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Posted to by götz gärtner <> on 2005/06/21 22:57:06 UTC

Euro Symbol in HSSFDataFormat

I'm a newbie to mailing list how do I search for specific topic. To get 
the Mails
to this topic. Even if there are old.

Excuse, there was an discussion on the mailing list.
But I haven't found them again.
All suggestions which were made, doesn't work.
So how to format Currency that won't use $ .
Is there an known format descripition to get the Euro Currency Smbol
1 .HSSFDataFormat.getFormat("#.00\u20AC). won't work symbol for 00AC occurs
2. HSSFDataFormat.getFormat("#.00\u0080) won't work (0080 Euro Symbol in 
3 . HSSFDataFormat.getFormat("#.##0 [$€-2] ) not tested yet (in Exel 
2000 will produce the euro symbol in userdefined format)
To 3.
that's real edge brackets and the dollar Symbol then the Euro Symbol 
minus 2.
that's what my Excel Version 2000 Professional German makes if i will 
the cell as userdefined format for Euro.
To 3 I think poi will have the same problem which it has with number one.
Some times the syntax of Excel seems to be strange, because
[] this is normally conditional formatting.

Any suggestions about this topic are welcome.

I' ve also tried to get into the poi source but there I need more time 
to understand
the source and it nuts and bolts. In ExtendedRecordSet seems to be the 
formatting field and
there are some conversions with LittelEndian. But why some of this 
conversions happens I haven't
understand. because there are bigger fields and then arrays would be 
generate and converted into smaller values. The details at this point 
are littel bit confusing. I' think I have to less information to 
understand this, at this point of working into the source.

Thx Götz

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