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git commit: [KARAF-711] Add update notes from 2.x to 3.x

Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master 9b0f965bc -> 64de46f7b

[KARAF-711] Add update notes from 2.x to 3.x


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 64de46f7b7cc5e1de5b4c9d5c364c505454b1382
Parents: 9b0f965
Author: Jean-Baptiste Onofré <>
Authored: Sun Dec 22 21:48:25 2013 +0100
Committer: Jean-Baptiste Onofré <>
Committed: Sun Dec 22 21:48:25 2013 +0100

 manual/src/main/webapp/update-notes.conf | 200 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 194 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
diff --git a/manual/src/main/webapp/update-notes.conf b/manual/src/main/webapp/update-notes.conf
index b60abb4..0cb71cd 100644
--- a/manual/src/main/webapp/update-notes.conf
+++ b/manual/src/main/webapp/update-notes.conf
@@ -2,24 +2,212 @@ h1. Update Notes (from 2.x to 3.x)
 This section is dedicated to users of previous Apache Karaf version.
-h2. Shell commands
+h2. Commands
-h2. MBeans
+All console commands have been renamed and dispatched in scopes between Apache Karaf 2.x and Apache Karaf 3.x.
+The purpose is to standardize the naming convention, and use more "logic" scope (especially for subshell).
+The following table shows the correspondence between the "old" commands and the "new" ones.
+|| Apache Karaf 2.x                 || Apache Karaf 3.x ||
+| admin:change-opts                 | instance:opts-change                      |
+| admin:change-rmi-registry-port    | instance:rmi-registry-port-change         |
+| admin:change-rmi-server-port      | instance:rmi-server-port-change           |
+| admin:change-ssh-port             | instance:ssh-port-change                  |
+| admin:clone                       | instance:clone                            |
+| admin:connect                     | instance:connect                          |
+| admin:create                      | instance:create                           |
+| admin:destroy                     | instance:destroy                          |
+| admin:list                        | instance:list                             |
+| admin:rename                      | instance:rename                           |
+| admin:start                       | instance:start                            |
+| admin:status                      | instance:status                           |
+| admin:stop                        | instance:stop                             |
+| dev:create-dump                   | dev:dump-create                           |
+| features:add-url                  | feature:repo-add                          |
+| features:chooseurl                | feature:repo-add                          |
+| features:info                     | feature:info                              |
+| features:install                  | feature:install                           |
+| features:listVersions             | feature:version-list                      |
+| features:list                     | feature:list                              |
+| features:listRepositories         | feature:repo-list                         |
+| features:listUrl                  | feature:repo-list                         |
+| features:refreshUrl               | feature:repo-refresh                      |
+| features:removeRepository         | feature:repo-remove                       |
+| features:removeUrl                | feature:repo-remove                       |
+| features:uninstall                | feature:uninstall                         |
+| jaas:cancel                       | jaas:cancel                               |
+| jaas:pending                      | jaas:pending-list                         |
+| jaas:realms                       | jaas:realm-list                           |
+| jaas:users                        | jaas:user-list                            |
+| jaas:manage                       | jaas:realm-manage                         |
+| jaas:roleadd                      | jaas:role-add                             |
+| jaas:roledel                      | jaas:role-delete                          |
+| jaas:update                       | jaas:update                               |
+| jaas:useradd                      | jaas:user-add                             |
+| jaas:userdel                      | jaas:user-delete                          |
+| shell:alias                       | shell:alias                               |
+| shell:cat                         | shell:cat                                 |
+| shell:clear                       | shell:clear                               |
+| shell:date                        | shell:date                                |
+| shell:each                        | shell:each                                |
+| shell:echo                        | shell:echo                                |
+| shell:exec                        | shell:exec                                |
+| shell:grep                        | shell:grep                                |
+| shell:head                        | shell:head                                |
+| shell:history                     | shell:history                             |
+| shell:if                          | shell:if                                  |
+| shell:info                        | shell:info                                |
+| shell:java                        | shell:java                                |
+| shell:logout                      | shell:logout                              |
+| shell:more                        | shell:more                                |
+| shell:new                         | shell:new                                 |
+| shell:printf                      | shell:printf                              |
+| shell:sleep                       | shell:sleep                               |
