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Posted to by Erich Weidner <> on 2003/07/11 16:40:52 UTC

[users@httpd] Dav works, but not on ~user director, help please...


I'm trying to get WebDav working on a home directories public_html
I'm sucessfully able to access via. DAV (from Macromedia Dreamweaver 4),
the main site using a directory directive (see below)

I'm running SuSE 8.2 Pro, Apache2. Everything is patched via. YOU.

#Below, snippits from httpd.conf

<Directory /srv/www/caf>
        Dav On

        AuthType Basic
        AuthName DAV
        AuthUserFile .www.passwd

        <LimitExcept GET POST>
                require user bosswww

This one works for two different users who can edit this directories

<Directory /srv/www/caf/roster>
        Dav On
        AuthType Basic
        AuthName "Use Username given you and the password"
        AUTHUserFile .www.passwd

        <LimitExcept GET>
                require valid-user


but not this one, (which I would really like to be able to do, to offer
folks the ability to edit their own websites with DAV applications).

#<Directory /home/mettius/public_html>
       Dav On
       AuthType Basic
       AuthName "Use Username bob and the password"
       AUTHUserFile .bob.passwd

       <LimitExcept GET>
               require valid-user

I've googled for hours trying to find a solution...

Ive also tried opening file permissions wide open (777) on the
public_html directory, but no joy. (Note: Though the statements for the
roster dirctory and the public_html directory look identical to me
execpt for their location, they behave differently.

I get this in my logs... when I try to "Put" a file via. Dreamweaver

#Access Log - - [10/Jul/2003:15:17:06 -0500] "PROPFIND
/%7Emettius/cafcon2e.html HTTP/1.1" 405 989 - - [10/Jul/2003:15:17:06 -0500] "PROPFIND
/%7Emettius/cafcon2e.html HTTP/1.1" 405 989 - - [10/Jul/2003:15:17:06 -0500] "LOCK
/%7Emettius/cafcon2e.html HTTP/1.1" 403 1048

#Error Log
[Thu Jul 10 15:17:06 2003] [error] [client] client denied by
server configuration: /home/mettius/public_html/cafcon2e.html

