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[4/7] lucene-solr:master: LUCENE-7413: move legacy numeric support to backwards module
diff --git a/lucene/core/src/java/org/apache/lucene/document/ b/lucene/core/src/java/org/apache/lucene/document/
deleted file mode 100644
index e24bf30..0000000
--- a/lucene/core/src/java/org/apache/lucene/document/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.lucene.document;
-import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexOptions;
-import org.apache.lucene.util.LegacyNumericUtils;
- * <p>
- * Field that indexes <code>float</code> values
- * for efficient range filtering and sorting. Here's an example usage:
- * 
- * <pre class="prettyprint">
- * document.add(new LegacyFloatField(name, 6.0F, Field.Store.NO));
- * </pre>
- * 
- * For optimal performance, re-use the <code>LegacyFloatField</code> and
- * {@link Document} instance for more than one document:
- * 
- * <pre class="prettyprint">
- *  LegacyFloatField field = new LegacyFloatField(name, 0.0F, Field.Store.NO);
- *  Document document = new Document();
- *  document.add(field);
- * 
- *  for(all documents) {
- *    ...
- *    field.setFloatValue(value)
- *    writer.addDocument(document);
- *    ...
- *  }
- * </pre>
- *
- * See also {@link LegacyIntField}, {@link LegacyLongField}, {@link
- * LegacyDoubleField}.
- *
- * <p>To perform range querying or filtering against a
- * <code>LegacyFloatField</code>, use {@link}.
- * To sort according to a
- * <code>LegacyFloatField</code>, use the normal numeric sort types, eg
- * {@link}. <code>LegacyFloatField</code>
- * values can also be loaded directly from {@link org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReader#getNumericDocValues}.</p>
- *
- * <p>You may add the same field name as an <code>LegacyFloatField</code> to
- * the same document more than once.  Range querying and
- * filtering will be the logical OR of all values; so a range query
- * will hit all documents that have at least one value in
- * the range. However sort behavior is not defined.  If you need to sort,
- * you should separately index a single-valued <code>LegacyFloatField</code>.</p>
- *
- * <p>A <code>LegacyFloatField</code> will consume somewhat more disk space
- * in the index than an ordinary single-valued field.
- * However, for a typical index that includes substantial
- * textual content per document, this increase will likely
- * be in the noise. </p>
- *
- * <p>Within Lucene, each numeric value is indexed as a
- * <em>trie</em> structure, where each term is logically
- * assigned to larger and larger pre-defined brackets (which
- * are simply lower-precision representations of the value).
- * The step size between each successive bracket is called the
- * <code>precisionStep</code>, measured in bits.  Smaller
- * <code>precisionStep</code> values result in larger number
- * of brackets, which consumes more disk space in the index
- * but may result in faster range search performance.  The
- * default value, 8, was selected for a reasonable tradeoff
- * of disk space consumption versus performance.  You can
- * create a custom {@link FieldType} and invoke the {@link
- * FieldType#setNumericPrecisionStep} method if you'd
- * like to change the value.  Note that you must also
- * specify a congruent value when creating {@link
- *}.
- * For low cardinality fields larger precision steps are good.
- * If the cardinality is &lt; 100, it is fair
- * to use {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE}, which produces one
- * term per value.
- *
- * <p>For more information on the internals of numeric trie
- * indexing, including the <a
- * href="../search/LegacyNumericRangeQuery.html#precisionStepDesc"><code>precisionStep</code></a>
- * configuration, see {@link}. The format of
- * indexed values is described in {@link org.apache.lucene.util.LegacyNumericUtils}.
- *
- * <p>If you only need to sort by numeric value, and never
- * run range querying/filtering, you can index using a
- * <code>precisionStep</code> of {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE}.
- * This will minimize disk space consumed. </p>
- *
- * <p>More advanced users can instead use {@link
- * org.apache.lucene.analysis.LegacyNumericTokenStream} directly, when indexing numbers. This
- * class is a wrapper around this token stream type for
- * easier, more intuitive usage.</p>
- *
- * @deprecated Please use {@link FloatPoint} instead
- *
- * @since 2.9
- */
-public final class LegacyFloatField extends Field {
-  /** 
-   * Type for a LegacyFloatField that is not stored:
-   * normalization factors, frequencies, and positions are omitted.
-   */
-  public static final FieldType TYPE_NOT_STORED = new FieldType();
-  static {
-    TYPE_NOT_STORED.setTokenized(true);
-    TYPE_NOT_STORED.setOmitNorms(true);
-    TYPE_NOT_STORED.setIndexOptions(IndexOptions.DOCS);
-    TYPE_NOT_STORED.setNumericType(FieldType.LegacyNumericType.FLOAT);
-    TYPE_NOT_STORED.setNumericPrecisionStep(LegacyNumericUtils.PRECISION_STEP_DEFAULT_32);
-    TYPE_NOT_STORED.freeze();
-  }
-  /** 
-   * Type for a stored LegacyFloatField:
-   * normalization factors, frequencies, and positions are omitted.
-   */
-  public static final FieldType TYPE_STORED = new FieldType();
-  static {
-    TYPE_STORED.setTokenized(true);
-    TYPE_STORED.setOmitNorms(true);
-    TYPE_STORED.setIndexOptions(IndexOptions.DOCS);
-    TYPE_STORED.setNumericType(FieldType.LegacyNumericType.FLOAT);
-    TYPE_STORED.setNumericPrecisionStep(LegacyNumericUtils.PRECISION_STEP_DEFAULT_32);
-    TYPE_STORED.setStored(true);
-    TYPE_STORED.freeze();
-  }
-  /** Creates a stored or un-stored LegacyFloatField with the provided value
-   *  and default <code>precisionStep</code> {@link
-   *  org.apache.lucene.util.LegacyNumericUtils#PRECISION_STEP_DEFAULT_32} (8).
-   *  @param name field name
-   *  @param value 32-bit double value
-   *  @param stored Store.YES if the content should also be stored
-   *  @throws IllegalArgumentException if the field name is null.
-   */
-  public LegacyFloatField(String name, float value, Store stored) {
-    super(name, stored == Store.YES ? TYPE_STORED : TYPE_NOT_STORED);
-    fieldsData = Float.valueOf(value);
-  }
-  /** Expert: allows you to customize the {@link
-   *  FieldType}. 
-   *  @param name field name
-   *  @param value 32-bit float value
-   *  @param type customized field type: must have {@link FieldType#numericType()}
-   *         of {@link org.apache.lucene.document.FieldType.LegacyNumericType#FLOAT}.
-   *  @throws IllegalArgumentException if the field name or type is null, or
-   *          if the field type does not have a FLOAT numericType()
-   */
-  public LegacyFloatField(String name, float value, FieldType type) {
-    super(name, type);
-    if (type.numericType() != FieldType.LegacyNumericType.FLOAT) {
-      throw new IllegalArgumentException("type.numericType() must be FLOAT but got " + type.numericType());
-    }
-    fieldsData = Float.valueOf(value);
-  }
diff --git a/lucene/core/src/java/org/apache/lucene/document/ b/lucene/core/src/java/org/apache/lucene/document/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6eb0376..0000000
--- a/lucene/core/src/java/org/apache/lucene/document/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.lucene.document;
-import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexOptions;
-import org.apache.lucene.util.LegacyNumericUtils;
- * <p>
- * Field that indexes <code>int</code> values
- * for efficient range filtering and sorting. Here's an example usage:
- * 
- * <pre class="prettyprint">
- * document.add(new LegacyIntField(name, 6, Field.Store.NO));
- * </pre>
- * 
- * For optimal performance, re-use the <code>LegacyIntField</code> and
- * {@link Document} instance for more than one document:
- * 
- * <pre class="prettyprint">
- *  LegacyIntField field = new LegacyIntField(name, 6, Field.Store.NO);
- *  Document document = new Document();
- *  document.add(field);
- * 
- *  for(all documents) {
- *    ...
- *    field.setIntValue(value)
- *    writer.addDocument(document);
- *    ...
- *  }
- * </pre>
- *
- * See also {@link LegacyLongField}, {@link LegacyFloatField}, {@link
- * LegacyDoubleField}.
- *
- * <p>To perform range querying or filtering against a
- * <code>LegacyIntField</code>, use {@link}.
- * To sort according to a
- * <code>LegacyIntField</code>, use the normal numeric sort types, eg
- * {@link}. <code>LegacyIntField</code>
- * values can also be loaded directly from {@link org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReader#getNumericDocValues}.</p>
- *
- * <p>You may add the same field name as an <code>LegacyIntField</code> to
- * the same document more than once.  Range querying and
- * filtering will be the logical OR of all values; so a range query
- * will hit all documents that have at least one value in
- * the range. However sort behavior is not defined.  If you need to sort,
- * you should separately index a single-valued <code>LegacyIntField</code>.</p>
- *
- * <p>An <code>LegacyIntField</code> will consume somewhat more disk space
- * in the index than an ordinary single-valued field.
- * However, for a typical index that includes substantial
- * textual content per document, this increase will likely
- * be in the noise. </p>
- *
- * <p>Within Lucene, each numeric value is indexed as a
- * <em>trie</em> structure, where each term is logically
- * assigned to larger and larger pre-defined brackets (which
- * are simply lower-precision representations of the value).
- * The step size between each successive bracket is called the
- * <code>precisionStep</code>, measured in bits.  Smaller
- * <code>precisionStep</code> values result in larger number
- * of brackets, which consumes more disk space in the index
- * but may result in faster range search performance.  The
- * default value, 8, was selected for a reasonable tradeoff
- * of disk space consumption versus performance.  You can
- * create a custom {@link FieldType} and invoke the {@link
- * FieldType#setNumericPrecisionStep} method if you'd
- * like to change the value.  Note that you must also
- * specify a congruent value when creating {@link
- *}.
- * For low cardinality fields larger precision steps are good.
- * If the cardinality is &lt; 100, it is fair
- * to use {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE}, which produces one
- * term per value.
