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[1/4] incubator-quickstep git commit: Added PRIORITY clause in parser.

Repository: incubator-quickstep
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/parser-priority-clause [created] 604ed99b7
diff --git a/parser/preprocessed/SqlParser_gen.hpp b/parser/preprocessed/SqlParser_gen.hpp
index 71e4332..13c425b 100644
--- a/parser/preprocessed/SqlParser_gen.hpp
+++ b/parser/preprocessed/SqlParser_gen.hpp
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-/* A Bison parser, made by GNU Bison 3.0.4.  */
+/* A Bison parser, made by GNU Bison 2.7.  */
 /* Bison interface for Yacc-like parsers in C
-   Copyright (C) 1984, 1989-1990, 2000-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+      Copyright (C) 1984, 1989-1990, 2000-2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.
    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <>.  */
@@ -26,13 +26,13 @@
    special exception, which will cause the skeleton and the resulting
    Bison output files to be licensed under the GNU General Public
    License without this special exception.
    This special exception was added by the Free Software Foundation in
    version 2.2 of Bison.  */
-/* Debug traces.  */
+/* Enabling traces.  */
 #ifndef YYDEBUG
 # define YYDEBUG 0
@@ -40,142 +40,144 @@
 extern int quickstep_yydebug;
-/* Token type.  */
+/* Tokens.  */
-  enum yytokentype
-  {
-    TOKEN_COMMAND = 258,
-    TOKEN_NAME = 259,
-    TOKEN_OR = 263,
-    TOKEN_AND = 264,
-    TOKEN_NOT = 265,
-    TOKEN_EQ = 266,
-    TOKEN_LT = 267,
-    TOKEN_LEQ = 268,
-    TOKEN_GT = 269,
-    TOKEN_GEQ = 270,
-    TOKEN_NEQ = 271,
-    TOKEN_LIKE = 272,
-    TOKEN_REGEXP = 273,
-    TOKEN_BETWEEN = 274,
-    TOKEN_IS = 275,
-    UNARY_PLUS = 276,
-    UNARY_MINUS = 277,
-    TOKEN_ADD = 278,
-    TOKEN_ALL = 279,
-    TOKEN_ALTER = 280,
-    TOKEN_AS = 281,
-    TOKEN_ASC = 282,
-    TOKEN_BIGINT = 283,
-    TOKEN_BIT = 284,
-    TOKEN_CSB_TREE = 289,
-    TOKEN_BY = 290,
-    TOKEN_CASE = 291,
-    TOKEN_CHECK = 293,
-    TOKEN_COLUMN = 294,
-    TOKEN_COPY = 296,
-    TOKEN_CREATE = 297,
-    TOKEN_DATE = 298,
-    TOKEN_DATETIME = 299,
-    TOKEN_DAY = 300,
-    TOKEN_DECIMAL = 301,
-    TOKEN_DEFAULT = 302,
-    TOKEN_DELETE = 303,
-    TOKEN_DESC = 305,
-    TOKEN_DISTINCT = 306,
-    TOKEN_DOUBLE = 307,
-    TOKEN_DROP = 308,
-    TOKEN_ELSE = 309,
-    TOKEN_END = 310,
-    TOKEN_EXISTS = 312,
-    TOKEN_EXTRACT = 313,
-    TOKEN_FALSE = 314,
-    TOKEN_FIRST = 315,
-    TOKEN_FLOAT = 316,
-    TOKEN_FOR = 317,
-    TOKEN_FOREIGN = 318,
-    TOKEN_FROM = 319,
-    TOKEN_FULL = 320,
-    TOKEN_GROUP = 321,
-    TOKEN_HASH = 322,
-    TOKEN_HAVING = 323,
-    TOKEN_HOUR = 324,
-    TOKEN_IN = 325,
-    TOKEN_INDEX = 326,
-    TOKEN_INNER = 327,
-    TOKEN_INSERT = 328,
-    TOKEN_INTEGER = 329,
-    TOKEN_INTERVAL = 330,
-    TOKEN_INTO = 331,
-    TOKEN_JOIN = 332,
-    TOKEN_KEY = 333,
-    TOKEN_LAST = 334,
-    TOKEN_LEFT = 335,
-    TOKEN_LIMIT = 336,
-    TOKEN_LONG = 337,
-    TOKEN_MINUTE = 338,
-    TOKEN_MONTH = 339,
-    TOKEN_NULL = 340,
-    TOKEN_NULLS = 341,
-    TOKEN_OFF = 342,
-    TOKEN_ON = 343,
-    TOKEN_ORDER = 344,
-    TOKEN_OUTER = 345,
-    TOKEN_PERCENT = 348,
-    TOKEN_PRIMARY = 349,
-    TOKEN_QUIT = 350,
-    TOKEN_RANGE = 351,
-    TOKEN_REAL = 352,
-    TOKEN_RIGHT = 354,
-    TOKEN_SECOND = 356,
-    TOKEN_SELECT = 357,
-    TOKEN_SET = 358,
-    TOKEN_SMA = 359,
-    TOKEN_SMALLINT = 360,
-    TOKEN_TABLE = 362,
-    TOKEN_THEN = 363,
-    TOKEN_TIME = 364,
-    TOKEN_TRUE = 366,
-    TOKEN_UNIQUE = 368,
-    TOKEN_UPDATE = 369,
-    TOKEN_USING = 370,
-    TOKEN_VALUES = 371,
-    TOKEN_VARCHAR = 372,
-    TOKEN_WHEN = 373,
-    TOKEN_WHERE = 374,
-    TOKEN_WITH = 375,
-    TOKEN_YEAR = 376,
-    TOKEN_EOF = 378,
-    TOKEN_LEX_ERROR = 379
-  };
+   /* Put the tokens into the symbol table, so that GDB and other debuggers
+      know about them.  */
+   enum yytokentype {
+     TOKEN_COMMAND = 258,
+     TOKEN_NAME = 259,
+     TOKEN_OR = 263,
+     TOKEN_AND = 264,
+     TOKEN_NOT = 265,
+     TOKEN_EQ = 266,
+     TOKEN_NEQ = 267,
+     TOKEN_GEQ = 268,
+     TOKEN_GT = 269,
+     TOKEN_LEQ = 270,
+     TOKEN_LT = 271,
+     TOKEN_REGEXP = 272,
+     TOKEN_LIKE = 273,
+     TOKEN_BETWEEN = 274,
+     TOKEN_IS = 275,
+     UNARY_MINUS = 276,
+     UNARY_PLUS = 277,
+     TOKEN_ADD = 278,
+     TOKEN_ALL = 279,
+     TOKEN_ALTER = 280,
+     TOKEN_AS = 281,
+     TOKEN_ASC = 282,
+     TOKEN_BIGINT = 283,
+     TOKEN_BIT = 284,
+     TOKEN_CSB_TREE = 289,
+     TOKEN_BY = 290,
+     TOKEN_CASE = 291,
+     TOKEN_CHARACTER = 292,
+     TOKEN_CHECK = 293,
+     TOKEN_COLUMN = 294,
+     TOKEN_COPY = 296,
+     TOKEN_CREATE = 297,
+     TOKEN_DATE = 298,
+     TOKEN_DATETIME = 299,
+     TOKEN_DAY = 300,
+     TOKEN_DECIMAL = 301,
+     TOKEN_DEFAULT = 302,
+     TOKEN_DELETE = 303,
+     TOKEN_DELIMITER = 304,
+     TOKEN_DESC = 305,
+     TOKEN_DISTINCT = 306,
+     TOKEN_DOUBLE = 307,
+     TOKEN_DROP = 308,
+     TOKEN_ELSE = 309,
+     TOKEN_END = 310,
+     TOKEN_EXISTS = 312,
+     TOKEN_EXTRACT = 313,
+     TOKEN_FALSE = 314,
+     TOKEN_FIRST = 315,
+     TOKEN_FLOAT = 316,
+     TOKEN_FOR = 317,
+     TOKEN_FOREIGN = 318,
+     TOKEN_FROM = 319,
+     TOKEN_FULL = 320,
+     TOKEN_GROUP = 321,
+     TOKEN_HASH = 322,
+     TOKEN_HAVING = 323,
+     TOKEN_HOUR = 324,
+     TOKEN_IN = 325,
+     TOKEN_INDEX = 326,
+     TOKEN_INNER = 327,
+     TOKEN_INSERT = 328,
+     TOKEN_INTEGER = 329,
+     TOKEN_INTERVAL = 330,
+     TOKEN_INTO = 331,
+     TOKEN_JOIN = 332,
+     TOKEN_KEY = 333,
+     TOKEN_LAST = 334,
+     TOKEN_LEFT = 335,
+     TOKEN_LIMIT = 336,
+     TOKEN_LONG = 337,
+     TOKEN_MINUTE = 338,
+     TOKEN_MONTH = 339,
+     TOKEN_NULL = 340,
+     TOKEN_NULLS = 341,
+     TOKEN_OFF = 342,
+     TOKEN_ON = 343,
+     TOKEN_ORDER = 344,
+     TOKEN_OUTER = 345,
+     TOKEN_PARTITION = 346,
+     TOKEN_PERCENT = 348,
+     TOKEN_PRIMARY = 349,
+     TOKEN_PRIORITY = 350,
+     TOKEN_QUIT = 351,
+     TOKEN_RANGE = 352,
+     TOKEN_REAL = 353,
+     TOKEN_RIGHT = 355,
+     TOKEN_SECOND = 357,
+     TOKEN_SELECT = 358,
+     TOKEN_SET = 359,
+     TOKEN_SMA = 360,
+     TOKEN_SMALLINT = 361,
+     TOKEN_SUBSTRING = 362,
+     TOKEN_TABLE = 363,
+     TOKEN_THEN = 364,
+     TOKEN_TIME = 365,
+     TOKEN_TIMESTAMP = 366,
+     TOKEN_TRUE = 367,
+     TOKEN_UNIQUE = 369,
+     TOKEN_UPDATE = 370,
+     TOKEN_USING = 371,
+     TOKEN_VALUES = 372,
+     TOKEN_VARCHAR = 373,
+     TOKEN_WHEN = 374,
+     TOKEN_WHERE = 375,
+     TOKEN_WITH = 376,
+     TOKEN_YEAR = 377,
+     TOKEN_YEARMONTH = 378,
+     TOKEN_EOF = 379,
+     TOKEN_LEX_ERROR = 380
+   };
-/* Value type.  */
-#if ! defined YYSTYPE && ! defined YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED
-union YYSTYPE
+#if ! defined YYSTYPE && ! defined YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED
+typedef union YYSTYPE
-#line 118 "../SqlParser.ypp" /* yacc.c:1915  */
+/* Line 2058 of yacc.c  */
+#line 119 "../SqlParser.ypp"
   quickstep::ParseString *string_value_;
@@ -267,30 +269,43 @@ union YYSTYPE
   quickstep::PtrVector<quickstep::ParseSubqueryTableReference> *with_list_;
   quickstep::ParseSubqueryTableReference *with_list_element_;
-#line 271 "SqlParser_gen.hpp" /* yacc.c:1915  */
+  quickstep::ParsePriority *opt_priority_clause_;
-typedef union YYSTYPE YYSTYPE;
+/* Line 2058 of yacc.c  */
+#line 277 "SqlParser_gen.hpp"
+# define yystype YYSTYPE /* obsolescent; will be withdrawn */
-/* Location type.  */
 #if ! defined YYLTYPE && ! defined YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED
-typedef struct YYLTYPE YYLTYPE;
-struct YYLTYPE
+typedef struct YYLTYPE
   int first_line;
   int first_column;
   int last_line;
   int last_column;
+# define yyltype YYLTYPE /* obsolescent; will be withdrawn */
+#if defined __STDC__ || defined __cplusplus
+int quickstep_yyparse (void *YYPARSE_PARAM);
+int quickstep_yyparse ();
+#else /* ! YYPARSE_PARAM */
+#if defined __STDC__ || defined __cplusplus
 int quickstep_yyparse (yyscan_t yyscanner, quickstep::ParseStatement **parsedStatement);
+int quickstep_yyparse ();
+#endif /* ! YYPARSE_PARAM */
diff --git a/parser/tests/Select.test b/parser/tests/Select.test
index e70ee5c..cbab3bc 100644
--- a/parser/tests/Select.test
+++ b/parser/tests/Select.test
@@ -478,6 +478,49 @@ SELECT 1 FROM test LIMIT abc
+# Priority
+| +-select_clause=SelectList
+| | +-SelectListItem
+| |   +-Literal
+| |     +-NumericLiteral[numeric_string=1,float_like=false]
+| +-from_clause=
+|   +-TableReference[table=test]
+  +-NumericLiteral[numeric_string=1,float_like=false]
+ERROR: PRIORITY value must be an integer (1 : 34)
+                                 ^
+ERROR: PRIORITY value must be positive (1 : 34)
+                                 ^
+ERROR: syntax error (1 : 34)
+                                 ^
+ERROR: syntax error (1 : 34)
+                                 ^
 # Subqueries
diff --git a/query_optimizer/QueryHandle.hpp b/query_optimizer/QueryHandle.hpp
index a17d3e8..8822976 100644
--- a/query_optimizer/QueryHandle.hpp
+++ b/query_optimizer/QueryHandle.hpp
@@ -44,8 +44,9 @@ class QueryHandle {
    * @param query_id The given query id.
-  explicit QueryHandle(const std::size_t query_id)
+  explicit QueryHandle(const std::size_t query_id, const std::size_t query_priority = 1)
       : query_id_(query_id),
+        query_priority_(query_priority),
         query_plan_(new QueryPlan()),
         query_result_relation_(nullptr) {}
@@ -61,6 +62,13 @@ class QueryHandle {
+   * @brief Get the query priority.
+   **/
+  const std::size_t query_priority() const {
+    return query_priority_;
+  }
+  /**
    * @return The mutable query plan.
   QueryPlan* getQueryPlanMutable() {
@@ -111,6 +119,7 @@ class QueryHandle {
   const std::size_t query_id_;
+  const std::size_t query_priority_;
   std::unique_ptr<QueryPlan> query_plan_;
diff --git a/query_optimizer/QueryProcessor.cpp b/query_optimizer/QueryProcessor.cpp
index b6fa3e0..74b1f69 100644
--- a/query_optimizer/QueryProcessor.cpp
+++ b/query_optimizer/QueryProcessor.cpp
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 #include "query_optimizer/QueryProcessor.hpp"
+#include <cstdint>
 #include <cstdlib>
 #include <fstream>
 #include <memory>
@@ -37,7 +38,8 @@ using std::ofstream;
 namespace quickstep {
 QueryHandle* QueryProcessor::generateQueryHandle(const ParseStatement &statement) {
-  std::unique_ptr<QueryHandle> query_handle(new QueryHandle(query_id_));
+  std::unique_ptr<QueryHandle> query_handle(new QueryHandle(
+      query_id_, static_cast<std::size_t>(statement.getPriority())));
   optimizer::Optimizer optimizer(query_id_, getDefaultDatabase(), storage_manager_.get());
   optimizer.generateQueryHandle(statement, query_handle.get());

[3/4] incubator-quickstep git commit: Added PRIORITY clause in parser.

Posted by
diff --git a/parser/preprocessed/SqlLexer_gen.cpp b/parser/preprocessed/SqlLexer_gen.cpp
index db20491..a2cbea7 100644
--- a/parser/preprocessed/SqlLexer_gen.cpp
+++ b/parser/preprocessed/SqlLexer_gen.cpp
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
 #define FLEX_BETA
@@ -159,15 +159,7 @@ typedef void* yyscan_t;
 /* Size of default input buffer. */
 #ifndef YY_BUF_SIZE
-#ifdef __ia64__
-/* On IA-64, the buffer size is 16k, not 8k.
- * Moreover, YY_BUF_SIZE is 2*YY_READ_BUF_SIZE in the general case.
- * Ditto for the __ia64__ case accordingly.
- */
-#define YY_BUF_SIZE 32768
 #define YY_BUF_SIZE 16384
-#endif /* __ia64__ */
 /* The state buf must be large enough to hold one state per character in the main buffer.
