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[5/7] incubator-systemml git commit: [SYSTEMML-1453] Update Conv & Max Pooling layer names to include "2D"
diff --git a/scripts/staging/SystemML-NN/nn/test/conv_simple.dml b/scripts/staging/SystemML-NN/nn/test/conv_simple.dml
deleted file mode 100644
index efd99c3..0000000
--- a/scripts/staging/SystemML-NN/nn/test/conv_simple.dml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
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- * 2D Convolutional layer.
- *
- * This implementation is intended to be a simple, reference version.
- */
-forward = function(matrix[double] X, matrix[double] W, matrix[double] b,
-                   int C, int Hin, int Win, int Hf, int Wf,
-                   int strideh, int stridew, int padh, int padw)
-    return (matrix[double] out, int Hout, int Wout) {
-  /*
-   * Computes the forward pass for a 2D spatial convolutional layer with
-   * F filters.  The input data has N examples, each represented as a 3D
-   * volume unrolled into a single vector.
-   *
-   * This implementation is intended to be a simple, reference version.
-   *
-   * Inputs:
-   *  - X: Inputs, of shape (N, C*Hin*Win).
-   *  - W: Weights, of shape (F, C*Hf*Wf).
-   *  - b: Biases, of shape (F, 1).
-   *  - C: Number of input channels (dimensionality of input depth).
-   *  - Hin: Input height.
-   *  - Win: Input width.
-   *  - Hf: Filter height.
-   *  - Wf: Filter width.
-   *  - strideh: Stride over height.
-   *  - stridew: Stride over width.
-   *  - padh: Padding for top and bottom sides.
-   *  - padw: Padding for left and right sides.
-   *
-   * Outputs:
-   *  - out: Outputs, of shape (N, F*Hout*Wout).
-   *  - Hout: Output height.
-   *  - Wout: Output width.
-   */
-  N = nrow(X)
-  F = nrow(W)
-  Hout = as.integer((Hin + 2*padh - Hf)/strideh + 1)
-  Wout = as.integer((Win + 2*padw - Wf)/stridew + 1)
-  # Create output volume
-  out = matrix(0, rows=N, cols=F*Hout*Wout)
-  # Convolution - Simple reference implementation
-  parfor (n in 1:N) {  # all examples
-    Xn = matrix(X[n,], rows=C, cols=Hin*Win)
-    # Pad image
-    Xn_padded = matrix(0, rows=C, cols=(Hin+2*padh)*(Win+2*padw))  # zeros
-    parfor (c in 1:C) {
-      Xn_slice = matrix(Xn[c,], rows=Hin, cols=Win)  # depth slice C reshaped
-      Xn_padded_slice = matrix(Xn_padded[c,], rows=Hin+2*padh, cols=Win+2*padw)
-      Xn_padded_slice[padh+1:padh+Hin, padw+1:padw+Win] = Xn_slice
-      Xn_padded[c,] = matrix(Xn_padded_slice, rows=1, cols=(Hin+2*padh)*(Win+2*padw))  # reshape
-    }
-    # Convolve image with filters
-    parfor (f in 1:F, check=0) {  # all filters
-      parfor (hout in 1:Hout, check=0) {  # all output rows
-        h0 = (hout-1)*strideh + 1
-        parfor (wout in 1:Wout, check=0) {  # all output columns
-          w0 = (wout-1)*stridew + 1
-          # Create a patch of the input example corresponding spatially to the filter sizes
-          Xn_padded_patch = matrix(0, rows=C, cols=Hf*Wf)  # zeros
-          parfor (c in 1:C, check=0) {
-            Xn_padded_slice = matrix(Xn_padded[c,], rows=Hin+2*padh, cols=Win+2*padw)  # reshape
-            Xn_padded_patch[c,] = matrix(Xn_padded_slice[h0:h0-1+Hf, w0:w0-1+Wf], rows=1,
-                                         cols=Hf*Wf)  # reshape
-          }
-          out[n, (f-1)*Hout*Wout + (hout-1)*Wout + wout] =
-              W[f,] %*% matrix(Xn_padded_patch, rows=C*Hf*Wf, cols=1) + b[f,]
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-backward = function(matrix[double] dout, int Hout, int Wout,
-                    matrix[double] X, matrix[double] W, matrix[double] b,
-                    int C, int Hin, int Win, int Hf, int Wf,
-                    int strideh, int stridew, int padh, int padw)
-    return (matrix[double] dX, matrix[double] dW, matrix[double] db) {
-  /*
-   * Computes the backward pass for a 2D spatial convolutional layer
-   * with F filters.
-   *
-   * This implementation is intended to be a simple, reference version.
-   *
-   * Inputs:
-   *  - dout: Gradient wrt `out` from upstream, of
-   *      shape (N, F*Hout*Wout).
-   *  - Hout: Output height.
-   *  - Wout: Output width.
-   *  - X: Inputs, of shape (N, C*Hin*Win).
-   *  - W: Weights, of shape (F, C*Hf*Wf).
-   *  - b: Biases, of shape (F, 1).
-   *  - C: Number of input channels (dimensionality of input depth).
-   *  - Hin: Input height.
-   *  - Win: Input width.
-   *  - Hf: Filter height.
-   *  - Wf: Filter width.
-   *  - strideh: Stride over height.
-   *  - stridew: Stride over width.
-   *  - padh: Padding for top and bottom sides.
-   *  - padw: Padding for left and right sides.
-   *
-   * Outputs:
-   *  - dX: Gradient wrt `X`, of shape (N, C*Hin*Win).
-   *  - dW: Gradient wrt `W`, of shape (F, C*Hf*Wf).
-   *  - db: Gradient wrt `b`, of shape (F, 1).