- *
- * <p>For more information on the internals of numeric trie
- * indexing, including the <a
- * href="../search/LegacyNumericRangeQuery.html#precisionStepDesc"><code>precisionStep</code></a>
- * configuration, see {@link}. The format of
- * indexed values is described in {@link org.apache.lucene.util.LegacyNumericUtils}.
- *
- * <p>If you only need to sort by numeric value, and never
- * run range querying/filtering, you can index using a
- * <code>precisionStep</code> of {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE}.
- * This will minimize disk space consumed. </p>
- *
- * <p>More advanced users can instead use {@link
- * org.apache.lucene.analysis.LegacyNumericTokenStream} directly, when indexing numbers. This
- * class is a wrapper around this token stream type for
- * easier, more intuitive usage.</p>
- *
- * @deprecated Please use {@link IntPoint} instead
- *
- * @since 2.9
- */
-public final class LegacyIntField extends Field {
-  /** 
-   * Type for an LegacyIntField that is not stored:
-   * normalization factors, frequencies, and positions are omitted.
-   */
-  public static final FieldType TYPE_NOT_STORED = new FieldType();
-  static {
-    TYPE_NOT_STORED.setTokenized(true);
-    TYPE_NOT_STORED.setOmitNorms(true);
-    TYPE_NOT_STORED.setIndexOptions(IndexOptions.DOCS);
-    TYPE_NOT_STORED.setNumericType(FieldType.LegacyNumericType.INT);
-    TYPE_NOT_STORED.setNumericPrecisionStep(LegacyNumericUtils.PRECISION_STEP_DEFAULT_32);
-    TYPE_NOT_STORED.freeze();
-  }
-  /** 
-   * Type for a stored LegacyIntField:
-   * normalization factors, frequencies, and positions are omitted.
-   */
-  public static final FieldType TYPE_STORED = new FieldType();
-  static {
-    TYPE_STORED.setTokenized(true);
-    TYPE_STORED.setOmitNorms(true);
-    TYPE_STORED.setIndexOptions(IndexOptions.DOCS);
-    TYPE_STORED.setNumericType(FieldType.LegacyNumericType.INT);
-    TYPE_STORED.setNumericPrecisionStep(LegacyNumericUtils.PRECISION_STEP_DEFAULT_32);
-    TYPE_STORED.setStored(true);
-    TYPE_STORED.freeze();
-  }
-  /** Creates a stored or un-stored LegacyIntField with the provided value
-   *  and default <code>precisionStep</code> {@link
-   *  org.apache.lucene.util.LegacyNumericUtils#PRECISION_STEP_DEFAULT_32} (8).
-   *  @param name field name
-   *  @param value 32-bit integer value
-   *  @param stored Store.YES if the content should also be stored
-   *  @throws IllegalArgumentException if the field name is null.
-   */
-  public LegacyIntField(String name, int value, Store stored) {
-    super(name, stored == Store.YES ? TYPE_STORED : TYPE_NOT_STORED);
-    fieldsData = Integer.valueOf(value);
-  }
-  /** Expert: allows you to customize the {@link
-   *  FieldType}. 
-   *  @param name field name
-   *  @param value 32-bit integer value
-   *  @param type customized field type: must have {@link FieldType#numericType()}
-   *         of {@link org.apache.lucene.document.FieldType.LegacyNumericType#INT}.
-   *  @throws IllegalArgumentException if the field name or type is null, or
-   *          if the field type does not have a INT numericType()
-   */
-  public LegacyIntField(String name, int value, FieldType type) {
-    super(name, type);
-    if (type.numericType() != FieldType.LegacyNumericType.INT) {
-      throw new IllegalArgumentException("type.numericType() must be INT but got " + type.numericType());
-    }
-    fieldsData = Integer.valueOf(value);
-  }
diff --git a/lucene/core/src/java/org/apache/lucene/document/ b/lucene/core/src/java/org/apache/lucene/document/
deleted file mode 100644
index fa1851f..0000000
--- a/lucene/core/src/java/org/apache/lucene/document/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.lucene.document;
-import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexOptions;
- * <p>
- * Field that indexes <code>long</code> values
- * for efficient range filtering and sorting. Here's an example usage:
- * 
- * <pre class="prettyprint">
- * document.add(new LegacyLongField(name, 6L, Field.Store.NO));
- * </pre>
- * 
- * For optimal performance, re-use the <code>LegacyLongField</code> and
- * {@link Document} instance for more than one document:
- * 
- * <pre class="prettyprint">
- *  LegacyLongField field = new LegacyLongField(name, 0L, Field.Store.NO);
- *  Document document = new Document();
- *  document.add(field);
- * 
- *  for(all documents) {
- *    ...
- *    field.setLongValue(value)
- *    writer.addDocument(document);
- *    ...
- *  }
- * </pre>
- *
- * See also {@link LegacyIntField}, {@link LegacyFloatField}, {@link
- * LegacyDoubleField}.
- *
- * Any type that can be converted to long can also be
- * indexed.  For example, date/time values represented by a
- * {@link java.util.Date} can be translated into a long
- * value using the {@link java.util.Date#getTime} method.  If you
- * don't need millisecond precision, you can quantize the
- * value, either by dividing the result of
- * {@link java.util.Date#getTime} or using the separate getters
- * (for year, month, etc.) to construct an <code>int</code> or
- * <code>long</code> value.
- *
- * <p>To perform range querying or filtering against a
- * <code>LegacyLongField</code>, use {@link}.
- * To sort according to a
- * <code>LegacyLongField</code>, use the normal numeric sort types, eg
- * {@link}. <code>LegacyLongField</code>
- * values can also be loaded directly from {@link org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReader#getNumericDocValues}.
- *
- * <p>You may add the same field name as an <code>LegacyLongField</code> to
- * the same document more than once.  Range querying and
- * filtering will be the logical OR of all values; so a range query
- * will hit all documents that have at least one value in
- * the range. However sort behavior is not defined.  If you need to sort,
- * you should separately index a single-valued <code>LegacyLongField</code>.
- *
- * <p>A <code>LegacyLongField</code> will consume somewhat more disk space
- * in the index than an ordinary single-valued field.
- * However, for a typical index that includes substantial
- * textual content per document, this increase will likely
- * be in the noise. </p>
- *
- * <p>Within Lucene, each numeric value is indexed as a
- * <em>trie</em> structure, where each term is logically
- * assigned to larger and larger pre-defined brackets (which
- * are simply lower-precision representations of the value).
- * The step size between each successive bracket is called the
- * <code>precisionStep</code>, measured in bits.  Smaller
- * <code>precisionStep</code> values result in larger number
- * of brackets, which consumes more disk space in the index
- * but may result in faster range search performance.  The
- * default value, 16, was selected for a reasonable tradeoff
- * of disk space consumption versus performance.  You can
- * create a custom {@link FieldType} and invoke the {@link
- * FieldType#setNumericPrecisionStep} method if you'd
- * like to change the value.  Note that you must also
- * specify a congruent value when creating {@link
- *}.
- * For low cardinality fields larger precision steps are good.
- * If the cardinality is &lt; 100, it is fair
- * to use {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE}, which produces one
- * term per value.
- *
- * <p>For more information on the internals of numeric trie
- * indexing, including the <a
- * href="../search/LegacyNumericRangeQuery.html#precisionStepDesc"><code>precisionStep</code></a>
- * configuration, see {@link}. The format of
- * indexed values is described in {@link org.apache.lucene.util.LegacyNumericUtils}.
- *
- * <p>If you only need to sort by numeric value, and never
- * run range querying/filtering, you can index using a
- * <code>precisionStep</code> of {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE}.
- * This will minimize disk space consumed.
- *
- * <p>More advanced users can instead use {@link
- * org.apache.lucene.analysis.LegacyNumericTokenStream} directly, when indexing numbers. This
- * class is a wrapper around this token stream type for
- * easier, more intuitive usage.</p>
- *
- * @deprecated Please use {@link LongPoint} instead
- *
- * @since 2.9
- */
-public final class LegacyLongField extends Field {
-  /** 
-   * Type for a LegacyLongField that is not stored:
-   * normalization factors, frequencies, and positions are omitted.
-   */
-  public static final FieldType TYPE_NOT_STORED = new FieldType();
-  static {
-    TYPE_NOT_STORED.setTokenized(true);
-    TYPE_NOT_STORED.setOmitNorms(true);
-    TYPE_NOT_STORED.setIndexOptions(IndexOptions.DOCS);
-    TYPE_NOT_STORED.setNumericType(FieldType.LegacyNumericType.LONG);
-    TYPE_NOT_STORED.freeze();
-  }
-  /** 
-   * Type for a stored LegacyLongField:
-   * normalization factors, frequencies, and positions are omitted.
-   */
-  public static final FieldType TYPE_STORED = new FieldType();
-  static {
-    TYPE_STORED.setTokenized(true);
-    TYPE_STORED.setOmitNorms(true);
-    TYPE_STORED.setIndexOptions(IndexOptions.DOCS);
-    TYPE_STORED.setNumericType(FieldType.LegacyNumericType.LONG);
-    TYPE_STORED.setStored(true);
-    TYPE_STORED.freeze();
-  }
-  /** Creates a stored or un-stored LegacyLongField with the provided value
-   *  and default <code>precisionStep</code> {@link
-   *  org.apache.lucene.util.LegacyNumericUtils#PRECISION_STEP_DEFAULT} (16).
-   *  @param name field name
-   *  @param value 64-bit long value
-   *  @param stored Store.YES if the content should also be stored
-   *  @throws IllegalArgumentException if the field name is null.
-   */
-  public LegacyLongField(String name, long value, Store stored) {
-    super(name, stored == Store.YES ? TYPE_STORED : TYPE_NOT_STORED);
-    fieldsData = Long.valueOf(value);
-  }
-  /** Expert: allows you to customize the {@link
-   *  FieldType}. 