@@ -202,13 +194,6 @@ typedef size_t yy_size_t;
                     if ( yytext[yyl] == '\n' )\
-    #define YY_LINENO_REWIND_TO(dst) \
-            do {\
-                const char *p;\
-                for ( p = yy_cp-1; p >= (dst); --p)\
-                    if ( *p == '\n' )\
-                        --yylineno;\
-            }while(0)
 /* Return all but the first "n" matched characters back to the input stream. */
 #define yyless(n) \
@@ -354,7 +339,7 @@ void quickstep_yyfree (void * ,yyscan_t yyscanner );
 /* Begin user sect3 */
-#define quickstep_yywrap(yyscanner) (/*CONSTCOND*/1)
+#define quickstep_yywrap(yyscanner) 1
 typedef unsigned char YY_CHAR;
@@ -366,9 +351,6 @@ typedef int yy_state_type;
 static yy_state_type yy_get_previous_state (yyscan_t yyscanner );
 static yy_state_type yy_try_NUL_trans (yy_state_type current_state  ,yyscan_t yyscanner);
 static int yy_get_next_buffer (yyscan_t yyscanner );
-#if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 3
 static void yy_fatal_error (yyconst char msg[] ,yyscan_t yyscanner );
 /* Done after the current pattern has been matched and before the
@@ -381,8 +363,8 @@ static void yy_fatal_error (yyconst char msg[] ,yyscan_t yyscanner );
 	*yy_cp = '\0'; \
 	yyg->yy_c_buf_p = yy_cp;
-#define YY_NUM_RULES 152
-#define YY_END_OF_BUFFER 153
+#define YY_NUM_RULES 153
+#define YY_END_OF_BUFFER 154
 /* This struct is not used in this scanner,
    but its presence is necessary. */
 struct yy_trans_info
@@ -390,72 +372,72 @@ struct yy_trans_info
 	flex_int32_t yy_verify;
 	flex_int32_t yy_nxt;
-static yyconst flex_int16_t yy_accept[553] =
+static yyconst flex_int16_t yy_accept[558] =
     {   0,
         0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
-        0,    0,  153,    2,    2,  151,  151,  150,  149,  151,
-      128,  124,  127,  124,  124,  147,  120,  117,  121,  146,
-      146,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,
-      146,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,
-      146,  146,  146,  146,  125,    4,    5,    5,    3,  143,
-      143,  140,  144,  144,  138,  145,  145,  142,    1,  150,
-      118,  148,  147,  147,  147,    0,  122,  119,  123,  146,
-      146,  146,  146,   10,  146,  146,  146,   22,  146,  146,
-      146,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,  126,  146,
-      146,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,
-      146,  146,   58,   66,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,
-      146,  146,  146,  146,  146,   80,   81,  146,  146,  146,
-      146,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,
-      146,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,
-      146,    4,    5,    3,  143,  139,  144,  137,  137,  129,
-      131,  132,  133,  134,  135,  136,  137,  145,  141,  148,
-      147,    0,  147,    6,    7,  146,    9,   11,  146,  146,
-       15,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,
-      146,   32,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,
-       43,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,   50,  146,  146,
-      146,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,   62,  146,   68,
-      146,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,   76,  146,   79,
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-      146,  146,  146,  146,   97,   98,  146,  146,  146,  146,
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-      129,  131,  130,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,
-       20,   23,  146,  146,  146,   28,  146,  146,   30,  146,
-      146,  146,  146,   37,  146,  146,   41,   42,  146,  146,
-      146,  146,  146,  146,  146,   52,   53,  146,   55,  146,
-       57,  146,  146,  146,  146,   65,   67,   69,   70,   71,
-      146,   73,  146,  146,   77,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,
-       88,  146,   90,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,
-      146,  146,  102,  103,  105,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,
-      146,  112,  146,  114,  115,  129,  130,    8,  146,  146,
-      146,  146,  146,  146,  146,   25,  146,  146,  146,  146,
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-      146,   47,   48,   49,  146,   54,  146,   59,   60,  146,
-      146,  146,   72,  146,   75,   78,   82,   83,  146,  146,
-      146,   89,  146,  146,   93,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,
-      101,  146,  146,  146,  146,  109,  146,  146,  113,  146,
-      146,  146,   14,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,   26,  146,
-       29,  146,  146,  146,  146,   35,  146,  146,  146,   40,
-      146,   45,  146,  146,   56,   61,  146,  146,   74,  146,
-      146,  146,  146,   92,  146,   95,   96,  146,  146,  146,
-      146,  107,  108,  110,  146,  146,  146,   13,  146,  146,
-      146,  146,  146,  146,   21,  146,   33,   34,  146,  146,
-      146,  146,   46,   51,   63,  146,  146,   86,   87,  146,
-      146,  146,  146,  146,  146,  111,  146,  146,  146,  146,
-      146,  146,  146,  146,   31,  146,  146,   39,  146,   64,
-      146,  146,  146,   99,  146,  146,  146,  146,   12,  146,
-      146,  146,  146,   24,  146,   36,  146,  146,   84,  146,
-      146,  100,  104,  146,  116,   16,  146,  146,  146,   27,
-       38,  146,   85,   91,  146,  146,  146,   18,   19,  146,
-      146,  106,  146,  146,  146,  146,  146,   94,  146,   44,
-       17,    0
+        0,    0,  154,    2,    2,  152,  152,  151,  150,  152,
+      129,  125,  128,  125,  125,  148,  121,  118,  122,  147,
+      147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,
+      147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,
+      147,  147,  147,  147,  126,    4,    5,    5,    3,  144,
+      144,  141,  145,  145,  139,  146,  146,  143,    1,  151,
+      119,  149,  148,  148,  148,    0,  123,  120,  124,  147,
+      147,  147,  147,   10,  147,  147,  147,   22,  147,  147,
+      147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  127,  147,
+      147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,
+      147,  147,   58,   66,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,
+      147,  147,  147,  147,  147,   80,   81,  147,  147,  147,
+      147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,
+      147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,
+      147,    4,    5,    3,  144,  140,  145,  138,  138,  130,
+      132,  133,  134,  135,  136,  137,  138,  146,  142,  149,
+      148,    0,  148,    6,    7,  147,    9,   11,  147,  147,
+       15,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,
+      147,   32,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,
+       43,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,   50,  147,  147,
+      147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,   62,  147,   68,
+      147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,   76,  147,   79,
+      147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,
+      147,  147,  147,  147,   98,   99,  147,  147,  147,  147,
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+      130,  132,  131,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,
+       20,   23,  147,  147,  147,   28,  147,  147,   30,  147,
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+      147,  147,  147,  147,  147,   52,   53,  147,   55,  147,
+       57,  147,  147,  147,  147,   65,   67,   69,   70,   71,
+      147,   73,  147,  147,   77,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,
+      147,   89,  147,   91,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,
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+       26,  147,   29,  147,  147,  147,  147,   35,  147,  147,
+      147,   40,  147,   45,  147,  147,   56,   61,  147,  147,
+       74,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,   93,  147,   96,   97,
+      147,  147,  147,  147,  108,  109,  111,  147,  147,  147,
+       13,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,   21,  147,   33,
+       34,  147,  147,  147,  147,   46,   51,   63,  147,  147,
+       86,   87,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  147,  112,
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+      147,   39,  147,   64,  147,   88,  147,  147,  100,  147,
+      147,  147,  147,   12,  147,  147,  147,  147,   24,  147,
+       36,  147,  147,   84,  147,  147,  101,  105,  147,  117,
+       16,  147,  147,  147,   27,   38,  147,   85,   92,  147,
+      147,  147,   18,   19,  147,  147,  107,  147,  147,  147,
+      147,  147,   95,  147,   44,   17,    0
     } ;
-static yyconst YY_CHAR yy_ec[256] =
+static yyconst flex_int32_t yy_ec[256] =
     {   0,
         1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    2,    3,
         1,    1,    4,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
@@ -487,7 +469,7 @@ static yyconst YY_CHAR yy_ec[256] =
         1,    1,    1,    1,    1
     } ;
-static yyconst YY_CHAR yy_meta[72] =
+static yyconst flex_int32_t yy_meta[72] =
     {   0,
         1,    1,    2,    1,    1,    3,    1,    4,    1,    5,
         5,    6,    6,    5,    1,    1,    1,    7,    7,    7,
@@ -499,26 +481,26 @@ static yyconst YY_CHAR yy_meta[72] =
     } ;
-static yyconst flex_uint16_t yy_base[568] =
+static yyconst flex_int16_t yy_base[573] =
     {   0,
         0,    1,   46,    0,  117,  163,    2,    3,  128,  132,
-        6,   10,  257, 1219, 1219,    0, 1219,   13, 1219,  233,
-     1219, 1219, 1219,  208,    6,  130,    4, 1219,  195,  124,
+        6,   10,  257, 1225, 1225,    0, 1225,   13, 1225,  233,
+     1225, 1225, 1225,  208,    6,  130,    4, 1225,  195,  124,
       161,  170,  178,  207,  260,   92,  167,  161,   96,  107,
       219,  214,  212,  224,  236,   92,  279,  272,  278,  281,
-      128,  168,    0,  125, 1219,  184,    4,   19,    0,    0,
+      128,  168,    0,  125, 1225,  184,    4,   19,    0,    0,
         0,  146,    0,    0,  343,    0,    0,  145,    0,   22,
-     1219,    0,  307,  337,  341,   18, 1219, 1219, 1219,    0,
+     1225,    0,  307,  337,  341,   18, 1225, 1225, 1225,    0,
       170,  224,  177,  181,  215,  269,  224,    0,  263,  326,
-      336,  286,  290,  333,  382,  321,  322,  329, 1219,  328,
+      336,  286,  290,  333,  382,  321,  322,  329, 1225,  328,
       347,  351,  346,  350,  346,  353,  352,  374,  386,  385,
       383,  382,  402,    0,  395,  382,  389,  403,  399,  397,
       399,  401,  399,  408,  418,    0,  421,  406,  410,  425,
       437,  438,  438,  455,  451,  436,  457,  462,  462,  463,
       461,  454,  447,  454,  462,  469,  465,  466,  474,  460,
-      481,  148,   29,    0,    0, 1219,    0, 1219, 1219,   22,
-       24, 1219, 1219, 1219, 1219, 1219,    0,    0, 1219,    0,
+      481,  148,   29,    0,    0, 1225,    0, 1225, 1225,   22,
+       24, 1225, 1225, 1225, 1225, 1225,    0,    0, 1225,    0,
       509,   26,   28,    0,    0,  478,    0,  481,  478,  501,
       493,  514,  513,  501,  517,  500,  503,  498,  523,  505,
       521,    0,  518,  527,  526,  529,  513,  532,  520,  532,
@@ -526,118 +508,120 @@ static yyconst flex_uint16_t yy_base[568] =
         0,  537,  521,  523,  523,  525,  558,  563,  559,  562,
       554,  568,  568,  560,  574,  575,  576,  577,  569,    0,
       564,  565,  581,  578,  582,  569,  571,    0,  581,    0,
-      589,  590,  576,  595,  586,  580,  595,  605,  621,  625,
-      624,   98,  618,  629,    0,  623,  617,  625,  624,  634,
-      635,  629,  625,  642,  630,  624,  644,  634,  641,  632,
-       30,  125,    0,  633,  639,  649,  642,  652,  647,  647,
-        0,  674,  673,  675,  670,    0,  671,  674,  673,  681,
-      674,  676,  684,  693,  690,  688,    0,    0,  685,  682,
-      702,  700,  686,  687,  699,    0,    0,  693,    0,  696,
-        0,  687,  694,  696,  726,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
-      696,    0,  698,  734,  727,  730,  731,  741,  746,  751,
-        0,  748,    0,  736,  731,  736,  753,  744,  756,  748,
-      741,  758,    0,  745,    0,  760,  745,  747,  761,  764,
-      762,    0,  767,    0,  761,  136, 1219,    0,  772,  786,
-      780,  801,  788,  800,  805,    0,  795,  792,  806,  807,
-      804,  813,  803,  811,  808,  804,  805,  816,  817,  804,
-      821,    0,    0,    0,  818,    0,  819,    0,    0,  807,
-      823,  808,    0,  827,    0,    0,    0,    0,  814,  835,
-      840,    0,  855,  846,    0,  859,  861,  846,  858,  850,
-        0,  849,  851,  866,  867,    0,  854,  873,    0,  860,
-      867,  863,    0,  857,  862,  880,  873,  863,    0,  883,
-        0,  880,  873,  876,  870,    0,  872,  903,  913,    0,
-       93,    0,  898,  906,    0,    0,  904,  922,    0,  915,
-      905,  901,  913,    0,  916,    0,    0,  915,  921,  930,
-      931,    0,    0,    0,  915,  920,  921,    0,  928,  923,
-      926,  928,  936,  933,    0,  938,    0,    0,  939,  937,
-      928,  931,    0,    0,    0,  953,  959,    0,    0,  973,
-      969,  960,  967,  969,  970,    0,  964,  978,  972,  971,
-      972,  969,  972,  977,    0,  974,  979,    0,  975,    0,
-      982,  992,  985,    0,  992,  984,  985,  994,    0,  997,
-     1001,  996, 1018,    0, 1012,    0, 1027, 1018, 1019, 1020,
-     1031,    0,    0, 1029,    0,    0, 1024, 1038, 1026,    0,
-        0, 1036,    0,    0, 1026, 1042, 1028,    0,    0, 1035,
-     1045,    0, 1042, 1046, 1036, 1050, 1037,    0, 1038,    0,
-        0, 1219, 1103, 1113, 1123, 1133, 1143, 1147, 1150, 1156,
-     1164, 1174, 1184, 1194, 1204, 1209, 1211
+      589,  590,  576,  595,  587,  579,  610,  614,  625,  627,
+      625,   98,  619,  630,    0,  624,  618,  626,  625,  635,
+      636,  630,  626,  643,  631,  626,  645,  635,  642,  633,
+       30,  125,    0,  634,  640,  651,  643,  653,  649,  662,
+        0,  683,  677,  677,  671,    0,  672,  675,  674,  682,
+      675,  677,  685,  694,  691,  689,    0,    0,  686,  683,
+      704,  701,  687,  688,  700,    0,    0,  694,    0,  697,
+        0,  688,  696,  697,  735,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
+      696,    0,  698,  725,  727,  730,  731,  741,  746,  751,
+      736,    0,  750,    0,  738,  733,  738,  755,  746,  758,
+      751,  744,  760,    0,  747,    0,  762,  747,  749,  763,
+      767,  765,    0,  769,    0,  763,  136, 1225,    0,  787,
+      795,  784,  805,  791,  802,  806,    0,  797,  794,  808,
+      809,  806,  815,  805,  813,  810,  807,  808,  818,  819,
+      806,  823,    0,    0,    0,  820,    0,  821,    0,    0,
+      810,  826,  810,    0,  829,    0,    0,    0,    0,  829,
+      844,  844,  855,    0,  860,  850,    0,  862,  864,  849,
+      861,  853,    0,  852,  854,  869,  870,    0,  857,  876,
+        0,  864,  871,  867,    0,  860,  865,  883,  876,  866,
+        0,  887,    0,  884,  877,  880,  887,    0,  896,  916,
+      919,    0,   93,    0,  903,  910,    0,    0,  907,  925,
+        0,  918,  908,  904,  910,  917,    0,  920,    0,    0,
+      919,  925,  934,  936,    0,    0,    0,  920,  925,  926,
+        0,  932,  927,  930,  932,  941,  938,    0,  943,    0,
+        0,  945,  956,  954,  959,    0,    0,    0,  968,  966,
+        0,    0,  957,  980,  975,  965,  972,  974,  975,    0,
+      969,  983,  977,  976,  977,  975,  978,  983,    0,  980,
+      985,    0,  980,    0,  987,    0,  997,  991,    0,  998,
+      990,  992, 1015,    0, 1025, 1031, 1026, 1034,    0, 1020,
+        0, 1034, 1024, 1024, 1025, 1036,    0,    0, 1034,    0,
+        0, 1029, 1043, 1031,    0,    0, 1041,    0,    0, 1031,
+     1048, 1034,    0,    0, 1041, 1051,    0, 1048, 1051, 1041,
+     1055, 1043,    0, 1044,    0,    0, 1225, 1109, 1119, 1129,
+     1139, 1149, 1153, 1156, 1162, 1170, 1180, 1190, 1200, 1210,
+     1215, 1217
     } ;
-static yyconst flex_int16_t yy_def[568] =
+static yyconst flex_int16_t yy_def[573] =
     {   0,
-      553,  553,  552,    3,  554,  554,  555,  555,  556,  556,
-      557,  557,  552,  552,  552,  558,  552,  552,  552,  552,
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+      564,  564,  564,  564,  564,  564,    0,  557,  557,  557,
+      557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,
+      557,  557
     } ;
-static yyconst flex_uint16_t yy_nxt[1291] =
+static yyconst flex_int16_t yy_nxt[1297] =
     {   0,
-      552,  552,   15,   15,   61,   61,  153,  153,   67,   62,
-       62,   68,   67,  552,   70,   68,   70,   73,   73,   77,
-       78,  153,  153,   70,  552,   70,  172,  172,  552,  173,
+      557,  557,   15,   15,   61,   61,  153,  153,   67,   62,
+       62,   68,   67,  557,   70,   68,   70,   73,   73,   77,
+       78,  153,  153,   70,  557,   70,  172,  172,  557,  173,
       173,  153,  153,  261,  262,  262,  262,  173,  173,  173,
-      173,  346,  262,  552,   16,   16,   17,   18,   19,   18,
+      173,  347,  262,  557,   16,   16,   17,   18,   19,   18,
        20,   21,   22,   23,   22,   24,   25,   26,   26,   17,
        27,   28,   29,   30,   31,   32,   33,   34,   35,   36,
        37,   38,   39,   40,   41,   42,   43,   44,   45,   46,
@@ -647,8 +631,8 @@ static yyconst flex_uint16_t yy_nxt[1291] =
        38,   39,   40,   41,   42,   43,   44,   45,   46,   47,
        48,   49,   50,   51,   52,   53,   54,   17,   56,   57,
        58,   17,   17,   17,   17,   17,  110,  115,  116,  132,
-       64,   17,   17,   17,   64,   62,  262,  262,  472,   62,
-       74,   75,   75,  327,   81,  148,  151,  262,  262,  152,
+       64,   17,   17,   17,   64,   62,  262,  262,  475,   62,
+       74,   75,   75,  328,   81,  148,  151,  262,  262,  152,
       169,   76,   82,  156,   83,  110,  115,  116,  132,   84,
        17,   17,   17,   17,   56,   57,   58,   17,   17,   17,
        17,   17,   65,   81,  148,  151,   65,   17,   17,   17,
@@ -660,8 +644,8 @@ static yyconst flex_uint16_t yy_nxt[1291] =
       113,  149,  150,   90,   94,  114,  177,  112,   95,  178,
        91,   88,   96,   92,   93,  100,  117,  101,   97,  121,
       118,   98,  102,  123,  119,  122,  125,  103,   71,  124,
-      120,  179,  175,  129,  126,  182,  552,  130,  127,  552,
-      176,  128,  552,  552,  100,  117,  101,  552,  121,  118,
+      120,  179,  175,  129,  126,  182,  557,  130,  127,  557,
+      176,  128,  557,  557,  100,  117,  101,  557,  121,  118,
       131,  102,  123,  119,  122,  125,  103,  104,  124,  120,
       179,  175,  129,  126,  182,  105,  130,  127,  106,  176,
       128,  107,  180,  137,  108,  140,  133,  109,  183,  131,
@@ -669,12 +653,12 @@ static yyconst flex_uint16_t yy_nxt[1291] =
       134,  138,  141,  142,  135,  181,  104,  189,  190,  139,
       136,  145,  143,  146,  105,  144,  147,  106,   73,   73,
       107,  180,  137,  108,  140,  133,  109,  183,   76,  134,
-      138,  141,  142,  135,  181,  552,  189,  190,  139,  136,
+      138,  141,  142,  135,  181,  557,  189,  190,  139,  136,
       145,  143,  146,  184,  144,  147,  159,  185,  171,  171,
-      552,   74,   75,   75,  160,  161,  197,   76,   76,  198,
+      557,   74,   75,   75,  160,  161,  197,   76,   76,  198,
       199,  162,   76,  200,  186,  163,  187,  201,  188,  191,
-      202,  203,  184,  164,  192,  552,  185,  165,  205,  166,