-   */
-  N = nrow(X)
-  F = nrow(W)
-  Hout = as.integer((Hin + 2*padh - Hf)/strideh + 1)
-  Wout = as.integer((Win + 2*padw - Wf)/stridew + 1)
-  # Create gradient volumes
-  dX = matrix(0, rows=N, cols=C*Hin*Win)
-  dW = matrix(0, rows=F, cols=C*Hf*Wf)
-  db = matrix(0, rows=F, cols=1)
-  # Partial derivatives for convolution - Simple reference implementation
-  for (n in 1:N) {  # all examples
-    Xn = matrix(X[n,], rows=C, cols=Hin*Win)
-    # Pad image
-    Xn_padded = matrix(0, rows=C, cols=(Hin+2*padh)*(Win+2*padw))  # zeros
-    parfor (c in 1:C) {
-      Xn_slice = matrix(Xn[c,], rows=Hin, cols=Win)  # depth slice C reshaped
-      Xn_padded_slice = matrix(Xn_padded[c,], rows=Hin+2*padh, cols=Win+2*padw)
-      Xn_padded_slice[padh+1:padh+Hin, padw+1:padw+Win] = Xn_slice
-      Xn_padded[c,] = matrix(Xn_padded_slice, rows=1, cols=(Hin+2*padh)*(Win+2*padw))  # reshape
-    }
-    dXn_padded = matrix(0, rows=C, cols=(Hin+2*padh)*(Win+2*padw))
-    for (f in 1:F) {  # all filters
-      for (hout in 1:Hout) {  # all output rows
-        h0 = (hout-1) * strideh + 1
-        for (wout in 1:Wout) {  # all output columns
-          w0 = (wout-1) * stridew + 1
-          # Create a patch of the input example corresponding spatially to the filter sizes
-          Xn_padded_patch = matrix(0, rows=C, cols=Hf*Wf)  # zeros
-          dXn_padded_patch = matrix(W[f,] * dout[n, (f-1)*Hout*Wout + (hout-1)*Wout + wout],
-                                    rows=C, cols=Hf*Wf)  # reshape
-          for (c in 1:C) {
-            Xn_padded_slice = matrix(Xn_padded[c,], rows=Hin+2*padh, cols=Win+2*padw)  # reshape
-            Xn_padded_patch[c,] = matrix(Xn_padded_slice[h0:h0-1+Hf, w0:w0-1+Wf],
-                                         rows=1, cols=Hf*Wf)  # reshape
-            dXn_padded_slice = matrix(0, rows=Hin+2*padh, cols=Win+2*padw)
-            dXn_padded_slice[h0:h0-1+Hf, w0:w0-1+Wf] = matrix(dXn_padded_patch[c,],
-                                                              rows=Hf, cols=Wf)  # reshape
-            dXn_padded[c,] = dXn_padded[c,] + matrix(dXn_padded_slice,
-                                                     rows=1, cols=(Hin+2*padh)*(Win+2*padw))
-          }
-          dW[f,] = dW[f,]
-                   + matrix(Xn_padded_patch, rows=1, cols=C*Hf*Wf)
-                   * dout[n, (f-1)*Hout*Wout + (hout-1)*Wout + wout]
-          db[f,] = db[f,] + dout[n, (f-1)*Hout*Wout + (hout-1)*Wout + wout]
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    # Unpad derivs on input
-    dXn = matrix(0, rows=C, cols=Hin*Win)
-    parfor (c in 1:C, check=0) {
-      dXn_padded_slice = matrix(dXn_padded[c,], rows=(Hin+2*padh), cols=(Win+2*padw))
-      dXn_slice = dXn_padded_slice[padh+1:padh+Hin, padw+1:padw+Win]
-      dXn[c,] = matrix(dXn_slice, rows=1, cols=Hin*Win)
-    }
-    dX[n,] = matrix(dXn, rows=1, cols=C*Hin*Win)
-  }
-init = function(int F, int C, int Hf, int Wf)
-    return (matrix[double] W, matrix[double] b) {
-  /*
-   * Initialize the parameters of this layer.
-   *
-   * We use the heuristic by He et al., which limits the magnification
-   * of inputs/gradients during forward/backward passes by scaling
-   * unit-Gaussian weights by a factor of sqrt(2/n), under the
-   * assumption of relu neurons.
-   *  -
-   *
-   * Inputs:
-   *  - F: Number of filters.
-   *  - C: Number of input channels (dimensionality of depth).
-   *  - Hf: Filter height.
-   *  - Wf: Filter width.
-   *
-   * Outputs:
-   *  - W: Weights, of shape (F, C*Hf*Wf).
-   *  - b: Biases, of shape (F, 1).
-   */
-  W = rand(rows=F, cols=C*Hf*Wf, pdf="normal") * sqrt(2.0/(C*Hf*Wf))
-  b = matrix(0, rows=F, cols=1)
diff --git a/scripts/staging/SystemML-NN/nn/test/grad_check.dml b/scripts/staging/SystemML-NN/nn/test/grad_check.dml
index ba9a317..27f4420 100644
--- a/scripts/staging/SystemML-NN/nn/test/grad_check.dml
+++ b/scripts/staging/SystemML-NN/nn/test/grad_check.dml
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
 source("nn/layers/affine.dml") as affine
 source("nn/layers/batch_norm.dml") as batch_norm
-source("nn/layers/conv.dml") as conv
-source("nn/layers/conv_builtin.dml") as conv_builtin
+source("nn/layers/conv2d.dml") as conv2d
+source("nn/layers/conv2d_builtin.dml") as conv2d_builtin
 source("nn/layers/cross_entropy_loss.dml") as cross_entropy_loss
 source("nn/layers/dropout.dml") as dropout
 source("nn/layers/l1_loss.dml") as l1_loss
@@ -34,16 +34,16 @@ source("nn/layers/l2_loss.dml") as l2_loss
 source("nn/layers/l2_reg.dml") as l2_reg
 source("nn/layers/log_loss.dml") as log_loss
 source("nn/layers/lstm.dml") as lstm
-source("nn/layers/max_pool.dml") as max_pool
-source("nn/layers/max_pool_builtin.dml") as max_pool_builtin
+source("nn/layers/max_pool2d.dml") as max_pool2d
+source("nn/layers/max_pool2d_builtin.dml") as max_pool2d_builtin
 source("nn/layers/relu.dml") as relu
 source("nn/layers/rnn.dml") as rnn
 source("nn/layers/sigmoid.dml") as sigmoid
 source("nn/layers/softmax.dml") as softmax
 source("nn/layers/spatial_batch_norm.dml") as spatial_batch_norm
 source("nn/layers/tanh.dml") as tanh
-source("nn/test/conv_simple.dml") as conv_simple
-source("nn/test/max_pool_simple.dml") as max_pool_simple
+source("nn/test/conv2d_simple.dml") as conv2d_simple
+source("nn/test/max_pool2d_simple.dml") as max_pool2d_simple
 source("nn/test/util.dml") as test_util
 affine = function() {
@@ -229,11 +229,11 @@ batch_norm = function() {
-conv = function() {
+conv2d = function() {
-   * Gradient check for the convolutional layer using `im2col`.
+   * Gradient check for the 2D convolutional layer using `im2col`.
-  print("Grad checking the `im2col` convolutional layer with L2 loss.")
+  print("Grad checking the `im2col` 2D convolutional layer with L2 loss.")
