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Posted to by on 2006/11/28 05:52:01 UTC

svn commit: r479901 - in /harmony/enhanced/jdktools/trunk/modules/launcher: build.xml make/

Author: geirm
Date: Mon Nov 27 20:52:00 2006
New Revision: 479901

originally sourced from classlib.

build.xml was cleaned up to only build the launcher

      - copied, changed from r479894, harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/luni/build.xml
      - copied from r479894, harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/luni/make/

Copied: harmony/enhanced/jdktools/trunk/modules/launcher/build.xml (from r479894, harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/luni/build.xml)
--- harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/luni/build.xml (original)
+++ harmony/enhanced/jdktools/trunk/modules/launcher/build.xml Mon Nov 27 20:52:00 2006
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
     limitations under the License.
-<project name="LUNI Build" default="build" basedir=".">
-    <description>Build for LUNI component</description>
+<project name="Launcher Build" default="build" basedir=".">
+    <description>Build for Launcher component</description>
     <!-- import common properties -->
     <property name="hy.hdk" location="${basedir}/../../deploy" />
@@ -26,66 +26,7 @@
     <!-- set global properties for this build. -->
     <xmlproperty file="make/hyproperties.xml" semanticAttributes="true" />
-    <fileset id="classes" dir="${}">
-        <or>
-            <present targetdir="${}" />
-            <present targetdir="${}">
-                <mapper type="regexp"
-                        from="^(.*?)(\$$[^/\\\.]*)?\.class$$"
-                        to="\"/>
-            </present>
-        </or>
-    </fileset>
     <property file="../../make/" />
-    <property name="" location="${depends.oss}/" />
-    <property name="exclude.file" location="./make/exclude.${hy.platform}.${}" />
-    <target name="build" depends="compile-java, copy-resources, build-jar" />
-    <target name="copy-native-includes">
-        <copy todir="${hy.hdk}/include" overwrite="yes">
-            <fileset dir="${hy.luni.src.main.native}/include/shared">
-                <include name="vmi.h" />
-                <include name="hyvmls.h" />
-                <include name="hysocket.h" />
-                <include name="gp.h" />
-                <include name="iohelp.h" />
-                <include name="exceptions.h" />
-                <include name="libglob.h" />
-                <include name="strhelp.h" />            	
-                <include name="fdlibm.h" />
-                <include name="hymagic.h" />
-                <include name="jsig.h" />
-            </fileset>
-        </copy>
-        <copy todir="${hy.jdk}/include" overwrite="yes">
-            <fileset dir="${hy.luni.src.main.native}/include/shared">
-                <include name="jni.h" />
-                <include name="jniport.h" />
-                <include name="jvmti.h" />
-            </fileset>
-        </copy>
-        <antcall target="copy-native-includes-windows" />
-        <antcall target="copy-native-includes-linux" />
-    </target>
-    <target name="copy-native-includes-windows" if="">
-        <copy todir="${hy.hdk}/include" overwrite="yes">
-            <fileset dir="${hy.luni.src.main.native}/include/windows">
-                <include name="jclprots.h" />
-            </fileset>
-        </copy>
-    </target>
-    <target name="copy-native-includes-linux" if="is.linux">
-        <copy todir="${hy.hdk}/include" overwrite="yes">
-            <fileset dir="${hy.luni.src.main.native}/include/linux">
-                <include name="jclprots.h" />
-            </fileset>
-        </copy>
-    </target>
     <!-- Build native code -->
     <target name="build-native"
@@ -94,37 +35,10 @@
     <!-- Build the core luni native components -->
     <target name="build-native-core" >
-        <!-- Build fdlibm lib -->
-        <make dir="${hy.luni.src.main.native}/fdlibm/${hy.os}" />
-        <!-- Build vmi dll -->
-        <make dir="${hy.luni.src.main.native}/vmi/${hy.os}" />
-        <!-- On Linux we want to copy the into the
-             deploy/lib directory so that the natives can link
-             against it. This is only used at build time - at
-             runtime the provided by the VM
-             implementation is loaded
-          -->
-        <copy todir="${hy.hdk}/lib" overwrite="yes" failonerror="false">
-            <fileset dir="${hy.luni.src.main.native}/vmi">
-                <include name=""/>
-            </fileset>
-        </copy>
     <!-- Build secondary native luni components -->
