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[4/5] orc git commit: ORC-81 Add lzo and lz4 support for the C++ reader. (omalley)
diff --git a/c++/libs/lz4-r131/lib/lz4.h b/c++/libs/lz4-r131/lib/lz4.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e74002
--- /dev/null
+++ b/c++/libs/lz4-r131/lib/lz4.h
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+   LZ4 - Fast LZ compression algorithm
+   Header File
+   Copyright (C) 2011-2015, Yann Collet.
+   BSD 2-Clause License (
+   Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+   modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+   met:
+       * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+       * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+   copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+   in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+   distribution.
+   You can contact the author at :
+   - LZ4 source repository :
+   - LZ4 public forum :!forum/lz4c
+#pragma once
+#if defined (__cplusplus)
+extern "C" {
+ * lz4.h provides block compression functions, and gives full buffer control to programmer.
+ * If you need to generate inter-operable compressed data (respecting LZ4 frame specification),
+ * and can let the library handle its own memory, please use lz4frame.h instead.
+*  Version
+#define LZ4_VERSION_MAJOR    1    /* for breaking interface changes  */
+#define LZ4_VERSION_MINOR    7    /* for new (non-breaking) interface capabilities */
+#define LZ4_VERSION_RELEASE  1    /* for tweaks, bug-fixes, or development */
+int LZ4_versionNumber (void);
+*  Tuning parameter
+ * Memory usage formula : N->2^N Bytes (examples : 10 -> 1KB; 12 -> 4KB ; 16 -> 64KB; 20 -> 1MB; etc.)
+ * Increasing memory usage improves compression ratio
+ * Reduced memory usage can improve speed, due to cache effect
+ * Default value is 14, for 16KB, which nicely fits into Intel x86 L1 cache
+ */
+#define LZ4_MEMORY_USAGE 14
+*  Simple Functions
+int LZ4_compress_default(const char* source, char* dest, int sourceSize, int maxDestSize);
+int LZ4_decompress_safe (const char* source, char* dest, int compressedSize, int maxDecompressedSize);
+LZ4_compress_default() :
+    Compresses 'sourceSize' bytes from buffer 'source'
+    into already allocated 'dest' buffer of size 'maxDestSize'.
+    Compression is guaranteed to succeed if 'maxDestSize' >= LZ4_compressBound(sourceSize).
+    It also runs faster, so it's a recommended setting.
+    If the function cannot compress 'source' into a more limited 'dest' budget,
+    compression stops *immediately*, and the function result is zero.
+    As a consequence, 'dest' content is not valid.
+    This function never writes outside 'dest' buffer, nor read outside 'source' buffer.
+        sourceSize  : Max supported value is LZ4_MAX_INPUT_VALUE
+        maxDestSize : full or partial size of buffer 'dest' (which must be already allocated)
+        return : the number of bytes written into buffer 'dest' (necessarily <= maxOutputSize)
+              or 0 if compression fails
+LZ4_decompress_safe() :
+    compressedSize : is the precise full size of the compressed block.
+    maxDecompressedSize : is the size of destination buffer, which must be already allocated.
+    return : the number of bytes decompressed into destination buffer (necessarily <= maxDecompressedSize)
+             If destination buffer is not large enough, decoding will stop and output an error code (<0).
+             If the source stream is detected malformed, the function will stop decoding and return a negative result.
+             This function is protected against buffer overflow exploits, including malicious data packets.
+             It never writes outside output buffer, nor reads outside input buffer.
+*  Advanced Functions
+#define LZ4_MAX_INPUT_SIZE        0x7E000000   /* 2 113 929 216 bytes */
+#define LZ4_COMPRESSBOUND(isize)  ((unsigned)(isize) > (unsigned)LZ4_MAX_INPUT_SIZE ? 0 : (isize) + ((isize)/255) + 16)
+LZ4_compressBound() :
+    Provides the maximum size that LZ4 compression may output in a "worst case" scenario (input data not compressible)
+    This function is primarily useful for memory allocation purposes (destination buffer size).
+    Macro LZ4_COMPRESSBOUND() is also provided for compilation-time evaluation (stack memory allocation for example).
+    Note that LZ4_compress_default() compress faster when dest buffer size is >= LZ4_compressBound(srcSize)
+        inputSize  : max supported value is LZ4_MAX_INPUT_SIZE
+        return : maximum output size in a "worst case" scenario
+              or 0, if input size is too large ( > LZ4_MAX_INPUT_SIZE)
+int LZ4_compressBound(int inputSize);
+LZ4_compress_fast() :
+    Same as LZ4_compress_default(), but allows to select an "acceleration" factor.
+    The larger the acceleration value, the faster the algorithm, but also the lesser the compression.
+    It's a trade-off. It can be fine tuned, with each successive value providing roughly +~3% to speed.
+    An acceleration value of "1" is the same as regular LZ4_compress_default()
+    Values <= 0 will be replaced by ACCELERATION_DEFAULT (see lz4.c), which is 1.
+int LZ4_compress_fast (const char* source, char* dest, int sourceSize, int maxDestSize, int acceleration);
+LZ4_compress_fast_extState() :
+    Same compression function, just using an externally allocated memory space to store compression state.
+    Use LZ4_sizeofState() to know how much memory must be allocated,
+    and allocate it on 8-bytes boundaries (using malloc() typically).
+    Then, provide it as 'void* state' to compression function.
+int LZ4_sizeofState(void);
+int LZ4_compress_fast_extState (void* state, const char* source, char* dest, int inputSize, int maxDestSize, int acceleration);
+LZ4_compress_destSize() :
+    Reverse the logic, by compressing as much data as possible from 'source' buffer
+    into already allocated buffer 'dest' of size 'targetDestSize'.
+    This function either compresses the entire 'source' content into 'dest' if it's large enough,
+    or fill 'dest' buffer completely with as much data as possible from 'source'.
+        *sourceSizePtr : will be modified to indicate how many bytes where read from 'source' to fill 'dest'.
+                         New value is necessarily <= old value.
+        return : Nb bytes written into 'dest' (necessarily <= targetDestSize)
+              or 0 if compression fails
+int LZ4_compress_destSize (const char* source, char* dest, int* sourceSizePtr, int targetDestSize);
+LZ4_decompress_fast() :
+    originalSize : is the original and therefore uncompressed size
+    return : the number of bytes read from the source buffer (in other words, the compressed size)
+             If the source stream is detected malformed, the function will stop decoding and return a negative result.
+             Destination buffer must be already allocated. Its size must be a minimum of 'originalSize' bytes.
+    note : This function fully respect memory boundaries for properly formed compressed data.
+           It is a bit faster than LZ4_decompress_safe().
+           However, it does not provide any protection against intentionally modified data stream (malicious input).
+           Use this function in trusted environment only (data to decode comes from a trusted source).
+int LZ4_decompress_fast (const char* source, char* dest, int originalSize);
+LZ4_decompress_safe_partial() :
+    This function decompress a compressed block of size 'compressedSize' at position 'source'
+    into destination buffer 'dest' of size 'maxDecompressedSize'.
+    The function tries to stop decompressing operation as soon as 'targetOutputSize' has been reached,
+    reducing decompression time.
+    return : the number of bytes decoded in the destination buffer (necessarily <= maxDecompressedSize)
+       Note : this number can be < 'targetOutputSize' should the compressed block to decode be smaller.
+             Always control how many bytes were decoded.
+             If the source stream is detected malformed, the function will stop decoding and return a negative result.
+             This function never writes outside of output buffer, and never reads outside of input buffer. It is therefore protected against malicious data packets
+int LZ4_decompress_safe_partial (const char* source, char* dest, int compressedSize, int targetOutputSize, int maxDecompressedSize);
+*  Streaming Compression Functions
+#define LZ4_STREAMSIZE_U64 ((1 << (LZ4_MEMORY_USAGE-3)) + 4)
+#define LZ4_STREAMSIZE     (LZ4_STREAMSIZE_U64 * sizeof(long long))
+ * LZ4_stream_t
+ * information structure to track an LZ4 stream.
+ * important : init this structure content before first use !
+ * note : only allocated directly the structure if you are statically linking LZ4
+ *        If you are using liblz4 as a DLL, please use below construction methods instead.
+ */
+typedef struct { long long table[LZ4_STREAMSIZE_U64]; } LZ4_stream_t;
+ * LZ4_resetStream
+ * Use this function to init an allocated LZ4_stream_t structure
+ */
+void LZ4_resetStream (LZ4_stream_t* streamPtr);
+ * LZ4_createStream will allocate and initialize an LZ4_stream_t structure
+ * LZ4_freeStream releases its memory.
+ * In the context of a DLL (liblz4), please use these methods rather than the static struct.
+ * They are more future proof, in case of a change of LZ4_stream_t size.
+ */
+LZ4_stream_t* LZ4_createStream(void);
+int           LZ4_freeStream (LZ4_stream_t* streamPtr);
+ * LZ4_loadDict
+ * Use this function to load a static dictionary into LZ4_stream.
+ * Any previous data will be forgotten, only 'dictionary' will remain in memory.
+ * Loading a size of 0 is allowed.
+ * Return : dictionary size, in bytes (necessarily <= 64 KB)
+ */
+int LZ4_loadDict (LZ4_stream_t* streamPtr, const char* dictionary, int dictSize);
+ * LZ4_compress_fast_continue
+ * Compress buffer content 'src', using data from previously compressed blocks as dictionary to improve compression ratio.
+ * Important : Previous data blocks are assumed to still be present and unmodified !
+ * 'dst' buffer must be already allocated.
+ * If maxDstSize >= LZ4_compressBound(srcSize), compression is guaranteed to succeed, and runs faster.
+ * If not, and if compressed data cannot fit into 'dst' buffer size, compression stops, and function returns a zero.
+ */
+int LZ4_compress_fast_continue (LZ4_stream_t* streamPtr, const char* src, char* dst, int srcSize, int maxDstSize, int acceleration);
+ * LZ4_saveDict
+ * If previously compressed data block is not guaranteed to remain available at its memory location
+ * save it into a safer place (char* safeBuffer)
+ * Note : you don't need to call LZ4_loadDict() afterwards,
+ *        dictionary is immediately usable, you can therefore call LZ4_compress_fast_continue()
+ * Return : saved dictionary size in bytes (necessarily <= dictSize), or 0 if error
+ */
+int LZ4_saveDict (LZ4_stream_t* streamPtr, char* safeBuffer, int dictSize);
+*  Streaming Decompression Functions
+#define LZ4_STREAMDECODESIZE     (LZ4_STREAMDECODESIZE_U64 * sizeof(unsigned long long))
+typedef struct { unsigned long long table[LZ4_STREAMDECODESIZE_U64]; } LZ4_streamDecode_t;
+ * LZ4_streamDecode_t
+ * information structure to track an LZ4 stream.
