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[34/43] trafficserver git commit: TS-3783 TS-3030 Add luajit v2.0.4 as a subtree
diff --git a/lib/luajit/src/jit/bc.lua b/lib/luajit/src/jit/bc.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46a4089
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/luajit/src/jit/bc.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+-- LuaJIT bytecode listing module.
+-- Copyright (C) 2005-2015 Mike Pall. All rights reserved.
+-- Released under the MIT license. See Copyright Notice in luajit.h
+-- This module lists the bytecode of a Lua function. If it's loaded by -jbc
+-- it hooks into the parser and lists all functions of a chunk as they
+-- are parsed.
+-- Example usage:
+--   luajit -jbc -e 'local x=0; for i=1,1e6 do x=x+i end; print(x)'
+--   luajit -jbc=- foo.lua
+--   luajit -jbc=foo.list foo.lua
+-- Default output is to stderr. To redirect the output to a file, pass a
+-- filename as an argument (use '-' for stdout) or set the environment
+-- variable LUAJIT_LISTFILE. The file is overwritten every time the module
+-- is started.
+-- This module can also be used programmatically:
+--   local bc = require("jit.bc")
+--   local function foo() print("hello") end
+--   bc.dump(foo)           --> -- BYTECODE -- [...]
+--   print(bc.line(foo, 2)) --> 0002    KSTR     1   1      ; "hello"
+--   local out = {
+--     -- Do something with each line:
+--     write = function(t, ...) io.write(...) end,
+--     close = function(t) end,
+--     flush = function(t) end,
+--   }
+--   bc.dump(foo, out)
+-- Cache some library functions and objects.
+local jit = require("jit")
+assert(jit.version_num == 20004, "LuaJIT core/library version mismatch")
+local jutil = require("jit.util")
+local vmdef = require("jit.vmdef")
+local bit = require("bit")
+local sub, gsub, format = string.sub, string.gsub, string.format
+local byte, band, shr = string.byte,, bit.rshift
+local funcinfo, funcbc, funck = jutil.funcinfo, jutil.funcbc, jutil.funck
+local funcuvname = jutil.funcuvname
+local bcnames = vmdef.bcnames
+local stdout, stderr = io.stdout, io.stderr
+local function ctlsub(c)
+  if c == "\n" then return "\\n"
+  elseif c == "\r" then return "\\r"
+  elseif c == "\t" then return "\\t"
+  else return format("\\%03d", byte(c))
+  end
+-- Return one bytecode line.
+local function bcline(func, pc, prefix)
+  local ins, m = funcbc(func, pc)
+  if not ins then return end
+  local ma, mb, mc = band(m, 7), band(m, 15*8), band(m, 15*128)
+  local a = band(shr(ins, 8), 0xff)
+  local oidx = 6*band(ins, 0xff)
+  local op = sub(bcnames, oidx+1, oidx+6)
+  local s = format("%04d %s %-6s %3s ",
+    pc, prefix or "  ", op, ma == 0 and "" or a)
+  local d = shr(ins, 16)
+  if mc == 13*128 then -- BCMjump
+    return format("%s=> %04d\n", s, pc+d-0x7fff)
+  end
+  if mb ~= 0 then
+    d = band(d, 0xff)
+  elseif mc == 0 then
+    return s.."\n"
+  end
+  local kc
+  if mc == 10*128 then -- BCMstr
+    kc = funck(func, -d-1)
+    kc = format(#kc > 40 and '"%.40s"~' or '"%s"', gsub(kc, "%c", ctlsub))
+  elseif mc == 9*128 then -- BCMnum
+    kc = funck(func, d)
+    if op == "TSETM " then kc = kc - 2^52 end
+  elseif mc == 12*128 then -- BCMfunc
+    local fi = funcinfo(funck(func, -d-1))
+    if fi.ffid then
+      kc = vmdef.ffnames[fi.ffid]
+    else
+      kc = fi.loc
+    end
+  elseif mc == 5*128 then -- BCMuv
+    kc = funcuvname(func, d)
+  end
+  if ma == 5 then -- BCMuv
+    local ka = funcuvname(func, a)
+    if kc then kc = ka.." ; "..kc else kc = ka end
+  end
+  if mb ~= 0 then
+    local b = shr(ins, 24)
+    if kc then return format("%s%3d %3d  ; %s\n", s, b, d, kc) end
+    return format("%s%3d %3d\n", s, b, d)
+  end
+  if kc then return format("%s%3d      ; %s\n", s, d, kc) end
+  if mc == 7*128 and d > 32767 then d = d - 65536 end -- BCMlits
+  return format("%s%3d\n", s, d)
+-- Collect branch targets of a function.
+local function bctargets(func)
+  local target = {}
+  for pc=1,1000000000 do
+    local ins, m = funcbc(func, pc)
+    if not ins then break end
+    if band(m, 15*128) == 13*128 then target[pc+shr(ins, 16)-0x7fff] = true end
+  end
+  return target
+-- Dump bytecode instructions of a function.
+local function bcdump(func, out, all)
+  if not out then out = stdout end
+  local fi = funcinfo(func)
+  if all and fi.children then
+    for n=-1,-1000000000,-1 do
+      local k = funck(func, n)
+      if not k then break end
+      if type(k) == "proto" then bcdump(k, out, true) end
+    end
+  end
+  out:write(format("-- BYTECODE -- %s-%d\n", fi.loc, fi.lastlinedefined))
+  local target = bctargets(func)
+  for pc=1,1000000000 do
+    local s = bcline(func, pc, target[pc] and "=>")
+    if not s then break end
+    out:write(s)
+  end
+  out:write("\n")
+  out:flush()
+-- Active flag and output file handle.
+local active, out
+-- List handler.
+local function h_list(func)
+  return bcdump(func, out)
+-- Detach list handler.
+local function bclistoff()
+  if active then
+    active = false
+    jit.attach(h_list)
+    if out and out ~= stdout and out ~= stderr then out:close() end
+    out = nil
+  end
+-- Open the output file and attach list handler.
+local function bcliston(outfile)
+  if active then bclistoff() end
+  if not outfile then outfile = os.getenv("LUAJIT_LISTFILE") end
+  if outfile then
+    out = outfile == "-" and stdout or assert(, "w"))
+  else
+    out = stderr
+  end
+  jit.attach(h_list, "bc")
+  active = true
+-- Public module functions.
+line = bcline
+dump = bcdump
+targets = bctargets
+on = bcliston
+off = bclistoff
+start = bcliston -- For -j command line option.
diff --git a/lib/luajit/src/jit/bcsave.lua b/lib/luajit/src/jit/bcsave.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0319b3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/luajit/src/jit/bcsave.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,659 @@
+-- LuaJIT module to save/list bytecode.
+-- Copyright (C) 2005-2015 Mike Pall. All rights reserved.
+-- Released under the MIT license. See Copyright Notice in luajit.h
+-- This module saves or lists the bytecode for an input file.
+-- It's run by the -b command line option.
+local jit = require("jit")
+assert(jit.version_num == 20004, "LuaJIT core/library version mismatch")
+local bit = require("bit")
+-- Symbol name prefix for LuaJIT bytecode.
+local LJBC_PREFIX = "luaJIT_BC_"
+local function usage()
+  io.stderr:write[[
+Save LuaJIT bytecode: luajit -b[options] input output
+  -l        Only list bytecode.
+  -s        Strip debug info (default).
+  -g        Keep debug info.
+  -n name   Set module name (default: auto-detect from input name).
+  -t type   Set output file type (default: auto-detect from output name).
+  -a arch   Override architecture for object files (default: native).
+  -o os     Override OS for object files (default: native).
+  -e chunk  Use chunk string as input.
+  --        Stop handling options.
+  -         Use stdin as input and/or stdout as output.
+File types: c h obj o raw (default)
+  os.exit(1)
+local function check(ok, ...)
+  if ok then return ok, ... end
+  io.stderr:write("luajit: ", ...)
+  io.stderr:write("\n")
+  os.exit(1)
+local function readfile(input)
+  if type(input) == "function" then return input end
+  if input == "-" then input = nil end
+  return check(loadfile(input))
+local function savefile(name, mode)
+  if name == "-" then return io.stdout end
+  return check(, mode))
+local map_type = {
+  raw = "raw", c = "c", h = "h", o = "obj", obj = "obj",
+local map_arch = {
+  x86 = true, x64 = true, arm = true, ppc = true, ppcspe = true,
+  mips = true, mipsel = true,
+local map_os = {
+  linux = true, windows = true, osx = true, freebsd = true, netbsd = true,
+  openbsd = true, dragonfly = true, solaris = true,
+local function checkarg(str, map, err)
+  str = string.lower(str)
+  local s = check(map[str], "unknown ", err)
+  return s == true and str or s
+local function detecttype(str)
+  local ext = string.match(string.lower(str), "%.(%a+)$")
+  return map_type[ext] or "raw"
+local function checkmodname(str)
+  check(string.match(str, "^[%w_.%-]+$"), "bad module name")
+  return string.gsub(str, "[%.%-]", "_")
+local function detectmodname(str)
+  if type(str) == "string" then
+    local tail = string.match(str, "[^/\\]+$")
+    if tail then str = tail end
+    local head = string.match(str, "^(.*)%.[^.]*$")
+    if head then str = head end
+    str = string.match(str, "^[%w_.%-]+")
+  else
+    str = nil
+  end
+  check(str, "cannot derive module name, use -n name")
+  return string.gsub(str, "[%.%-]", "_")
+local function bcsave_tail(fp, output, s)
+  local ok, err = fp:write(s)
+  if ok and output ~= "-" then ok, err = fp:close() end
+  check(ok, "cannot write ", output, ": ", err)
+local function bcsave_raw(output, s)
+  local fp = savefile(output, "wb")
+  bcsave_tail(fp, output, s)
+local function bcsave_c(ctx, output, s)
+  local fp = savefile(output, "w")
+  if ctx.type == "c" then
+    fp:write(string.format([[
+#ifdef _cplusplus
+extern "C"
+#ifdef _WIN32
+const char %s%s[] = {
+]], LJBC_PREFIX, ctx.modname))
+  else
+    fp:write(string.format([[
+#define %s%s_SIZE %d
+static const char %s%s[] = {
+]], LJBC_PREFIX, ctx.modname, #s, LJBC_PREFIX, ctx.modname))
+  end
+  local t, n, m = {}, 0, 0
+  for i=1,#s do
+    local b = tostring(string.byte(s, i))
+    m = m + #b + 1
+    if m > 78 then
+      fp:write(table.concat(t, ",", 1, n), ",\n")
+      n, m = 0, #b + 1
+    end
+    n = n + 1
+    t[n] = b
+  end
+  bcsave_tail(fp, output, table.concat(t, ",", 1, n).."\n};\n")
+local function bcsave_elfobj(ctx, output, s, ffi)
+  ffi.cdef[[
+typedef struct {
+  uint8_t emagic[4], eclass, eendian, eversion, eosabi, eabiversion, epad[7];
+  uint16_t type, machine;
+  uint32_t version;
+  uint32_t entry, phofs, shofs;
+  uint32_t flags;
+  uint16_t ehsize, phentsize, phnum, shentsize, shnum, shstridx;
+} ELF32header;
+typedef struct {
+  uint8_t emagic[4], eclass, eendian, eversion, eosabi, eabiversion, epad[7];
+  uint16_t type, machine;
+  uint32_t version;
+  uint64_t entry, phofs, shofs;
+  uint32_t flags;
+  uint16_t ehsize, phentsize, phnum, shentsize, shnum, shstridx;
+} ELF64header;
+typedef struct {
+  uint32_t name, type, flags, addr, ofs, size, link, info, align, entsize;
+} ELF32sectheader;
+typedef struct {
+  uint32_t name, type;
+  uint64_t flags, addr, ofs, size;
+  uint32_t link, info;
+  uint64_t align, entsize;
+} ELF64sectheader;
+typedef struct {
+  uint32_t name, value, size;
+  uint8_t info, other;
+  uint16_t sectidx;
+} ELF32symbol;
+typedef struct {
+  uint32_t name;
+  uint8_t info, other;
+  uint16_t sectidx;
+  uint64_t value, size;
+} ELF64symbol;
+typedef struct {
+  ELF32header hdr;
+  ELF32sectheader sect[6];
+  ELF32symbol sym[2];
+  uint8_t space[4096];
+} ELF32obj;
+typedef struct {
+  ELF64header hdr;
+  ELF64sectheader sect[6];
+  ELF64symbol sym[2];
+  uint8_t space[4096];
+} ELF64obj;
+  local symname = LJBC_PREFIX..ctx.modname
+  local is64, isbe = false, false
+  if ctx.arch == "x64" then
+    is64 = true
+  elseif ctx.arch == "ppc" or ctx.arch == "ppcspe" or ctx.arch == "mips" then
+    isbe = true
+  end
+  -- Handle different host/target endianess.
+  local function f32(x) return x end
+  local f16, fofs = f32, f32
+  if ffi.abi("be") ~= isbe then
+    f32 = bit.bswap
+    function f16(x) return bit.rshift(bit.bswap(x), 16) end
+    if is64 then
+      local two32 = ffi.cast("int64_t", 2^32)
+      function fofs(x) return bit.bswap(x)*two32 end
+    else
+      fofs = f32
+    end
+  end
+  -- Create ELF object and fill in header.
