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[8/9] incubator-tamaya-site git commit: TAMAYA-178: Remove generated files from wrong branch.

TAMAYA-178: Remove generated files from wrong branch.

* Sorry, networking issues locally yesterday.


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 23530561568c0dd585da9f383128c4b63dc2a944
Parents: 128dbd0
Author: Phil Ottlinger <>
Authored: Mon Dec 19 20:14:30 2016 +0100
Committer: Phil Ottlinger <>
Committed: Mon Dec 19 20:14:30 2016 +0100

 development/community.html                      |  316 -----
 development/source.html                         |  199 ---
 documentation/api.html                          | 1140 ------------------
 documentation/core.html                         |  596 ---------
 documentation/extensions.html                   |  394 ------
 documentation/extensions/mod_builder.html       |  258 ----
 documentation/extensions/mod_camel.html         |  310 -----
 documentation/extensions/mod_cdi.html           |  443 -------
 .../extensions/mod_classloader_support.html     |  279 -----
 documentation/extensions/mod_collections.html   |  466 -------
 documentation/extensions/mod_consul.html        |  245 ----
 documentation/extensions/mod_environment.html   |  215 ----
 documentation/extensions/mod_etcd.html          |  381 ------
 documentation/extensions/mod_events.html        |  504 --------
 documentation/extensions/mod_filter.html        |  301 -----
 documentation/extensions/mod_formats.html       |  462 -------
 documentation/extensions/mod_functions.html     |  338 ------
 documentation/extensions/mod_injection.html     |  700 -----------
 documentation/extensions/mod_jodatime.html      |  223 ----
 documentation/extensions/mod_json.html          |  237 ----
 documentation/extensions/mod_management.html    |  297 -----
 .../extensions/mod_metamodel-staged.html        |  252 ----
 documentation/extensions/mod_model.html         |  792 ------------
 .../extensions/mod_mutable_config.html          |  505 --------
 documentation/extensions/mod_optional.html      |  225 ----
 documentation/extensions/mod_osgi.html          |  315 -----
 documentation/extensions/mod_remote.html        |  288 -----
 documentation/extensions/mod_resolver.html      |  313 -----
 documentation/extensions/mod_resources.html     |  337 ------
 documentation/extensions/mod_server.html        |  582 ---------
 documentation/extensions/mod_spi-support.html   |  244 ----
 documentation/extensions/mod_spring.html        |  331 -----
 documentation/extensions/mod_yaml.html          |  288 -----
 documentation/quickstart.html                   |  398 ------
 documentation/usecases.html                     | 1073 -----------------
 35 files changed, 14247 deletions(-)
diff --git a/development/community.html b/development/community.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 33eeaf4..0000000
--- a/development/community.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,316 +0,0 @@
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-				<h1>Apache Tamaya: Community</h1>
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-			<p><em>2016-12-18</em></p>
-			<p><div class="sect1">
-<h2 id="_users">1. Users</h2>
-<div class="sectionbody">
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>If you are a new user and you would like to participate in Tamaya
-(would be great!), you can have a look at the current
-project documentation. Apache Tamaya currently does
-not yet have a users mailing list. If you want discuss your use cases
-we encourage you to <a href="">subscribe</a>
-to our <a href="">mailing list for developers</a>.
-Furthermore, you can check our <a href="#a_mailing_lists">mail-archives</a>.</p>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Before you file a ticket in our <a href="" target="_blank">Jira</a>
-please ask on the mailing list if it&#8217;s a known issue in case of a
-bug or if there is an ongoing discussion in case of a feature.</p>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>You are very welcome to follow our twitter account
-<a href="" target="_blank">@TBD_tamaya</a> and spread the word
-of Tamaya with tweets, blog entries,&#8230;&#8203;</p>
-<div class="sect1">
-<h2 id="_getting_involved">2. Getting Involved</h2>
-<div class="sectionbody">
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Everybody is welcome to get involved with our community. You can find general
-information at <a href="" class="bare"></a> and
-<a href="" class="bare"></a>.
-The following sections provides some details about the different levels of getting involved.</p>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>If you want to contribute to the
-documentation of Apache Tamaya, please
-read the instructions about the Documentation
-that addresses how to contribute, render and publish it.</p>
-<div class="sect2">
-<h3 id="_contributors">2.1. Contributors</h3>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Before you get a committer you have to contribute to our effort.