-   *  @param name field name
-   *  @param value 64-bit long value
-   *  @param type customized field type: must have {@link FieldType#numericType()}
-   *         of {@link org.apache.lucene.document.FieldType.LegacyNumericType#LONG}.
-   *  @throws IllegalArgumentException if the field name or type is null, or
-   *          if the field type does not have a LONG numericType()
-   */
-  public LegacyLongField(String name, long value, FieldType type) {
-    super(name, type);
-    if (type.numericType() != FieldType.LegacyNumericType.LONG) {
-      throw new IllegalArgumentException("type.numericType() must be LONG but got " + type.numericType());
-    }
-    fieldsData = Long.valueOf(value);
-  }
diff --git a/lucene/core/src/java/org/apache/lucene/search/ b/lucene/core/src/java/org/apache/lucene/search/
deleted file mode 100644
index fe6c9e2..0000000
--- a/lucene/core/src/java/org/apache/lucene/search/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,536 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import java.util.LinkedList;
-import java.util.Objects;
-import org.apache.lucene.document.DoublePoint;
-import org.apache.lucene.document.FieldType;
-import org.apache.lucene.document.FieldType.LegacyNumericType;
-import org.apache.lucene.document.FloatPoint;
-import org.apache.lucene.document.IntPoint;
-import org.apache.lucene.document.LongPoint;
-import org.apache.lucene.index.FilteredTermsEnum;
-import org.apache.lucene.index.PointValues;
-import org.apache.lucene.index.Terms;
-import org.apache.lucene.index.TermsEnum;
-import org.apache.lucene.util.AttributeSource;
-import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;
-import org.apache.lucene.util.LegacyNumericUtils;
-import org.apache.lucene.util.NumericUtils;
-import org.apache.lucene.index.Term; // for javadocs
- * <p>A {@link Query} that matches numeric values within a
- * specified range.  To use this, you must first index the
- * numeric values using {@link org.apache.lucene.document.LegacyIntField}, {@link
- * org.apache.lucene.document.LegacyFloatField}, {@link org.apache.lucene.document.LegacyLongField} or {@link org.apache.lucene.document.LegacyDoubleField} (expert: {@link
- * org.apache.lucene.analysis.LegacyNumericTokenStream}).  If your terms are instead textual,
- * you should use {@link TermRangeQuery}.</p>
- *
- * <p>You create a new LegacyNumericRangeQuery with the static
- * factory methods, eg:
- *
- * <pre class="prettyprint">
- * Query q = LegacyNumericRangeQuery.newFloatRange("weight", 0.03f, 0.10f, true, true);
- * </pre>
- *
- * matches all documents whose float valued "weight" field
- * ranges from 0.03 to 0.10, inclusive.
- *
- * <p>The performance of LegacyNumericRangeQuery is much better
- * than the corresponding {@link TermRangeQuery} because the
- * number of terms that must be searched is usually far
- * fewer, thanks to trie indexing, described below.</p>
- *
- * <p>You can optionally specify a <a
- * href="#precisionStepDesc"><code>precisionStep</code></a>
- * when creating this query.  This is necessary if you've
- * changed this configuration from its default (4) during
- * indexing.  Lower values consume more disk space but speed
- * up searching.  Suitable values are between <b>1</b> and
- * <b>8</b>. A good starting point to test is <b>4</b>,
- * which is the default value for all <code>Numeric*</code>
- * classes.  See <a href="#precisionStepDesc">below</a> for
- * details.
- *
- * <p>This query defaults to {@linkplain
- * With precision steps of &le;4, this query can be run with
- * one of the BooleanQuery rewrite methods without changing
- * BooleanQuery's default max clause count.
- *
- * <br><h3>How it works</h3>
- *
- * <p>See the publication about <a target="_blank" href="">panFMP</a>,
- * where this algorithm was described (referred to as <code>TrieRangeQuery</code>):
- *
- * <blockquote><strong>Schindler, U, Diepenbroek, M</strong>, 2008.
- * <em>Generic XML-based Framework for Metadata Portals.</em>
- * Computers &amp; Geosciences 34 (12), 1947-1955.
- * <a href=""
- * target="_blank">doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2008.02.023</a></blockquote>
- *
- * <p><em>A quote from this paper:</em> Because Apache Lucene is a full-text
- * search engine and not a conventional database, it cannot handle numerical ranges
- * (e.g., field value is inside user defined bounds, even dates are numerical values).
- * We have developed an extension to Apache Lucene that stores
- * the numerical values in a special string-encoded format with variable precision
- * (all numerical values like doubles, longs, floats, and ints are converted to
- * lexicographic sortable string representations and stored with different precisions
- * (for a more detailed description of how the values are stored,
- * see {@link org.apache.lucene.util.LegacyNumericUtils}). A range is then divided recursively into multiple intervals for searching:
- * The center of the range is searched only with the lowest possible precision in the <em>trie</em>,
- * while the boundaries are matched more exactly. This reduces the number of terms dramatically.</p>
- *
- * <p>For the variant that stores long values in 8 different precisions (each reduced by 8 bits) that
- * uses a lowest precision of 1 byte, the index contains only a maximum of 256 distinct values in the
- * lowest precision. Overall, a range could consist of a theoretical maximum of
- * <code>7*255*2 + 255 = 3825</code> distinct terms (when there is a term for every distinct value of an
- * 8-byte-number in the index and the range covers almost all of them; a maximum of 255 distinct values is used
- * because it would always be possible to reduce the full 256 values to one term with degraded precision).
- * In practice, we have seen up to 300 terms in most cases (index with 500,000 metadata records
- * and a uniform value distribution).</p>
- *
- * <h3><a name="precisionStepDesc">Precision Step</a></h3>
- * <p>You can choose any <code>precisionStep</code> when encoding values.
- * Lower step values mean more precisions and so more terms in index (and index gets larger). The number
- * of indexed terms per value is (those are generated by {@link org.apache.lucene.analysis.LegacyNumericTokenStream}):
- * <p style="font-family:serif">
- * &nbsp;&nbsp;indexedTermsPerValue = <b>ceil</b><big>(</big>bitsPerValue / precisionStep<big>)</big>
- * </p>
- * As the lower precision terms are shared by many values, the additional terms only
- * slightly grow the term dictionary (approx. 7% for <code>precisionStep=4</code>), but have a larger
- * impact on the postings (the postings file will have  more entries, as every document is linked to
- * <code>indexedTermsPerValue</code> terms instead of one). The formula to estimate the growth
- * of the term dictionary in comparison to one term per value:
- * <p>
- * <!-- the formula in the alt attribute was transformed from latex to PNG with (with 110 dpi): -->
- * &nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="doc-files/nrq-formula-1.png" alt="\mathrm{termDictOverhead} = \sum\limits_{i=0}^{\mathrm{indexedTermsPerValue}-1} \frac{1}{2^{\mathrm{precisionStep}\cdot i}}">
- * </p>
- * <p>On the other hand, if the <code>precisionStep</code> is smaller, the maximum number of terms to match reduces,
- * which optimizes query speed. The formula to calculate the maximum number of terms that will be visited while
- * executing the query is:
- * <p>
- * <!-- the formula in the alt attribute was transformed from latex to PNG with (with 110 dpi): -->
- * &nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="doc-files/nrq-formula-2.png" alt="\mathrm{maxQueryTerms} = \left[ \left( \mathrm{indexedTermsPerValue} - 1 \right) \cdot \left(2^\mathrm{precisionStep} - 1 \right) \cdot 2 \right] + \left( 2^\mathrm{precisionStep} - 1 \right)">
- * </p>
- * <p>For longs stored using a precision step of 4, <code>maxQueryTerms = 15*15*2 + 15 = 465</code>, and for a precision
- * step of 2, <code>maxQueryTerms = 31*3*2 + 3 = 189</code>. But the faster search speed is reduced by more seeking
- * in the term enum of the index. Because of this, the ideal <code>precisionStep</code> value can only
- * be found out by testing. <b>Important:</b> You can index with a lower precision step value and test search speed
- * using a multiple of the original step value.</p>
- *
- * <p>Good values for <code>precisionStep</code> are depending on usage and data type:
- * <ul>
- *  <li>The default for all data types is <b>4</b>, which is used, when no <code>precisionStep</code> is given.
- *  <li>Ideal value in most cases for <em>64 bit</em> data types <em>(long, double)</em> is <b>6</b> or <b>8</b>.
- *  <li>Ideal value in most cases for <em>32 bit</em> data types <em>(int, float)</em> is <b>4</b>.
- *  <li>For low cardinality fields larger precision steps are good. If the cardinality is &lt; 100, it is
- *  fair to use {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE} (see below).
- *  <li>Steps <b>&ge;64</b> for <em>long/double</em> and <b>&ge;32</b> for <em>int/float</em> produces one token
- *  per value in the index and querying is as slow as a conventional {@link TermRangeQuery}. But it can be used
- *  to produce fields, that are solely used for sorting (in this case simply use {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE} as
- *  <code>precisionStep</code>). Using {@link org.apache.lucene.document.LegacyIntField},
- *  {@link org.apache.lucene.document.LegacyLongField}, {@link org.apache.lucene.document.LegacyFloatField} or {@link org.apache.lucene.document.LegacyDoubleField} for sorting
- *  is ideal, because building the field cache is much faster than with text-only numbers.
- *  These fields have one term per value and therefore also work with term enumeration for building distinct lists
- *  (e.g. facets / preselected values to search for).
- *  Sorting is also possible with range query optimized fields using one of the above <code>precisionSteps</code>.
