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[5/7] incubator-toree git commit: Remove SparkR fork (mariusvniekerk via chipsenkbeil) closes #87
diff --git a/sparkr-interpreter/src/main/resources/R/pkg/R/context.R b/sparkr-interpreter/src/main/resources/R/pkg/R/context.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c026a5..0000000
--- a/sparkr-interpreter/src/main/resources/R/pkg/R/context.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# context.R: SparkContext driven functions
-getMinPartitions <- function(sc, minPartitions) {
-  if (is.null(minPartitions)) {
-    defaultParallelism <- callJMethod(sc, "defaultParallelism")
-    minPartitions <- min(defaultParallelism, 2)
-  }
-  as.integer(minPartitions)
-# Create an RDD from a text file.
-# This function reads a text file from HDFS, a local file system (available on all
-# nodes), or any Hadoop-supported file system URI, and creates an
-# RDD of strings from it.
-# @param sc SparkContext to use
-# @param path Path of file to read. A vector of multiple paths is allowed.
-# @param minPartitions Minimum number of partitions to be created. If NULL, the default
-#  value is chosen based on available parallelism.
-# @return RDD where each item is of type \code{character}
-# @export
-# @examples
-#  sc <- sparkR.init()
-#  lines <- textFile(sc, "myfile.txt")
-textFile <- function(sc, path, minPartitions = NULL) {
-  # Allow the user to have a more flexible definition of the text file path
-  path <- suppressWarnings(normalizePath(path))
-  # Convert a string vector of paths to a string containing comma separated paths
-  path <- paste(path, collapse = ",")
-  jrdd <- callJMethod(sc, "textFile", path, getMinPartitions(sc, minPartitions))
-  # jrdd is of type JavaRDD[String]
-  RDD(jrdd, "string")
-# Load an RDD saved as a SequenceFile containing serialized objects.
-# The file to be loaded should be one that was previously generated by calling
-# saveAsObjectFile() of the RDD class.
-# @param sc SparkContext to use
-# @param path Path of file to read. A vector of multiple paths is allowed.
-# @param minPartitions Minimum number of partitions to be created. If NULL, the default
-#  value is chosen based on available parallelism.
-# @return RDD containing serialized R objects.
-# @seealso saveAsObjectFile
-# @export
-# @examples
-#  sc <- sparkR.init()
-#  rdd <- objectFile(sc, "myfile")
-objectFile <- function(sc, path, minPartitions = NULL) {
-  # Allow the user to have a more flexible definition of the text file path
-  path <- suppressWarnings(normalizePath(path))
-  # Convert a string vector of paths to a string containing comma separated paths
-  path <- paste(path, collapse = ",")
-  jrdd <- callJMethod(sc, "objectFile", path, getMinPartitions(sc, minPartitions))
-  # Assume the RDD contains serialized R objects.
-  RDD(jrdd, "byte")
-# Create an RDD from a homogeneous list or vector.
-# This function creates an RDD from a local homogeneous list in R. The elements
-# in the list are split into \code{numSlices} slices and distributed to nodes
-# in the cluster.
-# @param sc SparkContext to use
-# @param coll collection to parallelize
-# @param numSlices number of partitions to create in the RDD
-# @return an RDD created from this collection
-# @export
-# @examples
-# sc <- sparkR.init()
-# rdd <- parallelize(sc, 1:10, 2)
-# # The RDD should contain 10 elements
-# length(rdd)
-parallelize <- function(sc, coll, numSlices = 1) {
-  # TODO: bound/safeguard numSlices
-  # TODO: unit tests for if the split works for all primitives
-  # TODO: support matrix, data frame, etc
-  if ((!is.list(coll) && !is.vector(coll)) || {
-    if ( {
-      message(paste("context.R: A data frame is parallelized by columns."))
-    } else {
-      if (is.matrix(coll)) {
-        message(paste("context.R: A matrix is parallelized by elements."))
-      } else {
-        message(paste("context.R: parallelize() currently only supports lists and vectors.",
-                      "Calling as.list() to coerce coll into a list."))
-      }
-    }
-    coll <- as.list(coll)
-  }
-  if (numSlices > length(coll))
-    numSlices <- length(coll)
-  sliceLen <- ceiling(length(coll) / numSlices)
-  slices <- split(coll, rep(1: (numSlices + 1), each = sliceLen)[1:length(coll)])
-  # Serialize each slice: obtain a list of raws, or a list of lists (slices) of
-  # 2-tuples of raws
-  serializedSlices <- lapply(slices, serialize, connection = NULL)
-  jrdd <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.api.r.RRDD",
-                      "createRDDFromArray", sc, serializedSlices)
-  RDD(jrdd, "byte")
-# Include this specified package on all workers
-# This function can be used to include a package on all workers before the
-# user's code is executed. This is useful in scenarios where other R package
-# functions are used in a function passed to functions like \code{lapply}.
-# NOTE: The package is assumed to be installed on every node in the Spark
-# cluster.
-# @param sc SparkContext to use
-# @param pkg Package name
-# @export
-# @examples
-#  library(Matrix)
-#  sc <- sparkR.init()
-#  # Include the matrix library we will be using
-#  includePackage(sc, Matrix)
-#  generateSparse <- function(x) {
-#    sparseMatrix(i=c(1, 2, 3), j=c(1, 2, 3), x=c(1, 2, 3))
-#  }
-#  rdd <- lapplyPartition(parallelize(sc, 1:2, 2L), generateSparse)
-#  collect(rdd)
-includePackage <- function(sc, pkg) {
-  pkg <- as.character(substitute(pkg))
-  if (exists(".packages", .sparkREnv)) {
-    packages <- .sparkREnv$.packages
-  } else {
-    packages <- list()
-  }
-  packages <- c(packages, pkg)
-  .sparkREnv$.packages <- packages
-# @title Broadcast a variable to all workers
-# @description
-# Broadcast a read-only variable to the cluster, returning a \code{Broadcast}
-# object for reading it in distributed functions.