+ * init this structure content using LZ4_setStreamDecode or memset() before first use !
+ *
+ * In the context of a DLL (liblz4) please prefer usage of construction methods below.
+ * They are more future proof, in case of a change of LZ4_streamDecode_t size in the future.
+ * LZ4_createStreamDecode will allocate and initialize an LZ4_streamDecode_t structure
+ * LZ4_freeStreamDecode releases its memory.
+ */
+LZ4_streamDecode_t* LZ4_createStreamDecode(void);
+int                 LZ4_freeStreamDecode (LZ4_streamDecode_t* LZ4_stream);
+ * LZ4_setStreamDecode
+ * Use this function to instruct where to find the dictionary.
+ * Setting a size of 0 is allowed (same effect as reset).
+ * Return : 1 if OK, 0 if error
+ */
+int LZ4_setStreamDecode (LZ4_streamDecode_t* LZ4_streamDecode, const char* dictionary, int dictSize);
+*_continue() :
+    These decoding functions allow decompression of multiple blocks in "streaming" mode.
+    Previously decoded blocks *must* remain available at the memory position where they were decoded (up to 64 KB)
+    In the case of a ring buffers, decoding buffer must be either :
+    - Exactly same size as encoding buffer, with same update rule (block boundaries at same positions)
+      In which case, the decoding & encoding ring buffer can have any size, including very small ones ( < 64 KB).
+    - Larger than encoding buffer, by a minimum of maxBlockSize more bytes.
+      maxBlockSize is implementation dependent. It's the maximum size you intend to compress into a single block.
+      In which case, encoding and decoding buffers do not need to be synchronized,
+      and encoding ring buffer can have any size, including small ones ( < 64 KB).
+    - _At least_ 64 KB + 8 bytes + maxBlockSize.
+      In which case, encoding and decoding buffers do not need to be synchronized,
+      and encoding ring buffer can have any size, including larger than decoding buffer.
+    Whenever these conditions are not possible, save the last 64KB of decoded data into a safe buffer,
+    and indicate where it is saved using LZ4_setStreamDecode()
+int LZ4_decompress_safe_continue (LZ4_streamDecode_t* LZ4_streamDecode, const char* source, char* dest, int compressedSize, int maxDecompressedSize);
+int LZ4_decompress_fast_continue (LZ4_streamDecode_t* LZ4_streamDecode, const char* source, char* dest, int originalSize);
+Advanced decoding functions :
+*_usingDict() :
+    These decoding functions work the same as
+    a combination of LZ4_setStreamDecode() followed by LZ4_decompress_x_continue()
+    They are stand-alone. They don't need nor update an LZ4_streamDecode_t structure.
+int LZ4_decompress_safe_usingDict (const char* source, char* dest, int compressedSize, int maxDecompressedSize, const char* dictStart, int dictSize);
+int LZ4_decompress_fast_usingDict (const char* source, char* dest, int originalSize, const char* dictStart, int dictSize);
+*  Obsolete Functions
+/* Deprecate Warnings */
+/* Should these warnings messages be a problem,
+   it is generally possible to disable them,
+   with -Wno-deprecated-declarations for gcc
+   or _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS in Visual for example.
+   You can also define LZ4_DEPRECATE_WARNING_DEFBLOCK. */
+#  define LZ4_GCC_VERSION (__GNUC__ * 100 + __GNUC_MINOR__)
+#  if (LZ4_GCC_VERSION >= 405) || defined(__clang__)
+#    define LZ4_DEPRECATED(message) __attribute__((deprecated(message)))
+#  elif (LZ4_GCC_VERSION >= 301)
+#    define LZ4_DEPRECATED(message) __attribute__((deprecated))
+#  elif defined(_MSC_VER)
+#    define LZ4_DEPRECATED(message) __declspec(deprecated(message))
+#  else
+#    pragma message("WARNING: You need to implement LZ4_DEPRECATED for this compiler")
+#    define LZ4_DEPRECATED(message)
+#  endif
+/* Obsolete compression functions */
+/* These functions are planned to start generate warnings by r131 approximately */
+int LZ4_compress               (const char* source, char* dest, int sourceSize);
+int LZ4_compress_limitedOutput (const char* source, char* dest, int sourceSize, int maxOutputSize);
+int LZ4_compress_withState               (void* state, const char* source, char* dest, int inputSize);
+int LZ4_compress_limitedOutput_withState (void* state, const char* source, char* dest, int inputSize, int maxOutputSize);
+int LZ4_compress_continue                (LZ4_stream_t* LZ4_streamPtr, const char* source, char* dest, int inputSize);
+int LZ4_compress_limitedOutput_continue  (LZ4_stream_t* LZ4_streamPtr, const char* source, char* dest, int inputSize, int maxOutputSize);
+/* Obsolete decompression functions */
+/* These function names are completely deprecated and must no longer be used.
+   They are only provided here for compatibility with older programs.
+    - LZ4_uncompress is the same as LZ4_decompress_fast
+    - LZ4_uncompress_unknownOutputSize is the same as LZ4_decompress_safe
+   These function prototypes are now disabled; uncomment them only if you really need them.
+   It is highly recommended to stop using these prototypes and migrate to maintained ones */
+/* int LZ4_uncompress (const char* source, char* dest, int outputSize); */
+/* int LZ4_uncompress_unknownOutputSize (const char* source, char* dest, int isize, int maxOutputSize); */
+/* Obsolete streaming functions; use new streaming interface whenever possible */
+LZ4_DEPRECATED("use LZ4_createStream() instead") void* LZ4_create (char* inputBuffer);
+LZ4_DEPRECATED("use LZ4_createStream() instead") int   LZ4_sizeofStreamState(void);
+LZ4_DEPRECATED("use LZ4_resetStream() instead")  int   LZ4_resetStreamState(void* state, char* inputBuffer);
+LZ4_DEPRECATED("use LZ4_saveDict() instead")     char* LZ4_slideInputBuffer (void* state);
+/* Obsolete streaming decoding functions */
+LZ4_DEPRECATED("use LZ4_decompress_safe_usingDict() instead") int LZ4_decompress_safe_withPrefix64k (const char* src, char* dst, int compressedSize, int maxDstSize);
+LZ4_DEPRECATED("use LZ4_decompress_fast_usingDict() instead") int LZ4_decompress_fast_withPrefix64k (const char* src, char* dst, int originalSize);
+#if defined (__cplusplus)
diff --git a/c++/libs/lz4-r131/lib/lz4frame.c b/c++/libs/lz4-r131/lib/lz4frame.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5458bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/c++/libs/lz4-r131/lib/lz4frame.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1479 @@
+LZ4 auto-framing library
+Copyright (C) 2011-2015, Yann Collet.
+BSD 2-Clause License (
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+You can contact the author at :
+- LZ4 source repository :
+- LZ4 public forum :!forum/lz4c
+/* LZ4F is a stand-alone API to create LZ4-compressed Frames
+*  in full conformance with specification v1.5.0
+*  All related operations, including memory management, are handled by the library.
+* */
+*  Compiler Options
+#ifdef _MSC_VER    /* Visual Studio */
+#  pragma warning(disable : 4127)        /* disable: C4127: conditional expression is constant */
+*  Memory routines
+#include <stdlib.h>   /* malloc, calloc, free */
+#define ALLOCATOR(s)   calloc(1,s)
+#define FREEMEM        free
+#include <string.h>   /* memset, memcpy, memmove */
+#define MEM_INIT       memset
+*  Includes
+#include "lz4frame_static.h"
+#include "lz4.h"
+#include "lz4hc.h"
+#include "xxhash.h"
+*  Basic Types
+#if defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && (__STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L)   /* C99 */
+# include <stdint.h>
+typedef  uint8_t BYTE;
+typedef uint16_t U16;
+typedef uint32_t U32;
+typedef  int32_t S32;
+typedef uint64_t U64;
+typedef unsigned char       BYTE;
+typedef unsigned short      U16;
+typedef unsigned int        U32;
+typedef   signed int        S32;
+typedef unsigned long long  U64;
+*  Constants
+#define KB *(1<<10)
+#define MB *(1<<20)
+#define GB *(1<<30)
+#define _1BIT  0x01
+#define _2BITS 0x03
+#define _3BITS 0x07
+#define _4BITS 0x0F
+#define _8BITS 0xFF
+#define LZ4F_MAGICNUMBER 0x184D2204U
+static const size_t minFHSize = 7;
+static const size_t maxFHSize = 15;
+static const size_t BHSize = 4;
+static const int    minHClevel = 3;
+*  Structures and local types
+typedef struct LZ4F_cctx_s
+    LZ4F_preferences_t prefs;
+    U32    version;
+    U32    cStage;
+    size_t maxBlockSize;
+    size_t maxBufferSize;
+    BYTE*  tmpBuff;
+    BYTE*  tmpIn;
+    size_t tmpInSize;
+    U64    totalInSize;
+    XXH32_state_t xxh;
+    void*  lz4CtxPtr;
+    U32    lz4CtxLevel;     /* 0: unallocated;  1: LZ4_stream_t;  3: LZ4_streamHC_t */
