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Posted to by on 2016/11/27 16:17:51 UTC

[10/18] git commit: updated refs/heads/master to 21209a0
diff --git a/ui/l10n/it_IT.js b/ui/l10n/it_IT.js
index 6fcf2c8..c8341e1 100644
--- a/ui/l10n/it_IT.js
+++ b/ui/l10n/it_IT.js
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
 // specific language governing permissions and limitations
 // under the License.
 var dictionary = {
+    "ICMP.code": "Codice ICMP",
+    "ICMP.type": "Tipo ICMP",
     "": "Elementi delle propriet� modificati",
     "confirm.enable.s3": "Si prega di inserire i valori richiesti per abilitare il supporto per il Secondary Storage di tipo S3",
     "confirm.enable.swift": "Si prega di inserire i valori richiesti per abilitare il supporto per Swift",
@@ -31,8 +33,8 @@ var dictionary = {
     "error.something.went.wrong.please.correct.the.following": "E' stato rilevato un errore; si prega di correggere quanto indicato di seguito",
     "": "Impossibile raggiungere il Management Server",
     "": "Il tuo nome internet non pu� essere risolto.",
-    "force.delete.domain.warning": "Attenzione: La scelta di questa opzione provocher� la rimozione di tutti i sotto domini e agli account associati e alle loro risorse.",
     "force.delete": "Forza la Cancellazione",
+    "force.delete.domain.warning": "Attenzione: La scelta di questa opzione provocher� la rimozione di tutti i sotto domini e agli account associati e alle loro risorse.",
     "force.remove": "Forza la Rimozione",
     "": "Attenzione: La scelta di questa opzione provocher� l'arresto forzato di tutte le virtual machine da parte di CloudStack prima di rimuovere questo host dal cluster.",
     "force.stop": "Forza l'Arresto",
@@ -41,11 +43,48 @@ var dictionary = {
     "": "No storage tags found",
     "": "Type in part of a host tag",
     "": "Type in part of a storage tag",
-    "ICMP.code": "Codice ICMP",
-    "ICMP.type": "Tipo ICMP",
     "": "Directory Immagine",
     "inline": "Inline",
     "instances.actions.reboot.label": "Riavviare una instanza",
+    "label.CIDR.list": "Lista CIDR",
+    "": "Valore CIDR della rete di destinazione",
+    "label.CPU.cap": "Limite CPU",
+    "label.DHCP.server.type": "Tipo di DHCP Server",
+    "label.DNS.domain.for.guest.networks": "Dominio DNS per Reti Guest",
+    "label.ESP.encryption": "Encryption di ESP",
+    "label.ESP.hash": "Hash di ESP",
+    "label.ESP.lifetime": "ESP Lifetime (second)",
+    "label.ESP.policy": "Policy di ESP",
+    "label.IKE.DH": "DH di IKE",
+    "label.IKE.encryption": "Encryption di IKE",
+    "label.IKE.hash": "Hash di IKE",
+    "label.IKE.lifetime": "IKE lifetime (second)",
+    "label.IKE.policy": "Policy di IKE",
+    "label.IPsec.preshared.key": "Preshared-Key di IPsec",
+    "label.LB.isolation": "Isolamento di LB",
+    "label.LUN.number": "LUN #",
+    "label.PA": "Palo Alto",
+    "label.PA.log.profile": "Palo Alto Log Profile",
+    "label.PA.threat.profile": "Palo Alto Threat Profile",
+    "label.PING.CIFS.password": "PING CIFS password",
+    "label.PING.CIFS.username": "PING CIFS username",
+    "label.PING.dir": "PING Directory",
+    "": "PING storage IP",
+    "label.PreSetup": "PreSetup",
+    "label.Pxe.server.type": "Pxe Server Type",
+    "": "SNMP Community",
+    "label.SNMP.port": "SNMP Port",
+    "": "SR Name-Label",
+    "label.SharedMountPoint": "SharedMountPoint",
+    "label.TFTP.dir": "TFTP Directory",
+    "label.VMFS.datastore": "VMFS datastore",
+    "": "VM nei livelli",
+    "label.VPC.limits": "VPC limits",
+    "label.VPC.router.details": "Dettagli del router VPC",
+    "label.VPN.connection": "Connessione VPN",
+    "label.VPN.customer.gateway": "Gateway VPN del Cliente",
+    "label.VPN.gateway": "Gateway VPN",
+    "label.Xenserver.Tools.Version61plus": "Original XS Version is 6.1+",
     "label.about": "About",
     "": "About CloudStack",
     "label.accept.project.invitation": "Accettare un invito ad un progetto",
@@ -55,9 +94,9 @@ var dictionary = {
     "": "ID dell'Account",
     "label.account.lower": "account",
     "": "Nome Account",
-    "label.accounts": "Utenti",
     "label.account.specific": "Specifico dell'Account",
     "label.account.type": "Account Type",
+    "label.accounts": "Utenti",
     "label.acl": "ACL",
     "": "ACL ID",
     "label.acl.list.rules": "ACL List Rules",
@@ -88,6 +127,10 @@ var dictionary = {
     "label.action.create.vm.processing": "Creazione VM in corso...",
     "label.action.create.volume": "Creazione Volume",
     "label.action.create.volume.processing": "Creazione Volume in corso...",
+    "label.action.delete.IP.range": "Cancellazione intervallo indirizzi IP",
+    "label.action.delete.IP.range.processing": "Cancellazione intervallo indirizzi IP in corso....",
+    "label.action.delete.ISO": "Cancellazione immagine ISO",
+    "label.action.delete.ISO.processing": "Cancellazione immagine ISO in corso....",
     "label.action.delete.account": "Cancellazione account",
     "label.action.delete.account.processing": "Cancellazione account in corso....",
     "label.action.delete.cluster": "Cancellazione Cluster",
@@ -100,10 +143,6 @@ var dictionary = {
     "label.action.delete.firewall.processing": "Cancellazione Firewall in corso....",
     "label.action.delete.ingress.rule": "Cancella Regola in Ingresso",
     "label.action.delete.ingress.rule.processing": "Cancellazione della Regola in Ingresso in corso...",
-    "label.action.delete.IP.range": "Cancellazione intervallo indirizzi IP",
-    "label.action.delete.IP.range.processing": "Cancellazione intervallo indirizzi IP in corso....",
-    "label.action.delete.ISO": "Cancellazione immagine ISO",
-    "label.action.delete.ISO.processing": "Cancellazione immagine ISO in corso....",
     "label.action.delete.load.balancer": "Cancellazione regola load balancer",
     "label.action.delete.load.balancer.processing": "Cancellazione Load Balancer in corso....",
     "": "Cancellazione Rete",
@@ -158,13 +197,13 @@ var dictionary = {
     "": "Download Template",
     "": "Download Volume",
     "": "Download Volume in corso....",
+    "label.action.edit.ISO": "Modifica immagine ISO",
     "label.action.edit.account": "Modifica account",
     "label.action.edit.disk.offering": "Modifica Offerta Disco",
     "label.action.edit.domain": "Modifica Dominio",
     "": "Modifica Impostazioni Globali",
     "": "Modifica Host",
     "label.action.edit.instance": "Modifica Instanza",
-    "label.action.edit.ISO": "Modifica immagine ISO",
     "": "Modifica Rete",
     "": "Modifica Offerta di Rete",
     "": "Modifica Rete in corso....",
@@ -208,66 +247,75 @@ var dictionary = {
     "label.action.migrate.router.processing": "Migrazione Router...",
     "label.action.migrate.systemvm": "Migrazione VM di Systema",
     "label.action.migrate.systemvm.processing": "Migrazione VM di Sistema in corso....",
-    "label.action.reboot.instance.processing": "Riavvio Instanza in corso....",
     "label.action.reboot.instance": "Riavvio Instanza",
-    "label.action.reboot.router.processing": "Riavvio Router in corso....",
+    "label.action.reboot.instance.processing": "Riavvio Instanza in corso....",
     "label.action.reboot.router": "Riavvio Router",
-    "label.action.reboot.systemvm.processing": "Riavvio VM di Sistema in corso....",
+    "label.action.reboot.router.processing": "Riavvio Router in corso....",
     "label.action.reboot.systemvm": "Riavvio VM di Sistema",
+    "label.action.reboot.systemvm.processing": "Riavvio VM di Sistema in corso....",
     "label.action.recurring.snapshot": "Snapshot Ricorrenti",
     "label.action.register.iso": "Registrare una ISO",
     "label.action.register.template": "Registra un Template da URL",
-    "label.action.release.ip.processing": "Rilascio indirizzo IP in corso....",
     "label.action.release.ip": "Rilascio indirizzo IP",
-    "": "Rimozione Host in corso....",
+    "label.action.release.ip.processing": "Rilascio indirizzo IP in corso....",
     "": "Rimozione Host",
-    "label.action.reset.password.processing": "Reset della Password in corso....",
+    "": "Rimozione Host in corso....",
     "label.action.reset.password": "Reset Password",
-    "label.action.resize.volume.processing": "Ridimensionamento Volume in corso....",
+    "label.action.reset.password.processing": "Reset della Password in corso....",
     "label.action.resize.volume": "Ridimensionamento Volume",
+    "label.action.resize.volume.processing": "Ridimensionamento Volume in corso....",
     "label.action.resource.limits": "Limiti delle Risorse",
-    "label.action.restore.instance.processing": "Restore dell'Instanza in corso....",
     "label.action.restore.instance": "Restore Instanza",
-    "label.action.revert.snapshot.processing": "Ripristino dello Snapshot in corso...",
+    "label.action.restore.instance.processing": "Restore dell'Instanza in corso....",
     "label.action.revert.snapshot": "Ripristinare lo Snapshot",
-    "label.actions": "Azioni",
-    "label.action.start.instance.processing": "Avvio Instanza in corso....",
+    "label.action.revert.snapshot.processing": "Ripristino dello Snapshot in corso...",
     "label.action.start.instance": "Avvio Instanza",
-    "label.action.start.router.processing": "Avvio Router in corso....",
+    "label.action.start.instance.processing": "Avvio Instanza in corso....",
     "label.action.start.router": "Avvio Router",
-    "label.action.start.systemvm.processing": "Avvio VM di Sistema in corso....",
+    "label.action.start.router.processing": "Avvio Router in corso....",
     "label.action.start.systemvm": "Avvio VM di Sistema",
-    "label.action.stop.instance.processing": "Arresto Instanza in corso....",
+    "label.action.start.systemvm.processing": "Avvio VM di Sistema in corso....",
     "label.action.stop.instance": "Arresto Instanza",
-    "label.action.stop.router.processing": "Arresto Router in corso....",
+    "label.action.stop.instance.processing": "Arresto Instanza in corso....",