+  local o = and "ELF64obj" or "ELF32obj")
+  local hdr = o.hdr
+  if ctx.os == "bsd" or ctx.os == "other" then -- Determine native hdr.eosabi.
+    local bf = assert("/bin/ls", "rb"))
+    local bs = bf:read(9)
+    bf:close()
+    ffi.copy(o, bs, 9)
+    check(hdr.emagic[0] == 127, "no support for writing native object files")
+  else
+    hdr.emagic = "\127ELF"
+    hdr.eosabi = ({ freebsd=9, netbsd=2, openbsd=12, solaris=6 })[ctx.os] or 0
+  end
+  hdr.eclass = is64 and 2 or 1
+  hdr.eendian = isbe and 2 or 1
+  hdr.eversion = 1
+  hdr.type = f16(1)
+  hdr.machine = f16(({ x86=3, x64=62, arm=40, ppc=20, ppcspe=20, mips=8, mipsel=8 })[ctx.arch])
+  if ctx.arch == "mips" or ctx.arch == "mipsel" then
+    hdr.flags = 0x50001006
+  end
+  hdr.version = f32(1)
+  hdr.shofs = fofs(ffi.offsetof(o, "sect"))
+  hdr.ehsize = f16(ffi.sizeof(hdr))
+  hdr.shentsize = f16(ffi.sizeof(o.sect[0]))
+  hdr.shnum = f16(6)
+  hdr.shstridx = f16(2)
+  -- Fill in sections and symbols.
+  local sofs, ofs = ffi.offsetof(o, "space"), 1
+  for i,name in ipairs{
+      ".symtab", ".shstrtab", ".strtab", ".rodata", ".note.GNU-stack",
+    } do
+    local sect = o.sect[i]
+    sect.align = fofs(1)
+ = f32(ofs)
+    ffi.copy(, name)
+    ofs = ofs + #name+1
+  end
+  o.sect[1].type = f32(2) -- .symtab
+  o.sect[1].link = f32(3)
+  o.sect[1].info = f32(1)
+  o.sect[1].align = fofs(8)
+  o.sect[1].ofs = fofs(ffi.offsetof(o, "sym"))
+  o.sect[1].entsize = fofs(ffi.sizeof(o.sym[0]))
+  o.sect[1].size = fofs(ffi.sizeof(o.sym))
+  o.sym[1].name = f32(1)
+  o.sym[1].sectidx = f16(4)
+  o.sym[1].size = fofs(#s)
+  o.sym[1].info = 17
+  o.sect[2].type = f32(3) -- .shstrtab
+  o.sect[2].ofs = fofs(sofs)
+  o.sect[2].size = fofs(ofs)
+  o.sect[3].type = f32(3) -- .strtab
+  o.sect[3].ofs = fofs(sofs + ofs)
+  o.sect[3].size = fofs(#symname+1)
+  ffi.copy(, symname)
+  ofs = ofs + #symname + 2
+  o.sect[4].type = f32(1) -- .rodata
+  o.sect[4].flags = fofs(2)
+  o.sect[4].ofs = fofs(sofs + ofs)
+  o.sect[4].size = fofs(#s)
+  o.sect[5].type = f32(1) -- .note.GNU-stack
+  o.sect[5].ofs = fofs(sofs + ofs + #s)
+  -- Write ELF object file.
+  local fp = savefile(output, "wb")
+  fp:write(ffi.string(o, ffi.sizeof(o)-4096+ofs))
+  bcsave_tail(fp, output, s)
+local function bcsave_peobj(ctx, output, s, ffi)
+  ffi.cdef[[
+typedef struct {
+  uint16_t arch, nsects;
+  uint32_t time, symtabofs, nsyms;
+  uint16_t opthdrsz, flags;
+} PEheader;
+typedef struct {
+  char name[8];
+  uint32_t vsize, vaddr, size, ofs, relocofs, lineofs;
+  uint16_t nreloc, nline;
+  uint32_t flags;
+} PEsection;
+typedef struct __attribute((packed)) {
+  union {
+    char name[8];
+    uint32_t nameref[2];
+  };
+  uint32_t value;
+  int16_t sect;
+  uint16_t type;
+  uint8_t scl, naux;
+} PEsym;
+typedef struct __attribute((packed)) {
+  uint32_t size;
+  uint16_t nreloc, nline;
+  uint32_t cksum;
+  uint16_t assoc;
+  uint8_t comdatsel, unused[3];
+} PEsymaux;
+typedef struct {
+  PEheader hdr;
+  PEsection sect[2];
+  // Must be an even number of symbol structs.
+  PEsym sym0;
+  PEsymaux sym0aux;
+  PEsym sym1;
+  PEsymaux sym1aux;
+  PEsym sym2;
+  PEsym sym3;
+  uint32_t strtabsize;
+  uint8_t space[4096];
+} PEobj;
+  local symname = LJBC_PREFIX..ctx.modname
+  local is64 = false
+  if ctx.arch == "x86" then
+    symname = "_"..symname
+  elseif ctx.arch == "x64" then
+    is64 = true
+  end
+  local symexport = "   /EXPORT:"..symname..",DATA "
+  -- The file format is always little-endian. Swap if the host is big-endian.
+  local function f32(x) return x end
+  local f16 = f32
+  if ffi.abi("be") then
+    f32 = bit.bswap
+    function f16(x) return bit.rshift(bit.bswap(x), 16) end
+  end
+  -- Create PE object and fill in header.
+  local o ="PEobj")
+  local hdr = o.hdr
+  hdr.arch = f16(({ x86=0x14c, x64=0x8664, arm=0x1c0, ppc=0x1f2, mips=0x366, mipsel=0x366 })[ctx.arch])
+  hdr.nsects = f16(2)
+  hdr.symtabofs = f32(ffi.offsetof(o, "sym0"))
+  hdr.nsyms = f32(6)
+  -- Fill in sections and symbols.
+  o.sect[0].name = ".drectve"
+  o.sect[0].size = f32(#symexport)
+  o.sect[0].flags = f32(0x00100a00)
+  o.sym0.sect = f16(1)
+  o.sym0.scl = 3
+ = ".drectve"
+  o.sym0.naux = 1
+  o.sym0aux.size = f32(#symexport)
+  o.sect[1].name = ".rdata"
+  o.sect[1].size = f32(#s)
+  o.sect[1].flags = f32(0x40300040)
+  o.sym1.sect = f16(2)
+  o.sym1.scl = 3
+ = ".rdata"
+  o.sym1.naux = 1
+  o.sym1aux.size = f32(#s)
+  o.sym2.sect = f16(2)
+  o.sym2.scl = 2
+  o.sym2.nameref[1] = f32(4)
+  o.sym3.sect = f16(-1)
+  o.sym3.scl = 2
+  o.sym3.value = f32(1)
+ = "@feat.00" -- Mark as SafeSEH compliant.
+  ffi.copy(, symname)
+  local ofs = #symname + 1
+  o.strtabsize = f32(ofs + 4)
+  o.sect[0].ofs = f32(ffi.offsetof(o, "space") + ofs)
+  ffi.copy( + ofs, symexport)
+  ofs = ofs + #symexport
+  o.sect[1].ofs = f32(ffi.offsetof(o, "space") + ofs)
+  -- Write PE object file.
+  local fp = savefile(output, "wb")
+  fp:write(ffi.string(o, ffi.sizeof(o)-4096+ofs))
+  bcsave_tail(fp, output, s)
+local function bcsave_machobj(ctx, output, s, ffi)
+  ffi.cdef[[
+typedef struct
+  uint32_t magic, cputype, cpusubtype, filetype, ncmds, sizeofcmds, flags;
+} mach_header;
+typedef struct
+  mach_header; uint32_t reserved;
+} mach_header_64;
+typedef struct {
+  uint32_t cmd, cmdsize;
+  char segname[16];
+  uint32_t vmaddr, vmsize, fileoff, filesize;
+  uint32_t maxprot, initprot, nsects, flags;
+} mach_segment_command;
+typedef struct {
+  uint32_t cmd, cmdsize;
+  char segname[16];
+  uint64_t vmaddr, vmsize, fileoff, filesize;
+  uint32_t maxprot, initprot, nsects, flags;
+} mach_segment_command_64;
+typedef struct {
+  char sectname[16], segname[16];
+  uint32_t addr, size;
+  uint32_t offset, align, reloff, nreloc, flags;
+  uint32_t reserved1, reserved2;
+} mach_section;
+typedef struct {
+  char sectname[16], segname[16];
+  uint64_t addr, size;
+  uint32_t offset, align, reloff, nreloc, flags;
+  uint32_t reserved1, reserved2, reserved3;
+} mach_section_64;
+typedef struct {
+  uint32_t cmd, cmdsize, symoff, nsyms, stroff, strsize;
+} mach_symtab_command;
+typedef struct {
+  int32_t strx;
+  uint8_t type, sect;
+  int16_t desc;
+  uint32_t value;
+} mach_nlist;
+typedef struct {
+  uint32_t strx;
+  uint8_t type, sect;
+  uint16_t desc;
+  uint64_t value;
+} mach_nlist_64;
+typedef struct
+  uint32_t magic, nfat_arch;
+} mach_fat_header;
+typedef struct
+  uint32_t cputype, cpusubtype, offset, size, align;
+} mach_fat_arch;
+typedef struct {
+  struct {
+    mach_header hdr;
+    mach_segment_command seg;
+    mach_section sec;
+    mach_symtab_command sym;
+  } arch[1];
+  mach_nlist sym_entry;
+  uint8_t space[4096];
+} mach_obj;
+typedef struct {
+  struct {
+    mach_header_64 hdr;
+    mach_segment_command_64 seg;
+    mach_section_64 sec;
+    mach_symtab_command sym;
+  } arch[1];
+  mach_nlist_64 sym_entry;
+  uint8_t space[4096];
+} mach_obj_64;
+typedef struct {
+  mach_fat_header fat;
+  mach_fat_arch fat_arch[4];
+  struct {
+    mach_header hdr;
+    mach_segment_command seg;
+    mach_section sec;
+    mach_symtab_command sym;
+  } arch[4];
+  mach_nlist sym_entry;
+  uint8_t space[4096];
+} mach_fat_obj;
+  local symname = '_'..LJBC_PREFIX..ctx.modname
+  local isfat, is64, align, mobj = false, false, 4, "mach_obj"
+  if ctx.arch == "x64" then
+    is64, align, mobj = true, 8, "mach_obj_64"
+  elseif ctx.arch == "arm" then
+    isfat, mobj = true, "mach_fat_obj"
+  else
+    check(ctx.arch == "x86", "unsupported architecture for OSX")
+  end
+  local function aligned(v, a) return, -a) end
+  local be32 = bit.bswap -- Mach-O FAT is BE, supported archs are LE.
+  -- Create Mach-O object and fill in header.
+  local o =
+  local mach_size = aligned(ffi.offsetof(o, "space")+#symname+2, align)
+  local cputype = ({ x86={7}, x64={0x01000007}, arm={7,12,12,12} })[ctx.arch]
+  local cpusubtype = ({ x86={3}, x64={3}, arm={3,6,9,11} })[ctx.arch]
+  if isfat then
+    o.fat.magic = be32(0xcafebabe)
+    o.fat.nfat_arch = be32(#cpusubtype)
+  end
+  -- Fill in sections and symbols.
+  for i=0,#cpusubtype-1 do
+    local ofs = 0
+    if isfat then
+      local a = o.fat_arch[i]
+      a.cputype = be32(cputype[i+1])
+      a.cpusubtype = be32(cpusubtype[i+1])
+      -- Subsequent slices overlap each other to share data.
+      ofs = ffi.offsetof(o, "arch") + i*ffi.sizeof(o.arch[0])
+      a.offset = be32(ofs)
+      a.size = be32(mach_size-ofs+#s)
+    end
+    local a = o.arch[i]
+    a.hdr.magic = is64 and 0xfeedfacf or 0xfeedface
+    a.hdr.cputype = cputype[i+1]
+    a.hdr.cpusubtype = cpusubtype[i+1]
+    a.hdr.filetype = 1
+    a.hdr.ncmds = 2
+    a.hdr.sizeofcmds = ffi.sizeof(a.seg)+ffi.sizeof(a.sec)+ffi.sizeof(a.sym)
+    a.seg.cmd = is64 and 0x19 or 0x1
+    a.seg.cmdsize = ffi.sizeof(a.seg)+ffi.sizeof(a.sec)
+    a.seg.vmsize = #s
+    a.seg.fileoff = mach_size-ofs
+    a.seg.filesize = #s
+    a.seg.maxprot = 1
+    a.seg.initprot = 1
+    a.seg.nsects = 1
+    ffi.copy(a.sec.sectname, "__data")
+    ffi.copy(a.sec.segname, "__DATA")
+    a.sec.size = #s
+    a.sec.offset = mach_size-ofs
+    a.sym.cmd = 2
+    a.sym.cmdsize = ffi.sizeof(a.sym)
+    a.sym.symoff = ffi.offsetof(o, "sym_entry")-ofs
+    a.sym.nsyms = 1
+    a.sym.stroff = ffi.offsetof(o, "sym_entry")+ffi.sizeof(o.sym_entry)-ofs
+    a.sym.strsize = aligned(#symname+2, align)
+  end
+  o.sym_entry.type = 0xf
+  o.sym_entry.sect = 1
+  o.sym_entry.strx = 1
+  ffi.copy(, symname)
+  -- Write Macho-O object file.
