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Posted to by Apache Jenkins Server <> on 2019/06/26 13:34:11 UTC

Build failed in Jenkins: beam_LoadTests_Python_GBK_Dataflow_Batch #26

See <>


[aryan.naraghi] Implement splitAtFraction for the BigQuery Storage API

[github] Drop experimental from python streaming in the doc

[aaltay] [BEAM-7475] update wordcount example (#8803)

[github] [BEAM-7013] Add HLL doc link to Beam website

[...truncated 254.03 KB...]
            "label": "Transform Function", 
            "namespace": "apache_beam.transforms.core.ParDo", 
            "shortValue": "_UngroupAndReiterate", 
            "type": "STRING", 
            "value": "apache_beam.testing.load_tests.group_by_key_test._UngroupAndReiterate"
        "non_parallel_inputs": {}, 
        "output_info": [
            "encoding": {
              "@type": "kind:windowed_value", 
              "component_encodings": [
                  "@type": "FastPrimitivesCoder$eNprYEpOLEhMzkiNT0pNzNVLzk9JLSqGUlxuicUlAUWZuZklmWWpxc4gQa5CBs3GQsbaQqZQ/vi0xJycpMTk7Hiw+kJmPEYFZCZn56RCjWABGsFaW8iWVJykBwDlGS3/", 
                  "component_encodings": [
                      "@type": "FastPrimitivesCoder$eNprYEpOLEhMzkiNT0pNzNVLzk9JLSqGUlxuicUlAUWZuZklmWWpxc4gQa5CBs3GQsbaQqZQ/vi0xJycpMTk7Hiw+kJmPEYFZCZn56RCjWABGsFaW8iWVJykBwDlGS3/", 
                      "component_encodings": []
                      "@type": "FastPrimitivesCoder$eNprYEpOLEhMzkiNT0pNzNVLzk9JLSqGUlxuicUlAUWZuZklmWWpxc4gQa5CBs3GQsbaQqZQ/vi0xJycpMTk7Hiw+kJmPEYFZCZn56RCjWABGsFaW8iWVJykBwDlGS3/", 
                      "component_encodings": []
                  "is_pair_like": true
                  "@type": "kind:global_window"
              "is_wrapper": true
            "output_name": "out", 
            "user_name": "Ungroup 7.out"
        "parallel_input": {
          "@type": "OutputReference", 
          "output_name": "out", 
          "step_name": "s24"
        "serialized_fn": "<string of 456 bytes>", 
        "user_name": "Ungroup 7"
      "kind": "ParallelDo", 
      "name": "s26", 
      "properties": {
        "display_data": [
            "key": "fn", 
            "label": "Transform Function", 
            "namespace": "apache_beam.transforms.core.ParDo", 
            "shortValue": "MeasureTime", 
            "type": "STRING", 
            "value": "apache_beam.testing.load_tests.load_test_metrics_utils.MeasureTime"
        "non_parallel_inputs": {}, 
        "output_info": [
            "encoding": {
              "@type": "kind:windowed_value", 
              "component_encodings": [
                  "@type": "FastPrimitivesCoder$eNprYEpOLEhMzkiNT0pNzNVLzk9JLSqGUlxuicUlAUWZuZklmWWpxc4gQa5CBs3GQsbaQqZQ/vi0xJycpMTk7Hiw+kJmPEYFZCZn56RCjWABGsFaW8iWVJykBwDlGS3/", 
                  "component_encodings": [
                      "@type": "FastPrimitivesCoder$eNprYEpOLEhMzkiNT0pNzNVLzk9JLSqGUlxuicUlAUWZuZklmWWpxc4gQa5CBs3GQsbaQqZQ/vi0xJycpMTk7Hiw+kJmPEYFZCZn56RCjWABGsFaW8iWVJykBwDlGS3/", 
                      "component_encodings": []
                      "@type": "FastPrimitivesCoder$eNprYEpOLEhMzkiNT0pNzNVLzk9JLSqGUlxuicUlAUWZuZklmWWpxc4gQa5CBs3GQsbaQqZQ/vi0xJycpMTk7Hiw+kJmPEYFZCZn56RCjWABGsFaW8iWVJykBwDlGS3/", 
                      "component_encodings": []
                  "is_pair_like": true
                  "@type": "kind:global_window"
              "is_wrapper": true
            "output_name": "out", 
            "user_name": "Measure time: End 7.out"
        "parallel_input": {
          "@type": "OutputReference", 
          "output_name": "out", 
          "step_name": "s25"
        "serialized_fn": "<string of 504 bytes>", 
        "user_name": "Measure time: End 7"
  "type": "JOB_TYPE_BATCH"
root: INFO: Create job: <Job
 createTime: u'2019-06-26T13:30:39.597943Z'
 currentStateTime: u'1970-01-01T00:00:00Z'
 id: u'2019-06-26_06_30_38-3147460954813246307'
 location: u'us-central1'
 name: u'load-tests-python-dataflow-batch-gbk-5-0626113753'
 projectId: u'apache-beam-testing'
 stageStates: []
 startTime: u'2019-06-26T13:30:39.597943Z'
 steps: []
 tempFiles: []
 type: TypeValueValuesEnum(JOB_TYPE_BATCH, 1)>
root: INFO: Created job with id: [2019-06-26_06_30_38-3147460954813246307]
root: INFO: To access the Dataflow monitoring console, please navigate to
root: INFO: Job 2019-06-26_06_30_38-3147460954813246307 is in state JOB_STATE_PENDING
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:38.408Z: JOB_MESSAGE_WARNING: The requested max number of workers (5) is ignored as autoscaling is explicitly disabled (autoscalingAlgorithm=NONE).
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:41.560Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Checking permissions granted to controller Service Account.
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:41.984Z: JOB_MESSAGE_BASIC: Worker configuration: n1-standard-1 in us-central1-b.
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:42.636Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Expanding CoGroupByKey operations into optimizable parts.
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:42.673Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DEBUG: Combiner lifting skipped for step GroupByKey 1: GroupByKey not followed by a combiner.
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:42.732Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DEBUG: Combiner lifting skipped for step GroupByKey 0: GroupByKey not followed by a combiner.
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:42.794Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DEBUG: Combiner lifting skipped for step GroupByKey 7: GroupByKey not followed by a combiner.
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:42.842Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DEBUG: Combiner lifting skipped for step GroupByKey 6: GroupByKey not followed by a combiner.
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:42.894Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DEBUG: Combiner lifting skipped for step GroupByKey 5: GroupByKey not followed by a combiner.
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:42.952Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DEBUG: Combiner lifting skipped for step GroupByKey 4: GroupByKey not followed by a combiner.
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:42.989Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DEBUG: Combiner lifting skipped for step GroupByKey 3: GroupByKey not followed by a combiner.
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:43.049Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DEBUG: Combiner lifting skipped for step GroupByKey 2: GroupByKey not followed by a combiner.
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:43.097Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Expanding GroupByKey operations into optimizable parts.
