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Posted to by "renovate-bot (via GitHub)" <> on 2023/04/29 06:34:37 UTC

[GitHub] [jmeter] renovate-bot opened a new pull request, #5863: fix(deps): update spring core to v4.3.30.release

renovate-bot opened a new pull request, #5863:

   [![Mend Renovate](](
   This PR contains the following updates:
   | Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence |
   | [org.springframework:spring-context]( | `4.3.17.RELEASE` -> `4.3.30.RELEASE` | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( |
   | [org.springframework:spring-beans]( | `4.3.17.RELEASE` -> `4.3.30.RELEASE` | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( |
   ### Release Notes
   ### [`v4.3.30.RELEASE`](
   ##### :star: New Features
   -   ContentCachingResponseWrapper should not add “Content-Length” when “Transfer-Encoding” is present [#&#8203;26194](
   -   Inefficient request handling inside ServletRequestDataBinder [#&#8203;26007](
   -   Avoid creation of unused logger instance in AbstractMediaTypeExpression [#&#8203;25904](
   ##### :beetle: Bug Fixes
   -   Remove duplicate "property" in PropertyCacheKey.toString() [#&#8203;26245](
   -   UrlPathHelper#removeJsessionid doesn't remove the jsessionid from the URL [#&#8203;26086](
   -   jsessionid breaks request mappings when removeSemicolonContent is turned off [#&#8203;25869](
   ##### :notebook_with_decorative_cover: Documentation
   -   DateTimeFormat ISO.DATE_TIME javadoc contains misleading default note [#&#8203;26138](
   ### [`v4.3.29.RELEASE`](
   ##### :star: New Features
   -   PropertiesLoaderSupport should ignore socket/connect exceptions as well [#&#8203;25722](
   -   Refine use of substring operations [#&#8203;25515](
   ##### :beetle: Bug Fixes
   -   VerifyErrors when using SpEL compilation with Thymeleaf when invoking a default method defined in an interface [#&#8203;25713](
   -   SQLErrorCodesFactory.getErrorCodes(DataSource) returns empty error codes if access to transactional connection fails [#&#8203;25694](
   -   Potential integer overflow in AbstractResourceBasedMessageSource.setCacheSeconds(int) [#&#8203;25644](
   -   Lazy dependency proxy does not populate bean dependencies [#&#8203;25565](
   -   Synchronized blocks in MethodOverrides are hurting concurrency [#&#8203;25549](
   -   StaticListableBeanFactory.isSingleton() returns false for singleton beans [#&#8203;25525](
   -   MockHttpServletResponse reset() does not reset charset field [#&#8203;25512](
   ##### :notebook_with_decorative_cover: Documentation
   -   Prevent confusion about build(boolean) method in UriComponentsBuilder [#&#8203;25703](
   ### [`v4.3.28.RELEASE`](
   #### :star: New Features
   -   Defer creating logger in StandardWebSocketHandlerAdapter [#&#8203;25435](
   -   Alignment of CORS default values with 5.x [#&#8203;25414](
   -   Missing null checks in AbstractMessageChannel.addInterceptor/setInterceptors [#&#8203;25221](
   -   Avoid full synchronization in AbstractRefreshableApplicationContext.getBeanFactory() since it can lead to massive thread blocking [#&#8203;25219](
   #### :beetle: Bug fixes
   -   UriComponentsBuilder.cloneBuilder() cause sharing query parameters between builders [#&#8203;25426](
   -   Oracle LOB segments holding TEMP space after executing SP using SimpleJdbcCall with SqlParameterSource [#&#8203;25419](
   -   NoRollbackFor rule causes TransactionAspectSupport to log unwarranted "exception overridden" error on WebSphere [#&#8203;25269](
   -   The AbstractTemplateViewResolver class is not abstract [#&#8203;25243](
   -   MultiValueMapAdapter.getFirst fails with IndexOutOfBoundsException in case of empty List [#&#8203;25227](
   -   WebSphereUowTransactionManager causes exception for PROPAGATION_SUPPORTS when timeout is specified [#&#8203;25225](
   -   Avoid ClassCastException on IllegalArgumentException when invoking sync get cache method [#&#8203;25223](
   #### :notebook_with_decorative_cover: Documentation
   -   Clarify enforceInitMethod/enforceDestroyMethod default values in AbstractBeanDefinition [#&#8203;25405](
   -   Document exception handling limitations in TaskDecorator implementations (specifically for ThreadPoolTaskExecutor#submit) [#&#8203;25235](
   ### [`v4.3.27.RELEASE`](
   #### :star: New Features
   -   Backport of ContentDisposition fixes to HttpHeaders [#&#8203;24580](
   -   Consistent ROLE_INFRASTRUCTURE declarations for internal configuration classes [#&#8203;24516](
   #### :beetle: Bug Fixes
   -   MockHttpServletRequest should not strip brackets from IPV6 address supplied via Host header [#&#8203;24919](