+  local fp = savefile(output, "wb")
+  fp:write(ffi.string(o, mach_size))
+  bcsave_tail(fp, output, s)
+local function bcsave_obj(ctx, output, s)
+  local ok, ffi = pcall(require, "ffi")
+  check(ok, "FFI library required to write this file type")
+  if ctx.os == "windows" then
+    return bcsave_peobj(ctx, output, s, ffi)
+  elseif ctx.os == "osx" then
+    return bcsave_machobj(ctx, output, s, ffi)
+  else
+    return bcsave_elfobj(ctx, output, s, ffi)
+  end
+local function bclist(input, output)
+  local f = readfile(input)
+  require("jit.bc").dump(f, savefile(output, "w"), true)
+local function bcsave(ctx, input, output)
+  local f = readfile(input)
+  local s = string.dump(f, ctx.strip)
+  local t = ctx.type
+  if not t then
+    t = detecttype(output)
+    ctx.type = t
+  end
+  if t == "raw" then
+    bcsave_raw(output, s)
+  else
+    if not ctx.modname then ctx.modname = detectmodname(input) end
+    if t == "obj" then
+      bcsave_obj(ctx, output, s)
+    else
+      bcsave_c(ctx, output, s)
+    end
+  end
+local function docmd(...)
+  local arg = {...}
+  local n = 1
+  local list = false
+  local ctx = {
+    strip = true, arch = jit.arch, os = string.lower(jit.os),
+    type = false, modname = false,
+  }
+  while n <= #arg do
+    local a = arg[n]
+    if type(a) == "string" and string.sub(a, 1, 1) == "-" and a ~= "-" then
+      table.remove(arg, n)
+      if a == "--" then break end
+      for m=2,#a do
+	local opt = string.sub(a, m, m)
+	if opt == "l" then
+	  list = true
+	elseif opt == "s" then
+	  ctx.strip = true
+	elseif opt == "g" then
+	  ctx.strip = false
+	else
+	  if arg[n] == nil or m ~= #a then usage() end
+	  if opt == "e" then
+	    if n ~= 1 then usage() end
+	    arg[1] = check(loadstring(arg[1]))
+	  elseif opt == "n" then
+	    ctx.modname = checkmodname(table.remove(arg, n))
+	  elseif opt == "t" then
+	    ctx.type = checkarg(table.remove(arg, n), map_type, "file type")
+	  elseif opt == "a" then
+	    ctx.arch = checkarg(table.remove(arg, n), map_arch, "architecture")
+	  elseif opt == "o" then
+	    ctx.os = checkarg(table.remove(arg, n), map_os, "OS name")
+	  else
+	    usage()
+	  end
+	end
+      end
+    else
+      n = n + 1
+    end
+  end
+  if list then
+    if #arg == 0 or #arg > 2 then usage() end
+    bclist(arg[1], arg[2] or "-")
+  else
+    if #arg ~= 2 then usage() end
+    bcsave(ctx, arg[1], arg[2])
+  end
+-- Public module functions.
+start = docmd -- Process -b command line option.
diff --git a/lib/luajit/src/jit/dis_arm.lua b/lib/luajit/src/jit/dis_arm.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59be715
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/luajit/src/jit/dis_arm.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,689 @@
+-- LuaJIT ARM disassembler module.
+-- Copyright (C) 2005-2015 Mike Pall. All rights reserved.
+-- Released under the MIT license. See Copyright Notice in luajit.h
+-- This is a helper module used by the LuaJIT machine code dumper module.
+-- It disassembles most user-mode ARMv7 instructions
+-- NYI: Advanced SIMD and VFP instructions.
+local type = type
+local sub, byte, format = string.sub, string.byte, string.format
+local match, gmatch, gsub = string.match, string.gmatch, string.gsub
+local concat = table.concat
+local bit = require("bit")
+local band, bor, ror, tohex =, bit.bor, bit.ror, bit.tohex
+local lshift, rshift, arshift = bit.lshift, bit.rshift, bit.arshift
+-- Opcode maps
+local map_loadc = {
+  shift = 8, mask = 15,
+  [10] = {
+    shift = 20, mask = 1,
+    [0] = {
+      shift = 23, mask = 3,
+      [0] = "vmovFmDN", "vstmFNdr",
+      _ = {
+	shift = 21, mask = 1,
+	[0] = "vstrFdl",
+	{ shift = 16, mask = 15, [13] = "vpushFdr", _ = "vstmdbFNdr", }
+      },
+    },
+    {
+      shift = 23, mask = 3,
+      [0] = "vmovFDNm",
+      { shift = 16, mask = 15, [13] = "vpopFdr", _ = "vldmFNdr", },
+      _ = {
+	shift = 21, mask = 1,
+	[0] = "vldrFdl", "vldmdbFNdr",
+      },
+    },
+  },
+  [11] = {
+    shift = 20, mask = 1,
+    [0] = {
+      shift = 23, mask = 3,
+      [0] = "vmovGmDN", "vstmGNdr",
+      _ = {
+	shift = 21, mask = 1,
+	[0] = "vstrGdl",
+	{ shift = 16, mask = 15, [13] = "vpushGdr", _ = "vstmdbGNdr", }
+      },
+    },
+    {
+      shift = 23, mask = 3,
+      [0] = "vmovGDNm",
+      { shift = 16, mask = 15, [13] = "vpopGdr", _ = "vldmGNdr", },
+      _ = {
+	shift = 21, mask = 1,
+	[0] = "vldrGdl", "vldmdbGNdr",
+      },
+    },
+  },
+  _ = {
+    shift = 0, mask = 0 -- NYI ldc, mcrr, mrrc.
+  },
+local map_vfps = {
+  shift = 6, mask = 0x2c001,
+  [0] = "vmlaF.dnm", "vmlsF.dnm",
+  [0x04000] = "vnmlsF.dnm", [0x04001] = "vnmlaF.dnm",
+  [0x08000] = "vmulF.dnm", [0x08001] = "vnmulF.dnm",
+  [0x0c000] = "vaddF.dnm", [0x0c001] = "vsubF.dnm",
+  [0x20000] = "vdivF.dnm",
+  [0x24000] = "vfnmsF.dnm", [0x24001] = "vfnmaF.dnm",
+  [0x28000] = "vfmaF.dnm", [0x28001] = "vfmsF.dnm",
+  [0x2c000] = "vmovF.dY",
+  [0x2c001] = {
+    shift = 7, mask = 0x1e01,
+    [0] = "", "",
+    [0x0200] = "", [0x0201] = "",
+    [0x0800] = "", [0x0801] = "",
+    [0x0a00] = "vcmpzF.d", [0x0a01] = "vcmpzeF.d",
+    [0x0e01] = "vcvtG.dF.m",
+    [0x1000] = "vcvt.f32.u32Fdm", [0x1001] = "vcvt.f32.s32Fdm",
+    [0x1800] = "", [0x1801] = "",
+    [0x1a00] = "", [0x1a01] = "",
+  },
+local map_vfpd = {
+  shift = 6, mask = 0x2c001,
+  [0] = "vmlaG.dnm", "vmlsG.dnm",
+  [0x04000] = "vnmlsG.dnm", [0x04001] = "vnmlaG.dnm",
+  [0x08000] = "vmulG.dnm", [0x08001] = "vnmulG.dnm",
+  [0x0c000] = "vaddG.dnm", [0x0c001] = "vsubG.dnm",
+  [0x20000] = "vdivG.dnm",
+  [0x24000] = "vfnmsG.dnm", [0x24001] = "vfnmaG.dnm",
+  [0x28000] = "vfmaG.dnm", [0x28001] = "vfmsG.dnm",
+  [0x2c000] = "vmovG.dY",
+  [0x2c001] = {
+    shift = 7, mask = 0x1e01,
+    [0] = "", "",
+    [0x0200] = "", [0x0201] = "",
+    [0x0800] = "", [0x0801] = "",
+    [0x0a00] = "vcmpzG.d", [0x0a01] = "vcmpzeG.d",
+    [0x0e01] = "vcvtF.dG.m",
+    [0x1000] = "vcvt.f64.u32GdFm", [0x1001] = "vcvt.f64.s32GdFm",
+    [0x1800] = "vcvtr.u32FdG.m", [0x1801] = "vcvt.u32FdG.m",
+    [0x1a00] = "vcvtr.s32FdG.m", [0x1a01] = "vcvt.s32FdG.m",
+  },
+local map_datac = {
+  shift = 24, mask = 1,
+  [0] = {
+    shift = 4, mask = 1,
+    [0] = {
+      shift = 8, mask = 15,
+      [10] = map_vfps,
+      [11] = map_vfpd,
+      -- NYI cdp, mcr, mrc.
+    },
+    {
+      shift = 8, mask = 15,
+      [10] = {
+	shift = 20, mask = 15,
+	[0] = "vmovFnD", "vmovFDn",
+	[14] = "vmsrD",
+	[15] = { shift = 12, mask = 15, [15] = "vmrs", _ = "vmrsD", },
+      },
+    },
+  },
+  "svcT",
+local map_loadcu = {
+  shift = 0, mask = 0, -- NYI unconditional CP load/store.
+local map_datacu = {
+  shift = 0, mask = 0, -- NYI unconditional CP data.
+local map_simddata = {
+  shift = 0, mask = 0, -- NYI SIMD data.
+local map_simdload = {
+  shift = 0, mask = 0, -- NYI SIMD load/store, preload.
+local map_preload = {
+  shift = 0, mask = 0, -- NYI preload.
+local map_media = {
+  shift = 20, mask = 31,
+  [0] = false,
+  { --01
+    shift = 5, mask = 7,
+    [0] = "sadd16DNM", "sasxDNM", "ssaxDNM", "ssub16DNM",
+    "sadd8DNM", false, false, "ssub8DNM",
+  },
+  { --02
+    shift = 5, mask = 7,
+    [0] = "qadd16DNM", "qasxDNM", "qsaxDNM", "qsub16DNM",
+    "qadd8DNM", false, false, "qsub8DNM",
+  },
+  { --03
+    shift = 5, mask = 7,
+    [0] = "shadd16DNM", "shasxDNM", "shsaxDNM", "shsub16DNM",
+    "shadd8DNM", false, false, "shsub8DNM",
+  },
+  false,
+  { --05
+    shift = 5, mask = 7,
+    [0] = "uadd16DNM", "uasxDNM", "usaxDNM", "usub16DNM",
+    "uadd8DNM", false, false, "usub8DNM",
+  },
+  { --06
+    shift = 5, mask = 7,
+    [0] = "uqadd16DNM", "uqasxDNM", "uqsaxDNM", "uqsub16DNM",
+    "uqadd8DNM", false, false, "uqsub8DNM",
+  },
+  { --07
+    shift = 5, mask = 7,
+    [0] = "uhadd16DNM", "uhasxDNM", "uhsaxDNM", "uhsub16DNM",
+    "uhadd8DNM", false, false, "uhsub8DNM",
+  },
+  { --08
+    shift = 5, mask = 7,
+    [0] = "pkhbtDNMU", false, "pkhtbDNMU",
+    { shift = 16, mask = 15, [15] = "sxtb16DMU", _ = "sxtab16DNMU", },
+    "pkhbtDNMU", "selDNM", "pkhtbDNMU",
+  },
+  false,
+  { --0a
+    shift = 5, mask = 7,
+    [0] = "ssatDxMu", "ssat16DxM", "ssatDxMu",
+    { shift = 16, mask = 15, [15] = "sxtbDMU", _ = "sxtabDNMU", },
+    "ssatDxMu", false, "ssatDxMu",
+  },
+  { --0b
+    shift = 5, mask = 7,
+    [0] = "ssatDxMu", "revDM", "ssatDxMu",
+    { shift = 16, mask = 15, [15] = "sxthDMU", _ = "sxtahDNMU", },
+    "ssatDxMu", "rev16DM", "ssatDxMu",
+  },
+  { --0c
+    shift = 5, mask = 7,
+    [3] = { shift = 16, mask = 15, [15] = "uxtb16DMU", _ = "uxtab16DNMU", },
+  },
+  false,
+  { --0e
+    shift = 5, mask = 7,
+    [0] = "usatDwMu", "usat16DwM", "usatDwMu",
+    { shift = 16, mask = 15, [15] = "uxtbDMU", _ = "uxtabDNMU", },
+    "usatDwMu", false, "usatDwMu",
+  },
+  { --0f
+    shift = 5, mask = 7,
+    [0] = "usatDwMu", "rbitDM", "usatDwMu",
+    { shift = 16, mask = 15, [15] = "uxthDMU", _ = "uxtahDNMU", },
+    "usatDwMu", "revshDM", "usatDwMu",
+  },
+  { --10
+    shift = 12, mask = 15,
+    [15] = {
+      shift = 5, mask = 7,
+      "smuadNMS", "smuadxNMS", "smusdNMS", "smusdxNMS",
+    },
+    _ = {
+      shift = 5, mask = 7,
+      [0] = "smladNMSD", "smladxNMSD", "smlsdNMSD", "smlsdxNMSD",
+    },
+  },
+  false, false, false,
+  { --14
+    shift = 5, mask = 7,
+    [0] = "smlaldDNMS", "smlaldxDNMS", "smlsldDNMS", "smlsldxDNMS",
+  },
+  { --15
+    shift = 5, mask = 7,
+    [0] = { shift = 12, mask = 15, [15] = "smmulNMS", _ = "smmlaNMSD", },
+    { shift = 12, mask = 15, [15] = "smmulrNMS", _ = "smmlarNMSD", },
+    false, false, false, false,
+    "smmlsNMSD", "smmlsrNMSD",
+  },
+  false, false,
+  { --18
+    shift = 5, mask = 7,
+    [0] = { shift = 12, mask = 15, [15] = "usad8NMS", _ = "usada8NMSD", },
+  },
+  false,
+  { --1a
+    shift = 5, mask = 3, [2] = "sbfxDMvw",
+  },
+  { --1b
+    shift = 5, mask = 3, [2] = "sbfxDMvw",
+  },
+  { --1c
+    shift = 5, mask = 3,
+    [0] = { shift = 0, mask = 15, [15] = "bfcDvX", _ = "bfiDMvX", },
+  },
+  { --1d
+    shift = 5, mask = 3,
+    [0] = { shift = 0, mask = 15, [15] = "bfcDvX", _ = "bfiDMvX", },
+  },
+  { --1e
+    shift = 5, mask = 3, [2] = "ubfxDMvw",
+  },
+  { --1f
+    shift = 5, mask = 3, [2] = "ubfxDMvw",
+  },
+local map_load = {
+  shift = 21, mask = 9,
+  {
+    shift = 20, mask = 5,
+    [0] = "strtDL", "ldrtDL", [4] = "strbtDL", [5] = "ldrbtDL",
+  },
+  _ = {
+    shift = 20, mask = 5,
+    [0] = "strDL", "ldrDL", [4] = "strbDL", [5] = "ldrbDL",
+  }
+local map_load1 = {
+  shift = 4, mask = 1,
+  [0] = map_load, map_media,
+local map_loadm = {
+  shift = 20, mask = 1,
+  [0] = {
+    shift = 23, mask = 3,
+    [0] = "stmdaNR", "stmNR",
+    { shift = 16, mask = 63, [45] = "pushR", _ = "stmdbNR", }, "stmibNR",
+  },
+  {
+    shift = 23, mask = 3,
+    [0] = "ldmdaNR", { shift = 16, mask = 63, [61] = "popR", _ = "ldmNR", },
+    "ldmdbNR", "ldmibNR",
+  },
+local map_data = {
+  shift = 21, mask = 15,
+  [0] = "andDNPs", "eorDNPs", "subDNPs", "rsbDNPs",
+  "addDNPs", "adcDNPs", "sbcDNPs", "rscDNPs",
+  "tstNP", "teqNP", "cmpNP", "cmnNP",
+  "orrDNPs", "movDPs", "bicDNPs", "mvnDPs",
+local map_mul = {
+  shift = 21, mask = 7,
+  [0] = "mulNMSs", "mlaNMSDs", "umaalDNMS", "mlsDNMS",
+  "umullDNMSs", "umlalDNMSs", "smullDNMSs", "smlalDNMSs",
+local map_sync = {
+  shift = 20, mask = 15, -- NYI: brackets around N. R(D+1) for ldrexd/strexd.