+} LZ4F_cctx_t;
+typedef struct LZ4F_dctx_s
+    LZ4F_frameInfo_t frameInfo;
+    U32    version;
+    U32    dStage;
+    U64    frameRemainingSize;
+    size_t maxBlockSize;
+    size_t maxBufferSize;
+    const BYTE* srcExpect;
+    BYTE*  tmpIn;
+    size_t tmpInSize;
+    size_t tmpInTarget;
+    BYTE*  tmpOutBuffer;
+    const BYTE*  dict;
+    size_t dictSize;
+    BYTE*  tmpOut;
+    size_t tmpOutSize;
+    size_t tmpOutStart;
+    XXH32_state_t xxh;
+    BYTE   header[16];
+} LZ4F_dctx_t;
+*  Error management
+static const char* LZ4F_errorStrings[] = { LZ4F_LIST_ERRORS(LZ4F_GENERATE_STRING) };
+unsigned LZ4F_isError(LZ4F_errorCode_t code)
+    return (code > (LZ4F_errorCode_t)(-LZ4F_ERROR_maxCode));
+const char* LZ4F_getErrorName(LZ4F_errorCode_t code)
+    static const char* codeError = "Unspecified error code";
+    if (LZ4F_isError(code)) return LZ4F_errorStrings[-(int)(code)];
+    return codeError;
+*  Private functions
+static size_t LZ4F_getBlockSize(unsigned blockSizeID)
+    static const size_t blockSizes[4] = { 64 KB, 256 KB, 1 MB, 4 MB };
+    if (blockSizeID == 0) blockSizeID = LZ4F_BLOCKSIZEID_DEFAULT;
+    blockSizeID -= 4;
+    if (blockSizeID > 3) return (size_t)-LZ4F_ERROR_maxBlockSize_invalid;
+    return blockSizes[blockSizeID];
+/* unoptimized version; solves endianess & alignment issues */
+static U32 LZ4F_readLE32 (const BYTE* srcPtr)
+    U32 value32 = srcPtr[0];
+    value32 += (srcPtr[1]<<8);
+    value32 += (srcPtr[2]<<16);
+    value32 += ((U32)srcPtr[3])<<24;
+    return value32;
+static void LZ4F_writeLE32 (BYTE* dstPtr, U32 value32)
+    dstPtr[0] = (BYTE)value32;
+    dstPtr[1] = (BYTE)(value32 >> 8);
+    dstPtr[2] = (BYTE)(value32 >> 16);
+    dstPtr[3] = (BYTE)(value32 >> 24);
+static U64 LZ4F_readLE64 (const BYTE* srcPtr)
+    U64 value64 = srcPtr[0];
+    value64 += ((U64)srcPtr[1]<<8);
+    value64 += ((U64)srcPtr[2]<<16);
+    value64 += ((U64)srcPtr[3]<<24);
+    value64 += ((U64)srcPtr[4]<<32);
+    value64 += ((U64)srcPtr[5]<<40);
+    value64 += ((U64)srcPtr[6]<<48);
+    value64 += ((U64)srcPtr[7]<<56);
+    return value64;
+static void LZ4F_writeLE64 (BYTE* dstPtr, U64 value64)
+    dstPtr[0] = (BYTE)value64;
+    dstPtr[1] = (BYTE)(value64 >> 8);
+    dstPtr[2] = (BYTE)(value64 >> 16);
+    dstPtr[3] = (BYTE)(value64 >> 24);
+    dstPtr[4] = (BYTE)(value64 >> 32);
+    dstPtr[5] = (BYTE)(value64 >> 40);
+    dstPtr[6] = (BYTE)(value64 >> 48);
+    dstPtr[7] = (BYTE)(value64 >> 56);
+static BYTE LZ4F_headerChecksum (const void* header, size_t length)
+    U32 xxh = XXH32(header, length, 0);
+    return (BYTE)(xxh >> 8);
+*  Simple compression functions
+static LZ4F_blockSizeID_t LZ4F_optimalBSID(const LZ4F_blockSizeID_t requestedBSID, const size_t srcSize)
+    LZ4F_blockSizeID_t proposedBSID = LZ4F_max64KB;
+    size_t maxBlockSize = 64 KB;
+    while (requestedBSID > proposedBSID)
+    {
+        if (srcSize <= maxBlockSize)
+            return proposedBSID;
+        proposedBSID = (LZ4F_blockSizeID_t)((int)proposedBSID + 1);
+        maxBlockSize <<= 2;
+    }
+    return requestedBSID;
+size_t LZ4F_compressFrameBound(size_t srcSize, const LZ4F_preferences_t* preferencesPtr)
+    LZ4F_preferences_t prefs;
+    size_t headerSize;
+    size_t streamSize;
+    if (preferencesPtr!=NULL) prefs = *preferencesPtr;
+    else memset(&prefs, 0, sizeof(prefs));
+    prefs.frameInfo.blockSizeID = LZ4F_optimalBSID(prefs.frameInfo.blockSizeID, srcSize);
+    prefs.autoFlush = 1;
+    headerSize = maxFHSize;      /* header size, including magic number and frame content size*/
+    streamSize = LZ4F_compressBound(srcSize, &prefs);
+    return headerSize + streamSize;
+/* LZ4F_compressFrame()
+* Compress an entire srcBuffer into a valid LZ4 frame, as defined by specification v1.5.0, in a single step.
+* The most important rule is that dstBuffer MUST be large enough (dstMaxSize) to ensure compression completion even in worst case.
+* You can get the minimum value of dstMaxSize by using LZ4F_compressFrameBound()
+* If this condition is not respected, LZ4F_compressFrame() will fail (result is an errorCode)
+* The LZ4F_preferences_t structure is optional : you can provide NULL as argument. All preferences will then be set to default.
+* The result of the function is the number of bytes written into dstBuffer.
+* The function outputs an error code if it fails (can be tested using LZ4F_isError())
+size_t LZ4F_compressFrame(void* dstBuffer, size_t dstMaxSize, const void* srcBuffer, size_t srcSize, const LZ4F_preferences_t* preferencesPtr)
+    LZ4F_cctx_t cctxI;
+    LZ4_stream_t lz4ctx;
+    LZ4F_preferences_t prefs;
+    LZ4F_compressOptions_t options;
+    LZ4F_errorCode_t errorCode;
+    BYTE* const dstStart = (BYTE*) dstBuffer;
+    BYTE* dstPtr = dstStart;
+    BYTE* const dstEnd = dstStart + dstMaxSize;
+    memset(&cctxI, 0, sizeof(cctxI));   /* works because no allocation */
+    memset(&options, 0, sizeof(options));
+    cctxI.version = LZ4F_VERSION;
+    cctxI.maxBufferSize = 5 MB;   /* mess with real buffer size to prevent allocation; works because autoflush==1 & stableSrc==1 */
+    if (preferencesPtr!=NULL)
+        prefs = *preferencesPtr;
+    else
+        memset(&prefs, 0, sizeof(prefs));
+    if (prefs.frameInfo.contentSize != 0)
+        prefs.frameInfo.contentSize = (U64)srcSize;   /* auto-correct content size if selected (!=0) */
+    if (prefs.compressionLevel < (int)minHClevel)
+    {
+        cctxI.lz4CtxPtr = &lz4ctx;
+        cctxI.lz4CtxLevel = 1;
+    }
+    prefs.frameInfo.blockSizeID = LZ4F_optimalBSID(prefs.frameInfo.blockSizeID, srcSize);
+    prefs.autoFlush = 1;
+    if (srcSize <= LZ4F_getBlockSize(prefs.frameInfo.blockSizeID))
+        prefs.frameInfo.blockMode = LZ4F_blockIndependent;   /* no need for linked blocks */
+    options.stableSrc = 1;
+    if (dstMaxSize < LZ4F_compressFrameBound(srcSize, &prefs))
+        return (size_t)-LZ4F_ERROR_dstMaxSize_tooSmall;
+    errorCode = LZ4F_compressBegin(&cctxI, dstBuffer, dstMaxSize, &prefs);  /* write header */
+    if (LZ4F_isError(errorCode)) return errorCode;
+    dstPtr += errorCode;   /* header size */
+    errorCode = LZ4F_compressUpdate(&cctxI, dstPtr, dstEnd-dstPtr, srcBuffer, srcSize, &options);
+    if (LZ4F_isError(errorCode)) return errorCode;
+    dstPtr += errorCode;
+    errorCode = LZ4F_compressEnd(&cctxI, dstPtr, dstEnd-dstPtr, &options);   /* flush last block, and generate suffix */
+    if (LZ4F_isError(errorCode)) return errorCode;
+    dstPtr += errorCode;
+    if (prefs.compressionLevel >= (int)minHClevel)   /* no allocation necessary with lz4 fast */
+        FREEMEM(cctxI.lz4CtxPtr);
+    return (dstPtr - dstStart);
+*  Advanced compression functions
+/* LZ4F_createCompressionContext() :
+* The first thing to do is to create a compressionContext object, which will be used in all compression operations.
+* This is achieved using LZ4F_createCompressionContext(), which takes as argument a version and an LZ4F_preferences_t structure.
+* The version provided MUST be LZ4F_VERSION. It is intended to track potential version differences between different binaries.
+* The function will provide a pointer to an allocated LZ4F_compressionContext_t object.
+* If the result LZ4F_errorCode_t is not OK_NoError, there was an error during context creation.
+* Object can release its memory using LZ4F_freeCompressionContext();
+LZ4F_errorCode_t LZ4F_createCompressionContext(LZ4F_compressionContext_t* LZ4F_compressionContextPtr, unsigned version)
+    LZ4F_cctx_t* cctxPtr;
+    cctxPtr = (LZ4F_cctx_t*)ALLOCATOR(sizeof(LZ4F_cctx_t));
+    if (cctxPtr==NULL) return (LZ4F_errorCode_t)(-LZ4F_ERROR_allocation_failed);
+    cctxPtr->version = version;
+    cctxPtr->cStage = 0;   /* Next stage : write header */
+    *LZ4F_compressionContextPtr = (LZ4F_compressionContext_t)cctxPtr;
+    return LZ4F_OK_NoError;
+LZ4F_errorCode_t LZ4F_freeCompressionContext(LZ4F_compressionContext_t LZ4F_compressionContext)
+    LZ4F_cctx_t* cctxPtr = (LZ4F_cctx_t*)LZ4F_compressionContext;
+    if (cctxPtr != NULL)   /* null pointers can be safely provided to this function, like free() */
+    {
+       FREEMEM(cctxPtr->lz4CtxPtr);
+       FREEMEM(cctxPtr->tmpBuff);
+       FREEMEM(LZ4F_compressionContext);
+    }
+    return LZ4F_OK_NoError;
+/* LZ4F_compressBegin() :
+* will write the frame header into dstBuffer.
+* dstBuffer must be large enough to accommodate a header (dstMaxSize). Maximum header size is LZ4F_MAXHEADERFRAME_SIZE bytes.