-# @param sc Spark Context to use
-# @param object Object to be broadcast
-# @export
-# @examples
-# sc <- sparkR.init()
-# rdd <- parallelize(sc, 1:2, 2L)
-# # Large Matrix object that we want to broadcast
-# randomMat <- matrix(nrow=100, ncol=10, data=rnorm(1000))
-# randomMatBr <- broadcast(sc, randomMat)
-# # Use the broadcast variable inside the function
-# useBroadcast <- function(x) {
-#   sum(value(randomMatBr) * x)
-# }
-# sumRDD <- lapply(rdd, useBroadcast)
-broadcast <- function(sc, object) {
-  objName <- as.character(substitute(object))
-  serializedObj <- serialize(object, connection = NULL)
-  jBroadcast <- callJMethod(sc, "broadcast", serializedObj)
-  id <- as.character(callJMethod(jBroadcast, "id"))
-  Broadcast(id, object, jBroadcast, objName)
-# @title Set the checkpoint directory
-# Set the directory under which RDDs are going to be checkpointed. The
-# directory must be a HDFS path if running on a cluster.
-# @param sc Spark Context to use
-# @param dirName Directory path
-# @export
-# @examples
-# sc <- sparkR.init()
-# setCheckpointDir(sc, "~/checkpoint")
-# rdd <- parallelize(sc, 1:2, 2L)
-# checkpoint(rdd)
-setCheckpointDir <- function(sc, dirName) {
-  invisible(callJMethod(sc, "setCheckpointDir", suppressWarnings(normalizePath(dirName))))
diff --git a/sparkr-interpreter/src/main/resources/R/pkg/R/deserialize.R b/sparkr-interpreter/src/main/resources/R/pkg/R/deserialize.R
deleted file mode 100644
index c5bbd61..0000000
--- a/sparkr-interpreter/src/main/resources/R/pkg/R/deserialize.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Utility functions to deserialize objects from Java.
-# Type mapping from Java to R
-# void -> NULL
-# Int -> integer
-# String -> character
-# Boolean -> logical
-# Float -> double
-# Double -> double
-# Long -> double
-# Array[Byte] -> raw
-# Date -> Date
-# Time -> POSIXct
-# Array[T] -> list()
-# Object -> jobj
-readObject <- function(con) {
-  # Read type first
-  type <- readType(con)
-  readTypedObject(con, type)
-readTypedObject <- function(con, type) {
-  switch (type,
-    "i" = readInt(con),
-    "c" = readString(con),
-    "b" = readBoolean(con),
-    "d" = readDouble(con),
-    "r" = readRaw(con),
-    "D" = readDate(con),
-    "t" = readTime(con),
-    "l" = readList(con),
-    "n" = NULL,
-    "j" = getJobj(readString(con)),
-    stop(paste("Unsupported type for deserialization", type)))
-readString <- function(con) {
-  stringLen <- readInt(con)
-  string <- readBin(con, raw(), stringLen, endian = "big")
-  rawToChar(string)
-readInt <- function(con) {
-  readBin(con, integer(), n = 1, endian = "big")
-readDouble <- function(con) {
-  readBin(con, double(), n = 1, endian = "big")
-readBoolean <- function(con) {
-  as.logical(readInt(con))
-readType <- function(con) {
-  rawToChar(readBin(con, "raw", n = 1L))
-readDate <- function(con) {
-  as.Date(readString(con))
-readTime <- function(con) {
-  t <- readDouble(con)
-  as.POSIXct(t, origin = "1970-01-01")
-# We only support lists where all elements are of same type
-readList <- function(con) {
-  type <- readType(con)
-  len <- readInt(con)
-  if (len > 0) {
-    l <- vector("list", len)
-    for (i in 1:len) {
-      l[[i]] <- readTypedObject(con, type)
-    }
-    l
-  } else {
-    list()
-  }
-readRaw <- function(con) {
-  dataLen <- readInt(con)
-  readBin(con, raw(), as.integer(dataLen), endian = "big")
-readRawLen <- function(con, dataLen) {
-  readBin(con, raw(), as.integer(dataLen), endian = "big")
-readDeserialize <- function(con) {
-  # We have two cases that are possible - In one, the entire partition is
-  # encoded as a byte array, so we have only one value to read. If so just
-  # return firstData
-  dataLen <- readInt(con)
-  firstData <- unserialize(
-      readBin(con, raw(), as.integer(dataLen), endian = "big"))
-  # Else, read things into a list
-  dataLen <- readInt(con)
-  if (length(dataLen) > 0 && dataLen > 0) {
-    data <- list(firstData)
-    while (length(dataLen) > 0 && dataLen > 0) {
-      data[[length(data) + 1L]] <- unserialize(
-          readBin(con, raw(), as.integer(dataLen), endian = "big"))
-      dataLen <- readInt(con)
-    }
-    unlist(data, recursive = FALSE)
-  } else {
-    firstData
-  }
-readDeserializeRows <- function(inputCon) {
-  # readDeserializeRows will deserialize a DataOutputStream composed of
-  # a list of lists. Since the DOS is one continuous stream and
-  # the number of rows varies, we put the readRow function in a while loop
-  # that terminates when the next row is empty.