+  [0] = "swpDMN", false, false, false,
+  "swpbDMN", false, false, false,
+  "strexDMN", "ldrexDN", "strexdDN", "ldrexdDN",
+  "strexbDMN", "ldrexbDN", "strexhDN", "ldrexhDN",
+local map_mulh = {
+  shift = 21, mask = 3,
+  [0] = { shift = 5, mask = 3,
+    [0] = "smlabbNMSD", "smlatbNMSD", "smlabtNMSD", "smlattNMSD", },
+  { shift = 5, mask = 3,
+    [0] = "smlawbNMSD", "smulwbNMS", "smlawtNMSD", "smulwtNMS", },
+  { shift = 5, mask = 3,
+    [0] = "smlalbbDNMS", "smlaltbDNMS", "smlalbtDNMS", "smlalttDNMS", },
+  { shift = 5, mask = 3,
+    [0] = "smulbbNMS", "smultbNMS", "smulbtNMS", "smulttNMS", },
+local map_misc = {
+  shift = 4, mask = 7,
+  -- NYI: decode PSR bits of msr.
+  [0] = { shift = 21, mask = 1, [0] = "mrsD", "msrM", },
+  { shift = 21, mask = 3, "bxM", false, "clzDM", },
+  { shift = 21, mask = 3, "bxjM", },
+  { shift = 21, mask = 3, "blxM", },
+  false,
+  { shift = 21, mask = 3, [0] = "qaddDMN", "qsubDMN", "qdaddDMN", "qdsubDMN", },
+  false,
+  { shift = 21, mask = 3, "bkptK", },
+local map_datar = {
+  shift = 4, mask = 9,
+  [9] = {
+    shift = 5, mask = 3,
+    [0] = { shift = 24, mask = 1, [0] = map_mul, map_sync, },
+    { shift = 20, mask = 1, [0] = "strhDL", "ldrhDL", },
+    { shift = 20, mask = 1, [0] = "ldrdDL", "ldrsbDL", },
+    { shift = 20, mask = 1, [0] = "strdDL", "ldrshDL", },
+  },
+  _ = {
+    shift = 20, mask = 25,
+    [16] = { shift = 7, mask = 1, [0] = map_misc, map_mulh, },
+    _ = {
+      shift = 0, mask = 0xffffffff,
+      [bor(0xe1a00000)] = "nop",
+      _ = map_data,
+    }
+  },
+local map_datai = {
+  shift = 20, mask = 31, -- NYI: decode PSR bits of msr. Decode imm12.
+  [16] = "movwDW", [20] = "movtDW",
+  [18] = { shift = 0, mask = 0xf00ff, [0] = "nopv6", _ = "msrNW", },
+  [22] = "msrNW",
+  _ = map_data,
+local map_branch = {
+  shift = 24, mask = 1,
+  [0] = "bB", "blB"
+local map_condins = {
+  [0] = map_datar, map_datai, map_load, map_load1,
+  map_loadm, map_branch, map_loadc, map_datac
+-- NYI: setend.
+local map_uncondins = {
+  [0] = false, map_simddata, map_simdload, map_preload,
+  false, "blxB", map_loadcu, map_datacu,
+local map_gpr = {
+  [0] = "r0", "r1", "r2", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r7",
+  "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r12", "sp", "lr", "pc",
+local map_cond = {
+  [0] = "eq", "ne", "hs", "lo", "mi", "pl", "vs", "vc",
+  "hi", "ls", "ge", "lt", "gt", "le", "al",
+local map_shift = { [0] = "lsl", "lsr", "asr", "ror", }
+-- Output a nicely formatted line with an opcode and operands.
+local function putop(ctx, text, operands)
+  local pos = ctx.pos
+  local extra = ""
+  if ctx.rel then
+    local sym = ctx.symtab[ctx.rel]
+    if sym then
+      extra = "\t->"..sym
+    elseif band(ctx.op, 0x0e000000) ~= 0x0a000000 then
+      extra = "\t; 0x"..tohex(ctx.rel)
+    end
+  end
+  if ctx.hexdump > 0 then
+    ctx.out(format("%08x  %s  %-5s %s%s\n",
+	    ctx.addr+pos, tohex(ctx.op), text, concat(operands, ", "), extra))
+  else
+    ctx.out(format("%08x  %-5s %s%s\n",
+	    ctx.addr+pos, text, concat(operands, ", "), extra))
+  end
+  ctx.pos = pos + 4
+-- Fallback for unknown opcodes.
+local function unknown(ctx)
+  return putop(ctx, ".long", { "0x"..tohex(ctx.op) })
+-- Format operand 2 of load/store opcodes.
+local function fmtload(ctx, op, pos)
+  local base = map_gpr[band(rshift(op, 16), 15)]
+  local x, ofs
+  local ext = (band(op, 0x04000000) == 0)
+  if not ext and band(op, 0x02000000) == 0 then
+    ofs = band(op, 4095)
+    if band(op, 0x00800000) == 0 then ofs = -ofs end
+    if base == "pc" then ctx.rel = ctx.addr + pos + 8 + ofs end
+    ofs = "#"..ofs
+  elseif ext and band(op, 0x00400000) ~= 0 then
+    ofs = band(op, 15) + band(rshift(op, 4), 0xf0)
+    if band(op, 0x00800000) == 0 then ofs = -ofs end
+    if base == "pc" then ctx.rel = ctx.addr + pos + 8 + ofs end
+    ofs = "#"..ofs
+  else
+    ofs = map_gpr[band(op, 15)]
+    if ext or band(op, 0xfe0) == 0 then
+    elseif band(op, 0xfe0) == 0x60 then
+      ofs = format("%s, rrx", ofs)
+    else
+      local sh = band(rshift(op, 7), 31)
+      if sh == 0 then sh = 32 end
+      ofs = format("%s, %s #%d", ofs, map_shift[band(rshift(op, 5), 3)], sh)
+    end
+    if band(op, 0x00800000) == 0 then ofs = "-"..ofs end
+  end
+  if ofs == "#0" then
+    x = format("[%s]", base)
+  elseif band(op, 0x01000000) == 0 then
+    x = format("[%s], %s", base, ofs)
+  else
+    x = format("[%s, %s]", base, ofs)
+  end
+  if band(op, 0x01200000) == 0x01200000 then x = x.."!" end
+  return x
+-- Format operand 2 of vector load/store opcodes.
+local function fmtvload(ctx, op, pos)
+  local base = map_gpr[band(rshift(op, 16), 15)]
+  local ofs = band(op, 255)*4
+  if band(op, 0x00800000) == 0 then ofs = -ofs end
+  if base == "pc" then ctx.rel = ctx.addr + pos + 8 + ofs end
+  if ofs == 0 then
+    return format("[%s]", base)
+  else
+    return format("[%s, #%d]", base, ofs)
+  end
+local function fmtvr(op, vr, sh0, sh1)
+  if vr == "s" then
+    return format("s%d", 2*band(rshift(op, sh0), 15)+band(rshift(op, sh1), 1))
+  else
+    return format("d%d", band(rshift(op, sh0), 15)+band(rshift(op, sh1-4), 16))
+  end
+-- Disassemble a single instruction.
+local function disass_ins(ctx)
+  local pos = ctx.pos
+  local b0, b1, b2, b3 = byte(ctx.code, pos+1, pos+4)
+  local op = bor(lshift(b3, 24), lshift(b2, 16), lshift(b1, 8), b0)
+  local operands = {}
+  local suffix = ""
+  local last, name, pat
+  local vr
+  ctx.op = op
+  ctx.rel = nil
+  local cond = rshift(op, 28)
+  local opat
+  if cond == 15 then
+    opat = map_uncondins[band(rshift(op, 25), 7)]
+  else
+    if cond ~= 14 then suffix = map_cond[cond] end
+    opat = map_condins[band(rshift(op, 25), 7)]
+  end
+  while type(opat) ~= "string" do
+    if not opat then return unknown(ctx) end
+    opat = opat[band(rshift(op, opat.shift), opat.mask)] or opat._
+  end
+  name, pat = match(opat, "^([a-z0-9]*)(.*)")
+  if sub(pat, 1, 1) == "." then
+    local s2, p2 = match(pat, "^([a-z0-9.]*)(.*)")
+    suffix = suffix..s2
+    pat = p2
+  end
+  for p in gmatch(pat, ".") do
+    local x = nil
+    if p == "D" then
+      x = map_gpr[band(rshift(op, 12), 15)]
+    elseif p == "N" then
+      x = map_gpr[band(rshift(op, 16), 15)]
+    elseif p == "S" then
+      x = map_gpr[band(rshift(op, 8), 15)]
+    elseif p == "M" then
+      x = map_gpr[band(op, 15)]
+    elseif p == "d" then
+      x = fmtvr(op, vr, 12, 22)
+    elseif p == "n" then
+      x = fmtvr(op, vr, 16, 7)
+    elseif p == "m" then
+      x = fmtvr(op, vr, 0, 5)
+    elseif p == "P" then
+      if band(op, 0x02000000) ~= 0 then
+	x = ror(band(op, 255), 2*band(rshift(op, 8), 15))
+      else
+	x = map_gpr[band(op, 15)]
+	if band(op, 0xff0) ~= 0 then
+	  operands[#operands+1] = x
+	  local s = map_shift[band(rshift(op, 5), 3)]
+	  local r = nil
+	  if band(op, 0xf90) == 0 then
+	    if s == "ror" then s = "rrx" else r = "#32" end
+	  elseif band(op, 0x10) == 0 then
+	    r = "#", 7), 31)
+	  else
+	    r = map_gpr[band(rshift(op, 8), 15)]
+	  end
+	  if name == "mov" then name = s; x = r
+	  elseif r then x = format("%s %s", s, r)
+	  else x = s end
+	end
+      end
+    elseif p == "L" then
+      x = fmtload(ctx, op, pos)
+    elseif p == "l" then
+      x = fmtvload(ctx, op, pos)
+    elseif p == "B" then
+      local addr = ctx.addr + pos + 8 + arshift(lshift(op, 8), 6)
+      if cond == 15 then addr = addr + band(rshift(op, 23), 2) end
+      ctx.rel = addr
+      x = "0x"..tohex(addr)
+    elseif p == "F" then
+      vr = "s"
+    elseif p == "G" then
+      vr = "d"
+    elseif p == "." then
+      suffix = suffix..(vr == "s" and ".f32" or ".f64")
+    elseif p == "R" then
+      if band(op, 0x00200000) ~= 0 and #operands == 1 then
+	operands[1] = operands[1].."!"
