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Posted to by Christian Amend <> on 2014/03/27 15:15:44 UTC

[ANNOUNCE] Apache Olingo 1.2.0 has been released


Apache Olingo 1.2.0 has been released. This is the first release as an
Apache top-level project.

This release is available for immediate download:

Apache Olingo is a Java library which enables developers to implement
OData producers and OData consumers.

The Open Data Protocol (OData, is a Web
protocol for querying and updating data that provides a way to unlock
your data and free it from silos that exist in applications today. OData
does this by applying and building upon Web technologies such as HTTP,
Atom Publishing Protocol (AtomPub) and JSON to provide access to
information from a variety of applications, services, and stores.

Release Notes - Olingo - Version 1.2.0

[OLINGO-156] - url-pattern doesn't work for ODataServlet
[OLINGO-157] - Improve FIT Test Suite to run JAX-RS App _and_ Servlet
[OLINGO-158] - extend reference scenario to use both entry points
[OLINGO-160] - Documentation on web site
[OLINGO-164] - Remove Deprecated FunctionImport Annotation from annotation lib

[OLINGO-100] - JPA Processor Refactoring - Change in Package Names
Update Documentation
[OLINGO-123] - <LINK> Tag information does not appear in EntryMetadata
[OLINGO-137] - FunctionImport returns null
[OLINGO-141] - Adapt JPA processor Library by removing the deprecated
*FunctionImport annotations
[OLINGO-154] - Missing values for complex values in POST/PUT of entity
[OLINGO-171] - Export-Package header missing package
[OLINGO-173] - not working with another rest framework
[OLINGO-176] - Fix broken links in OData2 JPA Processor Documentation
[OLINGO-179] - EdmDouble - exception while number parsing
[OLINGO-189] - ODataMessageException does not support getMessage():String method
[OLINGO-195] - Read Fead throws exception for json content-type
response having Edm.Double values
[OLINGO-201] - ODataServlet - ClassNotFound Exception
[OLINGO-203] - HTTPServletRequest not accessible

[OLINGO-144] - After release improvements
[OLINGO-174] - Upgrade CXF dependency to use version 2.7.10

New Feature
[OLINGO-27] - JPA server side paging
[OLINGO-67] - Alternative ODataServlet
[OLINGO-96] - Maven Archetypes for creating OData services out of JPA models
[OLINGO-117] - (De) Serialization of Delta Responses
[OLINGO-142] - Enable OSGi support for "*annotation*" modules
[OLINGO-155] - HTML Debug Output for V2 Olingo
[OLINGO-197] - A means should be exposed to get translated message for
MessageReference key

[OLINGO-126] - Use of an OData service behind an Apache reverse proxy
[OLINGO-204] - EntityType with NavigationProperty Key

[OLINGO-210] - Build 1.2.0 release

Best Regards,