+| shell:sort                        | shell:sort                                |
+| shell:source                      | shell:source                              |
+| shell:tac                         | shell:tac                                 |
+| shell:tail                        | shell:tail                                |
+| shell:watch                       | shell:watch                               |
+| shell:wc                          | shell:wc                                  |
+| config:cancel                     | config:cancel                             |
+| config:delete                     | config:delete                             |
+| config:edit                       | config:edit                               |
+| config:list                       | config:list                               |
+| config:propappend                 | config:property-append                    |
+| config:propdel                    | config:property-delete                    |
+| config:proplist                   | config:property-list                      |
+| config:propset                    | config:property-set                       |
+| config:update                     | config:update                             |
+| dev:dynamic-import                | bundle:dynamic-import                     |
+| dev:framework                     | system:framework                          |
+| dev:print-stack-traces            | shell:stack-traces-print                  |
+| dev:restart                       | system:shutdown                           |
+| dev:show-tree                     | bundle:tree-show                          |
+| dev:system-property               | system:property                           |
+| dev:wait-for-service              | service:wait                              |
+| dev:watch                         | bundle:watch                              |
+| log:clear                         | log:clear                                 |
+| log:display-exception             | log:exception-display                     |
+| log:display                       | log:display                               |
+| log:get                           | log:get                                   |
+| log:tail                          | log:tail                                  |
+| log:set                           | log:set                                   |
+| obr:addUrl                        | obr:url-add                               |
+| obr:deploy                        | obr:deploy                                |
+| obr:find                          | obr:find                                  |
+| obr:info                          | obr:info                                  |
+| obr:list                          | obr:list                                  |
+| obr:listUrl                       | obr:url-list                              |
+| obr:refreshUrl                    | obr:url-refresh                           |
+| obr:removeUrl                     | obr:url-remove                            |
+| obr:resolve                       | obr:resolve                               |
+| obr:source                        | obr:source                                |
+| obr:start                         | obr:start                                 |
+| osgi:bundle-level                 | bundle:start-level                        |
+| osgi:classes                      | bundle:classes                            |
+| osgi:find-class                   | bundle:find-class                         |
+| osgi:headers                      | bundle:headers                            |
+| osgi:info                         | bundle:info                               |
+| osgi:install                      | bundle:install                            |
+| osgi:bundle-services              | bundle:services                           |
+| osgi:list                         | bundle:list                               |
+| osgi:ls                           | service:list                              |
+| osgi:name                         | system:name                               |
+| osgi:refresh                      | bundle:refresh                            |
+| osgi:resolve                      | bundle:resolve                            |
+| osgi:restart                      | bundle:restart                            |
+| osgi:shutdown                     | system:shutdown                           |
+| osgi:start                        | bundle:start                              |
+| osgi:start-level                  | bundle:start-level                        |
+| osgi:stop                         | bundle:stop                               |
+| osgi:uninstall                    | bundle:uninstall                          |
+| osgi:update                       | bundle:update                             |
+| osgi:version                      | system:version                            |
+| packages:exports                  | package:exports                           |
+| packages:imports                  | package:imports                           |
+| ssh:ssh                           | ssh:ssh                                   |
+| ssh:sshd                          | ssh:sshd                                  |
+| web:list                          | web:list                                  |
+| wrapper:install                   | wrapper:install                           |
+We encourage the users to use the {{--help}} option to check the name and type of arguments and options.
+h2. JMX MBeans
+Like the console commands, the JMX MBeans object names have been renamed and the operations haven been dispatched in
+new MBeans.
+The following table shows the correspondence between the "old" MBeans object names and the "new" ones.
