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svn commit: r897644 - in /websites/staging/isis/trunk: cgi-bin/ content/ content/components/objectstores/jdo/non-ui/ content/components/objectstores/jdo/services/ content/reference/non-ui/ content/reference/services/

Author: buildbot
Date: Wed Feb 12 17:08:33 2014
New Revision: 897644

Staging update by buildbot for isis

    websites/staging/isis/trunk/cgi-bin/   (props changed)
    websites/staging/isis/trunk/content/   (props changed)

Propchange: websites/staging/isis/trunk/cgi-bin/
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Propchange: websites/staging/isis/trunk/content/
--- cms:source-revision (original)
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+<h1>BackgroundCommandExecutionFromBackgroundCommandServiceJdo (1.4.0-snapshot)
+<p>The <code>BackgroundCommandExecutionFromBackgroundCommandServiceJdo</code> is a concrete subclass of <a href="../../../../reference/non-ui/background-command-execution.html">BackgroundCommandExecution</a>.  The intended use is for the class to be instantiated regularly (eg every 10 seconds) by a scheduler such as <a href="">Quartz</a>) to poll for <code>Command</code>s to be executed, and then execute them.  As you might imagine, this implementation queries for <code>Command</code>s persisted by the JDO implementations of <a href="../services/command-service-jdo.html">CommandService</a> and <a href="../services/background-command-service.html">BackgroundCommandService</a>, using the <code>BackgroundCommandServiceJdoRepository</code>.</p>
+<p>The diagram below shows how the inheritance hierarchy for this class:</p>
+<p><img src="" alt="" /></p>
+<p>The diagrams on this page were created using <a href=""></a>. </p>
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Modified: websites/staging/isis/trunk/content/components/objectstores/jdo/services/background-command-service-jdo.html
--- websites/staging/isis/trunk/content/components/objectstores/jdo/services/background-command-service-jdo.html (original)
+++ websites/staging/isis/trunk/content/components/objectstores/jdo/services/background-command-service-jdo.html Wed Feb 12 17:08:33 2014
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
 <h3>Executing the <code>Command</code>s</h3>
-<p>The <code>BackgroundCommandServiceJdo</code> only persists the <code>Command</code>s to a database table, it doesn't actually execute those commands.  For this, you can use  <code>BackgroundCommandExecutionFromBackgroundCommandServiceJdo</code> class, a subclass implementation of <a href="">BackgroundCommandExecution</a>.  The intention is that this class is instantiated regularly (eg every 10 seconds) by a scheduler such as <a href="">Quartz</a>) to poll for <code>Command</code>s to be executed, and then execute them.  As you might imagine, to find new <code>Ccommand</code>s it uses the <code>BackgroundCommandServiceJdoRepository</code>. </p>
+<p>The <code>BackgroundCommandServiceJdo</code> only persists the <code>Command</code>s to a database table, it doesn't actually execute those commands.  For this, you can use  <a href="../non-ui/background-command-execution-jdo.html">BackgroundCommandExecutionFromBackgroundCommandServiceJdo</a> class, a subclass implementation of <a href="../../../../reference/non-ui/background-command-execution.html">BackgroundCommandExecution</a>.  The intention is that this class is instantiated regularly (eg every 10 seconds) by a scheduler such as <a href="">Quartz</a>) to poll for <code>Command</code>s to be executed, and then execute them.  As you might imagine, to find new <code>Ccommand</code>s it uses the <code>BackgroundCommandServiceJdoRepository</code>. </p>
 <p>An example of how to configure the Quartz scheduler can be found on the page that describes the applib <a href="../../../../reference/services/background-service.html">BackgroundService</a>.</p>

Modified: websites/staging/isis/trunk/content/documentation.html
--- websites/staging/isis/trunk/content/documentation.html (original)
+++ websites/staging/isis/trunk/content/documentation.html Wed Feb 12 17:08:33 2014
@@ -786,7 +786,13 @@
 <li><a href="components/objectstores/jdo/services/command-service-jdo.html">Command Service on JDO</a> [1.4.0-snapshot]</li>
 <li><a href="components/objectstores/jdo/services/command-service-jdo.html">Background Command Service on JDO</a> [1.4.0-snapshot]</li>
 <li><a href="components/objectstores/jdo/services/publishing-service-jdo.html">Publishing Service on JDO</a> </li>
-<li><a href="components/objectstores/jdo/services/auditing-service-jdo.html">Auditing Service on JDO</a></p>
+<li><a href="components/objectstores/jdo/services/auditing-service-jdo.html">Auditing Service on JDO</a></li>
+<li><a href="components/objectstores/jdo/non-ui/background-command-execution-jdo.html">Background Command Execution</a></p>