     "label.action.stop.router": "Arresto Router",
-    "label.action.stop.systemvm.processing": "Arresto VM di Sistema in corso....",
+    "label.action.stop.router.processing": "Arresto Router in corso....",
     "label.action.stop.systemvm": "Arresto VM di Sistema",
-    "label.action.take.snapshot.processing": "Esecuzione di Snapshot in corso....",
+    "label.action.stop.systemvm.processing": "Arresto VM di Sistema in corso....",
     "label.action.take.snapshot": "Cattura uno Snapshot",
-    "label.action.unmanage.cluster.processing": "Unmanaging Cluster....",
+    "label.action.take.snapshot.processing": "Esecuzione di Snapshot in corso....",
     "label.action.unmanage.cluster": "Unmanage Cluster",
-    "label.action.update.OS.preference.processing": "Aggiornamento preferenze OS in corso....",
+    "label.action.unmanage.cluster.processing": "Unmanaging Cluster....",
     "label.action.update.OS.preference": "Aggiornamento Preferenze OS",
-    "label.action.update.resource.count.processing": "Aggiornamento del conteggio delle Risorse in corso...",
+    "label.action.update.OS.preference.processing": "Aggiornamento preferenze OS in corso....",
     "label.action.update.resource.count": "Aggiornare il conteggio delle Risorse",
+    "label.action.update.resource.count.processing": "Aggiornamento del conteggio delle Risorse in corso...",
     "label.action.vmsnapshot.create": "Cattura uno Snapshot della VM",
     "label.action.vmsnapshot.delete": "Cancella lo Snapshot della VM",
     "label.action.vmsnapshot.revert": "Ripristinare lo snapshot della VM",
+    "label.actions": "Azioni",
     "label.activate.project": "Attivare il Progetto",
     "": "Sessioni Attive",
+    "label.add": "Add",
+    "label.add.ACL": "Aggiungere ACL",
+    "label.add.BigSwitchBcf.device": "Aggiungere Controller BigSwitch BCF",
+    "label.add.BrocadeVcs.device": "Aggiungere Switch Brocade Vcs",
+    "label.add.F5.device": "Aggiungere device F5",
+    "label.add.LDAP.account": "Add LDAP Account",
+    "label.add.NiciraNvp.device": "Aggiungere Controller Nvp",
+    "label.add.NuageVsp.device": "Add Nuage Virtualized Services Directory (VSD)",
+    "label.add.OpenDaylight.device": "Add OpenDaylight Controller",
+    "label.add.PA.device": "Aggiungere un device Palo Alto",
+    "label.add.SRX.device": "Aggiungere device SRX",
+    "": "Aggiungere una VM al livello",
+    "label.add.VPN.gateway": "Aggiungere un Gateway VPN",
     "label.add.account": "Aggiungi un Account",
+    "": "Aggiungere account al progetto",
     "label.add.accounts": "Aggiungere utenti",
     "": "Aggiungere utenti a",
-    "": "Aggiungere account al progetto",
-    "label.add.ACL": "Aggiungere ACL",
     "label.add.acl.list": "Add ACL List",
-    "label.add": "Add",
     "": "Aggiungere un nuovo gruppo di affinit�",
     "label.add.baremetal.dhcp.device": "Add Baremetal DHCP Device",
     "label.add.baremetal.rack.configuration": "Add Baremetal Rack Configuration",
-    "label.add.BigSwitchBcf.device": "Aggiungere Controller BigSwitch BCF",
-    "label.add.BrocadeVcs.device": "Aggiungere Switch Brocade Vcs",
     "": "Add by",
     "": "Aggiungere da CIDR",
     "": "Add By Group",
@@ -277,60 +325,40 @@ var dictionary = {
     "": "Add Direct Ip Range",
     "label.add.disk.offering": "Aggiungere Offerta Disco",
     "label.add.domain": "Aggiunta Dominio",
-    "label.added.brocade.vcs.switch": "Added new Brocade Vcs Switch",
-    "": "Added network offering",
-    "": "Added new BigSwitch BCF Controller",
-    "label.added.nicira.nvp.controller": "Added new Nicira NVP Controller",
     "label.add.egress.rule": "Aggiungere una regola d'uscita",
-    "": "Added new F5",
-    "label.add.F5.device": "Aggiungere device F5",
     "label.add.firewall": "Aggiunta regola firewall",
     "": "Add GloboDNS",
     "label.add.gslb": "Add GSLB",
     "": "Aggiungere una rete guest",
     "": "Aggiunta Host",
-    "label.adding": "Aggiunta",
-    "label.adding.cluster": "Aggiunta del Cluster",
-    "label.adding.failed": "Aggiunta Fallita",
-    "label.adding.pod": "Aggiuta del Pod",
-    "label.adding.processing": "Aggiunta in corso...",
     "label.add.ingress.rule": "Add Ingress Rule",
-    "label.adding.succeeded": "Aggiunta avvenuta",
-    "label.adding.user": "Aggiunta dell'Utente",
-    "": "Aggiunta della Zona",
     "label.add.intermediate.certificate": "Aggiungere un certificato intermedio",
     "": "Add Internal LB",
     "label.add.ip.range": "Aggiungere un IP Range",
     "": "Add Isolated Guest Network",
     "": "Add Isolated Guest Network with SourceNat",
     "": "Add Isolated Network",
-    "label.additional.networks": "Network Aggiuntivi",
     "label.add.ldap.account": "Aggiungi un account LDAP",
-    "label.add.LDAP.account": "Add LDAP Account",
     "": "ACL List Name",
     "label.add.load.balancer": "Aggiungere un Load Balancer",
     "label.add.more": "Add More",
     "label.add.netScaler.device": "Aggiungere device Netscaler",
+    "": "Aggiungere una Rete",
     "": "Aggiungere le ACL di rete",
     "": "Add Network ACL List",
-    "": "Aggiungere una Rete",
     "": "Aggiungere un Dispositivo di Rete",
     "": "Aggiungere offerta di rete",
     "": "Aggiungere nuovo F5",
-    "": "Aggiungere un nuovo gateway",
     "": "Aggiungere nuovo NetScaler",
     "": "Aggiungere un nuovo Palo Alto",
     "": "Aggiungere nuovo SRX",
+    "": "Aggiungere un nuovo gateway",
     "": "Aggiungere un nuovo livello",
     "": "Add NFS Secondary Staging Store",
-    "label.add.NiciraNvp.device": "Aggiungere Controller Nvp",
-    "label.add.NuageVsp.device": "Add Nuage Virtualized Services Directory (VSD)",
-    "label.add.OpenDaylight.device": "Add OpenDaylight Controller",
-    "label.add.PA.device": "Aggiungere un device Palo Alto",
     "": "Aggiungere rete fisica",
     "label.add.pod": "Aggiungere un Pod",
-    "label.add.portable.ip.range": "Add Portable IP Range",
     "label.add.port.forwarding.rule": "Aggiungere una regola di port forwarding",
+    "label.add.portable.ip.range": "Add Portable IP Range",
     "": "Aggiungere uno Storage Primario",
     "label.add.private.gateway": "Add Private Gateway",
     "label.add.region": "Aggiungere una Regione",
@@ -341,7 +369,6 @@ var dictionary = {
     "": "Aggiungere uno Storage Secondario",
     "": "Aggiungere un Gruppo di Sicurezza",
     "label.add.service.offering": "Aggiungere un'Offerta di Servizio",
-    "label.add.SRX.device": "Aggiungere device SRX",
     "label.add.static.nat.rule": "Aggiungere regola di NAT statico",
     "label.add.static.route": "Aggiungere una rotta statica",
     "label.add.system.service.offering": "Aggiungere Offerte di Servizio di Sistema",
@@ -354,7 +381,6 @@ var dictionary = {
     "label.add.vm": "Aggiungere VM",
     "label.add.vms": "Aggiunvere VM",
     "": "Aggiungere VM a regola di bilanciamento di carico",
-    "": "Aggiungere una VM al livello",
     "label.add.vmware.datacenter": "Add VMware datacenter",
     "label.add.vnmc.device": "Add VNMC device",
     "label.add.vnmc.provider": "Add VNMC provider",
@@ -362,12 +388,25 @@ var dictionary = {
     "label.add.vpc": "Aggiungere VPC",
     "label.add.vpc.offering": "Add VPC Offering",
     "label.add.vpn.customer.gateway": "Aggiungere Gateway VPN del Cliente",
-    "label.add.VPN.gateway": "Aggiungere un Gateway VPN",
     "label.add.vpn.user": "Aggiungere utente VPN",
     "label.add.vxlan": "Aggiungere una VXLAN",
     "": "Aggiungere una Zona",
-    "label.admin.accounts": "Account Amministrativi",
+    "label.added.brocade.vcs.switch": "Added new Brocade Vcs Switch",
+    "": "Added network offering",
+    "": "Added new BigSwitch BCF Controller",
+    "label.added.nicira.nvp.controller": "Added new Nicira NVP Controller",
+    "": "Added new F5",
+    "label.adding": "Aggiunta",
+    "label.adding.cluster": "Aggiunta del Cluster",
+    "label.adding.failed": "Aggiunta Fallita",
+    "label.adding.pod": "Aggiuta del Pod",
+    "label.adding.processing": "Aggiunta in corso...",
+    "label.adding.succeeded": "Aggiunta avvenuta",
+    "label.adding.user": "Aggiunta dell'Utente",
+    "": "Aggiunta della Zona",
+    "label.additional.networks": "Network Aggiuntivi",
     "label.admin": "Amministratore",
+    "label.admin.accounts": "Account Amministrativi",
     "label.advanced": "Avanzato",
     "label.advanced.mode": "Modalit� Avanzata",
     "": "Ricerca Avanzata",
@@ -392,20 +431,20 @@ var dictionary = {
     "label.anti.affinity.groups": "Anti-affinity Groups",
     "label.api.key": "Chiave API",
     "label.api.version": "Versione API",
-    "label.apply": "Applicare",
     "": "CloudStack",
-    "label.archive.alerts": "Archivia allarmi",
+    "label.apply": "Applicare",
     "label.archive": "Archive",
+    "label.archive.alerts": "Archivia allarmi",
     "": "Archivia eventi",
     "label.assign": "Assign",
-    "label.assigned.vms": "Assigned VMs",
     "label.assign.instance.another": "Assign Instance to Another Account",
     "": "Assigning instance to load balancer",
     "label.assign.vms": "Assign VMs",
+    "label.assigned.vms": "Assigned VMs",
+    "label.associate.public.ip": "Associate Public IP",
     "": "Rete Associata",
     "": "Associated Network ID",
     "label.associated.profile": "Associated Profile",
-    "label.associate.public.ip": "Associate Public IP",
     "label.attached.iso": "ISO Collegata",
     "": "Author e-mail",
     "": "Author name",
@@ -434,8 +473,8 @@ var dictionary = {
     "label.bootable": "Avviabile",
     "label.broadcast.domain.range": "Broadcast domain range",
     "label.broadcast.domain.type": "Broadcast Domain Type",
-    "label.broadcasturi": "broadcasturi",
     "label.broadcast.uri": "URI di Broadcast",
+    "label.broadcasturi": "broadcasturi",
     "label.broadcat.uri": "URI di Broadcast",
     "label.brocade.vcs.address": "Vcs Switch Address",
     "label.brocade.vcs.details": "Brocade Vcs Switch details",
@@ -452,16 +491,16 @@ var dictionary = {
     "": "By Role",