+* The result of the function is the number of bytes written into dstBuffer for the header
+* or an error code (can be tested using LZ4F_isError())
+size_t LZ4F_compressBegin(LZ4F_compressionContext_t compressionContext, void* dstBuffer, size_t dstMaxSize, const LZ4F_preferences_t* preferencesPtr)
+    LZ4F_preferences_t prefNull;
+    LZ4F_cctx_t* cctxPtr = (LZ4F_cctx_t*)compressionContext;
+    BYTE* const dstStart = (BYTE*)dstBuffer;
+    BYTE* dstPtr = dstStart;
+    BYTE* headerStart;
+    size_t requiredBuffSize;
+    if (dstMaxSize < maxFHSize) return (size_t)-LZ4F_ERROR_dstMaxSize_tooSmall;
+    if (cctxPtr->cStage != 0) return (size_t)-LZ4F_ERROR_GENERIC;
+    memset(&prefNull, 0, sizeof(prefNull));
+    if (preferencesPtr == NULL) preferencesPtr = &prefNull;
+    cctxPtr->prefs = *preferencesPtr;
+    /* ctx Management */
+    {
+        U32 tableID = (cctxPtr->prefs.compressionLevel < minHClevel) ? 1 : 2;  /* 0:nothing ; 1:LZ4 table ; 2:HC tables */
+        if (cctxPtr->lz4CtxLevel < tableID)
+        {
+            FREEMEM(cctxPtr->lz4CtxPtr);
+            if (cctxPtr->prefs.compressionLevel < minHClevel)
+                cctxPtr->lz4CtxPtr = (void*)LZ4_createStream();
+            else
+                cctxPtr->lz4CtxPtr = (void*)LZ4_createStreamHC();
+            cctxPtr->lz4CtxLevel = tableID;
+        }
+    }
+    /* Buffer Management */
+    if (cctxPtr->prefs.frameInfo.blockSizeID == 0) cctxPtr->prefs.frameInfo.blockSizeID = LZ4F_BLOCKSIZEID_DEFAULT;
+    cctxPtr->maxBlockSize = LZ4F_getBlockSize(cctxPtr->prefs.frameInfo.blockSizeID);
+    requiredBuffSize = cctxPtr->maxBlockSize + ((cctxPtr->prefs.frameInfo.blockMode == LZ4F_blockLinked) * 128 KB);
+    if (preferencesPtr->autoFlush)
+        requiredBuffSize = (cctxPtr->prefs.frameInfo.blockMode == LZ4F_blockLinked) * 64 KB;   /* just needs dict */
+    if (cctxPtr->maxBufferSize < requiredBuffSize)
+    {
+        cctxPtr->maxBufferSize = requiredBuffSize;
+        FREEMEM(cctxPtr->tmpBuff);
+        cctxPtr->tmpBuff = (BYTE*)ALLOCATOR(requiredBuffSize);
+        if (cctxPtr->tmpBuff == NULL) return (size_t)-LZ4F_ERROR_allocation_failed;
+    }
+    cctxPtr->tmpIn = cctxPtr->tmpBuff;
+    cctxPtr->tmpInSize = 0;
+    XXH32_reset(&(cctxPtr->xxh), 0);
+    if (cctxPtr->prefs.compressionLevel < minHClevel)
+        LZ4_resetStream((LZ4_stream_t*)(cctxPtr->lz4CtxPtr));
+    else
+        LZ4_resetStreamHC((LZ4_streamHC_t*)(cctxPtr->lz4CtxPtr), cctxPtr->prefs.compressionLevel);
+    /* Magic Number */
+    LZ4F_writeLE32(dstPtr, LZ4F_MAGICNUMBER);
+    dstPtr += 4;
+    headerStart = dstPtr;
+    /* FLG Byte */
+    *dstPtr++ = (BYTE)(((1 & _2BITS) << 6)    /* Version('01') */
+        + ((cctxPtr->prefs.frameInfo.blockMode & _1BIT ) << 5)    /* Block mode */
+        + ((cctxPtr->prefs.frameInfo.contentChecksumFlag & _1BIT ) << 2)   /* Frame checksum */
+        + ((cctxPtr->prefs.frameInfo.contentSize > 0) << 3));   /* Frame content size */
+    /* BD Byte */
+    *dstPtr++ = (BYTE)((cctxPtr->prefs.frameInfo.blockSizeID & _3BITS) << 4);
+    /* Optional Frame content size field */
+    if (cctxPtr->prefs.frameInfo.contentSize)
+    {
+        LZ4F_writeLE64(dstPtr, cctxPtr->prefs.frameInfo.contentSize);
+        dstPtr += 8;
+        cctxPtr->totalInSize = 0;
+    }
+    /* CRC Byte */
+    *dstPtr = LZ4F_headerChecksum(headerStart, dstPtr - headerStart);
+    dstPtr++;
+    cctxPtr->cStage = 1;   /* header written, now request input data block */
+    return (dstPtr - dstStart);
+/* LZ4F_compressBound() : gives the size of Dst buffer given a srcSize to handle worst case situations.
+*                        The LZ4F_frameInfo_t structure is optional :
+*                        you can provide NULL as argument, preferences will then be set to cover worst case situations.
+* */
+size_t LZ4F_compressBound(size_t srcSize, const LZ4F_preferences_t* preferencesPtr)
+    LZ4F_preferences_t prefsNull;
+    memset(&prefsNull, 0, sizeof(prefsNull));
+    prefsNull.frameInfo.contentChecksumFlag = LZ4F_contentChecksumEnabled;   /* worst case */
+    {
+        const LZ4F_preferences_t* prefsPtr = (preferencesPtr==NULL) ? &prefsNull : preferencesPtr;
+        LZ4F_blockSizeID_t bid = prefsPtr->frameInfo.blockSizeID;
+        size_t blockSize = LZ4F_getBlockSize(bid);
+        unsigned nbBlocks = (unsigned)(srcSize / blockSize) + 1;
+        size_t lastBlockSize = prefsPtr->autoFlush ? srcSize % blockSize : blockSize;
+        size_t blockInfo = 4;   /* default, without block CRC option */
+        size_t frameEnd = 4 + (prefsPtr->frameInfo.contentChecksumFlag*4);
+        return (blockInfo * nbBlocks) + (blockSize * (nbBlocks-1)) + lastBlockSize + frameEnd;;
+    }
+typedef int (*compressFunc_t)(void* ctx, const char* src, char* dst, int srcSize, int dstSize, int level);
+static size_t LZ4F_compressBlock(void* dst, const void* src, size_t srcSize, compressFunc_t compress, void* lz4ctx, int level)
+    /* compress one block */
+    BYTE* cSizePtr = (BYTE*)dst;
+    U32 cSize;
+    cSize = (U32)compress(lz4ctx, (const char*)src, (char*)(cSizePtr+4), (int)(srcSize), (int)(srcSize-1), level);
+    LZ4F_writeLE32(cSizePtr, cSize);
+    if (cSize == 0)   /* compression failed */
+    {
+        cSize = (U32)srcSize;
+        LZ4F_writeLE32(cSizePtr, cSize + LZ4F_BLOCKUNCOMPRESSED_FLAG);
+        memcpy(cSizePtr+4, src, srcSize);
+    }
+    return cSize + 4;
+static int LZ4F_localLZ4_compress_limitedOutput_withState(void* ctx, const char* src, char* dst, int srcSize, int dstSize, int level)
+    (void) level;
+    return LZ4_compress_limitedOutput_withState(ctx, src, dst, srcSize, dstSize);
+static int LZ4F_localLZ4_compress_limitedOutput_continue(void* ctx, const char* src, char* dst, int srcSize, int dstSize, int level)
+    (void) level;
+    return LZ4_compress_limitedOutput_continue((LZ4_stream_t*)ctx, src, dst, srcSize, dstSize);
+static int LZ4F_localLZ4_compressHC_limitedOutput_continue(void* ctx, const char* src, char* dst, int srcSize, int dstSize, int level)
+    (void) level;
+    return LZ4_compress_HC_continue((LZ4_streamHC_t*)ctx, src, dst, srcSize, dstSize);
+static compressFunc_t LZ4F_selectCompression(LZ4F_blockMode_t blockMode, int level)
+    if (level < minHClevel)
+    {
+        if (blockMode == LZ4F_blockIndependent) return LZ4F_localLZ4_compress_limitedOutput_withState;
+        return LZ4F_localLZ4_compress_limitedOutput_continue;
+    }
+    if (blockMode == LZ4F_blockIndependent) return LZ4_compress_HC_extStateHC;
+    return LZ4F_localLZ4_compressHC_limitedOutput_continue;
+static int LZ4F_localSaveDict(LZ4F_cctx_t* cctxPtr)
+    if (cctxPtr->prefs.compressionLevel < minHClevel)
+        return LZ4_saveDict ((LZ4_stream_t*)(cctxPtr->lz4CtxPtr), (char*)(cctxPtr->tmpBuff), 64 KB);
+    return LZ4_saveDictHC ((LZ4_streamHC_t*)(cctxPtr->lz4CtxPtr), (char*)(cctxPtr->tmpBuff), 64 KB);
+typedef enum { notDone, fromTmpBuffer, fromSrcBuffer } LZ4F_lastBlockStatus;
+/* LZ4F_compressUpdate()
+* LZ4F_compressUpdate() can be called repetitively to compress as much data as necessary.
+* The most important rule is that dstBuffer MUST be large enough (dstMaxSize) to ensure compression completion even in worst case.
+* If this condition is not respected, LZ4F_compress() will fail (result is an errorCode)
+* You can get the minimum value of dstMaxSize by using LZ4F_compressBound()
+* The LZ4F_compressOptions_t structure is optional : you can provide NULL as argument.
+* The result of the function is the number of bytes written into dstBuffer : it can be zero, meaning input data was just buffered.