-  data <- list()
-  while(TRUE) {
-    row <- readRow(inputCon)
-    if (length(row) == 0) {
-      break
-    }
-    data[[length(data) + 1L]] <- row
-  }
-  data # this is a list of named lists now
-readRowList <- function(obj) {
-  # readRowList is meant for use inside an lapply. As a result, it is
-  # necessary to open a standalone connection for the row and consume
-  # the numCols bytes inside the read function in order to correctly
-  # deserialize the row.
-  rawObj <- rawConnection(obj, "r+")
-  on.exit(close(rawObj))
-  readRow(rawObj)
-readRow <- function(inputCon) {
-  numCols <- readInt(inputCon)
-  if (length(numCols) > 0 && numCols > 0) {
-    lapply(1:numCols, function(x) {
-      obj <- readObject(inputCon)
-      if (is.null(obj)) {
-        NA
-      } else {
-        obj
-      }
-    }) # each row is a list now
-  } else {
-    list()
-  }
-# Take a single column as Array[Byte] and deserialize it into an atomic vector
-readCol <- function(inputCon, numRows) {
-  if (numRows > 0) {
-    # sapply can not work with POSIXlt
-, lapply(1:numRows, function(x) {
-      value <- readObject(inputCon)
-      # Replace NULL with NA so we can coerce to vectors
-      if (is.null(value)) NA else value
-    }))
-  } else {
-    vector()
-  }
diff --git a/sparkr-interpreter/src/main/resources/R/pkg/R/functions.R b/sparkr-interpreter/src/main/resources/R/pkg/R/functions.R
deleted file mode 100644
index d848730..0000000
--- a/sparkr-interpreter/src/main/resources/R/pkg/R/functions.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1988 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-#' @include generics.R column.R
-#' Creates a \code{Column} of literal value.
-#' The passed in object is returned directly if it is already a \linkS4class{Column}.
-#' If the object is a Scala Symbol, it is converted into a \linkS4class{Column} also.
-#' Otherwise, a new \linkS4class{Column} is created to represent the literal value.
-#' @family normal_funcs
-#' @rdname lit
-#' @name lit
-#' @export
-setMethod("lit", signature("ANY"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions",
-                              "lit",
-                              ifelse(class(x) == "Column", x@jc, x))
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' abs
-#' Computes the absolute value.
-#' @rdname abs
-#' @name abs
-#' @family normal_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{abs(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "abs", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' acos
-#' Computes the cosine inverse of the given value; the returned angle is in the range
-#' 0.0 through pi.
-#' @rdname acos
-#' @name acos
-#' @family math_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{acos(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "acos", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' approxCountDistinct
-#' Aggregate function: returns the approximate number of distinct items in a group.
-#' @rdname approxCountDistinct
-#' @name approxCountDistinct
-#' @family agg_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{approxCountDistinct(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "approxCountDistinct", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' ascii
-#' Computes the numeric value of the first character of the string column, and returns the
-#' result as a int column.
-#' @rdname ascii
-#' @name ascii
-#' @family string_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{\dontrun{ascii(df$c)}}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "ascii", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' asin
-#' Computes the sine inverse of the given value; the returned angle is in the range
-#' -pi/2 through pi/2.
-#' @rdname asin
-#' @name asin
-#' @family math_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{asin(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "asin", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' atan
-#' Computes the tangent inverse of the given value.
-#' @rdname atan
-#' @name atan
-#' @family math_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{atan(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "atan", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' avg
-#' Aggregate function: returns the average of the values in a group.
-#' @rdname avg
-#' @name avg
-#' @family agg_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{avg(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "avg", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' base64
-#' Computes the BASE64 encoding of a binary column and returns it as a string column.
-#' This is the reverse of unbase64.
-#' @rdname base64
-#' @name base64
-#' @family string_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{base64(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "base64", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' bin
-#' An expression that returns the string representation of the binary value of the given long
-#' column. For example, bin("12") returns "1100".
-#' @rdname bin
-#' @name bin
-#' @family math_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{bin(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "bin", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' bitwiseNOT
-#' Computes bitwise NOT.
-#' @rdname bitwiseNOT
-#' @name bitwiseNOT
-#' @family normal_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{bitwiseNOT(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "bitwiseNOT", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' cbrt
-#' Computes the cube-root of the given value.
-#' @rdname cbrt
-#' @name cbrt
-#' @family math_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{cbrt(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "cbrt", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' ceil
-#' Computes the ceiling of the given value.
-#' @rdname ceil
-#' @name ceil
-#' @family math_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{ceil(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "ceil", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' cos
-#' Computes the cosine of the given value.
-#' @rdname cos
-#' @name cos
-#' @family math_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{cos(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "cos", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' cosh
-#' Computes the hyperbolic cosine of the given value.
-#' @rdname cosh
-#' @name cosh
-#' @family math_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{cosh(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "cosh", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' count
-#' Aggregate function: returns the number of items in a group.
-#' @rdname count
-#' @name count
-#' @family agg_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{count(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "count", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' crc32
-#' Calculates the cyclic redundancy check value  (CRC32) of a binary column and
-#' returns the value as a bigint.
-#' @rdname crc32
-#' @name crc32
-#' @family misc_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{crc32(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "crc32", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' dayofmonth
-#' Extracts the day of the month as an integer from a given date/timestamp/string.
-#' @rdname dayofmonth
-#' @name dayofmonth
-#' @family datetime_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{dayofmonth(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "dayofmonth", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' dayofyear
-#' Extracts the day of the year as an integer from a given date/timestamp/string.