+      end
+      local t = {}
+      for i=0,15 do
+	if band(rshift(op, i), 1) == 1 then t[#t+1] = map_gpr[i] end
+      end
+      x = "{"..concat(t, ", ").."}"
+    elseif p == "r" then
+      if band(op, 0x00200000) ~= 0 and #operands == 2 then
+	operands[1] = operands[1].."!"
+      end
+      local s = tonumber(sub(last, 2))
+      local n = band(op, 255)
+      if vr == "d" then n = rshift(n, 1) end
+      operands[#operands] = format("{%s-%s%d}", last, vr, s+n-1)
+    elseif p == "W" then
+      x = band(op, 0x0fff) + band(rshift(op, 4), 0xf000)
+    elseif p == "T" then
+      x = "#0x"..tohex(band(op, 0x00ffffff), 6)
+    elseif p == "U" then
+      x = band(rshift(op, 7), 31)
+      if x == 0 then x = nil end
+    elseif p == "u" then
+      x = band(rshift(op, 7), 31)
+      if band(op, 0x40) == 0 then
+	if x == 0 then x = nil else x = "lsl #"..x end
+      else
+	if x == 0 then x = "asr #32" else x = "asr #"..x end
+      end
+    elseif p == "v" then
+      x = band(rshift(op, 7), 31)
+    elseif p == "w" then
+      x = band(rshift(op, 16), 31)
+    elseif p == "x" then
+      x = band(rshift(op, 16), 31) + 1
+    elseif p == "X" then
+      x = band(rshift(op, 16), 31) - last + 1
+    elseif p == "Y" then
+      x = band(rshift(op, 12), 0xf0) + band(op, 0x0f)
+    elseif p == "K" then
+      x = "#0x"..tohex(band(rshift(op, 4), 0x0000fff0) + band(op, 15), 4)
+    elseif p == "s" then
+      if band(op, 0x00100000) ~= 0 then suffix = "s"..suffix end
+    else
+      assert(false)
+    end
+    if x then
+      last = x
+      if type(x) == "number" then x = "#"..x end
+      operands[#operands+1] = x
+    end
+  end
+  return putop(ctx, name..suffix, operands)
+-- Disassemble a block of code.
+local function disass_block(ctx, ofs, len)
+  if not ofs then ofs = 0 end
+  local stop = len and ofs+len or #ctx.code
+  ctx.pos = ofs
+  ctx.rel = nil
+  while ctx.pos < stop do disass_ins(ctx) end
+-- Extended API: create a disassembler context. Then call ctx:disass(ofs, len).
+local function create_(code, addr, out)
+  local ctx = {}
+  ctx.code = code
+  ctx.addr = addr or 0
+  ctx.out = out or io.write
+  ctx.symtab = {}
+  ctx.disass = disass_block
+  ctx.hexdump = 8
+  return ctx
+-- Simple API: disassemble code (a string) at address and output via out.
+local function disass_(code, addr, out)
+  create_(code, addr, out):disass()
+-- Return register name for RID.
+local function regname_(r)
+  if r < 16 then return map_gpr[r] end
+  return "d"..(r-16)
+-- Public module functions.
+create = create_
+disass = disass_
+regname = regname_
diff --git a/lib/luajit/src/jit/dis_mips.lua b/lib/luajit/src/jit/dis_mips.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acdd2be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/luajit/src/jit/dis_mips.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+-- LuaJIT MIPS disassembler module.
+-- Copyright (C) 2005-2015 Mike Pall. All rights reserved.
+-- Released under the MIT/X license. See Copyright Notice in luajit.h
+-- This is a helper module used by the LuaJIT machine code dumper module.
+-- It disassembles all standard MIPS32R1/R2 instructions.
+-- Default mode is big-endian, but see: dis_mipsel.lua
+local type = type
+local sub, byte, format = string.sub, string.byte, string.format
+local match, gmatch, gsub = string.match, string.gmatch, string.gsub
+local concat = table.concat
+local bit = require("bit")
+local band, bor, tohex =, bit.bor, bit.tohex
+local lshift, rshift, arshift = bit.lshift, bit.rshift, bit.arshift
+-- Primary and extended opcode maps
+local map_movci = { shift = 16, mask = 1, [0] = "movfDSC", "movtDSC", }
+local map_srl = { shift = 21, mask = 1, [0] = "srlDTA", "rotrDTA", }
+local map_srlv = { shift = 6, mask = 1, [0] = "srlvDTS", "rotrvDTS", }
+local map_special = {
+  shift = 0, mask = 63,
+  [0] = { shift = 0, mask = -1, [0] = "nop", _ = "sllDTA" },
+  map_movci,	map_srl,	"sraDTA",
+  "sllvDTS",	false,		map_srlv,	"sravDTS",
+  "jrS",	"jalrD1S",	"movzDST",	"movnDST",
+  "syscallY",	"breakY",	false,		"sync",
+  "mfhiD",	"mthiS",	"mfloD",	"mtloS",
+  false,	false,		false,		false,
+  "multST",	"multuST",	"divST",	"divuST",
+  false,	false,		false,		false,
+  "addDST",	"addu|moveDST0", "subDST",	"subu|neguDS0T",
+  "andDST",	"orDST",	"xorDST",	"nor|notDST0",
+  false,	false,		"sltDST",	"sltuDST",
+  false,	false,		false,		false,
+  "tgeSTZ",	"tgeuSTZ",	"tltSTZ",	"tltuSTZ",
+  "teqSTZ",	false,		"tneSTZ",
+local map_special2 = {
+  shift = 0, mask = 63,
+  [0] = "maddST", "madduST",	"mulDST",	false,
+  "msubST",	"msubuST",
+  [32] = "clzDS", [33] = "cloDS",
+  [63] = "sdbbpY",
+local map_bshfl = {
+  shift = 6, mask = 31,
+  [2] = "wsbhDT",
+  [16] = "sebDT",
+  [24] = "sehDT",
+local map_special3 = {
+  shift = 0, mask = 63,
+  [0] = "extTSAK", [4] = "insTSAL",
+  [32] = map_bshfl,
+  [59] = "rdhwrTD",
+local map_regimm = {
+  shift = 16, mask = 31,
+  [0] = "bltzSB",	"bgezSB",	"bltzlSB",	"bgezlSB",
+  false,	false,		false,		false,
+  "tgeiSI",	"tgeiuSI",	"tltiSI",	"tltiuSI",
+  "teqiSI",	false,		"tneiSI",	false,
+  "bltzalSB",	"bgezalSB",	"bltzallSB",	"bgezallSB",
+  false,	false,		false,		false,
+  false,	false,		false,		false,
+  false,	false,		false,		"synciSO",
+local map_cop0 = {
+  shift = 25, mask = 1,
+  [0] = {
+    shift = 21, mask = 15,
+    [0] = "mfc0TDW", [4] = "mtc0TDW",
+    [10] = "rdpgprDT",
+    [11] = { shift = 5, mask = 1, [0] = "diT0", "eiT0", },
+    [14] = "wrpgprDT",
+  }, {
+    shift = 0, mask = 63,
+    [1] = "tlbr", [2] = "tlbwi", [6] = "tlbwr", [8] = "tlbp",
+    [24] = "eret", [31] = "deret",
+    [32] = "wait",
+  },
+local map_cop1s = {
+  shift = 0, mask = 63,
+  [0] = "add.sFGH",	"sub.sFGH",	"mul.sFGH",	"div.sFGH",
+  "sqrt.sFG",		"abs.sFG",	"mov.sFG",	"neg.sFG",
+  "round.l.sFG",	"trunc.l.sFG",	"ceil.l.sFG",	"floor.l.sFG",
+  "round.w.sFG",	"trunc.w.sFG",	"ceil.w.sFG",	"floor.w.sFG",
+  false,
+  { shift = 16, mask = 1, [0] = "movf.sFGC", "movt.sFGC" },
+  "movz.sFGT",	"movn.sFGT",
+  false,	"recip.sFG",	"rsqrt.sFG",	false,
+  false,	false,		false,		false,
+  false,	false,		false,		false,
+  false,	"cvt.d.sFG",	false,		false,
+  "cvt.w.sFG",	"cvt.l.sFG",	"",	false,
+  false,	false,		false,		false,
+  false,	false,		false,		false,
+  "c.f.sVGH",	"c.un.sVGH",	"c.eq.sVGH",	"c.ueq.sVGH",
+  "c.olt.sVGH",	"c.ult.sVGH",	"c.ole.sVGH",	"c.ule.sVGH",
+  "c.sf.sVGH",	"c.ngle.sVGH",	"c.seq.sVGH",	"c.ngl.sVGH",
+  "",	"c.nge.sVGH",	"c.le.sVGH",	"c.ngt.sVGH",
+local map_cop1d = {
+  shift = 0, mask = 63,
+  [0] = "add.dFGH",	"sub.dFGH",	"mul.dFGH",	"div.dFGH",
+  "sqrt.dFG",		"abs.dFG",	"mov.dFG",	"neg.dFG",
+  "round.l.dFG",	"trunc.l.dFG",	"ceil.l.dFG",	"floor.l.dFG",
+  "round.w.dFG",	"trunc.w.dFG",	"ceil.w.dFG",	"floor.w.dFG",
+  false,
+  { shift = 16, mask = 1, [0] = "movf.dFGC", "movt.dFGC" },
+  "movz.dFGT",	"movn.dFGT",
+  false,	"recip.dFG",	"rsqrt.dFG",	false,
+  false,	false,		false,		false,
+  false,	false,		false,		false,
+  "cvt.s.dFG",	false,		false,		false,
+  "cvt.w.dFG",	"cvt.l.dFG",	false,		false,
+  false,	false,		false,		false,
+  false,	false,		false,		false,
+  "c.f.dVGH",	"c.un.dVGH",	"c.eq.dVGH",	"c.ueq.dVGH",
+  "c.olt.dVGH",	"c.ult.dVGH",	"c.ole.dVGH",	"c.ule.dVGH",
+  "c.df.dVGH",	"c.ngle.dVGH",	"c.deq.dVGH",	"c.ngl.dVGH",
+  "",	"c.nge.dVGH",	"c.le.dVGH",	"c.ngt.dVGH",
+local map_cop1ps = {
+  shift = 0, mask = 63,
+  [0] = "add.psFGH",	"sub.psFGH",	"mul.psFGH",	false,
+  false,		"abs.psFG",	"mov.psFG",	"neg.psFG",
+  false,		false,		false,		false,
+  false,		false,		false,		false,
+  false,
+  { shift = 16, mask = 1, [0] = "movf.psFGC", "movt.psFGC" },
+  "movz.psFGT",	"movn.psFGT",
+  false,	false,		false,		false,
+  false,	false,		false,		false,
+  false,	false,		false,		false,
+  "cvt.s.puFG",	false,		false,		false,
+  false,	false,		false,		false,
+  "cvt.s.plFG",	false,		false,		false,
+  "pll.psFGH",	"plu.psFGH",	"pul.psFGH",	"puu.psFGH",
+  "c.f.psVGH",	"c.un.psVGH",	"c.eq.psVGH",	"c.ueq.psVGH",
+  "c.olt.psVGH", "c.ult.psVGH",	"c.ole.psVGH",	"c.ule.psVGH",
+  "c.psf.psVGH", "c.ngle.psVGH", "c.pseq.psVGH", "c.ngl.psVGH",
+  "",	"c.nge.psVGH",	"c.le.psVGH",	"c.ngt.psVGH",
+local map_cop1w = {
+  shift = 0, mask = 63,
+  [32] = "cvt.s.wFG", [33] = "cvt.d.wFG",
+local map_cop1l = {
+  shift = 0, mask = 63,
+  [32] = "cvt.s.lFG", [33] = "cvt.d.lFG",
+local map_cop1bc = {
+  shift = 16, mask = 3,
+  [0] = "bc1fCB", "bc1tCB",	"bc1flCB",	"bc1tlCB",
+local map_cop1 = {
+  shift = 21, mask = 31,
+  [0] = "mfc1TG", false,	"cfc1TG",	"mfhc1TG",
+  "mtc1TG",	false,		"ctc1TG",	"mthc1TG",
+  map_cop1bc,	false,		false,		false,
+  false,	false,		false,		false,
+  map_cop1s,	map_cop1d,	false,		false,
+  map_cop1w,	map_cop1l,	map_cop1ps,
+local map_cop1x = {
+  shift = 0, mask = 63,
+  [0] = "lwxc1FSX",	"ldxc1FSX",	false,		false,
+  false,	"luxc1FSX",	false,		false,
+  "swxc1FSX",	"sdxc1FSX",	false,		false,
+  false,	"suxc1FSX",	false,		"prefxMSX",
+  false,	false,		false,		false,
+  false,	false,		false,		false,
+  false,	false,		false,		false,
+  false,	false,		"alnv.psFGHS",	false,
+  "madd.sFRGH",	"madd.dFRGH",	false,		false,
+  false,	false,		"madd.psFRGH",	false,
+  "msub.sFRGH",	"msub.dFRGH",	false,		false,
+  false,	false,		"msub.psFRGH",	false,
+  "nmadd.sFRGH", "nmadd.dFRGH",	false,		false,
+  false,	false,		"nmadd.psFRGH",	false,
+  "nmsub.sFRGH", "nmsub.dFRGH",	false,		false,
+  false,	false,		"nmsub.psFRGH",	false,
+local map_pri = {
+  [0] = map_special,	map_regimm,	"jJ",	"jalJ",
+  "beq|beqz|bST00B",	"bne|bnezST0B",		"blezSB",	"bgtzSB",
+  "addiTSI",	"addiu|liTS0I",	"sltiTSI",	"sltiuTSI",
+  "andiTSU",	"ori|liTS0U",	"xoriTSU",	"luiTU",
+  map_cop0,	map_cop1,	false,		map_cop1x,
+  "beql|beqzlST0B",	"bnel|bnezlST0B",	"blezlSB",	"bgtzlSB",
+  false,	false,		false,		false,
+  map_special2,	false,		false,		map_special3,
+  "lbTSO",	"lhTSO",	"lwlTSO",	"lwTSO",
+  "lbuTSO",	"lhuTSO",	"lwrTSO",	false,
+  "sbTSO",	"shTSO",	"swlTSO",	"swTSO",
+  false,	false,		"swrTSO",	"cacheNSO",
+  "llTSO",	"lwc1HSO",	"lwc2TSO",	"prefNSO",
+  false,	"ldc1HSO",	"ldc2TSO",	false,
+  "scTSO",	"swc1HSO",	"swc2TSO",	false,
+  false,	"sdc1HSO",	"sdc2TSO",	false,
+local map_gpr = {
+  [0] = "r0", "r1", "r2", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r7",
+  "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r12", "r13", "r14", "r15",
+  "r16", "r17", "r18", "r19", "r20", "r21", "r22", "r23",
+  "r24", "r25", "r26", "r27", "r28", "sp", "r30", "ra",
+-- Output a nicely formatted line with an opcode and operands.