- * </ul>
- *
- * <p>Comparisons of the different types of RangeQueries on an index with about 500,000 docs showed
- * that {@link TermRangeQuery} in boolean rewrite mode (with raised {@link BooleanQuery} clause count)
- * took about 30-40 secs to complete, {@link TermRangeQuery} in constant score filter rewrite mode took 5 secs
- * and executing this class took &lt;100ms to complete (on an Opteron64 machine, Java 1.5, 8 bit
- * precision step). This query type was developed for a geographic portal, where the performance for
- * e.g. bounding boxes or exact date/time stamps is important.</p>
- *
- * @deprecated Instead index with {@link IntPoint}, {@link LongPoint}, {@link FloatPoint}, {@link DoublePoint}, and
- *             create range queries with {@link IntPoint#newRangeQuery(String, int, int) IntPoint.newRangeQuery()},
- *             {@link LongPoint#newRangeQuery(String, long, long) LongPoint.newRangeQuery()},
- *             {@link FloatPoint#newRangeQuery(String, float, float) FloatPoint.newRangeQuery()},
- *             {@link DoublePoint#newRangeQuery(String, double, double) DoublePoint.newRangeQuery()} respectively.
- *             See {@link PointValues} for background information on Points.
- *
- * @since 2.9
- **/
-public final class LegacyNumericRangeQuery<T extends Number> extends MultiTermQuery {
-  private LegacyNumericRangeQuery(final String field, final int precisionStep, final LegacyNumericType dataType,
-                                  T min, T max, final boolean minInclusive, final boolean maxInclusive) {
-    super(field);
-    if (precisionStep < 1)
-      throw new IllegalArgumentException("precisionStep must be >=1");
-    this.precisionStep = precisionStep;
-    this.dataType = Objects.requireNonNull(dataType, "LegacyNumericType must not be null");
-    this.min = min;
-    this.max = max;
-    this.minInclusive = minInclusive;
-    this.maxInclusive = maxInclusive;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Factory that creates a <code>LegacyNumericRangeQuery</code>, that queries a <code>long</code>
-   * range using the given <a href="#precisionStepDesc"><code>precisionStep</code></a>.
-   * You can have half-open ranges (which are in fact &lt;/&le; or &gt;/&ge; queries)
-   * by setting the min or max value to <code>null</code>. By setting inclusive to false, it will
-   * match all documents excluding the bounds, with inclusive on, the boundaries are hits, too.
-   */
-  public static LegacyNumericRangeQuery<Long> newLongRange(final String field, final int precisionStep,
-    Long min, Long max, final boolean minInclusive, final boolean maxInclusive
-  ) {
-    return new LegacyNumericRangeQuery<>(field, precisionStep, FieldType.LegacyNumericType.LONG, min, max, minInclusive, maxInclusive);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Factory that creates a <code>LegacyNumericRangeQuery</code>, that queries a <code>long</code>
-   * range using the default <code>precisionStep</code> {@link org.apache.lucene.util.LegacyNumericUtils#PRECISION_STEP_DEFAULT} (16).
-   * You can have half-open ranges (which are in fact &lt;/&le; or &gt;/&ge; queries)
-   * by setting the min or max value to <code>null</code>. By setting inclusive to false, it will
-   * match all documents excluding the bounds, with inclusive on, the boundaries are hits, too.
-   */
-  public static LegacyNumericRangeQuery<Long> newLongRange(final String field,
-    Long min, Long max, final boolean minInclusive, final boolean maxInclusive
-  ) {
-    return new LegacyNumericRangeQuery<>(field, LegacyNumericUtils.PRECISION_STEP_DEFAULT, FieldType.LegacyNumericType.LONG, min, max, minInclusive, maxInclusive);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Factory that creates a <code>LegacyNumericRangeQuery</code>, that queries a <code>int</code>
-   * range using the given <a href="#precisionStepDesc"><code>precisionStep</code></a>.
-   * You can have half-open ranges (which are in fact &lt;/&le; or &gt;/&ge; queries)
-   * by setting the min or max value to <code>null</code>. By setting inclusive to false, it will
-   * match all documents excluding the bounds, with inclusive on, the boundaries are hits, too.
-   */
-  public static LegacyNumericRangeQuery<Integer> newIntRange(final String field, final int precisionStep,
-    Integer min, Integer max, final boolean minInclusive, final boolean maxInclusive
-  ) {
-    return new LegacyNumericRangeQuery<>(field, precisionStep, FieldType.LegacyNumericType.INT, min, max, minInclusive, maxInclusive);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Factory that creates a <code>LegacyNumericRangeQuery</code>, that queries a <code>int</code>
-   * range using the default <code>precisionStep</code> {@link org.apache.lucene.util.LegacyNumericUtils#PRECISION_STEP_DEFAULT_32} (8).
-   * You can have half-open ranges (which are in fact &lt;/&le; or &gt;/&ge; queries)
-   * by setting the min or max value to <code>null</code>. By setting inclusive to false, it will
-   * match all documents excluding the bounds, with inclusive on, the boundaries are hits, too.
-   */
-  public static LegacyNumericRangeQuery<Integer> newIntRange(final String field,
-    Integer min, Integer max, final boolean minInclusive, final boolean maxInclusive
-  ) {
-    return new LegacyNumericRangeQuery<>(field, LegacyNumericUtils.PRECISION_STEP_DEFAULT_32, FieldType.LegacyNumericType.INT, min, max, minInclusive, maxInclusive);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Factory that creates a <code>LegacyNumericRangeQuery</code>, that queries a <code>double</code>
-   * range using the given <a href="#precisionStepDesc"><code>precisionStep</code></a>.
-   * You can have half-open ranges (which are in fact &lt;/&le; or &gt;/&ge; queries)
-   * by setting the min or max value to <code>null</code>.
-   * {@link Double#NaN} will never match a half-open range, to hit {@code NaN} use a query
-   * with {@code min == max == Double.NaN}.  By setting inclusive to false, it will
-   * match all documents excluding the bounds, with inclusive on, the boundaries are hits, too.
-   */
-  public static LegacyNumericRangeQuery<Double> newDoubleRange(final String field, final int precisionStep,
-    Double min, Double max, final boolean minInclusive, final boolean maxInclusive
-  ) {
-    return new LegacyNumericRangeQuery<>(field, precisionStep, FieldType.LegacyNumericType.DOUBLE, min, max, minInclusive, maxInclusive);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Factory that creates a <code>LegacyNumericRangeQuery</code>, that queries a <code>double</code>
-   * range using the default <code>precisionStep</code> {@link org.apache.lucene.util.LegacyNumericUtils#PRECISION_STEP_DEFAULT} (16).
-   * You can have half-open ranges (which are in fact &lt;/&le; or &gt;/&ge; queries)
-   * by setting the min or max value to <code>null</code>.
-   * {@link Double#NaN} will never match a half-open range, to hit {@code NaN} use a query
-   * with {@code min == max == Double.NaN}.  By setting inclusive to false, it will
-   * match all documents excluding the bounds, with inclusive on, the boundaries are hits, too.
-   */
-  public static LegacyNumericRangeQuery<Double> newDoubleRange(final String field,
-    Double min, Double max, final boolean minInclusive, final boolean maxInclusive
-  ) {
-    return new LegacyNumericRangeQuery<>(field, LegacyNumericUtils.PRECISION_STEP_DEFAULT, FieldType.LegacyNumericType.DOUBLE, min, max, minInclusive, maxInclusive);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Factory that creates a <code>LegacyNumericRangeQuery</code>, that queries a <code>float</code>
-   * range using the given <a href="#precisionStepDesc"><code>precisionStep</code></a>.
-   * You can have half-open ranges (which are in fact &lt;/&le; or &gt;/&ge; queries)
-   * by setting the min or max value to <code>null</code>.
-   * {@link Float#NaN} will never match a half-open range, to hit {@code NaN} use a query
-   * with {@code min == max == Float.NaN}.  By setting inclusive to false, it will
-   * match all documents excluding the bounds, with inclusive on, the boundaries are hits, too.
-   */
-  public static LegacyNumericRangeQuery<Float> newFloatRange(final String field, final int precisionStep,
-    Float min, Float max, final boolean minInclusive, final boolean maxInclusive
-  ) {
-    return new LegacyNumericRangeQuery<>(field, precisionStep, FieldType.LegacyNumericType.FLOAT, min, max, minInclusive, maxInclusive);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Factory that creates a <code>LegacyNumericRangeQuery</code>, that queries a <code>float</code>
-   * range using the default <code>precisionStep</code> {@link org.apache.lucene.util.LegacyNumericUtils#PRECISION_STEP_DEFAULT_32} (8).
-   * You can have half-open ranges (which are in fact &lt;/&le; or &gt;/&ge; queries)
-   * by setting the min or max value to <code>null</code>.
-   * {@link Float#NaN} will never match a half-open range, to hit {@code NaN} use a query
-   * with {@code min == max == Float.NaN}.  By setting inclusive to false, it will
-   * match all documents excluding the bounds, with inclusive on, the boundaries are hits, too.