     "": "By Start Date",
     "": "By State",
-    "label.bytes.received": "Byte Ricevuti",
-    "label.bytes.sent": "Byte Inviati",
     "": "By Traffic Type",
     "": "By Type",
     "": "By Type ID",
     "": "By Zone",
+    "label.bytes.received": "Byte Ricevuti",
+    "label.bytes.sent": "Byte Inviati",
     "label.cache.mode": "Write-cache Type",
     "label.cancel": "Annulla",
-    "label.capacity.bytes": "Capacit� Byte",
     "label.capacity": "Capacit�",
+    "label.capacity.bytes": "Capacit� Byte",
     "label.capacity.iops": "Capacit� IOPS",
     "label.certificate": "Certificato",
     "label.change.affinity": "Change Affinity",
@@ -471,11 +510,9 @@ var dictionary = {
     "label.character": "Carattere",
     "label.chassis": "Chassis",
     "label.checksum": "checksum",
-    "label.cidr.account": "CIDR or Account/Security Group",
     "label.cidr": "CIDR",
-    "label.CIDR.list": "Lista CIDR",
+    "label.cidr.account": "CIDR or Account/Security Group",
     "label.cidr.list": "Source CIDR",
-    "": "Valore CIDR della rete di destinazione",
     "": "Nexus 1000v IP Address",
     "": "Nexus 1000v Password",
     "": "Nexus 1000v Username",
@@ -487,13 +524,13 @@ var dictionary = {
     "": " Managed",
     "label.cluster": "Cluster",
     "": "Nome del Cluster",
-    "label.clusters": "Cluster",
     "label.cluster.type": "Tipo di Cluster",
+    "label.clusters": "Cluster",
     "label.clvm": "CLVM",
     "label.code": "Codice",
     "": "Community",
-    "": "Computazione e Storage",
     "label.compute": "Computazionale",
+    "": "Computazione e Storage",
     "label.compute.offering": "Offerta computazionale",
     "label.compute.offerings": "Compute Offerings",
     "label.configuration": "Configurazione",
@@ -502,32 +539,31 @@ var dictionary = {
     "": "Configurare le ACL di rete",
     "label.configure.sticky.policy": "Configure Sticky Policy",
     "label.configure.vpc": "Configurare VPC",
-    "label.confirmation": "Conferma",
     "label.confirm.password": "Confermare la password",
+    "label.confirmation": "Conferma",
     "label.congratulations": "Congratulazioni!",
     "label.conserve.mode": "Conserve mode",
     "label.console.proxy": "Proxy di Console",
     "label.console.proxy.vm": "Console Proxy VM",
-    "label.continue.basic.install": "Proseguire con l'installazione di base",
     "label.continue": "Continuare",
+    "label.continue.basic.install": "Proseguire con l'installazione di base",
     "label.copying.iso": "Copying ISO",
     "label.corrections.saved": "Salvataggio correzioni effettuato",
     "label.counter": "Counter",
+    "label.cpu": "CPU",
     "label.cpu.allocated": "CPU Allocate",
     "label.cpu.allocated.for.VMs": "CPU Allocate per VM",
-    "label.CPU.cap": "Limite CPU",
-    "label.cpu": "CPU",
     "label.cpu.limits": "Limiti CPU",
     "label.cpu.mhz": "CPU (in MHz)",
     "label.cpu.utilized": "CPU Utilizzata",
-    "": "Creato dal sistema",
-    "label.created": "Creato",
+    "label.create.VPN.connection": "Creare una Connessione VPN",
     "": "Create NFS Secondary Staging Store",
     "": "Create NFS secondary staging store",
     "label.create.project": "Creare un progetto",
     "label.create.ssh.key.pair": "Create a SSH Key Pair",
     "label.create.template": "Creare un template",
-    "label.create.VPN.connection": "Creare una Connessione VPN",
+    "label.created": "Creato",
+    "": "Creato dal sistema",
     "label.cross.zones": "Cross Zones",
     "label.custom": "Custom",
     "label.custom.disk.iops": "Custom IOPS",
@@ -542,46 +578,46 @@ var dictionary = {
     "": "DC Name",
     "label.dead.peer.detection": "Dead Peer Detection",
     "label.decline.invitation": "Declinare un invito",
-    "label.dedicate.cluster": "Dedicate Cluster",
-    "label.dedicated": "Dedicato",
     "label.dedicate": "Dedicate",
-    "label.dedicated.vlan.vni.ranges": "Dedicated VLAN/VNI Ranges",
+    "label.dedicate.cluster": "Dedicate Cluster",
     "": "Dedicate Host",
     "label.dedicate.pod": "Dedicate Pod",
     "label.dedicate.vlan.vni.range": "Dedicate VLAN/VNI Range",
     "": "Dedicate Zone",
+    "label.dedicated": "Dedicato",
+    "label.dedicated.vlan.vni.ranges": "Dedicated VLAN/VNI Ranges",
     "label.default": "Default",
     "label.default.egress.policy": "Default egress policy",
     "label.default.use": "Default Use",
     "label.default.view": "Vista di default",
+    "label.delete": "Cancellare",
+    "label.delete.BigSwitchBcf": "Rimuovere Controller BigSwitch BCF",
+    "label.delete.BrocadeVcs": "Remove Brocade Vcs Switch",
+    "label.delete.F5": "Rimozione F5",
+    "label.delete.NetScaler": "Rimozione NetScaler",
+    "label.delete.NiciraNvp": "Rimuovere Controller Nvp",
+    "label.delete.NuageVsp": "Remove Nuage VSD",
+    "label.delete.OpenDaylight.device": "Delete OpenDaylight Controller",
+    "label.delete.PA": "Cancellare Palo Alto",
+    "label.delete.SRX": "Rimozione SRX",
+    "label.delete.VPN.connection": "cancellare la connessione VPN",
+    "label.delete.VPN.customer.gateway": "cancellare il Gateway VPN del Cliente",
+    "label.delete.VPN.gateway": "cancellare un Gateway VPN",
     "label.delete.acl.list": "Delete ACL List",
     "": "Cancellare Gruppo di Affinit�",
     "label.delete.alerts": "Cancella allarmi",
     "label.delete.baremetal.rack.configuration": "Delete Baremetal Rack Configuration",
-    "label.delete.BigSwitchBcf": "Rimuovere Controller BigSwitch BCF",
-    "label.delete.BrocadeVcs": "Remove Brocade Vcs Switch",
     "label.delete.ciscoASA1000v": "Delete CiscoASA1000v",
     "label.delete.ciscovnmc.resource": "Delete CiscoVNMC resource",
-    "label.delete": "Cancellare",
     "": "Cancella eventi",
-    "label.delete.F5": "Rimozione F5",
     "label.delete.gateway": "Rimuovere il gateway",
     "": "Delete Internal LB",
-    "label.delete.NetScaler": "Rimozione NetScaler",
-    "label.delete.NiciraNvp": "Rimuovere Controller Nvp",
-    "label.delete.NuageVsp": "Remove Nuage VSD",
-    "label.delete.OpenDaylight.device": "Delete OpenDaylight Controller",
-    "label.delete.PA": "Cancellare Palo Alto",
     "label.delete.portable.ip.range": "Delete Portable IP Range",
     "label.delete.profile": "Delete Profile",
     "label.delete.project": "Cancellare progetto",
     "label.delete.role": "Delete Role",
     "": "Delete Secondary Staging Store",
-    "label.delete.SRX": "Rimozione SRX",
     "label.delete.ucs.manager": "Delete UCS Manager",
-    "label.delete.VPN.connection": "cancellare la connessione VPN",
-    "label.delete.VPN.customer.gateway": "cancellare il Gateway VPN del Cliente",
-    "label.delete.VPN.gateway": "cancellare un Gateway VPN",
     "label.delete.vpn.user": "Cancellare utente VPN",
     "label.deleting.failed": "Cancellazione Fallita",
     "label.deleting.processing": "Cancellazione in corso...",
@@ -598,17 +634,16 @@ var dictionary = {
     "": "ID Dispositivo",
     "label.devices": "Device",
     "label.dhcp": "DHCP",
-    "label.DHCP.server.type": "Tipo di DHCP Server",
     "": "Direct Attached Public IP",
     "": "Indirizzi IP di Rete condivisi",
     "label.disable.autoscale": "Disable Autoscale",
-    "label.disabled": "Disabilitato",
     "": "Disable Host",
     "": "Disable network offering",
     "label.disable.provider": "Disabilitare il provider",
     "label.disable.vnmc.provider": "Disable VNMC provider",
     "label.disable.vpc.offering": "Disable VPC offering",
     "label.disable.vpn": "Disabilitare VPN",
+    "label.disabled": "Disabilitato",
     "label.disabling.vpn.access": "Disabilitare VPN",
     "label.disassociate.profile.blade": "Disassociate Profile from Blade",
     "label.disbale.vnmc.device": "Disable VNMC device",
@@ -620,9 +655,8 @@ var dictionary = {
     "": "Disk Read Rate (IOPS)",
     "": "IOPS Totali",
     "label.disk.iops.write.rate": "Disk Write Rate (IOPS)",
-    "label.disk.offering.details": "Disk offering details",
-    "label.diskoffering": "diskoffering",
     "label.disk.offering": "Offerta Disco",
+    "label.disk.offering.details": "Disk offering details",
     "label.disk.provisioningtype": "Tipo di Provisioning",
     "": "Disk Read (Bytes)",
     "": "Disk Read (IO)",
@@ -632,16 +666,16 @@ var dictionary = {
     "label.disk.volume": "Disk Volume",
     "label.disk.write.bytes": "Disk Write (Bytes)",
     "": "Disk Write (IO)",
+    "label.diskoffering": "diskoffering",
     "": "Display Name",
     "label.display.text": "Display Text",
     "label.distributedrouter": "Distributed Router",
+    "label.dns": "DNS",
     "label.dns.1": "DNS 1",
     "label.dns.2": "DNS 2",
-    "label.dns": "DNS",
-    "label.DNS.domain.for.guest.networks": "Dominio DNS per Reti Guest",
+    "label.domain": "Dominio",
     "label.domain.admin": "Amministratore di Dominio",
     "label.domain.details": "Domain details",
-    "label.domain": "Dominio",
     "": "ID del Dominio",
     "label.domain.lower": "domain",
     "": "Nome del Dominio",
@@ -653,9 +687,9 @@ var dictionary = {
     "": "Trascina nella nuova posizione",
     "": "Duration (in sec)",
     "label.dynamically.scalable": "Dynamically Scalable",
+    "label.edit": "Modifica",
     "label.edit.acl.rule": "Edit ACL rule",
     "": "Edit Affinity Group",
-    "label.edit": "Modifica",
     "": "Modifica regola LB",
     "": "Modificare le impostazioni di rete",
     "label.edit.project.details": "Modificare i dettagli del progetto",
@@ -684,35 +718,31 @@ var dictionary = {
     "label.enable.vnmc.provider": "Enable VNMC provider",
     "label.enable.vpc.offering": "Enable VPC offering",
     "label.enable.vpn": "Abilitare VPN",
-    "label.enabling.vpn.access": "Abilitazione dell'Accesso VPN",
     "label.enabling.vpn": "Abilitazione della VPN",
+    "label.enabling.vpn.access": "Abilitazione dell'Accesso VPN",
     "label.end.IP": "Indirizzo IP finale",
-    "label.endpoint": "Dispositivo",
-    "label.endpoint.or.operation": "Endpoint or Operation",
     "label.end.port": "End Port",