-#' @rdname dayofyear
-#' @name dayofyear
-#' @family datetime_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{dayofyear(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "dayofyear", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' exp
-#' Computes the exponential of the given value.
-#' @rdname exp
-#' @name exp
-#' @family math_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{exp(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "exp", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' explode
-#' Creates a new row for each element in the given array or map column.
-#' @rdname explode
-#' @name explode
-#' @family collection_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{explode(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "explode", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' expm1
-#' Computes the exponential of the given value minus one.
-#' @rdname expm1
-#' @name expm1
-#' @family math_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{expm1(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "expm1", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' factorial
-#' Computes the factorial of the given value.
-#' @rdname factorial
-#' @name factorial
-#' @family math_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{factorial(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "factorial", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' first
-#' Aggregate function: returns the first value in a group.
-#' @rdname first
-#' @name first
-#' @family agg_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{first(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "first", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' floor
-#' Computes the floor of the given value.
-#' @rdname floor
-#' @name floor
-#' @family math_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{floor(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "floor", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' hex
-#' Computes hex value of the given column.
-#' @rdname hex
-#' @name hex
-#' @family math_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{hex(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "hex", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' hour
-#' Extracts the hours as an integer from a given date/timestamp/string.
-#' @rdname hour
-#' @name hour
-#' @family datetime_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{hour(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "hour", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' initcap
-#' Returns a new string column by converting the first letter of each word to uppercase.
-#' Words are delimited by whitespace.
-#' For example, "hello world" will become "Hello World".
-#' @rdname initcap
-#' @name initcap
-#' @family string_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{initcap(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "initcap", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' isNaN
-#' Return true iff the column is NaN.
-#' @rdname isNaN
-#' @name isNaN
-#' @family normal_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{isNaN(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "isNaN", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' last
-#' Aggregate function: returns the last value in a group.
-#' @rdname last
-#' @name last
-#' @family agg_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{last(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "last", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' last_day
-#' Given a date column, returns the last day of the month which the given date belongs to.
-#' For example, input "2015-07-27" returns "2015-07-31" since July 31 is the last day of the
-#' month in July 2015.
-#' @rdname last_day
-#' @name last_day
-#' @family datetime_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{last_day(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "last_day", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' length
-#' Computes the length of a given string or binary column.
-#' @rdname length
-#' @name length
-#' @family string_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{length(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "length", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' log
-#' Computes the natural logarithm of the given value.
-#' @rdname log
-#' @name log
-#' @family math_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{log(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "log", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' log10
-#' Computes the logarithm of the given value in base 10.
-#' @rdname log10
-#' @name log10
-#' @family math_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{log10(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "log10", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' log1p
-#' Computes the natural logarithm of the given value plus one.
-#' @rdname log1p
-#' @name log1p
-#' @family math_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{log1p(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "log1p", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' log2
-#' Computes the logarithm of the given column in base 2.
-#' @rdname log2
-#' @name log2
-#' @family math_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{log2(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "log2", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' lower
-#' Converts a string column to lower case.
-#' @rdname lower
-#' @name lower
-#' @family string_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{lower(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "lower", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' ltrim
-#' Trim the spaces from left end for the specified string value.
-#' @rdname ltrim
-#' @name ltrim
-#' @family string_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{ltrim(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "ltrim", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' max
-#' Aggregate function: returns the maximum value of the expression in a group.
-#' @rdname max
-#' @name max
-#' @family agg_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{max(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "max", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' md5
-#' Calculates the MD5 digest of a binary column and returns the value
-#' as a 32 character hex string.
-#' @rdname md5
-#' @name md5
-#' @family misc_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{md5(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "md5", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' mean
-#' Aggregate function: returns the average of the values in a group.
-#' Alias for avg.
-#' @rdname mean
-#' @name mean
-#' @family agg_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{mean(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "mean", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' min
-#' Aggregate function: returns the minimum value of the expression in a group.
-#' @rdname min
-#' @name min
-#' @family agg_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{min(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "min", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' minute
-#' Extracts the minutes as an integer from a given date/timestamp/string.
-#' @rdname minute
-#' @name minute
-#' @family datetime_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{minute(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "minute", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' month
-#' Extracts the month as an integer from a given date/timestamp/string.
-#' @rdname month
-#' @name month
-#' @family datetime_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{month(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "month", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' negate
-#' Unary minus, i.e. negate the expression.
-#' @rdname negate
-#' @name negate
-#' @family normal_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{negate(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "negate", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' quarter
-#' Extracts the quarter as an integer from a given date/timestamp/string.
-#' @rdname quarter
-#' @name quarter
-#' @family datetime_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{quarter(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "quarter", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' reverse
-#' Reverses the string column and returns it as a new string column.
-#' @rdname reverse
-#' @name reverse
-#' @family string_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{reverse(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "reverse", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' rint
-#' Returns the double value that is closest in value to the argument and
-#' is equal to a mathematical integer.
-#' @rdname rint
-#' @name rint
-#' @family math_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{rint(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "rint", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' round
-#' Returns the value of the column `e` rounded to 0 decimal places.
-#' @rdname round
-#' @name round
-#' @family math_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{round(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "round", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' rtrim
-#' Trim the spaces from right end for the specified string value.
-#' @rdname rtrim
-#' @name rtrim
-#' @family string_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{rtrim(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "rtrim", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' second
-#' Extracts the seconds as an integer from a given date/timestamp/string.
-#' @rdname second
-#' @name second
-#' @family datetime_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{second(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "second", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' sha1
-#' Calculates the SHA-1 digest of a binary column and returns the value
-#' as a 40 character hex string.
