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Posted to by Ricky Lee <> on 2004/06/14 19:32:52 UTC

how to transfer the link value of tiles to the related-URI in html:link tag...

thanks for reading....
i know the html tag of struts a little..and in the html:link tag, i can use the page attribute to generate a server-relative URI by including the context path... but now i have a problem. i couldn't nested a <html:link ... /> inside another tag. just like:
<tiles:importAttribute name="menus" />
<logic:iterate name="menus" id="menu">
<a href="<bean:write name="menu" property="link" />" target="main"><bean:write name="menu" property="value" /></a></td></tr>
because the link property is from the tiles definition named tiles-defs.xml, some definition code like this:
<definition name="" extends=".admin.leftFrame.console">
 <put name="headline" value="Forum Setting" type="string" />
 <putList name="menus">
   <item value="Add Forum"  link="/page/admin/" />
the URL address i access to the jsp page is   http://localhost:8080/forum/index.jsp
if i set the link value to "/page/admin/", the hyperlink change to http://localhost:8080/page/admin/  ,   it lost the path "/forum"..
how to transfer the link value to the related-URI automatically just like the page attribute of html:link tag..
could i use the code like this?
<logic:iterate name="menus" id="menu"><html:link page="<bean:write name="menu" property="link" />" target="main"><bean:write name="menu" property="value" /></html:link>
i try it.. i couldn't work... maybe i lost something important about struts tag..
lastly, i change the code like this:
<logic:iterate name="menus" id="menu"> 
<bean:define id="link_str" name="menu" property="link" />
<html:link page="<%=link_str.toString()%>"><bean:write name="menu" property="value" /></html:link>

could someone tell me what can i do except this....

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