   # Generate data
   N = 2  # num examples
@@ -249,13 +249,13 @@ conv = function() {
   y = rand(rows=N, cols=F*Hin*Win)
   # Create layers
-  [W, b] = conv::init(F, C, Hf, Wf)
+  [W, b] = conv2d::init(F, C, Hf, Wf)
   # Compute analytical gradients of loss wrt parameters
-  [out, Hout, Wout] = conv::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride, pad, pad)
+  [out, Hout, Wout] = conv2d::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride, pad, pad)
   dout = l2_loss::backward(out, y)
-  [dX, dW, db] = conv::backward(dout, Hout, Wout, X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride,
-                                pad, pad)
+  [dX, dW, db] = conv2d::backward(dout, Hout, Wout, X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride,
+                                  pad, pad)
   # Grad check
   h = 1e-5
@@ -265,10 +265,10 @@ conv = function() {
       # Compute numerical derivative
       old = as.scalar(X[i,j])
       X[i,j] = old - h
-      [outmh, Hout, Wout] = conv::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride, pad, pad)
+      [outmh, Hout, Wout] = conv2d::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride, pad, pad)
       lossmh = l2_loss::forward(outmh, y)
       X[i,j] = old + h
-      [outph, Hout, Wout] = conv::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride, pad, pad)
+      [outph, Hout, Wout] = conv2d::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride, pad, pad)
       lossph = l2_loss::forward(outph, y)
       X[i,j] = old  # reset
       dX_num = (lossph-lossmh) / (2*h)  # numerical derivative
@@ -284,10 +284,10 @@ conv = function() {
       # Compute numerical derivative
       old = as.scalar(W[i,j])
       W[i,j] = old - h
-      [outmh, Hout, Wout] = conv::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride, pad, pad)
+      [outmh, Hout, Wout] = conv2d::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride, pad, pad)
       lossmh = l2_loss::forward(outmh, y)
       W[i,j] = old + h
-      [outph, Hout, Wout] = conv::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride, pad, pad)
+      [outph, Hout, Wout] = conv2d::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride, pad, pad)
       lossph = l2_loss::forward(outph, y)
       W[i,j] = old  # reset
       dW_num = (lossph-lossmh) / (2*h)  # numerical derivative
@@ -303,10 +303,10 @@ conv = function() {
       # Compute numerical derivative
       old = as.scalar(b[i,j])
       b[i,j] = old - h
-      [outmh, Hout, Wout] = conv::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride, pad, pad)
+      [outmh, Hout, Wout] = conv2d::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride, pad, pad)
       lossmh = l2_loss::forward(outmh, y)
       b[i,j] = old + h
-      [outph, Hout, Wout] = conv::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride, pad, pad)
+      [outph, Hout, Wout] = conv2d::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride, pad, pad)
       lossph = l2_loss::forward(outph, y)
       b[i,j] = old  # reset
       db_num = (lossph-lossmh) / (2*h)  # numerical derivative
@@ -317,12 +317,12 @@ conv = function() {
-conv_builtin = function() {
+conv2d_builtin = function() {
-   * Gradient check for the convolutional layer using built-in
+   * Gradient check for the 2D convolutional layer using built-in
    * functions.
-  print("Grad checking the built-in convolutional layer with L2 loss.")
+  print("Grad checking the built-in 2D convolutional layer with L2 loss.")
   # Generate data
   N = 2  # num examples
@@ -338,13 +338,14 @@ conv_builtin = function() {
   y = rand(rows=N, cols=F*Hin*Win)
   # Create layers
-  [W, b] = conv_builtin::init(F, C, Hf, Wf)
+  [W, b] = conv2d_builtin::init(F, C, Hf, Wf)
   # Compute analytical gradients of loss wrt parameters
-  [out, Hout, Wout] = conv_builtin::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride, pad, pad)
+  [out, Hout, Wout] = conv2d_builtin::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride,
+                                              pad, pad)
   dout = l2_loss::backward(out, y)
-  [dX, dW, db] = conv_builtin::backward(dout, Hout, Wout, X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf,
-                                        stride, stride, pad, pad)
+  [dX, dW, db] = conv2d_builtin::backward(dout, Hout, Wout, X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf,
+                                          stride, stride, pad, pad)
   # Grad check
   h = 1e-5
@@ -354,12 +355,12 @@ conv_builtin = function() {
       # Compute numerical derivative
       old = as.scalar(X[i,j])
       X[i,j] = old - h
-      [outmh, Hout, Wout] = conv_builtin::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride,
-                                                  pad, pad)
+      [outmh, Hout, Wout] = conv2d_builtin::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride,
+                                                    pad, pad)
       lossmh = l2_loss::forward(outmh, y)
       X[i,j] = old + h
-      [outph, Hout, Wout] = conv_builtin::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride,
-                                                  pad, pad)
+      [outph, Hout, Wout] = conv2d_builtin::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride,
+                                                    pad, pad)
       lossph = l2_loss::forward(outph, y)
       X[i,j] = old  # reset
       dX_num = (lossph-lossmh) / (2*h)  # numerical derivative
@@ -375,12 +376,12 @@ conv_builtin = function() {
       # Compute numerical derivative
       old = as.scalar(W[i,j])
       W[i,j] = old - h
-      [outmh, Hout, Wout] = conv_builtin::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride,
-                                                  pad, pad)
+      [outmh, Hout, Wout] = conv2d_builtin::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride,
+                                                    pad, pad)
       lossmh = l2_loss::forward(outmh, y)
       W[i,j] = old + h
-      [outph, Hout, Wout] = conv_builtin::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride,
-                                                  pad, pad)
+      [outph, Hout, Wout] = conv2d_builtin::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride,
+                                                    pad, pad)
       lossph = l2_loss::forward(outph, y)
       W[i,j] = old  # reset
       dW_num = (lossph-lossmh) / (2*h)  # numerical derivative
@@ -396,12 +397,12 @@ conv_builtin = function() {
       # Compute numerical derivative
       old = as.scalar(b[i,j])
       b[i,j] = old - h
-      [outmh, Hout, Wout] = conv_builtin::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride,
-                                                  pad, pad)
+      [outmh, Hout, Wout] = conv2d_builtin::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride,
+                                                    pad, pad)
       lossmh = l2_loss::forward(outmh, y)
       b[i,j] = old + h
-      [outph, Hout, Wout] = conv_builtin::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride,
-                                                  pad, pad)
+      [outph, Hout, Wout] = conv2d_builtin::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride,
+                                                    pad, pad)
       lossph = l2_loss::forward(outph, y)
       b[i,j] = old  # reset
       db_num = (lossph-lossmh) / (2*h)  # numerical derivative
@@ -412,11 +413,11 @@ conv_builtin = function() {
-conv_simple = function() {
+conv2d_simple = function() {
-   * Gradient check for the simple reference convolutional layer.
+   * Gradient check for the simple reference 2D convolutional layer.
-  print("Grad checking the simple reference convolutional layer with L2 loss.")
+  print("Grad checking the simple reference 2D convolutional layer with L2 loss.")