   -   Connection created by SingleConnectionDataSource with suppressClose=true always returns isClosed=false even if the target connection is closed [#&#8203;24860](
   -   DefaultListableBeanFactory.getBean(Class) throws NoSuchBeanDefinitionException on existing bean if getBean(Class) previously tried before registration [#&#8203;24857](
   ### [`v4.3.26.RELEASE`](
   #### :star: New Features
   -   Avoid substring allocation in StringUtils.replace [#&#8203;24026](
   -   Support for new MySQL 8 error code 3572 [#&#8203;23975](
   #### :beetle: Bug Fixes
   -   Unsafe double-checked locking in SpelExpression#compileExpression [#&#8203;24308](
   -   Allow schemaZip Gradle task to execute on MS Windows [#&#8203;23989](
   -   AbstractRequestLoggingFilter.isIncludeHeaders() declared as protected [#&#8203;23814](
   -   Bean definition override leads to NPE due to inconsistent equality check [#&#8203;23711](
   -   Fix DefaultListableBeanFactory#copyConfigurationFrom [#&#8203;23710](
   #### :notebook_with_decorative_cover: Documentation
   -   TypeDescriptor#getElementTypeDescriptor does not throw IllegalStateException anymore [#&#8203;24001](
   #### :heart: Contributors
   We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!
   -   [@&#8203;endtak](
   ### [`v4.3.25.RELEASE`](
   #### :star: New Features
   -   Javadoc missing on some public BeanDefinitionParserDelegate methods [#&#8203;23399](
   -   Avoid expensive assertions in web resource resolution [#&#8203;22965](
   #### :beetle: Bug Fixes
   -   Session.close() accidentally triggers creation of TransactionAwareDataSourceProxy Connection [#&#8203;23397](
   -   MethodParameter.equals is too coarse-grained for its use in HandlerMethodArgumentResolverComposite  [#&#8203;23387](
   -   FlashMapManager throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException for empty target URL path [#&#8203;23246](
   -   Fix ScriptUtils for MS Windows line ending [#&#8203;23026](
   #### :notebook_with_decorative_cover: Documentation
   -   Improve documentation for `@Autowired` constructors [#&#8203;23308](
   -   Document that Ordered is not supported for `@ControllerAdvice` beans [#&#8203;23174](
   -   spring-mvc.xsd stale-if-error attribute documentation incorrect [#&#8203;23001](
   -   AbstractBeanDefinition.getBeanClass() javadoc misleads about returning null [#&#8203;22967](
   ### [`v4.3.24.RELEASE`](
   #### :star: New Features
   -   Avoid expensive assertions in HttpRange [#&#8203;22746](
   #### :beetle: Bug Fixes
   -   Consistent handling of empty List entries in LinkedMultiValueMap [#&#8203;22913](
   -   EL1072E when evaluating compiled comparison expression [#&#8203;22879](
   -   ResourceUrlEncodingFilter throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException when %ED%B6 is in the URL path [#&#8203;22863](
   -   Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder prevents the registration of multiple modules with a null typeId [#&#8203;22763](
   ### [`v4.3.23.RELEASE`](
   #### :star: New Features
   -   ResourceUrlEncodingFilter versioning breaks when URL contains fragment \[SPR-17535] [#&#8203;22552](
   -   Revisit XML schema handling for consistent local vs external resolution [#&#8203;22530](
   -   JdbcTemplate.extractOutputParameters should preserve order of parameters [#&#8203;22494](
   -   HandlerInterceptorAdapter should honor ordering [#&#8203;22434](
   -   Avoid duplicate call to findAnnotations in DefaultListableBeanFactory.findAnnotationOnBean [#&#8203;22356](
   #### :beetle: Bug Fixes
   -   Avoid duplicate registration of `@ControllerAdvice` implementing both RequestBodyAdvice and ResponseBodyAdvice [#&#8203;22686](
   -   Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder's modulesToInstall function does not eventually override the default configuration [#&#8203;22624](
   -   Events extending from PayloadApplicationEvent and implementing an interface fail to match `@EventListener` argument [#&#8203;22471](
   -   DefaultConversionService fails to properly convert an Object\[] to a int\[] [#&#8203;22415](
   -   `@Transactional` beans not getting proxied when being initialized during failed circular reference attempt [#&#8203;22376](
   -   ApplicationListenerMethodAdapter does not find `@Ordered` annotation for dynamic proxies [#&#8203;22352](
   -   RestTemplate adds duplicate accept header information  [#&#8203;22320](
   #### :heart: Contributors
   We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!