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:43.149Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Lifting ValueCombiningMappingFns into MergeBucketsMappingFns
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:43.631Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DEBUG: Annotating graph with Autotuner information.
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:43.709Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing adjacent ParDo, Read, Write, and Flatten operations
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:43.757Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer GroupByKey 3/Reify into Measure time: Start
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:43.814Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer GroupByKey 4/Reify into Measure time: Start
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:43.887Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer GroupByKey 5/Reify into Measure time: Start
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:43.944Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer GroupByKey 6/Reify into Measure time: Start
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:43.997Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer GroupByKey 7/Reify into Measure time: Start
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:44.047Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer GroupByKey 0/Reify into Measure time: Start
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:44.095Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer GroupByKey 1/Reify into Measure time: Start
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:44.142Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer GroupByKey 2/Reify into Measure time: Start
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:44.188Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer GroupByKey 2/Write into GroupByKey 2/Reify
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:44.316Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer GroupByKey 4/GroupByWindow into GroupByKey 4/Read
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:44.371Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer Ungroup 4 into GroupByKey 4/GroupByWindow
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:44.421Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer Measure time: End 7 into Ungroup 7
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:44.467Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer Ungroup 7 into GroupByKey 7/GroupByWindow
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:44.515Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer Measure time: End 1 into Ungroup 1
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:44.561Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer Ungroup 1 into GroupByKey 1/GroupByWindow
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:44.616Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer GroupByKey 1/GroupByWindow into GroupByKey 1/Read
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:44.655Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer GroupByKey 1/Write into GroupByKey 1/Reify
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:44.721Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer Measure time: End 0 into Ungroup 0
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:44.796Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer Ungroup 0 into GroupByKey 0/GroupByWindow
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:44.851Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer GroupByKey 7/Write into GroupByKey 7/Reify
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:44.898Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer GroupByKey 7/GroupByWindow into GroupByKey 7/Read
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:44.945Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer GroupByKey 0/Write into GroupByKey 0/Reify
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:44.979Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer Measure time: End 2 into Ungroup 2
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:45.031Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer GroupByKey 4/Write into GroupByKey 4/Reify
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:45.086Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer Measure time: End 6 into Ungroup 6
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:45.127Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer GroupByKey 6/GroupByWindow into GroupByKey 6/Read
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:45.183Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer Ungroup 6 into GroupByKey 6/GroupByWindow
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:45.233Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer Measure time: Start into Read
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:45.288Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer Ungroup 2 into GroupByKey 2/GroupByWindow
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:45.332Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer Measure time: End 3 into Ungroup 3
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:45.380Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer GroupByKey 6/Write into GroupByKey 6/Reify
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:45.411Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer Ungroup 3 into GroupByKey 3/GroupByWindow
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:45.464Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer Ungroup 5 into GroupByKey 5/GroupByWindow
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:45.504Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer Measure time: End 5 into Ungroup 5
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:45.588Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer GroupByKey 5/GroupByWindow into GroupByKey 5/Read
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:45.639Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer GroupByKey 5/Write into GroupByKey 5/Reify
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:45.687Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer GroupByKey 0/GroupByWindow into GroupByKey 0/Read
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:45.763Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer Measure time: End 4 into Ungroup 4
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:45.867Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer GroupByKey 2/GroupByWindow into GroupByKey 2/Read
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:45.928Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer GroupByKey 3/GroupByWindow into GroupByKey 3/Read