   # Generate data
   N = 2  # num examples
@@ -432,13 +433,13 @@ conv_simple = function() {
   y = rand(rows=N, cols=F*Hin*Win)
   # Create layers
-  [W, b] = conv_simple::init(F, C, Hf, Wf)
+  [W, b] = conv2d_simple::init(F, C, Hf, Wf)
   # Compute analytical gradients of loss wrt parameters
-  [out, Hout, Wout] = conv_simple::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride, pad, pad)
+  [out, Hout, Wout] = conv2d_simple::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride, pad, pad)
   dout = l2_loss::backward(out, y)
-  [dX, dW, db] = conv_simple::backward(dout, Hout, Wout, X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf,
-                                       stride, stride, pad, pad)
+  [dX, dW, db] = conv2d_simple::backward(dout, Hout, Wout, X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf,
+                                         stride, stride, pad, pad)
   # Grad check
   h = 1e-5
@@ -448,12 +449,12 @@ conv_simple = function() {
       # Compute numerical derivative
       old = as.scalar(X[i,j])
       X[i,j] = old - h
-      [outmh, Hout, Wout] = conv_simple::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride,
-                                                 pad, pad)
+      [outmh, Hout, Wout] = conv2d_simple::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride,
+                                                   pad, pad)
       lossmh = l2_loss::forward(outmh, y)
       X[i,j] = old + h
-      [outph, Hout, Wout] = conv_simple::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride,
-                                                 pad, pad)
+      [outph, Hout, Wout] = conv2d_simple::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride,
+                                                   pad, pad)
       lossph = l2_loss::forward(outph, y)
       X[i,j] = old  # reset
       dX_num = (lossph-lossmh) / (2*h)  # numerical derivative
@@ -469,12 +470,12 @@ conv_simple = function() {
       # Compute numerical derivative
       old = as.scalar(W[i,j])
       W[i,j] = old - h
-      [outmh, Hout, Wout] = conv_simple::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride,
-                                                 pad, pad)
+      [outmh, Hout, Wout] = conv2d_simple::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride,
+                                                   pad, pad)
       lossmh = l2_loss::forward(outmh, y)
       W[i,j] = old + h
-      [outph, Hout, Wout] = conv_simple::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride,
-                                                 pad, pad)
+      [outph, Hout, Wout] = conv2d_simple::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride,
+                                                   pad, pad)
       lossph = l2_loss::forward(outph, y)
       W[i,j] = old  # reset
       dW_num = (lossph-lossmh) / (2*h)  # numerical derivative
@@ -490,12 +491,12 @@ conv_simple = function() {
       # Compute numerical derivative
       old = as.scalar(b[i,j])
       b[i,j] = old - h
-      [outmh, Hout, Wout] = conv_simple::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride,
-                                                 pad, pad)
+      [outmh, Hout, Wout] = conv2d_simple::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride,
+                                                   pad, pad)
       lossmh = l2_loss::forward(outmh, y)
       b[i,j] = old + h
-      [outph, Hout, Wout] = conv_simple::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride,
-                                                 pad, pad)
+      [outph, Hout, Wout] = conv2d_simple::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride,
+                                                   pad, pad)
       lossph = l2_loss::forward(outph, y)
       b[i,j] = old  # reset
       db_num = (lossph-lossmh) / (2*h)  # numerical derivative
@@ -898,11 +899,11 @@ lstm = function() {
-max_pool = function() {
+max_pool2d = function() {
-   * Gradient check for the max pooling layer.
+   * Gradient check for the 2D max pooling layer.
-  print("Grad checking the max pooling layer with L2 loss.")
+  print("Grad checking the 2D max pooling layer with L2 loss.")
   # Generate data
   N = 2  # num examples
@@ -921,9 +922,9 @@ max_pool = function() {
     y = rand(rows=N, cols=C*Hout*Wout)
     # Compute analytical gradients of loss wrt parameters
-    [out, Hout, Wout] = max_pool::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride, pad, pad)
+    [out, Hout, Wout] = max_pool2d::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride, pad, pad)
     dout = l2_loss::backward(out, y)
-    dX = max_pool::backward(dout, Hout, Wout, X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride, pad, pad)
+    dX = max_pool2d::backward(dout, Hout, Wout, X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride, pad, pad)
     # Grad check
     h = 1e-5
@@ -932,10 +933,10 @@ max_pool = function() {
         # Compute numerical derivative
         old = as.scalar(X[i,j])
         X[i,j] = old - h
-        [outmh, Hout, Wout] = max_pool::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride, pad, pad)
+        [outmh, Hout, Wout] = max_pool2d::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride, pad, pad)
         lossmh = l2_loss::forward(outmh, y)
         X[i,j] = old + h
-        [outph, Hout, Wout] = max_pool::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride, pad, pad)
+        [outph, Hout, Wout] = max_pool2d::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride, pad, pad)
         lossph = l2_loss::forward(outph, y)
         X[i,j] = old  # reset
         dX_num = (lossph-lossmh) / (2*h)  # numerical derivative
@@ -947,11 +948,11 @@ max_pool = function() {
-max_pool_builtin = function() {
+max_pool2d_builtin = function() {
-   * Gradient check for the max pooling layer.
+   * Gradient check for the 2D max pooling layer.
-  print("Grad checking the built-in max pooling layer with L2 loss.")
+  print("Grad checking the built-in 2D max pooling layer with L2 loss.")
   # Generate data
   N = 2  # num examples
@@ -970,10 +971,11 @@ max_pool_builtin = function() {
     y = rand(rows=N, cols=C*Hout*Wout)
     # Compute analytical gradients of loss wrt parameters
-    [out, Hout, Wout] = max_pool_builtin::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride, pad, pad)
+    [out, Hout, Wout] = max_pool2d_builtin::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride,
+                                                    pad, pad)
     dout = l2_loss::backward(out, y)
-    dX = max_pool_builtin::backward(dout, Hout, Wout, X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride,
-                                    pad, pad)
+    dX = max_pool2d_builtin::backward(dout, Hout, Wout, X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride,
+                                      pad, pad)
     # Grad check
     h = 1e-5
@@ -982,12 +984,12 @@ max_pool_builtin = function() {
         # Compute numerical derivative
         old = as.scalar(X[i,j])
         X[i,j] = old - h
-        [outmh, Hout, Wout] = max_pool_builtin::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride,
-                                                        pad, pad)
+        [outmh, Hout, Wout] = max_pool2d_builtin::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride,
+                                                          pad, pad)
         lossmh = l2_loss::forward(outmh, y)
         X[i,j] = old + h
-        [outph, Hout, Wout] = max_pool_builtin::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride,
-                                                        pad, pad)
+        [outph, Hout, Wout] = max_pool2d_builtin::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride,
+                                                          pad, pad)
         lossph = l2_loss::forward(outph, y)
         X[i,j] = old  # reset
         dX_num = (lossph-lossmh) / (2*h)  # numerical derivative
@@ -999,11 +1001,11 @@ max_pool_builtin = function() {
-max_pool_simple = function() {
+max_pool2d_simple = function() {
-   * Gradient check for the simple reference max pooling layer.
+   * Gradient check for the simple reference 2D max pooling layer.
-  print("Grad checking the simple reference max pooling layer with L2 loss.")
+  print("Grad checking the simple reference 2D max pooling layer with L2 loss.")
   # Generate data
   N = 2  # num examples
@@ -1022,10 +1024,10 @@ max_pool_simple = function() {
     y = rand(rows=N, cols=C*Hout*Wout)
     # Compute analytical gradients of loss wrt parameters
-    [out, Hout, Wout] = max_pool_simple::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride, pad, pad)
+    [out, Hout, Wout] = max_pool2d_simple::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride, pad, pad)
     dout = l2_loss::backward(out, y)
-    dX = max_pool_simple::backward(dout, Hout, Wout, X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride,
-                                   pad, pad)
+    dX = max_pool2d_simple::backward(dout, Hout, Wout, X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride,
+                                     pad, pad)
     # Grad check
     h = 1e-5
@@ -1034,12 +1036,12 @@ max_pool_simple = function() {
         # Compute numerical derivative
         old = as.scalar(X[i,j])
         X[i,j] = old - h
-        [outmh, Hout, Wout] = max_pool_simple::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride,
-                                                       pad, pad)
+        [outmh, Hout, Wout] = max_pool2d_simple::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride,
+                                                         pad, pad)
         lossmh = l2_loss::forward(outmh, y)
         X[i,j] = old + h
-        [outph, Hout, Wout] = max_pool_simple::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride,
-                                                       pad, pad)
+        [outph, Hout, Wout] = max_pool2d_simple::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride,
+                                                         pad, pad)
         lossph = l2_loss::forward(outph, y)
         X[i,j] = old  # reset
         dX_num = (lossph-lossmh) / (2*h)  # numerical derivative
diff --git a/scripts/staging/SystemML-NN/nn/test/max_pool2d_simple.dml b/scripts/staging/SystemML-NN/nn/test/max_pool2d_simple.dml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47dab3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/staging/SystemML-NN/nn/test/max_pool2d_simple.dml
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+ * Max Pooling layer.