-#' @rdname sha1
-#' @name sha1
-#' @family misc_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{sha1(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "sha1", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' signum
-#' Computes the signum of the given value.
-#' @rdname signum
-#' @name signum
-#' @family math_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{signum(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "signum", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' sin
-#' Computes the sine of the given value.
-#' @rdname sin
-#' @name sin
-#' @family math_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{sin(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "sin", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' sinh
-#' Computes the hyperbolic sine of the given value.
-#' @rdname sinh
-#' @name sinh
-#' @family math_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{sinh(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "sinh", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' size
-#' Returns length of array or map.
-#' @rdname size
-#' @name size
-#' @family collection_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{size(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "size", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' soundex
-#' Return the soundex code for the specified expression.
-#' @rdname soundex
-#' @name soundex
-#' @family string_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{soundex(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "soundex", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' sqrt
-#' Computes the square root of the specified float value.
-#' @rdname sqrt
-#' @name sqrt
-#' @family math_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{sqrt(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "sqrt", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' sum
-#' Aggregate function: returns the sum of all values in the expression.
-#' @rdname sum
-#' @name sum
-#' @family agg_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{sum(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "sum", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' sumDistinct
-#' Aggregate function: returns the sum of distinct values in the expression.
-#' @rdname sumDistinct
-#' @name sumDistinct
-#' @family agg_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{sumDistinct(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "sumDistinct", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' tan
-#' Computes the tangent of the given value.
-#' @rdname tan
-#' @name tan
-#' @family math_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{tan(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "tan", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' tanh
-#' Computes the hyperbolic tangent of the given value.
-#' @rdname tanh
-#' @name tanh
-#' @family math_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{tanh(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "tanh", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' toDegrees
-#' Converts an angle measured in radians to an approximately equivalent angle measured in degrees.
-#' @rdname toDegrees
-#' @name toDegrees
-#' @family math_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{toDegrees(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "toDegrees", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' toRadians
-#' Converts an angle measured in degrees to an approximately equivalent angle measured in radians.
-#' @rdname toRadians
-#' @name toRadians
-#' @family math_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{toRadians(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "toRadians", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' to_date
-#' Converts the column into DateType.
-#' @rdname to_date
-#' @name to_date
-#' @family datetime_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{to_date(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "to_date", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' trim
-#' Trim the spaces from both ends for the specified string column.
-#' @rdname trim
-#' @name trim
-#' @family string_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{trim(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "trim", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' unbase64
-#' Decodes a BASE64 encoded string column and returns it as a binary column.
-#' This is the reverse of base64.
-#' @rdname unbase64
-#' @name unbase64
-#' @family string_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{unbase64(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "unbase64", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' unhex
-#' Inverse of hex. Interprets each pair of characters as a hexadecimal number
-#' and converts to the byte representation of number.
-#' @rdname unhex
-#' @name unhex
-#' @family math_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{unhex(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "unhex", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' upper
-#' Converts a string column to upper case.
-#' @rdname upper
-#' @name upper
-#' @family string_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{upper(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "upper", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' weekofyear
-#' Extracts the week number as an integer from a given date/timestamp/string.
-#' @rdname weekofyear
-#' @name weekofyear
-#' @family datetime_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{weekofyear(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "weekofyear", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' year
-#' Extracts the year as an integer from a given date/timestamp/string.
-#' @rdname year
-#' @name year
-#' @family datetime_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{year(df$c)}
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "year", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' atan2
-#' Returns the angle theta from the conversion of rectangular coordinates (x, y) to
-#' polar coordinates (r, theta).
-#' @rdname atan2
-#' @name atan2
-#' @family math_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{atan2(df$c, x)}
-setMethod("atan2", signature(y = "Column"),
-          function(y, x) {
-            if (class(x) == "Column") {
-              x <- x@jc
-            }
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "atan2", y@jc, x)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' datediff
-#' Returns the number of days from `start` to `end`.
-#' @rdname datediff
-#' @name datediff
-#' @family datetime_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{datediff(df$c, x)}
-setMethod("datediff", signature(y = "Column"),
-          function(y, x) {
-            if (class(x) == "Column") {
-              x <- x@jc
-            }
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "datediff", y@jc, x)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' hypot
-#' Computes `sqrt(a^2^ + b^2^)` without intermediate overflow or underflow.
-#' @rdname hypot
-#' @name hypot
-#' @family math_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{hypot(df$c, x)}
-setMethod("hypot", signature(y = "Column"),
-          function(y, x) {
-            if (class(x) == "Column") {
-              x <- x@jc
-            }
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "hypot", y@jc, x)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' levenshtein
-#' Computes the Levenshtein distance of the two given string columns.
-#' @rdname levenshtein
-#' @name levenshtein
-#' @family string_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{levenshtein(df$c, x)}
-setMethod("levenshtein", signature(y = "Column"),
-          function(y, x) {
-            if (class(x) == "Column") {
-              x <- x@jc
-            }
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "levenshtein", y@jc, x)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' months_between
-#' Returns number of months between dates `date1` and `date2`.
-#' @rdname months_between
-#' @name months_between
-#' @family datetime_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{months_between(df$c, x)}
-setMethod("months_between", signature(y = "Column"),
-          function(y, x) {
-            if (class(x) == "Column") {
-              x <- x@jc
-            }
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "months_between", y@jc, x)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' nanvl
-#' Returns col1 if it is not NaN, or col2 if col1 is NaN.
-#' hhBoth inputs should be floating point columns (DoubleType or FloatType).