-   */
-  public static LegacyNumericRangeQuery<Float> newFloatRange(final String field,
-    Float min, Float max, final boolean minInclusive, final boolean maxInclusive
-  ) {
-    return new LegacyNumericRangeQuery<>(field, LegacyNumericUtils.PRECISION_STEP_DEFAULT_32, FieldType.LegacyNumericType.FLOAT, min, max, minInclusive, maxInclusive);
-  }
-  @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
-  protected TermsEnum getTermsEnum(final Terms terms, AttributeSource atts) throws IOException {
-    // very strange: java.lang.Number itself is not Comparable, but all subclasses used here are
-    if (min != null && max != null && ((Comparable<T>) min).compareTo(max) > 0) {
-      return TermsEnum.EMPTY;
-    }
-    return new NumericRangeTermsEnum(terms.iterator());
-  }
-  /** Returns <code>true</code> if the lower endpoint is inclusive */
-  public boolean includesMin() { return minInclusive; }
-  /** Returns <code>true</code> if the upper endpoint is inclusive */
-  public boolean includesMax() { return maxInclusive; }
-  /** Returns the lower value of this range query */
-  public T getMin() { return min; }
-  /** Returns the upper value of this range query */
-  public T getMax() { return max; }
-  /** Returns the precision step. */
-  public int getPrecisionStep() { return precisionStep; }
-  @Override
-  public String toString(final String field) {
-    final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
-    if (!getField().equals(field)) sb.append(getField()).append(':');
-    return sb.append(minInclusive ? '[' : '{')
-      .append((min == null) ? "*" : min.toString())
-      .append(" TO ")
-      .append((max == null) ? "*" : max.toString())
-      .append(maxInclusive ? ']' : '}')
-      .toString();
-  }
-  @Override
-  @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked","rawtypes"})
-  public final boolean equals(final Object o) {
-    if (o==this) return true;
-    if (!super.equals(o))
-      return false;
-    if (o instanceof LegacyNumericRangeQuery) {
-      final LegacyNumericRangeQuery q=(LegacyNumericRangeQuery)o;
-      return (
-        (q.min == null ? min == null : q.min.equals(min)) &&
-        (q.max == null ? max == null : q.max.equals(max)) &&
-        minInclusive == q.minInclusive &&
-        maxInclusive == q.maxInclusive &&
-        precisionStep == q.precisionStep
-      );
-    }
-    return false;
-  }
-  @Override
-  public final int hashCode() {
-    int hash = super.hashCode();
-    hash = 31 * hash + precisionStep;
-    hash = 31 * hash + Objects.hashCode(min);
-    hash = 31 * hash + Objects.hashCode(max);
-    hash = 31 * hash + Objects.hashCode(minInclusive);
-    hash = 31 * hash + Objects.hashCode(maxInclusive);
-    return hash;
-  }
-  // members (package private, to be also fast accessible by NumericRangeTermEnum)
-  final int precisionStep;
-  final FieldType.LegacyNumericType dataType;
-  final T min, max;
-  final boolean minInclusive,maxInclusive;
-  // used to handle float/double infinity correcty
-  static final long LONG_NEGATIVE_INFINITY =
-    NumericUtils.doubleToSortableLong(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
-  static final long LONG_POSITIVE_INFINITY =
-    NumericUtils.doubleToSortableLong(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
-  static final int INT_NEGATIVE_INFINITY =
-    NumericUtils.floatToSortableInt(Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
-  static final int INT_POSITIVE_INFINITY =
-    NumericUtils.floatToSortableInt(Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
-  /**
-   * Subclass of FilteredTermsEnum for enumerating all terms that match the
-   * sub-ranges for trie range queries, using flex API.
-   * <p>
-   * WARNING: This term enumeration is not guaranteed to be always ordered by
-   * {@link Term#compareTo}.
-   * The ordering depends on how {@link org.apache.lucene.util.LegacyNumericUtils#splitLongRange} and
-   * {@link org.apache.lucene.util.LegacyNumericUtils#splitIntRange} generates the sub-ranges. For
-   * {@link MultiTermQuery} ordering is not relevant.
-   */
-  private final class NumericRangeTermsEnum extends FilteredTermsEnum {
-    private BytesRef currentLowerBound, currentUpperBound;
-    private final LinkedList<BytesRef> rangeBounds = new LinkedList<>();
-    NumericRangeTermsEnum(final TermsEnum tenum) {
-      super(tenum);
-      switch (dataType) {
-        case LONG:
-        case DOUBLE: {
-          // lower
-          long minBound;
-          if (dataType == FieldType.LegacyNumericType.LONG) {
-            minBound = (min == null) ? Long.MIN_VALUE : min.longValue();
-          } else {
-            assert dataType == FieldType.LegacyNumericType.DOUBLE;
-            minBound = (min == null) ? LONG_NEGATIVE_INFINITY
-              : NumericUtils.doubleToSortableLong(min.doubleValue());
-          }
-          if (!minInclusive && min != null) {
-            if (minBound == Long.MAX_VALUE) break;
-            minBound++;
-          }
-          // upper
-          long maxBound;
-          if (dataType == FieldType.LegacyNumericType.LONG) {
-            maxBound = (max == null) ? Long.MAX_VALUE : max.longValue();
-          } else {
-            assert dataType == FieldType.LegacyNumericType.DOUBLE;
-            maxBound = (max == null) ? LONG_POSITIVE_INFINITY
-              : NumericUtils.doubleToSortableLong(max.doubleValue());
-          }
-          if (!maxInclusive && max != null) {
-            if (maxBound == Long.MIN_VALUE) break;
-            maxBound--;
-          }
-          LegacyNumericUtils.splitLongRange(new LegacyNumericUtils.LongRangeBuilder() {
-            @Override
-            public final void addRange(BytesRef minPrefixCoded, BytesRef maxPrefixCoded) {
-              rangeBounds.add(minPrefixCoded);
-              rangeBounds.add(maxPrefixCoded);
-            }
-          }, precisionStep, minBound, maxBound);
-          break;
-        }
-        case INT:
-        case FLOAT: {
-          // lower
-          int minBound;
-          if (dataType == FieldType.LegacyNumericType.INT) {
-            minBound = (min == null) ? Integer.MIN_VALUE : min.intValue();
-          } else {
-            assert dataType == FieldType.LegacyNumericType.FLOAT;
-            minBound = (min == null) ? INT_NEGATIVE_INFINITY
-              : NumericUtils.floatToSortableInt(min.floatValue());
-          }
-          if (!minInclusive && min != null) {
-            if (minBound == Integer.MAX_VALUE) break;
-            minBound++;
-          }
-          // upper
-          int maxBound;
-          if (dataType == LegacyNumericType.INT) {
-            maxBound = (max == null) ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : max.intValue();
-          } else {
-            assert dataType == FieldType.LegacyNumericType.FLOAT;
-            maxBound = (max == null) ? INT_POSITIVE_INFINITY
-              : NumericUtils.floatToSortableInt(max.floatValue());
-          }
-          if (!maxInclusive && max != null) {
-            if (maxBound == Integer.MIN_VALUE) break;
-            maxBound--;
-          }
-          LegacyNumericUtils.splitIntRange(new LegacyNumericUtils.IntRangeBuilder() {
-            @Override
-            public final void addRange(BytesRef minPrefixCoded, BytesRef maxPrefixCoded) {
-              rangeBounds.add(minPrefixCoded);
-              rangeBounds.add(maxPrefixCoded);
-            }
-          }, precisionStep, minBound, maxBound);
-          break;
-        }
-        default:
-          // should never happen
-          throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid LegacyNumericType");
-      }
-    }
-    private void nextRange() {
-      assert rangeBounds.size() % 2 == 0;
-      currentLowerBound = rangeBounds.removeFirst();
-      assert currentUpperBound == null || currentUpperBound.compareTo(currentLowerBound) <= 0 :
-        "The current upper bound must be <= the new lower bound";
-      currentUpperBound = rangeBounds.removeFirst();
-    }
-    @Override
-    protected final BytesRef nextSeekTerm(BytesRef term) {
-      while (rangeBounds.size() >= 2) {
-        nextRange();
-        // if the new upper bound is before the term parameter, the sub-range is never a hit
-        if (term != null && term.compareTo(currentUpperBound) > 0)
-          continue;
-        // never seek backwards, so use current term if lower bound is smaller
-        return (term != null && term.compareTo(currentLowerBound) > 0) ?
-          term : currentLowerBound;
-      }
-      // no more sub-range enums available
-      assert rangeBounds.isEmpty();
-      currentLowerBound = currentUpperBound = null;
-      return null;
-    }
-    @Override
-    protected final AcceptStatus accept(BytesRef term) {
-      while (currentUpperBound == null || term.compareTo(currentUpperBound) > 0) {
-        if (rangeBounds.isEmpty())
-          return AcceptStatus.END;
-        // peek next sub-range, only seek if the current term is smaller than next lower bound
-        if (term.compareTo(rangeBounds.getFirst()) < 0)
-          return AcceptStatus.NO_AND_SEEK;
-        // step forward to next range without seeking, as next lower range bound is less or equal current term
-        nextRange();
-      }
-      return AcceptStatus.YES;
-    }
-  }
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- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.lucene.util;
-import org.apache.lucene.index.FilterLeafReader;
-import org.apache.lucene.index.FilteredTermsEnum;
-import org.apache.lucene.index.Terms;
-import org.apache.lucene.index.TermsEnum;
- * This is a helper class to generate prefix-encoded representations for numerical values
- * and supplies converters to represent float/double values as sortable integers/longs.
- *
- * <p>To quickly execute range queries in Apache Lucene, a range is divided recursively
- * into multiple intervals for searching: The center of the range is searched only with
- * the lowest possible precision in the trie, while the boundaries are matched
- * more exactly. This reduces the number of terms dramatically.
- *
- * <p>This class generates terms to achieve this: First the numerical integer values need to
- * be converted to bytes. For that integer values (32 bit or 64 bit) are made unsigned
- * and the bits are converted to ASCII chars with each 7 bit. The resulting byte[] is
- * sortable like the original integer value (even using UTF-8 sort order). Each value is also
- * prefixed (in the first char) by the <code>shift</code> value (number of bits removed) used
- * during encoding.
- *
- * <p>For easy usage, the trie algorithm is implemented for indexing inside
- * {@link org.apache.lucene.analysis.LegacyNumericTokenStream} that can index <code>int</code>, <code>long</code>,
- * <code>float</code>, and <code>double</code>. For querying,
- * {@link} implements the query part
- * for the same data types.
- *
- * @lucene.internal
- *
- * @deprecated Please use {@link org.apache.lucene.index.PointValues} instead.
- *
- * @since 2.9, API changed non backwards-compliant in 4.0
- */
-public final class LegacyNumericUtils {
-  private LegacyNumericUtils() {} // no instance!
-  /**
-   * The default precision step used by {@link org.apache.lucene.document.LegacyLongField},
-   * {@link org.apache.lucene.document.LegacyDoubleField}, {@link org.apache.lucene.analysis.LegacyNumericTokenStream}, {@link
-   *}.
-   */
-  public static final int PRECISION_STEP_DEFAULT = 16;
-  /**
-   * The default precision step used by {@link org.apache.lucene.document.LegacyIntField} and
-   * {@link org.apache.lucene.document.LegacyFloatField}.
