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Posted to by "ahidalgob (via GitHub)" <> on 2023/08/07 19:41:34 UTC

[GitHub] [airflow] ahidalgob commented on a diff in pull request #32606: Add `CloudBatchHook` and operators

ahidalgob commented on code in PR #32606:

@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+Example Airflow DAG that uses Google Cloud Batch Operators.
+from __future__ import annotations
+import os
+from datetime import datetime
+from import batch_v1
+from airflow import models
+from airflow.operators.python import PythonOperator
+from import (
+    CloudBatchDeleteJobOperator,
+    CloudBatchListJobsOperator,
+    CloudBatchListTasksOperator,
+    CloudBatchSubmitJobOperator,
+from airflow.utils.trigger_rule import TriggerRule
+DAG_ID = "example_cloud_batch"
+region = "us-central1"
+job_name_prefix = "batch-system-test-job"
+job1_name = f"{job_name_prefix}1"
+job2_name = f"{job_name_prefix}2"
+submit1_task_name = "submit-job1"
+submit2_task_name = "submit-job2"
+delete1_task_name = "delete-job1"
+delete2_task_name = "delete-job2"
+list_jobs_task_name = "list-jobs"
+list_tasks_task_name = "list-tasks"
+clean1_task_name = "clean-job1"
+clean2_task_name = "clean-job2"
+def _assert_jobs(ti):
+    job_names = ti.xcom_pull(task_ids=[list_jobs_task_name], key="return_value")
+    job_names_str = job_names[0][0]["name"].split("/")[-1] + " " + job_names[0][1]["name"].split("/")[-1]
+    assert job1_name in job_names_str
+    assert job2_name in job_names_str
+def _assert_tasks(ti):
+    tasks_names = ti.xcom_pull(task_ids=[list_tasks_task_name], key="return_value")
+    assert len(tasks_names[0]) == 2
+    assert "tasks/0" in tasks_names[0][0]["name"]
+    assert "tasks/1" in tasks_names[0][1]["name"]
+# [START howto_operator_batch_job_creation]
+def _create_job():
+    runnable = batch_v1.Runnable()
+    runnable.container = batch_v1.Runnable.Container()
+    runnable.container.image_uri = ""
+    runnable.container.entrypoint = "/bin/sh"
+    runnable.container.commands = [
+        "-c",
+        "echo Hello world! This is task ${BATCH_TASK_INDEX}.\
+          This job has a total of ${BATCH_TASK_COUNT} tasks.",
+    ]
+    task = batch_v1.TaskSpec()
+    task.runnables = [runnable]
+    resources = batch_v1.ComputeResource()
+    resources.cpu_milli = 2000
+    resources.memory_mib = 16
+    task.compute_resource = resources
+    task.max_retry_count = 2
+    group = batch_v1.TaskGroup()
+    group.task_count = 2
+    group.task_spec = task
+    policy = batch_v1.AllocationPolicy.InstancePolicy()
+    policy.machine_type = "e2-standard-4"
+    instances = batch_v1.AllocationPolicy.InstancePolicyOrTemplate()
+    instances.policy = policy
+    allocation_policy = batch_v1.AllocationPolicy()
+    allocation_policy.instances = [instances]
+    job = batch_v1.Job()
+    job.task_groups = [group]
+    job.allocation_policy = allocation_policy
+    job.labels = {"env": "testing", "type": "container"}
+    job.logs_policy = batch_v1.LogsPolicy()
+    job.logs_policy.destination = batch_v1.LogsPolicy.Destination.CLOUD_LOGGING
+    return job
+# [END howto_operator_batch_job_creation]
+with models.DAG(
+    DAG_ID,
+    schedule="@once",
+    start_date=datetime(2021, 1, 1),
+    catchup=False,
+    tags=["example"],
+) as dag:
+    # [START howto_operator_batch_submit_job]
+    submit1 = CloudBatchSubmitJobOperator(
+        task_id=submit1_task_name,
+        project_id=PROJECT_ID,
+        region=region,
+        job_name=job1_name,
+        job=_create_job(),
+        dag=dag,
+        deferrable=False,
+    )
+    # [END howto_operator_batch_submit_job]
+    # [START howto_operator_batch_submit_job_deferrable_mode]
+    submit2 = CloudBatchSubmitJobOperator(
+        task_id=submit2_task_name,
+        project_id=PROJECT_ID,
+        region=region,
+        job_name=job2_name,
+        job=batch_v1.Job.to_dict(_create_job()),
+        dag=dag,
+        deferrable=True,
+    )
+    # [END howto_operator_batch_submit_job_deferrable_mode]
+    # [START howto_operator_batch_list_tasks]
+    list_tasks = CloudBatchListTasksOperator(
+        task_id=list_tasks_task_name, project_id=PROJECT_ID, region=region, job_name=job1_name, dag=dag
+    )
+    # [END howto_operator_batch_list_tasks]
+    assert_tasks = PythonOperator(task_id="assert-tasks", python_callable=_assert_tasks, dag=dag)
+    # [START howto_operator_batch_list_jobs]
+    list_jobs = CloudBatchListJobsOperator(
+        task_id=list_jobs_task_name,
+        project_id=PROJECT_ID,
+        region=region,
+        limit=2,
+        filter=f"name:projects/{PROJECT_ID}/locations/{region}/jobs/{job_name_prefix}*",
+        dag=dag,
+    )
+    # [END howto_operator_batch_list_jobs]
+    get_name = PythonOperator(task_id="assert-jobs", python_callable=_assert_jobs, dag=dag)
+    # [START howto_operator_delete_job]
+    delete_job1 = CloudBatchDeleteJobOperator(
+        task_id="delete-job1",
+        project_id=PROJECT_ID,
+        region=region,
+        job_name=job1_name,
+        dag=dag,
+        trigger_rule=TriggerRule.ALL_DONE,
+    )
+    # [END howto_operator_delete_job]
+    delete_job2 = CloudBatchDeleteJobOperator(
+        task_id="delete-job2",
+        project_id=PROJECT_ID,
+        region=region,
+        job_name=job2_name,
+        dag=dag,
+        trigger_rule=TriggerRule.ALL_DONE,
+    )
+    ((submit1, submit2) >> list_tasks >> assert_tasks >> list_jobs >> get_name >> (delete_job1, delete_job2))

