG = CreateDelegate<TargetInStreamOutLongDelegate>(ProcTargetInStreamOutLong);
-            TARGET_IN_STREAM_OUT_STREAM = CreateDelegate<TargetInStreamOutStreamDelegate>(ProcTargetInStreamOutStream);
-            TARGET_IN_STREAM_OUT_OBJECT = CreateDelegate<TargetInStreamOutObjectDelegate>(ProcTargetInStreamOutObject);
-            TARGET_IN_OBJECT_STREAM_OUT_STREAM = CreateDelegate<TargetInObjectStreamOutStreamDelegate>(ProcTargetInObjectStreamOutStream);
-            TARGET_OUT_LONG = CreateDelegate<TargetOutLongDelegate>(ProcTargetOutLong);
-            TARGET_OUT_STREAM = CreateDelegate<TargetOutStreamDelegate>(ProcTargetOutStream);
-            TARGET_OUT_OBJECT = CreateDelegate<TargetOutObjectDelegate>(ProcTargetOutObject);
-            TargetListenFut = CreateDelegate<TargetListenFutureDelegate>(ProcTargetListenFut);
-            TargetListenFutForOp = CreateDelegate<TargetListenFutureForOpDelegate>(ProcTargetListenFutForOp);
-            AffinityParts = CreateDelegate<AffinityPartitionsDelegate>(ProcAffinityParts);
-            CACHE_WITH_SKIP_STORE = CreateDelegate<CacheWithSkipStoreDelegate>(ProcCacheWithSkipStore);
-            CACHE_WITH_NO_RETRIES = CreateDelegate<CacheNoRetriesDelegate>(ProcCacheWithNoRetries);
-            CACHE_WITH_EXPIRY_POLICY = CreateDelegate<CacheWithExpiryPolicyDelegate>(ProcCacheWithExpiryPolicy);
-            CACHE_WITH_ASYNC = CreateDelegate<CacheWithAsyncDelegate>(ProcCacheWithAsync);
-            CACHE_WITH_KEEP_PORTABLE = CreateDelegate<CacheWithKeepPortableDelegate>(ProcCacheWithKeepPortable);
-            CACHE_CLEAR = CreateDelegate<CacheClearDelegate>(ProcCacheClear);
-            CACHE_REMOVE_ALL = CreateDelegate<CacheRemoveAllDelegate>(ProcCacheRemoveAll);
-            CACHE_OUT_OP_QUERY_CURSOR = CreateDelegate<CacheOutOpQueryCursorDelegate>(ProcCacheOutOpQueryCursor);
-            CACHE_OUT_OP_CONTINUOUS_QUERY = CreateDelegate<CacheOutOpContinuousQueryDelegate>(ProcCacheOutOpContinuousQuery);
-            CACHE_ITERATOR = CreateDelegate<CacheIteratorDelegate>(ProcCacheIterator);
-            CACHE_LOCAL_ITERATOR = CreateDelegate<CacheLocalIteratorDelegate>(ProcCacheLocalIterator);
-            CACHE_ENTER_LOCK = CreateDelegate<CacheEnterLockDelegate>(ProcCacheEnterLock);
-            CACHE_EXIT_LOCK = CreateDelegate<CacheExitLockDelegate>(ProcCacheExitLock);
-            CACHE_TRY_ENTER_LOCK = CreateDelegate<CacheTryEnterLockDelegate>(ProcCacheTryEnterLock);
-            CACHE_CLOSE_LOCK = CreateDelegate<CacheCloseLockDelegate>(ProcCacheCloseLock);
-            CACHE_REBALANCE = CreateDelegate<CacheRebalanceDelegate>(ProcCacheRebalance);
-            CACHE_SIZE = CreateDelegate<CacheSizeDelegate>(ProcCacheSize);
-            CACHE_STORE_CALLBACK_INVOKE = CreateDelegate<CacheStoreCallbackInvokeDelegate>(ProcCacheStoreCallbackInvoke);
-            COMPUTE_WITH_NO_FAILOVER = CreateDelegate<ComputeWithNoFailoverDelegate>(ProcComputeWithNoFailover);
-            COMPUTE_WITH_TIMEOUT = CreateDelegate<ComputeWithTimeoutDelegate>(ProcComputeWithTimeout);
-            COMPUTE_EXECUTE_NATIVE = CreateDelegate<ComputeExecuteNativeDelegate>(ProcComputeExecuteNative);
-            ContinuousQryClose = CreateDelegate<ContinuousQueryCloseDelegate>(ProcContinuousQryClose);
-            ContinuousQryGetInitialQueryCursor = CreateDelegate<ContinuousQueryGetInitialQueryCursorDelegate>(ProcContinuousQryGetInitialQueryCursor);
-            DataStreamerListenTop = CreateDelegate<DataStreamerListenTopologyDelegate>(ProcDataStreamerListenTop); 
-            DATA_STREAMER_ALLOW_OVERWRITE_GET = CreateDelegate<DataStreamerAllowOverwriteGetDelegate>(ProcDataStreamerAllowOverwriteGet);
-            DATA_STREAMER_ALLOW_OVERWRITE_SET = CreateDelegate<DataStreamerAllowOverwriteSetDelegate>(ProcDataStreamerAllowOverwriteSet); 
-            DATA_STREAMER_SKIP_STORE_GET = CreateDelegate<DataStreamerSkipStoreGetDelegate>(ProcDataStreamerSkipStoreGet); 
-            DATA_STREAMER_SKIP_STORE_SET = CreateDelegate<DataStreamerSkipStoreSetDelegate>(ProcDataStreamerSkipStoreSet); 
-            DATA_STREAMER_PER_NODE_BUFFER_SIZE_GET = CreateDelegate<DataStreamerPerNodeBufferSizeGetDelegate>(ProcDataStreamerPerNodeBufferSizeGet); 
-            DATA_STREAMER_PER_NODE_BUFFER_SIZE_SET = CreateDelegate<DataStreamerPerNodeBufferSizeSetDelegate>(ProcDataStreamerPerNodeBufferSizeSet); 
-            DataStreamerPerNodeParallelOpsGet = CreateDelegate<DataStreamerPerNodeParallelOperationsGetDelegate>(ProcDataStreamerPerNodeParallelOpsGet); 
-            DataStreamerPerNodeParallelOpsSet = CreateDelegate<DataStreamerPerNodeParallelOperationsSetDelegate>(ProcDataStreamerPerNodeParallelOpsSet); 
-            MessagingWithAsync = CreateDelegate<MessagingWithAsyncDelegate>(ProcMessagingWithAsync);
-            PROJECTION_FOR_OTHERS = CreateDelegate<ProjectionForOthersDelegate>(ProcProjectionForOthers);
-            PROJECTION_FOR_REMOTES = CreateDelegate<ProjectionForRemotesDelegate>(ProcProjectionForRemotes);
-            PROJECTION_FOR_DAEMONS = CreateDelegate<ProjectionForDaemonsDelegate>(ProcProjectionForDaemons);
-            PROJECTION_FOR_RANDOM = CreateDelegate<ProjectionForRandomDelegate>(ProcProjectionForRandom);
-            PROJECTION_FOR_OLDEST = CreateDelegate<ProjectionForOldestDelegate>(ProcProjectionForOldest);
-            PROJECTION_FOR_YOUNGEST = CreateDelegate<ProjectionForYoungestDelegate>(ProcProjectionForYoungest);
-            PROJECTION_RESET_METRICS = CreateDelegate<ProjectionResetMetricsDelegate>(ProcProjectionResetMetrics);
-            PROJECTION_OUT_OP_RET = CreateDelegate<ProjectionOutOpRetDelegate>(ProcProjectionOutOpRet);
-            QryCursorIterator = CreateDelegate<QueryCursorIteratorDelegate>(ProcQryCursorIterator);