+ *
+ * This implementation is intended to be a simple, reference version.
+ */
+forward = function(matrix[double] X, int C, int Hin, int Win, int Hf, int Wf,
+                   int strideh, int stridew, int padh, int padw)
+    return (matrix[double] out, int Hout, int Wout) {
+  /*
+   * Computes the forward pass for a 2D spatial max pooling layer.
+   * The input data has N examples, each represented as a 3D volume
+   * unrolled into a single vector.
+   *
+   * This implementation is intended to be a simple, reference version.
+   *
+   * Inputs:
+   *  - X: Inputs, of shape (N, C*Hin*Win).
+   *  - C: Number of input channels (dimensionality of input depth).
+   *  - Hin: Input height.
+   *  - Win: Input width.
+   *  - Hf: Filter height.
+   *  - Wf: Filter width.
+   *  - strideh: Stride over height.
+   *  - stridew: Stride over width.
+   *  - padh: Padding for top and bottom sides.
+   *      A typical value is 0.
+   *  - padw: Padding for left and right sides.
+   *      A typical value is 0.
+   *
+   * Outputs:
+   *  - out: Outputs, of shape (N, C*Hout*Wout).
+   *  - Hout: Output height.
+   *  - Wout: Output width.
+   */
+  N = nrow(X)
+  Hout = as.integer((Hin + 2*padh - Hf)/strideh + 1)
+  Wout = as.integer((Win + 2*padw - Wf)/stridew + 1)
+  # Create output volume
+  out = matrix(0, rows=N, cols=C*Hout*Wout)
+  # Max pooling
+  parfor (n in 1:N, check=0) {  # all examples
+    Xn = matrix(X[n,], rows=C, cols=Hin*Win)
+    # Pad image
+    pad_value = -1/0
+    Xn_padded = matrix(pad_value, rows=C, cols=(Hin+2*padh)*(Win+2*padw))  # zeros
+    parfor (c in 1:C) {
+      Xn_slice = matrix(Xn[c,], rows=Hin, cols=Win)  # depth slice C reshaped
+      Xn_padded_slice = matrix(Xn_padded[c,], rows=Hin+2*padh, cols=Win+2*padw)
+      Xn_padded_slice[padh+1:padh+Hin, padw+1:padw+Win] = Xn_slice
+      Xn_padded[c,] = matrix(Xn_padded_slice, rows=1, cols=(Hin+2*padh)*(Win+2*padw))  # reshape
+    }
+    img = Xn_padded  # shape (C, (Hin+2*padh)*(Win+2*padw))
+    parfor (c in 1:C, check=0) {  # all channels
+      img_slice = matrix(img[c,], rows=Hin+2*padh, cols=Win+2*padw)
+      parfor (hout in 1:Hout, check=0) {  # all output rows
+        hin = (hout-1) * strideh + 1
+        parfor (wout in 1:Wout, check=0) {  # all output columns
+          win = (wout-1) * stridew + 1
+          out[n, (c-1)*Hout*Wout + (hout-1)*Wout + wout] = max(img_slice[hin:hin+Hf-1,
+                                                               win:win+Wf-1])
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+backward = function(matrix[double] dout, int Hout, int Wout, matrix[double] X,
+                    int C, int Hin, int Win, int Hf, int Wf,
+                    int strideh, int stridew, int padh, int padw)
+    return (matrix[double] dX) {
+  /*
+   * Computes the backward pass for a 2D spatial max pooling layer.
+   * The input data has N examples, each represented as a 3D volume
+   * unrolled into a single vector.
+   *
+   * Inputs:
+   *  - dout: Gradient wrt `out` from upstream, of
+   *      shape (N, C*Hout*Wout).
+   *  - Hout: Output height.
+   *  - Wout: Output width.
+   *  - X: Inputs, of shape (N, C*Hin*Win).
+   *  - C: Number of input channels (dimensionality of input depth).
+   *  - Hin: Input height.
+   *  - Win: Input width.
+   *  - Hf: Filter height.
+   *  - Wf: Filter width.
+   *  - strideh: Stride over height.
+   *  - stridew: Stride over width.
+   *  - padh: Padding for top and bottom sides.
+   *      A typical value is 0.
+   *  - padw: Padding for left and right sides.
+   *      A typical value is 0.
+   *
+   * Outputs:
+   *  - dX: Gradient wrt `X`, of shape (N, C*Hin*Win).
+   */
+  N = nrow(X)
+  # Create gradient volume
+  dX = matrix(0, rows=N, cols=C*Hin*Win)
+  # Gradient of max pooling
+  for (n in 1:N) {  # all examples
+    Xn = matrix(X[n,], rows=C, cols=Hin*Win)
+    # Pad image
+    pad_value = -1/0
+    Xn_padded = matrix(pad_value, rows=C, cols=(Hin+2*padh)*(Win+2*padw))  # zeros
+    parfor (c in 1:C) {
+      Xn_slice = matrix(Xn[c,], rows=Hin, cols=Win)  # depth slice C reshaped
+      Xn_padded_slice = matrix(Xn_padded[c,], rows=Hin+2*padh, cols=Win+2*padw)
+      Xn_padded_slice[padh+1:padh+Hin, padw+1:padw+Win] = Xn_slice
+      Xn_padded[c,] = matrix(Xn_padded_slice, rows=1, cols=(Hin+2*padh)*(Win+2*padw))  # reshape
+    }
+    img = Xn_padded
+    dimg = matrix(0, rows=C, cols=(Hin+2*padh)*(Win+2*padw))
+    for (c in 1:C) {  # all channels
+      img_slice = matrix(img[c,], rows=Hin+2*padh, cols=Win+2*padw)
+      dimg_slice = matrix(0, rows=Hin+2*padh, cols=Win+2*padw)
+      for (hout in 1:Hout, check=0) {  # all output rows
+        hin = (hout-1) * strideh + 1
+        for (wout in 1:Wout) {  # all output columns
+          win = (wout-1) * stridew + 1
+          img_slice_patch = img_slice[hin:hin+Hf-1, win:win+Wf-1]
+          max_val_ind = img_slice_patch == max(img_slice_patch)  # max value indicator matrix
+          # gradient passes through only for the max value(s) in this patch
+          dimg_slice_patch = max_val_ind * dout[n, (c-1)*Hout*Wout + (hout-1)*Wout + wout]
+          dimg_slice[hin:hin+Hf-1, win:win+Wf-1] = dimg_slice[hin:hin+Hf-1, win:win+Wf-1]
+                                                   + dimg_slice_patch
+        }
+      }
+      dimg[c,] = matrix(dimg_slice, rows=1, cols=(Hin+2*padh)*(Win+2*padw))
+    }
+    # Unpad derivs on input
+    dXn = matrix(0, rows=C, cols=Hin*Win)
+    parfor (c in 1:C, check=0) {
+      dXn_padded_slice = matrix(dimg[c,], rows=(Hin+2*padh), cols=(Win+2*padw))
+      dXn_slice = dXn_padded_slice[padh+1:padh+Hin, padw+1:padw+Win]
+      dXn[c,] = matrix(dXn_slice, rows=1, cols=Hin*Win)
+    }
+    dX[n,] = matrix(dXn, rows=1, cols=C*Hin*Win)
+  }
diff --git a/scripts/staging/SystemML-NN/nn/test/max_pool_simple.dml b/scripts/staging/SystemML-NN/nn/test/max_pool_simple.dml
deleted file mode 100644
index 786b0a1..0000000
--- a/scripts/staging/SystemML-NN/nn/test/max_pool_simple.dml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
- * Max pooling layer.