-#' @rdname nanvl
-#' @name nanvl
-#' @family normal_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{nanvl(df$c, x)}
-setMethod("nanvl", signature(y = "Column"),
-          function(y, x) {
-            if (class(x) == "Column") {
-              x <- x@jc
-            }
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "nanvl", y@jc, x)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' pmod
-#' Returns the positive value of dividend mod divisor.
-#' @rdname pmod
-#' @name pmod
-#' @docType methods
-#' @family math_funcs
-#' @export
-#' @examples \dontrun{pmod(df$c, x)}
-setMethod("pmod", signature(y = "Column"),
-          function(y, x) {
-            if (class(x) == "Column") {
-              x <- x@jc
-            }
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "pmod", y@jc, x)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' Approx Count Distinct
-#' @family agg_funcs
-#' @rdname approxCountDistinct
-#' @name approxCountDistinct
-#' @return the approximate number of distinct items in a group.
-#' @export
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x, rsd = 0.95) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "approxCountDistinct", x@jc, rsd)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' Count Distinct
-#' @family agg_funcs
-#' @rdname countDistinct
-#' @name countDistinct
-#' @return the number of distinct items in a group.
-#' @export
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x, ...) {
-            jcol <- lapply(list(...), function (x) {
-              x@jc
-            })
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "countDistinct", x@jc,
-                              listToSeq(jcol))
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' concat
-#' Concatenates multiple input string columns together into a single string column.
-#' @family string_funcs
-#' @rdname concat
-#' @name concat
-#' @export
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x, ...) {
-            jcols <- lapply(list(x, ...), function(x) { x@jc })
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "concat", listToSeq(jcols))
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' greatest
-#' Returns the greatest value of the list of column names, skipping null values.
-#' This function takes at least 2 parameters. It will return null if all parameters are null.
-#' @family normal_funcs
-#' @rdname greatest
-#' @name greatest
-#' @export
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x, ...) {
-            stopifnot(length(list(...)) > 0)
-            jcols <- lapply(list(x, ...), function(x) { x@jc })
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "greatest", listToSeq(jcols))
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' least
-#' Returns the least value of the list of column names, skipping null values.
-#' This function takes at least 2 parameters. It will return null iff all parameters are null.
-#' @family normal_funcs
-#' @rdname least
-#' @name least
-#' @export
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x, ...) {
-            stopifnot(length(list(...)) > 0)
-            jcols <- lapply(list(x, ...), function(x) { x@jc })
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "least", listToSeq(jcols))
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' ceiling
-#' Computes the ceiling of the given value.
-#' @family math_funcs
-#' @rdname ceil
-#' @name ceil
-#' @aliases ceil
-#' @export
-          signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            ceil(x)
-          })
-#' sign
-#' Computes the signum of the given value.
-#' @family math_funcs
-#' @rdname signum
-#' @name signum
-#' @aliases signum
-#' @export
-setMethod("sign", signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            signum(x)
-          })
-#' n_distinct
-#' Aggregate function: returns the number of distinct items in a group.
-#' @family agg_funcs
-#' @rdname countDistinct
-#' @name countDistinct
-#' @aliases countDistinct
-#' @export
-setMethod("n_distinct", signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x, ...) {
-            countDistinct(x, ...)
-          })
-#' n
-#' Aggregate function: returns the number of items in a group.
-#' @family agg_funcs
-#' @rdname count
-#' @name count
-#' @aliases count
-#' @export
-setMethod("n", signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x) {
-            count(x)
-          })
-#' date_format
-#' Converts a date/timestamp/string to a value of string in the format specified by the date
-#' format given by the second argument.
-#' A pattern could be for instance \preformatted{dd.MM.yyyy} and could return a string like '18.03.1993'. All
-#' pattern letters of \code{java.text.SimpleDateFormat} can be used.
-#' NOTE: Use when ever possible specialized functions like \code{year}. These benefit from a
-#' specialized implementation.
-#' @family datetime_funcs
-#' @rdname date_format
-#' @name date_format
-#' @export
-setMethod("date_format", signature(y = "Column", x = "character"),
-          function(y, x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "date_format", y@jc, x)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' from_utc_timestamp
-#' Assumes given timestamp is UTC and converts to given timezone.
-#' @family datetime_funcs
-#' @rdname from_utc_timestamp
-#' @name from_utc_timestamp
-#' @export
-setMethod("from_utc_timestamp", signature(y = "Column", x = "character"),
-          function(y, x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "from_utc_timestamp", y@jc, x)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' instr
-#' Locate the position of the first occurrence of substr column in the given string.
-#' Returns null if either of the arguments are null.
-#' NOTE: The position is not zero based, but 1 based index, returns 0 if substr
-#' could not be found in str.
-#' @family string_funcs
-#' @rdname instr
-#' @name instr
-#' @export
-setMethod("instr", signature(y = "Column", x = "character"),
-          function(y, x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "instr", y@jc, x)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' next_day
-#' Given a date column, returns the first date which is later than the value of the date column
-#' that is on the specified day of the week.
-#' For example, \code{next_day('2015-07-27', "Sunday")} returns 2015-08-02 because that is the first
-#' Sunday after 2015-07-27.
-#' Day of the week parameter is case insensitive, and accepts:
-#' "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun".
-#' @family datetime_funcs
-#' @rdname next_day
-#' @name next_day
-#' @export
-setMethod("next_day", signature(y = "Column", x = "character"),
-          function(y, x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "next_day", y@jc, x)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' to_utc_timestamp
-#' Assumes given timestamp is in given timezone and converts to UTC.
-#' @family datetime_funcs
-#' @rdname to_utc_timestamp
-#' @name to_utc_timestamp
-#' @export
-setMethod("to_utc_timestamp", signature(y = "Column", x = "character"),
-          function(y, x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "to_utc_timestamp", y@jc, x)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' add_months
-#' Returns the date that is numMonths after startDate.