-            QryCursorClose = CreateDelegate<QueryCursorCloseDelegate>(ProcQryCursorClose);
-            ACQUIRE = CreateDelegate<AcquireDelegate>(ProcAcquire);
-            RELEASE = CreateDelegate<ReleaseDelegate>(ProcRelease);
-            TxStart = CreateDelegate<TransactionsStartDelegate>(ProcTxStart);
-            TxCommit = CreateDelegate<TransactionsCommitDelegate>(ProcTxCommit);
-            TxCommitAsync = CreateDelegate<TransactionsCommitAsyncDelegate>(ProcTxCommitAsync);
-            TxRollback = CreateDelegate<TransactionsRollbackDelegate>(ProcTxRollback);
-            TxRollbackAsync = CreateDelegate<TransactionsRollbackAsyncDelegate>(ProcTxRollbackAsync);
-            TxClose = CreateDelegate<TransactionsCloseDelegate>(ProcTxClose);
-            TxState = CreateDelegate<TransactionsStateDelegate>(ProcTxState);
-            TxSetRollbackOnly = CreateDelegate<TransactionsSetRollbackOnlyDelegate>(ProcTxSetRollbackOnly);
-            TxResetMetrics = CreateDelegate<TransactionsResetMetricsDelegate>(ProcTxResetMetrics);
-            THROW_TO_JAVA = CreateDelegate<ThrowToJavaDelegate>(ProcThrowToJava);
-            HANDLERS_SIZE = CreateDelegate<HandlersSizeDelegate>(ProcHandlersSize);
-            CREATE_CONTEXT = CreateDelegate<CreateContextDelegate>(ProcCreateContext);
-            DELETE_CONTEXT = CreateDelegate<DeleteContextDelegate>(ProcDeleteContext);
-            DESTROY_JVM = CreateDelegate<DestroyJvmDelegate>(ProcDestroyJvm);
-            EVENTS_WITH_ASYNC = CreateDelegate<EventsWithAsyncDelegate>(ProcEventsWithAsync);
-            EVENTS_STOP_LOCAL_LISTEN = CreateDelegate<EventsStopLocalListenDelegate>(ProcEventsStopLocalListen);
-            EVENTS_LOCAL_LISTEN = CreateDelegate<EventsLocalListenDelegate>(ProcEventsLocalListen);
-            EVENTS_IS_ENABLED = CreateDelegate<EventsIsEnabledDelegate>(ProcEventsIsEnabled);
-            SERVICES_WITH_ASYNC = CreateDelegate<ServicesWithAsyncDelegate>(ProcServicesWithAsync);
-            SERVICES_WITH_SERVER_KEEP_PORTABLE = CreateDelegate<ServicesWithServerKeepPortableDelegate>(ProcServicesWithServerKeepPortable);
-            SERVICES_CANCEL = CreateDelegate<ServicesCancelDelegate>(ProcServicesCancel);
-            SERVICES_CANCEL_ALL = CreateDelegate<ServicesCancelAllDelegate>(ProcServicesCancelAll);
-            SERVICES_GET_SERVICE_PROXY = CreateDelegate<ServicesGetServiceProxyDelegate>(ProcServicesGetServiceProxy);
-        }
-        internal static IUnmanagedTarget IgnitionStart(UnmanagedContext ctx, string cfgPath, string gridName,
-            bool clientMode)
-        {
-            using (var mem = IgniteManager.Memory.Allocate().Stream())
-            {
-                mem.WriteBool(clientMode);
-                sbyte* cfgPath0 = IgniteUtils.StringToUtf8Unmanaged(cfgPath);
-                sbyte* gridName0 = IgniteUtils.StringToUtf8Unmanaged(gridName);
-                try
-                {
-                    void* res = IGNITION_START(ctx.NativeContext, cfgPath0, gridName0, InteropFactoryId,
-                        mem.SynchronizeOutput());
-                    return new UnmanagedTarget(ctx, res);
-                }
-                finally
-                {
-                    Marshal.FreeHGlobal(new IntPtr(cfgPath0));
-                    Marshal.FreeHGlobal(new IntPtr(gridName0));
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        internal static bool IgnitionStop(void* ctx, string gridName, bool cancel)
-        {
-            sbyte* gridName0 = IgniteUtils.StringToUtf8Unmanaged(gridName);
-            try
-            {
-                return IGNITION_STOP(ctx, gridName0, cancel);
-            }
-            finally
-            {
-                Marshal.FreeHGlobal(new IntPtr(gridName0));
-            }
-        }
-        internal static void IgnitionStopAll(void* ctx, bool cancel)
-        {
-            IGNITION_STOP_ALL(ctx, cancel);
-        }
-        internal static void ProcessorReleaseStart(IUnmanagedTarget target)
-        {
-            PROCESSOR_RELEASE_START(target.Context, target.Target);
-        }
-        internal static IUnmanagedTarget ProcessorProjection(IUnmanagedTarget target)
-        {
-            void* res = PROCESSOR_PROJECTION(target.Context, target.Target);
-            return target.ChangeTarget(res);
-        }
-        internal static IUnmanagedTarget ProcessorCache(IUnmanagedTarget target, string name)
-        {
-            sbyte* name0 = IgniteUtils.StringToUtf8Unmanaged(name);
-            try
-            {
-                void* res = PROCESSOR_CACHE(target.Context, target.Target, name0);
-                return target.ChangeTarget(res);
-            }
-            finally
-            {
-                Marshal.FreeHGlobal(new IntPtr(name0));
-            }
-        }
-        internal static IUnmanagedTarget ProcessorCreateCache(IUnmanagedTarget target, string name)
-        {
-            sbyte* name0 = IgniteUtils.StringToUtf8Unmanaged(name);
-            try
-            {
-                void* res = PROCESSOR_CREATE_CACHE(target.Context, target.Target, name0);
-                return target.ChangeTarget(res);
-            }
-            finally
-            {
-                Marshal.FreeHGlobal(new IntPtr(name0));
-            }
-        }
-        internal static IUnmanagedTarget ProcessorGetOrCreateCache(IUnmanagedTarget target, string name)
-        {
-            sbyte* name0 = IgniteUtils.StringToUtf8Unmanaged(name);
-            try
-            {
-                void* res = PROCESSOR_GET_OR_CREATE_CACHE(target.Context, target.Target, name0);
-                return target.ChangeTarget(res);
-            }
-            finally
-            {
-                Marshal.FreeHGlobal(new IntPtr(name0));
-            }
-        }
