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Posted to by Simon Fell <> on 2005/10/04 05:03:07 UTC

[axis2] client code

I couldn't spot an obvious tutorial or sample for a doc/literal client generated from WSDL, so this is what i ended up with, but it seems very verbose, is there some trick I'm missing ? (there's 23 lines of code to make 2 WS call, the second call requiring a single header, the equivilent Axis 1.1 code is 7 lines, so that's a 3x "improvement" <g>)

Whats with the double nested objects for headers and request bodies ?

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
	SoapStub stub = new SoapStub();
	CallOptionsDocument od = CallOptionsDocument.Factory.newInstance();
	CallOptions options = CallOptions.Factory.newInstance();
	Login l = Login.Factory.newInstance();
	LoginDocument ld = LoginDocument.Factory.newInstance();
	LoginResult lr = stub.login(ld, od).getLoginResponse().getResult();
	System.out.println("new SessionId is " + lr.getSessionId());
	System.out.println("new ServerUrl is " + lr.getServerUrl());
	stub = new SoapStub(null, lr.getServerUrl());
	SessionHeaderDocument sd = SessionHeaderDocument.Factory.newInstance();
	SessionHeader session = SessionHeader.Factory.newInstance();
	QueryOptionsDocument qod = QueryOptionsDocument.Factory.newInstance();
	QueryOptions qo = QueryOptions.Factory.newInstance();
	QueryDocument queryD = QueryDocument.Factory.newInstance();
	Query query = Query.Factory.newInstance();
	query.setQueryString("select id, name, accountNumber from Account");
	QueryResult qres = stub.query(queryD, sd, od, qod).getQueryResponse().getResult();
	System.out.println("total query size is " + qres.getSize());