- *
- * This implementation is intended to be a simple, reference version.
- */
-forward = function(matrix[double] X, int C, int Hin, int Win, int Hf, int Wf,
-                   int strideh, int stridew, int padh, int padw)
-    return (matrix[double] out, int Hout, int Wout) {
-  /*
-   * Computes the forward pass for a 2D spatial max pooling layer.
-   * The input data has N examples, each represented as a 3D volume
-   * unrolled into a single vector.
-   *
-   * This implementation is intended to be a simple, reference version.
-   *
-   * Inputs:
-   *  - X: Inputs, of shape (N, C*Hin*Win).
-   *  - C: Number of input channels (dimensionality of input depth).
-   *  - Hin: Input height.
-   *  - Win: Input width.
-   *  - Hf: Filter height.
-   *  - Wf: Filter width.
-   *  - strideh: Stride over height.
-   *  - stridew: Stride over width.
-   *  - padh: Padding for top and bottom sides.
-   *      A typical value is 0.
-   *  - padw: Padding for left and right sides.
-   *      A typical value is 0.
-   *
-   * Outputs:
-   *  - out: Outputs, of shape (N, C*Hout*Wout).
-   *  - Hout: Output height.
-   *  - Wout: Output width.
-   */
-  N = nrow(X)
-  Hout = as.integer((Hin + 2*padh - Hf)/strideh + 1)
-  Wout = as.integer((Win + 2*padw - Wf)/stridew + 1)
-  # Create output volume
-  out = matrix(0, rows=N, cols=C*Hout*Wout)
-  # Max pooling
-  parfor (n in 1:N, check=0) {  # all examples
-    Xn = matrix(X[n,], rows=C, cols=Hin*Win)
-    # Pad image
-    pad_value = -1/0
-    Xn_padded = matrix(pad_value, rows=C, cols=(Hin+2*padh)*(Win+2*padw))  # zeros
-    parfor (c in 1:C) {
-      Xn_slice = matrix(Xn[c,], rows=Hin, cols=Win)  # depth slice C reshaped
-      Xn_padded_slice = matrix(Xn_padded[c,], rows=Hin+2*padh, cols=Win+2*padw)
-      Xn_padded_slice[padh+1:padh+Hin, padw+1:padw+Win] = Xn_slice
-      Xn_padded[c,] = matrix(Xn_padded_slice, rows=1, cols=(Hin+2*padh)*(Win+2*padw))  # reshape
-    }
-    img = Xn_padded  # shape (C, (Hin+2*padh)*(Win+2*padw))
-    parfor (c in 1:C, check=0) {  # all channels
-      img_slice = matrix(img[c,], rows=Hin+2*padh, cols=Win+2*padw)
-      parfor (hout in 1:Hout, check=0) {  # all output rows
-        hin = (hout-1) * strideh + 1
-        parfor (wout in 1:Wout, check=0) {  # all output columns
-          win = (wout-1) * stridew + 1
-          out[n, (c-1)*Hout*Wout + (hout-1)*Wout + wout] = max(img_slice[hin:hin+Hf-1,
-                                                               win:win+Wf-1])
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-backward = function(matrix[double] dout, int Hout, int Wout, matrix[double] X,
-                    int C, int Hin, int Win, int Hf, int Wf,
-                    int strideh, int stridew, int padh, int padw)
-    return (matrix[double] dX) {
-  /*
-   * Computes the backward pass for a 2D spatial max pooling layer.
-   * The input data has N examples, each represented as a 3D volume
-   * unrolled into a single vector.
-   *
-   * Inputs:
-   *  - dout: Gradient wrt `out` from upstream, of
-   *      shape (N, C*Hout*Wout).
-   *  - Hout: Output height.
-   *  - Wout: Output width.
-   *  - X: Inputs, of shape (N, C*Hin*Win).
-   *  - C: Number of input channels (dimensionality of input depth).
-   *  - Hin: Input height.
-   *  - Win: Input width.
-   *  - Hf: Filter height.
-   *  - Wf: Filter width.
-   *  - strideh: Stride over height.
-   *  - stridew: Stride over width.
-   *  - padh: Padding for top and bottom sides.
-   *      A typical value is 0.
-   *  - padw: Padding for left and right sides.
-   *      A typical value is 0.
-   *
-   * Outputs:
-   *  - dX: Gradient wrt `X`, of shape (N, C*Hin*Win).