-        internal static IUnmanagedTarget ProcessorAffinity(IUnmanagedTarget target, string name)
-        {
-            sbyte* name0 = IgniteUtils.StringToUtf8Unmanaged(name);
-            try
-            {
-                void* res = PROCESSOR_AFFINITY(target.Context, target.Target, name0);
-                return target.ChangeTarget(res);
-            }
-            finally
-            {
-                Marshal.FreeHGlobal(new IntPtr(name0));
-            }
-        }
-        internal static IUnmanagedTarget ProcessorDataStreamer(IUnmanagedTarget target, string name, bool keepPortable)
-        {
-            sbyte* name0 = IgniteUtils.StringToUtf8Unmanaged(name);
-            try
-            {
-                void* res = PROCESSOR_DATA_STREAMER(target.Context, target.Target, name0, keepPortable);
-                return target.ChangeTarget(res);
-            }
-            finally
-            {
-                Marshal.FreeHGlobal(new IntPtr(name0));
-            }
-        }
-        internal static IUnmanagedTarget ProcessorTransactions(IUnmanagedTarget target)
-        {
-            void* res = PROCESSOR_TRANSACTIONS(target.Context, target.Target);
-            return target.ChangeTarget(res);
-        }
-        internal static IUnmanagedTarget ProcessorCompute(IUnmanagedTarget target, IUnmanagedTarget prj)
-        {
-            void* res = PROCESSOR_COMPUTE(target.Context, target.Target, prj.Target);
-            return target.ChangeTarget(res);
-        }
-        internal static IUnmanagedTarget ProcessorMessage(IUnmanagedTarget target, IUnmanagedTarget prj)
-        {
-            void* res = PROCESSOR_MESSAGE(target.Context, target.Target, prj.Target);
-            return target.ChangeTarget(res);
-        }
-        internal static IUnmanagedTarget ProcessorEvents(IUnmanagedTarget target, IUnmanagedTarget prj)
-        {
-            void* res = PROCESSOR_EVENTS(target.Context, target.Target, prj.Target);
-            return target.ChangeTarget(res);
-        }
-        internal static IUnmanagedTarget ProcessorServices(IUnmanagedTarget target, IUnmanagedTarget prj)
-        {
-            void* res = PROCESSOR_SERVICES(target.Context, target.Target, prj.Target);
-            return target.ChangeTarget(res);
-        }
-        internal static IUnmanagedTarget ProcessorExtensions(IUnmanagedTarget target)
-        {
-            void* res = PROCESSOR_EXTENSIONS(target.Context, target.Target);
-            return target.ChangeTarget(res);
-        }
-        #endregion
-        #region NATIVE METHODS: TARGET
-        internal static long TargetInStreamOutLong(IUnmanagedTarget target, int opType, long memPtr)
-        {
-            return TARGET_IN_STREAM_OUT_LONG(target.Context, target.Target, opType, memPtr);
-        }
-        internal static void TargetInStreamOutStream(IUnmanagedTarget target, int opType, long inMemPtr, long outMemPtr)
-        {
-            TARGET_IN_STREAM_OUT_STREAM(target.Context, target.Target, opType, inMemPtr, outMemPtr);
-        }
-        internal static IUnmanagedTarget TargetInStreamOutObject(IUnmanagedTarget target, int opType, long inMemPtr)
-        {
-            void* res = TARGET_IN_STREAM_OUT_OBJECT(target.Context, target.Target, opType, inMemPtr);
-            return target.ChangeTarget(res);
-        }
-        internal static void TargetInObjectStreamOutStream(IUnmanagedTarget target, int opType, void* arg, long inMemPtr, long outMemPtr)
-        {
-            TARGET_IN_OBJECT_STREAM_OUT_STREAM(target.Context, target.Target, opType, arg, inMemPtr, outMemPtr);
-        }
-        internal static long TargetOutLong(IUnmanagedTarget target, int opType)
-        {
-            return TARGET_OUT_LONG(target.Context, target.Target, opType);
-        }
-        internal static void TargetOutStream(IUnmanagedTarget target, int opType, long memPtr)
-        {
-            TARGET_OUT_STREAM(target.Context, target.Target, opType, memPtr);
-        }
-        internal static IUnmanagedTarget TargetOutObject(IUnmanagedTarget target, int opType)
-        {
-            void* res = TARGET_OUT_OBJECT(target.Context, target.Target, opType);
-            return target.ChangeTarget(res);
-        }
-        internal static void TargetListenFuture(IUnmanagedTarget target, long futId, int typ)
-        {
-            TargetListenFut(target.Context, target.Target, futId, typ);
-        }
-        internal static void TargetListenFutureForOperation(IUnmanagedTarget target, long futId, int typ, int opId)
-        {
-            TargetListenFutForOp(target.Context, target.Target, futId, typ, opId);
-        }
-        #endregion
-        internal static int AffinityPartitions(IUnmanagedTarget target)
-        {
-            return AffinityParts(target.Context, target.Target);
-        }
-        #endregion
-        #region NATIVE METHODS: CACHE
-        internal static IUnmanagedTarget CacheWithSkipStore(IUnmanagedTarget target)
-        {
-            void* res = CACHE_WITH_SKIP_STORE(target.Context, target.Target);
-            return target.ChangeTarget(res);
-        }
-        internal static IUnmanagedTarget CacheWithNoRetries(IUnmanagedTarget target)
-        {
-            void* res = CACHE_WITH_NO_RETRIES(target.Context, target.Target);
-            return target.ChangeTarget(res);
-        }
-        internal static IUnmanagedTarget CacheWithExpiryPolicy(IUnmanagedTarget target, long create, long update, long access)
-        {
-            void* res = CACHE_WITH_EXPIRY_POLICY(target.Context, target.Target, create, update, access);
-            return target.ChangeTarget(res);
-        }
-        internal static IUnmanagedTarget CacheWithAsync(IUnmanagedTarget target)
-        {
-            void* res = CACHE_WITH_ASYNC(target.Context, target.Target);