+* The function outputs an error code if it fails (can be tested using LZ4F_isError())
+size_t LZ4F_compressUpdate(LZ4F_compressionContext_t compressionContext, void* dstBuffer, size_t dstMaxSize, const void* srcBuffer, size_t srcSize, const LZ4F_compressOptions_t* compressOptionsPtr)
+    LZ4F_compressOptions_t cOptionsNull;
+    LZ4F_cctx_t* cctxPtr = (LZ4F_cctx_t*)compressionContext;
+    size_t blockSize = cctxPtr->maxBlockSize;
+    const BYTE* srcPtr = (const BYTE*)srcBuffer;
+    const BYTE* const srcEnd = srcPtr + srcSize;
+    BYTE* const dstStart = (BYTE*)dstBuffer;
+    BYTE* dstPtr = dstStart;
+    LZ4F_lastBlockStatus lastBlockCompressed = notDone;
+    compressFunc_t compress;
+    if (cctxPtr->cStage != 1) return (size_t)-LZ4F_ERROR_GENERIC;
+    if (dstMaxSize < LZ4F_compressBound(srcSize, &(cctxPtr->prefs))) return (size_t)-LZ4F_ERROR_dstMaxSize_tooSmall;
+    memset(&cOptionsNull, 0, sizeof(cOptionsNull));
+    if (compressOptionsPtr == NULL) compressOptionsPtr = &cOptionsNull;
+    /* select compression function */
+    compress = LZ4F_selectCompression(cctxPtr->prefs.frameInfo.blockMode, cctxPtr->prefs.compressionLevel);
+    /* complete tmp buffer */
+    if (cctxPtr->tmpInSize > 0)   /* some data already within tmp buffer */
+    {
+        size_t sizeToCopy = blockSize - cctxPtr->tmpInSize;
+        if (sizeToCopy > srcSize)
+        {
+            /* add src to tmpIn buffer */
+            memcpy(cctxPtr->tmpIn + cctxPtr->tmpInSize, srcBuffer, srcSize);
+            srcPtr = srcEnd;
+            cctxPtr->tmpInSize += srcSize;
+            /* still needs some CRC */
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            /* complete tmpIn block and then compress it */
+            lastBlockCompressed = fromTmpBuffer;
+            memcpy(cctxPtr->tmpIn + cctxPtr->tmpInSize, srcBuffer, sizeToCopy);
+            srcPtr += sizeToCopy;
+            dstPtr += LZ4F_compressBlock(dstPtr, cctxPtr->tmpIn, blockSize, compress, cctxPtr->lz4CtxPtr, cctxPtr->prefs.compressionLevel);
+            if (cctxPtr->prefs.frameInfo.blockMode==LZ4F_blockLinked) cctxPtr->tmpIn += blockSize;
+            cctxPtr->tmpInSize = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    while ((size_t)(srcEnd - srcPtr) >= blockSize)
+    {
+        /* compress full block */
+        lastBlockCompressed = fromSrcBuffer;
+        dstPtr += LZ4F_compressBlock(dstPtr, srcPtr, blockSize, compress, cctxPtr->lz4CtxPtr, cctxPtr->prefs.compressionLevel);
+        srcPtr += blockSize;
+    }
+    if ((cctxPtr->prefs.autoFlush) && (srcPtr < srcEnd))
+    {
+        /* compress remaining input < blockSize */
+        lastBlockCompressed = fromSrcBuffer;
+        dstPtr += LZ4F_compressBlock(dstPtr, srcPtr, srcEnd - srcPtr, compress, cctxPtr->lz4CtxPtr, cctxPtr->prefs.compressionLevel);
+        srcPtr  = srcEnd;
+    }
+    /* preserve dictionary if necessary */
+    if ((cctxPtr->prefs.frameInfo.blockMode==LZ4F_blockLinked) && (lastBlockCompressed==fromSrcBuffer))
+    {
+        if (compressOptionsPtr->stableSrc)
+        {
+            cctxPtr->tmpIn = cctxPtr->tmpBuff;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            int realDictSize = LZ4F_localSaveDict(cctxPtr);
+            if (realDictSize==0) return (size_t)-LZ4F_ERROR_GENERIC;
+            cctxPtr->tmpIn = cctxPtr->tmpBuff + realDictSize;
+        }
+    }
+    /* keep tmpIn within limits */
+    if ((cctxPtr->tmpIn + blockSize) > (cctxPtr->tmpBuff + cctxPtr->maxBufferSize)   /* necessarily LZ4F_blockLinked && lastBlockCompressed==fromTmpBuffer */
+        && !(cctxPtr->prefs.autoFlush))
+    {
+        int realDictSize = LZ4F_localSaveDict(cctxPtr);
+        cctxPtr->tmpIn = cctxPtr->tmpBuff + realDictSize;
+    }
+    /* some input data left, necessarily < blockSize */
+    if (srcPtr < srcEnd)
+    {
+        /* fill tmp buffer */
+        size_t sizeToCopy = srcEnd - srcPtr;
+        memcpy(cctxPtr->tmpIn, srcPtr, sizeToCopy);
+        cctxPtr->tmpInSize = sizeToCopy;
+    }
+    if (cctxPtr->prefs.frameInfo.contentChecksumFlag == LZ4F_contentChecksumEnabled)
+        XXH32_update(&(cctxPtr->xxh), srcBuffer, srcSize);
+    cctxPtr->totalInSize += srcSize;
+    return dstPtr - dstStart;
+/* LZ4F_flush()
+* Should you need to create compressed data immediately, without waiting for a block to be filled,
+* you can call LZ4_flush(), which will immediately compress any remaining data stored within compressionContext.
+* The result of the function is the number of bytes written into dstBuffer
+* (it can be zero, this means there was no data left within compressionContext)
+* The function outputs an error code if it fails (can be tested using LZ4F_isError())
+* The LZ4F_compressOptions_t structure is optional : you can provide NULL as argument.
+size_t LZ4F_flush(LZ4F_compressionContext_t compressionContext, void* dstBuffer, size_t dstMaxSize, const LZ4F_compressOptions_t* compressOptionsPtr)
+    LZ4F_cctx_t* cctxPtr = (LZ4F_cctx_t*)compressionContext;
+    BYTE* const dstStart = (BYTE*)dstBuffer;
+    BYTE* dstPtr = dstStart;
+    compressFunc_t compress;
+    if (cctxPtr->tmpInSize == 0) return 0;   /* nothing to flush */
+    if (cctxPtr->cStage != 1) return (size_t)-LZ4F_ERROR_GENERIC;
+    if (dstMaxSize < (cctxPtr->tmpInSize + 8)) return (size_t)-LZ4F_ERROR_dstMaxSize_tooSmall;   /* +8 : block header(4) + block checksum(4) */
+    (void)compressOptionsPtr;   /* not yet useful */
+    /* select compression function */
+    compress = LZ4F_selectCompression(cctxPtr->prefs.frameInfo.blockMode, cctxPtr->prefs.compressionLevel);
+    /* compress tmp buffer */
+    dstPtr += LZ4F_compressBlock(dstPtr, cctxPtr->tmpIn, cctxPtr->tmpInSize, compress, cctxPtr->lz4CtxPtr, cctxPtr->prefs.compressionLevel);
+    if (cctxPtr->prefs.frameInfo.blockMode==LZ4F_blockLinked) cctxPtr->tmpIn += cctxPtr->tmpInSize;
+    cctxPtr->tmpInSize = 0;
+    /* keep tmpIn within limits */
+    if ((cctxPtr->tmpIn + cctxPtr->maxBlockSize) > (cctxPtr->tmpBuff + cctxPtr->maxBufferSize))   /* necessarily LZ4F_blockLinked */
+    {
+        int realDictSize = LZ4F_localSaveDict(cctxPtr);
+        cctxPtr->tmpIn = cctxPtr->tmpBuff + realDictSize;
+    }
+    return dstPtr - dstStart;
+/* LZ4F_compressEnd()
+* When you want to properly finish the compressed frame, just call LZ4F_compressEnd().
+* It will flush whatever data remained within compressionContext (like LZ4_flush())
+* but also properly finalize the frame, with an endMark and a checksum.
+* The result of the function is the number of bytes written into dstBuffer (necessarily >= 4 (endMark size))
+* The function outputs an error code if it fails (can be tested using LZ4F_isError())
+* The LZ4F_compressOptions_t structure is optional : you can provide NULL as argument.
+* compressionContext can then be used again, starting with LZ4F_compressBegin(). The preferences will remain the same.
+size_t LZ4F_compressEnd(LZ4F_compressionContext_t compressionContext, void* dstBuffer, size_t dstMaxSize, const LZ4F_compressOptions_t* compressOptionsPtr)
+    LZ4F_cctx_t* cctxPtr = (LZ4F_cctx_t*)compressionContext;
+    BYTE* const dstStart = (BYTE*)dstBuffer;
+    BYTE* dstPtr = dstStart;
+    size_t errorCode;
+    errorCode = LZ4F_flush(compressionContext, dstBuffer, dstMaxSize, compressOptionsPtr);
+    if (LZ4F_isError(errorCode)) return errorCode;
+    dstPtr += errorCode;
+    LZ4F_writeLE32(dstPtr, 0);
+    dstPtr+=4;   /* endMark */
+    if (cctxPtr->prefs.frameInfo.contentChecksumFlag == LZ4F_contentChecksumEnabled)
+    {
+        U32 xxh = XXH32_digest(&(cctxPtr->xxh));
+        LZ4F_writeLE32(dstPtr, xxh);
+        dstPtr+=4;   /* content Checksum */
+    }
+    cctxPtr->cStage = 0;   /* state is now re-usable (with identical preferences) */
+    if (cctxPtr->prefs.frameInfo.contentSize)
+    {
+        if (cctxPtr->prefs.frameInfo.contentSize != cctxPtr->totalInSize)
+            return (size_t)-LZ4F_ERROR_frameSize_wrong;
+    }
+    return dstPtr - dstStart;
+*  Decompression functions
+/* Resource management */
+/* LZ4F_createDecompressionContext() :
+* The first thing to do is to create a decompressionContext object, which will be used in all decompression operations.
+* This is achieved using LZ4F_createDecompressionContext().
+* The function will provide a pointer to a fully allocated and initialized LZ4F_decompressionContext object.
+* If the result LZ4F_errorCode_t is not zero, there was an error during context creation.
+* Object can release its memory using LZ4F_freeDecompressionContext();
+LZ4F_errorCode_t LZ4F_createDecompressionContext(LZ4F_decompressionContext_t* LZ4F_decompressionContextPtr, unsigned versionNumber)
+    LZ4F_dctx_t* dctxPtr;
+    dctxPtr = (LZ4F_dctx_t*)ALLOCATOR(sizeof(LZ4F_dctx_t));
+    if (dctxPtr==NULL) return (LZ4F_errorCode_t)-LZ4F_ERROR_GENERIC;
+    dctxPtr->version = versionNumber;
+    *LZ4F_decompressionContextPtr = (LZ4F_decompressionContext_t)dctxPtr;
+    return LZ4F_OK_NoError;
+LZ4F_errorCode_t LZ4F_freeDecompressionContext(LZ4F_decompressionContext_t LZ4F_decompressionContext)
+    LZ4F_errorCode_t result = LZ4F_OK_NoError;
+    LZ4F_dctx_t* dctxPtr = (LZ4F_dctx_t*)LZ4F_decompressionContext;
+    if (dctxPtr != NULL)   /* can accept NULL input, like free() */
+    {
+      result = (LZ4F_errorCode_t)dctxPtr->dStage;
+      FREEMEM(dctxPtr->tmpIn);
+      FREEMEM(dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer);
+      FREEMEM(dctxPtr);
+    }
+    return result;
+/* ******************************************************************** */
+/* ********************* Decompression ******************************** */
+/* ******************************************************************** */
+typedef enum { dstage_getHeader=0, dstage_storeHeader,
+    dstage_getCBlockSize, dstage_storeCBlockSize,
+    dstage_copyDirect,
+    dstage_getCBlock, dstage_storeCBlock,
+    dstage_decodeCBlock, dstage_decodeCBlock_intoDst,
+    dstage_decodeCBlock_intoTmp, dstage_flushOut,
+    dstage_getSuffix, dstage_storeSuffix,
+    dstage_getSFrameSize, dstage_storeSFrameSize,
+    dstage_skipSkippable
+} dStage_t;
+/* LZ4F_decodeHeader
+   return : nb Bytes read from srcVoidPtr (necessarily <= srcSize)
+            or an error code (testable with LZ4F_isError())
+   output : set internal values of dctx, such as
+            dctxPtr->frameInfo and dctxPtr->dStage.