-E.g. you can help users, participate in discussions on the dev list,
-submit patches,&#8230;&#8203; . Therefore, it&#8217;s essential to file
-a <a href="" target="_blank">Individual Contributor License Agreement (ICLA)</a>
-or <a href="" target="_blank">Software Grant and Corporate Contributor License Agreement (CCLA)</a>
-and send it to secretary at apache dot org (or fax it) as early as possible.</p>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>If you would like to submit a patch through Jira, you can have a look at the
-<a href="devguide.html">suggested Git approach</a>.</p>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>The lists of current contributors and committers can be found
-on the <a href="team-list.html" target="_blank">team and contributers page</a>.</p>
-<div class="sect2">
-<h3 id="_committers">2.2. Committers</h3>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Before you read this section, please ensure that you have read
-the contributor section. All of you are welcome to join our development effort.
-<a href="">Subscribe</a> to our
-<a href="">mailing list for developers</a> and
-start contributing and help users.</p>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Optionally <a href="">subscribe</a> to our
-<a href="">mailing list for commits</a>.
-Furthermore, you can check our <a href="community.html#mailing-lists">mail-archives</a>.</p>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Further details are available at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p>
-<div class="sect2">
-<h3 id="_mailing_lists">2.3. Mailing lists</h3>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>The table below lists all mailings used by the Tamaya project.</p>
-<table class="tableblock frame-all grid-all" style="width: 70%;">
-<col style="width: 20%;">
-<col style="width: 20%;">
-<col style="width: 20%;">
-<col style="width: 20%;">
-<col style="width: 20%;">
-<th class="tableblock halign-left valign-top">List</th>
-<th class="tableblock halign-left valign-top">Subscribe</th>
-<th class="tableblock halign-left valign-top">Unsubscribe</th>
-<th class="tableblock halign-left valign-top">Archive</th>
-<th class="tableblock halign-left valign-top">Mirrors</th>
-<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock">Developer List</p></td>
-<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock"><a href="">Subscribe</a></p></td>
-<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock"><a href="">Unsubscribe</a></p></td>
-<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock"><a href="" target="_blank">Archive</a></p></td>
-<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"></td>
-<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock">Committer List</p></td>
-<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock"><a href="">Subscribe</a></p></td>
-<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock"><a href="">Unsubscribe</a></p></td>
-<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock"><a href="" target="_blank">Archive</a></p></td>
-<td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"></td>
-<div class="sect2">
-<h3 id="_jira">2.4. JIRA</h3>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Any kind of issue has to be filed in our
-<a href="" target="_blank">issue tracker</a>.
-If you have any question, you can ask us
-(e.g. via the mailing list for developers).</p>
-<div class="sect2">
-<h3 id="_spread_the_word">2.5. Spread the word</h3>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>You are very welcome e.g. to write blog entries, mention our twitter handle
- @TBD_tamaya if you tweet about the project or just follow our twitter
-account <a href="" target="_blank">@TBD_tamaya</a></p>
-<div class="sect2">
-<h3 id="_irc">2.6. IRC</h3>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Usually discussions happen on the mailing list. Some informal discussions take
-place in our IRC-Channel <a href="irc://" class="bare">irc://</a>.</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre>// with the irssi command-line client:
-$ irssi
-&gt; /connect
-&gt; /join #apache-tamaya</pre>
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-							| Baked with <a href="">JBake <span>v2.5.0</span></a>
-							at <span>2016-12-18</span>
-						</p>
-						<p>
-								<b>Disclaimer</b>
-                    Apache Tamaya (incubating) is an effort undergoing
-                    incubation at
-                    The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by
-                    the name of Apache Incubator. Incubation is required of
-                    all newly accepted projects until a further review indicates
-                    that the infrastructure, communications, and decision making
-                    process have stabilized in a manner consistent with other
-                    successful ASF projects. While incubation status is not
-                    necessarily a reflection of the completeness or stability of
-                    the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to
-                    be fully endorsed by the ASF.<br />
-                    <a href="" style="border:0px;" target="_target"><img class="incubator-logo" src="../logos/egg-logo2.png"/></a>