-            return target.ChangeTarget(res);
-        }
-        internal static IUnmanagedTarget CacheWithKeepPortable(IUnmanagedTarget target)
-        {
-            void* res = CACHE_WITH_KEEP_PORTABLE(target.Context, target.Target);
-            return target.ChangeTarget(res);
-        }
-        internal static void CacheClear(IUnmanagedTarget target)
-        {
-            CACHE_CLEAR(target.Context, target.Target);
-        }
-        internal static void CacheRemoveAll(IUnmanagedTarget target)
-        {
-            CACHE_REMOVE_ALL(target.Context, target.Target);
-        }
-        internal static IUnmanagedTarget CacheOutOpQueryCursor(IUnmanagedTarget target, int type, long memPtr)
-        {
-            void* res = CACHE_OUT_OP_QUERY_CURSOR(target.Context, target.Target, type, memPtr);
-            return target.ChangeTarget(res);
-        }
-        internal static IUnmanagedTarget CacheOutOpContinuousQuery(IUnmanagedTarget target, int type, long memPtr)
-        {
-            void* res = CACHE_OUT_OP_CONTINUOUS_QUERY(target.Context, target.Target, type, memPtr);
-            return target.ChangeTarget(res);
-        }
-        internal static IUnmanagedTarget CacheIterator(IUnmanagedTarget target)
-        {
-            void* res = CACHE_ITERATOR(target.Context, target.Target);
-            return target.ChangeTarget(res);
-        }
-        internal static IUnmanagedTarget CacheLocalIterator(IUnmanagedTarget target, int peekModes)
-        {
-            void* res = CACHE_LOCAL_ITERATOR(target.Context, target.Target, peekModes);
-            return target.ChangeTarget(res);
-        }
-        internal static void CacheEnterLock(IUnmanagedTarget target, long id)
-        {
-            CACHE_ENTER_LOCK(target.Context, target.Target, id);
-        }
-        internal static void CacheExitLock(IUnmanagedTarget target, long id)
-        {
-            CACHE_EXIT_LOCK(target.Context, target.Target, id);
-        }
-        internal static bool CacheTryEnterLock(IUnmanagedTarget target, long id, long timeout)
-        {
-            return CACHE_TRY_ENTER_LOCK(target.Context, target.Target, id, timeout);
-        }
-        internal static void CacheCloseLock(IUnmanagedTarget target, long id)
-        {
-            CACHE_CLOSE_LOCK(target.Context, target.Target, id);
-        }
-        internal static void CacheRebalance(IUnmanagedTarget target, long futId)
-        {
-            CACHE_REBALANCE(target.Context, target.Target, futId);
-        }
-        internal static void CacheStoreCallbackInvoke(IUnmanagedTarget target, long memPtr)
-        {
-            CACHE_STORE_CALLBACK_INVOKE(target.Context, target.Target, memPtr);
-        }
-        internal static int CacheSize(IUnmanagedTarget target, int modes, bool loc)
-        {
-            return CACHE_SIZE(target.Context, target.Target, modes, loc);
-        }
-        #endregion
-        #region NATIVE METHODS: COMPUTE
-        internal static void ComputeWithNoFailover(IUnmanagedTarget target)
-        {
-            COMPUTE_WITH_NO_FAILOVER(target.Context, target.Target);
-        }
-        internal static void ComputeWithTimeout(IUnmanagedTarget target, long timeout)
-        {
-            COMPUTE_WITH_TIMEOUT(target.Context, target.Target, timeout);
-        }
-        internal static void ComputeExecuteNative(IUnmanagedTarget target, long taskPtr, long topVer)
-        {
-            COMPUTE_EXECUTE_NATIVE(target.Context, target.Target, taskPtr, topVer);
-        }
-        #endregion
-        internal static void ContinuousQueryClose(IUnmanagedTarget target)
-        {
-            ContinuousQryClose(target.Context, target.Target);
-        }
-        internal static IUnmanagedTarget ContinuousQueryGetInitialQueryCursor(IUnmanagedTarget target)
-        {
-            void* res = ContinuousQryGetInitialQueryCursor(target.Context, target.Target);
-            return res == null ? null : target.ChangeTarget(res);
-        }
-        #endregion
-        internal static void DataStreamerListenTopology(IUnmanagedTarget target, long ptr)
-        {
-            DataStreamerListenTop(target.Context, target.Target, ptr);
-        }
-        internal static bool DataStreamerAllowOverwriteGet(IUnmanagedTarget target)
-        {
-            return DATA_STREAMER_ALLOW_OVERWRITE_GET(target.Context, target.Target);
-        }
-        internal static void DataStreamerAllowOverwriteSet(IUnmanagedTarget target, bool val)
-        {
-            DATA_STREAMER_ALLOW_OVERWRITE_SET(target.Context, target.Target, val);
-        }
-        internal static bool DataStreamerSkipStoreGet(IUnmanagedTarget target)
-        {
-            return DATA_STREAMER_SKIP_STORE_GET(target.Context, target.Target);
-        }
-        internal static void DataStreamerSkipStoreSet(IUnmanagedTarget target, bool val)
-        {
-            DATA_STREAMER_SKIP_STORE_SET(target.Context, target.Target, val);
-        }
-        internal static int DataStreamerPerNodeBufferSizeGet(IUnmanagedTarget target)
-        {
-            return DATA_STREAMER_PER_NODE_BUFFER_SIZE_GET(target.Context, target.Target);
-        }
-        internal static void DataStreamerPerNodeBufferSizeSet(IUnmanagedTarget target, int val)
-        {
-            DATA_STREAMER_PER_NODE_BUFFER_SIZE_SET(target.Context, target.Target, val);
-        }
-        internal static int DataStreamerPerNodeParallelOperationsGet(IUnmanagedTarget target)
-        {
-            return DataStreamerPerNodeParallelOpsGet(target.Context, target.Target);
-        }
-        internal static void DataStreamerPerNodeParallelOperationsSet(IUnmanagedTarget target, int val)
-        {
-            DataStreamerPerNodeParallelOpsSet(target.Context, target.Target, val);
-        }
-        #endregion