+   input  : srcVoidPtr points at the **beginning of the frame**
+static size_t LZ4F_decodeHeader(LZ4F_dctx_t* dctxPtr, const void* srcVoidPtr, size_t srcSize)
+    BYTE FLG, BD, HC;
+    unsigned version, blockMode, blockChecksumFlag, contentSizeFlag, contentChecksumFlag, blockSizeID;
+    size_t bufferNeeded;
+    size_t frameHeaderSize;
+    const BYTE* srcPtr = (const BYTE*)srcVoidPtr;
+    /* need to decode header to get frameInfo */
+    if (srcSize < minFHSize) return (size_t)-LZ4F_ERROR_frameHeader_incomplete;   /* minimal frame header size */
+    memset(&(dctxPtr->frameInfo), 0, sizeof(dctxPtr->frameInfo));
+    /* special case : skippable frames */
+    if ((LZ4F_readLE32(srcPtr) & 0xFFFFFFF0U) == LZ4F_MAGIC_SKIPPABLE_START)
+    {
+        dctxPtr->frameInfo.frameType = LZ4F_skippableFrame;
+        if (srcVoidPtr == (void*)(dctxPtr->header))
+        {
+            dctxPtr->tmpInSize = srcSize;
+            dctxPtr->tmpInTarget = 8;
+            dctxPtr->dStage = dstage_storeSFrameSize;
+            return srcSize;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            dctxPtr->dStage = dstage_getSFrameSize;
+            return 4;
+        }
+    }
+    /* control magic number */
+    if (LZ4F_readLE32(srcPtr) != LZ4F_MAGICNUMBER) return (size_t)-LZ4F_ERROR_frameType_unknown;
+    dctxPtr->frameInfo.frameType = LZ4F_frame;
+    /* Flags */
+    FLG = srcPtr[4];
+    version = (FLG>>6) & _2BITS;
+    blockMode = (FLG>>5) & _1BIT;
+    blockChecksumFlag = (FLG>>4) & _1BIT;
+    contentSizeFlag = (FLG>>3) & _1BIT;
+    contentChecksumFlag = (FLG>>2) & _1BIT;
+    /* Frame Header Size */
+    frameHeaderSize = contentSizeFlag ? maxFHSize : minFHSize;
+    if (srcSize < frameHeaderSize)
+    {
+        /* not enough input to fully decode frame header */
+        if (srcPtr != dctxPtr->header)
+            memcpy(dctxPtr->header, srcPtr, srcSize);
+        dctxPtr->tmpInSize = srcSize;
+        dctxPtr->tmpInTarget = frameHeaderSize;
+        dctxPtr->dStage = dstage_storeHeader;
+        return srcSize;
+    }
+    BD = srcPtr[5];
+    blockSizeID = (BD>>4) & _3BITS;
+    /* validate */
+    if (version != 1) return (size_t)-LZ4F_ERROR_headerVersion_wrong;        /* Version Number, only supported value */
+    if (blockChecksumFlag != 0) return (size_t)-LZ4F_ERROR_blockChecksum_unsupported; /* Not supported for the time being */
+    if (((FLG>>0)&_2BITS) != 0) return (size_t)-LZ4F_ERROR_reservedFlag_set; /* Reserved bits */
+    if (((BD>>7)&_1BIT) != 0) return (size_t)-LZ4F_ERROR_reservedFlag_set;   /* Reserved bit */
+    if (blockSizeID < 4) return (size_t)-LZ4F_ERROR_maxBlockSize_invalid;    /* 4-7 only supported values for the time being */
+    if (((BD>>0)&_4BITS) != 0) return (size_t)-LZ4F_ERROR_reservedFlag_set;  /* Reserved bits */
+    /* check */
+    HC = LZ4F_headerChecksum(srcPtr+4, frameHeaderSize-5);
+    if (HC != srcPtr[frameHeaderSize-1]) return (size_t)-LZ4F_ERROR_headerChecksum_invalid;   /* Bad header checksum error */
+    /* save */
+    dctxPtr->frameInfo.blockMode = (LZ4F_blockMode_t)blockMode;
+    dctxPtr->frameInfo.contentChecksumFlag = (LZ4F_contentChecksum_t)contentChecksumFlag;
+    dctxPtr->frameInfo.blockSizeID = (LZ4F_blockSizeID_t)blockSizeID;
+    dctxPtr->maxBlockSize = LZ4F_getBlockSize(blockSizeID);
+    if (contentSizeFlag)
+        dctxPtr->frameRemainingSize = dctxPtr->frameInfo.contentSize = LZ4F_readLE64(srcPtr+6);
+    /* init */
+    if (contentChecksumFlag) XXH32_reset(&(dctxPtr->xxh), 0);
+    /* alloc */
+    bufferNeeded = dctxPtr->maxBlockSize + ((dctxPtr->frameInfo.blockMode==LZ4F_blockLinked) * 128 KB);
+    if (bufferNeeded > dctxPtr->maxBufferSize)   /* tmp buffers too small */
+    {
+        FREEMEM(dctxPtr->tmpIn);
+        FREEMEM(dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer);
+        dctxPtr->maxBufferSize = bufferNeeded;
+        dctxPtr->tmpIn = (BYTE*)ALLOCATOR(dctxPtr->maxBlockSize);
+        if (dctxPtr->tmpIn == NULL) return (size_t)-LZ4F_ERROR_GENERIC;
+        dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer= (BYTE*)ALLOCATOR(dctxPtr->maxBufferSize);
+        if (dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer== NULL) return (size_t)-LZ4F_ERROR_GENERIC;
+    }
+    dctxPtr->tmpInSize = 0;
+    dctxPtr->tmpInTarget = 0;
+    dctxPtr->dict = dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer;
+    dctxPtr->dictSize = 0;
+    dctxPtr->tmpOut = dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer;
+    dctxPtr->tmpOutStart = 0;
+    dctxPtr->tmpOutSize = 0;
+    dctxPtr->dStage = dstage_getCBlockSize;
+    return frameHeaderSize;
+/* LZ4F_getFrameInfo()
+* This function decodes frame header information, such as blockSize.
+* It is optional : you could start by calling directly LZ4F_decompress() instead.
+* The objective is to extract header information without starting decompression, typically for allocation purposes.
+* LZ4F_getFrameInfo() can also be used *after* starting decompression, on a valid LZ4F_decompressionContext_t.
+* The number of bytes read from srcBuffer will be provided within *srcSizePtr (necessarily <= original value).
+* You are expected to resume decompression from where it stopped (srcBuffer + *srcSizePtr)
+* The function result is an hint of the better srcSize to use for next call to LZ4F_decompress,
+* or an error code which can be tested using LZ4F_isError().
+LZ4F_errorCode_t LZ4F_getFrameInfo(LZ4F_decompressionContext_t dCtx, LZ4F_frameInfo_t* frameInfoPtr,
+                                   const void* srcBuffer, size_t* srcSizePtr)
+    LZ4F_dctx_t* dctxPtr = (LZ4F_dctx_t*)dCtx;
+    if (dctxPtr->dStage > dstage_storeHeader)   /* note : requires dstage_* header related to be at beginning of enum */
+    {
+        size_t o=0, i=0;
+        /* frameInfo already decoded */
+        *srcSizePtr = 0;
+        *frameInfoPtr = dctxPtr->frameInfo;
+        return LZ4F_decompress(dCtx, NULL, &o, NULL, &i, NULL);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        size_t o=0;
+        size_t nextSrcSize = LZ4F_decompress(dCtx, NULL, &o, srcBuffer, srcSizePtr, NULL);
+        if (dctxPtr->dStage <= dstage_storeHeader)   /* note : requires dstage_* header related to be at beginning of enum */
+            return (size_t)-LZ4F_ERROR_frameHeader_incomplete;
+        *frameInfoPtr = dctxPtr->frameInfo;
+        return nextSrcSize;
+    }
+/* trivial redirector, for common prototype */
+static int LZ4F_decompress_safe (const char* source, char* dest, int compressedSize, int maxDecompressedSize, const char* dictStart, int dictSize)
+    (void)dictStart; (void)dictSize;
+    return LZ4_decompress_safe (source, dest, compressedSize, maxDecompressedSize);
+static void LZ4F_updateDict(LZ4F_dctx_t* dctxPtr, const BYTE* dstPtr, size_t dstSize, const BYTE* dstPtr0, unsigned withinTmp)
+    if (dctxPtr->dictSize==0)
+        dctxPtr->dict = (const BYTE*)dstPtr;   /* priority to dictionary continuity */
+    if (dctxPtr->dict + dctxPtr->dictSize == dstPtr)   /* dictionary continuity */
+    {
+        dctxPtr->dictSize += dstSize;
+        return;
+    }
+    if (dstPtr - dstPtr0 + dstSize >= 64 KB)   /* dstBuffer large enough to become dictionary */
+    {
+        dctxPtr->dict = (const BYTE*)dstPtr0;
+        dctxPtr->dictSize = dstPtr - dstPtr0 + dstSize;
+        return;
+    }
+    if ((withinTmp) && (dctxPtr->dict == dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer))
+    {
+        /* assumption : dctxPtr->dict + dctxPtr->dictSize == dctxPtr->tmpOut + dctxPtr->tmpOutStart */
+        dctxPtr->dictSize += dstSize;
+        return;
+    }
+    if (withinTmp) /* copy relevant dict portion in front of tmpOut within tmpOutBuffer */
+    {
+        size_t preserveSize = dctxPtr->tmpOut - dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer;
+        size_t copySize = 64 KB - dctxPtr->tmpOutSize;
+        const BYTE* oldDictEnd = dctxPtr->dict + dctxPtr->dictSize - dctxPtr->tmpOutStart;
+        if (dctxPtr->tmpOutSize > 64 KB) copySize = 0;
+        if (copySize > preserveSize) copySize = preserveSize;
+        memcpy(dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer + preserveSize - copySize, oldDictEnd - copySize, copySize);
+        dctxPtr->dict = dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer;
+        dctxPtr->dictSize = preserveSize + dctxPtr->tmpOutStart + dstSize;
+        return;
+    }
+    if (dctxPtr->dict == dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer)     /* copy dst into tmp to complete dict */
+    {
+        if (dctxPtr->dictSize + dstSize > dctxPtr->maxBufferSize)   /* tmp buffer not large enough */
+        {
+            size_t preserveSize = 64 KB - dstSize;   /* note : dstSize < 64 KB */
+            memcpy(dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer, dctxPtr->dict + dctxPtr->dictSize - preserveSize, preserveSize);
+            dctxPtr->dictSize = preserveSize;
+        }
+        memcpy(dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer + dctxPtr->dictSize, dstPtr, dstSize);
+        dctxPtr->dictSize += dstSize;
+        return;
+    }
+    /* join dict & dest into tmp */
+    {
+        size_t preserveSize = 64 KB - dstSize;   /* note : dstSize < 64 KB */
+        if (preserveSize > dctxPtr->dictSize) preserveSize = dctxPtr->dictSize;
+        memcpy(dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer, dctxPtr->dict + dctxPtr->dictSize - preserveSize, preserveSize);
+        memcpy(dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer + preserveSize, dstPtr, dstSize);
+        dctxPtr->dict = dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer;
+        dctxPtr->dictSize = preserveSize + dstSize;
+    }
+/* LZ4F_decompress()
+* Call this function repetitively to regenerate data compressed within srcBuffer.