+local function putop(ctx, text, operands)
+  local pos = ctx.pos
+  local extra = ""
+  if ctx.rel then
+    local sym = ctx.symtab[ctx.rel]
+    if sym then extra = "\t->"..sym end
+  end
+  if ctx.hexdump > 0 then
+    ctx.out(format("%08x  %s  %-7s %s%s\n",
+	    ctx.addr+pos, tohex(ctx.op), text, concat(operands, ", "), extra))
+  else
+    ctx.out(format("%08x  %-7s %s%s\n",
+	    ctx.addr+pos, text, concat(operands, ", "), extra))
+  end
+  ctx.pos = pos + 4
+-- Fallback for unknown opcodes.
+local function unknown(ctx)
+  return putop(ctx, ".long", { "0x"..tohex(ctx.op) })
+local function get_be(ctx)
+  local pos = ctx.pos
+  local b0, b1, b2, b3 = byte(ctx.code, pos+1, pos+4)
+  return bor(lshift(b0, 24), lshift(b1, 16), lshift(b2, 8), b3)
+local function get_le(ctx)
+  local pos = ctx.pos
+  local b0, b1, b2, b3 = byte(ctx.code, pos+1, pos+4)
+  return bor(lshift(b3, 24), lshift(b2, 16), lshift(b1, 8), b0)
+-- Disassemble a single instruction.
+local function disass_ins(ctx)
+  local op = ctx:get()
+  local operands = {}
+  local last = nil
+  ctx.op = op
+  ctx.rel = nil
+  local opat = map_pri[rshift(op, 26)]
+  while type(opat) ~= "string" do
+    if not opat then return unknown(ctx) end
+    opat = opat[band(rshift(op, opat.shift), opat.mask)] or opat._
+  end
+  local name, pat = match(opat, "^([a-z0-9_.]*)(.*)")
+  local altname, pat2 = match(pat, "|([a-z0-9_.|]*)(.*)")
+  if altname then pat = pat2 end
+  for p in gmatch(pat, ".") do
+    local x = nil
+    if p == "S" then
+      x = map_gpr[band(rshift(op, 21), 31)]
+    elseif p == "T" then
+      x = map_gpr[band(rshift(op, 16), 31)]
+    elseif p == "D" then
+      x = map_gpr[band(rshift(op, 11), 31)]
+    elseif p == "F" then
+      x = "f", 6), 31)
+    elseif p == "G" then
+      x = "f", 11), 31)
+    elseif p == "H" then
+      x = "f", 16), 31)
+    elseif p == "R" then
+      x = "f", 21), 31)
+    elseif p == "A" then
+      x = band(rshift(op, 6), 31)
+    elseif p == "M" then
+      x = band(rshift(op, 11), 31)
+    elseif p == "N" then
+      x = band(rshift(op, 16), 31)
+    elseif p == "C" then
+      x = band(rshift(op, 18), 7)
+      if x == 0 then x = nil end
+    elseif p == "K" then
+      x = band(rshift(op, 11), 31) + 1
+    elseif p == "L" then
+      x = band(rshift(op, 11), 31) - last + 1
+    elseif p == "I" then
+      x = arshift(lshift(op, 16), 16)
+    elseif p == "U" then
+      x = band(op, 0xffff)
+    elseif p == "O" then
+      local disp = arshift(lshift(op, 16), 16)
+      operands[#operands] = format("%d(%s)", disp, last)
+    elseif p == "X" then
+      local index = map_gpr[band(rshift(op, 16), 31)]
+      operands[#operands] = format("%s(%s)", index, last)
+    elseif p == "B" then
+      x = ctx.addr + ctx.pos + arshift(lshift(op, 16), 16)*4 + 4
+      ctx.rel = x
+      x = "0x"..tohex(x)
+    elseif p == "J" then
+      x = band(ctx.addr + ctx.pos, 0xf0000000) + band(op, 0x03ffffff)*4
+      ctx.rel = x
+      x = "0x"..tohex(x)
+    elseif p == "V" then
+      x = band(rshift(op, 8), 7)
+      if x == 0 then x = nil end
+    elseif p == "W" then
+      x = band(op, 7)
+      if x == 0 then x = nil end
+    elseif p == "Y" then
+      x = band(rshift(op, 6), 0x000fffff)
+      if x == 0 then x = nil end
+    elseif p == "Z" then
+      x = band(rshift(op, 6), 1023)
+      if x == 0 then x = nil end
+    elseif p == "0" then
+      if last == "r0" or last == 0 then
+	local n = #operands
+	operands[n] = nil
+	last = operands[n-1]
+	if altname then
+	  local a1, a2 = match(altname, "([^|]*)|(.*)")
+	  if a1 then name, altname = a1, a2
+	  else name = altname end
+	end
+      end
+    elseif p == "1" then
+      if last == "ra" then
+	operands[#operands] = nil
+      end
+    else
+      assert(false)
+    end
+    if x then operands[#operands+1] = x; last = x end
+  end
+  return putop(ctx, name, operands)
+-- Disassemble a block of code.
+local function disass_block(ctx, ofs, len)
+  if not ofs then ofs = 0 end
+  local stop = len and ofs+len or #ctx.code
+  stop = stop - stop % 4
+  ctx.pos = ofs - ofs % 4
+  ctx.rel = nil
+  while ctx.pos < stop do disass_ins(ctx) end
+-- Extended API: create a disassembler context. Then call ctx:disass(ofs, len).
+local function create_(code, addr, out)
+  local ctx = {}
+  ctx.code = code
+  ctx.addr = addr or 0
+  ctx.out = out or io.write
+  ctx.symtab = {}
+  ctx.disass = disass_block
+  ctx.hexdump = 8
+  ctx.get = get_be
+  return ctx
+local function create_el_(code, addr, out)
+  local ctx = create_(code, addr, out)
+  ctx.get = get_le
+  return ctx
+-- Simple API: disassemble code (a string) at address and output via out.
+local function disass_(code, addr, out)
+  create_(code, addr, out):disass()
+local function disass_el_(code, addr, out)
+  create_el_(code, addr, out):disass()
+-- Return register name for RID.
+local function regname_(r)
+  if r < 32 then return map_gpr[r] end
+  return "f"..(r-32)
+-- Public module functions.
+create = create_
+create_el = create_el_
+disass = disass_
+disass_el = disass_el_
+regname = regname_
diff --git a/lib/luajit/src/jit/dis_mipsel.lua b/lib/luajit/src/jit/dis_mipsel.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd9d26a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/luajit/src/jit/dis_mipsel.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+-- LuaJIT MIPSEL disassembler wrapper module.
+-- Copyright (C) 2005-2015 Mike Pall. All rights reserved.
+-- Released under the MIT license. See Copyright Notice in luajit.h
+-- This module just exports the little-endian functions from the
+-- MIPS disassembler module. All the interesting stuff is there.
+local require = require
+local dis_mips = require(_PACKAGE.."dis_mips")
+create = dis_mips.create_el
+disass = dis_mips.disass_el
+regname = dis_mips.regname
diff --git a/lib/luajit/src/jit/dis_ppc.lua b/lib/luajit/src/jit/dis_ppc.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d05c431
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/luajit/src/jit/dis_ppc.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,591 @@
+-- LuaJIT PPC disassembler module.
+-- Copyright (C) 2005-2015 Mike Pall. All rights reserved.
+-- Released under the MIT/X license. See Copyright Notice in luajit.h
+-- This is a helper module used by the LuaJIT machine code dumper module.
+-- It disassembles all common, non-privileged 32/64 bit PowerPC instructions
+-- plus the e500 SPE instructions and some Cell/Xenon extensions.
+-- NYI: VMX, VMX128
+local type = type
+local sub, byte, format = string.sub, string.byte, string.format
+local match, gmatch, gsub = string.match, string.gmatch, string.gsub
+local concat = table.concat
+local bit = require("bit")
+local band, bor, tohex =, bit.bor, bit.tohex
+local lshift, rshift, arshift = bit.lshift, bit.rshift, bit.arshift
+-- Primary and extended opcode maps
+local map_crops = {
+  shift = 1, mask = 1023,
+  [0] = "mcrfXX",
+  [33] = "crnor|crnotCCC=", [129] = "crandcCCC",
+  [193] = "crxor|crclrCCC%", [225] = "crnandCCC",
+  [257] = "crandCCC", [289] = "creqv|crsetCCC%",
+  [417] = "crorcCCC", [449] = "cror|crmoveCCC=",
+  [16] = "b_lrKB", [528] = "b_ctrKB",
+  [150] = "isync",
+local map_rlwinm = setmetatable({
+  shift = 0, mask = -1,
+{ __index = function(t, x)
+    local rot = band(rshift(x, 11), 31)
+    local mb = band(rshift(x, 6), 31)
+    local me = band(rshift(x, 1), 31)
+    if mb == 0 and me == 31-rot then
+      return "slwiRR~A."
+    elseif me == 31 and mb == 32-rot then
+      return "srwiRR~-A."
+    else
+      return "rlwinmRR~AAA."