-        internal static IUnmanagedTarget MessagingWithASync(IUnmanagedTarget target)
-        {
-            void* res = MessagingWithAsync(target.Context, target.Target);
-            return target.ChangeTarget(res);
-        }
-        #endregion
-        internal static IUnmanagedTarget ProjectionForOthers(IUnmanagedTarget target, IUnmanagedTarget prj)
-        {
-            void* res = PROJECTION_FOR_OTHERS(target.Context, target.Target, prj.Target);
-            return target.ChangeTarget(res);
-        }
-        internal static IUnmanagedTarget ProjectionForRemotes(IUnmanagedTarget target)
-        {
-            void* res = PROJECTION_FOR_REMOTES(target.Context, target.Target);
-            return target.ChangeTarget(res);
-        }
-        internal static IUnmanagedTarget ProjectionForDaemons(IUnmanagedTarget target)
-        {
-            void* res = PROJECTION_FOR_DAEMONS(target.Context, target.Target);
-            return target.ChangeTarget(res);
-        }
-        internal static IUnmanagedTarget ProjectionForRandom(IUnmanagedTarget target)
-        {
-            void* res = PROJECTION_FOR_RANDOM(target.Context, target.Target);
-            return target.ChangeTarget(res);
-        }
-        internal static IUnmanagedTarget ProjectionForOldest(IUnmanagedTarget target)
-        {
-            void* res = PROJECTION_FOR_OLDEST(target.Context, target.Target);
-            return target.ChangeTarget(res);
-        }
-        internal static IUnmanagedTarget ProjectionForYoungest(IUnmanagedTarget target)
-        {
-            void* res = PROJECTION_FOR_YOUNGEST(target.Context, target.Target);
-            return target.ChangeTarget(res);
-        }
-        internal static void ProjectionResetMetrics(IUnmanagedTarget target)
-        {
-            PROJECTION_RESET_METRICS(target.Context, target.Target);
-        }
-        internal static IUnmanagedTarget ProjectionOutOpRet(IUnmanagedTarget target, int type, long memPtr)
-        {
-            void* res = PROJECTION_OUT_OP_RET(target.Context, target.Target, type, memPtr);
-            return target.ChangeTarget(res);
-        }
-        #endregion
-        internal static void QueryCursorIterator(IUnmanagedTarget target)
-        {
-            QryCursorIterator(target.Context, target.Target);
-        }
-        internal static void QueryCursorClose(IUnmanagedTarget target)
-        {
-            QryCursorClose(target.Context, target.Target);
-        }
-        #endregion
-        internal static long TransactionsStart(IUnmanagedTarget target, int concurrency, int isolation, long timeout, int txSize)
-        {
-            return TxStart(target.Context, target.Target, concurrency, isolation, timeout, txSize);
-        }
-        internal static int TransactionsCommit(IUnmanagedTarget target, long id)
-        {
-            return TxCommit(target.Context, target.Target, id);
-        }
-        internal static void TransactionsCommitAsync(IUnmanagedTarget target, long id, long futId)
-        {
-            TxCommitAsync(target.Context, target.Target, id, futId);
-        }
-        internal static int TransactionsRollback(IUnmanagedTarget target, long id)
-        {
-            return TxRollback(target.Context, target.Target, id);
-        }
-        internal static void TransactionsRollbackAsync(IUnmanagedTarget target, long id, long futId)
-        {
-            TxRollbackAsync(target.Context, target.Target, id, futId);
-        }
-        internal static int TransactionsClose(IUnmanagedTarget target, long id)
-        {
-            return TxClose(target.Context, target.Target, id);
-        }
-        internal static int TransactionsState(IUnmanagedTarget target, long id)
-        {
-            return TxState(target.Context, target.Target, id);
-        }
-        internal static bool TransactionsSetRollbackOnly(IUnmanagedTarget target, long id)
-        {
-            return TxSetRollbackOnly(target.Context, target.Target, id);
-        }
-        internal static void TransactionsResetMetrics(IUnmanagedTarget target)
-        {
-            TxResetMetrics(target.Context, target.Target);
-        }
-        #endregion
-        internal static void Reallocate(long memPtr, int cap)
-        {
-            int res = REALLOCATE(memPtr, cap);
-            if (res != 0)
-                throw new IgniteException("Failed to reallocate external memory [ptr=" + memPtr + 
-                    ", capacity=" + cap + ']');
-        }
-        internal static IUnmanagedTarget Acquire(UnmanagedContext ctx, void* target)
-        {
-            void* target0 = ACQUIRE(ctx.NativeContext, target);
-            return new UnmanagedTarget(ctx, target0);
-        }
-        internal static void Release(IUnmanagedTarget target)
-        {
-            RELEASE(target.Target);
-        }
-        internal static void ThrowToJava(void* ctx, Exception e)
-        {
-            char* msgChars = (char*)IgniteUtils.StringToUtf8Unmanaged(e.Message);
-            try
-            {
-                THROW_TO_JAVA(ctx, msgChars);
-            }
-            finally
-            {
-                Marshal.FreeHGlobal(new IntPtr(msgChars));
-            }
-        }
-        internal static int HandlersSize()
-        {
-            return HANDLERS_SIZE();
-        }
-        internal static void* CreateContext(void* opts, int optsLen, void* cbs)
-        {
-            return CREATE_CONTEXT(opts, optsLen, cbs);
-        }
-        internal static void DeleteContext(void* ctx)
-        {
-            DELETE_CONTEXT(ctx);
-        }
-        internal static void DestroyJvm(void* ctx)
-        {
-            DESTROY_JVM(ctx);
-        }
-        #endregion
-        #region NATIVE METHODS: EVENTS