+* The function will attempt to decode *srcSizePtr from srcBuffer, into dstBuffer of maximum size *dstSizePtr.
+* The number of bytes regenerated into dstBuffer will be provided within *dstSizePtr (necessarily <= original value).
+* The number of bytes effectively read from srcBuffer will be provided within *srcSizePtr (necessarily <= original value).
+* If the number of bytes read is < number of bytes provided, then the decompression operation is not complete.
+* You will have to call it again, continuing from where it stopped.
+* The function result is an hint of the better srcSize to use for next call to LZ4F_decompress.
+* Basically, it's the size of the current (or remaining) compressed block + header of next block.
+* Respecting the hint provides some boost to performance, since it allows less buffer shuffling.
+* Note that this is just a hint, you can always provide any srcSize you want.
+* When a frame is fully decoded, the function result will be 0.
+* If decompression failed, function result is an error code which can be tested using LZ4F_isError().
+size_t LZ4F_decompress(LZ4F_decompressionContext_t decompressionContext,
+                       void* dstBuffer, size_t* dstSizePtr,
+                       const void* srcBuffer, size_t* srcSizePtr,
+                       const LZ4F_decompressOptions_t* decompressOptionsPtr)
+    LZ4F_dctx_t* dctxPtr = (LZ4F_dctx_t*)decompressionContext;
+    LZ4F_decompressOptions_t optionsNull;
+    const BYTE* const srcStart = (const BYTE*)srcBuffer;
+    const BYTE* const srcEnd = srcStart + *srcSizePtr;
+    const BYTE* srcPtr = srcStart;
+    BYTE* const dstStart = (BYTE*)dstBuffer;
+    BYTE* const dstEnd = dstStart + *dstSizePtr;
+    BYTE* dstPtr = dstStart;
+    const BYTE* selectedIn = NULL;
+    unsigned doAnotherStage = 1;
+    size_t nextSrcSizeHint = 1;
+    memset(&optionsNull, 0, sizeof(optionsNull));
+    if (decompressOptionsPtr==NULL) decompressOptionsPtr = &optionsNull;
+    *srcSizePtr = 0;
+    *dstSizePtr = 0;
+    /* expect to continue decoding src buffer where it left previously */
+    if (dctxPtr->srcExpect != NULL)
+    {
+        if (srcStart != dctxPtr->srcExpect) return (size_t)-LZ4F_ERROR_srcPtr_wrong;
+    }
+    /* programmed as a state machine */
+    while (doAnotherStage)
+    {
+        switch(dctxPtr->dStage)
+        {
+        case dstage_getHeader:
+            {
+                if ((size_t)(srcEnd-srcPtr) >= maxFHSize)   /* enough to decode - shortcut */
+                {
+                    LZ4F_errorCode_t errorCode = LZ4F_decodeHeader(dctxPtr, srcPtr, srcEnd-srcPtr);
+                    if (LZ4F_isError(errorCode)) return errorCode;
+                    srcPtr += errorCode;
+                    break;
+                }
+                dctxPtr->tmpInSize = 0;
+                dctxPtr->tmpInTarget = minFHSize;   /* minimum to attempt decode */
+                dctxPtr->dStage = dstage_storeHeader;
+            }
+        case dstage_storeHeader:
+            {
+                size_t sizeToCopy = dctxPtr->tmpInTarget - dctxPtr->tmpInSize;
+                if (sizeToCopy > (size_t)(srcEnd - srcPtr)) sizeToCopy =  srcEnd - srcPtr;
+                memcpy(dctxPtr->header + dctxPtr->tmpInSize, srcPtr, sizeToCopy);
+                dctxPtr->tmpInSize += sizeToCopy;
+                srcPtr += sizeToCopy;
+                if (dctxPtr->tmpInSize < dctxPtr->tmpInTarget)
+                {
+                    nextSrcSizeHint = (dctxPtr->tmpInTarget - dctxPtr->tmpInSize) + BHSize;   /* rest of header + nextBlockHeader */
+                    doAnotherStage = 0;   /* not enough src data, ask for some more */
+                    break;
+                }
+                {
+                    LZ4F_errorCode_t errorCode = LZ4F_decodeHeader(dctxPtr, dctxPtr->header, dctxPtr->tmpInTarget);
+                    if (LZ4F_isError(errorCode)) return errorCode;
+                }
+                break;
+            }
+        case dstage_getCBlockSize:
+            {
+                if ((size_t)(srcEnd - srcPtr) >= BHSize)
+                {
+                    selectedIn = srcPtr;
+                    srcPtr += BHSize;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                /* not enough input to read cBlockSize field */
+                    dctxPtr->tmpInSize = 0;
+                    dctxPtr->dStage = dstage_storeCBlockSize;
+                }
+            }
+            if (dctxPtr->dStage == dstage_storeCBlockSize)
+        case dstage_storeCBlockSize:
+            {
+                size_t sizeToCopy = BHSize - dctxPtr->tmpInSize;
+                if (sizeToCopy > (size_t)(srcEnd - srcPtr)) sizeToCopy = srcEnd - srcPtr;
+                memcpy(dctxPtr->tmpIn + dctxPtr->tmpInSize, srcPtr, sizeToCopy);
+                srcPtr += sizeToCopy;
+                dctxPtr->tmpInSize += sizeToCopy;
+                if (dctxPtr->tmpInSize < BHSize) /* not enough input to get full cBlockSize; wait for more */
+                {
+                    nextSrcSizeHint = BHSize - dctxPtr->tmpInSize;
+                    doAnotherStage  = 0;
+                    break;
+                }
+                selectedIn = dctxPtr->tmpIn;
+            }
+        /* case dstage_decodeCBlockSize: */   /* no more direct access, to prevent scan-build warning */
+            {
+                size_t nextCBlockSize = LZ4F_readLE32(selectedIn) & 0x7FFFFFFFU;
+                if (nextCBlockSize==0)   /* frameEnd signal, no more CBlock */
+                {
+                    dctxPtr->dStage = dstage_getSuffix;
+                    break;
+                }
+                if (nextCBlockSize > dctxPtr->maxBlockSize) return (size_t)-LZ4F_ERROR_GENERIC;   /* invalid cBlockSize */
+                dctxPtr->tmpInTarget = nextCBlockSize;
+                if (LZ4F_readLE32(selectedIn) & LZ4F_BLOCKUNCOMPRESSED_FLAG)
+                {
+                    dctxPtr->dStage = dstage_copyDirect;
+                    break;
+                }
+                dctxPtr->dStage = dstage_getCBlock;
+                if (dstPtr==dstEnd)
+                {
+                    nextSrcSizeHint = nextCBlockSize + BHSize;
+                    doAnotherStage = 0;
+                }
+                break;
+            }
+        case dstage_copyDirect:   /* uncompressed block */
+            {
+                size_t sizeToCopy = dctxPtr->tmpInTarget;
+                if ((size_t)(srcEnd-srcPtr) < sizeToCopy) sizeToCopy = srcEnd - srcPtr;  /* not enough input to read full block */
+                if ((size_t)(dstEnd-dstPtr) < sizeToCopy) sizeToCopy = dstEnd - dstPtr;
+                memcpy(dstPtr, srcPtr, sizeToCopy);
+                if (dctxPtr->frameInfo.contentChecksumFlag) XXH32_update(&(dctxPtr->xxh), srcPtr, sizeToCopy);
+                if (dctxPtr->frameInfo.contentSize) dctxPtr->frameRemainingSize -= sizeToCopy;
+                /* dictionary management */
+                if (dctxPtr->frameInfo.blockMode==LZ4F_blockLinked)
+                    LZ4F_updateDict(dctxPtr, dstPtr, sizeToCopy, dstStart, 0);
+                srcPtr += sizeToCopy;
+                dstPtr += sizeToCopy;
+                if (sizeToCopy == dctxPtr->tmpInTarget)   /* all copied */
+                {
+                    dctxPtr->dStage = dstage_getCBlockSize;
+                    break;
+                }
+                dctxPtr->tmpInTarget -= sizeToCopy;   /* still need to copy more */
+                nextSrcSizeHint = dctxPtr->tmpInTarget + BHSize;
+                doAnotherStage = 0;
+                break;
+            }
+        case dstage_getCBlock:   /* entry from dstage_decodeCBlockSize */
+            {
+                if ((size_t)(srcEnd-srcPtr) < dctxPtr->tmpInTarget)
+                {
+                    dctxPtr->tmpInSize = 0;
+                    dctxPtr->dStage = dstage_storeCBlock;
+                    break;
+                }
+                selectedIn = srcPtr;
+                srcPtr += dctxPtr->tmpInTarget;
+                dctxPtr->dStage = dstage_decodeCBlock;
+                break;
+            }
+        case dstage_storeCBlock:
+            {
+                size_t sizeToCopy = dctxPtr->tmpInTarget - dctxPtr->tmpInSize;
+                if (sizeToCopy > (size_t)(srcEnd-srcPtr)) sizeToCopy = srcEnd-srcPtr;
+                memcpy(dctxPtr->tmpIn + dctxPtr->tmpInSize, srcPtr, sizeToCopy);
+                dctxPtr->tmpInSize += sizeToCopy;
+                srcPtr += sizeToCopy;
+                if (dctxPtr->tmpInSize < dctxPtr->tmpInTarget)  /* need more input */
+                {
+                    nextSrcSizeHint = (dctxPtr->tmpInTarget - dctxPtr->tmpInSize) + BHSize;
+                    doAnotherStage=0;
+                    break;
+                }
+                selectedIn = dctxPtr->tmpIn;
+                dctxPtr->dStage = dstage_decodeCBlock;
+                break;
+            }
+        case dstage_decodeCBlock:
+            {
+                if ((size_t)(dstEnd-dstPtr) < dctxPtr->maxBlockSize)   /* not enough place into dst : decode into tmpOut */
+                    dctxPtr->dStage = dstage_decodeCBlock_intoTmp;
+                else
+                    dctxPtr->dStage = dstage_decodeCBlock_intoDst;
+                break;
+            }
+        case dstage_decodeCBlock_intoDst:
+            {
+                int (*decoder)(const char*, char*, int, int, const char*, int);
+                int decodedSize;
+                if (dctxPtr->frameInfo.blockMode == LZ4F_blockLinked)
+                    decoder = LZ4_decompress_safe_usingDict;
+                else
+                    decoder = LZ4F_decompress_safe;
+                decodedSize = decoder((const char*)selectedIn, (char*)dstPtr, (int)dctxPtr->tmpInTarget, (int)dctxPtr->maxBlockSize, (const char*)dctxPtr->dict, (int)dctxPtr->dictSize);
+                if (decodedSize < 0) return (size_t)-LZ4F_ERROR_GENERIC;   /* decompression failed */
+                if (dctxPtr->frameInfo.contentChecksumFlag) XXH32_update(&(dctxPtr->xxh), dstPtr, decodedSize);