-   */
-  public static final int PRECISION_STEP_DEFAULT_32 = 8;
-  /**
-   * Longs are stored at lower precision by shifting off lower bits. The shift count is
-   * stored as <code>SHIFT_START_LONG+shift</code> in the first byte
-   */
-  public static final byte SHIFT_START_LONG = 0x20;
-  /**
-   * The maximum term length (used for <code>byte[]</code> buffer size)
-   * for encoding <code>long</code> values.
-   * @see #longToPrefixCoded
-   */
-  public static final int BUF_SIZE_LONG = 63/7 + 2;
-  /**
-   * Integers are stored at lower precision by shifting off lower bits. The shift count is
-   * stored as <code>SHIFT_START_INT+shift</code> in the first byte
-   */
-  public static final byte SHIFT_START_INT  = 0x60;
-  /**
-   * The maximum term length (used for <code>byte[]</code> buffer size)
-   * for encoding <code>int</code> values.
-   * @see #intToPrefixCoded
-   */
-  public static final int BUF_SIZE_INT = 31/7 + 2;
-  /**
-   * Returns prefix coded bits after reducing the precision by <code>shift</code> bits.
-   * This is method is used by {@link org.apache.lucene.analysis.LegacyNumericTokenStream}.
-   * After encoding, {@code bytes.offset} will always be 0. 
-   * @param val the numeric value
-   * @param shift how many bits to strip from the right
-   * @param bytes will contain the encoded value
-   */
-  public static void longToPrefixCoded(final long val, final int shift, final BytesRefBuilder bytes) {
-    // ensure shift is 0..63
-    if ((shift & ~0x3f) != 0) {
-      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal shift value, must be 0..63; got shift=" + shift);
-    }
-    int nChars = (((63-shift)*37)>>8) + 1;    // i/7 is the same as (i*37)>>8 for i in 0..63
-    bytes.setLength(nChars+1);   // one extra for the byte that contains the shift info
-    bytes.grow(BUF_SIZE_LONG);
-    bytes.setByteAt(0, (byte)(SHIFT_START_LONG + shift));
-    long sortableBits = val ^ 0x8000000000000000L;
-    sortableBits >>>= shift;
-    while (nChars > 0) {
-      // Store 7 bits per byte for compatibility
-      // with UTF-8 encoding of terms
-      bytes.setByteAt(nChars--, (byte)(sortableBits & 0x7f));
-      sortableBits >>>= 7;
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Returns prefix coded bits after reducing the precision by <code>shift</code> bits.
-   * This is method is used by {@link org.apache.lucene.analysis.LegacyNumericTokenStream}.
-   * After encoding, {@code bytes.offset} will always be 0.
-   * @param val the numeric value
-   * @param shift how many bits to strip from the right
-   * @param bytes will contain the encoded value
-   */
-  public static void intToPrefixCoded(final int val, final int shift, final BytesRefBuilder bytes) {
-    // ensure shift is 0..31
-    if ((shift & ~0x1f) != 0) {
-      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal shift value, must be 0..31; got shift=" + shift);
-    }
-    int nChars = (((31-shift)*37)>>8) + 1;    // i/7 is the same as (i*37)>>8 for i in 0..63
-    bytes.setLength(nChars+1);   // one extra for the byte that contains the shift info
-    bytes.grow(LegacyNumericUtils.BUF_SIZE_LONG);  // use the max
-    bytes.setByteAt(0, (byte)(SHIFT_START_INT + shift));
-    int sortableBits = val ^ 0x80000000;
-    sortableBits >>>= shift;
-    while (nChars > 0) {
-      // Store 7 bits per byte for compatibility
-      // with UTF-8 encoding of terms
-      bytes.setByteAt(nChars--, (byte)(sortableBits & 0x7f));
-      sortableBits >>>= 7;
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Returns the shift value from a prefix encoded {@code long}.
-   * @throws NumberFormatException if the supplied {@link BytesRef} is
-   * not correctly prefix encoded.
-   */
-  public static int getPrefixCodedLongShift(final BytesRef val) {
-    final int shift = val.bytes[val.offset] - SHIFT_START_LONG;
-    if (shift > 63 || shift < 0)
-      throw new NumberFormatException("Invalid shift value (" + shift + ") in prefixCoded bytes (is encoded value really an INT?)");
-    return shift;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Returns the shift value from a prefix encoded {@code int}.
-   * @throws NumberFormatException if the supplied {@link BytesRef} is
-   * not correctly prefix encoded.
-   */
-  public static int getPrefixCodedIntShift(final BytesRef val) {
-    final int shift = val.bytes[val.offset] - SHIFT_START_INT;
-    if (shift > 31 || shift < 0)
-      throw new NumberFormatException("Invalid shift value in prefixCoded bytes (is encoded value really an INT?)");
-    return shift;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Returns a long from prefixCoded bytes.
-   * Rightmost bits will be zero for lower precision codes.
-   * This method can be used to decode a term's value.
-   * @throws NumberFormatException if the supplied {@link BytesRef} is
-   * not correctly prefix encoded.
-   * @see #longToPrefixCoded
-   */
-  public static long prefixCodedToLong(final BytesRef val) {
-    long sortableBits = 0L;
-    for (int i=val.offset+1, limit=val.offset+val.length; i<limit; i++) {
-      sortableBits <<= 7;
-      final byte b = val.bytes[i];
-      if (b < 0) {
-        throw new NumberFormatException(
-          "Invalid prefixCoded numerical value representation (byte "+
-          Integer.toHexString(b&0xff)+" at position "+(i-val.offset)+" is invalid)"
-        );
-      }
-      sortableBits |= b;
-    }
-    return (sortableBits << getPrefixCodedLongShift(val)) ^ 0x8000000000000000L;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Returns an int from prefixCoded bytes.
-   * Rightmost bits will be zero for lower precision codes.
-   * This method can be used to decode a term's value.
-   * @throws NumberFormatException if the supplied {@link BytesRef} is
-   * not correctly prefix encoded.
-   * @see #intToPrefixCoded
-   */
-  public static int prefixCodedToInt(final BytesRef val) {
-    int sortableBits = 0;
-    for (int i=val.offset+1, limit=val.offset+val.length; i<limit; i++) {
-      sortableBits <<= 7;
-      final byte b = val.bytes[i];
-      if (b < 0) {
-        throw new NumberFormatException(
-          "Invalid prefixCoded numerical value representation (byte "+
-          Integer.toHexString(b&0xff)+" at position "+(i-val.offset)+" is invalid)"
-        );
-      }
-      sortableBits |= b;
-    }
-    return (sortableBits << getPrefixCodedIntShift(val)) ^ 0x80000000;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Splits a long range recursively.
-   * You may implement a builder that adds clauses to a
-   * {@link} for each call to its
-   * {@link LongRangeBuilder#addRange(BytesRef,BytesRef)}
-   * method.
-   * <p>This method is used by {@link}.
-   */
-  public static void splitLongRange(final LongRangeBuilder builder,
-    final int precisionStep,  final long minBound, final long maxBound
-  ) {
-    splitRange(builder, 64, precisionStep, minBound, maxBound);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Splits an int range recursively.
-   * You may implement a builder that adds clauses to a
-   * {@link} for each call to its
-   * {@link IntRangeBuilder#addRange(BytesRef,BytesRef)}
-   * method.
-   * <p>This method is used by {@link}.
-   */
-  public static void splitIntRange(final IntRangeBuilder builder,
-    final int precisionStep,  final int minBound, final int maxBound
-  ) {
-    splitRange(builder, 32, precisionStep, minBound, maxBound);
-  }
-  /** This helper does the splitting for both 32 and 64 bit. */
-  private static void splitRange(
-    final Object builder, final int valSize,
-    final int precisionStep, long minBound, long maxBound
-  ) {
-    if (precisionStep < 1)
-      throw new IllegalArgumentException("precisionStep must be >=1");
-    if (minBound > maxBound) return;
-    for (int shift=0; ; shift += precisionStep) {
-      // calculate new bounds for inner precision
-      final long diff = 1L << (shift+precisionStep),
-        mask = ((1L<<precisionStep) - 1L) << shift;
-      final boolean
-        hasLower = (minBound & mask) != 0L,
-        hasUpper = (maxBound & mask) != mask;
-      final long
-        nextMinBound = (hasLower ? (minBound + diff) : minBound) & ~mask,
-        nextMaxBound = (hasUpper ? (maxBound - diff) : maxBound) & ~mask;
-      final boolean
-        lowerWrapped = nextMinBound < minBound,
-        upperWrapped = nextMaxBound > maxBound;
-      if (shift+precisionStep>=valSize || nextMinBound>nextMaxBound || lowerWrapped || upperWrapped) {
-        // We are in the lowest precision or the next precision is not available.
-        addRange(builder, valSize, minBound, maxBound, shift);
-        // exit the split recursion loop
-        break;
-      }
-      if (hasLower)
-        addRange(builder, valSize, minBound, minBound | mask, shift);
-      if (hasUpper)
-        addRange(builder, valSize, maxBound & ~mask, maxBound, shift);
-      // recurse to next precision
-      minBound = nextMinBound;
-      maxBound = nextMaxBound;
-    }
-  }
-  /** Helper that delegates to correct range builder */
-  private static void addRange(
-    final Object builder, final int valSize,
-    long minBound, long maxBound,
-    final int shift
-  ) {
-    // for the max bound set all lower bits (that were shifted away):
-    // this is important for testing or other usages of the splitted range
-    // (e.g. to reconstruct the full range). The prefixEncoding will remove
-    // the bits anyway, so they do not hurt!
-    maxBound |= (1L << shift) - 1L;
-    // delegate to correct range builder
-    switch(valSize) {
-      case 64:
-        ((LongRangeBuilder)builder).addRange(minBound, maxBound, shift);
-        break;
-      case 32:
-        ((IntRangeBuilder)builder).addRange((int)minBound, (int)maxBound, shift);
-        break;
-      default:
-        // Should not happen!