-        internal static IUnmanagedTarget EventsWithAsync(IUnmanagedTarget target)
-        {
-            return target.ChangeTarget(EVENTS_WITH_ASYNC(target.Context, target.Target));
-        }
-        internal static bool EventsStopLocalListen(IUnmanagedTarget target, long handle)
-        {
-            return EVENTS_STOP_LOCAL_LISTEN(target.Context, target.Target, handle);
-        }
-        internal static bool EventsIsEnabled(IUnmanagedTarget target, int type)
-        {
-            return EVENTS_IS_ENABLED(target.Context, target.Target, type);
-        }
-        internal static void EventsLocalListen(IUnmanagedTarget target, long handle, int type)
-        {
-            EVENTS_LOCAL_LISTEN(target.Context, target.Target, handle, type);
-        }
-        #endregion
-        internal static IUnmanagedTarget ServicesWithAsync(IUnmanagedTarget target)
-        {
-            return target.ChangeTarget(SERVICES_WITH_ASYNC(target.Context, target.Target));
-        }
-        internal static IUnmanagedTarget ServicesWithServerKeepPortable(IUnmanagedTarget target)
-        {
-            return target.ChangeTarget(SERVICES_WITH_SERVER_KEEP_PORTABLE(target.Context, target.Target));
-        }
-        internal static void ServicesCancel(IUnmanagedTarget target, string name)
-        {
-            var nameChars = (char*)IgniteUtils.StringToUtf8Unmanaged(name);
-            try
-            {
-                SERVICES_CANCEL(target.Context, target.Target, nameChars);
-            }
-            finally
-            {
-                Marshal.FreeHGlobal(new IntPtr(nameChars));
-            }
-        }
-        internal static void ServicesCancelAll(IUnmanagedTarget target)
-        {
-            SERVICES_CANCEL_ALL(target.Context, target.Target);
-        }
-        internal static IUnmanagedTarget ServicesGetServiceProxy(IUnmanagedTarget target, string name, bool sticky)
-        {
-            var nameChars = (char*)IgniteUtils.StringToUtf8Unmanaged(name);
-            try
-            {
-                return target.ChangeTarget(
-                    SERVICES_GET_SERVICE_PROXY(target.Context, target.Target, nameChars, sticky));
-            }
-            finally
-            {
-                Marshal.FreeHGlobal(new IntPtr(nameChars));
-            }
-        }
-        #endregion
-        /// <summary>
-        /// No-op initializer used to force type loading and static constructor call.
-        /// </summary>
-        internal static void Initialize()
-        {
-            // No-op.
-        }
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Create delegate for the given procedure.
-        /// </summary>
-        /// <typeparam name="T">Delegate type.</typeparam>
-        /// <param name="procName">Procedure name.</param>
-        /// <returns></returns>
-        private static T CreateDelegate<T>(string procName)
-        {
-            var procPtr = NativeMethods.GetProcAddress(Ptr, procName);
-            if (procPtr == IntPtr.Zero)
-                throw new IgniteException(string.Format("Unable to find native function: {0} (Error code: {1}). " +
-                                                      "Make sure that module.def is up to date",
-                    procName, Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()));
-            return TypeCaster<T>.Cast(Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procPtr, typeof (T)));
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/modules/platform/src/main/dotnet/Apache.Ignite.Core/Lifecycle/ILifecycleBean.cs b/modules/platform/src/main/dotnet/Apache.Ignite.Core/Lifecycle/ILifecycleBean.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 06cb523..0000000
--- a/modules/platform/src/main/dotnet/Apache.Ignite.Core/Lifecycle/ILifecycleBean.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-namespace Apache.Ignite.Core.Lifecycle
-    using Apache.Ignite.Core.Resource;
-    /// <summary>
-    /// A bean that reacts to Ignite lifecycle events defined in <see cref="LifecycleEventType"/>.
-    /// Use this bean whenever you need to plug some custom logic before or after
-    /// Ignite startup and stopping routines.
-    /// <para />
-    /// There are four events you can react to:
-    /// <list type="bullet">
-    ///     <item>
-    ///         <term>BeforeNodeStart</term>
-    ///         <description>Invoked before Ignite startup routine is initiated. Note that Ignite 
-    ///         is not available during this event, therefore if you injected an Ignite instance 
-    ///         via <see cref="InstanceResourceAttribute"/> attribute, you cannot 
-    ///         use it yet.</description>
-    ///     </item>
-    ///     <item>
-    ///         <term>AfterNodeStart</term>
-    ///         <description>Invoked right after Ignite has started. At this point, if you injected
-    ///         an Ignite instance via <see cref="InstanceResourceAttribute"/> attribute, 
-    ///         you can start using it.</description>
-    ///     </item>
-    ///     <item>
-    ///         <term>BeforeNodeStop</term>
-    ///         <description>Invoked right before Ignite stop routine is initiated. Ignite is still 
-    ///         available at this stage, so if you injected an Ignite instance via 
-    ///         <see cref="InstanceResourceAttribute"/> attribute, you can use it.
-    ///         </description>
-    ///     </item>
-    ///     <item>
-    ///         <term>AfterNodeStop</term>
-    ///         <description>Invoked right after Ignite has stopped. Note that Ignite is not available 
-    ///         during this event.</description>
-    ///     </item>
-    /// </list>
-    /// </summary>
-    public interface ILifecycleBean
-    {
-        /// <summary>
-        /// This method is called when lifecycle event occurs.