     "label.end.reserved.system.IP": "Indirizzo IP finale riservato di sistema",
     "label.end.vlan": "End VLAN",
     "label.end.vxlan": "End VXLAN",
+    "label.endpoint": "Dispositivo",
+    "label.endpoint.or.operation": "Endpoint or Operation",
     "label.enter.token": "Inserire il token",
-    "label.error.code": "Error Code",
     "label.error": "Errore",
+    "label.error.code": "Error Code",
     "label.error.upper": "ERROR",
-    "label.ESP.encryption": "Encryption di ESP",
-    "label.ESP.hash": "Hash di ESP",
-    "label.ESP.lifetime": "ESP Lifetime (second)",
-    "label.ESP.policy": "Policy di ESP",
     "": "ESX/ESXi Host",
+    "label.event": "Event",
     "label.event.archived": "Event Archived",
     "label.event.deleted": "Event Deleted",
-    "label.event": "Event",
     "label.every": "Every",
     "label.example": "Esempio",
     "label.expunge": "Expunge",
     "": "Link Esterno",
     "label.extractable": "Estraibile",
     "label.extractable.lower": "extractable",
-    "label.f5.details": "F5 details",
     "label.f5": "F5",
+    "label.f5.details": "F5 details",
     "label.failed": "Errore",
     "label.featured": "Featured",
     "label.fetch.latest": "Fetch latest",
@@ -729,26 +759,26 @@ var dictionary = {
     "label.gateway": "Gateway",
     "label.general.alerts": "General Alerts",
     "label.generating.url": "Generating URL",
-    "": "GloboDNS Configuration",
     "": "GloboDNS",
+    "": "GloboDNS Configuration",
     "label.gluster.volume": "Volume",
     "label.go.step.2": "Go to Step 2",
     "label.go.step.3": "Go to Step 3",
     "label.go.step.4": "Go to Step 4",
     "label.go.step.5": "Go to Step 5",
     "label.gpu": "CPU",
+    "": "Group",
     "": "Group by account",
     "": "Group by cluster",
     "": "Group by pod",
     "": "Group by zone",
-    "": "Group",
     "": "Group (Optional)",
+    "label.gslb": "GSLB",
     "": "Assigned load balancing",
     "": "Assign more load balancing",
     "label.gslb.delete": "Delete GSLB",
     "label.gslb.details": "GSLB details",
     "": "GSLB Domain Name",
-    "label.gslb": "GSLB",
     "": "Load balancing details",
     "": "Remove load balancing from this GSLB",
     "": "Load balancing rule",
@@ -756,10 +786,10 @@ var dictionary = {
     "label.gslb.service.private.ip": "GSLB service Private IP",
     "label.gslb.service.public.ip": "GSLB service Public IP",
     "label.gslb.servicetype": "Service Type",
+    "label.guest": "Guest",
     "label.guest.cidr": "Guest CIDR",
     "label.guest.end.ip": "Indirizzo IP guest finale",
     "label.guest.gateway": "Guest Gateway",
-    "label.guest": "Guest",
     "label.guest.ip": "Guest IP Address",
     "label.guest.ip.range": "Guest IP Range",
     "label.guest.netmask": "Guest Netmask",
@@ -771,9 +801,9 @@ var dictionary = {
     "label.guest.traffic.vswitch.type": "Guest Traffic vSwitch Type",
     "label.guest.type": "Tipo di Guest",
     "label.ha.enabled": "HA Enabled",
+    "": "Health Check",
     "": "Advanced Options:",
     "": "Configuration Options:",
-    "": "Health Check",
     "": "Health Check Interval (in sec)",
     "": "Your load balancer will automatically perform health checks on your cloudstack instances and only route traffic to instances that pass the health check",
     "": "Health Check Wizard",
@@ -782,28 +812,23 @@ var dictionary = {
     "label.hide.ingress.rule": "Hide Ingress Rule",
     "label.hints": "Suggerimenti",
     "label.home": "Home",
-    "": "Host Alerts",
     "": "Host",
     "": "MAC del sistema host",
+    "": "Host Alerts",
     "": "Host Name",
-    "label.hosts": "Hosts",
     "": "Host Tag",
     "": "Host Tags",
+    "label.hosts": "Hosts",
     "label.hourly": "Hourly",
     "label.hvm": "HVM",
-    "label.hypervisor.capabilities": "Funzionalit� del Hypervisor",
+    "label.hyperv.traffic.label": "HyperV Traffic Label",
     "label.hypervisor": "Hypervisor",
-    "label.hypervisors": "Hypervisor",
+    "label.hypervisor.capabilities": "Funzionalit� del Hypervisor",
     "label.hypervisor.snapshot.reserve": "Hypervisor Snapshot Reserve",
     "label.hypervisor.type": "Hypervisor Type",
     "label.hypervisor.version": "Versione hypervisor",
-    "label.hyperv.traffic.label": "HyperV Traffic Label",
+    "label.hypervisors": "Hypervisor",
     "": "ID",
-    "label.IKE.DH": "DH di IKE",
-    "label.IKE.encryption": "Encryption di IKE",
-    "label.IKE.hash": "Hash di IKE",
-    "label.IKE.lifetime": "IKE lifetime (second)",
-    "label.IKE.policy": "Policy di IKE",
     "": "Info",
     "": "INFO",
     "label.ingress.rule": "Ingress Rule",
@@ -819,9 +844,9 @@ var dictionary = {
     "label.installWizard.addPrimaryStorageIntro.title": "Let’s aggiungere primary storage",
     "label.installWizard.addSecondaryStorageIntro.subtitle": "Che cosa � un secondary storage?",
     "label.installWizard.addSecondaryStorageIntro.title": "Let’s aggiungere secondary storage",
+    "label.installWizard.addZone.title": "Aggiungere una zona",
     "label.installWizard.addZoneIntro.subtitle": "Che cosa � una zona?",
     "label.installWizard.addZoneIntro.title": "Let’s aggiungere una zone",
-    "label.installWizard.addZone.title": "Aggiungere una zona",
     "": "Fare click sul pulsante di avvio.",
     "label.installWizard.subtitle": "Questa guida fornisce supporto nelle attivit� di configurazione di una installazione CloudStack&#8482",
     "label.installWizard.title": "Ciao e Benvenuti nel mondo di CloudStack&#8482",
@@ -835,27 +860,26 @@ var dictionary = {
     "label.intermediate.certificate": "Intermediate certificate {0}",
     "label.internal.dns.1": "DNS 1 Interno",
     "label.internal.dns.2": "DNS2 Interno",
-    "": "Internal LB details",
     "": "Internal LB",
-    "label.internallbvm": "InternalLbVm",
+    "": "Internal LB details",
     "": "Nome Interno",
+    "label.internallbvm": "InternalLbVm",
     "label.interval.type": "Interval Type",
     "": "Introduzione a CloudStack&#8482",
     "label.invalid.integer": "Invalid Integer",
     "label.invalid.number": "Invalid Number",
     "label.invitations": "Inviti",
-    "label.invited.accounts": "Utenti invitati",
     "label.invite": "Invito",
     "": "Invito a",
+    "label.invited.accounts": "Utenti invitati",
+    "label.ip": "Indirizzo IP",
     "label.ip.address": "Indirizzo IP",
-    "label.ipaddress": "Indirizzo IP",
     "label.ip.allocations": "IP Allocations",
-    "label.ip": "Indirizzo IP",
     "label.ip.limits": "Public IP Limits",
     "label.ip.or.fqdn": "IP o FQDN",
     "label.ip.range": "IP Range",
     "label.ip.ranges": "Intervalli di indirizzi IP",
-    "label.IPsec.preshared.key": "Preshared-Key di IPsec",
+    "label.ipaddress": "Indirizzo IP",
     "label.ips": "Indirizzi IP",
     "label.ipv4.cidr": "IPv4 CIDR",
     "label.ipv4.dns1": "IPv4 DNS1",
@@ -864,31 +888,31 @@ var dictionary = {
     "label.ipv4.gateway": "IPv4 Gateway",
     "label.ipv4.netmask": "IPv4 Netmask",
     "label.ipv4.start.ip": "IPv4 Start IP",
-    "label.ipv6.address": "IPv6 IP Address",
     "label.ipv6.CIDR": "IPv6 CIDR",
+    "label.ipv6.address": "IPv6 IP Address",
     "label.ipv6.dns1": "IPv6 DNS1",
     "label.ipv6.dns2": "IPv6 DNS2",
     "label.ipv6.end.ip": "IPv6 End IP",
     "label.ipv6.gateway": "IPv6 Gateway",
     "label.ipv6.start.ip": "IPv6 Start IP",
-    "label.iscsi": "iSCSI",
     "": "E' Default",
-    "label.iso.boot": "ISO Boot",
+    "": "Redundant",
+    "": "E' Condiviso",
+    "": "Is System",
+    "label.iscsi": "iSCSI",
     "label.iso": "ISO",
+    "label.iso.boot": "ISO Boot",
     "label.isolated.networks": "Reti isolate",
     "label.isolation.method": "Metodo di isolamento",
     "label.isolation.mode": "Modalit� di Isolamento",
     "label.isolation.uri": "URI di isolamento",
-    "": "Redundant",
-    "": "E' Condiviso",
-    "": "Is System",
     "label.item.listing": "Item listing",
     "label.japanese.keyboard": "Japanese keyboard",
-    "label.keep.colon": "Keep:",
     "label.keep": "Keep",
+    "label.keep.colon": "Keep:",
+    "label.key": "Key",
     "label.keyboard.language": "Keyboard language",
     "label.keyboard.type": "Tipo di tastiera",
-    "label.key": "Key",
     "label.kvm.traffic.label": "Etichetta del traffico via KVM",
     "label.label": "Label",
     "label.lang.arabic": "Arabo",
@@ -917,7 +941,6 @@ var dictionary = {
     "": "Least connections",
     "": "Round-robin",
     "": "Sorgente",
-    "label.LB.isolation": "Isolamento di LB",
     "label.ldap.configuration": "Configurazione LDAP",
     "": "LDAP Group",
     "": "Type",
@@ -930,27 +953,25 @@ var dictionary = {
     "label.load.balancing": "Bilanciamento di Carico",
     "label.load.balancing.policies": "Politiche di Bilanciamento di Carico",
     "label.loading": "Loading",
-    "label.local.file": "Local file",
     "label.local": "Local",
+    "label.local.file": "Local file",
+    "": "Storage locale",
     "": "Enable local storage for User VMs",
     "": "Enable local storage for System VMs",
-    "": "Storage locale",
     "label.login": "Login",
     "label.logout": "Logout",
     "label.lun": "LUN",
-    "label.LUN.number": "LUN #",
     "label.lxc.traffic.label": "LXC Traffic Label",
     "label.make.project.owner": "Make account project owner",
     "label.make.redundant": "Rendi ridondante",
-    "label.managed": "Managed",
     "label.manage": "Manage",
-    "": "Indirizzo IP di Management",
+    "label.manage.resources": "Gestione Risorse",
+    "label.managed": "Managed",
     "": "Gestione",
+    "": "Indirizzo IP di Management",
     "": "Management Server",
-    "label.manage.resources": "Gestione Risorse",
     "label.max.cpus": "Max. CPU cores",
     "label.max.guest.limit": "Limite max di guest",
-    "label.maximum": "Maximum",
     "label.max.instances": "Max Instances",
     "label.max.memory": "Max. memory (MiB)",
     "label.max.networks": "Numero Max di reti",
@@ -962,12 +983,13 @@ var dictionary = {
     "label.max.vms": "Numero max di VM utente",