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-				<h1>Apache Tamaya: Sources</h1>
-			</div>
-			<p><em>2016-12-18</em></p>
-			<p><div class="sect1">
-<h2 id="_source_code_repositories">1. Source Code Repositories</h2>
-<div class="sectionbody">
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>The current source code can be found at:</p>
-<div class="ulist">
-<p><a href="" class="bare"></a> (read-only)</p>
-<p><a href="" class="bare"></a></p>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Alternatively there is also a GitHub read-only mirror at
-<a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>The GitHub mirror also provides the project as downloadable zip archive.</p>
-<div class="sect1">
-<h2 id="_contributions">2. Contributions</h2>
-<div class="sectionbody">
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>If you like to contribute to Apache Tamaya please also refer also to our
-<a href="devguide.html#contributing-workflow">section on contributing to Apache Tamaya</a>.</p>
-			<hr />
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-				<h1></h1>
-			</div>
-			<p><em>2016-12-18</em></p>
-			<p><div class="sect1">
-<h2 id="CoreDesign">Apache Tamaya: API</h2>
-<div class="sectionbody">
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Though Tamaya is a very powerful and flexible solution there are basically only a few simple core concepts required
-that are the base of all the other mechanisms. As a starting point we recommend you read the corresponding
-l<a href="HighLevelDesign.html">High Level Design Documentation</a></p>
-<div class="sect1">
-<h2 id="API">The Tamaya API</h2>
-<div class="sectionbody">
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>The API provides the artifacts as described in the <a href="HighLevelDesign.html">High Level Design Documentation</a>, which are:</p>
-<div class="ulist">
-<p>A simple but complete SE <strong>API</strong> for accessing key/value based <em>Configuration</em>:</p>
-<div class="ulist">
-<p>Configuration hereby models configuration, the main interface of Tamaya. Configuration provides</p>
-<div class="ulist">
-<p>access to literal key/value pairs.</p>
-<p>functional extension points (with, query) using a unary ConfigOperator or
-a function ConfigurationQuery&lt;T&gt;.</p>
-<p>ConfigurationProvider provides with getConfiguration() the static entry point for accessing configuration.</p>
-<p>ConfigException defines a runtime exception for usage by the configuration system.</p>
-<p>TypeLiteral provides a possibility to type safely define the target type to be returned by a registered
-<p>PropertyConverter, which defines conversion of configuration values (String) into any required target type.</p>
-<p>Additionally the <strong>SPI</strong> provides:</p>
-<div class="ulist">
-<p><em>PropertySource:</em> is the the SPI for adding configuration data. A PropertySource hereby</p>
-<div class="ulist">
-<p>is designed as a minimalistic interface that be implemented by any kind of data provider (local or remote)</p>
-<p>provides single access for key/value pairs in raw format as String key/values only (getPropertyValue).</p>
-<p>can optionally support scanning of its provided values, implementing getProperties().</p>
-<p><em>PropertySourceProvider:</em> allows to register multiple property sources dynamically, e.g. all config files found in
-file system folder..</p>
-<p>ConfigurationProviderSpi defines the SPI that is used as a backing bean for the ConfigurationProvider
-<p>PropertyFilter, which allows filtering of property values prior getting returned to the caller.</p>
-<p>PropertyValueCombinationPolicy optionally can be registered to change the way how different key/value
-pairs are combined to build up the final Configuration passed over to the filters registered.</p>
-<p>ConfigurationContext, which provides a container for all the artifacts needed to build up a Configuration.
-For example a context contains the property sources, property filters, converters and combination policy used.
-Also the ordering of the property sources is defined by the context. A context instance given a
-Configuration can be created by calling ConfigurationProvider.createConfiguration(context);.</p>
-<p>Similarly a ConfigurationContext can be created using a ConfigurationContextBuilder. This builder can be
-obtained calling ConfigurationProvider.getConfigurationContextBuilder();.</p>
-<p>ServiceContext, which provides access to the components loaded, depending on the current runtime stack.</p>
-<p>ServiceContextManager provides static access to the ServiceContext loaded.</p>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>This is also reflected in the main packages of the API:</p>
-<div class="ulist">
-<p>org.apache.tamaya contains the main API abstractions used by users.</p>
-<p>org.apache.tamaya.spi contains the SPI interfaces to be implemented by implementations and the ServiceContext
-<div class="sect2">
-<h3 id="APIKeyValues">Key/Value Pairs</h3>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Basically configuration is a very generic concept. Therefore it should be modelled in a generic way. The most simple
-and most commonly used approach are simple literal key/value pairs. So the core building block of {name} are key/value pairs.