+|| Apache Karaf 2.x                             || Apache Karaf 3.x                                 ||
+| {{org.apache.karaf:type=bundles,name=*}}      | {{org.apache.karaf:type=bundle,name=*}}           |
+| {{org.apache.karaf:type=config,name=*}}       | {{org.apache.karaf:type=config,name=*}}           |
+| {{org.apache.karaf:type=dev,name=*}}          | {{org.apache.karaf:type=system,name=*}}           |
+| {{org;apache.karaf:type=log,name=*}}          | {{org.apache.karaf:type=log,name=*}}              |
+| {{org.apache.karaf:type=obr,name=*}}          | {{org.apache.karaf:type=obr,name=*}}              |
+| {{org.apache.karaf:type=packages,name=*}}     | {{org.apache.karaf:type=package,name=*}}          |
+| {{org.apache.karaf:type=services,name=*}}     | {{org.apache.karaf:type=service,name=*}}          |
+| {{org.apache.karaf:type=system,name=*}}       | {{org.apache.karaf:type=system,name=*}}           |
+| {{org.apache.karaf:type=web,name=*}}          | {{org.apache.karaf:type=web,name=*}}              |
 h2. Features
-Name and mvn URL
+The Apache Karaf "core" features repository XML URL have changed:
+|| Apache Karaf 2.x                                                            || Apache Karaf 3.x                                                  ||
+| {{mvn:org.apache.karaf.assemblies.features/standard/2.3.x/xml/features}}     | {{mvn:org.apache.karaf.features/standard/3.0.x/xml/features}}      |
+| {{mvn:org.apache.karaf.assemblies.features/enterprise/2.3.x/xml/features}}   | {{mvn:org.apache.karaf.features/enterprise/3.0.x/xml/features}}    |
+The Spring features have been isolated in a dedicated features repository ({{mvn:org.apache.karaf.features/spring/3.0.x/xml/features}}).
 h2. Namespaces
-h2. Classnames
+Apache Karaf 3.x brings updated version of the namespaces:
+* Supported features namespaces:
+** {{karaf-features-1.0.0.xsd}}
+** {{karaf-features-1.1.0.xsd}}
+** {{karaf-features-1.2.0.xsd}}
+* Supported jaas namespaces:
+** {{karaf-jaas-1.0.0.xsd}}
+** {{karaf-jaas-1.1.0.xsd}}
+* Supported shell namespaces:
+** {{karaf-shell-1.0.0.xsd}}
+** {{karaf-shell-1.1.0.xsd}}
 h2. Maven plugin
+The previous {{features-maven-plugin}} and {{cmdhelp-maven-plugin}} Maven plugins have been gathered in one main Maven
+plugin: {{karaf-maven-plugin}}.
+The goals have changed as follow:
+|| Apache Karaf 2.x Maven plugins               || Apache Karaf Maven Plugin (3.x)                  ||
+| features:add-features-to-repo                 | karaf:features-add-to-repository                  |
+| features:create-kar                           | karaf:features-create-kar                         |
+| features:generate-features-file               | karaf:features-generate-descriptor                |
+| features:generate-features-xml                | karaf:features-generate-descriptor                |
+| features:install-kars                         | karaf:install-kars                                |
+| features:validate-features                    | karaf:features-validate-descriptor                |
+| cmdhelp:cmdhelp                               | karaf:commands-generate-help                      |
 h2. Test tooling
+Apache Karaf 3.0.x is fully supported by OPS4J Pax Exam and "previous" karaf-pax-exam module is no more maintained.
 h2. WebContainer
-Web-ContextPath has to be used instead of WebApp-Context
+WebApplications using the {{WebApp-Context}} headers in the MANIFEST are no more supported.
+Apache Karaf now supports only the OSGi standard {{Web-ContextPath}} header in the MANIFEST.
+h2. Update guide
+We encourage users to stard a fresh Apache Karaf 3.x container more than trying to override the folders from an
+Apache Karaf 2.x container.
+Most of the files in the different Apache Karaf folders have changed, and the merge/diff is very large.
-h2. Update guide
\ No newline at end of file
+The future Apache Karaf version will introduce the concept of "Karaf Profiles" to simplify the update process.
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