     "label.max.volumes": "Numero max di volumi",
     "label.max.vpcs": "Numero max di VPC",
+    "label.maximum": "Maximum",
     "label.may.continue": "E' ora possibile continuare.",
     "label.md5.checksum": "Checksum MD5",
+    "label.memory": "Memory",
     "label.memory.allocated": "Memory Allocated",
     "label.memory.limits": "Memory limits (MiB)",
     "label.memory.mb": "Memoria (in MB)",
-    "label.memory": "Memory",
     "": "Memory Total",
     "label.memory.used": "Memory Used",
     "": "Utenti",
@@ -1004,14 +1026,15 @@ var dictionary = {
     "": "SSH KeyPair",
     "": "Stopped Instances",
     "": "Storage",
-    "": "Offerte di Sistema",
     "": "System",
+    "": "Offerte di Sistema",
     "": "System VMs",
     "": "Template",
     "": "Virtual Appliances",
     "": "Virtual Resources",
     "": "Volumes",
     "": "VPC Offerings",
+    "label.metrics": "Metrics",
     "label.metrics.allocated": "Allocato",
     "label.metrics.clusters": "Cluster",
     "label.metrics.cpu.allocated": "CPU Allocation",
@@ -1019,8 +1042,8 @@ var dictionary = {
     "": "Total",
     "label.metrics.cpu.usage": "CPU Usage",
     "label.metrics.cpu.used.avg": "Used",
-    "label.metrics.disk.allocated": "Allocato",
     "label.metrics.disk": "Disk",
+    "label.metrics.disk.allocated": "Allocato",
     "": "IOPS",
     "": "Read",
     "label.metrics.disk.size": "Size",
@@ -1036,7 +1059,6 @@ var dictionary = {
     "": "Total",
     "label.metrics.memory.usage": "Mem Usage",
     "label.metrics.memory.used.avg": "Used",
-    "label.metrics": "Metrics",
     "": "Name",
     "": "Read",
     "": "Network Usage",
@@ -1048,8 +1070,8 @@ var dictionary = {
     "label.metrics.state": "State",
     "label.metrics.storagepool": "Storage Pool",
     "": "VM Name",
-    "": "Migrare instance verso un altro host",
     "": "Migrate instance to",
+    "": "Migrare instance verso un altro host",
     "": "Migrare instance verso un altro primary storage",
     "": "Migrate LB VM",
     "": "Migrate Router to",
@@ -1058,9 +1080,9 @@ var dictionary = {
     "": "Migrare verso uno storage",
     "label.migrate.volume": "Migrate Volume",
     "": "Migrare un volume verso un altro primary storage",
-    "label.minimum": "Minimum",
     "label.min.instances": "Min Instances",
     "": "min past the hr",
+    "label.minimum": "Minimum",
     "label.minute.past.hour": "minute(s) past the hour",
     "label.minutes.past.hour": "minutes(s) past the hour",
     "label.mode": "Modalit�",
@@ -1074,17 +1096,18 @@ var dictionary = {
     "": "My Account",
     "": "La mia rete",
     "": "I miei template",
-    "": "name",
+    "": "N/A",
     "": "Name",
+    "": "name",
     "": "Name (Optional)",
-    "": "N/A",
     "label.nat.port.range": "Intervallo di porte NAT",
+    "label.netScaler": "NetScaler",
     "label.netmask": "Netmask",
     "label.netscaler.details": "NetScaler details",
-    "label.netScaler": "NetScaler",
+    "": "Network",
     "": "ACL di rete",
-    "": "ACL di rete",
     "": "Totale ACL di rete",
+    "": "ACL di rete",
     "": "Add network to VM",
     "": "Network CIDR",
     "": "Network Desc",
@@ -1094,23 +1117,22 @@ var dictionary = {
     "": "Network Domain",
     "": "Dominio di Rete",
     "": "Network ID",
-    "": "Networking e sicurezza",
     "": "Utilizzare il default gateway",
     "": "Network limits",
     "": "Network Name",
-    "": "Network",
+    "": "Network Offering",
     "": "Network offering details",
     "": "Network Offering Display Text",
     "": "Network Offering ID",
     "": "Network Offering Name",
-    "": "Network Offering",
-    "": "Network Rate (MB/s)",
     "": "Network Rate (Mb/s)",
+    "": "Network Rate (MB/s)",
     "": "Network Read",
     "": "Service Provider di Rete",
-    "label.networks": "Reti",
     "": "Network Type",
     "": "Network Write",
+    "": "Networking e sicurezza",
+    "label.networks": "Reti",
     "": "Nuovo",
     "": "New Password",
     "": "Nuovo Progetto",
@@ -1128,6 +1150,7 @@ var dictionary = {
     "label.nicira.nvp.details": "Nicira NVP details",
     "label.nicira.transportzoneuuid": "Transport Zone Uuid",
     "label.nics": "NICs",
+    "": "No",
     "": "No Available Actions",
     "": "No Recent Alerts",
     "": "Nessun dato da mostrare",
@@ -1135,12 +1158,12 @@ var dictionary = {
     "": "(no grouping)",
     "": "No available ISOs",
     "": "No Available Items",
-    "label.none": "None",
-    "": "No",
     "": "No Available Security Groups",
-    "label.not.found": "Not Found",
     "": "No grazie",
+    "label.none": "None",
+    "label.not.found": "Not Found",
     "label.notifications": "Notifiche",
+    "label.num.cpu.cores": "# of CPU Cores",
     "label.number.of.clusters": "Numero di Cluster",
     "label.number.of.cpu.sockets": "The Number of CPU Sockets",
     "label.number.of.hosts": "Numero di Host",
@@ -1148,22 +1171,22 @@ var dictionary = {
     "label.number.of.system.vms": "Numero delle VM di Sistema",
     "label.number.of.virtual.routers": "Numero dei Router Virtuali",
     "label.number.of.zones": "Numero di Zone",
-    "label.num.cpu.cores": "# of CPU Cores",
     "label.numretries": "Number of Retries",
     "label.ocfs2": "OCFS2",
-    "label.offer.ha": "Offer HA",
     "label.of.month": "of month",
+    "label.offer.ha": "Offer HA",
     "label.ok": "OK",
-    "label.opendaylight.controllerdetail": "OpenDaylight Controller Details",
+    "label.openDaylight": "OpenDaylight",
     "label.opendaylight.controller": "OpenDaylight Controller",
+    "label.opendaylight.controllerdetail": "OpenDaylight Controller Details",
     "label.opendaylight.controllers": "OpenDaylight Controllers",
-    "label.openDaylight": "OpenDaylight",
     "label.operator": "Operator",
     "label.optional": "Optional",
     "label.order": "Ordine",
     "label.os.preference": "OS Preference",
     "label.os.type": "OS Type",
     "label.other": "Other",
+    "label.outofbandmanagement": "Out-of-band Management",
     "label.outofbandmanagement.action": "Action",
     "label.outofbandmanagement.action.issue": "Issue Out-of-band Management Power Action",
     "label.outofbandmanagement.address": "Address",
@@ -1172,95 +1195,87 @@ var dictionary = {
     "label.outofbandmanagement.disable": "Disable Out-of-band Management",
     "label.outofbandmanagement.driver": "Driver",
     "label.outofbandmanagement.enable": "Enable Out-of-band Management",
-    "label.outofbandmanagement": "Out-of-band Management",
     "label.outofbandmanagement.password": "Password",
     "label.outofbandmanagement.port": "Porta",
     "label.outofbandmanagement.reenterpassword": "Re-enter Password",
     "label.outofbandmanagement.username": "Username",
     "label.override.guest.traffic": "Override Guest-Traffic",
     "label.override.public.traffic": "Override Public-Traffic",
+    "label.ovm.traffic.label": "OVM traffic label",
     "label.ovm3.cluster": "Native Clustering",
     "label.ovm3.pool": "Native Pooling",
     "label.ovm3.traffic.label": "OVM3 traffic label",
     "": "Master Vip IP",
-    "label.ovm.traffic.label": "OVM traffic label",
     "label.ovs": "OVS",
     "label.owned.public.ips": "Owned Public IP Addresses",
     "label.owner.account": "Owner Account",
     "label.owner.domain": "Owner Domain",
     "label.palo.alto.details": "Palo Alto details",
-    "label.PA.log.profile": "Palo Alto Log Profile",
-    "label.PA": "Palo Alto",
     "label.parent.domain": "Parent Domain",
     "label.passive": "Passive",
+    "label.password": "Password",
     "label.password.enabled": "Password Enabled",
     "label.password.lower": "password",
-    "label.password": "Password",
     "label.password.reset.confirm": "Password has been reset to ",
     "label.path": "Path",
-    "label.PA.threat.profile": "Palo Alto Threat Profile",
     "label.perfect.forward.secrecy": "Segretezza di Forward perfetta",
     "label.permission": "Permission",
     "label.persistent": "Persistent ",
+    "": "Physical Network",
     "": "ID della rete fisica",
     "": "Physical network name",
-    "": "Physical Network",
-    "label.PING.CIFS.password": "PING CIFS password",
-    "label.PING.CIFS.username": "PING CIFS username",
-    "label.PING.dir": "PING Directory",
     "": "Ping Path",
-    "": "PING storage IP",
     "label.planner.mode": "Planner mode",
     "label.please.complete.the.following.fields": "Please complete the following fields",
     "": "Si prega di specificare le informazioni per Netscaler",
     "label.please.wait": "Please Wait",
     "label.plugin.details": "Plugin details",
     "label.plugins": "Plugins",
+    "label.pod": "Pod",
     "label.pod.dedicated": "Pod Dedicated",
     "": "Nome del Pod",
-    "label.pod": "Pod",
     "label.pods": "Pod",
     "label.polling.interval.sec": "Polling Interval (in sec)",
+    "label.port": "Porta",
+    "label.port.forwarding": "Port Forwarding",
+    "label.port.forwarding.policies": "Politiche di Port Forwarding",
+    "label.port.range": "Port Range",
     "label.portable.ip": "Portable IP",
     "label.portable.ip.range.details": "Portable IP Range details",
     "label.portable.ip.ranges": "Portable IP Ranges",
     "label.portable.ips": "Portable IPs",
-    "label.port.forwarding.policies": "Politiche di Port Forwarding",
-    "label.port.forwarding": "Port Forwarding",
-    "label.port": "Porta",
-    "label.port.range": "Port Range",
     "label.powerstate": "Power State",
-    "label.PreSetup": "PreSetup",
-    "label.previous": "Precedente",
     "label.prev": "Prev",
+    "label.previous": "Precedente",
     "label.primary.allocated": "Primary Storage Allocated",
     "": "Primary Network",
+    "": "Storage Primario",
     "": "Pool del Primary Storage",
     "": "Primary Storage limits (GiB)",
-    "": "Storage Primario",
     "label.primary.used": "Primary Storage Used",
     "label.private.Gateway": "Gateway Privato",
     "label.private.interface": "Private Interface",