-      206,  552,  204,  167,  207,  197,  208,   76,  198,  199,
+      202,  203,  184,  164,  192,  557,  185,  165,  205,  166,
+      206,  557,  204,  167,  207,  197,  208,   76,  198,  199,
       162,   76,  200,  186,  163,  187,  201,  188,  191,  202,
       203,  193,  164,  192,  194,  209,  165,  205,  166,  206,
@@ -700,83 +684,85 @@ static yyconst flex_uint16_t yy_nxt[1291] =
       297,  298,  299,  300,  301,  302,  303,  304,  305,  307,
       308,  309,  310,  311,  294,  312,  313,  314,  306,  315,
-      316,  317,  318,  295,  319,  320,  321,  296,  322,  297,
+      316,  317,  318,  295,  319,  322,  320,  296,  321,  297,
       298,  299,  300,  301,  302,  303,  304,  305,  307,  308,
       309,  310,  311,  323,  312,  313,  314,  306,  315,  316,
-      317,  318,  324,  319,  320,  321,  325,  322,  326,  328,
+      317,  318,  324,  319,  322,  320,  325,  321,  326,  327,
       329,  330,  331,  332,  333,  334,  335,  336,  337,  338,
-      339,  340,  323,  341,  342,  344,  345,  348,  343,  349,
-      350,  324,  351,  352,  353,  325,  354,  326,  328,  329,
+      339,  340,  323,  341,  342,  343,  345,  346,  349,  344,
+      350,  324,  351,  352,  353,  325,  354,  326,  327,  329,
       330,  331,  332,  333,  334,  335,  336,  337,  338,  339,
-      340,  355,  341,  342,  344,  345,  348,  343,  349,  350,
+      340,  355,  341,  342,  343,  345,  346,  349,  344,  350,
       356,  351,  352,  353,  357,  354,  358,  359,  360,  361,
       362,  363,  364,  365,  366,  367,  368,  369,  370,  371,
       355,  372,  373,  374,  375,  376,  377,  378,  379,  356,
-      380,  552,  383,  357,  384,  358,  359,  360,  361,  362,
-      363,  364,  365,  366,  367,  368,  369,  370,  371,  381,
-      372,  373,  374,  375,  376,  377,  378,  379,  385,  380,
-      382,  383,  386,  384,  387,  388,  389,  390,  391,  392,
-      393,  394,  395,  396,  397,  398,  399,  400,  381,  401,
-      402,  403,  404,  405,  406,  407,  408,  385,  409,  382,
-      410,  386,  411,  387,  388,  389,  390,  391,  392,  393,
-      394,  395,  396,  397,  398,  399,  400,  412,  401,  402,
-      403,  404,  405,  406,  407,  408,  413,  409,  414,  410,
-      415,  411,  417,  416,  418,  419,  420,  421,  422,  423,
-      424,  425,  426,  427,  428,  429,  412,  430,  431,  432,
-      433,  434,  435,  436,  437,  413,  438,  414,  439,  415,
-      440,  417,  416,  418,  419,  420,  421,  422,  423,  424,
-      425,  426,  427,  428,  429,  441,  430,  431,  432,  433,
-      434,  435,  436,  437,  442,  438,  443,  439,  444,  440,
+      380,  381,  384,  357,  385,  358,  359,  360,  361,  362,
+      363,  364,  365,  366,  367,  368,  369,  370,  371,  386,
+      372,  373,  374,  375,  376,  377,  378,  379,  382,  380,
+      381,  384,  387,  385,  388,  389,  390,  391,  392,  383,
+      393,  394,  395,  396,  397,  398,  399,  400,  386,  401,
+      402,  403,  404,  405,  406,  407,  408,  382,  409,  410,
+      411,  387,  412,  388,  389,  390,  391,  392,  383,  393,
+      394,  395,  396,  397,  398,  399,  400,  413,  401,  402,
+      403,  404,  405,  406,  407,  408,  414,  409,  410,  411,
+      415,  412,  416,  417,  419,  420,  418,  421,  422,  423,
+      424,  425,  426,  427,  428,  429,  413,  430,  431,  432,
+      433,  434,  435,  436,  437,  414,  438,  439,  440,  415,
+      441,  416,  417,  419,  420,  418,  421,  422,  423,  424,
+      425,  426,  427,  428,  429,  442,  430,  431,  432,  433,
+      434,  435,  436,  437,  443,  438,  439,  440,  444,  441,
       445,  446,  447,  448,  449,  450,  451,  452,  453,  454,
-      455,  456,  457,  458,  441,  459,  460,  461,  462,  463,
+      455,  456,  457,  458,  442,  459,  460,  461,  462,  463,
-      464,  465,  466,  442,  467,  443,  468,  444,  469,  445,
+      464,  465,  466,  443,  467,  468,  469,  444,  470,  445,
       446,  447,  448,  449,  450,  451,  452,  453,  454,  455,
-      456,  457,  458,  470,  459,  460,  461,  462,  463,  464,
-      465,  466,  471,  467,  473,  468,  474,  469,  475,  476,
+      456,  457,  458,  471,  459,  460,  461,  462,  463,  464,
+      465,  466,  472,  467,  468,  469,  473,  470,  474,  476,
       477,  478,  479,  480,  481,  482,  483,  484,  485,  486,
-      487,  488,  470,  489,  490,  491,  492,  493,  494,  495,
-      496,  471,  497,  473,  498,  474,  499,  475,  476,  477,
+      487,  488,  471,  489,  490,  491,  492,  493,  494,  495,
+      496,  472,  497,  498,  499,  473,  500,  474,  476,  477,
       478,  479,  480,  481,  482,  483,  484,  485,  486,  487,
-      488,  500,  489,  490,  491,  492,  493,  494,  495,  496,
-      501,  497,  502,  498,  503,  499,  504,  505,  506,  507,
+      488,  501,  489,  490,  491,  492,  493,  494,  495,  496,
+      502,  497,  498,  499,  503,  500,  504,  505,  506,  507,
       508,  509,  510,  511,  512,  513,  514,  515,  516,  517,
-      500,  518,  519,  520,  521,  522,  523,  524,  525,  501,
-      526,  502,  527,  503,  528,  504,  505,  506,  507,  508,
-      509,  510,  511,  512,  513,  514,  515,  516,  517,  529,
-      518,  519,  520,  521,  522,  523,  524,  525,  530,  526,
-      531,  527,  532,  528,  533,  534,  535,  536,  537,  538,
-      539,  540,  541,  542,  543,  544,  545,  546,  529,  547,
-      548,  549,  550,  551,  552,  552,  552,  530,  552,  531,
-      552,  532,  552,  533,  534,  535,  536,  537,  538,  539,
-      540,  541,  542,  543,  544,  545,  546,  552,  547,  548,
-      549,  550,  551,   14,   14,   14,   14,   14,   14,   14,
-       14,   14,   14,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,
-       59,   59,   59,   60,   60,   60,   60,   60,   60,   60,
-       60,   60,   60,   63,   63,   63,   63,   63,   63,   63,
-       63,   63,   63,   66,   66,   66,   66,   66,   66,   66,
-       66,   66,   66,   69,   69,   80,   80,   80,  552,   80,
-      154,  154,  154,  154,  155,  155,  155,  552,  155,  155,
-      155,  155,  155,  155,  157,  157,  157,  552,  157,  157,
-      157,  157,  552,  157,  158,  158,  158,  158,  158,  158,
-      158,  158,  158,  158,  168,  168,  552,  168,  168,  168,
-      168,  168,  168,  168,  170,  552,  170,  170,  170,  170,
-      170,  170,  170,  170,  263,  263,  347,  347,   13,  552,
-      552,  552,  552,  552,  552,  552,  552,  552,  552,  552,
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-      552,  552,  552,  552,  552,  552,  552,  552,  552,  552
+      501,  518,  519,  520,  521,  522,  523,  524,  525,  502,
+      526,  527,  528,  503,  529,  504,  505,  506,  507,  508,
+      509,  510,  511,  512,  513,  514,  515,  516,  517,  530,
+      518,  519,  520,  521,  522,  523,  524,  525,  531,  526,
+      527,  528,  532,  529,  533,  534,  535,  536,  537,  538,
+      539,  540,  541,  542,  543,  544,  545,  546,  530,  547,
+      548,  549,  550,  551,  552,  553,  554,  531,  555,  556,
+      557,  532,  557,  533,  534,  535,  536,  537,  538,  539,
+      540,  541,  542,  543,  544,  545,  546,  557,  547,  548,
+      549,  550,  551,  552,  553,  554,  557,  555,  556,   14,
+       14,   14,   14,   14,   14,   14,   14,   14,   14,   59,
+       59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   59,   60,
+       60,   60,   60,   60,   60,   60,   60,   60,   60,   63,
+       63,   63,   63,   63,   63,   63,   63,   63,   63,   66,
+       66,   66,   66,   66,   66,   66,   66,   66,   66,   69,
+       69,   80,   80,   80,  557,   80,  154,  154,  154,  154,
+      155,  155,  155,  557,  155,  155,  155,  155,  155,  155,
+      157,  157,  157,  557,  157,  157,  157,  157,  557,  157,
+      158,  158,  158,  158,  158,  158,  158,  158,  158,  158,
+      168,  168,  557,  168,  168,  168,  168,  168,  168,  168,
+      170,  557,  170,  170,  170,  170,  170,  170,  170,  170,
+      263,  263,  348,  348,   13,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,
+      557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,
+      557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,
+      557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,
+      557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,
+      557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,
+      557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,
+      557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557
     } ;
-static yyconst flex_int16_t yy_chk[1291] =
+static yyconst flex_int16_t yy_chk[1297] =
     {   0,
         0,    0,    1,    2,    7,    8,   57,   57,   11,    7,
         8,   11,   12,    0,   18,   12,   18,   25,   25,   27,
@@ -792,8 +778,8 @@ static yyconst flex_int16_t yy_chk[1291] =
         3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,
         3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    5,    5,    5,
         5,    5,    5,    5,    5,    5,   36,   39,   40,   46,
-        9,    5,    5,    5,   10,    9,  262,  262,  431,   10,
-       26,   26,   26,  242,   30,   51,   54,  346,  346,  152,
+        9,    5,    5,    5,   10,    9,  262,  262,  433,   10,
+       26,   26,   26,  242,   30,   51,   54,  347,  347,  152,
        68,   26,   30,   62,   30,   36,   39,   40,   46,   30,
         5,    5,    5,    6,    6,    6,    6,    6,    6,    6,
         6,    6,    9,   30,   51,   54,   10,    6,    6,    6,
@@ -845,84 +831,86 @@ static yyconst flex_int16_t yy_chk[1291] =
       210,  211,  212,  213,  214,  215,  216,  217,  218,  219,
       221,  222,  223,  224,  207,  225,  226,  227,  218,  229,
-      231,  232,  233,  208,  234,  235,  236,  209,  237,  210,
+      231,  232,  233,  208,  234,  236,  235,  209,  235,  210,
       211,  212,  213,  214,  215,  216,  217,  218,  219,  221,
-      222,  223,  224,  238,  225,  226,  227,  218,  229,  231,
-      232,  233,  239,  234,  235,  236,  240,  237,  241,  243,
+      222,  223,  224,  237,  225,  226,  227,  218,  229,  231,
+      232,  233,  238,  234,  236,  235,  239,  235,  240,  241,
+      243,  244,  246,  247,  248,  249,  250,  251,  252,  253,
+      254,  255,  237,  256,  257,  258,  259,  260,  264,  258,
+      265,  238,  266,  267,  268,  239,  269,  240,  241,  243,
       244,  246,  247,  248,  249,  250,  251,  252,  253,  254,
-      255,  256,  238,  257,  258,  259,  260,  264,  258,  265,
-      266,  239,  267,  268,  269,  240,  270,  241,  243,  244,
-      246,  247,  248,  249,  250,  251,  252,  253,  254,  255,
-      256,  272,  257,  258,  259,  260,  264,  258,  265,  266,
-      273,  267,  268,  269,  274,  270,  275,  277,  278,  279,
-      280,  281,  282,  283,  284,  285,  286,  289,  290,  291,
-      272,  292,  293,  294,  295,  298,  300,  302,  303,  273,
-      304,    0,  311,  274,  313,  275,  277,  278,  279,  280,
-      281,  282,  283,  284,  285,  286,  289,  290,  291,  305,
-      292,  293,  294,  295,  298,  300,  302,  303,  314,  304,
-      305,  311,  315,  313,  316,  317,  318,  319,  320,  322,
-      324,  325,  326,  327,  328,  329,  330,  331,  305,  332,
-      334,  336,  337,  338,  339,  340,  341,  314,  343,  305,
-      345,  315,  349,  316,  317,  318,  319,  320,  322,  324,
-      325,  326,  327,  328,  329,  330,  331,  350,  332,  334,
-      336,  337,  338,  339,  340,  341,  351,  343,  352,  345,
-      353,  349,  354,  353,  355,  357,  358,  359,  360,  361,
-      362,  363,  364,  365,  366,  367,  350,  368,  369,  370,
-      371,  375,  377,  380,  381,  351,  382,  352,  384,  353,
-      389,  354,  353,  355,  357,  358,  359,  360,  361,  362,
-      363,  364,  365,  366,  367,  390,  368,  369,  370,  371,
-      375,  377,  380,  381,  391,  382,  393,  384,  394,  389,
-      396,  397,  398,  399,  400,  402,  403,  404,  405,  407,
-      408,  410,  411,  412,  390,  414,  415,  416,  417,  418,
-      420,  422,  423,  391,  424,  393,  425,  394,  427,  396,
-      397,  398,  399,  400,  402,  403,  404,  405,  407,  408,
-      410,  411,  412,  428,  414,  415,  416,  417,  418,  420,
-      422,  423,  429,  424,  433,  425,  434,  427,  437,  438,
-      440,  441,  442,  443,  445,  448,  449,  450,  451,  455,
-      456,  457,  428,  459,  460,  461,  462,  463,  464,  466,
-      469,  429,  470,  433,  471,  434,  472,  437,  438,  440,
-      441,  442,  443,  445,  448,  449,  450,  451,  455,  456,
-      457,  476,  459,  460,  461,  462,  463,  464,  466,  469,
-      477,  470,  480,  471,  481,  472,  482,  483,  484,  485,
-      487,  488,  489,  490,  491,  492,  493,  494,  496,  497,
-      476,  499,  501,  502,  503,  505,  506,  507,  508,  477,
-      510,  480,  511,  481,  512,  482,  483,  484,  485,  487,
-      488,  489,  490,  491,  492,  493,  494,  496,  497,  513,
-      499,  501,  502,  503,  505,  506,  507,  508,  515,  510,
-      517,  511,  518,  512,  519,  520,  521,  524,  527,  528,
-      529,  532,  535,  536,  537,  540,  541,  543,  513,  544,
-      545,  546,  547,  549,    0,    0,    0,  515,    0,  517,
-        0,  518,    0,  519,  520,  521,  524,  527,  528,  529,
-      532,  535,  536,  537,  540,  541,  543,    0,  544,  545,
-      546,  547,  549,  553,  553,  553,  553,  553,  553,  553,
-      553,  553,  553,  554,  554,  554,  554,  554,  554,  554,
-      554,  554,  554,  555,  555,  555,  555,  555,  555,  555,
-      555,  555,  555,  556,  556,  556,  556,  556,  556,  556,
-      556,  556,  556,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,
-      557,  557,  557,  558,  558,  559,  559,  559,    0,  559,
-      560,  560,  560,  560,  561,  561,  561,    0,  561,  561,
-      561,  561,  561,  561,  562,  562,  562,    0,  562,  562,
-      562,  562,    0,  562,  563,  563,  563,  563,  563,  563,
-      563,  563,  563,  563,  564,  564,    0,  564,  564,  564,
-      564,  564,  564,  564,  565,    0,  565,  565,  565,  565,
-      565,  565,  565,  565,  566,  566,  567,  567,  552,  552,
-      552,  552,  552,  552,  552,  552,  552,  552,  552,  552,
-      552,  552,  552,  552,  552,  552,  552,  552,  552,  552,
-      552,  552,  552,  552,  552,  552,  552,  552,  552,  552,
-      552,  552,  552,  552,  552,  552,  552,  552,  552,  552,
-      552,  552,  552,  552,  552,  552,  552,  552,  552,  552,
-      552,  552,  552,  552,  552,  552,  552,  552,  552,  552,
-      552,  552,  552,  552,  552,  552,  552,  552,  552,  552
+      255,  270,  256,  257,  258,  259,  260,  264,  258,  265,
+      272,  266,  267,  268,  273,  269,  274,  275,  277,  278,
+      279,  280,  281,  282,  283,  284,  285,  286,  289,  290,
+      270,  291,  292,  293,  294,  295,  298,  300,  302,  272,
+      303,  304,  311,  273,  313,  274,  275,  277,  278,  279,
+      280,  281,  282,  283,  284,  285,  286,  289,  290,  314,
+      291,  292,  293,  294,  295,  298,  300,  302,  305,  303,
+      304,  311,  315,  313,  316,  317,  318,  319,  320,  305,
+      321,  323,  325,  326,  327,  328,  329,  330,  314,  331,
+      332,  333,  335,  337,  338,  339,  340,  305,  341,  342,
+      344,  315,  346,  316,  317,  318,  319,  320,  305,  321,
+      323,  325,  326,  327,  328,  329,  330,  350,  331,  332,
+      333,  335,  337,  338,  339,  340,  351,  341,  342,  344,
+      352,  346,  353,  354,  355,  356,  354,  358,  359,  360,
+      361,  362,  363,  364,  365,  366,  350,  367,  368,  369,
+      370,  371,  372,  376,  378,  351,  381,  382,  383,  352,
+      385,  353,  354,  355,  356,  354,  358,  359,  360,  361,
+      362,  363,  364,  365,  366,  390,  367,  368,  369,  370,
+      371,  372,  376,  378,  391,  381,  382,  383,  392,  385,
+      393,  395,  396,  398,  399,  400,  401,  402,  404,  405,
+      406,  407,  409,  410,  390,  412,  413,  414,  416,  417,
+      418,  419,  420,  391,  422,  424,  425,  392,  426,  393,
+      395,  396,  398,  399,  400,  401,  402,  404,  405,  406,
+      407,  409,  410,  427,  412,  413,  414,  416,  417,  418,
+      419,  420,  429,  422,  424,  425,  430,  426,  431,  435,
+      436,  439,  440,  442,  443,  444,  445,  446,  448,  451,
+      452,  453,  427,  454,  458,  459,  460,  462,  463,  464,
+      465,  429,  466,  467,  469,  430,  472,  431,  435,  436,
+      439,  440,  442,  443,  444,  445,  446,  448,  451,  452,
+      453,  473,  454,  458,  459,  460,  462,  463,  464,  465,
+      474,  466,  467,  469,  475,  472,  479,  480,  483,  484,
+      485,  486,  487,  488,  489,  491,  492,  493,  494,  495,
+      473,  496,  497,  498,  500,  501,  503,  505,  507,  474,
+      508,  510,  511,  475,  512,  479,  480,  483,  484,  485,
+      486,  487,  488,  489,  491,  492,  493,  494,  495,  513,
+      496,  497,  498,  500,  501,  503,  505,  507,  515,  508,
+      510,  511,  516,  512,  517,  518,  520,  522,  523,  524,
+      525,  526,  529,  532,  533,  534,  537,  540,  513,  541,
+      542,  545,  546,  548,  549,  550,  551,  515,  552,  554,
+        0,  516,    0,  517,  518,  520,  522,  523,  524,  525,
+      526,  529,  532,  533,  534,  537,  540,    0,  541,  542,
+      545,  546,  548,  549,  550,  551,    0,  552,  554,  558,
+      558,  558,  558,  558,  558,  558,  558,  558,  558,  559,
+      559,  559,  559,  559,  559,  559,  559,  559,  559,  560,
+      560,  560,  560,  560,  560,  560,  560,  560,  560,  561,
+      561,  561,  561,  561,  561,  561,  561,  561,  561,  562,
+      562,  562,  562,  562,  562,  562,  562,  562,  562,  563,
+      563,  564,  564,  564,    0,  564,  565,  565,  565,  565,
+      566,  566,  566,    0,  566,  566,  566,  566,  566,  566,
+      567,  567,  567,    0,  567,  567,  567,  567,    0,  567,
+      568,  568,  568,  568,  568,  568,  568,  568,  568,  568,
+      569,  569,    0,  569,  569,  569,  569,  569,  569,  569,
+      570,    0,  570,  570,  570,  570,  570,  570,  570,  570,
+      571,  571,  572,  572,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,
+      557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,
+      557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,
+      557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,
+      557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,
+      557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,
+      557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557,
+      557,  557,  557,  557,  557,  557
     } ;
 /* Table of booleans, true if rule could match eol. */
-static yyconst flex_int32_t yy_rule_can_match_eol[153] =
+static yyconst flex_int32_t yy_rule_can_match_eol[154] =
     {   0,
 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 
     0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 
@@ -930,8 +918,8 @@ static yyconst flex_int32_t yy_rule_can_match_eol[153] =
     0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 
     0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 
     0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 
-    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 
-    0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0,     };
+    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 
+    0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0,     };
 /* The intent behind this definition is that it'll catch
  * any uses of REJECT which flex missed.