Modified: websites/staging/isis/trunk/content/reference/non-ui/background-command-execution.html
--- websites/staging/isis/trunk/content/reference/non-ui/background-command-execution.html (original)
+++ websites/staging/isis/trunk/content/reference/non-ui/background-command-execution.html Wed Feb 12 17:08:33 2014
@@ -296,19 +296,19 @@
 <li><code>findBackgroundCommandsToExecute()</code> is a mandatory hook method for subclasses to implement.</li>
-<p>This allows for different implementations of the <code>CommandService</code> and <code>BackgroundCommandService</code> to persist to wherever.  </p>
+<p>This allows for different implementations of the <code>CommandService</code> and <code>BackgroundCommandService</code> to persist to wherever.</p>
-<p><img src="" alt="" /></p>
+<p>The diagram below shows the dependencies between these various classes:</p>
-<h2>Related Classes (JDO implementation)</h2>
+<p><img src="" alt="" /></p>
-<p>The JDO object store provides its own (concrete) subclass, <code>BackgroundCommandExecutionFromBackgroundCommandServiceJdo</code> that queries for persisted <code>Command</code>s (created either through <a href="../../components/objectstores/jdo/services/command-service-jdo.html">CommandServiceJdo</a> or through <a href="../../components/objectstores/jdo/services/background-command-service-jdo.html">BackgroundCommandServiceJdo</a>), using the corresponding repository:</p>
+<h2>Related Classes</h2>
-<p><img src="" alt="" /></p>
+<p>The JDO object store provides its own (concrete) subclass, <a href="../../components/objectstores/jdo/non-ui/background-command-execution-jdo.html">BackgroundCommandExecutionFromBackgroundCommandServiceJdo</a> that queries for persisted <code>Command</code>s (created either through <a href="../../components/objectstores/jdo/services/command-service-jdo.html">CommandServiceJdo</a> or through <a href="../../components/objectstores/jdo/services/background-command-service-jdo.html">BackgroundCommandServiceJdo</a>), using the corresponding repository.</p>
-<p>The diagrams on this page were created using <a href=""></a>. </p>
+<p>The diagram on this page were created using <a href=""></a>. </p>
 <p>DSL (<a href="">edit</a>):</p>
@@ -317,13 +317,6 @@
-<p>DSL (<a href="">edit</a>):</p>

Modified: websites/staging/isis/trunk/content/reference/services/xmlsnapshot-service.html
--- websites/staging/isis/trunk/content/reference/services/xmlsnapshot-service.html (original)
+++ websites/staging/isis/trunk/content/reference/services/xmlsnapshot-service.html Wed Feb 12 17:08:33 2014
@@ -284,7 +284,9 @@
 <p>The <em>Apache Isis</em> framework provides the capability to generate XML snapshots (and if required corresponding XSD schemas) based on graphs of domain objects. </p>
+<p>The API of <code>XmlSnapshotService</code> is:</p>
 <pre><code>public interface XmlSnapshotService {
@@ -328,30 +330,61 @@
 <li><code>getChildTextValue()</code> is a convenience method to obtain value of child text node.</li>
-  <p>TO DOCUMENT</p>
+<h3>Simple Usage</h3>
-<h3>Usage (Deprecated)</h3>
+<p>The simplest usage is:</p>
-<p>This is done using the
-<code>org.apache.isis.core.runtime.snapshot.XmlSnapshot</code> class.</p>
+<pre><code>XmlSnapshot snapshot = xmlsnapshotService.snapshotFor(customer);
+Element customerAsXml = snapshot.getXmlElement();
-<h4>Generating an XML Snapshot</h4>
+<p>This will return an XML (document) element that contains the names and values of each
+of the customer's value properties, along with the titles of reference properties, and also the number of items in collections.</p>
-<p>The <code>XmlSnapshot</code> can be created either directly or using a builder.</p>
+<h3>Including other Elements</h3>
-<h4>Basic Usage</h4>
+<p>The contents of the snapshot can be adjusted by including "paths" to other references or collections.</p>
-<p>The standard usage is to instantiate directly.</p>
+<p>For example, suppose that we want the snapshot to also include details of the customer's address, where <code>address</code> in this case
+is a reference property to an instance of the <code>Address</code> class.  We can "walk-the-graph" by including these references within
+the snapshot:</p>
-<pre><code>XmlSnapshot snapshot = new XmlSnapshot(customer);
+<pre><code>XmlSnapshot snapshot = xmlsnapshotService.snapshotFor(customer);
 Element customerAsXml = snapshot.getXmlElement();
-<p>This will return the Customer's fields, titles of simple references, number of items in collections.</p>
+<p>Or, we could go further and include details of every order in the customer's <code>orders</code> collection, and details of every
+product of every order:</p>
+snapshot.include("orders/product"); // (2)
+  <p>As you might imagine, the resultant XML document can get quite large very quickly with only a few "include"s.</p>
+<h3>Using the Builder (fluent API)</h3>
+<p>An alternative way to build customized snapshots is to use the builder (fluent) API:</p>
+<pre><code>XmlSnapshot.Builder builder = xmlsnapshotService.builderFor(customer)
+                              .includePath("address")
+                              .includePath("orders/product");
+Element customerAsXml =;
+<h4>Generating an XML Snapshot</h4>
+<p>The <code>XmlSnapshot</code> can be created either directly or using a builder.</p>
+<h4>Basic Usage</h4>
 <p>In order to use the <code>XmlSnapshot</code>, the domain object must implement <code>org.apache.isis.applib.snapshot.Snapshottable</code>. This is just a marker interface.</p>