-#' @name add_months
-#' @family datetime_funcs
-#' @rdname add_months
-#' @name add_months
-#' @export
-setMethod("add_months", signature(y = "Column", x = "numeric"),
-          function(y, x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "add_months", y@jc, as.integer(x))
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' date_add
-#' Returns the date that is `days` days after `start`
-#' @family datetime_funcs
-#' @rdname date_add
-#' @name date_add
-#' @export
-setMethod("date_add", signature(y = "Column", x = "numeric"),
-          function(y, x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "date_add", y@jc, as.integer(x))
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' date_sub
-#' Returns the date that is `days` days before `start`
-#' @family datetime_funcs
-#' @rdname date_sub
-#' @name date_sub
-#' @export
-setMethod("date_sub", signature(y = "Column", x = "numeric"),
-          function(y, x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "date_sub", y@jc, as.integer(x))
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' format_number
-#' Formats numeric column x to a format like '#,###,###.##', rounded to d decimal places,
-#' and returns the result as a string column.
-#' If d is 0, the result has no decimal point or fractional part.
-#' If d < 0, the result will be null.'
-#' @family string_funcs
-#' @rdname format_number
-#' @name format_number
-#' @export
-setMethod("format_number", signature(y = "Column", x = "numeric"),
-          function(y, x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions",
-                              "format_number",
-                              y@jc, as.integer(x))
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' sha2
-#' Calculates the SHA-2 family of hash functions of a binary column and
-#' returns the value as a hex string.
-#' @param y column to compute SHA-2 on.
-#' @param x one of 224, 256, 384, or 512.
-#' @family misc_funcs
-#' @rdname sha2
-#' @name sha2
-#' @export
-setMethod("sha2", signature(y = "Column", x = "numeric"),
-          function(y, x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "sha2", y@jc, as.integer(x))
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' shiftLeft
-#' Shift the the given value numBits left. If the given value is a long value, this function
-#' will return a long value else it will return an integer value.
-#' @family math_funcs
-#' @rdname shiftLeft
-#' @name shiftLeft
-#' @export
-setMethod("shiftLeft", signature(y = "Column", x = "numeric"),
-          function(y, x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions",
-                              "shiftLeft",
-                              y@jc, as.integer(x))
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' shiftRight
-#' Shift the the given value numBits right. If the given value is a long value, it will return
-#' a long value else it will return an integer value.
-#' @family math_funcs
-#' @rdname shiftRight
-#' @name shiftRight
-#' @export
-setMethod("shiftRight", signature(y = "Column", x = "numeric"),
-          function(y, x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions",
-                              "shiftRight",
-                              y@jc, as.integer(x))
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' shiftRightUnsigned
-#' Unsigned shift the the given value numBits right. If the given value is a long value,
-#' it will return a long value else it will return an integer value.
-#' @family math_funcs
-#' @rdname shiftRightUnsigned
-#' @name shiftRightUnsigned
-#' @export
-setMethod("shiftRightUnsigned", signature(y = "Column", x = "numeric"),
-          function(y, x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions",
-                              "shiftRightUnsigned",
-                              y@jc, as.integer(x))
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' concat_ws
-#' Concatenates multiple input string columns together into a single string column,
-#' using the given separator.
-#' @family string_funcs
-#' @rdname concat_ws
-#' @name concat_ws
-#' @export
-setMethod("concat_ws", signature(sep = "character", x = "Column"),
-          function(sep, x, ...) {
-            jcols <- listToSeq(lapply(list(x, ...), function(x) { x@jc }))
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "concat_ws", sep, jcols)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' conv
-#' Convert a number in a string column from one base to another.
-#' @family math_funcs
-#' @rdname conv
-#' @name conv
-#' @export
-setMethod("conv", signature(x = "Column", fromBase = "numeric", toBase = "numeric"),
-          function(x, fromBase, toBase) {
-            fromBase <- as.integer(fromBase)
-            toBase <- as.integer(toBase)
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions",
-                              "conv",
-                              x@jc, fromBase, toBase)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' expr
-#' Parses the expression string into the column that it represents, similar to
-#' DataFrame.selectExpr
-#' @family normal_funcs
-#' @rdname expr
-#' @name expr
-#' @export
-setMethod("expr", signature(x = "character"),
-          function(x) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "expr", x)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' format_string
-#' Formats the arguments in printf-style and returns the result as a string column.
-#' @family string_funcs
-#' @rdname format_string
-#' @name format_string
-#' @export
-setMethod("format_string", signature(format = "character", x = "Column"),
-          function(format, x, ...) {
-            jcols <- listToSeq(lapply(list(x, ...), function(arg) { arg@jc }))
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions",
-                              "format_string",
-                              format, jcols)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' from_unixtime
-#' Converts the number of seconds from unix epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC) to a string
-#' representing the timestamp of that moment in the current system time zone in the given
-#' format.
-#' @family datetime_funcs
-#' @rdname from_unixtime
-#' @name from_unixtime
-#' @export
-setMethod("from_unixtime", signature(x = "Column"),
-          function(x, format = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions",
-                              "from_unixtime",
-                              x@jc, format)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' locate
-#' Locate the position of the first occurrence of substr.
-#' NOTE: The position is not zero based, but 1 based index, returns 0 if substr
-#' could not be found in str.