@@ -996,6 +984,7 @@ class ParseOrderBy;
 class ParseOrderByItem;
 class ParsePartitionClause;
 class ParsePredicate;
+class ParsePriority;
 class ParseSample;
 class ParseScalarLiteral;
 class ParseSearchedWhenClause;
@@ -1048,7 +1037,7 @@ class UnaryOperation;
-#line 1052 "SqlLexer_gen.cpp"
+#line 1041 "SqlLexer_gen.cpp"
 #define INITIAL 0
 #define CONDITION_SQL 1
@@ -1134,11 +1123,11 @@ void quickstep_yyset_extra (YY_EXTRA_TYPE user_defined ,yyscan_t yyscanner );
 FILE *quickstep_yyget_in (yyscan_t yyscanner );
-void quickstep_yyset_in  (FILE * _in_str ,yyscan_t yyscanner );
+void quickstep_yyset_in  (FILE * in_str ,yyscan_t yyscanner );
 FILE *quickstep_yyget_out (yyscan_t yyscanner );
-void quickstep_yyset_out  (FILE * _out_str ,yyscan_t yyscanner );
+void quickstep_yyset_out  (FILE * out_str ,yyscan_t yyscanner );
 yy_size_t quickstep_yyget_leng (yyscan_t yyscanner );
@@ -1146,11 +1135,11 @@ char *quickstep_yyget_text (yyscan_t yyscanner );
 int quickstep_yyget_lineno (yyscan_t yyscanner );
-void quickstep_yyset_lineno (int _line_number ,yyscan_t yyscanner );
+void quickstep_yyset_lineno (int line_number ,yyscan_t yyscanner );
 int quickstep_yyget_column  (yyscan_t yyscanner );
-void quickstep_yyset_column (int _column_no ,yyscan_t yyscanner );
+void quickstep_yyset_column (int column_no ,yyscan_t yyscanner );
 YYSTYPE * quickstep_yyget_lval (yyscan_t yyscanner );
@@ -1172,10 +1161,6 @@ extern int quickstep_yywrap (yyscan_t yyscanner );
-#ifndef YY_NO_UNPUT
 #ifndef yytext_ptr
 static void yy_flex_strncpy (char *,yyconst char *,int ,yyscan_t yyscanner);
@@ -1196,12 +1181,7 @@ static int input (yyscan_t yyscanner );
 /* Amount of stuff to slurp up with each read. */
-#ifdef __ia64__
-/* On IA-64, the buffer size is 16k, not 8k */
-#define YY_READ_BUF_SIZE 16384
 #define YY_READ_BUF_SIZE 8192
-#endif /* __ia64__ */
 /* Copy whatever the last rule matched to the standard output. */
@@ -1290,7 +1270,7 @@ extern int quickstep_yylex \
 /* Code executed at the end of each rule. */
 #ifndef YY_BREAK
-#define YY_BREAK /*LINTED*/break;
+#define YY_BREAK break;
 #define YY_RULE_SETUP \
@@ -1300,11 +1280,16 @@ extern int quickstep_yylex \
-	yy_state_type yy_current_state;
-	char *yy_cp, *yy_bp;
-	int yy_act;
+	register yy_state_type yy_current_state;
+	register char *yy_cp, *yy_bp;
+	register int yy_act;
     struct yyguts_t * yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)yyscanner;
+#line 129 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 1292 "SqlLexer_gen.cpp"
     yylval = yylval_param;
     yylloc = yylloc_param;
@@ -1335,13 +1320,7 @@ YY_DECL
 		quickstep_yy_load_buffer_state(yyscanner );
-	{
-#line 128 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
-#line 1343 "SqlLexer_gen.cpp"
-	while ( /*CONSTCOND*/1 )		/* loops until end-of-file is reached */
+	while ( 1 )		/* loops until end-of-file is reached */
 		yy_cp = yyg->yy_c_buf_p;
@@ -1357,7 +1336,7 @@ YY_DECL
-			YY_CHAR yy_c = yy_ec[YY_SC_TO_UI(*yy_cp)] ;
+			register YY_CHAR yy_c = yy_ec[YY_SC_TO_UI(*yy_cp)];
 			if ( yy_accept[yy_current_state] )
 				yyg->yy_last_accepting_state = yy_current_state;
@@ -1366,13 +1345,13 @@ yy_match:
 			while ( yy_chk[yy_base[yy_current_state] + yy_c] != yy_current_state )
 				yy_current_state = (int) yy_def[yy_current_state];
-				if ( yy_current_state >= 553 )
+				if ( yy_current_state >= 558 )
 					yy_c = yy_meta[(unsigned int) yy_c];
 			yy_current_state = yy_nxt[yy_base[yy_current_state] + (unsigned int) yy_c];
-		while ( yy_current_state != 552 );
+		while ( yy_current_state != 557 );
 		yy_cp = yyg->yy_last_accepting_cpos;
 		yy_current_state = yyg->yy_last_accepting_state;
@@ -1383,7 +1362,7 @@ yy_find_action:
 		if ( yy_act != YY_END_OF_BUFFER && yy_rule_can_match_eol[yy_act] )
-			yy_size_t yyl;
+			int yyl;
 			for ( yyl = 0; yyl < yyleng; ++yyl )
 				if ( yytext[yyl] == '\n' )
@@ -1406,7 +1385,7 @@ do_action:	/* This label is used only to access EOF actions. */
 case 1:
-#line 131 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 132 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
     /* A forward slash character represents a system command. */
@@ -1418,7 +1397,7 @@ YY_RULE_SETUP
 case 2:
 /* rule 2 can match eol */
-#line 139 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 140 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
     /* This is a SQL command. Place the char back and process normally. */
@@ -1430,7 +1409,7 @@ YY_RULE_SETUP
 case 3:
-#line 148 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 149 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
     /* This is a command argument. */
     yylval->string_value_ = new quickstep::ParseString(
@@ -1440,7 +1419,7 @@ YY_RULE_SETUP
 case 4:
-#line 155 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 156 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
     /* Ignore whitespace. */
@@ -1448,7 +1427,7 @@ YY_RULE_SETUP
 case 5:
 /* rule 5 can match eol */
-#line 159 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 160 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
     /* Newline reverts the lexer to the initial state. */
     yycolumn = 0;
@@ -1460,627 +1439,632 @@ YY_RULE_SETUP
 case 6:
-#line 168 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 169 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return TOKEN_ADD;
 case 7:
-#line 169 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 170 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return TOKEN_ALL;
 case 8:
-#line 170 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 171 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return TOKEN_ALTER;
 case 9:
-#line 171 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 172 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return TOKEN_AND;
 case 10:
-#line 172 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 173 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return TOKEN_AS;
 case 11:
-#line 173 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 174 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return TOKEN_ASC;
 case 12:
-#line 174 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 175 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return TOKEN_ASC;
 case 13:
-#line 175 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 176 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 case 14:
-#line 176 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 177 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 case 15:
-#line 177 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 178 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return TOKEN_BIT;
 case 16:
-#line 178 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 179 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 case 17:
-#line 179 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 180 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 case 18:
-#line 180 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 181 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 case 19:
-#line 181 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 182 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 case 20:
-#line 182 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 183 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return TOKEN_CASE;
 case 21:
-#line 183 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 184 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 case 22:
-#line 184 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 185 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return TOKEN_BY;
 case 23:
-#line 185 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 186 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 case 24:
-#line 186 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 187 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 case 25:
-#line 187 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 188 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return TOKEN_CHECK;
 case 26:
-#line 188 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 189 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 case 27:
-#line 189 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 190 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 case 28:
-#line 190 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 191 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return TOKEN_COPY;
 case 29:
-#line 191 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 192 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 case 30:
-#line 192 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 193 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return TOKEN_DATE;
 case 31:
-#line 193 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 194 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 case 32:
-#line 194 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 195 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return TOKEN_DAY;
 case 33:
-#line 195 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 196 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 case 34:
-#line 196 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 197 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 case 35:
-#line 197 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 198 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 case 36:
-#line 198 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 199 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 case 37:
-#line 199 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 200 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return TOKEN_DESC;
 case 38:
-#line 200 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 201 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return TOKEN_DESC;
 case 39:
-#line 201 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 202 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 case 40:
-#line 202 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 203 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 case 41:
-#line 203 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 204 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return TOKEN_DROP;
 case 42:
-#line 204 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 205 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return TOKEN_ELSE;
 case 43:
-#line 205 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 206 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return TOKEN_END;
 case 44:
-#line 206 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 207 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 case 45:
-#line 207 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 208 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 case 46:
-#line 208 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 209 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 case 47:
-#line 209 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 210 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return TOKEN_FALSE;
 case 48:
-#line 210 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 211 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return TOKEN_FIRST;
 case 49:
-#line 211 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 212 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return TOKEN_FLOAT;
 case 50:
-#line 212 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 213 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return TOKEN_FOR;
 case 51:
-#line 213 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 214 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 case 52:
-#line 214 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 215 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return TOKEN_FROM;
 case 53:
-#line 215 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 216 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return TOKEN_FULL;
 case 54:
-#line 216 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 217 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return TOKEN_GROUP;
 case 55:
-#line 217 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 218 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return TOKEN_HASH;
 case 56:
-#line 218 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 219 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 case 57:
-#line 219 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 220 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return TOKEN_HOUR;
 case 58:
-#line 220 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 221 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return TOKEN_IN;
 case 59:
-#line 221 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 222 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return TOKEN_INDEX;
 case 60:
-#line 222 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 223 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return TOKEN_INNER;
 case 61:
-#line 223 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 224 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 case 62:
-#line 224 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 225 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 case 63:
-#line 225 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 226 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 case 64:
-#line 226 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 227 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 case 65:
-#line 227 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 228 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return TOKEN_INTO;
 case 66:
-#line 228 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 229 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return TOKEN_IS;
 case 67:
-#line 229 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 230 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return TOKEN_JOIN;
 case 68:
-#line 230 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 231 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return TOKEN_KEY;
 case 69:
-#line 231 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 232 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return TOKEN_LAST;
 case 70:
-#line 232 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 233 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return TOKEN_LEFT;
 case 71:
-#line 233 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 234 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return TOKEN_LIKE;
 case 72:
-#line 234 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 235 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return TOKEN_LIMIT;
 case 73:
-#line 235 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 236 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return TOKEN_LONG;
 case 74:
-#line 236 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 237 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 case 75:
-#line 237 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 238 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return TOKEN_MONTH;
 case 76:
-#line 238 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 239 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return TOKEN_NOT;
 case 77:
-#line 239 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 240 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return TOKEN_NULL;
 case 78:
-#line 240 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 241 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return TOKEN_NULLS;
 case 79:
-#line 241 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 242 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return TOKEN_OFF;
 case 80:
-#line 242 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 243 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return TOKEN_ON;
 case 81:
-#line 243 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 244 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return TOKEN_OR;
 case 82:
-#line 244 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 245 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return TOKEN_ORDER;
 case 83:
-#line 245 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 246 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return TOKEN_OUTER;
 case 84:
-#line 246 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 247 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 case 85:
-#line 247 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 248 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 case 86:
-#line 248 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 249 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 case 87:
-#line 249 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 250 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 case 88:
-#line 250 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
-return TOKEN_QUIT;
+#line 251 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 case 89:
-#line 251 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
-return TOKEN_RANGE;
+#line 252 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+return TOKEN_QUIT;
 case 90:
-#line 252 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
-return TOKEN_REAL;
+#line 253 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+return TOKEN_RANGE;
 case 91:
-#line 253 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 254 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+return TOKEN_REAL;
 case 92:
-#line 254 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 255 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 case 93:
-#line 255 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
-return TOKEN_RIGHT;
+#line 256 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 case 94:
-#line 256 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 257 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+return TOKEN_RIGHT;
 case 95:
-#line 257 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 258 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 case 96:
-#line 258 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 259 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 case 97:
-#line 259 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
-return TOKEN_SET;
+#line 260 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 case 98:
-#line 260 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
-return TOKEN_SMA;
+#line 261 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+return TOKEN_SET;
 case 99:
-#line 261 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 262 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+return TOKEN_SMA;
 case 100:
-#line 262 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 263 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 case 101:
-#line 263 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
-return TOKEN_TABLE;
+#line 264 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 case 102:
-#line 264 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
-return TOKEN_THEN;
+#line 265 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+return TOKEN_TABLE;
 case 103:
-#line 265 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
-return TOKEN_TIME;
+#line 266 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+return TOKEN_THEN;
 case 104:
-#line 266 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 267 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+return TOKEN_TIME;
 case 105:
-#line 267 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
-return TOKEN_TRUE;
+#line 268 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 case 106:
-#line 268 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 269 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+return TOKEN_TRUE;
 case 107:
-#line 269 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 270 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 case 108:
-#line 270 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 271 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 case 109:
-#line 271 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
-return TOKEN_USING;
+#line 272 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 case 110:
-#line 272 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 273 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+return TOKEN_USING;
 case 111:
-#line 273 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 274 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 case 112:
-#line 274 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
-return TOKEN_WHEN;
+#line 275 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 case 113:
-#line 275 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
-return TOKEN_WHERE;
+#line 276 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+return TOKEN_WHEN;
 case 114:
-#line 276 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
-return TOKEN_WITH;
+#line 277 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+return TOKEN_WHERE;
 case 115:
-#line 277 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
-return TOKEN_YEAR;
+#line 278 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+return TOKEN_WITH;
 case 116:
-#line 278 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 279 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+return TOKEN_YEAR;
 case 117:
 #line 280 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
-return TOKEN_EQ;
 case 118:
-#line 281 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
-return TOKEN_NEQ;
+#line 282 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+return TOKEN_EQ;
 case 119:
-#line 282 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 283 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return TOKEN_NEQ;
 case 120:
-#line 283 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
-return TOKEN_LT;
+#line 284 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+return TOKEN_NEQ;
 case 121:
-#line 284 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
-return TOKEN_GT;
+#line 285 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+return TOKEN_LT;
 case 122:
-#line 285 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
-return TOKEN_LEQ;
+#line 286 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+return TOKEN_GT;
 case 123:
-#line 286 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
-return TOKEN_GEQ;
+#line 287 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+return TOKEN_LEQ;
 case 124:
 #line 288 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
-return yytext[0];
+return TOKEN_GEQ;
 case 125:
-#line 289 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 290 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+return yytext[0];
+case 126:
+#line 291 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 return yytext[0];
     * Quoted strings. Prefacing a string with an 'e' or 'E' causes escape
     * sequences to be processed (as in PostgreSQL).
-case 126:
+case 127:
-#line 295 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 297 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
     yylval->string_value_ = new quickstep::ParseString(yylloc->first_line, yylloc->first_column);
-case 127:
+case 128:
-#line 300 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 302 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
     yylval->string_value_ = new quickstep::ParseString(yylloc->first_line, yylloc->first_column);
-case 128:
+case 129:
-#line 305 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 307 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
     yylval->string_value_ = new quickstep::ParseString(yylloc->first_line, yylloc->first_column);
@@ -2092,7 +2076,7 @@ YY_RULE_SETUP
-#line 314 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 316 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
     delete yylval->string_value_;
 /* Process escape sequences. */
-case 129:
+case 130:
-#line 324 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 326 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
     /* Octal code */
     unsigned int code;
@@ -2119,9 +2103,9 @@ YY_RULE_SETUP
-case 130:
+case 131:
-#line 336 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 338 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
     /* Hexadecimal code */
     unsigned int code;
@@ -2129,9 +2113,9 @@ YY_RULE_SETUP
-case 131:
+case 132:
-#line 342 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 344 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
     /* A numeric escape sequence that isn't correctly specified. */
     delete yylval->string_value_;
@@ -2140,58 +2124,58 @@ YY_RULE_SETUP
     return TOKEN_LEX_ERROR;
-case 132:
+case 133:
-#line 349 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 351 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
     /* Backspace */
-case 133:
+case 134:
-#line 353 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 355 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
     /* Form-feed */
-case 134:
+case 135:
-#line 357 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 359 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
     /* Newline */
-case 135:
+case 136:
-#line 361 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 363 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
     /* Carriage-return */
-case 136:
+case 137:
-#line 365 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 367 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
     /* Horizontal Tab */
-case 137:
-/* rule 137 can match eol */
+case 138:
+/* rule 138 can match eol */
-#line 369 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 371 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
     /* Any other character (including actual newline or carriage return) */
-case 138:
+case 139:
-#line 373 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 375 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
     /* This should only be encountered right before an EOF. */
     delete yylval->string_value_;
@@ -2202,17 +2186,17 @@ YY_RULE_SETUP
-case 139:
+case 140:
-#line 383 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 385 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
     /* Two quotes in a row become a single quote (this is specified by the SQL standard). */
-case 140:
+case 141:
-#line 387 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 389 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
     /* End string */
@@ -2221,17 +2205,17 @@ YY_RULE_SETUP
-case 141:
+case 142:
-#line 395 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 397 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
     /* Two quotes in a row become a single quote (this is specified by the SQL standard). */
-case 142:
+case 143:
-#line 399 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 401 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
     /* End string */
@@ -2239,94 +2223,94 @@ YY_RULE_SETUP
-case 143:
-/* rule 143 can match eol */
+case 144:
+/* rule 144 can match eol */
-#line 406 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 408 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
   /* Scan up to a quote. */
   yylval->string_value_->append(yytext, yyleng);
-case 144:
-/* rule 144 can match eol */
+case 145:
+/* rule 145 can match eol */
-#line 411 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 413 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
   /* Scan up to a quote or escape sequence. */
   yylval->string_value_->append(yytext, yyleng);
-case 145:
-/* rule 145 can match eol */
+case 146:
+/* rule 146 can match eol */
-#line 416 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 418 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
   /* Scan up to a quote. */
   yylval->string_value_->append(yytext, yyleng);
-case 146:
+case 147:
-#line 422 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 424 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
     yylval->string_value_ = new quickstep::ParseString(
         yylloc->first_line, yylloc->first_column, std::string(yytext, yyleng));
     return TOKEN_NAME;
-case 147:
+case 148:
-#line 428 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 430 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
     yylval->numeric_literal_value_ = new quickstep::NumericParseLiteralValue(
         yylloc->first_line, yylloc->first_column, yytext);
-case 148:
-#line 434 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
-/* comment */
 case 149:
-/* rule 149 can match eol */
 #line 436 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
-{ yycolumn = 0; }
+/* comment */
 case 150:
+/* rule 150 can match eol */
 #line 438 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+{ yycolumn = 0; }
+case 151:
+#line 440 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 ; /* ignore white space */
-#line 442 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 444 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
   /* All conditions except for mutli-state string extracting conditions. */
   return TOKEN_EOF;
-case 151:
+case 152:
-#line 448 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 450 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
   quickstep_yyerror(NULL, yyscanner, NULL, "illegal character");
   return TOKEN_LEX_ERROR;
-case 152:
+case 153:
-#line 454 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 456 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
 YY_FATAL_ERROR( "flex scanner jammed" );
-#line 2330 "SqlLexer_gen.cpp"
+#line 2314 "SqlLexer_gen.cpp"
@@ -2456,7 +2440,6 @@ YY_FATAL_ERROR( "flex scanner jammed" );
 			"fatal flex scanner internal error--no action found" );
 	} /* end of action switch */
 		} /* end of scanning one token */
-	} /* end of user's declarations */
 } /* end of quickstep_yylex */
 /* yy_get_next_buffer - try to read in a new buffer
@@ -2469,9 +2452,9 @@ YY_FATAL_ERROR( "flex scanner jammed" );
 static int yy_get_next_buffer (yyscan_t yyscanner)
     struct yyguts_t * yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)yyscanner;
-	char *dest = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf;
-	char *source = yyg->yytext_ptr;
-	yy_size_t number_to_move, i;
+	register char *dest = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf;
+	register char *source = yyg->yytext_ptr;
+	register int number_to_move, i;
 	int ret_val;
 	if ( yyg->yy_c_buf_p > &YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf[yyg->yy_n_chars + 1] )
@@ -2500,7 +2483,7 @@ static int yy_get_next_buffer (yyscan_t yyscanner)
 	/* Try to read more data. */
 	/* First move last chars to start of buffer. */
-	number_to_move = (yy_size_t) (yyg->yy_c_buf_p - yyg->yytext_ptr) - 1;
+	number_to_move = (int) (yyg->yy_c_buf_p - yyg->yytext_ptr) - 1;
 	for ( i = 0; i < number_to_move; ++i )
 		*(dest++) = *(source++);
@@ -2603,15 +2586,15 @@ static int yy_get_next_buffer (yyscan_t yyscanner)
     static yy_state_type yy_get_previous_state (yyscan_t yyscanner)
-	yy_state_type yy_current_state;
-	char *yy_cp;
+	register yy_state_type yy_current_state;
+	register char *yy_cp;
     struct yyguts_t * yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)yyscanner;
 	yy_current_state = yyg->yy_start;
 	for ( yy_cp = yyg->yytext_ptr + YY_MORE_ADJ; yy_cp < yyg->yy_c_buf_p; ++yy_cp )
-		YY_CHAR yy_c = (*yy_cp ? yy_ec[YY_SC_TO_UI(*yy_cp)] : 1);
+		register YY_CHAR yy_c = (*yy_cp ? yy_ec[YY_SC_TO_UI(*yy_cp)] : 1);
 		if ( yy_accept[yy_current_state] )
 			yyg->yy_last_accepting_state = yy_current_state;
@@ -2620,7 +2603,7 @@ static int yy_get_next_buffer (yyscan_t yyscanner)
 		while ( yy_chk[yy_base[yy_current_state] + yy_c] != yy_current_state )
 			yy_current_state = (int) yy_def[yy_current_state];
-			if ( yy_current_state >= 553 )
+			if ( yy_current_state >= 558 )
 				yy_c = yy_meta[(unsigned int) yy_c];
 		yy_current_state = yy_nxt[yy_base[yy_current_state] + (unsigned int) yy_c];
@@ -2636,11 +2619,11 @@ static int yy_get_next_buffer (yyscan_t yyscanner)
     static yy_state_type yy_try_NUL_trans  (yy_state_type yy_current_state , yyscan_t yyscanner)
-	int yy_is_jam;
+	register int yy_is_jam;
     struct yyguts_t * yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)yyscanner; /* This var may be unused depending upon options. */
-	char *yy_cp = yyg->yy_c_buf_p;
+	register char *yy_cp = yyg->yy_c_buf_p;
-	YY_CHAR yy_c = 1;
+	register YY_CHAR yy_c = 1;
 	if ( yy_accept[yy_current_state] )
 		yyg->yy_last_accepting_state = yy_current_state;
@@ -2649,20 +2632,16 @@ static int yy_get_next_buffer (yyscan_t yyscanner)
 	while ( yy_chk[yy_base[yy_current_state] + yy_c] != yy_current_state )
 		yy_current_state = (int) yy_def[yy_current_state];
-		if ( yy_current_state >= 553 )
+		if ( yy_current_state >= 558 )
 			yy_c = yy_meta[(unsigned int) yy_c];
 	yy_current_state = yy_nxt[yy_base[yy_current_state] + (unsigned int) yy_c];
-	yy_is_jam = (yy_current_state == 552);
+	yy_is_jam = (yy_current_state == 557);
 	return yy_is_jam ? 0 : yy_current_state;
-#ifndef YY_NO_UNPUT
 #ifndef YY_NO_INPUT
 #ifdef __cplusplus
     static int yyinput (yyscan_t yyscanner)
@@ -2823,7 +2802,7 @@ static void quickstep_yy_load_buffer_state  (yyscan_t yyscanner)
 	if ( ! b )
 		YY_FATAL_ERROR( "out of dynamic memory in quickstep_yy_create_buffer()" );
-	b->yy_buf_size = (yy_size_t)size;
+	b->yy_buf_size = size;
 	/* yy_ch_buf has to be 2 characters longer than the size given because
 	 * we need to put in 2 end-of-buffer characters.
@@ -2984,7 +2963,7 @@ static void quickstep_yyensure_buffer_stack (yyscan_t yyscanner)
 		 * scanner will even need a stack. We use 2 instead of 1 to avoid an
 		 * immediate realloc on the next call.
-		num_to_alloc = 1; // After all that talk, this was set to 1 anyways...
+		num_to_alloc = 1;
 		yyg->yy_buffer_stack = (struct yy_buffer_state**)quickstep_yyalloc
 								(num_to_alloc * sizeof(struct yy_buffer_state*)
 								, yyscanner);
@@ -3001,7 +2980,7 @@ static void quickstep_yyensure_buffer_stack (yyscan_t yyscanner)
 	if (yyg->yy_buffer_stack_top >= (yyg->yy_buffer_stack_max) - 1){
 		/* Increase the buffer to prepare for a possible push. */
-		yy_size_t grow_size = 8 /* arbitrary grow size */;
+		int grow_size = 8 /* arbitrary grow size */;
 		num_to_alloc = yyg->yy_buffer_stack_max + grow_size;
 		yyg->yy_buffer_stack = (struct yy_buffer_state**)quickstep_yyrealloc
@@ -3078,7 +3057,7 @@ YY_BUFFER_STATE quickstep_yy_scan_bytes  (yyconst char * yybytes, yy_size_t  _yy
 	char *buf;
 	yy_size_t n;
-	yy_size_t i;
+	int i;
 	/* Get memory for full buffer, including space for trailing EOB's. */
 	n = _yybytes_len + 2;
@@ -3109,9 +3088,7 @@ YY_BUFFER_STATE quickstep_yy_scan_bytes  (yyconst char * yybytes, yy_size_t  _yy
 static void yy_fatal_error (yyconst char* msg , yyscan_t yyscanner)
-	struct yyguts_t * yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)yyscanner;
-	(void)yyg;
-	(void) fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", msg );
+    	(void) fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", msg );
 	exit( YY_EXIT_FAILURE );
@@ -3217,10 +3194,10 @@ void quickstep_yyset_extra (YY_EXTRA_TYPE  user_defined , yyscan_t yyscanner)
 /** Set the current line number.
- * @param _line_number line number
+ * @param line_number
  * @param yyscanner The scanner object.
-void quickstep_yyset_lineno (int  _line_number , yyscan_t yyscanner)
+void quickstep_yyset_lineno (int  line_number , yyscan_t yyscanner)
     struct yyguts_t * yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)yyscanner;
@@ -3228,14 +3205,14 @@ void quickstep_yyset_lineno (int  _line_number , yyscan_t yyscanner)
         if (! YY_CURRENT_BUFFER )
            YY_FATAL_ERROR( "quickstep_yyset_lineno called with no buffer" );
-    yylineno = _line_number;
+    yylineno = line_number;
 /** Set the current column.
- * @param _column_no column number
+ * @param line_number
  * @param yyscanner The scanner object.