-You can think of a common .properties file, e.g.</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="title">A simple properties file</div>
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-properties" data-lang="properties">a.b.c=cVal
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Now you can use java.util.Properties to read this file and access the corresponding properties, e.g.</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-properties" data-lang="properties">Properties props = new Properties();
-String val = props.getProperty("a.b.c");
-val = props.getProperty("a.b.c.1");
-<div class="sect3">
-<h4 id="_why_using_strings_only">Why Using Strings Only</h4>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>There are good reason to keep of non String-values as core storage representation of configuration. Mostly
-there are several huge advantages:</p>
-<div class="ulist">
-<p>Strings are simple to understand</p>
-<p>Strings are human readable and therefore easy to prove for correctness</p>
-<p>Strings can easily be used within different language, different VMs, files or network communications.</p>
-<p>Strings can easily be compared and manipulated</p>
-<p>Strings can easily be searched, indexed and cached</p>
-<p>It is very easy to provide Strings as configuration, which gives much flexibility for providing configuration in
-production as well in testing.</p>
-<p>and more&#8230;&#8203;</p>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>On the other side there are also disadvantages:</p>
-<div class="ulist">
-<p>Strings are inherently not type safe, they do not provide validation out of the box for special types, such as
-numbers, dates etc.</p>
-<p>In many cases you want to access configuration in a typesafe way avoiding conversion to the target types explicitly
-throughout your code.</p>
-<p>Strings are neither hierarchical nor multi-valued, so mapping hierarchical and collection structures requires some
-extra efforts.</p>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Nevertheless most of these advantages can be mitigated easily, hereby still keeping all the benefits from above:</p>
-<div class="ulist">
-<p>Adding type safe adapters on top of String allow to add any type easily, that can be directly mapped out of Strings.
-This includes all common base types such as numbers, dates, time, but also timezones, formatting patterns and more.</p>
-<p>Also multi-valued, complex and collection types can be defined as a corresponding PropertyAdapter knows how to
-parse and create the target instance required.</p>
-<p>String s also can be used as references pointing to other locations and formats, where configuration is
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>[[API Configuration]]
-=== Configuration</p>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Configuration is the main API provided by Tamaya. It allows reading of single property values or the whole
-property map, but also supports type safe access:</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="title">Interface Configuration</div>
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" data-lang="java">public interface Configuration{
-    String get(String key);
-    String getOrDefault(String key, String value);
-    &lt;T&gt; T get(String key, Class&lt;T&gt; type);
-    &lt;T&gt; T getOrDefault(String key, Class&lt;T&gt; type, T defaultValue);
-    &lt;T&gt; T get(String key, TypeLiteral&lt;T&gt; type);
-    &lt;T&gt; T getOrDefault(String key, TypeLiteral&lt;T&gt; type, T defaultValue);
-    Map&lt;String,String&gt; getProperties();
-    // extension points
-    Configuration with(ConfigOperator operator);
-    &lt;T&gt; T query(ConfigQuery&lt;T&gt; query);
-    ConfigurationContext getContext();
-<div class="paragraph">
-<div class="ulist">
-<p>&lt;T&gt; T get(String, Class&lt;T&gt;) provides type safe accessors for all basic wrapper types of the JDK.</p>
-<p>with, query provide the extension points for adding additional functionality.</p>
-<p>getProperties() provides access to all key/values, whereas entries from non scannable property sources may not
-be included.</p>
-<p>getOrDefault allows to pass default values as needed, returned if the requested value evaluated to null.</p>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>The class TypeLiteral is basically similar to the same class provided with CDI:</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" data-lang="java">public class TypeLiteral&lt;T&gt; implements Serializable {
-    [...]
-    protected TypeLiteral(Type type) {
-        this.type = type;
-    }
-    protected TypeLiteral() { }
-    public static &lt;L&gt; TypeLiteral&lt;L&gt; of(Type type){...}
-    public static &lt;L&gt; TypeLiteral&lt;L&gt; of(Class&lt;L&gt; type){...}
-    public final Type getType() {...}
-    public final Class&lt;T&gt; getRawType() {...}
-    public static Type getGenericInterfaceTypeParameter(Class&lt;?&gt; clazz, Class&lt;?&gt; interfaceType){...}
-    public static Type getTypeParameter(Class&lt;?&gt; clazz, Class&lt;?&gt; interfaceType){...}
-    [...]