     "label.private.ip": "Private IP Address",
     "label.private.ip.range": "Private IP Range",
     "label.private.ips": "Private IP Addresses",
-    "label.privatekey": "PKCS#8 Private Key",
     "label.private.key": "Private Key",
     "": "Rete privata",
     "label.private.port": "Private Port",
     "": "Private Zone",
+    "label.privatekey": "PKCS#8 Private Key",
     "label.profile": "Profile",
+    "label.project": "Project",
     "label.project.dashboard": "Dashboard di progetto",
     "": "Project ID",
     "label.project.invite": "Invitare ad un progetto",
     "": "Nome del progetto",
-    "label.project": "Project",
-    "label.projects": "Progetti",
     "label.project.view": "Vista Progetto",
-    "label.protocol.number": "Protocol Number",
+    "label.projects": "Progetti",
     "label.protocol": "Protocol",
+    "label.protocol.number": "Protocol Number",
     "label.provider": "Provider",
     "label.providers": "Fornitori",
+    "label.public": "Public",
     "label.public.interface": "Public Interface",
     "label.public.ip": "Public IP Address",
     "label.public.ips": "Public IP Addresses",
@@ -1269,13 +1284,11 @@ var dictionary = {
     "label.public.load.balancer.provider": "Public Load Balancer Provider",
     "": "Rete pubblica",
     "label.public.port": "Public Port",
-    "label.public": "Public",
     "label.public.traffic": "Public traffic",
     "": "Public Traffic vSwitch Name",
     "label.public.traffic.vswitch.type": "Public Traffic vSwitch Type",
     "": "Public Zone",
     "label.purpose": "Scopo",
-    "label.Pxe.server.type": "Pxe Server Type",
     "label.qos.type": "QoS Type",
     "label.quickview": "Panoramica rapida",
     "label.quiesce.vm": "Quiesce VM",
@@ -1301,16 +1314,16 @@ var dictionary = {
     "label.quota.remove": "Remove Quota",
     "label.quota.startdate": "Start Date",
     "label.quota.startquota": "Start Quota",
+    "label.quota.state": "State",
+    "label.quota.statement": "Statement",
     "label.quota.statement.balance": "Quota Balance",
     "label.quota.statement.bydates": "Statement",
     "label.quota.statement.quota": "Quota Usage",
-    "label.quota.statement": "Statement",
     "label.quota.statement.tariff": "Quota Tariff",
-    "label.quota.state": "State",
     "label.quota.summary": "Summary",
+    "label.quota.tariff": "Tariff",
     "label.quota.tariff.edit": "Edit Tariff",
     "label.quota.tariff.effectivedate": "Effective Date",
-    "label.quota.tariff": "Tariff",
     "label.quota.tariff.value": "Tariff Value",
     "": "Total",
     "label.quota.totalusage": "Total Usage",
@@ -1318,27 +1331,27 @@ var dictionary = {
     "label.quota.type.unit": "Usage Unit",
     "label.quota.usage": "Quota Consumption",
     "label.quota.value": "Quota Value",
+    "label.rbd": "RBD",
     "": "Cephx user",
     "label.rbd.monitor": "Ceph monitor",
     "label.rbd.pool": "Ceph pool",
-    "label.rbd": "RBD",
     "label.rbd.secret": "Cephx secret",
     "label.reboot": "Reboot",
     "label.recent.errors": "Recent Errors",
     "label.recover.vm": "Recupera la VM",
-    "label.redundant.router.capability": "Capacit� di ridondanza del router",
     "label.redundant.router": "Redundant Router",
+    "label.redundant.router.capability": "Capacit� di ridondanza del router",
     "label.redundant.state": "Redundant state",
     "label.redundant.vpc": "Redundant VPC",
-    "label.refresh.blades": "Refresh Blades",
     "label.refresh": "Refresh",
+    "label.refresh.blades": "Refresh Blades",
+    "label.region": "Region",
     "label.region.details": "Region details",
     "label.regionlevelvpc": "Region Level VPC",
-    "label.region": "Region",
     "label.reinstall.vm": "Reinstalla la VM",
     "label.related": "Related",
-    "label.release.account.lowercase": "Release from account",
     "label.release.account": "Release from Account",
+    "label.release.account.lowercase": "Release from account",
     "label.release.dedicated.cluster": "Release Dedicated Cluster",
     "": "Release Dedicated Host",
     "label.release.dedicated.pod": "Release Dedicated Pod",
@@ -1364,32 +1377,32 @@ var dictionary = {
     "": "Rimuovere una VM da regola di bilanciamento di carico",
     "label.remove.vm.load.balancer": "Remove VM from load balancer",
     "label.remove.vmware.datacenter": "Remove VMware datacenter",
-    "label.remove.vpc.offering": "Remove VPC offering",
     "label.remove.vpc": "Rimuovere VPC",
+    "label.remove.vpc.offering": "Remove VPC offering",
     "label.removing": "Rimozione",
     "label.removing.user": "Removing User",
     "": "Resource ID",
-    "label.replace.acl.list": "Replace ACL List",
     "label.replace.acl": "Replace ACL",
+    "label.replace.acl.list": "Replace ACL List",
     "label.required": "Required",
     "label.requires.upgrade": "Requires Upgrade",
     "label.reserved.ip.range": "Reserved IP Range",
     "label.reserved.system.gateway": "Gateway di sistema riservato",
     "label.reserved.system.ip": "Reserved System IP",
     "label.reserved.system.netmask": "Netmask di sistema riservata",
-    "label.reset.ssh.key.pair.on.vm": "Reset SSH Key Pair on VM",
+    "label.reset.VPN.connection": "Reset della connessione VPN",
     "label.reset.ssh.key.pair": "Reset SSH Key Pair",
+    "label.reset.ssh.key.pair.on.vm": "Reset SSH Key Pair on VM",
     "label.resetVM": "Reset VM",
-    "label.reset.VPN.connection": "Reset della connessione VPN",
     "": "New Offering",
     "": "New Size (GB)",
     "label.resize.shrink.ok": "Shrink OK",
+    "label.resource": "Resource",
     "label.resource.limit.exceeded": "Resource Limit Exceeded",
     "label.resource.limits": "Resource Limits",
     "": "Resource Name",
-    "label.resource": "Resource",
-    "label.resources": "Resources",
     "label.resource.state": "Stato della risorsa",
+    "label.resources": "Resources",
     "": "Response Timeout (in sec)",
     "": "Riavviare il servizio di rete",
     "label.restart.required": "E' necessario un riavvio",
@@ -1406,10 +1419,10 @@ var dictionary = {
     "label.root.disk.offering": "Root Disk Offering",
     "label.root.disk.size": "Root disk size (GB)",
     "label.router.vm.scaled.up": "Router VM Scaled Up",
-    "": "Routing Host",
     "label.routing": "Routing",
-    "label.rule.number": "Rule Number",
+    "": "Routing Host",
     "label.rule": "Rule",
+    "label.rule.number": "Rule Number",
     "label.rules": "Regole",
     "label.running.vms": "Running VMs",
     "label.s3.access_key": "Access Key",
@@ -1425,30 +1438,32 @@ var dictionary = {
     "label.saml.enable": "Authorize SAML SSO",
     "label.saml.entity": "Identity Provider",
     "label.saturday": "Saturday",
+    "": "Save",
     "": "Salvare e proseguire",
     "": "Save changes",
-    "": "Save",
     "label.saving.processing": "Saving....",
+    "label.scale.up.policy": "SCALE UP POLICY",
     "label.scaledown.policy": "ScaleDown Policy",
     "label.scaleup.policy": "ScaleUp Policy",
-    "label.scale.up.policy": "SCALE UP POLICY",
     "label.scope": "Scope",
     "": "Search",
     "label.secondary.ips": "IP Secondari",
     "": "Secondary Isolated VLAN ID",
-    "": "Secondary Staging Store details",
     "": "Secondary Staging Store",
+    "": "Secondary Staging Store details",
+    "": "Storage Secondario",
     "": "Pool del Secondary Storage",
     "": "Secondary storage details",
     "": "Secondary Storage limits (GiB)",
-    "": "Storage Secondario",
     "": "VM di Secondary Storage",
     "label.secondary.used": "Secondary Storage Used",
     "label.secret.key": "Secret Key",
-    "": "Security Group Name",
     "": "Security Group",
-    "": "Security Groups Enabled",
+    "": "Security Group Name",
     "": "Security Groups",
+    "": "Security Groups Enabled",
+    "": "Selezionare",
+    "": "Selezionare la vista",
     "": "Selezionare un template",
     "": "Selezionare una zone",
     "": "Selezionare una instanza",
@@ -1457,26 +1472,23 @@ var dictionary = {
     "": "Seleziona l'offerta",
     "": "Selezionare un Progetto",
     "": "Select region",
-    "": "Selezionare",
     "": "Select Template",
     "": "Selezionare il Livello",
-    "": "Selezionare la vista",
     "": "Selezionare una VM per il NAT statico",
     "label.sent": "Sent",
     "label.server": "Server",
     "label.service.capabilities": "Capacit� di Servizio",
-    "label.service.offering.details": "Service offering details",
     "label.service.offering": "Service Offering",
-    "": "Services",
+    "label.service.offering.details": "Service offering details",
     "label.service.state": "Stato del Servizio",
+    "": "Services",
     "label.session.expired": "Session Expired",
     "label.set.default.NIC": "Set default NIC",
+    "": "Configurazione del tipo di Zona",
     "label.settings": "Settings",
-    "": "Set up Network",
     "label.setup": "Installazione",
+    "": "Set up Network",
     "": "Set up Zone",
-    "": "Configurazione del tipo di Zona",
-    "label.SharedMountPoint": "SharedMountPoint",
     "label.shared": "Shared",
     "": "Show advanced settings",
     "": "Show Ingress Rule",
@@ -1488,14 +1500,12 @@ var dictionary = {
     "label.smb.domain": "Dominio SMB",
     "label.smb.password": "Password SMB",
     "label.smb.username": "Username SMB",
+    "label.snapshot": "Snapshot",
     "label.snapshot.limits": "Snapshot Limits",
     "": "Snapshot Name",
-    "label.snapshot.schedule": "Set up Recurring Snapshot",
-    "label.snapshot": "Snapshot",
     "label.snapshot.s": "Snapshots",
+    "label.snapshot.schedule": "Set up Recurring Snapshot",
     "label.snapshots": "Snapshots",
-    "": "SNMP Community",
-    "label.SNMP.port": "SNMP Port",
     "label.sockets": "CPU Socket",
     "label.source.ip.address": "Source IP Address",
     "label.source.nat": "Source NAT",
@@ -1504,11 +1514,10 @@ var dictionary = {
     "label.specify.IP.ranges": "Specificare intervallo di indirizzi IP",
     "label.specify.vlan": "Specify VLAN",