-void quickstep_yyset_column (int  _column_no , yyscan_t yyscanner)
+void quickstep_yyset_column (int  column_no , yyscan_t yyscanner)
     struct yyguts_t * yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)yyscanner;
@@ -3243,25 +3220,25 @@ void quickstep_yyset_column (int  _column_no , yyscan_t yyscanner)
         if (! YY_CURRENT_BUFFER )
            YY_FATAL_ERROR( "quickstep_yyset_column called with no buffer" );
-    yycolumn = _column_no;
+    yycolumn = column_no;
 /** Set the input stream. This does not discard the current
  * input buffer.
- * @param _in_str A readable stream.
+ * @param in_str A readable stream.
  * @param yyscanner The scanner object.
  * @see quickstep_yy_switch_to_buffer
-void quickstep_yyset_in (FILE *  _in_str , yyscan_t yyscanner)
+void quickstep_yyset_in (FILE *  in_str , yyscan_t yyscanner)
     struct yyguts_t * yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)yyscanner;
-    yyin = _in_str ;
+    yyin = in_str ;
-void quickstep_yyset_out (FILE *  _out_str , yyscan_t yyscanner)
+void quickstep_yyset_out (FILE *  out_str , yyscan_t yyscanner)
     struct yyguts_t * yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)yyscanner;
-    yyout = _out_str ;
+    yyout = out_str ;
 int quickstep_yyget_debug  (yyscan_t yyscanner)
@@ -3270,10 +3247,10 @@ int quickstep_yyget_debug  (yyscan_t yyscanner)
     return yy_flex_debug;
-void quickstep_yyset_debug (int  _bdebug , yyscan_t yyscanner)
+void quickstep_yyset_debug (int  bdebug , yyscan_t yyscanner)
     struct yyguts_t * yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)yyscanner;
-    yy_flex_debug = _bdebug ;
+    yy_flex_debug = bdebug ;
 /* Accessor methods for yylval and yylloc */
@@ -3436,10 +3413,7 @@ int quickstep_yylex_destroy  (yyscan_t yyscanner)
 #ifndef yytext_ptr
 static void yy_flex_strncpy (char* s1, yyconst char * s2, int n , yyscan_t yyscanner)
-	struct yyguts_t * yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)yyscanner;
-	(void)yyg;
-	int i;
+	register int i;
 	for ( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
 		s1[i] = s2[i];
@@ -3448,7 +3422,7 @@ static void yy_flex_strncpy (char* s1, yyconst char * s2, int n , yyscan_t yysca
 static int yy_flex_strlen (yyconst char * s , yyscan_t yyscanner)
-	int n;
+	register int n;
 	for ( n = 0; s[n]; ++n )
@@ -3458,16 +3432,11 @@ static int yy_flex_strlen (yyconst char * s , yyscan_t yyscanner)
 void *quickstep_yyalloc (yy_size_t  size , yyscan_t yyscanner)
-	struct yyguts_t * yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)yyscanner;
-	(void)yyg;
 	return (void *) malloc( size );
 void *quickstep_yyrealloc  (void * ptr, yy_size_t  size , yyscan_t yyscanner)
-	struct yyguts_t * yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)yyscanner;
-	(void)yyg;
 	/* The cast to (char *) in the following accommodates both
 	 * implementations that use char* generic pointers, and those
 	 * that use void* generic pointers.  It works with the latter
@@ -3480,14 +3449,12 @@ void *quickstep_yyrealloc  (void * ptr, yy_size_t  size , yyscan_t yyscanner)
 void quickstep_yyfree (void * ptr , yyscan_t yyscanner)
-	struct yyguts_t * yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)yyscanner;
-	(void)yyg;
 	free( (char *) ptr );	/* see quickstep_yyrealloc() for (char *) cast */
 #define YYTABLES_NAME "yytables"
-#line 454 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 456 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
diff --git a/parser/preprocessed/SqlLexer_gen.hpp b/parser/preprocessed/SqlLexer_gen.hpp
index c14559b..e1a9b28 100644
--- a/parser/preprocessed/SqlLexer_gen.hpp
+++ b/parser/preprocessed/SqlLexer_gen.hpp
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
 #define FLEX_BETA
@@ -132,15 +132,7 @@ typedef void* yyscan_t;
 /* Size of default input buffer. */
 #ifndef YY_BUF_SIZE
-#ifdef __ia64__
-/* On IA-64, the buffer size is 16k, not 8k.
- * Moreover, YY_BUF_SIZE is 2*YY_READ_BUF_SIZE in the general case.
- * Ditto for the __ia64__ case accordingly.
- */
-#define YY_BUF_SIZE 32768
 #define YY_BUF_SIZE 16384
-#endif /* __ia64__ */
@@ -222,7 +214,7 @@ void quickstep_yyfree (void * ,yyscan_t yyscanner );
 /* Begin user sect3 */
-#define quickstep_yywrap(yyscanner) (/*CONSTCOND*/1)
+#define quickstep_yywrap(yyscanner) 1
 #define yytext_ptr yytext_r
@@ -268,11 +260,11 @@ void quickstep_yyset_extra (YY_EXTRA_TYPE user_defined ,yyscan_t yyscanner );
 FILE *quickstep_yyget_in (yyscan_t yyscanner );
-void quickstep_yyset_in  (FILE * _in_str ,yyscan_t yyscanner );
+void quickstep_yyset_in  (FILE * in_str ,yyscan_t yyscanner );
 FILE *quickstep_yyget_out (yyscan_t yyscanner );
-void quickstep_yyset_out  (FILE * _out_str ,yyscan_t yyscanner );
+void quickstep_yyset_out  (FILE * out_str ,yyscan_t yyscanner );
 yy_size_t quickstep_yyget_leng (yyscan_t yyscanner );
@@ -280,11 +272,11 @@ char *quickstep_yyget_text (yyscan_t yyscanner );
 int quickstep_yyget_lineno (yyscan_t yyscanner );
-void quickstep_yyset_lineno (int _line_number ,yyscan_t yyscanner );
+void quickstep_yyset_lineno (int line_number ,yyscan_t yyscanner );
 int quickstep_yyget_column  (yyscan_t yyscanner );
-void quickstep_yyset_column (int _column_no ,yyscan_t yyscanner );
+void quickstep_yyset_column (int column_no ,yyscan_t yyscanner );
 YYSTYPE * quickstep_yyget_lval (yyscan_t yyscanner );
@@ -320,12 +312,7 @@ static int yy_flex_strlen (yyconst char * ,yyscan_t yyscanner);
 /* Amount of stuff to slurp up with each read. */
-#ifdef __ia64__
-/* On IA-64, the buffer size is 16k, not 8k */
-#define YY_READ_BUF_SIZE 16384
 #define YY_READ_BUF_SIZE 8192
-#endif /* __ia64__ */
 /* Number of entries by which start-condition stack grows. */
@@ -360,9 +347,9 @@ extern int quickstep_yylex \
 #undef YY_DECL
-#line 454 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
+#line 456 "../SqlLexer.lpp"
-#line 367 "SqlLexer_gen.hpp"
+#line 354 "SqlLexer_gen.hpp"
 #undef quickstep_yyIN_HEADER
 #endif /* quickstep_yyHEADER_H */

[2/4] incubator-quickstep git commit: Added PRIORITY clause in parser.

Posted by
diff --git a/parser/preprocessed/SqlParser_gen.cpp b/parser/preprocessed/SqlParser_gen.cpp
index 038db14..232b702 100644
--- a/parser/preprocessed/SqlParser_gen.cpp
+++ b/parser/preprocessed/SqlParser_gen.cpp
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-/* A Bison parser, made by GNU Bison 3.0.4.  */
+/* A Bison parser, made by GNU Bison 2.7.  */
 /* Bison implementation for Yacc-like parsers in C
-   Copyright (C) 1984, 1989-1990, 2000-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+      Copyright (C) 1984, 1989-1990, 2000-2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.
    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <>.  */
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
    special exception, which will cause the skeleton and the resulting
    Bison output files to be licensed under the GNU General Public
    License without this special exception.
    This special exception was added by the Free Software Foundation in
    version 2.2 of Bison.  */
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
 #define YYBISON 1
 /* Bison version.  */
-#define YYBISON_VERSION "3.0.4"
+#define YYBISON_VERSION "2.7"
 /* Skeleton name.  */
 #define YYSKELETON_NAME "yacc.c"
@@ -63,12 +63,15 @@
 #define yyparse         quickstep_yyparse
 #define yylex           quickstep_yylex
 #define yyerror         quickstep_yyerror
+#define yylval          quickstep_yylval
+#define yychar          quickstep_yychar
 #define yydebug         quickstep_yydebug
 #define yynerrs         quickstep_yynerrs
+#define yylloc          quickstep_yylloc
 /* Copy the first part of user declarations.  */
-#line 35 "../SqlParser.ypp" /* yacc.c:339  */
+/* Line 371 of yacc.c  */
+#line 35 "../SqlParser.ypp"
 /* Override the default definition, as we only need <first_line> and <first_column>. */
@@ -96,7 +99,8 @@ typedef struct YYLTYPE {
     }                                                           \
   } while (0)
-#line 64 "../SqlParser.ypp" /* yacc.c:339  */
+/* Line 371 of yacc.c  */
+#line 64 "../SqlParser.ypp"
 #include <cstdlib>
 #include <string>
@@ -121,6 +125,7 @@ typedef struct YYLTYPE {
 #include "parser/ParsePredicate.hpp"
 #include "parser/ParsePredicateExists.hpp"
 #include "parser/ParsePredicateInTableQuery.hpp"
+#include "parser/ParsePriority.hpp"
 #include "parser/ParserUtil.hpp"
 #include "parser/ParseSample.hpp"
 #include "parser/ParseSelect.hpp"
@@ -150,13 +155,14 @@ typedef struct YYLTYPE {
 // Needed for Bison 2.6 and higher, which do not automatically provide this typedef.
 typedef void* yyscan_t;
-#line 154 "SqlParser_gen.cpp" /* yacc.c:339  */
+/* Line 371 of yacc.c  */
+#line 160 "SqlParser_gen.cpp"
-# ifndef YY_NULLPTR
+# ifndef YY_NULL
 #  if defined __cplusplus && 201103L <= __cplusplus
-#   define YY_NULLPTR nullptr
+#   define YY_NULL nullptr
 #  else
-#   define YY_NULLPTR 0
+#   define YY_NULL 0
 #  endif
 # endif
@@ -172,7 +178,7 @@ typedef void* yyscan_t;
    by #include "SqlParser_gen.hpp".  */
-/* Debug traces.  */
+/* Enabling traces.  */
 #ifndef YYDEBUG
 # define YYDEBUG 0
@@ -180,142 +186,144 @@ typedef void* yyscan_t;
 extern int quickstep_yydebug;
-/* Token type.  */
+/* Tokens.  */
-  enum yytokentype
-  {
-    TOKEN_COMMAND = 258,
-    TOKEN_NAME = 259,
-    TOKEN_OR = 263,
-    TOKEN_AND = 264,
-    TOKEN_NOT = 265,
-    TOKEN_EQ = 266,
-    TOKEN_LT = 267,
-    TOKEN_LEQ = 268,
-    TOKEN_GT = 269,
-    TOKEN_GEQ = 270,
-    TOKEN_NEQ = 271,
-    TOKEN_LIKE = 272,
-    TOKEN_REGEXP = 273,
-    TOKEN_BETWEEN = 274,
-    TOKEN_IS = 275,
-    UNARY_PLUS = 276,
-    UNARY_MINUS = 277,
-    TOKEN_ADD = 278,
-    TOKEN_ALL = 279,
-    TOKEN_ALTER = 280,
-    TOKEN_AS = 281,
-    TOKEN_ASC = 282,
-    TOKEN_BIGINT = 283,
-    TOKEN_BIT = 284,
-    TOKEN_CSB_TREE = 289,
-    TOKEN_BY = 290,
-    TOKEN_CASE = 291,
-    TOKEN_CHECK = 293,
-    TOKEN_COLUMN = 294,
-    TOKEN_COPY = 296,
-    TOKEN_CREATE = 297,
-    TOKEN_DATE = 298,
-    TOKEN_DATETIME = 299,
-    TOKEN_DAY = 300,
-    TOKEN_DECIMAL = 301,
-    TOKEN_DEFAULT = 302,
-    TOKEN_DELETE = 303,
-    TOKEN_DESC = 305,
-    TOKEN_DISTINCT = 306,
-    TOKEN_DOUBLE = 307,
-    TOKEN_DROP = 308,
-    TOKEN_ELSE = 309,
-    TOKEN_END = 310,
-    TOKEN_EXISTS = 312,
-    TOKEN_EXTRACT = 313,
-    TOKEN_FALSE = 314,
-    TOKEN_FIRST = 315,
-    TOKEN_FLOAT = 316,
-    TOKEN_FOR = 317,
-    TOKEN_FOREIGN = 318,
-    TOKEN_FROM = 319,
-    TOKEN_FULL = 320,
-    TOKEN_GROUP = 321,
-    TOKEN_HASH = 322,
-    TOKEN_HAVING = 323,
-    TOKEN_HOUR = 324,
-    TOKEN_IN = 325,
-    TOKEN_INDEX = 326,
-    TOKEN_INNER = 327,
-    TOKEN_INSERT = 328,
-    TOKEN_INTEGER = 329,
-    TOKEN_INTERVAL = 330,
-    TOKEN_INTO = 331,
-    TOKEN_JOIN = 332,
-    TOKEN_KEY = 333,
-    TOKEN_LAST = 334,
-    TOKEN_LEFT = 335,
-    TOKEN_LIMIT = 336,
-    TOKEN_LONG = 337,
-    TOKEN_MINUTE = 338,
-    TOKEN_MONTH = 339,
-    TOKEN_NULL = 340,
-    TOKEN_NULLS = 341,
-    TOKEN_OFF = 342,
-    TOKEN_ON = 343,
-    TOKEN_ORDER = 344,
-    TOKEN_OUTER = 345,
-    TOKEN_PERCENT = 348,
-    TOKEN_PRIMARY = 349,
-    TOKEN_QUIT = 350,
-    TOKEN_RANGE = 351,
-    TOKEN_REAL = 352,
-    TOKEN_RIGHT = 354,
-    TOKEN_SECOND = 356,
-    TOKEN_SELECT = 357,
-    TOKEN_SET = 358,
-    TOKEN_SMA = 359,
-    TOKEN_SMALLINT = 360,
-    TOKEN_TABLE = 362,
-    TOKEN_THEN = 363,
-    TOKEN_TIME = 364,
-    TOKEN_TRUE = 366,
-    TOKEN_UNIQUE = 368,
-    TOKEN_UPDATE = 369,
-    TOKEN_USING = 370,
-    TOKEN_VALUES = 371,
-    TOKEN_VARCHAR = 372,
-    TOKEN_WHEN = 373,
-    TOKEN_WHERE = 374,
-    TOKEN_WITH = 375,
-    TOKEN_YEAR = 376,
-    TOKEN_EOF = 378,
-    TOKEN_LEX_ERROR = 379
-  };
+   /* Put the tokens into the symbol table, so that GDB and other debuggers
+      know about them.  */
+   enum yytokentype {
+     TOKEN_COMMAND = 258,
+     TOKEN_NAME = 259,
+     TOKEN_OR = 263,
+     TOKEN_AND = 264,
+     TOKEN_NOT = 265,
+     TOKEN_EQ = 266,
+     TOKEN_NEQ = 267,
+     TOKEN_GEQ = 268,
+     TOKEN_GT = 269,
+     TOKEN_LEQ = 270,
+     TOKEN_LT = 271,
+     TOKEN_REGEXP = 272,
+     TOKEN_LIKE = 273,
+     TOKEN_BETWEEN = 274,
+     TOKEN_IS = 275,
+     UNARY_MINUS = 276,
+     UNARY_PLUS = 277,
+     TOKEN_ADD = 278,
+     TOKEN_ALL = 279,
+     TOKEN_ALTER = 280,
+     TOKEN_AS = 281,
+     TOKEN_ASC = 282,
+     TOKEN_BIGINT = 283,
+     TOKEN_BIT = 284,
+     TOKEN_CSB_TREE = 289,
+     TOKEN_BY = 290,
+     TOKEN_CASE = 291,
+     TOKEN_CHARACTER = 292,
+     TOKEN_CHECK = 293,
+     TOKEN_COLUMN = 294,
+     TOKEN_COPY = 296,
+     TOKEN_CREATE = 297,
+     TOKEN_DATE = 298,
+     TOKEN_DATETIME = 299,
+     TOKEN_DAY = 300,
+     TOKEN_DECIMAL = 301,
+     TOKEN_DEFAULT = 302,
+     TOKEN_DELETE = 303,
+     TOKEN_DELIMITER = 304,
+     TOKEN_DESC = 305,
+     TOKEN_DISTINCT = 306,
+     TOKEN_DOUBLE = 307,
+     TOKEN_DROP = 308,
+     TOKEN_ELSE = 309,
+     TOKEN_END = 310,
+     TOKEN_EXISTS = 312,
+     TOKEN_EXTRACT = 313,
+     TOKEN_FALSE = 314,
+     TOKEN_FIRST = 315,
+     TOKEN_FLOAT = 316,
+     TOKEN_FOR = 317,
+     TOKEN_FOREIGN = 318,
+     TOKEN_FROM = 319,
+     TOKEN_FULL = 320,
+     TOKEN_GROUP = 321,
+     TOKEN_HASH = 322,
+     TOKEN_HAVING = 323,
+     TOKEN_HOUR = 324,
+     TOKEN_IN = 325,
+     TOKEN_INDEX = 326,
+     TOKEN_INNER = 327,
+     TOKEN_INSERT = 328,
+     TOKEN_INTEGER = 329,
+     TOKEN_INTERVAL = 330,
+     TOKEN_INTO = 331,
+     TOKEN_JOIN = 332,
+     TOKEN_KEY = 333,
+     TOKEN_LAST = 334,
+     TOKEN_LEFT = 335,
+     TOKEN_LIMIT = 336,
+     TOKEN_LONG = 337,
+     TOKEN_MINUTE = 338,
+     TOKEN_MONTH = 339,
+     TOKEN_NULL = 340,
+     TOKEN_NULLS = 341,
+     TOKEN_OFF = 342,
+     TOKEN_ON = 343,
+     TOKEN_ORDER = 344,
+     TOKEN_OUTER = 345,
+     TOKEN_PARTITION = 346,
+     TOKEN_PERCENT = 348,
+     TOKEN_PRIMARY = 349,
+     TOKEN_PRIORITY = 350,
+     TOKEN_QUIT = 351,
+     TOKEN_RANGE = 352,
+     TOKEN_REAL = 353,
+     TOKEN_RIGHT = 355,
+     TOKEN_SECOND = 357,
+     TOKEN_SELECT = 358,
+     TOKEN_SET = 359,
+     TOKEN_SMA = 360,
+     TOKEN_SMALLINT = 361,
+     TOKEN_SUBSTRING = 362,
+     TOKEN_TABLE = 363,
+     TOKEN_THEN = 364,
+     TOKEN_TIME = 365,
+     TOKEN_TIMESTAMP = 366,
+     TOKEN_TRUE = 367,
+     TOKEN_UNIQUE = 369,
+     TOKEN_UPDATE = 370,
+     TOKEN_USING = 371,
+     TOKEN_VALUES = 372,
+     TOKEN_VARCHAR = 373,
+     TOKEN_WHEN = 374,
+     TOKEN_WHERE = 375,
+     TOKEN_WITH = 376,
+     TOKEN_YEAR = 377,
+     TOKEN_YEARMONTH = 378,
+     TOKEN_EOF = 379,
+     TOKEN_LEX_ERROR = 380
+   };
-/* Value type.  */
-#if ! defined YYSTYPE && ! defined YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED
-union YYSTYPE
+#if ! defined YYSTYPE && ! defined YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED
+typedef union YYSTYPE
-#line 118 "../SqlParser.ypp" /* yacc.c:355  */
+/* Line 387 of yacc.c  */
+#line 119 "../SqlParser.ypp"
   quickstep::ParseString *string_value_;
@@ -407,42 +415,57 @@ union YYSTYPE
   quickstep::PtrVector<quickstep::ParseSubqueryTableReference> *with_list_;
   quickstep::ParseSubqueryTableReference *with_list_element_;
-#line 411 "SqlParser_gen.cpp" /* yacc.c:355  */
+  quickstep::ParsePriority *opt_priority_clause_;
-typedef union YYSTYPE YYSTYPE;
+/* Line 387 of yacc.c  */
+#line 423 "SqlParser_gen.cpp"
+# define yystype YYSTYPE /* obsolescent; will be withdrawn */
-/* Location type.  */
 #if ! defined YYLTYPE && ! defined YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED
-typedef struct YYLTYPE YYLTYPE;
-struct YYLTYPE
+typedef struct YYLTYPE
   int first_line;
   int first_column;
   int last_line;
   int last_column;
+# define yyltype YYLTYPE /* obsolescent; will be withdrawn */
+#if defined __STDC__ || defined __cplusplus
+int quickstep_yyparse (void *YYPARSE_PARAM);
+int quickstep_yyparse ();
+#else /* ! YYPARSE_PARAM */
+#if defined __STDC__ || defined __cplusplus
 int quickstep_yyparse (yyscan_t yyscanner, quickstep::ParseStatement **parsedStatement);
+int quickstep_yyparse ();
+#endif /* ! YYPARSE_PARAM */
 /* Copy the second part of user declarations.  */
-#line 210 "../SqlParser.ypp" /* yacc.c:358  */
+/* Line 390 of yacc.c  */
+#line 213 "../SqlParser.ypp"
 /* This header needs YYSTYPE, which is defined by the %union directive above */
 #include "SqlLexer_gen.hpp"
 void NotSupported(const YYLTYPE *location, yyscan_t yyscanner, const std::string &feature);
-#line 446 "SqlParser_gen.cpp" /* yacc.c:358  */
+/* Line 390 of yacc.c  */
+#line 469 "SqlParser_gen.cpp"
 #ifdef short
 # undef short
@@ -456,8 +479,11 @@ typedef unsigned char yytype_uint8;
 #ifdef YYTYPE_INT8
 typedef YYTYPE_INT8 yytype_int8;
+#elif (defined __STDC__ || defined __C99__FUNC__ \
+     || defined __cplusplus || defined _MSC_VER)
 typedef signed char yytype_int8;