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Instances of Configuration can be accessed from the ConfigurationProvider singleton:</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="title">Accessing Configuration</div>
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" data-lang="java">Configuration config = ConfigurationProvider.getConfiguration();</code></pre>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Hereby the singleton is backed up by an instance of ConfigurationProviderSpi.</p>
-<div class="sect3">
-<h4 id="PropertyConverter">Property Type Conversion</h4>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>As illustrated in the previous section, Configuration also to access non String types. Nevertheless internally
-all properties are strictly modelled as pure Strings only, so non String types must be derived by converting the
-configured String values into the required target type. This is achieved with the help of PropertyConverters:</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" data-lang="java">public interface PropertyConverter&lt;T&gt;{
-    T convert(String value, ConversionContext context);
-    //X TODO Collection&lt;String&gt; getSupportedFormats();
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>The ConversionContext contains additional meta-information for the accessed key, inclusing the key&#8217;a name and
-additional metadata.</p>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>PropertyConverter instances can be implemented and registered by default using the ServiceLoader. Hereby
-a configuration String value is passed to all registered converters for a type in order of their annotated @Priority
-value. The first non-null result of a converter is then returned as the current configuration value.</p>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Access to converters is provided by the current ConfigurationContext, which is accessible from
-the ConfigurationProvider singleton.</p>
-<div class="sect2">
-<h3 id="ExtensionPoints">Extension Points</h3>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>We are well aware of the fact that this library will not be able to cover all kinds of use cases. Therefore
-we have added functional extension mechanisms to Configuration that were used in other areas of the Java eco-system
-as well:</p>
-<div class="ulist">
-<p>with(ConfigOperator operator) allows to pass arbitrary unary functions that take and return instances of
-Configuration. Operators can be used to cover use cases such as filtering, configuration views, security
-interception and more.</p>
-<p>query(ConfigQuery query) allows to apply a function returning any kind of result based on a
-Configuration instance. Queries are used for accessing/deriving any kind of data based on of a Configuration
-instance, e.g. accessing a Set&lt;String&gt; of root keys present.</p>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Both interfaces hereby are functional interfaces. Because of backward compatibility with Java 7 we did not use
-UnaryOperator and Function from the java.util.function package. Nevertheless usage is similar, so you can
-use Lambdas and method references in Java 8:</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="title">Applying a ConfigurationQuery using a method reference</div>
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" data-lang="java">ConfigSecurity securityContext = ConfigurationProvider.getConfiguration().query(ConfigSecurity::targetSecurityContext);</code></pre>
-<div class="admonitionblock note">
-<td class="icon">
-<div class="title">Note</div>
-<td class="content">
-ConfigSecurity is an arbitrary class only for demonstration purposes.
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Operator calls basically look similar:</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="title">Applying a ConfigurationOperator using a lambda expression:</div>
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" data-lang="java">Configuration secured = ConfigurationProvider.getConfiguration()
-                           .with((config) -&gt;
-                                 config.get("foo")!=null?;
-                                 FooFilter.apply(config):
-                                 config);</code></pre>
-<div class="sect2">
-<h3 id="ConfigException">ConfigException</h3>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>The class ConfigException models the base <strong>runtime</strong> exception used by the configuration system.</p>
-<div class="sect1">
-<h2 id="SPI">SPI</h2>
-<div class="sectionbody">
-<div class="sect2">
-<h3 id="PropertySource">Interface PropertySource</h3>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>We have seen that constraining configuration aspects to simple literal key/value pairs provides us with an easy to
-understand, generic, flexible, yet expendable mechanism. Looking at the Java language features a java.util.Map&lt;String,
-String&gt; and java.util.Properties basically model these aspects out of the box.</p>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Though there are advantages in using these types as a model, there are some severe drawbacks, notably implementation
-of these types is far not trivial and the collection API offers additional functionality not useful when aiming
-for modelling simple property sources.</p>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>To render an implementation of a custom PropertySource as convenient as possible only the following methods were
-identified to be necessary:</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" data-lang="java">public interface PropertySource{
-      int getOrdinal();
-      String getName();
-      String get(String key);
-      boolean isScannable();
-      Map&lt;String, String&gt; getProperties();
-<div class="paragraph">
-<div class="ulist">
-<p>get looks similar to the methods on Map. It may return null in case no such entry is available.</p>
-<p>getProperties allows to extract all property data to a Map&lt;String,String&gt;. Other methods like containsKey,
-keySet as well as streaming operations then can be applied on the returned Map instance.</p>
-<p>But not in all scenarios a property source may be scannable, e.g. when looking up keys is very inefficient, it
-may not make sense to iterator over all keys to collect the corresponding properties.