+                if (dctxPtr->frameInfo.contentSize) dctxPtr->frameRemainingSize -= decodedSize;
+                /* dictionary management */
+                if (dctxPtr->frameInfo.blockMode==LZ4F_blockLinked)
+                    LZ4F_updateDict(dctxPtr, dstPtr, decodedSize, dstStart, 0);
+                dstPtr += decodedSize;
+                dctxPtr->dStage = dstage_getCBlockSize;
+                break;
+            }
+        case dstage_decodeCBlock_intoTmp:
+            {
+                /* not enough place into dst : decode into tmpOut */
+                int (*decoder)(const char*, char*, int, int, const char*, int);
+                int decodedSize;
+                if (dctxPtr->frameInfo.blockMode == LZ4F_blockLinked)
+                    decoder = LZ4_decompress_safe_usingDict;
+                else
+                    decoder = LZ4F_decompress_safe;
+                /* ensure enough place for tmpOut */
+                if (dctxPtr->frameInfo.blockMode == LZ4F_blockLinked)
+                {
+                    if (dctxPtr->dict == dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer)
+                    {
+                        if (dctxPtr->dictSize > 128 KB)
+                        {
+                            memcpy(dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer, dctxPtr->dict + dctxPtr->dictSize - 64 KB, 64 KB);
+                            dctxPtr->dictSize = 64 KB;
+                        }
+                        dctxPtr->tmpOut = dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer + dctxPtr->dictSize;
+                    }
+                    else   /* dict not within tmp */
+                    {
+                        size_t reservedDictSpace = dctxPtr->dictSize;
+                        if (reservedDictSpace > 64 KB) reservedDictSpace = 64 KB;
+                        dctxPtr->tmpOut = dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer + reservedDictSpace;
+                    }
+                }
+                /* Decode */
+                decodedSize = decoder((const char*)selectedIn, (char*)dctxPtr->tmpOut, (int)dctxPtr->tmpInTarget, (int)dctxPtr->maxBlockSize, (const char*)dctxPtr->dict, (int)dctxPtr->dictSize);
+                if (decodedSize < 0) return (size_t)-LZ4F_ERROR_decompressionFailed;   /* decompression failed */
+                if (dctxPtr->frameInfo.contentChecksumFlag) XXH32_update(&(dctxPtr->xxh), dctxPtr->tmpOut, decodedSize);
+                if (dctxPtr->frameInfo.contentSize) dctxPtr->frameRemainingSize -= decodedSize;
+                dctxPtr->tmpOutSize = decodedSize;
+                dctxPtr->tmpOutStart = 0;
+                dctxPtr->dStage = dstage_flushOut;
+                break;
+            }
+        case dstage_flushOut:  /* flush decoded data from tmpOut to dstBuffer */
+            {
+                size_t sizeToCopy = dctxPtr->tmpOutSize - dctxPtr->tmpOutStart;
+                if (sizeToCopy > (size_t)(dstEnd-dstPtr)) sizeToCopy = dstEnd-dstPtr;
+                memcpy(dstPtr, dctxPtr->tmpOut + dctxPtr->tmpOutStart, sizeToCopy);
+                /* dictionary management */
+                if (dctxPtr->frameInfo.blockMode==LZ4F_blockLinked)
+                    LZ4F_updateDict(dctxPtr, dstPtr, sizeToCopy, dstStart, 1);
+                dctxPtr->tmpOutStart += sizeToCopy;
+                dstPtr += sizeToCopy;
+                /* end of flush ? */
+                if (dctxPtr->tmpOutStart == dctxPtr->tmpOutSize)
+                {
+                    dctxPtr->dStage = dstage_getCBlockSize;
+                    break;
+                }
+                nextSrcSizeHint = BHSize;
+                doAnotherStage = 0;   /* still some data to flush */
+                break;
+            }
+        case dstage_getSuffix:
+            {
+                size_t suffixSize = dctxPtr->frameInfo.contentChecksumFlag * 4;
+                if (dctxPtr->frameRemainingSize) return (size_t)-LZ4F_ERROR_frameSize_wrong;   /* incorrect frame size decoded */
+                if (suffixSize == 0)   /* frame completed */
+                {
+                    nextSrcSizeHint = 0;
+                    dctxPtr->dStage = dstage_getHeader;
+                    doAnotherStage = 0;
+                    break;
+                }
+                if ((srcEnd - srcPtr) < 4)   /* not enough size for entire CRC */
+                {
+                    dctxPtr->tmpInSize = 0;
+                    dctxPtr->dStage = dstage_storeSuffix;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    selectedIn = srcPtr;
+                    srcPtr += 4;
+                }
+            }
+            if (dctxPtr->dStage == dstage_storeSuffix)
+        case dstage_storeSuffix:
+            {
+                size_t sizeToCopy = 4 - dctxPtr->tmpInSize;
+                if (sizeToCopy > (size_t)(srcEnd - srcPtr)) sizeToCopy = srcEnd - srcPtr;
+                memcpy(dctxPtr->tmpIn + dctxPtr->tmpInSize, srcPtr, sizeToCopy);
+                srcPtr += sizeToCopy;
+                dctxPtr->tmpInSize += sizeToCopy;
+                if (dctxPtr->tmpInSize < 4)  /* not enough input to read complete suffix */
+                {
+                    nextSrcSizeHint = 4 - dctxPtr->tmpInSize;
+                    doAnotherStage=0;
+                    break;
+                }
+                selectedIn = dctxPtr->tmpIn;
+            }
+        /* case dstage_checkSuffix: */   /* no direct call, to avoid scan-build warning */
+            {
+                U32 readCRC = LZ4F_readLE32(selectedIn);
+                U32 resultCRC = XXH32_digest(&(dctxPtr->xxh));
+                if (readCRC != resultCRC) return (size_t)-LZ4F_ERROR_contentChecksum_invalid;
+                nextSrcSizeHint = 0;
+                dctxPtr->dStage = dstage_getHeader;
+                doAnotherStage = 0;
+                break;
+            }
+        case dstage_getSFrameSize:
+            {
+                if ((srcEnd - srcPtr) >= 4)
+                {
+                    selectedIn = srcPtr;
+                    srcPtr += 4;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                /* not enough input to read cBlockSize field */
+                    dctxPtr->tmpInSize = 4;
+                    dctxPtr->tmpInTarget = 8;
+                    dctxPtr->dStage = dstage_storeSFrameSize;
+                }
+            }
+            if (dctxPtr->dStage == dstage_storeSFrameSize)
+        case dstage_storeSFrameSize:
+            {
+                size_t sizeToCopy = dctxPtr->tmpInTarget - dctxPtr->tmpInSize;
+                if (sizeToCopy > (size_t)(srcEnd - srcPtr)) sizeToCopy = srcEnd - srcPtr;
+                memcpy(dctxPtr->header + dctxPtr->tmpInSize, srcPtr, sizeToCopy);
+                srcPtr += sizeToCopy;
+                dctxPtr->tmpInSize += sizeToCopy;
+                if (dctxPtr->tmpInSize < dctxPtr->tmpInTarget) /* not enough input to get full sBlockSize; wait for more */
+                {
+                    nextSrcSizeHint = dctxPtr->tmpInTarget - dctxPtr->tmpInSize;
+                    doAnotherStage = 0;
+                    break;
+                }
+                selectedIn = dctxPtr->header + 4;
+            }
+        /* case dstage_decodeSFrameSize: */   /* no direct access */
+            {
+                size_t SFrameSize = LZ4F_readLE32(selectedIn);
+                dctxPtr->frameInfo.contentSize = SFrameSize;
+                dctxPtr->tmpInTarget = SFrameSize;
+                dctxPtr->dStage = dstage_skipSkippable;
+                break;
+            }
+        case dstage_skipSkippable:
+            {
+                size_t skipSize = dctxPtr->tmpInTarget;
+                if (skipSize > (size_t)(srcEnd-srcPtr)) skipSize = srcEnd-srcPtr;
+                srcPtr += skipSize;
+                dctxPtr->tmpInTarget -= skipSize;
+                doAnotherStage = 0;
+                nextSrcSizeHint = dctxPtr->tmpInTarget;
+                if (nextSrcSizeHint) break;
+                dctxPtr->dStage = dstage_getHeader;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /* preserve dictionary within tmp if necessary */
+    if ( (dctxPtr->frameInfo.blockMode==LZ4F_blockLinked)
+        &&(dctxPtr->dict != dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer)
+        &&(!decompressOptionsPtr->stableDst)
+        &&((unsigned)(dctxPtr->dStage-1) < (unsigned)(dstage_getSuffix-1))
+        )
+    {
+        if (dctxPtr->dStage == dstage_flushOut)
+        {
+            size_t preserveSize = dctxPtr->tmpOut - dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer;
+            size_t copySize = 64 KB - dctxPtr->tmpOutSize;
+            const BYTE* oldDictEnd = dctxPtr->dict + dctxPtr->dictSize - dctxPtr->tmpOutStart;
+            if (dctxPtr->tmpOutSize > 64 KB) copySize = 0;
+            if (copySize > preserveSize) copySize = preserveSize;
+            memcpy(dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer + preserveSize - copySize, oldDictEnd - copySize, copySize);
+            dctxPtr->dict = dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer;
+            dctxPtr->dictSize = preserveSize + dctxPtr->tmpOutStart;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            size_t newDictSize = dctxPtr->dictSize;
+            const BYTE* oldDictEnd = dctxPtr->dict + dctxPtr->dictSize;
+            if ((newDictSize) > 64 KB) newDictSize = 64 KB;
+            memcpy(dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer, oldDictEnd - newDictSize, newDictSize);
+            dctxPtr->dict = dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer;
+            dctxPtr->dictSize = newDictSize;
+            dctxPtr->tmpOut = dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer + newDictSize;
+        }
+    }
+    /* require function to be called again from position where it stopped */
+    if (srcPtr<srcEnd)
+        dctxPtr->srcExpect = srcPtr;
+    else
+        dctxPtr->srcExpect = NULL;
+    *srcSizePtr = (srcPtr - srcStart);
+    *dstSizePtr = (dstPtr - dstStart);
+    return nextSrcSizeHint;