     "label.specify.vxlan": "Specify VXLAN",
-    "": "SR Name-Label",
-    "label.srx.details": "SRX details",
     "label.srx": "SRX",
-    "label.ssh.key.pair.details": "SSH Key Pair Details",
+    "label.srx.details": "SRX details",
     "label.ssh.key.pair": "SSH Key Pair",
+    "label.ssh.key.pair.details": "SSH Key Pair Details",
     "label.ssh.key.pairs": "SSH Key Pairs",
     "": "Standard (US) keyboard",
     "label.start.IP": "Indirizzo IP iniziale",
@@ -1518,8 +1527,8 @@ var dictionary = {
     "label.start.vlan": "Start VLAN",
     "label.start.vxlan": "Start VXLAN",
     "label.state": "State",
-    "label.static.nat.enabled": "NAT Statico Abilitato",
     "label.static.nat": "Static NAT",
+    "label.static.nat.enabled": "NAT Statico Abilitato",
     "": "Static NAT to",
     "label.static.nat.vm.details": "Dettagli di NAT Statico della VM",
     "label.static.routes": "Static Routes",
@@ -1535,8 +1544,8 @@ var dictionary = {
     "label.step.4.title": "Step 4: <strong>Network</strong>",
     "label.step.5": "Step 5",
     "label.step.5.title": "Step 5: <strong>Review</strong>",
-    "label.stickiness.method": "Stickiness method",
     "label.stickiness": "Stickiness",
+    "label.stickiness.method": "Stickiness method",
     "label.sticky.cookie-name": "Nome del cookie",
     "label.sticky.domain": "Dominio",
     "label.sticky.expire": "Scadenza",
@@ -1550,11 +1559,11 @@ var dictionary = {
     "label.sticky.prefix": "Prefisso",
     "label.sticky.request-learn": "Request learn",
     "label.sticky.tablesize": "Dimensione della tabella",
+    "label.stop": "Stop",
     "": "Stop LB VM",
     "label.stopped.vms": "Stopped VMs",
-    "label.stop": "Stop",
-    "": "Storage Pool",
     "": "Storage",
+    "": "Storage Pool",
     "": "Storage Tags",
     "": "Traffico della rete Storage",
     "": "Storage Type",
@@ -1570,43 +1579,42 @@ var dictionary = {
     "label.suspend.project": "Sospendere il Progett",
     "label.switch.type": "Switch Type",
     "label.system.capacity": "System Capacity",
-    "label.system.offering.for.router": "System Offering for Router",
     "label.system.offering": "Offerta del sistema",
-    "label.system.service.offering.details": "System service offering details",
+    "label.system.offering.for.router": "System Offering for Router",
     "label.system.service.offering": "System Service Offering",
+    "label.system.service.offering.details": "System service offering details",
+    "label.system.vm": "System VM",
     "label.system.vm.details": "System VM details",
     "label.system.vm.scaled.up": "System VM Scaled Up",
-    "label.system.vms": "System VMs",
-    "label.system.vm": "System VM",
     "label.system.vm.type": "System VM Type",
+    "label.system.vms": "System VMs",
     "label.system.wide.capacity": "Capacit� del Sistema",
-    "label.tagged": "Tagged",
     "label.tag.key": "Tag Key",
-    "label.tags": "Tags",
     "label.tag.value": "Tag Value",
+    "label.tagged": "Tagged",
+    "label.tags": "Tags",
     "": "Target IQN",
     "label.task.completed": "Attivit� completata",
-    "label.template.limits": "Template Limits",
     "label.template": "Template",
-    "label.TFTP.dir": "TFTP Directory",
+    "label.template.limits": "Template Limits",
     "": "Tftp root directory",
     "label.theme.default": "Default Theme",
     "label.theme.grey": "Custom - Grey",
     "label.theme.lightblue": "Custom - Light Blue",
     "label.threshold": "Threshold",
     "label.thursday": "Thursday",
-    "label.tier.details": "Dettagli del livello",
     "label.tier": "Livello",
-    "label.time.colon": "Time:",
-    " ": " Timeout (seconds)",
-    "label.timeout": "Timeout",
+    "label.tier.details": "Dettagli del livello",
     "label.time": "Time",
-    "label.timezone.colon": "Timezone:",
+    "label.time.colon": "Time:",
     "": "Timezone",
+    "label.timeout": "Timeout",
+    " ": " Timeout (seconds)",
     "label.timezone": "Timezone",
+    "label.timezone.colon": "Timezone:",
     "label.token": "Token",
-    "": "CPU Totali",
     "": "CPU Totali",
+    "": "CPU Totali",
     "": "Host Totali",
     "": "Memoria Totale",
     "": "Total of IP Addresses",
@@ -1616,12 +1624,12 @@ var dictionary = {
     "": "Total of Virtual Routers that require upgrade",
     "": "Total VMs",
     "label.traffic.label": "Etichetta del traffico",
-    "label.traffic.types": "Tipi di Traffico",
     "label.traffic.type": "Traffic Type",
+    "label.traffic.types": "Tipi di Traffico",
     "label.tuesday": "Tuesday",
+    "label.type": "Type",
     "": "Type ID",
     "label.type.lower": "type",
-    "label.type": "Type",
     "label.ucs": "UCS",
     "": "UK keyboard",
     "label.unavailable": "Unavailable",
@@ -1629,151 +1637,144 @@ var dictionary = {
     "label.unlimited": "Unlimited",
     "label.untagged": "Untagged",
     "label.update.project.resources": "Aggiornare le risorse di progetto",
-    "label.update.ssl.cert": " SSL Certificate",
     "label.update.ssl": " SSL Certificate",
+    "label.update.ssl.cert": " SSL Certificate",
     "label.updating": "Updating",
     "label.upgrade.required": "Upgrade is required",
     "label.upgrade.router.newer.template": "Upgrade Router to Use Newer Template",
+    "label.upload": "Upload",
     "label.upload.from.local": "Upload from Local",
     "label.upload.template.from.local": "Upload Template from Local",
-    "label.upload": "Upload",
+    "label.upload.volume": "Volume di upload",
     "label.upload.volume.from.local": "Upload Volume from Local",
     "label.upload.volume.from.url": "Upload volume from URL",
-    "label.upload.volume": "Volume di upload",
     "label.url": "URL",
     "label.usage.interface": "Usage Interface",
     "label.usage.sanity.result": "Usage Sanity Result",
     "label.usage.server": "Usage Server",
     "label.usage.type": "Usage Type",
     "label.usage.unit": "Unit",
+    "label.use.vm.ip": "Use VM IP:",
+    "label.use.vm.ips": "Usa Indirizzo IP della VM",
     "label.used": "Used",
+    "label.user": "User",
     "": "User Data",
     "label.user.details": "User details",
-    "label.username.lower": "username",
+    "label.user.vm": "User VM",
     "label.username": "Username",
+    "label.username.lower": "username",
     "label.users": "Users",
-    "label.user": "User",
-    "label.user.vm": "User VM",
-    "label.use.vm.ips": "Usa Indirizzo IP della VM",
-    "label.use.vm.ip": "Use VM IP:",
+    "label.vSwitch.type": "vSwitch Type",
     "label.value": "Value",
     "label.vcdcname": "Nome DC del vCenter",
+    "label.vcenter": "vcenter",
     "label.vcenter.cluster": "vCenter Cluster",
     "label.vcenter.datacenter": "vCenter Datacenter",
     "label.vcenter.datastore": "vCenter Datastore",
     "": "vCenter Host",
     "label.vcenter.password": "vCenter Password",
     "label.vcenter.username": "vCenter Username",
-    "label.vcenter": "vcenter",
     "label.vcipaddress": "Indirizzo IP del vCenter",
     "label.version": "Version",
+    "label.vgpu": "VGPU",
     "label.vgpu.max.resolution": "Max resolution",
     "label.vgpu.max.vgpu.per.gpu": "vGPUs per GPU",
     "label.vgpu.remaining.capacity": "Remaining capacity",
     "label.vgpu.type": "vGPU type",
-    "label.vgpu": "VGPU",
     "": "Video RAM",
+    "label.view": "Vista",
     "label.view.all": "View all",
     "label.view.console": "View console",
-    "label.viewing": "Visualizzazione",
     "label.view.more": "View more",
     "label.view.secondary.ips": "Vedi IP Secondari",
-    "label.view": "Vista",
+    "label.viewing": "Visualizzazione",
+    "label.virtual.appliance": "Virtual Appliance",
     "label.virtual.appliance.details": "Virtual applicance details",
     "label.virtual.appliances": "Virtual Appliances",
-    "label.virtual.appliance": "Virtual Appliance",
-    "label.virtual.machines": "Virtual Machines",
     "label.virtual.machine": "Virtual Machine",
-    "label.virtual.networking": "Virtual Networking",
+    "label.virtual.machines": "Virtual Machines",
     "": "Virtual Network",
+    "label.virtual.networking": "Virtual Networking",
+    "label.virtual.router": "Virtual Router",
+    "label.virtual.routers": "Router Virtuali",
     "": "Virtual Routers group by account",
     "": "Virtual Routers group by cluster",
     "": "Virtual Routers group by pod",
     "": "Virtual Routers group by zone",
-    "label.virtual.routers": "Router Virtuali",
-    "label.virtual.router": "Virtual Router",
+    "label.vlan": "VLAN",
     "": "VLAN/VNI ID",
     "label.vlan.only": "VLAN",
+    "label.vlan.range": "VLAN/VNI Range",
     "label.vlan.range.details": "VLAN Range details",
     "label.vlan.ranges": "VLAN Range(s)",
-    "label.vlan.range": "VLAN/VNI Range",
-    "label.vlan": "VLAN",
-    "label.vlan.vni.ranges": "VLAN/VNI Range(s)",
     "label.vlan.vni.range": "VLAN/VNI Range",
+    "label.vlan.vni.ranges": "VLAN/VNI Range(s)",
     "label.vm.add": "Add Instance",
     "label.vm.destroy": "Destroy",
     "": "Nome visualizzato della VM",
-    "label.VMFS.datastore": "VMFS datastore",
-    "label.vmfs": "VMFS",
     "": "VM ID",
     "label.vm.ip": "Indirizzo IP della VM",
     "": "Nome VM",
     "label.vm.password": "Password of the VM is",
     "label.vm.reboot": "Reboot",
-    "": "VM nei livelli",
-    "label.vmsnapshot.current": "isCurrent",
-    "label.vmsnapshot.memory": "Snapshot memory",
-    "label.vmsnapshot.parentname": "Parent",
-    "label.vmsnapshot.type": "Type",
-    "label.vmsnapshot": "VM Snapshots",
     "label.vm.start": "Start",
     "label.vm.state": "Stato VM",
     "label.vm.stop": "Stop",
+    "label.vmfs": "VMFS",
     "label.vms": "VMs",
+    "label.vmsnapshot": "VM Snapshots",
+    "label.vmsnapshot.current": "isCurrent",
+    "label.vmsnapshot.memory": "Snapshot memory",
+    "label.vmsnapshot.parentname": "Parent",
+    "label.vmsnapshot.type": "Type",
     "": "VMware datacenter ID",
     "": "VMware datacenter Name",
     "label.vmware.datacenter.vcenter": "VMware datacenter vcenter",