   -   [@&#8203;geminiKim](
   ### [`v4.3.22.RELEASE`]( 4.3.22 Release
   #### :beetle: Bug Fixes
   -   'default-lazy-init' attribute is not processed when XSD validation is disabled \[SPR-8335] [#&#8203;12983](
   -   Spring JavaMailSenderImpl does not show proper message when recipient list is empty \[SPR-17540] [#&#8203;22072](
   -   Potential resource leak in DataSourceUtils.doGetConnection \[SPR-17559] [#&#8203;22091](
   -   SpEL, error parsing big InlineMap  \[SPR-17605] [#&#8203;22137](
   -   `@Value` Optional<...> field injection fails in case of registered ConversionService \[SPR-17607] [#&#8203;22139](
   -   Cannot convert from Collection to RegularEnumSet \[SPR-17619] [#&#8203;22151](
   #### :notebook_with_decorative_cover: Documentation
   -   Error in reference documentation sentence in part 1.8.1. Customizing Beans by Using a BeanPostProcessor \[SPR-17556] [#&#8203;22088](
   -   Typo in SpEL Evaluation Context Sample \[SPR-17581] [#&#8203;22113](
   ### [`v4.3.21.RELEASE`]( 4.3.21 Release
   #### :star: New Features
   -   SpringFactoriesLoader should tolerate whitespace \[SPR-17413] [#&#8203;21946](
   -   Expose mapped handler as request attribute in spring-webmvc \[SPR-17518] [#&#8203;22050](
   #### :beetle: Bug Fixes
   -   ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver started to log on WARN level \[SPR-17383] [#&#8203;21916](
   -   MethodValidationPostProcessor still validates FactoryBean methods on CGLIB proxies \[SPR-17386] [#&#8203;21919](
   -   Spring logs a nasty looking stack trace for unhandled classpath URL \[SPR-17417] [#&#8203;21950](
   -   ResourceUrlEncodingFilter does not work with HttpServletRequestWrapper \[SPR-17421] [#&#8203;21954](
   -   RestTemplate does not throw exception for custom error codes \[SPR-17439] [#&#8203;21971](
   -   NamedParameterJdbcTemplate batchUpdate returns an array of size 1 when the batchArgs passed is an empty array \[SPR-17476] [#&#8203;22008](
   - wrong return value \[SPR-17492] [#&#8203;22024](
   -   Reserializing a lenient fallback DefaultListableBeanFactory causes an error \[SPR-17508] [#&#8203;22040](
   -   getBeanNamesForType(ResolvableType) doesn't work for raw singleton instance from `@Bean` method with generic return type \[SPR-17524] [#&#8203;22056](
   #### :notebook_with_decorative_cover: Documentation
   -   Misleading alias definition example in reference documentation, part 1.3.1 \[SPR-17536] [#&#8203;22068](
   ### [`v4.3.20.RELEASE`]( 4.3.20 Release
   #### :star: New Features
   -   Support for removeHeader in MockHttpServletRequest \[SPR-17295] [#&#8203;21828](
   -   Sanity checks for HTTP range requests \[SPR-17318] [#&#8203;21851](
   #### :beetle: Bug Fixes
   -   HTTP 404 for static resources with last modified = 0L (breaks Docker images build with Jib) \[SPR-17320] [#&#8203;21853](
   -   MockAsyncContext not found. Did request wrapper not delegate startAsync? \[SPR-17353] [#&#8203;21887](
   -   MethodValidationPostProcessor validates FactoryBean methods for which validation is not applicable \[SPR-17374] [#&#8203;21907](
   #### :notebook_with_decorative_cover: Documentation
   -   Typo on ServletUriComponentsBuilder javadoc comments \[SPR-17255] [#&#8203;21788](
   -   Javadoc for BufferingClientHttpRequestFactory is missing the end of a sentence \[SPR-17261] [#&#8203;21794](
   -   Misleading description in Autowired javadoc \[SPR-17299] [#&#8203;21832](
   ### [`v4.3.19.RELEASE`]( 4.3.19 Release
   #### :star: New Features
   -   Consistent warn logging for handled exceptions \[SPR-17178] [#&#8203;21714](
   -   Support both filters and views in AbstractJackson2HttpMessageConverter \[SPR-17209] [#&#8203;21742](