-This can be evaluated by calling isScannable(). If a PropertySource is defined as non scannable accesses to
-getProperties() may not return all key/value pairs that would be available when accessed directly using the
-String get(String) method.</p>
-<p>getOrdinal() defines the ordinal of the PropertySource. Property sources are managed in an ordered chain, where
-property sources with higher ordinals override the ones with lower ordinals. If ordinal are the same, the natural
-ordering of the fulloy qualified class names of the property source implementations are used. The reason for
-not using @Priority annotations is that property sources can define dynamically their ordinals, e.g. based on
-a property contained with the configuration itself.</p>
-<p>Finally getName() returns a (unique) name that identifies the PropertySource within the current
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>This interface can be implemented by any kind of logic. It could be a simple in memory map, a distributed configuration
-provided by a data grid, a database, the JNDI tree or other resources. Or it can be a combination of multiple
-property sources with additional combination/aggregation rules in place.</p>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>PropertySources are by default registered using the Java ServiceLoader or the mechanism provided by the current
- active ServiceContext.</p>
-<div class="sect2">
-<h3 id="PropertySourceProvider">Interface PropertySourceProvider</h3>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Instances of this type can be used to register multiple instances of PropertySource.</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" data-lang="java">// @FunctionalInterface in Java 8
-public interface PropertySourceProvider{
-    Collection&lt;PropertySource&gt; getPropertySources();
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>This allows to evaluate the property sources to be read/that are available dynamically. All property sources
-are read out and added to the current chain of PropertySource instances within the current ConfigurationContext,
-refer also to <a id="ConfigurationContext"></a>.</p>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>PropertySourceProviders are by default registered using the Java ServiceLoader or the mechanism provided by the
-current active ServiceContext.</p>
-<div class="sect2">
-<h3 id="PropertyFilter">Interface PropertyFilter</h3>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Also PropertyFilters can be added to a Configuration. They are evaluated before a Configuration instance is
-passed to the user. Filters can hereby used for multiple purposes, such as</p>
-<div class="ulist">
-<p>resolving placeholders</p>
-<p>masking sensitive entries, such as passwords</p>
-<p>constraining visibility based on the current active user</p>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>PropertyFilters are by default registered using the Java ServiceLoader or the mechanism provided by the current
-active ServiceContext. Similar to property sources they are managed in an ordered filter chain, based on the
-applied @Priority annotations.</p>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>A PropertyFilter is defined as follows:</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" data-lang="java">// Functional Interface
-public interface PropertyFilter{
-    String filterProperty(String value, FilterContext context);
-<div class="paragraph">
-<div class="ulist">
-<p>returning null will remove the key from the final result</p>
-<p>non null values are used as the current value of the key. Nevertheless for resolving multi-step dependencies
-filter evaluation has to be continued as long as filters are still changing some of the values to be returned.
-To prevent possible endless loops after a defined number of loops evaluation is stopped.</p>
-<p>FilterContext provides additional metdata, inclusing the key accessed, which is useful in many use cases.</p>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>This method is called each time a single entry is accessed, and for each property in a full properties result.</p>
-<div class="sect3">
-<h4 id="PropertyValueCombinationPolicy">Interface PropertyValueCombinationPolicy</h4>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>This interface can be implemented optional. It can be used to adapt the way how property key/value pairs are combined to
-build up the final Configuration to be passed over to the PropertyFilters. The default implementation is just
-overriding all values read before with the new value read. Nevertheless for collections and other use cases it is
-often useful to have alternate combination policies in place, e.g. for combining values from previous sources with the
-new value. Finally looking at the method&#8217;s signature it may be surprising to find a Map for the value. The basic
-value hereby is defined by currentValue.get(key). Nevertheless the Map may also contain additional meta entries,
-which may be considered by the policy implementation.</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" data-lang="java">// FunctionalInterface
-public interface PropertyValueCombinationPolicy{
-   PropertyValueCombinationPolicy DEFAULT_OVERRIDING_COLLECTOR =
-     new PropertyValueCombinationPolicy(){
-       @Override
-       public Map&lt;String,String&gt; collect(Map&lt;String,String&gt; currentValue, String key,
-                                         PropertySource propertySource) {
-           PropertyValue value = propertySource.get(key);
-           return value!=null?value.getConfigEntries():currentValue;
-       }
-   };
-   String collect(Map&lt;String,String&gt; currentValue currentValue, String key,
-                  PropertySource propertySource);
-<div class="sect3">
-<h4 id="ConfigurationContext">The Configuration Context</h4>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>A Configuration is created from a ConfigurationContext, which is
-accessible from Configuration.getContext():</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="title">Accessing the current ConfigurationContext</div>
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" data-lang="java">ConfigurationContext context = ConfigurationProvider.getConfiguration().getContext();</code></pre>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>The ConfigurationContext provides access to the internal artifacts that determine the final Configuration and
-also defines the ordering of the property sources, filters and converters contained:</p>
-<div class="ulist">
-<p>PropertySources registered (including the PropertySources provided from PropertySourceProvider instances).</p>
-<p>PropertyFilters registered, which filter values before they are returned to the client</p>
-<p>PropertyConverter instances that provide conversion functionality for converting String values to any other types.</p>
-<p>the current PropertyValueCombinationPolicy that determines how property values from different PropertySources are
-combined to the final property value returned to the client.</p>
-<div class="sect3">
-<h4 id="Mutability">Changing the current Configuration Context</h4>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>A ConfigurationContext is not mutable once it is created. In many cases mutability is also not needed. Nevertheless