     "label.vmware.traffic.label": "Etichetta del traffico via VMware",
-    "": "VLAN/VNI ID",
     "label.vnet": "VLAN",
-    "label.vnmc.devices": "VNMC Devices",
+    "": "VLAN/VNI ID",
     "label.vnmc": "VNMC",
+    "label.vnmc.devices": "VNMC Devices",
     "label.volatile": "Volatile",
     "label.volgroup": "Volume Group",
+    "label.volume": "Volume",
     "label.volume.details": "Volume details",
     "label.volume.limits": "Volume Limits",
     "label.volume.migrated": "Volume migrated",
     "": "Volume Name",
     "label.volumes": "Volumes",
-    "label.volume": "Volume",
+    "label.vpc": "VPC",
     "label.vpc.distributedvpcrouter": "Distributed VPC Router",
     "": "ID del VPC",
-    "label.VPC.limits": "VPC limits",
-    "label.vpc.offering.details": "VPC offering details",
     "label.vpc.offering": "VPC Offering",
+    "label.vpc.offering.details": "VPC offering details",
     "label.vpc.router.details": "VPC Router Details",
-    "label.VPC.router.details": "Dettagli del router VPC",
     "label.vpc.supportsregionlevelvpc": "Supports Region Level VPC",
     "label.vpc.virtual.router": "VPC Virtual Router",
-    "label.vpc": "VPC",
-    "label.VPN.connection": "Connessione VPN",
+    "label.vpn": "VPN",
     "label.vpn.customer.gateway": "Gateway VPN del Cliente",
-    "label.VPN.customer.gateway": "Gateway VPN del Cliente",
     "label.vpn.force.encapsulation": "Force UDP Encapsulation of ESP Packets",
-    "label.VPN.gateway": "Gateway VPN",
-    "label.vpn": "VPN",
     "label.vsmctrlvlanid": "VLAN ID di Controllo",
     "label.vsmpktvlanid": "VLAN ID del Pacchetto",
     "label.vsmstoragevlanid": "VLAN ID di Storage",
     "label.vsphere.managed": "vSphere Managed",
     "": "vSwitch Name",
-    "label.vSwitch.type": "vSwitch Type",
+    "label.vxlan": "VXLAN",
     "": "VXLAN ID",
     "label.vxlan.range": "VXLAN Range",
-    "label.vxlan": "VXLAN",
     "label.waiting": "Waiting",
-    "label.warning": "Warning",
-    "label.warn.upper": "WARN",
     "label.warn": "Warn",
+    "label.warn.upper": "WARN",
+    "label.warning": "Warning",
     "label.wednesday": "Wednesday",
     "label.weekly": "Weekly",
-    "": "Welcome to Management Console",
     "label.welcome": "Welcome",
+    "": "Welcome to Management Console",
     "": "Che cosa � CloudStack&#8482?",
     "": "Original XS Version is 6.1+",
-    "label.Xenserver.Tools.Version61plus": "Original XS Version is 6.1+",
     "label.xenserver.traffic.label": "Etichetta del traffico via XenServer",
     "label.yes": "S�",
+    "": "Zone",
     "": "Zone Dedicated",
     "": "Dettagli della Zona",
     "": "Zone ID",
@@ -1783,31 +1784,32 @@ var dictionary = {
     "": "Step 2: <strong>Add a Zone</strong>",
     "": "Step 3: <strong>Add a Pod</strong>",
     "": "Step 4: <strong>Add an IP range</strong>",
-    "label.zones": "Zone",
     "": "Tipo di Zona",
     "": "Zone-Wide",
     "label.zoneWizard.trafficType.guest": "Guest: Traffico di rete tra le virtual machine dell'utente finale",
     "": "Management: Traffico di rete tra le risorse interne di CloudStack, incluso qualsiasi componente che comunichi con il Management Server, come ad esempio gli host e le VM di Sistema di CloudStack",
     "label.zoneWizard.trafficType.public": "Public: Traffico di rete tra la rete internet e le virtual machine nell'infrastruttura cloud.",
     "": "Storage: Traffico di rete tra i server di primary e secondary storage, come ad esempio i template delle VM e le operazioni di snapshot",
-    "": "Zone",
+    "label.zones": "Zone",
     "managed.state": "Managed State",
+    "message.XSTools61plus.update.failed": "Failed to update Original XS Version is 6.1+ field. Error:",
+    "message.Zone.creation.complete": "Creazione zona completata",
     "message.acquire.ip.nic": "Prego confermare che si vuole acquisire un nuovo IP secondario per questa NIC.<br/>NOTA: Deve essere configurato manualmente il nuovo IP secondario acquisito all'interno della virtual machine.",
     "": "Si prega di confermare di voler acquisire un nuovo indirizzo IP per questa rete.",
     "": "Si prega di confermare di voler acquisire un nuovo indirizzo IP per questo VPC.",
     "message.acquire.public.ip": "Please select a zone from which you want to acquire your new IP from.",
-    "message.action.cancel.maintenance.mode": "Please confirm that you want to cancel this maintenance.",
     "message.action.cancel.maintenance": "Your host has been successfully canceled for maintenance. This process can take up to several minutes.",
+    "message.action.cancel.maintenance.mode": "Please confirm that you want to cancel this maintenance.",
     "message.action.change.service.warning.for.instance": "Your instance must be stopped before attempting to change its current service offering.",
     "message.action.change.service.warning.for.router": "Your router must be stopped before attempting to change its current service offering.",
+    "message.action.delete.ISO": "Please confirm that you want to delete this ISO.",
+    "message.action.delete.ISO.for.all.zones": "The ISO is used by all zones. Please confirm that you want to delete it from all zones.",
     "message.action.delete.cluster": "Please confirm that you want to delete this cluster.",
     "message.action.delete.disk.offering": "Please confirm that you want to delete this disk offering.",
     "message.action.delete.domain": "Please confirm that you want to delete this domain.",
     "message.action.delete.external.firewall": "Please confirm that you would like to remove this external firewall. Warning: If you are planning to add back the same external firewall, you must reset usage data on the device.",
     "message.action.delete.external.load.balancer": "Please confirm that you would like to remove this external load balancer. Warning: If you are planning to add back the same external load balancer, you must reset usage data on the device.",
     "message.action.delete.ingress.rule": "Please confirm that you want to delete this ingress rule.",
-    "message.action.delete.ISO.for.all.zones": "The ISO is used by all zones. Please confirm that you want to delete it from all zones.",
-    "message.action.delete.ISO": "Please confirm that you want to delete this ISO.",
     "": "Please confirm that you want to delete this network.",
     "message.action.delete.nexusVswitch": "Si prega di confermare di voler cancellare questo nexus 1000v",
     "message.action.delete.nic": "Prego conferma che si vuole rimuovere questa NIC, questo rimuover� anche le reti associate dalla VM.",
@@ -1819,8 +1821,8 @@ var dictionary = {
     "message.action.delete.service.offering": "Please confirm that you want to delete this service offering.",
     "message.action.delete.snapshot": "Please confirm that you want to delete this snapshot.",
     "message.action.delete.system.service.offering": "Si prega di confermare di voler cancellare questa offerta di servizio di sistema.",
-    "message.action.delete.template.for.all.zones": "The template is used by all zones. Please confirm that you want to delete it from all zones.",
     "message.action.delete.template": "Please confirm that you want to delete this template.",
+    "message.action.delete.template.for.all.zones": "The template is used by all zones. Please confirm that you want to delete it from all zones.",
     "message.action.delete.volume": "Please confirm that you want to delete this volume.",
     "": "Please confirm that you want to delete this zone.",
     "message.action.destroy.instance": "Please confirm that you want to destroy this instance.",
@@ -1831,9 +1833,9 @@ var dictionary = {
     "message.action.disable.pod": "Please confirm that you want to disable this pod.",
     "message.action.disable.static.NAT": "Please confirm that you want to disable static NAT.",
     "": "Please confirm that you want to disable this zone.",
-    "message.action.downloading.template": "Downloading template.",
     "": "Si prega di confermare di voler scaricare questa immagine ISO.",
     "": "Si prega di confermare di voler scaricare questo template.",
+    "message.action.downloading.template": "Downloading template.",
     "message.action.enable.cluster": "Please confirm that you want to enable this cluster.",
     "message.action.enable.maintenance": "Your host has been successfully prepared for maintenance.  This process can take up to several minutes or longer depending on how many VMs are currently on this host.",
     "message.action.enable.nexusVswitch": "Si prega di confermare di voler abilitare questo nexus 1000v",
@@ -1866,22 +1868,17 @@ var dictionary = {
     "message.action.vmsnapshot.delete": "Please confirm that you want to delete this VM snapshot.",
     "message.action.vmsnapshot.revert": "Revert VM snapshot",
     "message.activate.project": "Si � sicuri di voler attivare questo progetto?",
+    "message.add.VPN.gateway": "Si prega di confermare di voler aggiungere un Gateway VPN",
     "message.add.cluster": "Add a hypervisor managed cluster for zone <b><span id=\"zone_name\"></span></b>, pod <b><span id=\"pod_name\"></span></b>",
     "": "Add a hypervisor managed cluster for zone <b><span id=\"zone_name\"></span></b>",
     "message.add.disk.offering": "Please specify the following parameters to add a new disk offering",
     "message.add.domain": "Si prega di specificare il sottodominio che si vuole creare in questo dominio",
-    "": "Added new Nuage Vsp Controller",
-    "message.added.vpc.offering": "Added VPC offering",
     "message.add.firewall": "Add a firewall to zone",
     "": "Si prega di confermare di voler aggiungere una rete guest",
     "": "Please specify the following parameters to add a new host",
-    "": "Aggiunta host",
-    "message.adding.Netscaler.device": "Aggiunta di dispositivo Netscaler",
-    "message.adding.Netscaler.provider": "Aggiunta di un provider Netscaler",
     "message.add.ip.range": "Add an IP range to public network in zone",
     "": "Add an IP range to direct