+    end
+  end
+local map_rld = {
+  shift = 2, mask = 7,
+  [0] = "rldiclRR~HM.", "rldicrRR~HM.", "rldicRR~HM.", "rldimiRR~HM.",
+  {
+    shift = 1, mask = 1,
+    [0] = "rldclRR~RM.", "rldcrRR~RM.",
+  },
+local map_ext = setmetatable({
+  shift = 1, mask = 1023,
+  [0] = "cmp_YLRR", [32] = "cmpl_YLRR",
+  [4] = "twARR", [68] = "tdARR",
+  [8] = "subfcRRR.", [40] = "subfRRR.",
+  [104] = "negRR.", [136] = "subfeRRR.",
+  [200] = "subfzeRR.", [232] = "subfmeRR.",
+  [520] = "subfcoRRR.", [552] = "subfoRRR.",
+  [616] = "negoRR.", [648] = "subfeoRRR.",
+  [712] = "subfzeoRR.", [744] = "subfmeoRR.",
+  [9] = "mulhduRRR.", [73] = "mulhdRRR.", [233] = "mulldRRR.",
+  [457] = "divduRRR.", [489] = "divdRRR.",
+  [745] = "mulldoRRR.",
+  [969] = "divduoRRR.", [1001] = "divdoRRR.",
+  [10] = "addcRRR.", [138] = "addeRRR.",
+  [202] = "addzeRR.", [234] = "addmeRR.", [266] = "addRRR.",
+  [522] = "addcoRRR.", [650] = "addeoRRR.",
+  [714] = "addzeoRR.", [746] = "addmeoRR.", [778] = "addoRRR.",
+  [11] = "mulhwuRRR.", [75] = "mulhwRRR.", [235] = "mullwRRR.",
+  [459] = "divwuRRR.", [491] = "divwRRR.",
+  [747] = "mullwoRRR.",
+  [971] = "divwouRRR.", [1003] = "divwoRRR.",
+  [15] = "iselltRRR", [47] = "iselgtRRR", [79] = "iseleqRRR",
+  [144] = { shift = 20, mask = 1, [0] = "mtcrfRZ~", "mtocrfRZ~", },
+  [19] = { shift = 20, mask = 1, [0] = "mfcrR", "mfocrfRZ", },
+  [371] = { shift = 11, mask = 1023, [392] = "mftbR", [424] = "mftbuR", },
+  [339] = {
+    shift = 11, mask = 1023,
+    [32] = "mferR", [256] = "mflrR", [288] = "mfctrR", [16] = "mfspefscrR",
+  },
+  [467] = {
+    shift = 11, mask = 1023,
+    [32] = "mtxerR", [256] = "mtlrR", [288] = "mtctrR", [16] = "mtspefscrR",
+  },
+  [20] = "lwarxRR0R", [84] = "ldarxRR0R",
+  [21] = "ldxRR0R", [53] = "lduxRRR",
+  [149] = "stdxRR0R", [181] = "stduxRRR",
+  [341] = "lwaxRR0R", [373] = "lwauxRRR",
+  [23] = "lwzxRR0R", [55] = "lwzuxRRR",
+  [87] = "lbzxRR0R", [119] = "lbzuxRRR",
+  [151] = "stwxRR0R", [183] = "stwuxRRR",
+  [215] = "stbxRR0R", [247] = "stbuxRRR",
+  [279] = "lhzxRR0R", [311] = "lhzuxRRR",
+  [343] = "lhaxRR0R", [375] = "lhauxRRR",
+  [407] = "sthxRR0R", [439] = "sthuxRRR",
+  [54] = "dcbst-R0R", [86] = "dcbf-R0R",
+  [150] = "stwcxRR0R.", [214] = "stdcxRR0R.",
+  [246] = "dcbtst-R0R", [278] = "dcbt-R0R",
+  [310] = "eciwxRR0R", [438] = "ecowxRR0R",
+  [470] = "dcbi-RR",
+  [598] = {
+    shift = 21, mask = 3,
+    [0] = "sync", "lwsync", "ptesync",
+  },
+  [758] = "dcba-RR",
+  [854] = "eieio", [982] = "icbi-R0R", [1014] = "dcbz-R0R",
+  [26] = "cntlzwRR~", [58] = "cntlzdRR~",
+  [122] = "popcntbRR~",
+  [154] = "prtywRR~", [186] = "prtydRR~",
+  [28] = "andRR~R.", [60] = "andcRR~R.", [124] = "nor|notRR~R=.",
+  [284] = "eqvRR~R.", [316] = "xorRR~R.",
+  [412] = "orcRR~R.", [444] = "or|mrRR~R=.", [476] = "nandRR~R.",
+  [508] = "cmpbRR~R",
+  [512] = "mcrxrX",
+  [532] = "ldbrxRR0R", [660] = "stdbrxRR0R",
+  [533] = "lswxRR0R", [597] = "lswiRR0A",
+  [661] = "stswxRR0R", [725] = "stswiRR0A",
+  [534] = "lwbrxRR0R", [662] = "stwbrxRR0R",
+  [790] = "lhbrxRR0R", [918] = "sthbrxRR0R",
+  [535] = "lfsxFR0R", [567] = "lfsuxFRR",
+  [599] = "lfdxFR0R", [631] = "lfduxFRR",
+  [663] = "stfsxFR0R", [695] = "stfsuxFRR",
+  [727] = "stfdxFR0R", [759] = "stfduxFR0R",
+  [855] = "lfiwaxFR0R",
+  [983] = "stfiwxFR0R",
+  [24] = "slwRR~R.",
+  [27] = "sldRR~R.", [536] = "srwRR~R.",
+  [792] = "srawRR~R.", [824] = "srawiRR~A.",
+  [794] = "sradRR~R.", [826] = "sradiRR~H.", [827] = "sradiRR~H.",
+  [922] = "extshRR~.", [954] = "extsbRR~.", [986] = "extswRR~.",
+  [539] = "srdRR~R.",
+{ __index = function(t, x)
+    if band(x, 31) == 15 then return "iselRRRC" end
+  end
+local map_ld = {
+  shift = 0, mask = 3,
+  [0] = "ldRRE", "lduRRE", "lwaRRE",
+local map_std = {
+  shift = 0, mask = 3,
+  [0] = "stdRRE", "stduRRE",
+local map_fps = {
+  shift = 5, mask = 1,
+  {
+    shift = 1, mask = 15,
+    [0] = false, false, "fdivsFFF.", false,
+    "fsubsFFF.", "faddsFFF.", "fsqrtsF-F.", false,
+    "fresF-F.", "fmulsFF-F.", "frsqrtesF-F.", false,
+    "fmsubsFFFF~.", "fmaddsFFFF~.", "fnmsubsFFFF~.", "fnmaddsFFFF~.",
+  }
+local map_fpd = {
+  shift = 5, mask = 1,
+  [0] = {
+    shift = 1, mask = 1023,
+    [0] = "fcmpuXFF", [32] = "fcmpoXFF", [64] = "mcrfsXX",
+    [38] = "mtfsb1A.", [70] = "mtfsb0A.", [134] = "mtfsfiA>>-A>",
+    [8] = "fcpsgnFFF.", [40] = "fnegF-F.", [72] = "fmrF-F.",
+    [136] = "fnabsF-F.", [264] = "fabsF-F.",
+    [12] = "frspF-F.",
+    [14] = "fctiwF-F.", [15] = "fctiwzF-F.",
+    [583] = "mffsF.", [711] = "mtfsfZF.",
+    [392] = "frinF-F.", [424] = "frizF-F.",
+    [456] = "fripF-F.", [488] = "frimF-F.",
+    [814] = "fctidF-F.", [815] = "fctidzF-F.", [846] = "fcfidF-F.",
+  },
+  {
+    shift = 1, mask = 15,
+    [0] = false, false, "fdivFFF.", false,
+    "fsubFFF.", "faddFFF.", "fsqrtF-F.", "fselFFFF~.",
+    "freF-F.", "fmulFF-F.", "frsqrteF-F.", false,
+    "fmsubFFFF~.", "fmaddFFFF~.", "fnmsubFFFF~.", "fnmaddFFFF~.",
+  }
+local map_spe = {
+  shift = 0, mask = 2047,
+  [512] = "evaddwRRR", [514] = "evaddiwRAR~",
+  [516] = "evsubwRRR~", [518] = "evsubiwRAR~",
+  [520] = "evabsRR", [521] = "evnegRR",
+  [522] = "evextsbRR", [523] = "evextshRR", [524] = "evrndwRR",
+  [525] = "evcntlzwRR", [526] = "evcntlswRR",
+  [527] = "brincRRR",
+  [529] = "evandRRR", [530] = "evandcRRR", [534] = "evxorRRR",
+  [535] = "evor|evmrRRR=", [536] = "evnor|evnotRRR=",
+  [537] = "eveqvRRR", [539] = "evorcRRR", [542] = "evnandRRR",
+  [544] = "evsrwuRRR", [545] = "evsrwsRRR",
+  [546] = "evsrwiuRRA", [547] = "evsrwisRRA",
+  [548] = "evslwRRR", [550] = "evslwiRRA",
+  [552] = "evrlwRRR", [553] = "evsplatiRS",
+  [554] = "evrlwiRRA", [555] = "evsplatfiRS",
+  [556] = "evmergehiRRR", [557] = "evmergeloRRR",
+  [558] = "evmergehiloRRR", [559] = "evmergelohiRRR",
+  [560] = "evcmpgtuYRR", [561] = "evcmpgtsYRR",
+  [562] = "evcmpltuYRR", [563] = "evcmpltsYRR",
+  [564] = "evcmpeqYRR",
+  [632] = "evselRRR", [633] = "evselRRRW",
+  [634] = "evselRRRW", [635] = "evselRRRW",
+  [636] = "evselRRRW", [637] = "evselRRRW",
+  [638] = "evselRRRW", [639] = "evselRRRW",
+  [640] = "evfsaddRRR", [641] = "evfssubRRR",
+  [644] = "evfsabsRR", [645] = "evfsnabsRR", [646] = "evfsnegRR",
+  [648] = "evfsmulRRR", [649] = "evfsdivRRR",
+  [652] = "evfscmpgtYRR", [653] = "evfscmpltYRR", [654] = "evfscmpeqYRR",
+  [656] = "evfscfuiR-R", [657] = "evfscfsiR-R",
+  [658] = "evfscfufR-R", [659] = "evfscfsfR-R",
+  [660] = "evfsctuiR-R", [661] = "evfsctsiR-R",
+  [662] = "evfsctufR-R", [663] = "evfsctsfR-R",
+  [664] = "evfsctuizR-R", [666] = "evfsctsizR-R",
+  [668] = "evfststgtYRR", [669] = "evfststltYRR", [670] = "evfststeqYRR",
+  [704] = "efsaddRRR", [705] = "efssubRRR",
+  [708] = "efsabsRR", [709] = "efsnabsRR", [710] = "efsnegRR",
+  [712] = "efsmulRRR", [713] = "efsdivRRR",
+  [716] = "efscmpgtYRR", [717] = "efscmpltYRR", [718] = "efscmpeqYRR",
+  [719] = "efscfdR-R",
+  [720] = "efscfuiR-R", [721] = "efscfsiR-R",
+  [722] = "efscfufR-R", [723] = "efscfsfR-R",
+  [724] = "efsctuiR-R", [725] = "efsctsiR-R",
+  [726] = "efsctufR-R", [727] = "efsctsfR-R",
+  [728] = "efsctuizR-R", [730] = "efsctsizR-R",
+  [732] = "efststgtYRR", [733] = "efststltYRR", [734] = "efststeqYRR",
+  [736] = "efdaddRRR", [737] = "efdsubRRR",
+  [738] = "efdcfuidR-R", [739] = "efdcfsidR-R",
+  [740] = "efdabsRR", [741] = "efdnabsRR", [742] = "efdnegRR",
+  [744] = "efdmulRRR", [745] = "efddivRRR",
+  [746] = "efdctuidzR-R", [747] = "efdctsidzR-R",
+  [748] = "efdcmpgtYRR", [749] = "efdcmpltYRR", [750] = "efdcmpeqYRR",
+  [751] = "efdcfsR-R",
+  [752] = "efdcfuiR-R", [753] = "efdcfsiR-R",
+  [754] = "efdcfufR-R", [755] = "efdcfsfR-R",
+  [756] = "efdctuiR-R", [757] = "efdctsiR-R",
+  [758] = "efdctufR-R", [759] = "efdctsfR-R",
+  [760] = "efdctuizR-R", [762] = "efdctsizR-R",
+  [764] = "efdtstgtYRR", [765] = "efdtstltYRR", [766] = "efdtsteqYRR",
+  [768] = "evlddxRR0R", [769] = "evlddRR8",
+  [770] = "evldwxRR0R", [771] = "evldwRR8",
+  [772] = "evldhxRR0R", [773] = "evldhRR8",
+  [776] = "evlhhesplatxRR0R", [777] = "evlhhesplatRR2",
+  [780] = "evlhhousplatxRR0R", [781] = "evlhhousplatRR2",
+  [782] = "evlhhossplatxRR0R", [783] = "evlhhossplatRR2",
+  [784] = "evlwhexRR0R", [785] = "evlwheRR4",
+  [788] = "evlwhouxRR0R", [789] = "evlwhouRR4",
+  [790] = "evlwhosxRR0R", [791] = "evlwhosRR4",
+  [792] = "evlwwsplatxRR0R", [793] = "evlwwsplatRR4",
+  [796] = "evlwhsplatxRR0R", [797] = "evlwhsplatRR4",
+  [800] = "evstddxRR0R", [801] = "evstddRR8",
+  [802] = "evstdwxRR0R", [803] = "evstdwRR8",
+  [804] = "evstdhxRR0R", [805] = "evstdhRR8",
+  [816] = "evstwhexRR0R", [817] = "evstwheRR4",
+  [820] = "evstwhoxRR0R", [821] = "evstwhoRR4",
+  [824] = "evstwwexRR0R", [825] = "evstwweRR4",
+  [828] = "evstwwoxRR0R", [829] = "evstwwoRR4",
+  [1027] = "evmhessfRRR", [1031] = "evmhossfRRR", [1032] = "evmheumiRRR",
+  [1033] = "evmhesmiRRR", [1035] = "evmhesmfRRR", [1036] = "evmhoumiRRR",
+  [1037] = "evmhosmiRRR", [1039] = "evmhosmfRRR", [1059] = "evmhessfaRRR",
+  [1063] = "evmhossfaRRR", [1064] = "evmheumiaRRR", [1065] = "evmhesmiaRRR",
+  [1067] = "evmhesmfaRRR", [1068] = "evmhoumiaRRR", [1069] = "evmhosmiaRRR",
+  [1071] = "evmhosmfaRRR", [1095] = "evmwhssfRRR", [1096] = "evmwlumiRRR",
+  [1100] = "evmwhumiRRR", [1101] = "evmwhsmiRRR", [1103] = "evmwhsmfRRR",
+  [1107] = "evmwssfRRR", [1112] = "evmwumiRRR", [1113] = "evmwsmiRRR",
+  [1115] = "evmwsmfRRR", [1127] = "evmwhssfaRRR", [1128] = "evmwlumiaRRR",
+  [1132] = "evmwhumiaRRR", [1133] = "evmwhsmiaRRR", [1135] = "evmwhsmfaRRR",
+  [1139] = "evmwssfaRRR", [1144] = "evmwumiaRRR", [1145] = "evmwsmiaRRR",