-there are use cases where the current ConfigurationContext (and
-consequently Configuration) must be adapted:</p>
-<div class="ulist">
-<p>New configuration files where detected in a folder observed by Tamaya.</p>
-<p>Remote configuration, e.g. stored in a database or alternate ways has been updated and the current system must
-be adapted to these changes.</p>
-<p>The overall configuration context is manually setup by the application logic.</p>
-<p>Within unit testing alternate configuration setup should be setup to meet the configuration requirements of the
-tests executed.</p>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>In such cases the ConfigurationContext must be changed, meaning it must be possible:</p>
-<div class="ulist">
-<p>to add or remove PropertySource instances</p>
-<p>to add or remove PropertyFilter instances</p>
-<p>to add or remove PropertyConverter instances</p>
-<p>to redefine the current PropertyValueCombinationPolicy instances.</p>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>This can be achieved by obtaining an instance of ConfigurationContextBuilder. Instances of this builder can be
-accessed either</p>
-<div class="ulist">
-<p>calling ConfigurationContext.toBuilder(), hereby returning a builder instance preinitialized with the values from the
-current ConfigurationContext.</p>
-<p>calling ConfigurationProvider.getConfigurationContextBuilder().</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="title">Accessing a ConfigurationContextBuilder</div>
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" data-lang="java">ConfigurationContextBuilder preinitializedContextBuilder = ConfigurationProvider.getConfiguration().getContext().toBuilder();
-ConfigurationContextBuilder emptyContextBuilder = ConfigurationProvider.getConfigurationContextBuilder();</code></pre>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>With such a builder a new ConfigurationContext can be created and then applied:</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="title">Creating and applying a new ConfigurationContext</div>
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" data-lang="java">ConfigurationContext context = ConfigurationProvider.getConfiguration().getContext()
-                                    .toBuilder();
-                                    .addPropertySources(new MyPropertySource())
-                                    .addPropertyFilter(new MyFilter())
-                                    .build();</code></pre>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Hereby the builder provides several methods for adding, removing of property sources and also operations
-for programmatically change the property sourcepriorities, e.g.</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="title">Chain manipulation using ConfigurationContextBuilder</div>
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" data-lang="java">PropertySource propertySource = builder.getPropertySource("sourceId");
-// changing the priority of a property source. The ordinal value hereby is not considered.
-// Instead the position of the property source within the chain is changed.
-// Alternately a comparator expression can be passed to establish the defined ordering...
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Finally if the new context is ready a new configuration can be created, or the context is applied to the
-current configuration.</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="title">Creating and applying a new ConfigurationContext</div>
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" data-lang="java">ConfigurationContext context =;
-// Creates a new matching Configuration instance
-Configuration newConfig = ConfigurationProvider.createConfiguration(context);
-// Apply the new context to replace the current configuration:
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Hereby ConfigurationProvider.setConfigurationContext(context) can throw an UnsupportedOperationException.
-This can be checked by calling the method boolean ConfigurationProvider.isConfigurationContextSettable().</p>
-<div class="sect3">
-<h4 id="ConfigurationProviderSpi">Implementing and Managing Configuration</h4>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>One of the most important SPI in Tamaya if the ConfigurationProviderSpi interface, which is backing up the
-ConfigurationProvider singleton. Implementing this class allows</p>
-<div class="ulist">
-<p>to fully determine the implementation class for Configuration</p>
-<p>to manage the current ConfigurationContext in the scope and granularity required.</p>
-<p>to provide access to the right Configuration/ConfigurationContext based on the current runtime context.</p>
-<p>Performing changes as set with the current ConfigurationContextBuilder.</p>
-<h1 id="_interface_configurationcontextbuilder" class="sect0">Interface ConfigurationContextBuilder</h1>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Unresolved directive in &lt;stdin&gt; - include::temp-properties-files-for-site/attributes.adoc[]</p>
-<div class="sect1">
-<h2 id="BuilderCore">Interface ConfigurationContextBuilder</h2>
-<div class="sectionbody">
-<div class="sect2">
-<h3 id="_overview">Overview</h3>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>The Tamaya builder module provides a generic (one time) builder for creating Configuration instances,
-e.g. as follows:</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" data-lang="java">ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
-// do something
-Configuration config =;</code></pre>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Basically the builder allows to create configuration instances completely independent of the current configuration
-setup. This gives you full control on the Configuration setup.</p>
-<div class="sect2">
-<h3 id="_supported_functionality">Supported Functionality</h3>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>The builder allows you to add PropertySource instances:</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" data-lang="java">ConfigurationContextBuilder builder = ConfigurationProvider.getConfigurationContextBuilder();
-builder.addPropertySources(sourceOne, sourceTwo, sourceThree
-Configuration config = ConfigurationProvider.createConfiguration(;</code></pre>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Hereby the ordering of the propertysources is not changed, regardless of the ordinals provided
-by the property sources. This allows alternate ordering policies easily being implemented because
-creating a configuration based on a configuration context is already implemented and provided by the core
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Similarly you can add filters:</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" data-lang="java">builder.addPropertyFilters(new MyConfigFilter());</code></pre>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>&#8230;&#8203;or PropertySourceProvider instances:</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" data-lang="java">builder.addPropertySourceProvider(new MyPropertySourceProvider());</code></pre>
-<div class="sect3">
-<h4 id="ServiceContext">The ServiceContext</h4>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>The ServiceContext is also a very important SPI, which allows to define how components are loaded in Tamaya.