-        throw new IllegalArgumentException("valSize must be 32 or 64.");
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Callback for {@link #splitLongRange}.
-   * You need to overwrite only one of the methods.
-   * @lucene.internal
-   * @since 2.9, API changed non backwards-compliant in 4.0
-   */
-  public static abstract class LongRangeBuilder {
-    /**
-     * Overwrite this method, if you like to receive the already prefix encoded range bounds.
-     * You can directly build classical (inclusive) range queries from them.
-     */
-    public void addRange(BytesRef minPrefixCoded, BytesRef maxPrefixCoded) {
-      throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Overwrite this method, if you like to receive the raw long range bounds.
-     * You can use this for e.g. debugging purposes (print out range bounds).
-     */
-    public void addRange(final long min, final long max, final int shift) {
-      final BytesRefBuilder minBytes = new BytesRefBuilder(), maxBytes = new BytesRefBuilder();
-      longToPrefixCoded(min, shift, minBytes);
-      longToPrefixCoded(max, shift, maxBytes);
-      addRange(minBytes.get(), maxBytes.get());
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Callback for {@link #splitIntRange}.
-   * You need to overwrite only one of the methods.
-   * @lucene.internal
-   * @since 2.9, API changed non backwards-compliant in 4.0
-   */
-  public static abstract class IntRangeBuilder {
-    /**
-     * Overwrite this method, if you like to receive the already prefix encoded range bounds.
-     * You can directly build classical range (inclusive) queries from them.
-     */
-    public void addRange(BytesRef minPrefixCoded, BytesRef maxPrefixCoded) {
-      throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Overwrite this method, if you like to receive the raw int range bounds.
-     * You can use this for e.g. debugging purposes (print out range bounds).
-     */
-    public void addRange(final int min, final int max, final int shift) {
-      final BytesRefBuilder minBytes = new BytesRefBuilder(), maxBytes = new BytesRefBuilder();
-      intToPrefixCoded(min, shift, minBytes);
-      intToPrefixCoded(max, shift, maxBytes);
-      addRange(minBytes.get(), maxBytes.get());
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Filters the given {@link TermsEnum} by accepting only prefix coded 64 bit
-   * terms with a shift value of <tt>0</tt>.
-   * 
-   * @param termsEnum
-   *          the terms enum to filter
-   * @return a filtered {@link TermsEnum} that only returns prefix coded 64 bit
-   *         terms with a shift value of <tt>0</tt>.
-   */
-  public static TermsEnum filterPrefixCodedLongs(TermsEnum termsEnum) {
-    return new SeekingNumericFilteredTermsEnum(termsEnum) {
-      @Override
-      protected AcceptStatus accept(BytesRef term) {
-        return LegacyNumericUtils.getPrefixCodedLongShift(term) == 0 ? AcceptStatus.YES : AcceptStatus.END;
-      }
-    };
-  }
-  /**
-   * Filters the given {@link TermsEnum} by accepting only prefix coded 32 bit
-   * terms with a shift value of <tt>0</tt>.
-   * 
-   * @param termsEnum
-   *          the terms enum to filter
-   * @return a filtered {@link TermsEnum} that only returns prefix coded 32 bit
-   *         terms with a shift value of <tt>0</tt>.
-   */
-  public static TermsEnum filterPrefixCodedInts(TermsEnum termsEnum) {
-    return new SeekingNumericFilteredTermsEnum(termsEnum) {
-      @Override
-      protected AcceptStatus accept(BytesRef term) {
-        return LegacyNumericUtils.getPrefixCodedIntShift(term) == 0 ? AcceptStatus.YES : AcceptStatus.END;
-      }
-    };
-  }
-  /** Just like FilteredTermsEnum, except it adds a limited
-   *  seekCeil implementation that only works with {@link
-   *  #filterPrefixCodedInts} and {@link
-   *  #filterPrefixCodedLongs}. */
-  private static abstract class SeekingNumericFilteredTermsEnum extends FilteredTermsEnum {
-    public SeekingNumericFilteredTermsEnum(final TermsEnum tenum) {
-      super(tenum, false);
-    }
-    @Override
-    @SuppressWarnings("fallthrough")
-    public SeekStatus seekCeil(BytesRef term) throws IOException {
-      // NOTE: This is not general!!  It only handles YES
-      // and END, because that's all we need for the numeric
-      // case here
-      SeekStatus status = tenum.seekCeil(term);
-      if (status == SeekStatus.END) {
-        return SeekStatus.END;
-      }
-      actualTerm = tenum.term();
-      if (accept(actualTerm) == AcceptStatus.YES) {
-        return status;
-      } else {
-        return SeekStatus.END;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  private static Terms intTerms(Terms terms) {
-    return new FilterLeafReader.FilterTerms(terms) {
-        @Override
-        public TermsEnum iterator() throws IOException {
-          return filterPrefixCodedInts(in.iterator());
-        }
-      };
-  }
-  private static Terms longTerms(Terms terms) {
-    return new FilterLeafReader.FilterTerms(terms) {
-        @Override
-        public TermsEnum iterator() throws IOException {
-          return filterPrefixCodedLongs(in.iterator());
-        }
-      };
-  }
-  /**
-   * Returns the minimum int value indexed into this
-   * numeric field or null if no terms exist.
-   */
-  public static Integer getMinInt(Terms terms) throws IOException {
-    // All shift=0 terms are sorted first, so we don't need
-    // to filter the incoming terms; we can just get the
-    // min:
-    BytesRef min = terms.getMin();
-    return (min != null) ? LegacyNumericUtils.prefixCodedToInt(min) : null;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Returns the maximum int value indexed into this
-   * numeric field or null if no terms exist.
-   */
-  public static Integer getMaxInt(Terms terms) throws IOException {
-    BytesRef max = intTerms(terms).getMax();
-    return (max != null) ? LegacyNumericUtils.prefixCodedToInt(max) : null;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Returns the minimum long value indexed into this
-   * numeric field or null if no terms exist.
-   */
-  public static Long getMinLong(Terms terms) throws IOException {
-    // All shift=0 terms are sorted first, so we don't need
-    // to filter the incoming terms; we can just get the
-    // min:
-    BytesRef min = terms.getMin();
-    return (min != null) ? LegacyNumericUtils.prefixCodedToLong(min) : null;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Returns the maximum long value indexed into this
-   * numeric field or null if no terms exist.
-   */
-  public static Long getMaxLong(Terms terms) throws IOException {
-    BytesRef max = longTerms(terms).getMax();
-    return (max != null) ? LegacyNumericUtils.prefixCodedToLong(max) : null;
-  }
diff --git a/lucene/core/src/test/org/apache/lucene/analysis/ b/lucene/core/src/test/org/apache/lucene/analysis/
deleted file mode 100644
index dfaa20e..0000000
--- a/lucene/core/src/test/org/apache/lucene/analysis/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.lucene.analysis;
-import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;
-import org.apache.lucene.util.LegacyNumericUtils;
-import org.apache.lucene.analysis.LegacyNumericTokenStream.LegacyNumericTermAttributeImpl;
-import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.TermToBytesRefAttribute;
-import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.TestCharTermAttributeImpl;
-import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.TypeAttribute;
-import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.CharTermAttribute;
-import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.CharTermAttributeImpl;
-public class TestNumericTokenStream extends BaseTokenStreamTestCase {
-  final long lvalue = random().nextLong();
-  final int ivalue = random().nextInt();
-  public void testLongStream() throws Exception {
-    @SuppressWarnings("resource")
-    final LegacyNumericTokenStream stream=new LegacyNumericTokenStream().setLongValue(lvalue);
-    final TermToBytesRefAttribute bytesAtt = stream.getAttribute(TermToBytesRefAttribute.class);
-    assertNotNull(bytesAtt);
-    final TypeAttribute typeAtt = stream.getAttribute(TypeAttribute.class);
-    assertNotNull(typeAtt);
-    final LegacyNumericTokenStream.LegacyNumericTermAttribute numericAtt = stream.getAttribute(LegacyNumericTokenStream.LegacyNumericTermAttribute.class);
-    assertNotNull(numericAtt);
-    stream.reset();
-    assertEquals(64, numericAtt.getValueSize());
-    for (int shift=0; shift<64; shift+= LegacyNumericUtils.PRECISION_STEP_DEFAULT) {
-      assertTrue("New token is available", stream.incrementToken());
-      assertEquals("Shift value wrong", shift, numericAtt.getShift());
-      assertEquals("Term is incorrectly encoded", lvalue & ~((1L << shift) - 1L), LegacyNumericUtils.prefixCodedToLong(bytesAtt.getBytesRef()));
-      assertEquals("Term raw value is incorrectly encoded", lvalue & ~((1L << shift) - 1L), numericAtt.getRawValue());
-      assertEquals("Type incorrect", (shift == 0) ? LegacyNumericTokenStream.TOKEN_TYPE_FULL_PREC : LegacyNumericTokenStream.TOKEN_TYPE_LOWER_PREC, typeAtt.type());
-    }
-    assertFalse("More tokens available", stream.incrementToken());
-    stream.end();
-    stream.close();
-  }
-  public void testIntStream() throws Exception {
-    @SuppressWarnings("resource")
-    final LegacyNumericTokenStream stream=new LegacyNumericTokenStream().setIntValue(ivalue);
-    final TermToBytesRefAttribute bytesAtt = stream.getAttribute(TermToBytesRefAttribute.class);
