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Posted to by Boris Lublinsky <> on 2017/11/15 17:50:27 UTC

Kafka embedded server issues

I have a very simple Kafka Local server implementation (Kafka 1.0.0)

package com.lightbend.kafka

import java.nio.file.FileVisitOption
import java.nio.file.Files
import java.nio.file.Paths
import java.util.Properties

import org.apache.curator.test.TestingServer
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory

import kafka.server.{KafkaConfig, KafkaServerStartable}

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import java.util.Comparator

import kafka.admin.{AdminUtils, RackAwareMode}
import kafka.utils.ZkUtils

class KafkaLocalServer private (kafkaProperties: Properties, zooKeeperServer: ZooKeeperLocalServer) {

  import KafkaLocalServer._

  private var broker = null.asInstanceOf[KafkaServerStartable]
  private var zkUtils : ZkUtils =
    ZkUtils.apply(s"localhost:${zooKeeperServer.getPort()}", DEFAULT_ZK_SESSION_TIMEOUT_MS, DEFAULT_ZK_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_MS, false)

  def start(): Unit = {

    broker = KafkaServerStartable.fromProps(kafkaProperties)

  def stop(): Unit = {
    if (broker != null) {
      broker = null.asInstanceOf[KafkaServerStartable]

    * Create a Kafka topic with 1 partition and a replication factor of 1.
    * @param topic The name of the topic.
  def createTopic(topic: String): Unit = {
    createTopic(topic, 1, 1, new Properties)

    * Create a Kafka topic with the given parameters.
    * @param topic       The name of the topic.
    * @param partitions  The number of partitions for this topic.
    * @param replication The replication factor for (the partitions of) this topic.
  def createTopic(topic: String, partitions: Int, replication: Int): Unit = {
    createTopic(topic, partitions, replication, new Properties)

    * Create a Kafka topic with the given parameters.
    * @param topic       The name of the topic.
    * @param partitions  The number of partitions for this topic.
    * @param replication The replication factor for (partitions of) this topic.
    * @param topicConfig Additional topic-level configuration settings.
  def createTopic(topic: String, partitions: Int, replication: Int, topicConfig: Properties): Unit = {
    AdminUtils.createTopic(zkUtils, topic, partitions, replication, topicConfig, RackAwareMode.Enforced)

object KafkaLocalServer {
  final val DefaultPort = 9092
  final val DefaultResetOnStart = true
  private val DEFAULT_ZK_CONNECT = "localhost:2181"
  private val DEFAULT_ZK_SESSION_TIMEOUT_MS = 10 * 1000
  private val DEFAULT_ZK_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_MS = 8 * 1000

  private final val basDir = "tmp/"

  private final val KafkaDataFolderName = "kafka_data"

  val Log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[KafkaLocalServer])

  def apply(cleanOnStart: Boolean): KafkaLocalServer = this(DefaultPort, ZooKeeperLocalServer.DefaultPort, cleanOnStart)

  def apply(kafkaPort: Int, zookeeperServerPort: Int, cleanOnStart: Boolean): KafkaLocalServer = {
    val kafkaDataDir = dataDirectory(KafkaDataFolderName)"Kafka data directory is $kafkaDataDir.")

    val kafkaProperties = createKafkaProperties(kafkaPort, zookeeperServerPort, kafkaDataDir)

    if (cleanOnStart) deleteDirectory(kafkaDataDir)
    val zk = new ZooKeeperLocalServer(zookeeperServerPort, cleanOnStart)
    new KafkaLocalServer(kafkaProperties, zk)

    * Creates a Properties instance for Kafka customized with values passed in argument.
  private def createKafkaProperties(kafkaPort: Int, zookeeperServerPort: Int, dataDir: File): Properties = {
    val kafkaProperties = new Properties
    kafkaProperties.put(KafkaConfig.ListenersProp, s"PLAINTEXT://localhost:$kafkaPort")
//    kafkaProperties.put(KafkaConfig.PortProp, s"$kafkaPort")
    kafkaProperties.put(KafkaConfig.ZkConnectProp, s"localhost:$zookeeperServerPort")
    kafkaProperties.put(KafkaConfig.BrokerIdProp, "0")
//    kafkaProperties.put(KafkaConfig.HostNameProp, "localhost")
//    kafkaProperties.put(KafkaConfig.AdvertisedHostNameProp, "localhost")
    kafkaProperties.put(KafkaConfig.AutoCreateTopicsEnableProp, "true")
    kafkaProperties.put(KafkaConfig.ControlledShutdownEnableProp, "true")
    kafkaProperties.put(KafkaConfig.LogDirProp, dataDir.getAbsolutePath)


  def deleteDirectory(directory: File): Unit = {
    if (directory.exists()) try {
      val rootPath = Paths.get(directory.getAbsolutePath)

      val files = Files.walk(rootPath, FileVisitOption.FOLLOW_LINKS).sorted(Comparator.reverseOrder()).iterator().asScala
      Log.debug(s"Deleted ${directory.getAbsolutePath}.")
    } catch {
      case e: Exception => Log.warn(s"Failed to delete directory ${directory.getAbsolutePath}.", e)

  def dataDirectory(directoryName: String): File = {

    val dataDirectory = new File(basDir + directoryName)
    if (dataDirectory.exists() && !dataDirectory.isDirectory())
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Cannot use $directoryName as a directory name because a file with that name already exists in $dataDirectory.")


private class ZooKeeperLocalServer(port: Int, cleanOnStart: Boolean) {

  import KafkaLocalServer._
  import ZooKeeperLocalServer._

  private var zooKeeper = null.asInstanceOf[TestingServer]

  def start(): Unit = {
    val zookeeperDataDir = dataDirectory(ZookeeperDataFolderName)
    zooKeeper = new TestingServer(port, zookeeperDataDir, false)"Zookeeper data directory is $zookeeperDataDir.")

    if (cleanOnStart) deleteDirectory(zookeeperDataDir)

    zooKeeper.start() // blocking operation

  def stop(): Unit = {
    if (zooKeeper != null)
      try {
        zooKeeper = null.asInstanceOf[TestingServer]
      catch {
        case _: IOException => () // nothing to do if an exception is thrown while shutting down

  def getPort() : Int = port

object ZooKeeperLocalServer {
  final val DefaultPort = 2181
  private final val ZookeeperDataFolderName = "zookeeper_data"
Which starts fine 
Very simple message writer and reader.

When I run message reader and writer on a true Kafka, it runs fine.

If I run them on a embedded server
Writer works fine. I can see messages in the log and can use cli tool
bin/kafka-console-consumer --zookeeper --topic mdata
To read messages

But listener just hangs there with no data.
Am I missing something?

Boris Lublinsky
FDP Architect