-The ServiceContext hereby defines access methods to obtain components, whereas itself it is available from the
-ServiceContextManager singleton:</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="title">Accessing the ServiceContext</div>
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" data-lang="java">ServiceContext serviceContext = ServiceContextManager.getServiceContext();
-public interface ServiceContext{
-    int ordinal();
-    &lt;T&gt; T getService(Class&lt;T&gt; serviceType);
-    &lt;T&gt; List&lt;T&gt; getServices(Class&lt;T&gt; serviceType);
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>With the ServiceContext a component can be accessed in two different ways:</p>
-<div class="olist arabic">
-<ol class="arabic">
-<p>access as as a single property. Hereby the registered instances (if multiple) are sorted by priority and then finally
-the most significant instance is returned only.</p>
-<p>access all items given its type. This will return (by default) all  instances loadedable from the current
-runtime context, ordered by priority, hereby the most significant components added first.</p>
-<div class="sect1">
-<h2 id="_examples">Examples</h2>
-<div class="sectionbody">
-<div class="sect2">
-<h3 id="_accessing_configuration">Accessing Configuration</h3>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p><em>Configuration</em> is obtained from the ConfigurationProvider singleton:</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="title">Accessing Configuration</div>
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" data-lang="java">Configuration config = ConfigurationProvider.getConfiguration();</code></pre>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Many users in a SE context will probably only work with <em>Configuration</em>, since it offers all functionality
-needed for basic configuration with a very lean memory and runtime footprint. In Java 7 access to the keys is
-very similar to <strong>Map&lt;String,String&gt;</strong>, whereas in Java 8 additionally usage of <em>Optional</em> is supported:</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" data-lang="java">Configuration config = ConfigurationProvider.getConfiguration();
-String myKey = config.get("myKey");                         // may return null
-int myLimit = config.get("all.size.limit", int.class);</code></pre>
-<div class="sect2">
-<h3 id="_environment_and_system_properties">Environment and System Properties</h3>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>By default environment and system properties are included into the <em>Configuration</em>. So we can access the current
-<em>PROMPT</em> environment variable as follows:</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" data-lang="java">String prompt = ConfigurationProvider.getConfiguration().get("PROMPT");</code></pre>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Similary the system properties are directly applied to the <em>Configuration</em>. So if we pass the following system
-property to our JVM:</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" data-lang="java">java ...</code></pre>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>we can access it as follows:</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" data-lang="java">boolean useMySystem = ConfigurationProvider.getConfiguration().get("", boolean.class);</code></pre>
-<div class="sect2">
-<h3 id="_adding_a_custom_configuration">Adding a Custom Configuration</h3>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Adding a classpath based configuration is simply as well: just implement an according <em>PropertySource</em>. With the
-<em>tamaya-spi-support</em> module you just have to perform a few steps:</p>
-<div class="olist arabic">
-<ol class="arabic">
-<p>Define a PropertySource as follows:</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" data-lang="java">  public class MyPropertySource extends PropertiesResourcePropertySource{
-    public MyPropertySource(){
-        super(ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getResource("META-INF/cfg/"), DEFAULT_ORDINAL);
-    }
-  }</code></pre>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>Then register MyPropertySource using the ServiceLoader by adding the following file:</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-listing" data-lang="listing">META-INF/services/org.apache.tamaya.spi.PropertySource</code></pre>
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>&#8230;&#8203;containing the following line:</p>
-<div class="listingblock">
-<div class="content">
-<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-listing" data-lang="listing">com.mypackage.MyPropertySource</code></pre>
-<div class="sect1">
-<h2 id="APIImpl">API Implementation</h2>
-<div class="sectionbody">
-<div class="paragraph">
-<p>The API is implemented by the Tamaya _Core_module. Refer to the <a href="Core.html">Core documentation</a> for
-further details.</p>
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