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:45.977Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer GroupByKey 3/Write into GroupByKey 3/Reify
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:46.040Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DEBUG: Workflow config is missing a default resource spec.
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:46.103Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DEBUG: Adding StepResource setup and teardown to workflow graph.
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:46.171Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DEBUG: Adding workflow start and stop steps.
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:46.223Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DEBUG: Assigning stage ids.
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:46.412Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DEBUG: Executing wait step start83
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:46.534Z: JOB_MESSAGE_BASIC: Executing operation GroupByKey 3/Create
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:46.583Z: JOB_MESSAGE_BASIC: Executing operation GroupByKey 4/Create
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:46.594Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DEBUG: Starting worker pool setup.
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:46.628Z: JOB_MESSAGE_BASIC: Executing operation GroupByKey 5/Create
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:46.640Z: JOB_MESSAGE_BASIC: Starting 5 workers in us-central1-b...
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:46.670Z: JOB_MESSAGE_BASIC: Executing operation GroupByKey 6/Create
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:46.698Z: JOB_MESSAGE_BASIC: Finished operation GroupByKey 3/Create
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:46.713Z: JOB_MESSAGE_BASIC: Finished operation GroupByKey 5/Create
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:46.713Z: JOB_MESSAGE_BASIC: Finished operation GroupByKey 4/Create
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:46.715Z: JOB_MESSAGE_BASIC: Executing operation GroupByKey 7/Create
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:46.744Z: JOB_MESSAGE_BASIC: Finished operation GroupByKey 6/Create
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:46.781Z: JOB_MESSAGE_BASIC: Executing operation GroupByKey 0/Create
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:46.800Z: JOB_MESSAGE_BASIC: Finished operation GroupByKey 7/Create
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:46.824Z: JOB_MESSAGE_BASIC: Executing operation GroupByKey 1/Create
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:46.840Z: JOB_MESSAGE_BASIC: Finished operation GroupByKey 0/Create
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:46.873Z: JOB_MESSAGE_BASIC: Executing operation GroupByKey 2/Create
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:46.890Z: JOB_MESSAGE_BASIC: Finished operation GroupByKey 1/Create
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:46.909Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DEBUG: Value "GroupByKey 5/Session" materialized.
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:46.927Z: JOB_MESSAGE_BASIC: Finished operation GroupByKey 2/Create
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:46.943Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DEBUG: Value "GroupByKey 3/Session" materialized.
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:47Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DEBUG: Value "GroupByKey 4/Session" materialized.
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:47.038Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DEBUG: Value "GroupByKey 6/Session" materialized.
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:47.064Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DEBUG: Value "GroupByKey 7/Session" materialized.
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:47.107Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DEBUG: Value "GroupByKey 0/Session" materialized.
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:47.149Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DEBUG: Value "GroupByKey 1/Session" materialized.
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:47.182Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DEBUG: Value "GroupByKey 2/Session" materialized.
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:30:47.278Z: JOB_MESSAGE_BASIC: Executing operation Read+Measure time: Start+GroupByKey 3/Reify+GroupByKey 4/Reify+GroupByKey 5/Reify+GroupByKey 6/Reify+GroupByKey 7/Reify+GroupByKey 0/Reify+GroupByKey 1/Reify+GroupByKey 2/Reify+GroupByKey 2/Write+GroupByKey 1/Write+GroupByKey 7/Write+GroupByKey 0/Write+GroupByKey 4/Write+GroupByKey 6/Write+GroupByKey 5/Write+GroupByKey 3/Write
root: INFO: Job 2019-06-26_06_30_38-3147460954813246307 is in state JOB_STATE_RUNNING
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:31:32.434Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Autoscaling: Raised the number of workers to 4 based on the rate of progress in the currently running step(s).
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:31:32.487Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Resized worker pool to 4, though goal was 5.  This could be a quota issue.
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:31:37.972Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Autoscaling: Raised the number of workers to 5 based on the rate of progress in the currently running step(s).
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:32:16.877Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Workers have started successfully.
root: INFO: 2019-06-26T13:32:16.938Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Workers have started successfully.
--------------------- >> end captured logging << ---------------------

XML: <>
Ran 1 test in 212.563s

FAILED (errors=1)

> Task :sdks:python:apache_beam:testing:load_tests:run FAILED

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* Where:
Build file '<'> line: 49

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:apache_beam:testing:load_tests:run'.
> error occurred

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 6.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 3m 42s
4 actionable tasks: 3 executed, 1 up-to-date

Publishing build scan...

Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' changed build result to FAILURE
Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' marked build as failure

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Jenkins build is back to normal : beam_LoadTests_Python_GBK_Dataflow_Batch #27

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>

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