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Posted to by Ross Burton <> on 2000/01/08 23:34:15 UTC

Re: Different problem compiling 1.6-dev

Tonight I (tried to) rebuild Cocoon with the lastest Xerces and Xalan for
XSP (Xalan refused to compile...) but I hit upon the old problem of Ant
trying to compile classes for packages I don't have, such as XT or FESI

Stefano, you said not long ago:

> Things to do:
> 1) add classpath reacting capabilities to Ant: if the given class is
> present in the classpath, then compile the support for it, otherwise
> skip without errors. This is to allow you people to rebuild Cocoon.jar
> without having all the above stuff in your classpath.

Is this happening?  In my opinion XSP and The Legendary Sitemap are far
better targets for you coding time :-) but do the Ant team know we would
like this ability?

BTW: for much faster compiling with Ant, rebuild Ant.jar (the jar in the CVS
tree seems out of date) and in build.xml, change this line:

  <property name="build.compiler" value="classic"/>


  <property name="build.compiler" value="jikes"/>

Ross Burton
IT'z Interactive

PROGRAM: n.  a magic spell cast over a computer allowing it to turn one's
input into error messages.  v.t.  to engage in a pastime similar to banging
one's head against a wall, but with fewer opportunities for reward.

The Culture:
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