Review Comment:
   Most code uses [ ] instead of ( )

@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
 # KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 # specific language governing permissions and limitations
 # under the License.

Review Comment:

@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from __future__ import annotations
+import itertools
+import json
+from time import sleep
+from typing import Iterable, Sequence
+from google.api_core import operation  # type: ignore
+from import ListJobsRequest, ListTasksRequest
+from import (
+    BatchServiceAsyncClient,
+    BatchServiceClient,
+    CreateJobRequest,
+    Job,
+    JobStatus,
+    Task,
+from import pagers
+from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
+from import CLIENT_INFO
+from import PROVIDE_PROJECT_ID, GoogleBaseHook
+class CloudBatchHook(GoogleBaseHook):
+    """
+    Hook for the Google Cloud Batch service.
+    :param gcp_conn_id: The connection ID to use when fetching connection info.
+    :param impersonation_chain: Optional service account to impersonate using short-term
+        credentials, or chained list of accounts required to get the access_token
+        of the last account in the list, which will be impersonated in the request.
+        If set as a string, the account must grant the originating account
+        the Service Account Token Creator IAM role.
+        If set as a sequence, the identities from the list must grant
+        Service Account Token Creator IAM role to the directly preceding identity, with first
+        account from the list granting this role to the originating account.
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        gcp_conn_id: str = "google_cloud_default",
+        impersonation_chain: str | Sequence[str] | None = None,
+        **kwargs,
+    ) -> None:
+        if kwargs.get("delegate_to") is not None:
+            raise RuntimeError(
+                "The `delegate_to` parameter has been deprecated before and finally removed in this version"
+                " of Google Provider. You MUST convert it to `impersonate_chain`"
+            )
+        super().__init__(gcp_conn_id=gcp_conn_id, impersonation_chain=impersonation_chain)
+        self._client: BatchServiceClient | None = None
+    def get_conn(self) -> BatchServiceClient:
+        """
+        Retrieves connection to GCE Batch.
+        :return: BatchServiceClient.
+        """
+        if self._client is None:
+            self._client = BatchServiceClient(credentials=self.get_credentials(), client_info=CLIENT_INFO)
+        return self._client
+    @GoogleBaseHook.fallback_to_default_project_id
+    def submit_build_job(

Review Comment:
   Why is it "build" job?