+typedef short int yytype_int8;
 #ifdef YYTYPE_UINT16
@@ -477,7 +503,8 @@ typedef short int yytype_int16;
 #  define YYSIZE_T __SIZE_TYPE__
 # elif defined size_t
 #  define YYSIZE_T size_t
-# elif ! defined YYSIZE_T
+# elif ! defined YYSIZE_T && (defined __STDC__ || defined __C99__FUNC__ \
+     || defined __cplusplus || defined _MSC_VER)
 #  include <stddef.h> /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */
 #  define YYSIZE_T size_t
 # else
@@ -499,33 +526,6 @@ typedef short int yytype_int16;
 # endif
-# if (defined __GNUC__                                               \
-      && (2 < __GNUC__ || (__GNUC__ == 2 && 96 <= __GNUC_MINOR__)))  \
-     || defined __SUNPRO_C && 0x5110 <= __SUNPRO_C
-#  define YY_ATTRIBUTE(Spec) __attribute__(Spec)
-# else
-#  define YY_ATTRIBUTE(Spec) /* empty */
-# endif
-# define YY_ATTRIBUTE_PURE   YY_ATTRIBUTE ((__pure__))
-# define YY_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED YY_ATTRIBUTE ((__unused__))
-#if !defined _Noreturn \
-     && (!defined __STDC_VERSION__ || __STDC_VERSION__ < 201112)
-# if defined _MSC_VER && 1200 <= _MSC_VER
-#  define _Noreturn __declspec (noreturn)
-# else
-#  define _Noreturn YY_ATTRIBUTE ((__noreturn__))
-# endif
 /* Suppress unused-variable warnings by "using" E.  */
 #if ! defined lint || defined __GNUC__
 # define YYUSE(E) ((void) (E))
@@ -533,26 +533,24 @@ typedef short int yytype_int16;
 # define YYUSE(E) /* empty */
-#if defined __GNUC__ && 407 <= __GNUC__ * 100 + __GNUC_MINOR__
-/* Suppress an incorrect diagnostic about yylval being uninitialized.  */
-    _Pragma ("GCC diagnostic push") \
-    _Pragma ("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wuninitialized\"")\
-    _Pragma ("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wmaybe-uninitialized\"")
-    _Pragma ("GCC diagnostic pop")
+/* Identity function, used to suppress warnings about constant conditions.  */
+#ifndef lint
+# define YYID(N) (N)
-# define YY_INITIAL_VALUE(Value) Value
+#if (defined __STDC__ || defined __C99__FUNC__ \
+     || defined __cplusplus || defined _MSC_VER)
+static int
+YYID (int yyi)
+static int
+YYID (yyi)
+    int yyi;
-# define YY_INITIAL_VALUE(Value) /* Nothing. */
+  return yyi;
 #if ! defined yyoverflow || YYERROR_VERBOSE
 /* The parser invokes alloca or malloc; define the necessary symbols.  */
@@ -570,7 +568,8 @@ typedef short int yytype_int16;
 #    define alloca _alloca
 #   else
 #    define YYSTACK_ALLOC alloca
-#    if ! defined _ALLOCA_H && ! defined EXIT_SUCCESS
+#    if ! defined _ALLOCA_H && ! defined EXIT_SUCCESS && (defined __STDC__ || defined __C99__FUNC__ \
+     || defined __cplusplus || defined _MSC_VER)
 #     include <stdlib.h> /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */
       /* Use EXIT_SUCCESS as a witness for stdlib.h.  */
 #     ifndef EXIT_SUCCESS
@@ -582,8 +581,8 @@ typedef short int yytype_int16;
 # endif
-   /* Pacify GCC's 'empty if-body' warning.  */
-#  define YYSTACK_FREE(Ptr) do { /* empty */; } while (0)
+   /* Pacify GCC's `empty if-body' warning.  */
+#  define YYSTACK_FREE(Ptr) do { /* empty */; } while (YYID (0))
     /* The OS might guarantee only one guard page at the bottom of the stack,
        and a page size can be as small as 4096 bytes.  So we cannot safely
@@ -599,7 +598,7 @@ typedef short int yytype_int16;
 #  endif
 #  if (defined __cplusplus && ! defined EXIT_SUCCESS \
        && ! ((defined YYMALLOC || defined malloc) \
-             && (defined YYFREE || defined free)))
+	     && (defined YYFREE || defined free)))
 #   include <stdlib.h> /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */
 #   ifndef EXIT_SUCCESS
 #    define EXIT_SUCCESS 0
@@ -607,13 +606,15 @@ typedef short int yytype_int16;
 #  endif
 #  ifndef YYMALLOC
 #   define YYMALLOC malloc
-#   if ! defined malloc && ! defined EXIT_SUCCESS
+#   if ! defined malloc && ! defined EXIT_SUCCESS && (defined __STDC__ || defined __C99__FUNC__ \
+     || defined __cplusplus || defined _MSC_VER)
 #   endif
 #  endif
 #  ifndef YYFREE
 #   define YYFREE free
-#   if ! defined free && ! defined EXIT_SUCCESS
+#   if ! defined free && ! defined EXIT_SUCCESS && (defined __STDC__ || defined __C99__FUNC__ \
+     || defined __cplusplus || defined _MSC_VER)
 void free (void *); /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */
 #   endif
 #  endif
@@ -623,8 +624,8 @@ void free (void *); /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */
 #if (! defined yyoverflow \
      && (! defined __cplusplus \
-         || (defined YYLTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL && YYLTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL \
-             && defined YYSTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL && YYSTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL)))
 /* A type that is properly aligned for any stack member.  */
 union yyalloc
@@ -650,16 +651,16 @@ union yyalloc
    elements in the stack, and YYPTR gives the new location of the
    stack.  Advance YYPTR to a properly aligned location for the next
    stack.  */
-# define YYSTACK_RELOCATE(Stack_alloc, Stack)                           \
-    do                                                                  \
-      {                                                                 \
-        YYSIZE_T yynewbytes;                                            \
-        YYCOPY (&yyptr->Stack_alloc, Stack, yysize);                    \
-        Stack = &yyptr->Stack_alloc;                                    \
-        yynewbytes = yystacksize * sizeof (*Stack) + YYSTACK_GAP_MAXIMUM; \
-        yyptr += yynewbytes / sizeof (*yyptr);                          \
-      }                                                                 \
-    while (0)
+# define YYSTACK_RELOCATE(Stack_alloc, Stack)				\
+    do									\
+      {									\
+	YYSIZE_T yynewbytes;						\
+	YYCOPY (&yyptr->Stack_alloc, Stack, yysize);			\
+	Stack = &yyptr->Stack_alloc;					\
+	yynewbytes = yystacksize * sizeof (*Stack) + YYSTACK_GAP_MAXIMUM; \
+	yyptr += yynewbytes / sizeof (*yyptr);				\
+      }									\
+    while (YYID (0))
@@ -678,7 +679,7 @@ union yyalloc
           for (yyi = 0; yyi < (Count); yyi++)   \
             (Dst)[yyi] = (Src)[yyi];            \
         }                                       \
-      while (0)
+      while (YYID (0))
 #  endif
 # endif
 #endif /* !YYCOPY_NEEDED */
@@ -686,35 +687,33 @@ union yyalloc
 /* YYFINAL -- State number of the termination state.  */
 #define YYFINAL  47
 /* YYLAST -- Last index in YYTABLE.  */
-#define YYLAST   1215
+#define YYLAST   1345
 /* YYNTOKENS -- Number of terminals.  */
-#define YYNTOKENS  136
+#define YYNTOKENS  137
 /* YYNNTS -- Number of nonterminals.  */
-#define YYNNTS  96
+#define YYNNTS  97
 /* YYNRULES -- Number of rules.  */
-#define YYNRULES  265
-/* YYNSTATES -- Number of states.  */
-#define YYNSTATES  488
+#define YYNRULES  267
+/* YYNRULES -- Number of states.  */
+#define YYNSTATES  493
-/* YYTRANSLATE[YYX] -- Symbol number corresponding to YYX as returned
-   by yylex, with out-of-bounds checking.  */
+/* YYTRANSLATE(YYLEX) -- Bison symbol number corresponding to YYLEX.  */
 #define YYUNDEFTOK  2
-#define YYMAXUTOK   379
+#define YYMAXUTOK   380
-#define YYTRANSLATE(YYX)                                                \
+#define YYTRANSLATE(YYX)						\
   ((unsigned int) (YYX) <= YYMAXUTOK ? yytranslate[YYX] : YYUNDEFTOK)
-/* YYTRANSLATE[TOKEN-NUM] -- Symbol number corresponding to TOKEN-NUM
-   as returned by yylex, without out-of-bounds checking.  */
+/* YYTRANSLATE[YYLEX] -- Bison symbol number corresponding to YYLEX.  */
 static const yytype_uint8 yytranslate[] =
        0,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
-     131,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+     132,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
        2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
-       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,   135,     2,     2,
-     132,   133,    23,    21,   134,    22,    27,    24,     2,     2,
-       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,   130,
+       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,   136,     2,     2,
+     133,   134,    23,    21,   135,    22,    27,    24,     2,     2,
+       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,   131,
        2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
        2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
        2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
@@ -746,40 +745,164 @@ static const yytype_uint8 yytranslate[] =
       90,    91,    92,    93,    94,    95,    96,    97,    98,    99,
      100,   101,   102,   103,   104,   105,   106,   107,   108,   109,
      110,   111,   112,   113,   114,   115,   116,   117,   118,   119,
-     120,   121,   122,   123,   124,   125,   126,   127,   128,   129
+     120,   121,   122,   123,   124,   125,   126,   127,   128,   129,
+     130
-  /* YYRLINE[YYN] -- Source line where rule number YYN was defined.  */
+/* YYPRHS[YYN] -- Index of the first RHS symbol of rule number YYN in
+   YYRHS.  */
+static const yytype_uint16 yyprhs[] =
+       0,     0,     3,     6,     9,    12,    15,    17,    19,    21,
+      23,    25,    27,    29,    31,    33,    35,    37,    39,    41,
+      48,    55,    62,    69,    79,    89,    93,    97,    99,   103,
+     105,   107,   109,   111,   113,   115,   117,   119,   121,   123,
+     125,   127,   129,   131,   134,   137,   142,   147,   149,   152,
+     154,   157,   160,   165,   171,   174,   176,   177,   179,   184,
+     190,   201,   206,   210,   212,   213,   215,   216,   220,   221,
+     227,   228,   237,   239,   241,   243,   247,   249,   251,   253,
+     256,   259,   264,   267,   269,   271,   273,   275,   276,   280,
+     291,   299,   304,   310,   316,   317,   322,   325,   328,   333,
+     338,   344,   349,   353,   355,   359,   362,   366,   367,   371,
+     374,   376,   380,   384,   394,   395,   397,   399,   401,   403,
+     405,   409,   413,   416,   418,   421,   425,   426,   430,   434,
+     435,   437,   439,   442,   444,   447,   449,   452,   459,   461,
+     464,   468,   471,   474,   476,   480,   482,   485,   487,   492,
+     494,   498,   499,   503,   504,   507,   508,   512,   513,   516,
+     518,   522,   526,   527,   529,   531,   532,   535,   538,   539,
+     541,   544,   548,   550,   554,   556,   559,   561,   567,   574,
+     579,   583,   587,   591,   594,   598,   604,   609,   616,   620,
+     622,   626,   628,   631,   633,   635,   637,   639,   641,   643,
+     645,   649,   651,   655,   660,   665,   671,   678,   685,   694,
+     700,   705,   707,   710,   715,   717,   720,   725,   726,   729,
+     731,   735,   737,   739,   742,   745,   747,   750,   754,   757,
+     759,   761,   763,   765,   767,   769,   771,   775,   777,   781,
+     783,   787,   789,   791,   793,   795,   797,   799,   801,   804,
+     806,   809,   811,   813,   815,   817,   819,   821,   823,   827,
+     829,   831,   833,   835,   837,   839,   842,   845
+/* YYRHS -- A `-1'-separated list of the rules' RHS.  */
+static const yytype_int16 yyrhs[] =
+     138,     0,    -1,   139,   131,    -1,   139,   129,    -1,   232,
+     132,    -1,   232,   129,    -1,     1,    -1,   129,    -1,   141,
+      -1,   166,    -1,   142,    -1,   143,    -1,   170,    -1,   144,
+      -1,   165,    -1,   140,    -1,   173,    -1,   169,    -1,   101,
+      -1,    30,   113,   230,    28,    44,   145,    -1,    30,   113,
+     230,    28,    45,   151,    -1,    30,   113,   230,    58,    44,
+     230,    -1,    30,   113,   230,    58,    45,   230,    -1,    47,
+     113,   230,   133,   146,   134,   153,   155,   156,    -1,    47,
+      76,   230,    93,   230,   154,   121,   163,   164,    -1,    58,
+     113,   230,    -1,   230,   147,   150,    -1,   145,    -1,   146,
+     135,   145,    -1,    34,    -1,    48,    -1,    49,    -1,   115,
+      -1,   116,    -1,    51,    -1,   103,    -1,    57,    -1,    66,
+      -1,   111,    -1,    79,    -1,    33,    -1,    87,    -1,    80,
+      -1,    49,    80,    -1,   128,    80,    -1,    42,   133,     7,
+     134,    -1,   123,   133,     7,   134,    -1,    90,    -1,    10,
+      90,    -1,   119,    -1,    99,    83,    -1,    52,   220,    -1,
+      43,   133,   202,   134,    -1,   104,   230,   133,   230,   134,
+      -1,   149,   148,    -1,   148,    -1,    -1,   149,    -1,   119,
+     133,   229,   134,    -1,    99,    83,   133,   229,   134,    -1,
+      68,    83,   133,   229,   134,   104,   230,   133,   229,   134,
+      -1,    43,   133,   202,   134,    -1,   152,   135,   151,    -1,
+     151,    -1,    -1,   152,    -1,    -1,   133,   224,   134,    -1,
+      -1,   126,    36,   133,   158,   134,    -1,    -1,    96,    40,
+     157,   133,   229,   134,    97,     7,    -1,    72,    -1,   102,
+      -1,   159,    -1,   158,   135,   159,    -1,   160,    -1,   161,
+      -1,   162,    -1,   230,   230,    -1,   230,    29,    -1,   230,
+     133,   229,   134,    -1,   230,     7,    -1,    35,    -1,    38,
+      -1,    39,    -1,   110,    -1,    -1,   133,   158,   134,    -1,
+      78,    81,   230,   133,   229,   134,   122,   133,   222,   134,
+      -1,    78,    81,   230,   122,   133,   222,   134,    -1,    78,
+      81,   230,   178,    -1,   175,    78,    81,   230,   178,    -1,
+      46,   230,    69,     5,   167,    -1,    -1,   126,   133,   168,
+     134,    -1,    54,     5,    -1,    61,   231,    -1,   168,   135,
+      54,     5,    -1,   168,   135,    61,   231,    -1,   120,   230,
+     109,   171,   200,    -1,    53,    69,   230,   200,    -1,   171,
+     135,   172,    -1,   172,    -1,   230,    11,   206,    -1,   178,
+     174,    -1,   175,   178,   174,    -1,    -1,   126,   100,     7,
+      -1,   126,   176,    -1,   177,    -1,   176,   135,   177,    -1,
+     190,    31,   184,    -1,   108,   179,   180,   183,   200,   192,
+     193,   194,   195,    -1,    -1,    29,    -1,    56,    -1,    23,
+      -1,   181,    -1,   182,    -1,   181,   135,   182,    -1,   206,
+      31,   230,    -1,   206,   230,    -1,   206,    -1,    69,   191,
+      -1,   133,   178,   134,    -1,    -1,    37,     7,    98,    -1,
+     118,     7,    98,    -1,    -1,    77,    -1,    85,    -1,    85,
+      95,    -1,   105,    -1,   105,    95,    -1,    70,    -1,    70,
+      95,    -1,   187,   186,    82,   188,    93,   202,    -1,   188,
+      -1,   184,   189,    -1,   230,   185,   189,    -1,   230,   185,
+      -1,   210,   189,    -1,   210,    -1,   133,   187,   134,    -1,
+     190,    -1,    31,   190,    -1,   230,    -1,   230,   133,   229,
+     134,    -1,   187,    -1,   191,   135,   187,    -1,    -1,    71,
+      40,   219,    -1,    -1,    73,   202,    -1,    -1,    94,    40,
+     196,    -1,    -1,    86,     7,    -1,   197,    -1,   196,   135,
+     197,    -1,   206,   198,   199,    -1,    -1,    32,    -1,    55,
+      -1,    -1,    91,    65,    -1,    91,    84,    -1,    -1,   201,
+      -1,   125,   202,    -1,   202,     8,   203,    -1,   203,    -1,
+     203,     9,   204,    -1,   204,    -1,    10,   205,    -1,   205,
+      -1,   206,    19,   206,     9,   206,    -1,   206,    10,    19,
+     206,     9,   206,    -1,   223,    20,    10,    90,    -1,   223,
+      20,    90,    -1,   206,   225,   206,    -1,   133,   202,   134,
+      -1,    62,   184,    -1,   206,    75,   184,    -1,   206,    75,
+     133,   219,   134,    -1,   206,    10,    75,   184,    -1,   206,
+      10,    75,   133,   219,   134,    -1,   206,   227,   207,    -1,
+     207,    -1,   207,   228,   208,    -1,   208,    -1,   226,   209,
+      -1,   209,    -1,   223,    -1,   220,    -1,   210,    -1,   211,
+      -1,   212,    -1,   213,    -1,   133,   206,   134,    -1,   184,
+      -1,   230,   133,   134,    -1,   230,   133,    23,   134,    -1,
+     230,   133,   219,   134,    -1,   230,   133,    56,   219,   134,
+      -1,    63,   133,   221,    69,   206,   134,    -1,   112,   133,
+     206,    69,     7,   134,    -1,   112,   133,   206,    69,     7,
+      67,     7,   134,    -1,    41,   206,   214,   218,    60,    -1,
+      41,   216,   218,    60,    -1,   215,    -1,   214,   215,    -1,
+     124,   206,   114,   206,    -1,   217,    -1,   216,   217,    -1,
+     124,   202,   114,   206,    -1,    -1,    59,   206,    -1,   206,
+      -1,   219,   135,   206,    -1,    90,    -1,     7,    -1,    21,