+  [1147] = "evmwsmfaRRR",
+  [1216] = "evaddusiaawRR", [1217] = "evaddssiaawRR",
+  [1218] = "evsubfusiaawRR", [1219] = "evsubfssiaawRR",
+  [1220] = "evmraRR",
+  [1222] = "evdivwsRRR", [1223] = "evdivwuRRR",
+  [1224] = "evaddumiaawRR", [1225] = "evaddsmiaawRR",
+  [1226] = "evsubfumiaawRR", [1227] = "evsubfsmiaawRR",
+  [1280] = "evmheusiaawRRR", [1281] = "evmhessiaawRRR",
+  [1283] = "evmhessfaawRRR", [1284] = "evmhousiaawRRR",
+  [1285] = "evmhossiaawRRR", [1287] = "evmhossfaawRRR",
+  [1288] = "evmheumiaawRRR", [1289] = "evmhesmiaawRRR",
+  [1291] = "evmhesmfaawRRR", [1292] = "evmhoumiaawRRR",
+  [1293] = "evmhosmiaawRRR", [1295] = "evmhosmfaawRRR",
+  [1320] = "evmhegumiaaRRR", [1321] = "evmhegsmiaaRRR",
+  [1323] = "evmhegsmfaaRRR", [1324] = "evmhogumiaaRRR",
+  [1325] = "evmhogsmiaaRRR", [1327] = "evmhogsmfaaRRR",
+  [1344] = "evmwlusiaawRRR", [1345] = "evmwlssiaawRRR",
+  [1352] = "evmwlumiaawRRR", [1353] = "evmwlsmiaawRRR",
+  [1363] = "evmwssfaaRRR", [1368] = "evmwumiaaRRR",
+  [1369] = "evmwsmiaaRRR", [1371] = "evmwsmfaaRRR",
+  [1408] = "evmheusianwRRR", [1409] = "evmhessianwRRR",
+  [1411] = "evmhessfanwRRR", [1412] = "evmhousianwRRR",
+  [1413] = "evmhossianwRRR", [1415] = "evmhossfanwRRR",
+  [1416] = "evmheumianwRRR", [1417] = "evmhesmianwRRR",
+  [1419] = "evmhesmfanwRRR", [1420] = "evmhoumianwRRR",
+  [1421] = "evmhosmianwRRR", [1423] = "evmhosmfanwRRR",
+  [1448] = "evmhegumianRRR", [1449] = "evmhegsmianRRR",
+  [1451] = "evmhegsmfanRRR", [1452] = "evmhogumianRRR",
+  [1453] = "evmhogsmianRRR", [1455] = "evmhogsmfanRRR",
+  [1472] = "evmwlusianwRRR", [1473] = "evmwlssianwRRR",
+  [1480] = "evmwlumianwRRR", [1481] = "evmwlsmianwRRR",
+  [1491] = "evmwssfanRRR", [1496] = "evmwumianRRR",
+  [1497] = "evmwsmianRRR", [1499] = "evmwsmfanRRR",
+local map_pri = {
+  [0] = false,	false,		"tdiARI",	"twiARI",
+  map_spe,	false,		false,		"mulliRRI",
+  "subficRRI",	false,		"cmpl_iYLRU",	"cmp_iYLRI",
+  "addicRRI",	"addic.RRI",	"addi|liRR0I",	"addis|lisRR0I",
+  "b_KBJ",	"sc",		 "bKJ",		map_crops,
+  "rlwimiRR~AAA.", map_rlwinm,	false,		"rlwnmRR~RAA.",
+  "oriNRR~U",	"orisRR~U",	"xoriRR~U",	"xorisRR~U",
+  "andi.RR~U",	"andis.RR~U",	map_rld,	map_ext,
+  "lwzRRD",	"lwzuRRD",	"lbzRRD",	"lbzuRRD",
+  "stwRRD",	"stwuRRD",	"stbRRD",	"stbuRRD",
+  "lhzRRD",	"lhzuRRD",	"lhaRRD",	"lhauRRD",
+  "sthRRD",	"sthuRRD",	"lmwRRD",	"stmwRRD",
+  "lfsFRD",	"lfsuFRD",	"lfdFRD",	"lfduFRD",
+  "stfsFRD",	"stfsuFRD",	"stfdFRD",	"stfduFRD",
+  false,	false,		map_ld,		map_fps,
+  false,	false,		map_std,	map_fpd,
+local map_gpr = {
+  [0] = "r0", "sp", "r2", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r7",
+  "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r12", "r13", "r14", "r15",
+  "r16", "r17", "r18", "r19", "r20", "r21", "r22", "r23",
+  "r24", "r25", "r26", "r27", "r28", "r29", "r30", "r31",
+local map_cond = { [0] = "lt", "gt", "eq", "so", "ge", "le", "ne", "ns", }
+-- Format a condition bit.
+local function condfmt(cond)
+  if cond <= 3 then
+    return map_cond[band(cond, 3)]
+  else
+    return format("4*cr%d+%s", rshift(cond, 2), map_cond[band(cond, 3)])
+  end
+-- Output a nicely formatted line with an opcode and operands.
+local function putop(ctx, text, operands)
+  local pos = ctx.pos
+  local extra = ""
+  if ctx.rel then
+    local sym = ctx.symtab[ctx.rel]
+    if sym then extra = "\t->"..sym end
+  end
+  if ctx.hexdump > 0 then
+    ctx.out(format("%08x  %s  %-7s %s%s\n",
+	    ctx.addr+pos, tohex(ctx.op), text, concat(operands, ", "), extra))
+  else
+    ctx.out(format("%08x  %-7s %s%s\n",
+	    ctx.addr+pos, text, concat(operands, ", "), extra))
+  end
+  ctx.pos = pos + 4
+-- Fallback for unknown opcodes.
+local function unknown(ctx)
+  return putop(ctx, ".long", { "0x"..tohex(ctx.op) })
+-- Disassemble a single instruction.
+local function disass_ins(ctx)
+  local pos = ctx.pos
+  local b0, b1, b2, b3 = byte(ctx.code, pos+1, pos+4)
+  local op = bor(lshift(b0, 24), lshift(b1, 16), lshift(b2, 8), b3)
+  local operands = {}
+  local last = nil
+  local rs = 21
+  ctx.op = op
+  ctx.rel = nil
+  local opat = map_pri[rshift(b0, 2)]
+  while type(opat) ~= "string" do
+    if not opat then return unknown(ctx) end
+    opat = opat[band(rshift(op, opat.shift), opat.mask)]
+  end
+  local name, pat = match(opat, "^([a-z0-9_.]*)(.*)")
+  local altname, pat2 = match(pat, "|([a-z0-9_.]*)(.*)")
+  if altname then pat = pat2 end
+  for p in gmatch(pat, ".") do
+    local x = nil
+    if p == "R" then
+      x = map_gpr[band(rshift(op, rs), 31)]
+      rs = rs - 5
+    elseif p == "F" then
+      x = "f", rs), 31)
+      rs = rs - 5
+    elseif p == "A" then
+      x = band(rshift(op, rs), 31)
+      rs = rs - 5
+    elseif p == "S" then
+      x = arshift(lshift(op, 27-rs), 27)
+      rs = rs - 5
+    elseif p == "I" then
+      x = arshift(lshift(op, 16), 16)
+    elseif p == "U" then
+      x = band(op, 0xffff)
+    elseif p == "D" or p == "E" then
+      local disp = arshift(lshift(op, 16), 16)
+      if p == "E" then disp = band(disp, -4) end
+      if last == "r0" then last = "0" end
+      operands[#operands] = format("%d(%s)", disp, last)
+    elseif p >= "2" and p <= "8" then
+      local disp = band(rshift(op, rs), 31) * p
+      if last == "r0" then last = "0" end
+      operands[#operands] = format("%d(%s)", disp, last)
+    elseif p == "H" then
+      x = band(rshift(op, rs), 31) + lshift(band(op, 2), 4)
+      rs = rs - 5
+    elseif p == "M" then
+      x = band(rshift(op, rs), 31) + band(op, 0x20)
+    elseif p == "C" then
+      x = condfmt(band(rshift(op, rs), 31))
+      rs = rs - 5
+    elseif p == "B" then
+      local bo = rshift(op, 21)
+      local cond = band(rshift(op, 16), 31)
+      local cn = ""
+      rs = rs - 10
+      if band(bo, 4) == 0 then
+	cn = band(bo, 2) == 0 and "dnz" or "dz"
+	if band(bo, 0x10) == 0 then
+	  cn = cn..(band(bo, 8) == 0 and "f" or "t")
+	end
+	if band(bo, 0x10) == 0 then x = condfmt(cond) end
+	name = name..(band(bo, 1) == band(rshift(op, 15), 1) and "-" or "+")
+      elseif band(bo, 0x10) == 0 then
+	cn = map_cond[band(cond, 3) + (band(bo, 8) == 0 and 4 or 0)]
+	if cond > 3 then x = "cr"..rshift(cond, 2) end
+	name = name..(band(bo, 1) == band(rshift(op, 15), 1) and "-" or "+")
+      end
+      name = gsub(name, "_", cn)
+    elseif p == "J" then
+      x = arshift(lshift(op, 27-rs), 29-rs)*4
+      if band(op, 2) == 0 then x = ctx.addr + pos + x end
+      ctx.rel = x
+      x = "0x"..tohex(x)
+    elseif p == "K" then
+      if band(op, 1) ~= 0 then name = name.."l" end
+      if band(op, 2) ~= 0 then name = name.."a" end
+    elseif p == "X" or p == "Y" then
+      x = band(rshift(op, rs+2), 7)
+      if x == 0 and p == "Y" then x = nil else x = "cr"..x end
+      rs = rs - 5
+    elseif p == "W" then
+      x = "cr", 7)
+    elseif p == "Z" then
+      x = band(rshift(op, rs-4), 255)
+      rs = rs - 10
+    elseif p == ">" then
+      operands[#operands] = rshift(operands[#operands], 1)
+    elseif p == "0" then
+      if last == "r0" then
+	operands[#operands] = nil
+	if altname then name = altname end
+      end
+    elseif p == "L" then
+      name = gsub(name, "_", band(op, 0x00200000) ~= 0 and "d" or "w")
+    elseif p == "." then
+      if band(op, 1) == 1 then name = name.."." end
+    elseif p == "N" then
+      if op == 0x60000000 then name = "nop"; break end
+    elseif p == "~" then
+      local n = #operands
+      operands[n-1],  operands[n] = operands[n], operands[n-1]
+    elseif p == "=" then
+      local n = #operands
+      if last == operands[n-1] then
+	operands[n] = nil
+	name = altname
+      end
+    elseif p == "%" then
+      local n = #operands
+      if last == operands[n-1] and last == operands[n-2] then
+	operands[n] = nil
+	operands[n-1] = nil
+	name = altname
+      end
+    elseif p == "-" then
+      rs = rs - 5
+    else
+      assert(false)
+    end
+    if x then operands[#operands+1] = x; last = x end
+  end
+  return putop(ctx, name, operands)
+-- Disassemble a block of code.
+local function disass_block(ctx, ofs, len)
+  if not ofs then ofs = 0 end
+  local stop = len and ofs+len or #ctx.code
+  stop = stop - stop % 4
+  ctx.pos = ofs - ofs % 4
+  ctx.rel = nil
+  while ctx.pos < stop do disass_ins(ctx) end
+-- Extended API: create a disassembler context. Then call ctx:disass(ofs, len).
+local function create_(code, addr, out)
+  local ctx = {}
+  ctx.code = code
+  ctx.addr = addr or 0
+  ctx.out = out or io.write
+  ctx.symtab = {}
+  ctx.disass = disass_block
+  ctx.hexdump = 8
+  return ctx
+-- Simple API: disassemble code (a string) at address and output via out.
+local function disass_(code, addr, out)
+  create_(code, addr, out):disass()
+-- Return register name for RID.
+local function regname_(r)
+  if r < 32 then return map_gpr[r] end
+  return "f"..(r-32)
+-- Public module functions.
+create = create_
+disass = disass_
+regname = regname_
diff --git a/lib/luajit/src/jit/dis_x64.lua b/lib/luajit/src/jit/dis_x64.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a80981b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/luajit/src/jit/dis_x64.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+-- LuaJIT x64 disassembler wrapper module.
+-- Copyright (C) 2005-2015 Mike Pall. All rights reserved.
+-- Released under the MIT license. See Copyright Notice in luajit.h
+-- This module just exports the 64 bit functions from the combined
+-- x86/x64 disassembler module. All the interesting stuff is there.
+local require = require
+local dis_x86 = require(_PACKAGE.."dis_x86")
+create = dis_x86.create64
+disass = dis_x86.disass64
+regname = dis_x86.regname64