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Posted to by Bhavin Pandya <> on 2011/11/21 06:23:54 UTC

How to return response with 200 code in case security failure


I am using "UsernameToken" based security filter to prevent unauthorized request to my web services.

I have configured <jaxws:outFaultInterceptors>" to "CustomSoapFaultOutInterceptor" which extends "AbstractPhaseInterceptor <Message>",   in my cxf-server.xml

What I want to do is return my own response with status code 200 instead of 500.

Here is how looks like.

public void handleMessage ( Message message ) throws Fault


        Fault fault = ( Fault ) message.getContent ( Exception.class );

        Throwable ex = fault.getCause ( );

        if ( ex instanceof WSSecurityException )


            HttpServletResponse response =

                ( HttpServletResponse ) message.getExchange ( ).getInMessage ( ).get (

                    AbstractHTTPDestination.HTTP_RESPONSE );

            response.setStatus ( 200 );

             String Message = "You are not authorized";
    response.getOutputStream ( ).write ( Message.getBytes ( ) );

     response.getOutputStream ( ).flush ( );

            message.getInterceptorChain ( ).abort ( );



Here is the response which I am getting in case of security failure with status code as 200.

You are not authorized

I want response something like,

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">


      <ns3:SecurityServiceResponse xmlns="http://..../types" xmlns:ns2="http://...../types" xmlns:ns3="http://....../endpoint">



         <ResponseMessage>You are not authorized</ResponseMessage>

      </ns3: SecurityServiceResponse>



If I don't configure "CustomSoapFaultOutInterceptor" then I am getting "Soap Fault" with status code 500 but I want normal response with status code 200 and my own customized message similar to above.

