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Posted to by on 2014/04/13 03:07:45 UTC

[03/53] [abbrv] [partial] CB-6440 create - use shelljs rather than custom copy function
diff --git a/blackberry10/node_modules/plugman/node_modules/xcode/node_modules/pegjs/examples/json.pegjs b/blackberry10/node_modules/plugman/node_modules/xcode/node_modules/pegjs/examples/json.pegjs
deleted file mode 100644
index f2a34b1..0000000
--- a/blackberry10/node_modules/plugman/node_modules/xcode/node_modules/pegjs/examples/json.pegjs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-/* JSON parser based on the grammar described at */
-/* ===== Syntactical Elements ===== */
-  = _ object:object { return object; }
-  = "{" _ "}" _                 { return {};      }
-  / "{" _ members:members "}" _ { return members; }
-  = head:pair tail:("," _ pair)* {
-      var result = {};
-      result[head[0]] = head[1];
-      for (var i = 0; i < tail.length; i++) {
-        result[tail[i][2][0]] = tail[i][2][1];
-      }
-      return result;
-    }
-  = name:string ":" _ value:value { return [name, value]; }
-  = "[" _ "]" _                   { return [];       }
-  / "[" _ elements:elements "]" _ { return elements; }
-  = head:value tail:("," _ value)* {
-      var result = [head];
-      for (var i = 0; i < tail.length; i++) {
-        result.push(tail[i][2]);
-      }
-      return result;
-    }
-  = string
-  / number
-  / object
-  / array
-  / "true" _  { return true;   }
-  / "false" _ { return false;  }
-  // FIXME: We can't return null here because that would mean parse failure.
-  / "null" _  { return "null"; }
-/* ===== Lexical Elements ===== */
-string "string"
-  = '"' '"' _             { return "";    }
-  / '"' chars:chars '"' _ { return chars; }
-  = chars:char+ { return chars.join(""); }
-  // In the original JSON grammar: "any-Unicode-character-except-"-or-\-or-control-character"
-  = [^"\\\0-\x1F\x7f]
-  / '\\"'  { return '"';  }
-  / "\\\\" { return "\\"; }
-  / "\\/"  { return "/";  }
-  / "\\b"  { return "\b"; }
-  / "\\f"  { return "\f"; }
-  / "\\n"  { return "\n"; }
-  / "\\r"  { return "\r"; }
-  / "\\t"  { return "\t"; }
-  / "\\u" h1:hexDigit h2:hexDigit h3:hexDigit h4:hexDigit {
-      return String.fromCharCode(parseInt("0x" + h1 + h2 + h3 + h4));
-    }
-number "number"
-  = int_:int frac:frac exp:exp _ { return parseFloat(int_ + frac + exp); }
-  / int_:int frac:frac _         { return parseFloat(int_ + frac);       }
-  / int_:int exp:exp _           { return parseFloat(int_ + exp);        }
-  / int_:int _                   { return parseFloat(int_);              }
-  = digit19:digit19 digits:digits     { return digit19 + digits;       }
-  / digit:digit
-  / "-" digit19:digit19 digits:digits { return "-" + digit19 + digits; }
-  / "-" digit:digit                   { return "-" + digit;            }
-  = "." digits:digits { return "." + digits; }
-  = e:e digits:digits { return e + digits; }
-  = digits:digit+ { return digits.join(""); }
-  = e:[eE] sign:[+-]? { return e + sign; }
- * The following rules are not present in the original JSON gramar, but they are
- * assumed to exist implicitly.
- *
- * FIXME: Define them according to ECMA-262, 5th ed.
- */
-  = [0-9]
-  = [1-9]
-  = [0-9a-fA-F]
-/* ===== Whitespace ===== */
-_ "whitespace"
-  = whitespace*
-// Whitespace is undefined in the original JSON grammar, so I assume a simple
-// conventional definition consistent with ECMA-262, 5th ed.
-  = [ \t\n\r]