-   */
-  N = nrow(X)
-  # Create gradient volume
-  dX = matrix(0, rows=N, cols=C*Hin*Win)
-  # Gradient of max pooling
-  for (n in 1:N) {  # all examples
-    Xn = matrix(X[n,], rows=C, cols=Hin*Win)
-    # Pad image
-    pad_value = -1/0
-    Xn_padded = matrix(pad_value, rows=C, cols=(Hin+2*padh)*(Win+2*padw))  # zeros
-    parfor (c in 1:C) {
-      Xn_slice = matrix(Xn[c,], rows=Hin, cols=Win)  # depth slice C reshaped
-      Xn_padded_slice = matrix(Xn_padded[c,], rows=Hin+2*padh, cols=Win+2*padw)
-      Xn_padded_slice[padh+1:padh+Hin, padw+1:padw+Win] = Xn_slice
-      Xn_padded[c,] = matrix(Xn_padded_slice, rows=1, cols=(Hin+2*padh)*(Win+2*padw))  # reshape
-    }
-    img = Xn_padded
-    dimg = matrix(0, rows=C, cols=(Hin+2*padh)*(Win+2*padw))
-    for (c in 1:C) {  # all channels
-      img_slice = matrix(img[c,], rows=Hin+2*padh, cols=Win+2*padw)
-      dimg_slice = matrix(0, rows=Hin+2*padh, cols=Win+2*padw)
-      for (hout in 1:Hout, check=0) {  # all output rows
-        hin = (hout-1) * strideh + 1
-        for (wout in 1:Wout) {  # all output columns
-          win = (wout-1) * stridew + 1
-          img_slice_patch = img_slice[hin:hin+Hf-1, win:win+Wf-1]
-          max_val_ind = img_slice_patch == max(img_slice_patch)  # max value indicator matrix
-          # gradient passes through only for the max value(s) in this patch
-          dimg_slice_patch = max_val_ind * dout[n, (c-1)*Hout*Wout + (hout-1)*Wout + wout]
-          dimg_slice[hin:hin+Hf-1, win:win+Wf-1] = dimg_slice[hin:hin+Hf-1, win:win+Wf-1]
-                                                   + dimg_slice_patch
-        }
-      }
-      dimg[c,] = matrix(dimg_slice, rows=1, cols=(Hin+2*padh)*(Win+2*padw))
-    }
-    # Unpad derivs on input
-    dXn = matrix(0, rows=C, cols=Hin*Win)
-    parfor (c in 1:C, check=0) {
-      dXn_padded_slice = matrix(dimg[c,], rows=(Hin+2*padh), cols=(Win+2*padw))
-      dXn_slice = dXn_padded_slice[padh+1:padh+Hin, padw+1:padw+Win]
-      dXn[c,] = matrix(dXn_slice, rows=1, cols=Hin*Win)
-    }
-    dX[n,] = matrix(dXn, rows=1, cols=C*Hin*Win)
-  }
diff --git a/scripts/staging/SystemML-NN/nn/test/run_tests.dml b/scripts/staging/SystemML-NN/nn/test/run_tests.dml
index 86bb77b..644662c 100644
--- a/scripts/staging/SystemML-NN/nn/test/run_tests.dml
+++ b/scripts/staging/SystemML-NN/nn/test/run_tests.dml
@@ -38,16 +38,16 @@ tmp = grad_check::log_loss()
 # Other layers
 tmp = grad_check::affine()
 tmp = grad_check::batch_norm()
-tmp = grad_check::conv_simple()
-tmp = grad_check::conv()
-tmp = grad_check::conv_builtin()
+tmp = grad_check::conv2d_simple()
+tmp = grad_check::conv2d()
+tmp = grad_check::conv2d_builtin()
 tmp = grad_check::dropout()
 tmp = grad_check::l1_reg()
 tmp = grad_check::l2_reg()
 tmp = grad_check::lstm()
-tmp = grad_check::max_pool_simple()
-tmp = grad_check::max_pool()
-tmp = grad_check::max_pool_builtin()
+tmp = grad_check::max_pool2d_simple()
+tmp = grad_check::max_pool2d()
+tmp = grad_check::max_pool2d_builtin()
 tmp = grad_check::relu()
 tmp = grad_check::rnn()
 tmp = grad_check::sigmoid()
@@ -72,9 +72,9 @@ print("---")
 tmp = test::batch_norm()
 tmp = test::im2col()
 tmp = test::padding()
-tmp = test::conv()
+tmp = test::conv2d()
 tmp = test::cross_entropy_loss()
-tmp = test::max_pool()
+tmp = test::max_pool2d()
 tmp = test::spatial_batch_norm()
 tmp = test::tanh()
diff --git a/scripts/staging/SystemML-NN/nn/test/test.dml b/scripts/staging/SystemML-NN/nn/test/test.dml
index 8fb0d04..64fc519 100644
--- a/scripts/staging/SystemML-NN/nn/test/test.dml
+++ b/scripts/staging/SystemML-NN/nn/test/test.dml
@@ -23,23 +23,23 @@
  * Various tests, not including gradient checks.
 source("nn/layers/batch_norm.dml") as batch_norm
-source("nn/layers/conv.dml") as conv
-source("nn/layers/conv_builtin.dml") as conv_builtin
+source("nn/layers/conv2d.dml") as conv2d
+source("nn/layers/conv2d_builtin.dml") as conv2d_builtin
 source("nn/layers/cross_entropy_loss.dml") as cross_entropy_loss
-source("nn/layers/max_pool.dml") as max_pool
-source("nn/layers/max_pool_builtin.dml") as max_pool_builtin
+source("nn/layers/max_pool2d.dml") as max_pool2d
+source("nn/layers/max_pool2d_builtin.dml") as max_pool2d_builtin
 source("nn/layers/spatial_batch_norm.dml") as spatial_batch_norm
 source("nn/layers/tanh.dml") as tanh
-source("nn/test/conv_simple.dml") as conv_simple
-source("nn/test/max_pool_simple.dml") as max_pool_simple
+source("nn/test/conv2d_simple.dml") as conv2d_simple
+source("nn/test/max_pool2d_simple.dml") as max_pool2d_simple
 source("nn/test/util.dml") as test_util
 source("nn/util.dml") as util
 batch_norm = function() {
-   * Test for the `batch_norm` function.
+   * Test for the batch normalization function.
-  print("Testing the batch_norm function.")
+  print("Testing the batch normalization function.")
   # Generate data
   N = 4  # Number of examples
@@ -68,11 +68,11 @@ batch_norm = function() {
-conv = function() {
+conv2d = function() {
-   * Test for the `conv` functions.
+   * Test for the 2D convolution functions.
-  print("Testing the conv functions.")
+  print("Testing the 2D convolution functions.")
   # Generate data
   N = 2  # num examples
@@ -87,14 +87,14 @@ conv = function() {
   X = rand(rows=N, cols=C*Hin*Win, pdf="normal")
   # Create layer
-  [W, b] = conv::init(F, C, Hf, Wf)
+  [W, b] = conv2d::init(F, C, Hf, Wf)
   # Forward
-  [out, Hout, Wout] = conv::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride, pad, pad)
-  [out_simple, Hout_simple, Wout_simple] = conv_simple::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf,
-                                                                stride, stride, pad, pad)
-  [out_builtin, Hout_builtin, Wout_builtin] = conv_builtin::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf,
-                                                                    stride, stride, pad, pad)
+  [out, Hout, Wout] = conv2d::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride, pad, pad)
+  [out_simple, Hout_simple, Wout_simple] = conv2d_simple::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf,
+                                                                  stride, stride, pad, pad)
+  [out_builtin, Hout_builtin, Wout_builtin] = conv2d_builtin::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf,
+                                                                      stride, stride, pad, pad)
   # Equivalency check
   out = matrix(out, rows=1, cols=N*F*Hout*Wout)
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ conv = function() {
 cross_entropy_loss = function() {
-   * Test for the `cross-entropy` loss function.
+   * Test for the cross-entropy loss function.
    * Here we make sure that the cross-entropy loss function does
    * not propagate `infinity` values in the case that a prediction is
@@ -206,11 +206,11 @@ padding = function() {
-max_pool = function() {
+max_pool2d = function() {
-   * Test for the `max_pool` functions.
+   * Test for the 2D max pooling functions.
-  print("Testing the max pool functions.")
+  print("Testing the 2D max pooling functions.")
   # Generate data
   N = 2  # num examples
@@ -227,12 +227,14 @@ max_pool = function() {
       print(" - Testing w/ padh="+padh+" & padw="+padw+".")