   #### :beetle: Bug Fixes
   -   AbstractJackson2HttpMessageConverter incorrectly logs at WARN level after upgrading to Jackson 2.9 \[SPR-16947] [#&#8203;21486](
   -   ConcurrentReferenceHashMap does not enforce visibility of cached EntrySet \[SPR-16994] [#&#8203;21532](
   -   Map injection fails to find bean produced with `@Bean` when additional method with same name exists \[SPR-16999] [#&#8203;21537](
   -   AOP and use of redirect view can lead to unbounded caching in AbstractAutoProxyCreator \[SPR-17045] [#&#8203;21583](
   -   Classification of ClassCastExceptions doesn't work in JDK 11 (OpenJDK) \[SPR-17093] [#&#8203;21630](
   -   SchedulerAccessor needs to catch primary key violation on reschedule (due to Quartz race condition) \[SPR-17114] [#&#8203;21651](
   -   CheckboxTag incorrectly processing hidden field through RequestDataValueProcessor \[SPR-17147] [#&#8203;21684](
   -   `@Scheduled` task runs twice on bean with target-class scoped proxy (when injected) \[SPR-17166] [#&#8203;21702](
   -   SimpleAliasRegistry.hasAlias does not properly resolve multiple chained aliases \[SPR-17191] [#&#8203;21726](
   -   Compiled elvis operator does not work correctly when default value is a complex expression \[SPR-17214] [#&#8203;21747](
   -   EL1072 when evaluating compiled expression using method SpelExpression.getValue(Object rootObject, Class<T> expectedResultType) \[SPR-17229] [#&#8203;21762](
   #### :notebook_with_decorative_cover: Documentation
   -   Doc: AsyncConfigurer causes dependencies to be created early \[SPR-16945] [#&#8203;21484](
   -   Update documentation references to Number/Currency/PercentStyleFormatter \[SPR-17022] [#&#8203;21560](
   -   Incorrect Class reference in documentation \[SPR-17042] [#&#8203;21580](
   -   Revise BeanFactory vs ApplicationContext section in reference docs \[SPR-17095] [#&#8203;21632](
   -   Removed Jackson view property "renderedAttributes" still mentioned in Spring Framework docs \[SPR-17182] [#&#8203;21718](
   ### [`v4.3.18.RELEASE`]( 4.3.18 Release
   #### :star: New Features
   -   Deprecate JSONP support and update MappingJackson2JsonView defaults \[SPR-16798] [#&#8203;21338](
   -   Restrict allowed HTTP methods in HiddenHttpMethodFilter \[SPR-16836] [#&#8203;21376](
   -   ReflectivePropertyAccessor should cache sorted methods \[SPR-16882] [#&#8203;21421](
   #### :beetle: Bug Fixes
   -   Process cannot exit when the SchedulerFactoryBean fails to initialize \[SPR-16816] [#&#8203;21356](
   -   Connection acquired while calling a stored procedure via JPA is not released \[SPR-16826] [#&#8203;21366](
   -   AbstractRequestLoggingFilter.isIncludeHeaders() is accidentally public \[SPR-16881] [#&#8203;21420](
   -   Fix faulty BeanPostProcessorChecker logs with `@EnableCaching` \[SPR-16896] [#&#8203;21435](
   -   AbstractMethodMessageHandler does not rethrow Errors \[SPR-16912] [#&#8203;21451](
   #### :notebook_with_decorative_cover: Documentation
   -   Incorrect Java Syntax in Spring Framework Documentation \[SPR-16811] [#&#8203;21351](
   -   Document JUnit Jupiter options in Spring 4.3.x \[SPR-16446] [#&#8203;20991](
   ### Configuration
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   🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.
   ♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.
   🔕 **Ignore**: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about these updates again.
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[GitHub] [jmeter] vlsi closed pull request #5863: fix(deps): update spring core to v4.3.30.release

Posted by "vlsi (via GitHub)" <>.
vlsi closed pull request #5863: fix(deps): update spring core to v4.3.30.release

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