-        /// </summary>
-        /// <param name="evt">Lifecycle event.</param>
-        void OnLifecycleEvent(LifecycleEventType evt);
-    }
diff --git a/modules/platform/src/main/dotnet/Apache.Ignite.Core/Lifecycle/LifecycleEventType.cs b/modules/platform/src/main/dotnet/Apache.Ignite.Core/Lifecycle/LifecycleEventType.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index beea555..0000000
--- a/modules/platform/src/main/dotnet/Apache.Ignite.Core/Lifecycle/LifecycleEventType.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-namespace Apache.Ignite.Core.Lifecycle
-    /// <summary>
-    /// Ignite lifecycle event types. These events are used to notify lifecycle beans
-    /// about changes in Ignite lifecycle state.
-    /// <para />
-    /// For more information and detailed examples refer to <see cref="ILifecycleBean"/>
-    /// documentation.
-    /// </summary>
-    public enum LifecycleEventType
-    {
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Invoked before node startup routine. Node is not initialized and cannot be used.
-        /// </summary>
-        BeforeNodeStart,
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Invoked after node startup is complete. Node is fully initialized and fully functional.
-        /// </summary>
-        AfterNodeStart,
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Invoked before node stopping routine. Node is fully functional at this point.
-        /// </summary>
-        BeforeNodeStop,
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Invoked after node had stopped. Node is stopped and cannot be used. 
-        /// </summary>
-        AfterNodeStop
-    }
diff --git a/modules/platform/src/main/dotnet/Apache.Ignite.Core/Messaging/IMessageFilter.cs b/modules/platform/src/main/dotnet/Apache.Ignite.Core/Messaging/IMessageFilter.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 456c5e6..0000000
--- a/modules/platform/src/main/dotnet/Apache.Ignite.Core/Messaging/IMessageFilter.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-namespace Apache.Ignite.Core.Messaging
-    using System;
-    /// <summary>
-    /// Represents messaging filter predicate.
-    /// </summary>
-    public interface IMessageFilter<in T>
-    {
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Returns a value indicating whether provided message and node id satisfy this predicate.
-        /// </summary>
-        /// <param name="nodeId">Node identifier.</param>
-        /// <param name="message">Message.</param>
-        /// <returns>Value indicating whether provided message and node id satisfy this predicate.</returns>
-        bool Invoke(Guid nodeId, T message);
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/platform/src/main/dotnet/Apache.Ignite.Core/Messaging/IMessaging.cs b/modules/platform/src/main/dotnet/Apache.Ignite.Core/Messaging/IMessaging.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 96f46b9..0000000
--- a/modules/platform/src/main/dotnet/Apache.Ignite.Core/Messaging/IMessaging.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-namespace Apache.Ignite.Core.Messaging
-    using System;
-    using System.Collections;
-    using Apache.Ignite.Core.Cluster;
-    using Apache.Ignite.Core.Common;
-    /// <summary>
-    /// Provides functionality for topic-based message exchange among nodes defined by <see cref="IClusterGroup"/>.
-    /// Users can send ordered and unordered messages to various topics. Note that same topic name
-    /// cannot be reused between ordered and unordered messages.
-    /// <para/>
-    /// All members are thread-safe and may be used concurrently from multiple threads.
-    /// </summary>
-    public interface IMessaging : IAsyncSupport<IMessaging>
-    {
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Gets the cluster group to which this instance belongs.
-        /// </summary>
-        IClusterGroup ClusterGroup { get; }
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Sends a message with specified topic to the nodes in the underlying cluster group.
-        /// </summary>
-        /// <param name="message">Message to send.</param>
-        /// <param name="topic">Topic to send to, null for default topic.</param>
-        void Send(object message, object topic = null);
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Sends messages with specified topic to the nodes in the underlying cluster group.
-        /// </summary>
-        /// <param name="messages">Messages to send.</param>
-        /// <param name="topic">Topic to send to, null for default topic.</param>
-        void Send(IEnumerable messages, object topic = null);
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Sends a message with specified topic to the nodes in the underlying cluster group.
-        /// Messages sent with this method will arrive in the same order they were sent. Note that if a topic is used
-        /// for ordered messages, then it cannot be reused for non-ordered messages.
-        /// </summary>
-        /// <param name="message">Message to send.</param>
-        /// <param name="topic">Topic to send to, null for default topic.</param>
-        /// <param name="timeout">
-        /// Message timeout, null for for default value from configuration (IgniteConfiguration.getNetworkTimeout).
-        /// </param>
-        void SendOrdered(object message, object topic = null, TimeSpan? timeout = null);
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Adds local listener for given topic on local node only. This listener will be notified whenever any
-        /// node within the cluster group will send a message for a given topic to this node. Local listen
-        /// subscription will happen regardless of whether local node belongs to this cluster group or not.
-        /// </summary>
-        /// <param name="filter">
-        /// Predicate that is called on each received message. If predicate returns false,
-        /// then it will be unsubscribed from any further notifications.
-        /// </param>
-        /// <param name="topic">Topic to subscribe to.</param>
-        void LocalListen<T>(IMessageFilter<T> filter, object topic = null);
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Unregisters local listener for given topic on local node only.
-        /// </summary>
-        /// <param name="filter">Listener predicate.</param>
-        /// <param name="topic">Topic to unsubscribe from.</param>
-        void StopLocalListen<T>(IMessageFilter<T> filter, object topic = null);
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Adds a message listener for a given topic to all nodes in the cluster group (possibly including
-        /// this node if it belongs to the cluster group as well). This means that any node within this cluster
-        /// group can send a message for a given topic and all nodes within the cluster group will receive
-        /// listener notifications.
-        /// </summary>
-        /// <param name="filter">Listener predicate.</param>
-        /// <param name="topic">Topic to unsubscribe from.</param>
-        /// <returns>
-        /// Operation ID that can be passed to <see cref="StopRemoteListen"/> method to stop listening.
-        /// </returns>
-        [AsyncSupported]
-        Guid RemoteListen<T>(IMessageFilter<T> filter, object topic = null);
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Unregisters all listeners identified with provided operation ID on all nodes in the cluster group.
-        /// </summary>
-        /// <param name="opId">Operation ID that was returned from <see cref="RemoteListen{T}"/> method.</param>
-        [AsyncSupported]
-        void StopRemoteListen(Guid opId);
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/platform/src/main/dotnet/Apache.Ignite.Core/Portable/IPortableBuilder.cs b/modules/platform/src/main/dotnet/Apache.Ignite.Core/Portable/IPortableBuilder.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f65840..0000000
--- a/modules/platform/src/main/dotnet/Apache.Ignite.Core/Portable/IPortableBuilder.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-namespace Apache.Ignite.Core.Portable
-    using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
-    /// <summary>
-    /// Portable object builder. Provides ability to build portable objects dynamically
-    /// without having class definitions.
