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Posted to by Andreas Dangel <> on 2021/09/10 13:07:00 UTC

[ANN] Apache Maven PMD Plugin 3.15.0 Released

The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache Maven 
PMD Plugin, version 3.15.0

A Maven plugin for the PMD toolkit, that produces a report on both code 
rule violations and detected copy and paste
fragments, as well as being able to fail the build based on these metrics.

You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven PMD Plugin - Version 3.15.0

* [MPMD-320] Error when using toolchain and spaces in repository path
* [MPMD-318] Incorrect aux classpath if 'includeTests' set to true
* [MPMD-317] NoClassDefFoundError for provided classes
* [MPMD-315] Maven PMD Plugin fails on Java 16: Unsupported targetJdk 
value '16'.
* [MPMD-314] PMD report extension not set correctly for custom report class

* [MPMD-322] Display when PMD/CPD is skipped
* [MPMD-321] Display PMD version that is being used also for pmd:pmd and 
* [MPMD-319] Add GitHub Action to confirm build PR
* [MPMD-313] Improve <jdkToolchain> parameter description
* [MPMD-311] Improve excludeFromFailureFile docs

* [MPMD-316] Require Java 8
* [MPMD-312] Upgrade to PMD 6.38.0
* [MPMD-308] Set Maven 3.1.0 as minimum version
* [MPMD-283] Create a real aggregate goal


-The Maven team

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