@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from __future__ import annotations
+from typing import Sequence
+from google.api_core import operation  # type: ignore
+from import Job, Task
+from airflow.configuration import conf
+from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
+from import CloudBatchHook
+from import GoogleCloudBaseOperator
+from import CloudBatchJobFinishedTrigger
+from airflow.utils.context import Context
+class CloudBatchSubmitJobOperator(GoogleCloudBaseOperator):
+    """
+    Submit a job and wait for its completion.
+    :param project_id: Required. The ID of the Google Cloud project that the service belongs to.
+    :param region: Required. The ID of the Google Cloud region that the service belongs to.
+    :param job_name: Required. The name of the job to create.
+    :param job: Required. The job descriptor containing the configuration of the job to submit.
+    :param polling_period_seconds: Optional: Control the rate of the poll for the result of deferrable run.
+        By default, the trigger will poll every 10 seconds.
+    :param timeout: The timeout for this request.
+    :param gcp_conn_id: The connection ID used to connect to Google Cloud.
+    :param impersonation_chain: Optional service account to impersonate using short-term
+        credentials, or chained list of accounts required to get the access_token
+        of the last account in the list, which will be impersonated in the request.
+        If set as a string, the account must grant the originating account
+        the Service Account Token Creator IAM role.
+        If set as a sequence, the identities from the list must grant
+        Service Account Token Creator IAM role to the directly preceding identity, with first
+        account from the list granting this role to the originating account (templated).
+    :param deferrable: Run operator in the deferrable mode
+    """
+    template_fields = ("project_id", "region", "gcp_conn_id", "impersonation_chain", "job_name")
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        project_id: str,
+        region: str,
+        job_name: str,
+        job: dict | Job,
+        polling_period_seconds: float = 10,
+        timeout_seconds: float | None = None,
+        gcp_conn_id: str = "google_cloud_default",
+        impersonation_chain: str | Sequence[str] | None = None,
+        deferrable: bool = conf.getboolean("operators", "default_deferrable", fallback=False),
+        **kwargs,
+    ) -> None:
+        super().__init__(**kwargs)
+        self.project_id = project_id
+        self.region = region
+        self.job_name = job_name
+        self.job = job
+        self.polling_period_seconds = polling_period_seconds
+        self.timeout_seconds = timeout_seconds
+        self.gcp_conn_id = gcp_conn_id
+        self.impersonation_chain = impersonation_chain
+        self.deferrable = deferrable
+        self.polling_period_seconds = polling_period_seconds
+    def execute(self, context):
+        hook: CloudBatchHook = CloudBatchHook(self.gcp_conn_id, self.impersonation_chain)
+        job = hook.submit_build_job(job_name=self.job_name, job=self.job, region=self.region)
+        if not self.deferrable:
+            completed_job = hook.wait_for_job(
+      ,
+                polling_period_seconds=self.polling_period_seconds,
+                timeout=self.timeout_seconds,
+            )
+            return Job.to_dict(completed_job)
+        else:
+            self.defer(
+                trigger=CloudBatchJobFinishedTrigger(
+          ,
+                    project_id=self.project_id,
+                    gcp_conn_id=self.gcp_conn_id,
+                    impersonation_chain=self.impersonation_chain,
+                    location=self.region,
+                    polling_period_seconds=self.polling_period_seconds,
+                    timeout=self.timeout_seconds,
+                ),
+                method_name="execute_complete",
+            )
+    def execute_complete(self, context: Context, event: dict):
+        job_status = event["status"]
+        if job_status == "success":
+            hook: CloudBatchHook = CloudBatchHook(self.gcp_conn_id, self.impersonation_chain)
+            job = hook.get_job(job_name=event["job_name"])
+            return Job.to_dict(job)
+        else:
+            raise AirflowException(f"Unexpected error in the operation: {event['message']}")
+class CloudBatchDeleteJobOperator(GoogleCloudBaseOperator):
+    """
+    Deletes a job and wait for the operation to be completed.
+    :param project_id: Required. The ID of the Google Cloud project that the service belongs to.
+    :param region: Required. The ID of the Google Cloud region that the service belongs to.
+    :param job_name: Required. The name of the job to be deleted.
+    :param timeout: The timeout for this request.
+    :param gcp_conn_id: The connection ID used to connect to Google Cloud.
+    :param impersonation_chain: Optional service account to impersonate using short-term
+        credentials, or chained list of accounts required to get the access_token
+        of the last account in the list, which will be impersonated in the request.
+        If set as a string, the account must grant the originating account
+        the Service Account Token Creator IAM role.
+        If set as a sequence, the identities from the list must grant
+        Service Account Token Creator IAM role to the directly preceding identity, with first
+        account from the list granting this role to the originating account (templated).
+    """
+    template_fields = ("project_id", "region", "gcp_conn_id", "impersonation_chain", "job_name")
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        project_id: str,
+        region: str,
+        job_name: str,
+        timeout: float | None = None,