     <target name="build-native-secondary" >
-        <!-- Build luni dll -->
-        <make dir="${hy.luni.src.main.native}/luni/${hy.os}" />
-        <copy todir="${hy.jdk}/jre/bin" overwrite="yes">
-            <fileset dir="${hy.luni.src.main.native}/luni">
-                <patternset includes="*${shlib.suffix}*" />
-            </fileset>
-        </copy>
-        <!-- Build vmls lib -->
-        <make dir="${hy.luni.src.main.native}/vmls/${hy.os}" />
         <!-- Build launcher executables -->
         <make dir="${hy.luni.src.main.native}/launcher/${hy.os}" />
@@ -137,22 +51,17 @@
+        <copy todir="${hy.jdk}/jre/bin" overwrite="yes">
+            <fileset dir="${hy.hdk}/jdk/jre/bin">
+                <patternset includes="*${shlib.suffix}"/>
+            </fileset>
+        </copy>
         <!-- Make sure the Linux launcher has execute permission -->
         <chmod file="${hy.jdk}/jre/bin/java${exe.suffix}" perm="ugo+x" />
-    <!-- Overlay OSS packages into their required locations -->
-    <target name="overlay-oss" >
-        <unzip src="${}" dest="${hy.luni.src.main.native}/fdlibm_dist" />
-        <chmod dir="${hy.luni.src.main.native}/fdlibm_dist" perm="ugo+r" />
-    </target>
-    <!-- Clean overlaid OSS packages -->
-    <target name="clean-overlay-oss" >
-        <delete dir="${hy.luni.src.main.native}/fdlibm_dist" quiet="true" />
-    </target>
     <!-- Clean natives -->
     <target name="clean-native">
         <make dir="${hy.luni.src.main.native}/fdlibm/${hy.os}" target="clean" />
@@ -163,222 +72,4 @@
               target="clean" />
-    <target name="test" depends="-test-module">
-        <fail message="Some tests failed">
-            <condition>
-                <or>
-                    <isset property="test.failures" />
-                    <isset property="test.errors" />
-                </or>
-            </condition>
-        </fail>
-    </target>
-    <!-- internal target for local and global test run sequence -->
-    <target name="-test-module" depends="build, compile-tests, run-tests" />
-    <target name="clean">
-        <delete file="${hy.jdk}/jre/lib/boot/luni.jar" />
-        <delete file="${hy.jdk}/jre/lib/boot/luni-src.jar" />
-        <delete failonerror="false">
-            <fileset refid="classes" />
-            <fileset dir="${hy.luni.bin.test}" />
-        </delete>
-        <antcall target="clean-native-includes" />
-    </target>
-    <target name="clean-native-includes">
-        <delete failonerror="false">
-            <fileset dir="${hy.hdk}/include">
-                <include name="vmi.h" />
-                <include name="hyvmls.h" />
-                <include name="jclprots.h" />
-                <include name="hysocket.h" />
-                <include name="gp.h" />
-                <include name="iohelp.h" />
-                <include name="exceptions.h" />
-                <include name="libglob.h" />
-                <include name="fdlibm.h" />
-                <include name="hymagic.h" />
-                <include name="jsig.h" />
-            </fileset>
-        </delete>
-        <delete failonerror="false">
-            <fileset dir="${hy.jdk}/include">
-                <include name="jni.h" />
-                <include name="jniport.h" />
-                <include name="jvmti.h" />
-            </fileset>
-        </delete>
-    </target>
-    <target name="compile-java">
-        <echo message="Compiling LUNI classes" />
-        <javac sourcepath=""
-               srcdir="${}"
-               destdir="${}"
-               compiler="${hy.javac.compiler}"
-               memoryMaximumSize="${hy.javac.maxmem}"
-               source="${hy.javac.source}" 
-               target="${}"
-               debug="${hy.javac.debug}">
-            <bootclasspath>
-                <fileset dir="${hy.jdk}/jre/lib/boot">
-                    <include name="**/*.jar" />
-                </fileset>
-            </bootclasspath>
-        </javac>
-    </target>
-    <target name="build-jar" depends="svn-info">
-        <jar destfile="${hy.jdk}/jre/lib/boot/luni.jar"
-             manifest="${hy.luni}/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF">
-            <fileset refid="classes" />
-            <manifest>
-                <attribute name="Implementation-Version" value="${}"/>
-            </manifest>
-            <metainf file="${hy.hdk}/NOTICE"/>
-            <metainf file="${hy.hdk}/LICENSE"/>            
-        </jar>
-        <jar destfile="${hy.jdk}/jre/lib/boot/luni-src.jar">
-            <fileset dir="${}" />
-            <manifest>
-                <attribute name="Implementation-Version" value="${}"/>
