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Posted to by mikopacz <> on 2011/08/19 13:34:32 UTC

Solr performance for query without filter


I have one instance of solr running on JBoss with the following schema and
partial config:


<schema name="users_szukacz" version="1.4">
<fieldType name="string" class="solr.StrField" sortMissingLast="true"
<fieldType name="int" class="solr.TrieIntField" omitNorms="true"
precisionStep="1" positionIncrementGap="0"/>
<fieldType name="date" class="solr.TrieDateField" omitNorms="true"
<fieldType name="text_pl" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100">
<analyzer type="index">
<tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
<filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
<analyzer type="query">
<tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
<filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
<field name="user_id" type="int" indexed="true" required="true"/>
<field name="birth_date" type="date" indexed="true" stored="false"/>
<field name="city" type="text_pl" indexed="true" stored="false"/>
<field name="sex" type="text_pl" indexed="true" stored="false"/>
<field name="show_search" type="int" indexed="true" stored="false"/>
<field name="confirmed" type="int" indexed="true" stored="false"/>
<field name="search_text" type="text_pl" indexed="true"/>
<solrQueryParser defaultOperator="AND"/>


<directoryFactory name="DirectoryFactory"



<filterCache class="solr.FastLRUCache" size="1000000" initialSize="1000000"
<queryResultCache class="solr.LRUCache" size="512" initialSize="512"
<documentCache class="solr.LRUCache" size="13000000" initialSize="13000000"

Index has 41 000 000 documents and 9 GB size. For query like:

server reaches avarage *90 query/s* on 4 theards and is very small for me.

For query with filer on filed city:
2) ex.

server reaches 800 query/s.

Do you have any advice to speed the search for first query? Is this speed is
the norm?

Server has 32GB RAM and 4 processors Intel Xeon 2.5GHz.

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Re: Solr performance for query without filter

Posted by Chris Hostetter <>.
: Index has 41 000 000 documents and 9 GB size. For query like:
: 1)
: *q=Jarecki+Jan*&fq=sex:M&fq=confirmed:1&fq=show_search:3&fl=user_id&start=0&rows=10&wt=json&version=2.2
: server reaches avarage *90 query/s* on 4 theards and is very small for me.
: For query with filer on filed city:
: 2) ex.
: fl=user_id&indent=on&start=0&q=Tarkowski+Bartłomiej&wt=json&*fq=city:Kwidzyn*&fq=sex:M&fq=confirmed:1&fq=show_search:3&version=2.2&rows=10
: server reaches 800 query/s.
: Do you have any advice to speed the search for first query? Is this speed is
: the norm?

"norm" is hard to define, but one key element you left out is how many 
docs are (typically) matched by requests of type #1 vs type #2. and how 
good a job your "city" filters do in partitioning the total number of 

I suspect that your city filters are heavily reused (ie: good cache hit 
rates) and do a really good job of cutting down the number of matching 
docs -- (ie: num docs matching fq=sex:M&fq=confirmed:1&fq=show_search:3 is 
probably significantly higher then num docs matching 
fq=sex:M&fq=confirmed:1&fq=show_search:3&fq=city:Kwidzyn ).  In which case 
it makes sense that type#1 queries would take a lot longer on average -- 
there are a lot more docs to consider when evaluating the "q" to find 