+        gcp_conn_id: str = "google_cloud_default",
+        impersonation_chain: str | Sequence[str] | None = None,
+        **kwargs,
+    ) -> None:
+        super().__init__(**kwargs)
+        self.project_id = project_id
+        self.region = region
+        self.job_name = job_name
+        self.timeout = timeout
+        self.gcp_conn_id = gcp_conn_id
+        self.impersonation_chain = impersonation_chain
+    def execute(self, context):
+        hook: CloudBatchHook = CloudBatchHook(self.gcp_conn_id, self.impersonation_chain)
+        operation = hook.delete_job(job_name=self.job_name, region=self.region, project_id=self.project_id)
+        self._wait_for_operation(operation)
+    def _wait_for_operation(self, operation: operation.Operation):
+        try:
+            return operation.result(timeout=self.timeout)
+        except Exception:
+            error = operation.exception(timeout=self.timeout)
+            raise AirflowException(error)
+class CloudBatchListJobsOperator(GoogleCloudBaseOperator):
+    """
+    List Cloud Batch jobs.
+    :param project_id: Required. The ID of the Google Cloud project that the service belongs to.
+    :param region: Required. The ID of the Google Cloud region that the service belongs to.
+    :param gcp_conn_id: The connection ID used to connect to Google Cloud.
+    :param filter: The filter based on which to list the jobs. If left empty, all the jobs are listed.
+    :param limit: The number of jobs to list. If left empty,
+        all the jobs matching the filter will be returned.
+    :param impersonation_chain: Optional service account to impersonate using short-term
+        credentials, or chained list of accounts required to get the access_token
+        of the last account in the list, which will be impersonated in the request.
+        If set as a string, the account must grant the originating account
+        the Service Account Token Creator IAM role.
+        If set as a sequence, the identities from the list must grant
+        Service Account Token Creator IAM role to the directly preceding identity, with first
+        account from the list granting this role to the originating account (templated).
+    """
+    template_fields = (
+        "project_id",
+        "region",
+        "gcp_conn_id",
+        "impersonation_chain",
+    )
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        project_id: str,
+        region: str,
+        gcp_conn_id: str = "google_cloud_default",
+        filter: str | None = None,
+        limit: int | None = None,
+        impersonation_chain: str | Sequence[str] | None = None,
+        **kwargs,
+    ) -> None:
+        super().__init__(**kwargs)
+        self.project_id = project_id
+        self.region = region
+        self.gcp_conn_id = gcp_conn_id
+        self.impersonation_chain = impersonation_chain
+        self.filter = filter
+        self.limit = limit
+        if limit is not None and limit < 0:
+            raise AirflowException("The limit for the list jobs request should be greater or equal to zero")
+    def execute(self, context):
+        hook: CloudBatchHook = CloudBatchHook(self.gcp_conn_id, self.impersonation_chain)
+        jobs_list = hook.list_jobs(
+            region=self.region, project_id=self.project_id, filter=self.filter, limit=self.limit
+        )
+        return [Job.to_dict(job) for job in jobs_list]
+class CloudBatchListTasksOperator(GoogleCloudBaseOperator):
+    """
+    List Cloud Batch tasks for a given job.
+    :param project_id: Required. The ID of the Google Cloud project that the service belongs to.
+    :param region: Required. The ID of the Google Cloud region that the service belongs to.
+    :param job_name: Required. The name of the job for which to list tasks.
+    :param gcp_conn_id: The connection ID used to connect to Google Cloud.
+    :param filter: The filter based on which to list the jobs. If left empty, all the jobs are listed.
+    :param group_name: The name of the group that owns the task. By default it's `group0`.
+    :param limit: The number of tasks to list.
+        If left empty, all the tasks matching the filter will be returned.
+    :param impersonation_chain: Optional service account to impersonate using short-term
+        credentials, or chained list of accounts required to get the access_token
+        of the last account in the list, which will be impersonated in the request.
+        If set as a string, the account must grant the originating account
+        the Service Account Token Creator IAM role.
+        If set as a sequence, the identities from the list must grant
+        Service Account Token Creator IAM role to the directly preceding identity, with first
+        account from the list granting this role to the originating account (templated).
+    """
+    template_fields = ("project_id", "region", "job_name", "gcp_conn_id", "impersonation_chain", "group_name")
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        project_id: str,
+        region: str,
+        job_name: str,
+        gcp_conn_id: str = "google_cloud_default",
+        impersonation_chain: str | Sequence[str] | None = None,
+        group_name: str = "group0",
+        filter: str | None = None,
+        limit: int | None = None,
+        **kwargs,
+    ) -> None:
+        super().__init__(**kwargs)
+        self.project_id = project_id
+        self.region = region
+        self.job_name = job_name
+        self.gcp_conn_id = gcp_conn_id
+        self.impersonation_chain = impersonation_chain
+        self.group_name = group_name
+        self.filter = filter
+        self.limit = limit
+        if limit is not None and limit < 0:
+            raise AirflowException("The limit for the list jobs request should be greater or equal to zero")
+    def execute(self, context):