-            </manifest>
-            <metainf file="${hy.hdk}/NOTICE"/>
-            <metainf file="${hy.hdk}/LICENSE"/>            
-        </jar>
-    </target>
-    <target name="compile-tests" depends="copy-test-resources">
-        <compile-tests description="JUnit Tests" destdir="${hy.luni.bin.test}">
-            <javac-elements>
-                <src>
-                    <pathelement location="${hy.luni.src.test}/java"/>
-                </src>
-                <include name="**/*.java" />
-            </javac-elements>
-        </compile-tests>
-    </target>
-    <target name="run-tests">
-        <run-tests description="JUnit Tests">
-            <junit-elements>
-                <classpath>
-                    <pathelement path="${hy.luni.bin.test}"/>
-                    <pathelement path="${hy.luni.src.test.resources}"/>
-                    <pathelement path="../../build/tests"/>
-                    <pathelement path="${hy.hdk}/build/test/support.jar" />
-                </classpath>
-                <!-- Required by various tests that set security manager etc -->
-                <jvmarg value="" />
-                <!-- Required for running the unit tests -->
-                <jvmarg value="-Dtest.ini.file=../../support/src/test/resources/config/localhosttest.ini" />
-                <batchtest todir="${hy.tests.reports}" haltonfailure="no" unless="">
-                    <fileset dir="${hy.luni.src.test}/java">
-                        <include name="**/*"/>
-                        <excludesfile name="${exclude.file}" />
-                    </fileset>
-                </batchtest>
-            </junit-elements>
-        </run-tests>
-        <antcall target="touch-failures-file" />
-        <antcall target="touch-errors-file" />
-    </target>
-    <target name="touch-failures-file" if="test.failures">
-        <echo file="${hy.tests.reports}/test.failures"
-            append="true">luni${line.separator}</echo>
-    </target>
-    <target name="touch-errors-file" if="test.errors">
-        <echo file="${hy.tests.reports}/test.errors"
-            append="true">luni${line.separator}</echo>
-    </target>
-    <target name="copy-resources">
-        <mkdir dir="${}" />
-        <copy todir="${}" includeemptydirs="false">
-            <fileset dir="${}">
-                <exclude name="**/*.java" />
-            </fileset>
-        </copy>
-    </target>
-    <target name="copy-test-resources">
-        <mkdir dir="${hy.luni.bin.test}" />
-        <copy todir="${hy.luni.bin.test}" includeemptydirs="false">
-            <fileset dir="${hy.luni.src.test.resources}">
-                <exclude name="**/*.java" />
-            </fileset>
-        </copy>
-    </target>
-    <macrodef name="compile-tests">
-        <attribute name="description" default="" />
-        <attribute name="destdir"  />
-        <element name="javac-elements" />
-        <sequential>
-            <echo message="Compiling LUNI @{description}" />
-            <mkdir dir="@{destdir}" />
-            <javac destdir="@{destdir}"
-               compiler="${hy.javac.compiler}"
-               memoryMaximumSize="${hy.javac.maxmem}"
-               source="${hy.javac.source}" 
-               target="${}"
-               debug="${hy.javac.debug}">
-                <javac-elements />
-                <bootclasspath>
-                    <fileset dir="${hy.jdk}/jre/lib/boot">
-                        <include name="**/*.jar" />
-                    </fileset>
-                </bootclasspath>
-                <classpath location="../../build/tests" />
-                <classpath location="${hy.hdk}/build/test/support.jar" />
-            </javac>
-        </sequential>
-    </macrodef>
-    <macrodef name="run-tests">
-        <attribute name="description" default="" />
-        <element name="junit-elements" />
-        <sequential>
-            <echo message="Running LUNI @{description}" />
-            <mkdir dir="${hy.tests.reports}" />
-            <property name="test.jre.home" value="${hy.jdk}/jre" />
-            <junit fork="yes"
-                   forkmode="${hy.test.forkmode}"
-                   timeout="${hy.test.timeout}"
-                   printsummary="withOutAndErr"
-                   errorproperty="test.errors"
-                   failureproperty="test.failures"
-                   showoutput="on"
-                   dir="${basedir}"
-                   jvm="${test.jre.home}/bin/java">
-                <junit-elements />
-                <formatter type="xml" />
-                <test name="${}" todir="${hy.tests.reports}" if="" />
-            </junit>
-        </sequential>
-    </macrodef>