-    assertNotNull(bytesAtt);
-    final TypeAttribute typeAtt = stream.getAttribute(TypeAttribute.class);
-    assertNotNull(typeAtt);
-    final LegacyNumericTokenStream.LegacyNumericTermAttribute numericAtt = stream.getAttribute(LegacyNumericTokenStream.LegacyNumericTermAttribute.class);
-    assertNotNull(numericAtt);
-    stream.reset();
-    assertEquals(32, numericAtt.getValueSize());
-    for (int shift=0; shift<32; shift+= LegacyNumericUtils.PRECISION_STEP_DEFAULT) {
-      assertTrue("New token is available", stream.incrementToken());
-      assertEquals("Shift value wrong", shift, numericAtt.getShift());
-      assertEquals("Term is incorrectly encoded", ivalue & ~((1 << shift) - 1), LegacyNumericUtils.prefixCodedToInt(bytesAtt.getBytesRef()));
-      assertEquals("Term raw value is incorrectly encoded", ((long) ivalue) & ~((1L << shift) - 1L), numericAtt.getRawValue());
-      assertEquals("Type incorrect", (shift == 0) ? LegacyNumericTokenStream.TOKEN_TYPE_FULL_PREC : LegacyNumericTokenStream.TOKEN_TYPE_LOWER_PREC, typeAtt.type());
-    }
-    assertFalse("More tokens available", stream.incrementToken());
-    stream.end();
-    stream.close();
-  }
-  public void testNotInitialized() throws Exception {
-    final LegacyNumericTokenStream stream=new LegacyNumericTokenStream();
-    expectThrows(IllegalStateException.class, () -> {
-      stream.reset();
-    });
-    expectThrows(IllegalStateException.class, () -> {
-      stream.incrementToken();
-    });
-    stream.close();
-  }
-  public static interface TestAttribute extends CharTermAttribute {}
-  public static class TestAttributeImpl extends CharTermAttributeImpl implements TestAttribute {}
-  public void testCTA() throws Exception {
-    final LegacyNumericTokenStream stream=new LegacyNumericTokenStream();
-    IllegalArgumentException e = expectThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> {
-      stream.addAttribute(CharTermAttribute.class);
-    });
-    assertTrue(e.getMessage().startsWith("LegacyNumericTokenStream does not support"));
-    e = expectThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> {
-      stream.addAttribute(TestAttribute.class);
-    });
-    assertTrue(e.getMessage().startsWith("LegacyNumericTokenStream does not support"));
-    stream.close();
-  }
-  /** LUCENE-7027 */
-  public void testCaptureStateAfterExhausted() throws Exception {
-    // default precstep
-    try (LegacyNumericTokenStream stream=new LegacyNumericTokenStream()) {
-      // int
-      stream.setIntValue(ivalue);
-      stream.reset();
-      while (stream.incrementToken());
-      stream.captureState();
-      stream.end();
-      stream.captureState();
-      // long
-      stream.setLongValue(lvalue);
-      stream.reset();
-      while (stream.incrementToken());
-      stream.captureState();
-      stream.end();
-      stream.captureState();
-    }
-    // huge precstep
-    try (LegacyNumericTokenStream stream=new LegacyNumericTokenStream(Integer.MAX_VALUE)) {
-      // int
-      stream.setIntValue(ivalue);
-      stream.reset();
-      while (stream.incrementToken());
-      stream.captureState();
-      stream.end();
-      stream.captureState();
-      // long
-      stream.setLongValue(lvalue);
-      stream.reset();
-      while (stream.incrementToken());
-      stream.captureState();
-      stream.end();
-      stream.captureState();
-    }
-  }
-  public void testAttributeClone() throws Exception {
-    LegacyNumericTermAttributeImpl att = new LegacyNumericTermAttributeImpl();
-    att.init(lvalue, 64, 8, 0); // set some value, to make getBytesRef() work
-    LegacyNumericTermAttributeImpl copy = TestCharTermAttributeImpl.assertCloneIsEqual(att);
-    assertNotSame(att.getBytesRef(), copy.getBytesRef());
-    LegacyNumericTermAttributeImpl copy2 = TestCharTermAttributeImpl.assertCopyIsEqual(att);
-    assertNotSame(att.getBytesRef(), copy2.getBytesRef());
-    // LUCENE-7027 test
-    att.init(lvalue, 64, 8, 64); // Exhausted TokenStream -> should return empty BytesRef
-    assertEquals(new BytesRef(), att.getBytesRef());
-    copy = TestCharTermAttributeImpl.assertCloneIsEqual(att);
-    assertEquals(new BytesRef(), copy.getBytesRef());
-    assertNotSame(att.getBytesRef(), copy.getBytesRef());
-    copy2 = TestCharTermAttributeImpl.assertCopyIsEqual(att);
-    assertEquals(new BytesRef(), copy2.getBytesRef());
-    assertNotSame(att.getBytesRef(), copy2.getBytesRef());
-  }
diff --git a/lucene/core/src/test/org/apache/lucene/document/ b/lucene/core/src/test/org/apache/lucene/document/
index 92d6a83..4ef7ffb 100644
--- a/lucene/core/src/test/org/apache/lucene/document/
+++ b/lucene/core/src/test/org/apache/lucene/document/
@@ -79,29 +79,7 @@ public class TestField extends LuceneTestCase {
     assertEquals("DoublePoint <foo:6.0,7.0>", field.toString());
-  public void testLegacyDoubleField() throws Exception {
-    Field fields[] = new Field[] {
-        new LegacyDoubleField("foo", 5d, Field.Store.NO),
-        new LegacyDoubleField("foo", 5d, Field.Store.YES)
-    };
-    for (Field field : fields) {
-      trySetBoost(field);
-      trySetByteValue(field);
-      trySetBytesValue(field);
-      trySetBytesRefValue(field);
-      field.setDoubleValue(6d); // ok
-      trySetIntValue(field);
-      trySetFloatValue(field);
-      trySetLongValue(field);
-      trySetReaderValue(field);
-      trySetShortValue(field);
-      trySetStringValue(field);
-      trySetTokenStreamValue(field);
-      assertEquals(6d, field.numericValue().doubleValue(), 0.0d);
-    }
-  }
   public void testDoubleDocValuesField() throws Exception {
     DoubleDocValuesField field = new DoubleDocValuesField("foo", 5d);
@@ -185,30 +163,6 @@ public class TestField extends LuceneTestCase {
     assertEquals("FloatPoint <foo:6.0,7.0>", field.toString());
-  public void testLegacyFloatField() throws Exception {
-    Field fields[] = new Field[] {
-        new LegacyFloatField("foo", 5f, Field.Store.NO),
-        new LegacyFloatField("foo", 5f, Field.Store.YES)
-    };
-    for (Field field : fields) {
-      trySetBoost(field);
-      trySetByteValue(field);
-      trySetBytesValue(field);
-      trySetBytesRefValue(field);
-      trySetDoubleValue(field);
-      trySetIntValue(field);
-      field.setFloatValue(6f); // ok
-      trySetLongValue(field);
-      trySetReaderValue(field);
-      trySetShortValue(field);
-      trySetStringValue(field);
-      trySetTokenStreamValue(field);
-      assertEquals(6f, field.numericValue().floatValue(), 0.0f);
-    }
-  }
   public void testIntPoint() throws Exception {
     Field field = new IntPoint("foo", 5);
@@ -253,30 +207,6 @@ public class TestField extends LuceneTestCase {
     assertEquals("IntPoint <foo:6,7>", field.toString());
-  public void testLegacyIntField() throws Exception {
-    Field fields[] = new Field[] {
-        new LegacyIntField("foo", 5, Field.Store.NO),
-        new LegacyIntField("foo", 5, Field.Store.YES)
-    };
-    for (Field field : fields) {
-      trySetBoost(field);
-      trySetByteValue(field);
-      trySetBytesValue(field);
-      trySetBytesRefValue(field);
-      trySetDoubleValue(field);
-      field.setIntValue(6); // ok
-      trySetFloatValue(field);
-      trySetLongValue(field);
-      trySetReaderValue(field);
-      trySetShortValue(field);
-      trySetStringValue(field);
-      trySetTokenStreamValue(field);
-      assertEquals(6, field.numericValue().intValue());
-    }
-  }
   public void testNumericDocValuesField() throws Exception {
     NumericDocValuesField field = new NumericDocValuesField("foo", 5L);
@@ -340,30 +270,6 @@ public class TestField extends LuceneTestCase {
     assertEquals("LongPoint <foo:6,7>", field.toString());
-  public void testLegacyLongField() throws Exception {
-    Field fields[] = new Field[] {
-        new LegacyLongField("foo", 5L, Field.Store.NO),
-        new LegacyLongField("foo", 5L, Field.Store.YES)
-    };
-    for (Field field : fields) {
-      trySetBoost(field);
-      trySetByteValue(field);
-      trySetBytesValue(field);
-      trySetBytesRefValue(field);
-      trySetDoubleValue(field);
-      trySetIntValue(field);
-      trySetFloatValue(field);
-      field.setLongValue(6); // ok
-      trySetReaderValue(field);
-      trySetShortValue(field);
-      trySetStringValue(field);
-      trySetTokenStreamValue(field);
-      assertEquals(6L, field.numericValue().longValue());
-    }
-  }
   public void testSortedBytesDocValuesField() throws Exception {
     SortedDocValuesField field = new SortedDocValuesField("foo", new BytesRef("bar"));
diff --git a/lucene/core/src/test/org/apache/lucene/document/ b/lucene/core/src/test/org/apache/lucene/document/
index da76f40..9214cb9 100644
--- a/lucene/core/src/test/org/apache/lucene/document/
+++ b/lucene/core/src/test/org/apache/lucene/document/
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ package org.apache.lucene.document;
 import java.lang.reflect.Method;
-import org.apache.lucene.document.FieldType.LegacyNumericType;
 import org.apache.lucene.index.DocValuesType;
 import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexOptions;
 import org.apache.lucene.index.PointValues;
@@ -58,14 +57,6 @@ public class TestFieldType extends LuceneTestCase {
-    FieldType ft8 = new FieldType();
-    ft8.setNumericType(LegacyNumericType.DOUBLE);
-    assertFalse(ft8.equals(ft));
-    FieldType ft9 = new FieldType();
-    ft9.setNumericPrecisionStep(3);
-    assertFalse(ft9.equals(ft));
     FieldType ft10 = new FieldType();