Review Comment:
   Missing type hints


Review Comment:
   In Google operators doc we include `/operators/_partials/prerequisite_tasks.rst` as prerequisites

@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from __future__ import annotations
+import asyncio
+from typing import Any, AsyncIterator, Sequence
+from import Job, JobStatus
+from import CloudBatchAsyncHook
+from airflow.triggers.base import BaseTrigger, TriggerEvent
+class CloudBatchJobFinishedTrigger(BaseTrigger):
+    """Cloud Batch trigger to check if templated job has been finished.
+    :param job_name: Required. Name of the job.
+    :param project_id: Required. the Google Cloud project ID in which the job was started.
+    :param location: Optional. the location where job is executed. If set to None then
+        the value of DEFAULT_BATCH_LOCATION will be used
+    :param gcp_conn_id: The connection ID to use connecting to Google Cloud.
+    :param impersonation_chain: Optional. Service account to impersonate using short-term
+        credentials, or chained list of accounts required to get the access_token
+        of the last account in the list, which will be impersonated in the request.
+        If set as a string, the account must grant the originating account
+        the Service Account Token Creator IAM role.
+        If set as a sequence, the identities from the list must grant
+        Service Account Token Creator IAM role to the directly preceding identity, with first
+        account from the list granting this role to the originating account (templated).
+    :param poll_sleep: Polling period in seconds to check for the status
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        job_name: str,
+        project_id: str | None,
+        location: str = DEFAULT_BATCH_LOCATION,
+        gcp_conn_id: str = "google_cloud_default",
+        impersonation_chain: str | Sequence[str] | None = None,
+        polling_period_seconds: float = 10,
+        timeout: float | None = None,
+    ):
+        super().__init__()
+        self.project_id = project_id
+        self.job_name = job_name
+        self.location = location
+        self.gcp_conn_id = gcp_conn_id
+        self.polling_period_seconds = polling_period_seconds
+        self.timeout = timeout
+        self.impersonation_chain = impersonation_chain
+    def serialize(self) -> tuple[str, dict[str, Any]]:
+        """Serializes class arguments and classpath."""
+        return (
+            "",
+            {
+                "project_id": self.project_id,
+                "job_name": self.job_name,
+                "location": self.location,
+                "gcp_conn_id": self.gcp_conn_id,
+                "polling_period_seconds": self.polling_period_seconds,
+                "timeout": self.timeout,
+                "impersonation_chain": self.impersonation_chain,
+            },
+        )
+    async def run(self) -> AsyncIterator[TriggerEvent]:
+        """
+        Main loop of the class in where it is fetching the job status and yields certain Event.
+        If the job has status success then it yields TriggerEvent with success status, if job has
+        status failed - with error status and if the job is being deleted - with deleted status.
+        In any other case Trigger will wait for specified amount of time
+        stored in self.polling_period_seconds variable.
+        """
+        timeout = self.timeout
+        hook = self._get_async_hook()
+        while timeout is None or timeout > 0:
+            try:
+                job: Job = await hook.get_batch_job(job_name=self.job_name)
+                status: JobStatus.State = job.status.state
+                if status == JobStatus.State.SUCCEEDED:
+                    yield TriggerEvent(
+                        {
+                            "job_name": self.job_name,
+                            "status": "success",
+                            "message": "Job completed",
+                        }
+                    )
+                    return
+                elif status == JobStatus.State.FAILED:
+                    yield TriggerEvent(
+                        {
+                            "job_name": self.job_name,
+                            "status": "error",
+                            "message": f"Batch job with name {self.job_name} has failed its execution",
+                        }
+                    )
+                    return
+                elif status == JobStatus.State.DELETION_IN_PROGRESS:
+                    yield TriggerEvent(
+                        {
+                            "job_name": self.job_name,
+                            "status": "deleted",
+                            "message": f"Batch job with name {self.job_name} is being deleted",
+                        }
+                    )
+                    return
+                else:
+          "Job is still running...")
+          "Current job status is: %s", status)
+          "Sleeping for %s seconds.", self.polling_period_seconds)