+       7,    -1,    22,     7,    -1,     5,    -1,    80,     5,    -1,
+      80,     5,   221,    -1,   147,     5,    -1,   127,    -1,    89,
+      -1,    50,    -1,    74,    -1,    88,    -1,   107,    -1,   220,
+      -1,   222,   135,   220,    -1,   230,    -1,   230,    27,   230,
+      -1,   223,    -1,   224,   135,   223,    -1,    11,    -1,    12,
+      -1,    16,    -1,    15,    -1,    14,    -1,    13,    -1,    18,
+      -1,    10,    18,    -1,    17,    -1,    10,    17,    -1,    22,
+      -1,    21,    -1,    22,    -1,   136,    -1,    23,    -1,    24,
+      -1,   230,    -1,   229,   135,   230,    -1,     4,    -1,     6,
+      -1,   117,    -1,    93,    -1,    64,    -1,    92,    -1,     3,
+     233,    -1,   233,     3,    -1,    -1
+/* YYRLINE[YYN] -- source line where rule number YYN was defined.  */
 static const yytype_uint16 yyrline[] =
-       0,   585,   585,   589,   593,   597,   601,   604,   611,   614,
-     617,   620,   623,   626,   629,   632,   635,   638,   644,   650,
-     657,   663,   670,   679,   684,   693,   698,   703,   707,   713,
-     718,   721,   724,   729,   732,   735,   738,   741,   744,   747,
-     750,   753,   756,   768,   771,   774,   792,   812,   815,   818,
-     823,   828,   834,   840,   849,   853,   859,   862,   867,   872,
-     877,   884,   891,   895,   901,   904,   909,   912,   917,   920,
-     925,   928,   947,   951,   957,   961,   967,   970,   973,   978,
-     981,   988,   993,  1004,  1009,  1013,  1017,  1023,  1026,  1032,
-    1040,  1043,  1046,  1052,  1057,  1060,  1065,  1069,  1073,  1077,
-    1083,  1088,  1093,  1097,  1103,  1109,  1112,  1117,  1122,  1126,
-    1132,  1138,  1144,  1147,  1151,  1157,  1160,  1165,  1169,  1175,
-    1178,  1181,  1186,  1191,  1196,  1199,  1202,  1207,  1210,  1213,
-    1216,  1219,  1222,  1225,  1228,  1233,  1236,  1241,  1245,  1249,
-    1252,  1256,  1259,  1264,  1267,  1272,  1275,  1280,  1284,  1290,
-    1293,  1298,  1301,  1306,  1309,  1314,  1317,  1336,  1340,  1346,
-    1353,  1356,  1359,  1364,  1367,  1370,  1376,  1379,  1384,  1389,
-    1398,  1403,  1412,  1417,  1420,  1425,  1428,  1433,  1439,  1445,
-    1448,  1451,  1454,  1457,  1460,  1466,  1475,  1478,  1483,  1486,
-    1491,  1494,  1499,  1502,  1505,  1508,  1511,  1514,  1517,  1520,
-    1525,  1529,  1533,  1536,  1541,  1546,  1550,  1556,  1559,  1564,
-    1568,  1574,  1579,  1583,  1589,  1594,  1597,  1602,  1606,  1612,
-    1615,  1618,  1621,  1633,  1637,  1656,  1669,  1684,  1687,  1690,
-    1693,  1696,  1699,  1704,  1708,  1714,  1717,  1722,  1726,  1733,
-    1736,  1739,  1742,  1745,  1748,  1751,  1754,  1757,  1760,  1765,
-    1776,  1779,  1784,  1787,  1790,  1796,  1800,  1806,  1809,  1817,
-    1820,  1823,  1826,  1832,  1837,  1842
+       0,   592,   592,   596,   600,   604,   608,   611,   618,   621,
+     624,   627,   630,   633,   636,   639,   642,   645,   651,   657,
+     664,   670,   677,   686,   691,   700,   705,   710,   714,   720,
+     725,   728,   731,   736,   739,   742,   745,   748,   751,   754,
+     757,   760,   763,   775,   778,   781,   799,   819,   822,   825,
+     830,   835,   841,   847,   856,   860,   866,   869,   874,   879,
+     884,   891,   898,   902,   908,   911,   916,   919,   924,   927,
+     932,   935,   954,   958,   964,   968,   974,   977,   980,   985,
+     988,   995,  1000,  1011,  1016,  1020,  1024,  1030,  1033,  1039,
+    1047,  1050,  1053,  1059,  1064,  1067,  1072,  1076,  1080,  1084,
+    1090,  1095,  1100,  1104,  1110,  1116,  1119,  1124,  1127,  1146,
+    1151,  1155,  1161,  1167,  1173,  1176,  1180,  1186,  1189,  1194,
+    1198,  1204,  1207,  1210,  1215,  1220,  1225,  1228,  1231,  1236,
+    1239,  1242,  1245,  1248,  1251,  1254,  1257,  1262,  1265,  1270,
+    1274,  1278,  1281,  1285,  1288,  1293,  1296,  1301,  1304,  1309,
+    1313,  1319,  1322,  1327,  1330,  1335,  1338,  1343,  1346,  1365,
+    1369,  1375,  1382,  1385,  1388,  1393,  1396,  1399,  1405,  1408,
+    1413,  1418,  1427,  1432,  1441,  1446,  1449,  1454,  1457,  1462,
+    1468,  1474,  1477,  1480,  1483,  1486,  1489,  1495,  1504,  1507,
+    1512,  1515,  1520,  1523,  1528,  1531,  1534,  1537,  1540,  1543,
+    1546,  1549,  1554,  1558,  1562,  1565,  1570,  1575,  1579,  1585,
+    1588,  1593,  1597,  1603,  1608,  1612,  1618,  1623,  1626,  1631,
+    1635,  1641,  1644,  1647,  1650,  1662,  1666,  1685,  1698,  1713,
+    1716,  1719,  1722,  1725,  1728,  1733,  1737,  1743,  1746,  1751,
+    1755,  1762,  1765,  1768,  1771,  1774,  1777,  1780,  1783,  1786,
+    1789,  1794,  1805,  1808,  1813,  1816,  1819,  1825,  1829,  1835,
+    1838,  1846,  1849,  1852,  1855,  1861,  1866,  1871
@@ -791,9 +914,9 @@ static const char *const yytname[] =
   "$end", "error", "$undefined", "TOKEN_COMMAND", "TOKEN_NAME",
-  "'+'", "'-'", "'*'", "'/'", "UNARY_PLUS", "UNARY_MINUS", "'.'",
+  "'+'", "'-'", "'*'", "'/'", "UNARY_MINUS", "UNARY_PLUS", "'.'",
@@ -810,28 +933,29 @@ static const char *const yytname[] =
-  "TOKEN_LEX_ERROR", "';'", "'\\n'", "'('", "')'", "','", "'%'", "$accept",
-  "start", "sql_statement", "quit_statement", "alter_table_statement",
-  "create_table_statement", "create_index_statement",
-  "drop_table_statement", "column_def", "column_def_commalist",
-  "data_type", "column_constraint_def", "column_constraint_def_list",
-  "opt_column_constraint_def_list", "table_constraint_def",
-  "table_constraint_def_commalist", "opt_table_constraint_def_commalist",
-  "opt_column_list", "opt_block_properties", "opt_partition_clause",
-  "partition_type", "key_value_list", "key_value", "key_string_value",
-  "key_string_list", "key_integer_value", "index_type",
-  "opt_index_properties", "insert_statement", "copy_from_statement",
-  "opt_copy_from_params", "copy_from_params", "update_statement",
-  "delete_statement", "assignment_list", "assignment_item",
-  "select_statement", "with_clause", "with_list", "with_list_element",
+  "TOKEN_EOF", "TOKEN_LEX_ERROR", "';'", "'\\n'", "'('", "')'", "','",
+  "'%'", "$accept", "start", "sql_statement", "quit_statement",
+  "alter_table_statement", "create_table_statement",
+  "create_index_statement", "drop_table_statement", "column_def",
+  "column_def_commalist", "data_type", "column_constraint_def",
+  "column_constraint_def_list", "opt_column_constraint_def_list",
+  "table_constraint_def", "table_constraint_def_commalist",
+  "opt_table_constraint_def_commalist", "opt_column_list",
+  "opt_block_properties", "opt_partition_clause", "partition_type",
+  "key_value_list", "key_value", "key_string_value", "key_string_list",
+  "key_integer_value", "index_type", "opt_index_properties",
+  "insert_statement", "copy_from_statement", "opt_copy_from_params",
+  "copy_from_params", "update_statement", "delete_statement",
+  "assignment_list", "assignment_item", "select_statement",
+  "opt_priority_clause", "with_clause", "with_list", "with_list_element",
   "select_query", "opt_all_distinct", "selection",
   "selection_item_commalist", "selection_item", "from_clause",
   "subquery_expression", "opt_sample_clause", "join_type",
@@ -850,13 +974,13 @@ static const char *const yytname[] =
   "literal_value_commalist", "attribute_ref", "attribute_ref_list",
   "comparison_operation", "unary_operation", "add_operation",
   "multiply_operation", "name_commalist", "any_name", "boolean_value",
-  "command", "command_argument_list", YY_NULLPTR
+  "command", "command_argument_list", YY_NULL
 # ifdef YYPRINT
-/* YYTOKNUM[NUM] -- (External) token number corresponding to the
-   (internal) symbol number NUM (which must be that of a token).  */
+/* YYTOKNUM[YYLEX-NUM] -- Internal token number corresponding to
+   token YYLEX-NUM.  */
 static const yytype_uint16 yytoknum[] =
        0,   256,   257,   258,   259,   260,   261,   262,   263,   264,
@@ -872,545 +996,586 @@ static const yytype_uint16 yytoknum[] =
      350,   351,   352,   353,   354,   355,   356,   357,   358,   359,
      360,   361,   362,   363,   364,   365,   366,   367,   368,   369,
      370,   371,   372,   373,   374,   375,   376,   377,   378,   379,
-      59,    10,    40,    41,    44,    37
+     380,    59,    10,    40,    41,    44,    37
 # endif
-#define YYPACT_NINF -230
-#define yypact_value_is_default(Yystate) \
-  (!!((Yystate) == (-230)))
-#define YYTABLE_NINF -128
-#define yytable_value_is_error(Yytable_value) \
-  0
+/* YYR1[YYN] -- Symbol number of symbol that rule YYN derives.  */
+static const yytype_uint8 yyr1[] =
+       0,   137,   138,   138,   138,   138,   138,   138,   139,   139,
+     139,   139,   139,   139,   139,   139,   139,   139,   140,   141,
+     141,   141,   141,   142,   143,   144,   145,   146,   146,   147,
+     147,   147,   147,   147,   147,   147,   147,   147,   147,   147,
+     147,   147,   147,   147,   147,   147,   147,   148,   148,   148,
+     148,   148,   148,   148,   149,   149,   150,   150,   151,   151,
+     151,   151,   152,   152,   153,   153,   154,   154,   155,   155,
+     156,   156,   157,   157,   158,   158,   159,   159,   159,   160,
+     160,   161,   162,   163,   163,   163,   163,   164,   164,   165,
+     165,   165,   165,   166,   167,   167,   168,   168,   168,   168,
+     169,   170,   171,   171,   172,   173,   173,   174,   174,   175,
+     176,   176,   177,   178,   179,   179,   179,   180,   180,   181,
+     181,   182,   182,   182,   183,   184,   185,   185,   185,   186,
+     186,   186,   186,   186,   186,   186,   186,   187,   187,   188,
+     188,   188,   188,   188,   188,   189,   189,   190,   190,   191,
+     191,   192,   192,   193,   193,   194,   194,   195,   195,   196,
+     196,   197,   198,   198,   198,   199,   199,   199,   200,   200,
+     201,   202,   202,   203,   203,   204,   204,   205,   205,   205,
+     205,   205,   205,   205,   205,   205,   205,   205,   206,   206,
+     207,   207,   208,   208,   209,   209,   209,   209,   209,   209,
+     209,   209,   210,   210,   210,   210,   211,   212,   212,   213,
+     213,   214,   214,   215,   216,   216,   217,   218,   218,   219,
+     219,   220,   220,   220,   220,   220,   220,   220,   220,   221,
+     221,   221,   221,   221,   221,   222,   222,   223,   223,   224,
+     224,   225,   225,   225,   225,   225,   225,   225,   225,   225,
+     225,   226,   227,   227,   228,   228,   228,   229,   229,   230,
+     230,   231,   231,   231,   231,   232,   233,   233
-  /* YYPACT[STATE-NUM] -- Index in YYTABLE of the portion describing
-     STATE-NUM.  */
-static const yytype_int16 yypact[] =
+/* YYR2[YYN] -- Number of symbols composing right hand side of rule YYN.  */
+static const yytype_uint8 yyr2[] =
-     162,  -230,  -230,   -75,   181,     7,    17,    23,    19,  -230,
-      41,   181,   181,  -230,   151,   129,  -230,  -230,  -230,  -230,
-    -230,  -230,  -230,  -230,  -230,  -230,   -38,  -230,   -36,   166,
-     181,  -230,  -230,   138,   181,   181,   181,   181,   181,  -230,
-    -230,   644,   111,    93,  -230,   220,   128,  -230,  -230,  -230,
-     202,  -230,  -230,  -230,  -230,    65,   273,   192,   163,   172,
-    -230,    11,  -230,  -230,   295,   300,  -230,  -230,  -230,   699,
-     207,  -230,   233,  -230,  -230,   218,  -230,  -230,   310,  -230,
-    -230,  -230,  -230,   219,  -230,  -230,   229,   245,   786,   322,
-     261,   224,  -230,  -230,   182,    35,  -230,  -230,  -230,  -230,
-    -230,  -230,  -230,  -230,   928,   -12,   181,   181,   235,   181,
-     181,   194,   226,   238,   181,   181,   542,  -230,  -230,   237,
-     181,  -230,  -230,  -230,   542,    53,   -34,  -230,   359,  -230,
-     105,   105,   983,   363,  -230,   241,    40,  -230,    18,   172,
-     983,  -230,  -230,   181,   983,  -230,  -230,  -230,  -230,   983,
-     300,  -230,   181,   331,    82,  -230,   360,  -230,   268,  -230,
-      -7,  -230,   268,   181,   146,   181,   181,   244,  -230,   246,
-    -230,   143,  1088,   841,   235,   455,   369,   372,  -230,  -230,
-     624,   364,  1069,   155,    15,   983,     8,  -230,   983,  -230,
-     323,   252,  -230,  -230,  -230,  -230,  -230,  -230,   317,  -230,
-      60,   256,  -230,  -230,    10,    90,   197,  -230,   257,    90,
-     -10,   319,  -230,  -230,    35,  -230,  -230,   259,   983,  -230,
-     270,   160,   181,  -230,   983,  -230,   181,  -230,  -230,   263,
-     313,   315,   267,  -230,  -230,  -230,   174,   181,   281,   146,
-     181,  -230,    81,  -230,  -230,    20,    34,   542,   542,    61,
-    -230,  -230,  -230,  -230,  -230,  -230,  -230,  -230,   983,   271,
-     983,    47,  -230,   165,   283,   983,    55,  -230,   342,   270,
-    -230,  -230,   983,   398,  -230,   125,   181,  -230,  -230,   311,
-    -230,   312,   318,   326,    18,  -230,   405,   407,    90,   375,
-     344,  -230,   171,  -230,   983,  -230,   270,  -230,   542,   287,
-     288,   181,   417,   157,   175,  -230,   177,   396,    49,  -230,
-     290,   301,  -230,   335,   296,  1069,  -230,   346,   181,  -230,
-    -230,    81,  -230,  -230,   372,  -230,  -230,  -230,   983,   298,
-     203,   786,  -230,   270,   337,  -230,  -230,  1069,   299,   270,
-     983,  -230,    42,   -25,  -230,  -230,  -230,  -230,  -230,    18,
-     197,   334,   336,  -230,   983,   542,   341,  -230,   270,    21,
-     181,   181,   183,  -230,  -230,  -230,  -230,  -230,  -230,  -230,
-     193,  -230,   181,  -230,  -230,  -230,  -230,   307,   146,   404,
-     347,  -230,   542,  -230,  -230,   316,  -230,   234,   786,  -230,
-     983,   185,  -230,  -230,  1069,   270,  -230,   437,  -230,   354,
-    -230,  -230,   320,   369,   409,   365,  -230,   188,   190,  -230,
-     451,   157,  -230,   181,  -230,  -230,   325,   426,  -230,    31,
-     181,   983,   195,   270,  -230,   198,   338,   542,   983,   460,
-    -230,   366,  -230,  -230,  -230,   200,  -230,  -230,  -230,  -230,
-      14,   181,    13,  -230,   339,   270,  -230,  -230,  -230,   369,
-     345,  -230,   231,  -230,   181,  -230,   181,  -230,  -230,   181,
-    -230,   208,  -230,  -230,   343,  -230,   983,  -230,  -230,   377,
-     348,  -230,   210,  -230,   181,  -230,   113,  -230,   181,  -230,
-     213,  -230,  -230,   215,   376,  -230,   471,  -230
+       0,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     1,     1,     1,     1,
+       1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     6,
+       6,     6,     6,     9,     9,     3,     3,     1,     3,     1,
+       1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,
+       1,     1,     1,     2,     2,     4,     4,     1,     2,     1,
+       2,     2,     4,     5,     2,     1,     0,     1,     4,     5,
+      10,     4,     3,     1,     0,     1,     0,     3,     0,     5,
+       0,     8,     1,     1,     1,     3,     1,     1,     1,     2,
+       2,     4,     2,     1,     1,     1,     1,     0,     3,    10,
+       7,     4,     5,     5,     0,     4,     2,     2,     4,     4,
+       5,     4,     3,     1,     3,     2,     3,     0,     3,     2,
+       1,     3,     3,     9,     0,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,
+       3,     3,     2,     1,     2,     3,     0,     3,     3,     0,
+       1,     1,     2,     1,     2,     1,     2,     6,     1,     2,
+       3,     2,     2,     1,     3,     1,     2,     1,     4,     1,
+       3,     0,     3,     0,     2,     0,     3,     0,     2,     1,
+       3,     3,     0,     1,     1,     0,     2,     2,     0,     1,
+       2,     3,     1,     3,     1,     2,     1,     5,     6,     4,
+       3,     3,     3,     2,     3,     5,     4,     6,     3,     1,
+       3,     1,     2,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,
+       3,     1,     3,     4,     4,     5,     6,     6,     8,     5,
+       4,     1,     2,     4,     1,     2,     4,     0,     2,     1,
+       3,     1,     1,     2,     2,     1,     2,     3,     2,     1,
+       1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     3,     1,     3,     1,
+       3,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     2,     1,
+       2,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     3,     1,
+       1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     2,     2,     0
-  /* YYDEFACT[STATE-NUM] -- Default reduction number in state STATE-NUM.
-     Performed when YYTABLE does not specify something else to do.  Zero
-     means the default is an error.  */
+/* YYDEFACT[STATE-NAME] -- Default reduction number in state STATE-NUM.