       #if (1==1) {}  # force correct printing
       #print("   - Testing forward")
-      [out, Hout, Wout] = max_pool::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride, padh, padw)
-      [out_simple, Hout_simple, Wout_simple] = max_pool_simple::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf,
-                                                                        stride, stride, padh, padw)
-      [out_builtin, Hout_builtin, Wout_builtin] = max_pool_builtin::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf,
-                                                                            stride, stride,
-                                                                            padh, padw)
+      [out, Hout, Wout] = max_pool2d::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride, padh, padw)
+      [out_simple, Hout_simple, Wout_simple] = max_pool2d_simple::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf,
+                                                                          stride, stride,
+                                                                          padh, padw)
+      [out_builtin, Hout_builtin, Wout_builtin] = max_pool2d_builtin::forward(X, C, Hin, Win,
+                                                                              Hf, Wf,
+                                                                              stride, stride,
+                                                                              padh, padw)
       # Equivalency check
       out = matrix(out, rows=1, cols=N*C*Hout*Wout)
@@ -247,11 +249,12 @@ max_pool = function() {
       #print("   - Testing backward")
       dout = rand(rows=N, cols=C*Hout*Wout, pdf="normal")
-      dX = max_pool::backward(dout, Hout, Wout, X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride, padh, padw)
-      dX_simple = max_pool_simple::backward(dout, Hout_simple, Wout_simple, X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf,
-                                            stride, stride, padh, padw)
-      dX_builtin = max_pool_builtin::backward(dout, Hout_builtin, Wout_builtin, X, C, Hin, Win,
+      dX = max_pool2d::backward(dout, Hout, Wout, X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride,
+                                padh, padw)
+      dX_simple = max_pool2d_simple::backward(dout, Hout_simple, Wout_simple, X, C, Hin, Win,
                                               Hf, Wf, stride, stride, padh, padw)
+      dX_builtin = max_pool2d_builtin::backward(dout, Hout_builtin, Wout_builtin, X, C, Hin, Win,
+                                                Hf, Wf, stride, stride, padh, padw)
       # Equivalency check
       dX = matrix(dX, rows=1, cols=N*C*Hin*Win)
@@ -288,11 +291,11 @@ max_pool = function() {
   pad = 0
   # forward
-  [out, Hout, Wout] = max_pool::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride, pad, pad)
-  [out_simple, Hout_simple, Wout_simple] = max_pool_simple::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf,
-                                                                    stride, stride, pad, pad)
-  [out_builtin, Hout_builtin, Wout_builtin] = max_pool_builtin::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf,
-                                                                        stride, stride, pad, pad)
+  [out, Hout, Wout] = max_pool2d::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride, pad, pad)
+  [out_simple, Hout_simple, Wout_simple] = max_pool2d_simple::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf,
+                                                                      stride, stride, pad, pad)
+  [out_builtin, Hout_builtin, Wout_builtin] = max_pool2d_builtin::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf,
+                                                                          stride, stride, pad, pad)
   # equivalency check
   # -- channel 1
@@ -326,11 +329,11 @@ max_pool = function() {
   pad = 1
   # forward
-  [out, Hout, Wout] = max_pool::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride, pad, pad)
-  [out_simple, Hout_simple, Wout_simple] = max_pool_simple::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf,
-                                                                    stride, stride, pad, pad)
-  [out_builtin, Hout_builtin, Wout_builtin] = max_pool_builtin::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf,
-                                                                        stride, stride, pad, pad)
+  [out, Hout, Wout] = max_pool2d::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride, pad, pad)
+  [out_simple, Hout_simple, Wout_simple] = max_pool2d_simple::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf,
+                                                                      stride, stride, pad, pad)
+  [out_builtin, Hout_builtin, Wout_builtin] = max_pool2d_builtin::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf,
+                                                                          stride, stride, pad, pad)
   # equivalency check
   # -- channel 1
@@ -363,11 +366,11 @@ max_pool = function() {
   pad = 0
   # forward
-  [out, Hout, Wout] = max_pool::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride, pad, pad)
-  [out_simple, Hout_simple, Wout_simple] = max_pool_simple::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf,
-                                                                    stride, stride, pad, pad)
-  [out_builtin, Hout_builtin, Wout_builtin] = max_pool_builtin::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf,
-                                                                        stride, stride, pad, pad)
+  [out, Hout, Wout] = max_pool2d::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride, pad, pad)
+  [out_simple, Hout_simple, Wout_simple] = max_pool2d_simple::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf,
+                                                                      stride, stride, pad, pad)
+  [out_builtin, Hout_builtin, Wout_builtin] = max_pool2d_builtin::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf,
+                                                                          stride, stride, pad, pad)
   # equivalency check
   # -- channel 1
@@ -402,11 +405,11 @@ max_pool = function() {
   pad = 1
   # forward
-  [out, Hout, Wout] = max_pool::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride, pad, pad)
-  [out_simple, Hout_simple, Wout_simple] = max_pool_simple::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf,
-                                                                    stride, stride, pad, pad)
-  [out_builtin, Hout_builtin, Wout_builtin] = max_pool_builtin::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf,
-                                                                        stride, stride, pad, pad)
+  [out, Hout, Wout] = max_pool2d::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride, pad, pad)
+  [out_simple, Hout_simple, Wout_simple] = max_pool2d_simple::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf,
+                                                                      stride, stride, pad, pad)
+  [out_builtin, Hout_builtin, Wout_builtin] = max_pool2d_builtin::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf,
+                                                                          stride, stride, pad, pad)
   # equivalency check
   # -- channel 1
@@ -417,7 +420,8 @@ max_pool = function() {
   #  0  0  0
   #  0 -6  0
   #  0  0  0
-  target = matrix("-1 -2 -4 -5 -6 -8 -13 -14 -16 -1 -5 -13 -2 -6 -14 -4 -8 -16", rows=1, cols=C*Hout*Wout)
+  target = matrix("-1 -2 -4 -5 -6 -8 -13 -14 -16 -1 -5 -13 -2 -6 -14 -4 -8 -16",
+                  rows=1, cols=C*Hout*Wout)
   target = rbind(target, target)  # n=2
   tmp = test_util::check_all_equal(out, target)
   tmp = test_util::check_all_equal(out_simple, target)
@@ -426,9 +430,9 @@ max_pool = function() {
 spatial_batch_norm = function() {
-   * Test for the `spatial_batch_norm` function.
+   * Test for the spatial batch normalization function.
-  print("Testing the spatial_batch_norm function.")
+  print("Testing the spatial batch normalization function.")
   # Generate data
   N = 2  # Number of examples
@@ -532,7 +536,8 @@ tanh = function() {
   # Equivalency check
   for (i in 1:nrow(out)) {
     for (j in 1:ncol(out)) {
-      rel_error = test_util::check_rel_error(as.scalar(out[i,j]), as.scalar(out_ref[i,j]), 1e-10, 1e-12)
+      rel_error = test_util::check_rel_error(as.scalar(out[i,j]), as.scalar(out_ref[i,j]),
+                                             1e-10, 1e-12)