-#' @family string_funcs
-#' @rdname locate
-#' @name locate
-#' @export
-setMethod("locate", signature(substr = "character", str = "Column"),
-          function(substr, str, pos = 0) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions",
-                              "locate",
-                              substr, str@jc, as.integer(pos))
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' lpad
-#' Left-pad the string column with
-#' @family string_funcs
-#' @rdname lpad
-#' @name lpad
-#' @export
-setMethod("lpad", signature(x = "Column", len = "numeric", pad = "character"),
-          function(x, len, pad) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions",
-                              "lpad",
-                              x@jc, as.integer(len), pad)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' rand
-#' Generate a random column with i.i.d. samples from U[0.0, 1.0].
-#' @family normal_funcs
-#' @rdname rand
-#' @name rand
-#' @export
-setMethod("rand", signature(seed = "missing"),
-          function(seed) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "rand")
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' @family normal_funcs
-#' @rdname rand
-#' @name rand
-#' @export
-setMethod("rand", signature(seed = "numeric"),
-          function(seed) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "rand", as.integer(seed))
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' randn
-#' Generate a column with i.i.d. samples from the standard normal distribution.
-#' @family normal_funcs
-#' @rdname randn
-#' @name randn
-#' @export
-setMethod("randn", signature(seed = "missing"),
-          function(seed) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "randn")
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' @family normal_funcs
-#' @rdname randn
-#' @name randn
-#' @export
-setMethod("randn", signature(seed = "numeric"),
-          function(seed) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "randn", as.integer(seed))
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' regexp_extract
-#' Extract a specific(idx) group identified by a java regex, from the specified string column.
-#' @family string_funcs
-#' @rdname regexp_extract
-#' @name regexp_extract
-#' @export
-          signature(x = "Column", pattern = "character", idx = "numeric"),
-          function(x, pattern, idx) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions",
-                              "regexp_extract",
-                              x@jc, pattern, as.integer(idx))
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' regexp_replace
-#' Replace all substrings of the specified string value that match regexp with rep.
-#' @family string_funcs
-#' @rdname regexp_replace
-#' @name regexp_replace
-#' @export
-          signature(x = "Column", pattern = "character", replacement = "character"),
-          function(x, pattern, replacement) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions",
-                              "regexp_replace",
-                              x@jc, pattern, replacement)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' rpad
-#' Right-padded with pad to a length of len.
-#' @family string_funcs
-#' @rdname rpad
-#' @name rpad
-#' @export
-setMethod("rpad", signature(x = "Column", len = "numeric", pad = "character"),
-          function(x, len, pad) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions",
-                              "rpad",
-                              x@jc, as.integer(len), pad)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' substring_index
-#' Returns the substring from string str before count occurrences of the delimiter delim.
-#' If count is positive, everything the left of the final delimiter (counting from left) is
-#' returned. If count is negative, every to the right of the final delimiter (counting from the
-#' right) is returned. substring <- index performs a case-sensitive match when searching for delim.
-#' @family string_funcs
-#' @rdname substring_index
-#' @name substring_index
-#' @export
-          signature(x = "Column", delim = "character", count = "numeric"),
-          function(x, delim, count) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions",
-                              "substring_index",
-                              x@jc, delim, as.integer(count))
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' translate
-#' Translate any character in the src by a character in replaceString.
-#' The characters in replaceString is corresponding to the characters in matchingString.
-#' The translate will happen when any character in the string matching with the character
-#' in the matchingString.
-#' @family string_funcs
-#' @rdname translate
-#' @name translate
-#' @export
-          signature(x = "Column", matchingString = "character", replaceString = "character"),
-          function(x, matchingString, replaceString) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions",
-                              "translate", x@jc, matchingString, replaceString)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' unix_timestamp
-#' Gets current Unix timestamp in seconds.
-#' @family datetime_funcs
-#' @rdname unix_timestamp
-#' @name unix_timestamp
-#' @export
-setMethod("unix_timestamp", signature(x = "missing", format = "missing"),
-          function(x, format) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "unix_timestamp")
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' @family datetime_funcs
-#' @rdname unix_timestamp
-#' @name unix_timestamp
-#' @export
-setMethod("unix_timestamp", signature(x = "Column", format = "missing"),
-          function(x, format) {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "unix_timestamp", x@jc)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' @family datetime_funcs
-#' @rdname unix_timestamp
-#' @name unix_timestamp
-#' @export
-setMethod("unix_timestamp", signature(x = "Column", format = "character"),
-          function(x, format = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") {
-            jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "unix_timestamp", x@jc, format)
-            column(jc)
-          })
-#' when
-#' Evaluates a list of conditions and returns one of multiple possible result expressions.
-#' For unmatched expressions null is returned.
-#' @family normal_funcs
-#' @rdname when
-#' @name when
-#' @export
-setMethod("when", signature(condition = "Column", value = "ANY"),
-          function(condition, value) {
-              condition <- condition@jc
-              value <- ifelse(class(value) == "Column", value@jc, value)
-              jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "when", condition, value)
-              column(jc)
-          })
-#' ifelse
-#' Evaluates a list of conditions and returns \code{yes} if the conditions are satisfied.
-#' Otherwise \code{no} is returned for unmatched conditions.
-#' @family normal_funcs
-#' @rdname ifelse
-#' @name ifelse
-#' @export
-          signature(test = "Column", yes = "ANY", no = "ANY"),
-          function(test, yes, no) {
-              test <- test@jc
-              yes <- ifelse(class(yes) == "Column", yes@jc, yes)
-              no <- ifelse(class(no) == "Column", no@jc, no)
-              jc <- callJMethod(callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions",
-                                            "when",
-                                            test, yes),
-                                "otherwise", no)
-              column(jc)
-          })