Review Comment:
   Maybe better to join into only one log statement

@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from __future__ import annotations
+from typing import Sequence
+from google.api_core import operation  # type: ignore
+from import Job, Task
+from airflow.configuration import conf
+from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
+from import CloudBatchHook
+from import GoogleCloudBaseOperator
+from import CloudBatchJobFinishedTrigger
+from airflow.utils.context import Context
+class CloudBatchSubmitJobOperator(GoogleCloudBaseOperator):
+    """
+    Submit a job and wait for its completion.
+    :param project_id: Required. The ID of the Google Cloud project that the service belongs to.
+    :param region: Required. The ID of the Google Cloud region that the service belongs to.
+    :param job_name: Required. The name of the job to create.
+    :param job: Required. The job descriptor containing the configuration of the job to submit.
+    :param polling_period_seconds: Optional: Control the rate of the poll for the result of deferrable run.
+        By default, the trigger will poll every 10 seconds.
+    :param timeout: The timeout for this request.
+    :param gcp_conn_id: The connection ID used to connect to Google Cloud.
+    :param impersonation_chain: Optional service account to impersonate using short-term
+        credentials, or chained list of accounts required to get the access_token
+        of the last account in the list, which will be impersonated in the request.
+        If set as a string, the account must grant the originating account
+        the Service Account Token Creator IAM role.
+        If set as a sequence, the identities from the list must grant
+        Service Account Token Creator IAM role to the directly preceding identity, with first
+        account from the list granting this role to the originating account (templated).
+    :param deferrable: Run operator in the deferrable mode
+    """
+    template_fields = ("project_id", "region", "gcp_conn_id", "impersonation_chain", "job_name")
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        project_id: str,
+        region: str,
+        job_name: str,
+        job: dict | Job,
+        polling_period_seconds: float = 10,
+        timeout_seconds: float | None = None,
+        gcp_conn_id: str = "google_cloud_default",
+        impersonation_chain: str | Sequence[str] | None = None,
+        deferrable: bool = conf.getboolean("operators", "default_deferrable", fallback=False),
+        **kwargs,
+    ) -> None:
+        super().__init__(**kwargs)
+        self.project_id = project_id
+        self.region = region
+        self.job_name = job_name
+        self.job = job
+        self.polling_period_seconds = polling_period_seconds
+        self.timeout_seconds = timeout_seconds
+        self.gcp_conn_id = gcp_conn_id
+        self.impersonation_chain = impersonation_chain
+        self.deferrable = deferrable
+        self.polling_period_seconds = polling_period_seconds
+    def execute(self, context):
+        hook: CloudBatchHook = CloudBatchHook(self.gcp_conn_id, self.impersonation_chain)
+        job = hook.submit_build_job(job_name=self.job_name, job=self.job, region=self.region)
+        if not self.deferrable:
+            completed_job = hook.wait_for_job(
+      ,
+                polling_period_seconds=self.polling_period_seconds,
+                timeout=self.timeout_seconds,
+            )
+            return Job.to_dict(completed_job)
+        else:
+            self.defer(
+                trigger=CloudBatchJobFinishedTrigger(
+          ,
+                    project_id=self.project_id,
+                    gcp_conn_id=self.gcp_conn_id,
+                    impersonation_chain=self.impersonation_chain,
+                    location=self.region,
+                    polling_period_seconds=self.polling_period_seconds,
+                    timeout=self.timeout_seconds,
+                ),
+                method_name="execute_complete",
+            )
+    def execute_complete(self, context: Context, event: dict):
+        job_status = event["status"]
+        if job_status == "success":
+            hook: CloudBatchHook = CloudBatchHook(self.gcp_conn_id, self.impersonation_chain)
+            job = hook.get_job(job_name=event["job_name"])
+            return Job.to_dict(job)
+        else:
+            raise AirflowException(f"Unexpected error in the operation: {event['message']}")
+class CloudBatchDeleteJobOperator(GoogleCloudBaseOperator):
+    """
