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Posted to by ant elder <> on 2007/09/05 11:49:46 UTC

Lots of JIRAs to be done by 1.0

We've 54 open JIRAs targeted for the SCA 1.0 release and just over one week
left before the first 1.0 RC, and there's 56 JIRAs in SCA-Next which likely
some of them may need to moved to 1.0. It may be time to start focusing on
JIRAs instead of new function if we're to get most of those resolved.

JIRAs targeted for 1.0:

Open JIRAs not targeted for 1.0:

If you see a JIRA in 1.0 that could be differed then change the Fix version
to Java-SCA-Next, if there's a JIRA in Java-SCA-Next that you think needs to
get done for 1.0 change the Fix version to Java-SCA-1.0 so it doesn't miss
getting done.