-    /// <para />
-    /// Note that type ID is required in order to build portable object. Usually it is
-    /// enough to provide a simple type name and Ignite will generate the type ID
-    /// automatically.
-    /// </summary>
-    public interface IPortableBuilder
-    {
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Get object field value. If value is another portable object, then
-        /// builder for this object will be returned. If value is a container
-        /// for other objects (array, ICollection, IDictionary), then container
-        /// will be returned with primitive types in deserialized form and
-        /// portable objects as builders. Any change in builder or collection
-        /// returned through this method will be reflected in the resulting
-        /// portable object after build.
-        /// </summary>
-        /// <param name="fieldName">Field name.</param>
-        /// <returns>Field value.</returns>
-        T GetField<T>(string fieldName);
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Set object field value. Value can be of any type including other
-        /// <see cref="IPortableObject"/> and other builders.
-        /// </summary>
-        /// <param name="fieldName">Field name.</param>
-        /// <param name="val">Field value.</param>
-        /// <returns>Current builder instance.</returns>
-        IPortableBuilder SetField<T>(string fieldName, T val);
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Remove object field.
-        /// </summary>
-        /// <param name="fieldName">Field name.</param>
-        /// <returns>Current builder instance.</returns>
-        IPortableBuilder RemoveField(string fieldName);
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Set explicit hash code. If builder creating object from scratch,
-        /// then hash code initially set to 0. If builder is created from
-        /// exising portable object, then hash code of that object is used
-        /// as initial value.
-        /// </summary>
-        /// <param name="hashCode">Hash code.</param>
-        /// <returns>Current builder instance.</returns>
-        IPortableBuilder SetHashCode(int hashCode);
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Build the object.
-        /// </summary>
-        /// <returns>Resulting portable object.</returns>
-        IPortableObject Build();
-    }
diff --git a/modules/platform/src/main/dotnet/Apache.Ignite.Core/Portable/IPortableIdMapper.cs b/modules/platform/src/main/dotnet/Apache.Ignite.Core/Portable/IPortableIdMapper.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c18eb9..0000000
--- a/modules/platform/src/main/dotnet/Apache.Ignite.Core/Portable/IPortableIdMapper.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-namespace Apache.Ignite.Core.Portable
-    /// <summary>
-    /// Maps class name and class field names to integer identifiers.
-    /// </summary>
-    public interface IPortableIdMapper
-    {
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Gets type ID for the given type.
-        /// </summary>
-        /// <param name="typeName">Full type name.</param>
-        /// <returns>ID of the class or 0 in case hash code is to be used.</returns>
-        int GetTypeId(string typeName);
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Gets field ID for the given field of the given class.
-        /// </summary>
-        /// <param name="typeId">Type ID.</param>
-        /// <param name="fieldName">Field name.</param>
-        /// <returns>ID of the field or null in case hash code is to be used.</returns>
-        int GetFieldId(int typeId, string fieldName);
-    }
diff --git a/modules/platform/src/main/dotnet/Apache.Ignite.Core/Portable/IPortableMarshalAware.cs b/modules/platform/src/main/dotnet/Apache.Ignite.Core/Portable/IPortableMarshalAware.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 2795db4..0000000
--- a/modules/platform/src/main/dotnet/Apache.Ignite.Core/Portable/IPortableMarshalAware.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-namespace Apache.Ignite.Core.Portable
-    /// <summary>
-    /// Interface to implement custom portable serialization logic.
-    /// </summary>
-    public interface IPortableMarshalAware 
-    {
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Writes this object to the given writer.
-        /// </summary> 
-        /// <param name="writer">Writer.</param>
-        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">If write failed.</exception>
-        void WritePortable(IPortableWriter writer);
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Reads this object from the given reader.
-        /// </summary> 
-        /// <param name="reader">Reader.</param>
-        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">If read failed.</exception>
-        void ReadPortable(IPortableReader reader);
-    }
diff --git a/modules/platform/src/main/dotnet/Apache.Ignite.Core/Portable/IPortableMetadata.cs b/modules/platform/src/main/dotnet/Apache.Ignite.Core/Portable/IPortableMetadata.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 5bfa340..0000000
--- a/modules/platform/src/main/dotnet/Apache.Ignite.Core/Portable/IPortableMetadata.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-namespace Apache.Ignite.Core.Portable
-    using System.Collections.Generic;
-    /// <summary>
-    /// Portable type metadata.
-    /// </summary>
-    public interface IPortableMetadata
-    {
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Gets type name.
-        /// </summary>
-        /// <returns>Type name.</returns>
-        string TypeName { get; }
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Gets field names for that type.
-        /// </summary>
-        /// <returns>Field names.</returns>
-        ICollection<string> Fields { get; }
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Gets field type for the given field name.
-        /// </summary>
-        /// <param name="fieldName">Field name.</param>
-        /// <returns>Field type.</returns>
-        string GetFieldTypeName(string fieldName);
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Gets optional affinity key field name.
-        /// </summary>
-        /// <returns>Affinity key field name or null in case it is not provided.</returns>
-        string AffinityKeyFieldName { get; }
-    }
diff --git a/modules/platform/src/main/dotnet/Apache.Ignite.Core/Portable/IPortableNameMapper.cs b/modules/platform/src/main/dotnet/Apache.Ignite.Core/Portable/IPortableNameMapper.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 96a9d38..0000000
--- a/modules/platform/src/main/dotnet/Apache.Ignite.Core/Portable/IPortableNameMapper.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-namespace Apache.Ignite.Core.Portable
-    /// <summary>
-    /// Maps type and field names to different names.
-    /// </summary>
-    public interface IPortableNameMapper
-    {
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Gets the type name.
-        /// </summary>
-        /// <param name="name">The name.</param>
-        /// <returns>Type name.</returns>
-        string GetTypeName(string name);
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Gets the field name.
-        /// </summary>
-        /// <param name="name">The name.</param>
-        /// <returns>Field name.</returns>
-        string GetFieldName(string name);
-    }