+    Deletes a job and wait for the operation to be completed.
+    :param project_id: Required. The ID of the Google Cloud project that the service belongs to.
+    :param region: Required. The ID of the Google Cloud region that the service belongs to.
+    :param job_name: Required. The name of the job to be deleted.
+    :param timeout: The timeout for this request.
+    :param gcp_conn_id: The connection ID used to connect to Google Cloud.
+    :param impersonation_chain: Optional service account to impersonate using short-term
+        credentials, or chained list of accounts required to get the access_token
+        of the last account in the list, which will be impersonated in the request.
+        If set as a string, the account must grant the originating account
+        the Service Account Token Creator IAM role.
+        If set as a sequence, the identities from the list must grant
+        Service Account Token Creator IAM role to the directly preceding identity, with first
+        account from the list granting this role to the originating account (templated).
+    """
+    template_fields = ("project_id", "region", "gcp_conn_id", "impersonation_chain", "job_name")
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        project_id: str,
+        region: str,
+        job_name: str,
+        timeout: float | None = None,
+        gcp_conn_id: str = "google_cloud_default",
+        impersonation_chain: str | Sequence[str] | None = None,
+        **kwargs,
+    ) -> None:
+        super().__init__(**kwargs)
+        self.project_id = project_id
+        self.region = region
+        self.job_name = job_name
+        self.timeout = timeout
+        self.gcp_conn_id = gcp_conn_id
+        self.impersonation_chain = impersonation_chain
+    def execute(self, context):
+        hook: CloudBatchHook = CloudBatchHook(self.gcp_conn_id, self.impersonation_chain)
+        operation = hook.delete_job(job_name=self.job_name, region=self.region, project_id=self.project_id)
+        self._wait_for_operation(operation)
+    def _wait_for_operation(self, operation: operation.Operation):
+        try:
+            return operation.result(timeout=self.timeout)
+        except Exception:
+            error = operation.exception(timeout=self.timeout)
+            raise AirflowException(error)
+class CloudBatchListJobsOperator(GoogleCloudBaseOperator):
+    """
+    List Cloud Batch jobs.
+    :param project_id: Required. The ID of the Google Cloud project that the service belongs to.
+    :param region: Required. The ID of the Google Cloud region that the service belongs to.
+    :param gcp_conn_id: The connection ID used to connect to Google Cloud.
+    :param filter: The filter based on which to list the jobs. If left empty, all the jobs are listed.
+    :param limit: The number of jobs to list. If left empty,
+        all the jobs matching the filter will be returned.
+    :param impersonation_chain: Optional service account to impersonate using short-term
+        credentials, or chained list of accounts required to get the access_token
+        of the last account in the list, which will be impersonated in the request.
+        If set as a string, the account must grant the originating account
+        the Service Account Token Creator IAM role.
+        If set as a sequence, the identities from the list must grant
+        Service Account Token Creator IAM role to the directly preceding identity, with first
+        account from the list granting this role to the originating account (templated).
+    """
+    template_fields = (
+        "project_id",
+        "region",
+        "gcp_conn_id",
+        "impersonation_chain",
+    )
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        project_id: str,
+        region: str,
+        gcp_conn_id: str = "google_cloud_default",
+        filter: str | None = None,
+        limit: int | None = None,
+        impersonation_chain: str | Sequence[str] | None = None,
+        **kwargs,
+    ) -> None:
+        super().__init__(**kwargs)
+        self.project_id = project_id
+        self.region = region
+        self.gcp_conn_id = gcp_conn_id
+        self.impersonation_chain = impersonation_chain
+        self.filter = filter
+        self.limit = limit
+        if limit is not None and limit < 0:
+            raise AirflowException("The limit for the list jobs request should be greater or equal to zero")
+    def execute(self, context):

Review Comment:
   Missing type hints

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