+   Performed when YYTABLE doesn't specify something else to do.  Zero
+   means the default is an error.  */
 static const yytype_uint16 yydefact[] =
-       0,     6,   265,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    18,
-     112,     0,     0,     7,     0,     0,    15,     8,    10,    11,
-      13,    14,     9,    17,    12,    16,     0,   105,     0,   263,
-       0,   257,   258,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,   113,
-     114,     0,     0,   107,   108,     0,   145,     1,     3,     2,
-       0,   106,     5,     4,   264,     0,     0,     0,     0,   166,
-      25,     0,   223,   220,     0,   249,   115,    40,    29,     0,
-       0,    30,    31,    34,    36,     0,    37,    39,     0,    41,
-     219,    35,    38,     0,    32,    33,     0,     0,     0,     0,
-       0,   116,   117,   199,   121,   187,   189,   191,   194,   195,
-     196,   197,   193,   192,     0,   235,     0,     0,     0,     0,
-       0,     0,     0,    94,     0,     0,     0,   101,   167,     0,
-       0,    91,   221,   222,     0,     0,   215,   212,     0,    43,
-       0,   224,     0,     0,    44,     0,     0,   226,     0,   166,
-       0,   250,   251,     0,     0,   120,   253,   254,   252,     0,
-       0,   190,     0,     0,   166,   103,     0,   109,     0,   110,
-       0,   255,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    93,    66,
-      27,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,   168,   170,   172,   174,
-       0,   192,     0,     0,     0,     0,   215,   209,     0,   213,
-       0,     0,   229,   230,   231,   228,   232,   227,     0,   225,
-       0,     0,   123,   198,     0,     0,   147,   136,   122,   141,
-     124,   149,   118,   119,   186,   188,   236,     0,     0,   200,
-     217,     0,     0,   100,     0,   146,     0,    92,    19,     0,
-       0,     0,     0,    20,    21,    22,     0,     0,     0,    64,
-       0,    42,    56,   173,   181,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
-     239,   241,   242,   243,   244,   240,   245,   247,     0,     0,
-       0,     0,   233,     0,     0,     0,     0,   210,     0,   216,
-     208,    45,     0,     0,    46,   127,     0,   137,   143,   133,
-     128,   129,   131,     0,     0,   140,     0,     0,   139,     0,
-     151,   201,     0,   202,     0,   102,   104,   256,     0,     0,
-       0,     0,     0,     0,     0,   237,     0,   235,     0,    63,
-      65,    68,    28,     0,     0,     0,    47,     0,     0,    49,
-      55,    57,    26,   180,   169,   171,   246,   248,     0,     0,
-       0,     0,   182,   179,     0,   178,    90,     0,     0,   214,
-       0,   207,     0,     0,   142,   144,   134,   130,   132,     0,
-     148,     0,     0,   138,     0,     0,   153,   203,   218,     0,
-       0,     0,     0,    96,   261,   262,   260,   259,    97,    95,
-       0,    67,     0,    83,    84,    85,    86,    87,     0,     0,
-      70,    48,     0,    51,    50,     0,    54,     0,     0,   184,
-       0,     0,   177,   234,     0,   211,   204,     0,   205,     0,
-     125,   126,   150,   152,     0,   155,    61,     0,     0,    58,
-       0,     0,   238,     0,    24,    62,     0,     0,    23,     0,
-       0,     0,     0,   175,   183,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
-     111,     0,    59,    98,    99,     0,    74,    76,    77,    78,
-       0,     0,     0,    52,     0,   176,   185,    89,   206,   135,
-     154,   157,   160,   156,     0,    88,     0,    82,    80,     0,
-      79,     0,    72,    73,     0,    53,     0,   161,   162,   163,
-       0,    75,     0,    69,     0,   158,     0,   159,     0,    81,
-       0,   164,   165,     0,     0,    60,     0,    71
+       0,     6,   267,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    18,
+     114,     0,     0,     7,     0,     0,    15,     8,    10,    11,
+      13,    14,     9,    17,    12,    16,     0,   107,     0,   265,
+       0,   259,   260,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,   115,
+     116,     0,     0,   109,   110,     0,   147,     1,     3,     2,
+       0,   107,     0,   105,     5,     4,   266,     0,     0,     0,
+       0,   168,    25,     0,   225,   222,     0,   251,   117,    40,
+      29,     0,     0,    30,    31,    34,    36,     0,    37,    39,
+       0,    41,   221,    35,    38,     0,    32,    33,     0,     0,
+       0,     0,     0,   118,   119,   201,   123,   189,   191,   193,
+     196,   197,   198,   199,   195,   194,     0,   237,     0,     0,
+       0,     0,     0,   106,     0,     0,     0,    94,     0,     0,
+       0,   101,   169,     0,     0,    91,   223,   224,     0,     0,
+     217,   214,     0,    43,     0,   226,     0,     0,    44,     0,
+       0,   228,     0,   168,     0,   252,   253,     0,     0,   122,
+     255,   256,   254,     0,     0,   192,     0,     0,   168,   103,
+       0,   111,     0,   112,     0,   257,     0,   108,     0,     0,
+       0,     0,     0,    93,    66,    27,     0,     0,     0,     0,
+       0,   170,   172,   174,   176,     0,   194,     0,     0,     0,
+       0,   217,   211,     0,   215,     0,     0,   231,   232,   233,
+     230,   234,   229,     0,   227,     0,     0,   125,   200,     0,
+       0,   149,   138,   124,   143,   126,   151,   120,   121,   188,
+     190,   238,     0,     0,   202,   219,     0,     0,   100,     0,
+     148,     0,    92,    19,     0,     0,     0,     0,    20,    21,
+      22,     0,     0,     0,    64,     0,    42,    56,   175,   183,
+       0,     0,     0,     0,     0,   241,   242,   246,   245,   244,
+     243,   249,   247,     0,     0,     0,     0,   235,     0,     0,
+       0,     0,   212,     0,   218,   210,    45,     0,     0,    46,
+     129,     0,   139,   145,   135,   130,   131,   133,     0,     0,
+     142,     0,     0,   141,     0,   153,   203,     0,   204,     0,
+     102,   104,   258,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
+     239,     0,   237,     0,    63,    65,    68,    28,     0,     0,
+       0,    47,     0,     0,    49,    55,    57,    26,   182,   171,
+     173,   250,   248,     0,     0,     0,     0,   184,   181,     0,
+     180,    90,     0,     0,   216,     0,   209,     0,     0,   144,
+     146,   136,   132,   134,     0,   150,     0,     0,   140,     0,
+       0,   155,   205,   220,     0,     0,     0,     0,    96,   263,
+     264,   262,   261,    97,    95,     0,    67,     0,    83,    84,
+      85,    86,    87,     0,     0,    70,    48,     0,    51,    50,
+       0,    54,     0,     0,   186,     0,     0,   179,   236,     0,
+     213,   206,     0,   207,     0,   127,   128,   152,   154,     0,
+     157,    61,     0,     0,    58,     0,     0,   240,     0,    24,
+      62,     0,     0,    23,     0,     0,     0,     0,   177,   185,
+       0,     0,     0,     0,     0,   113,     0,    59,    98,    99,
+       0,    74,    76,    77,    78,     0,     0,     0,    52,     0,
+     178,   187,    89,   208,   137,   156,   159,   162,   158,     0,
+      88,     0,    82,    80,     0,    79,     0,    72,    73,     0,
+      53,     0,   163,   164,   165,     0,    75,     0,    69,     0,
+     160,     0,   161,     0,    81,     0,   166,   167,     0,     0,
+      60,     0,    71
-static const yytype_int16 yypgoto[] =
+static const yytype_int16 yydefgoto[] =
-    -230,  -230,  -230,  -230,  -230,  -230,  -230,  -230,  -127,  -230,
-     309,   161,  -230,  -230,  -229,  -230,  -230,  -230,  -230,  -230,
-    -230,    43,    27,  -230,  -230,  -230,  -230,  -230,  -230,  -230,
-    -230,  -230,  -230,  -230,  -230,   264,  -230,  -230,  -230,   378,
-      12,  -230,  -230,  -230,   350,  -230,  -103,  -230,  -230,  -139,
-     142,  -190,    -8,  -230,  -230,  -230,  -230,  -230,  -230,    26,
-    -230,  -230,    44,  -230,  -121,   240,   247,   321,   -28,   349,
-     351,   394,  -132,  -230,  -230,  -230,  -230,   324,  -230,   373,
-     327,  -216,  -171,   370,   108,  -107,  -230,  -230,  -230,  -230,
-    -230,  -119,    -4,    94,  -230,  -230
+      -1,    14,    15,    16,    17,    18,    19,    20,   175,   176,
+      91,   325,   326,   327,   238,   315,   316,   243,   385,   423,
+     469,   440,   441,   442,   443,   444,   382,   419,    21,    22,
+     173,   309,    23,    24,   158,   159,    25,    53,    26,    43,
+      44,   139,    41,    92,    93,    94,   143,    95,   293,   288,
+     211,   212,   282,   283,   213,   295,   361,   410,   435,   455,
+     456,   474,   482,   121,   122,   181,   182,   183,   184,   185,
+      97,    98,    99,   100,   101,   102,   103,   191,   192,   130,
+     131,   195,   226,   104,   203,   268,   105,   311,   265,   106,
+     148,   153,   164,   107,   373,    28,    29
-static const yytype_int16 yydefgoto[] =
+/* YYPACT[STATE-NUM] -- Index in YYTABLE of the portion describing
+   STATE-NUM.  */
+#define YYPACT_NINF -240
+static const yytype_int16 yypact[] =
+     228,  -240,  -240,   -63,   131,   -28,     4,   -33,    30,  -240,
+      33,   131,   131,  -240,    97,    88,  -240,  -240,  -240,  -240,
+    -240,  -240,  -240,  -240,  -240,  -240,   -22,    37,    82,   150,
+     131,  -240,  -240,   102,   131,   131,   131,   131,   131,  -240,
+    -240,   650,    42,    40,  -240,   172,    74,  -240,  -240,  -240,
+     137,    37,   121,  -240,  -240,  -240,  -240,    29,   221,   139,
+     101,   115,  -240,    52,  -240,  -240,   237,   243,  -240,  -240,
+    -240,   738,   126,  -240,   185,  -240,  -240,   176,  -240,  -240,
+     273,  -240,  -240,  -240,  -240,   187,  -240,  -240,   195,   202,
+     826,   320,   261,   196,  -240,  -240,   191,    -8,  -240,  -240,
+    -240,  -240,  -240,  -240,  -240,  -240,  1002,    -6,   131,   131,
+     199,   131,   131,  -240,   326,   203,   210,   208,   131,   131,
+     547,  -240,  -240,   204,   131,  -240,  -240,  -240,   547,    38,
+     -30,  -240,   328,  -240,   -11,   -11,  1090,   331,  -240,   205,
+      22,  -240,    36,   115,  1090,  -240,  -240,   131,  1090,  -240,
+    -240,  -240,  -240,  1090,   243,  -240,   131,   371,   -51,  -240,
+     329,  -240,   233,  -240,   122,  -240,   233,  -240,   131,    11,
+     131,   131,   209,  -240,   212,  -240,   133,  1192,   914,   199,
+     459,   335,   337,  -240,  -240,  1270,   327,  1141,   135,    20,
+    1090,   -18,  -240,  1090,  -240,   289,   217,  -240,  -240,  -240,
+    -240,  -240,  -240,   283,  -240,    50,   219,  -240,  -240,    21,
+      62,    95,  -240,   220,    62,    15,   285,  -240,  -240,    -8,
+    -240,  -240,   231,  1090,  -240,   251,   145,   131,  -240,  1090,
+    -240,   131,  -240,  -240,   234,   281,   286,   235,  -240,  -240,
+    -240,    41,   131,   245,    11,   131,  -240,    80,  -240,  -240,
+       2,   630,   547,   547,    64,  -240,  -240,  -240,  -240,  -240,
+    -240,  -240,  -240,  1090,   238,  1090,     8,  -240,   149,   248,
+    1090,    43,  -240,   312,   251,  -240,  -240,  1090,   367,  -240,
+     119,   131,  -240,  -240,   284,  -240,   287,   288,   298,    36,
+    -240,   374,   377,    62,   345,   313,  -240,   153,  -240,  1090,
+    -240,   251,  -240,   547,   254,   255,   131,   384,   144,   156,
+    -240,   158,   363,   152,  -240,   260,   270,  -240,   307,   266,
+    1141,  -240,   317,   131,  -240,  -240,    80,  -240,  -240,   337,
+    -240,  -240,  -240,  1090,   268,    91,   826,  -240,   251,   316,
+    -240,  -240,  1141,   269,   251,  1090,  -240,    25,    -9,  -240,
+    -240,  -240,  -240,  -240,    36,    95,   305,   309,  -240,  1090,
+     547,   314,  -240,   251,     6,   131,   131,   160,  -240,  -240,
+    -240,  -240,  -240,  -240,  -240,   148,  -240,   131,  -240,  -240,
+    -240,  -240,   276,    11,   375,   319,  -240,   547,  -240,  -240,
+     277,  -240,   230,   826,  -240,  1090,   162,  -240,  -240,  1141,
+     251,  -240,   409,  -240,   324,  -240,  -240,   290,   335,   378,
+     338,  -240,   165,   169,  -240,   418,   144,  -240,   131,  -240,
+    -240,   293,   389,  -240,    27,   131,  1090,   173,   251,  -240,
+     177,   296,   547,  1090,   424,  -240,   334,  -240,  -240,  -240,
+     179,  -240,  -240,  -240,  -240,    16,   131,    19,  -240,   299,
+     251,  -240,  -240,  -240,   335,   297,  -240,   161,  -240,   131,
+    -240,   131,  -240,  -240,   131,  -240,   181,  -240,  -240,   302,
+    -240,  1090,  -240,  -240,   348,   310,  -240,   183,  -240,   131,
+    -240,   136,  -240,   131,  -240,   188,  -240,  -240,   192,   343,
+    -240,   437,  -240
+static const yytype_int16 yypgoto[] =
-      -1,    14,    15,    16,    17,    18,    19,    20,   170,   171,
-      89,   320,   321,   322,   233,   310,   311,   238,   380,   418,
-     464,   435,   436,   437,   438,   439,   377,   414,    21,    22,
-     168,   304,    23,    24,   154,   155,    25,    26,    43,    44,
-     135,    41,    90,    91,    92,   139,    93,   288,   283,   206,
-     207,   277,   278,   208,   290,   356,   405,   430,   450,   451,
-     469,   477,   117,   118,   176,   177,   178,   179,   180,    95,
-      96,    97,    98,    99,   100,   101,   186,   187,   126,   127,
-     190,   221,   102,   198,   263,   103,   306,   260,   104,   144,
-     149,   160,   105,   368,    28,    29
+    -240,  -240,  -240,  -240,  -240,  -240,  -240,  -240,  -119,  -240,
+     271,   120,  -240,  -240,  -239,  -240,  -240,  -240,  -240,  -240,
+    -240,    -1,   -14,  -240,  -240,  -240,  -240,  -240,  -240,  -240,
+    -240,  -240,  -240,  -240,  -240,   222,  -240,   401,  -240,  -240,
+     344,    12,  -240,  -240,  -240,   315,  -240,   -91,  -240,  -240,
+    -172,   100,  -190,   -10,  -240,  -240,  -240,  -240,  -240,  -240,
+     -15,  -240,  -240,   -82,  -240,  -127,   215,   218,   292,   -35,
+     325,   323,   356,  -139,  -240,  -240,  -240,  -240,   294,  -240,
+     342,   300,  -212,  -174,   333,    78,  -111,  -240,  -240,  -240,
+    -240,  -240,  -120,    -4,    68,  -240,  -240
-  /* YYTABLE[YYPACT[STATE-NUM]] -- What to do in state STATE-NUM.  If
-     positive, shift that token.  If negative, reduce the rule whose
-     number is the opposite.  If YYTABLE_NINF, syntax error.  */
+/* YYTABLE[YYPACT[STATE-NUM]].  What to do in state STATE-NUM.  If
+   positive, shift that token.  If negative, reduce the rule which
+   number is the opposite.  If YYTABLE_NINF, syntax error.  */
+#define YYTABLE_NINF -130
 static const yytype_int16 yytable[] =
-      33,   183,   292,   184,    45,   159,   209,    42,    46,   181,
-     309,   262,    27,    94,    31,   152,    32,   181,    31,   285,
-      32,   457,    31,   247,    32,   188,    55,   286,   247,   247,
-      57,    58,    59,    60,    61,   205,   228,    30,    51,   247,
-      50,   125,   397,   458,   249,   250,   251,   252,   253,   254,
-     255,   256,   257,   258,   245,   141,   142,   334,   146,   147,
-     136,   141,   142,   141,   142,   275,   181,   188,   181,    10,
-      39,   244,   209,   121,   141,   142,   141,   142,   326,   327,
-     328,   141,   142,    34,   373,   462,    36,   374,   375,   124,
-     145,   313,    52,   111,    31,    53,    32,    40,   353,    45,
-      38,   205,   156,    46,   200,   161,   162,   287,   398,   259,
-     169,   172,    94,   312,   463,   391,   161,    10,    10,    35,
-     153,   276,   153,   112,   314,   220,   225,   226,   265,   273,
-     305,   185,   119,   315,   210,    37,   329,   335,   402,   213,
-     181,   181,   204,   120,   383,   350,   459,   246,   216,   415,
-     204,    47,   209,   323,   406,   192,   332,   266,   376,   172,
-     269,   234,   235,     1,   443,     2,   393,   203,   340,    54,
-     148,   316,   422,   203,   227,   396,   185,   359,   481,   193,
-     317,   205,   362,   211,   318,    31,    31,    32,    32,   229,
-     220,   181,     3,   194,   195,   279,   296,   482,   223,   319,
-     210,    46,   280,   141,   142,    46,   116,    56,     4,     5,
-     281,   196,   390,   143,   230,     6,   222,   209,   156,   106,
-       7,   364,   297,   262,   141,   142,   389,   107,   302,   282,
-     330,   197,   333,   307,   403,   303,   172,   339,   163,   164,
-       8,   407,   408,   421,   342,   231,   205,   410,   181,   365,
-     366,   108,   141,   142,   411,   141,   142,    48,   344,    49,
-     109,   419,     9,   467,   232,   412,   358,   279,   345,    10,
-     165,   166,    46,   367,   280,   181,   239,   240,   113,  -127,
-     210,    11,   281,   110,    46,   114,   468,    12,   264,   226,
-      13,   141,   142,   293,   294,   115,   116,   161,   336,   337,
-     387,   282,   122,   220,   357,   294,   449,   123,   369,   370,
-     371,   372,   395,   129,   385,   131,   409,   226,   424,   294,
-     181,   431,   226,   432,   226,   134,   220,   137,   446,   294,
-     138,   447,   337,   455,   456,    31,    62,    32,    63,   128,
-     472,   473,   456,   479,   226,   210,   484,   226,   485,   226,
-     130,   132,    64,    65,   217,   480,   161,   161,   140,   483,
-     220,   133,   423,   167,    67,    68,   191,   158,   307,   182,
-     201,   224,    69,    70,   202,    10,   236,   247,   237,    71,
-      72,   248,    73,   270,   261,   271,   272,   218,    74,   274,
-     289,   284,   291,   445,    75,   298,   299,    76,   300,   301,
-     452,   308,   341,   331,   338,   343,   346,   347,   349,   440,
-      77,    78,   351,   348,   352,   354,   444,   355,    79,   360,
-     361,    80,   363,   152,   378,   381,   379,   392,   382,   384,
-     388,   394,   400,    81,   401,   404,   460,   440,   452,   413,
-     416,    82,    83,   417,   426,    84,    85,   427,   420,   428,
-     470,   429,   440,    86,   294,   161,   433,   441,    87,    31,
-      62,    32,    63,    88,   219,   173,   442,   453,   476,   454,
-     161,   448,   465,   486,   161,   474,    64,    65,   487,   466,
-     478,   242,   386,   471,   461,   157,   295,   324,    67,    68,
-     212,   399,   475,   214,   243,   325,    69,    70,   151,   189,
-     215,   199,   425,    71,    72,   434,    73,     0,     0,     0,
-     267,     0,    74,   268,     0,     0,     0,   174,    75,     0,
-       0,    76,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
-       0,     0,     0,     0,    77,    78,     0,     0,     0,     0,
-       0,     0,    79,     0,     0,    80,    31,    62,    32,    63,
-       0,     0,   173,     0,     0,     0,     0,    81,     0,     0,
-       0,     0,    10,    64,    65,    82,    83,     0,     0,    84,
-      85,     0,     0,     0,     0,    67,    68,    86,     0,     0,
-       0,     0,    87,    69,    70,     0,     0,   175,     0,     0,
-      71,    72,     0,    73,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    74,
-       0,     0,     0,     0,   174,    75,     0,     0,    76,     0,
+      33,   189,    45,   214,   188,   314,    96,    42,    46,   186,
+     252,   297,    27,   267,   252,   150,   151,   186,   339,   163,
+      31,   156,    32,   462,   290,    31,    57,    32,   252,   193,
+      59,    60,    61,    62,    63,   252,   129,   280,    51,   197,
+      31,   193,    32,   145,   146,   463,   145,   146,    34,   233,
+      30,   210,   291,   250,   234,   140,    50,   115,   402,   145,
+     146,   216,    39,   198,   145,   146,    31,   186,    32,   186,
+     214,   145,   146,    36,   120,   125,   228,   199,   200,   235,
+      37,   331,   332,   333,   227,    35,    10,   116,   249,    40,
+     318,   467,   149,   281,   128,   307,   201,    47,   340,    45,
+     395,   205,   308,   358,   160,    46,   190,   165,   166,    96,
+     236,    38,   145,   146,   174,   177,   202,   355,   210,   278,
+     165,   468,   225,   319,   396,   403,   317,   157,   152,    10,
+     237,   310,   320,   292,   270,    31,   328,    32,   215,   334,
+     411,   186,   186,   218,   420,   251,   388,   407,   157,   464,
+     214,   108,   221,    56,   209,   271,   208,   345,   274,   401,
+      10,   448,   190,    52,   177,   284,   239,   240,   398,   209,
+     321,    58,   285,   337,   123,   109,   364,  -129,   232,   322,
+     286,   427,   145,   146,   323,   124,   367,   378,   225,   284,
+     379,   380,   186,   472,   301,    31,   285,    32,   210,   324,
+     287,   486,   415,   110,   286,   215,    46,   111,   369,   416,
+      46,    54,   145,   146,    55,   214,   473,    48,   112,    49,
+     487,   114,   147,   160,   287,   267,   117,   302,   335,     1,
+     338,     2,   118,   408,   119,   344,   370,   371,   312,   426,
+     120,   177,   347,   394,   126,   412,   413,   168,   169,   186,
+     127,   145,   146,   349,   170,   171,   230,   231,     3,   132,
+     424,   372,   381,   210,   363,   133,   417,   244,   245,   269,
+     231,   350,   145,   146,     4,     5,   186,    46,   135,   298,
+     299,     6,   138,   341,   342,   215,     7,   362,   299,    46,
+     374,   375,   376,   377,   414,   231,   429,   299,   392,   436,
+     231,   225,   165,   437,   231,   454,     8,   451,   299,   134,
+     400,   452,   342,   460,   461,   478,   461,   484,   231,   390,
+     136,   186,   489,   231,   225,   141,   490,   231,   137,     9,
+     142,   144,   162,   167,   172,   196,    10,   187,   206,   207,
+     229,    10,   241,   252,   477,   242,   253,   266,    11,   275,
+     215,   276,   277,   279,    12,   289,   294,    13,   225,   485,
+     428,   165,   165,   488,   304,   296,   313,   303,   306,   305,
+     343,   336,   346,   312,   348,    31,    64,    32,    65,   351,
+     354,   356,   352,   353,   357,   359,   360,   365,   366,   368,
+     156,   450,    66,    67,   222,   383,   384,   386,   457,   387,
+     389,   393,   399,   405,    69,    70,   397,   406,   409,   418,
+     425,   421,    71,    72,   445,   422,   431,   432,   433,    73,
+      74,   449,    75,   438,   434,   299,   446,   223,    76,   447,
+     453,   458,   471,   470,    77,   479,   457,    78,   459,   481,
+     491,   465,   445,   483,   492,   466,   391,   476,   247,   300,
+      79,    80,   113,   161,   404,   475,   480,   445,    81,   217,
+     165,    82,   155,    31,    64,    32,    65,   329,   204,   178,
+     248,   330,   194,   219,    83,   165,   220,   430,     0,   165,
+      66,    67,    84,    85,   439,   272,    86,    87,     0,     0,
+       0,   273,    69,    70,    88,     0,     0,     0,     0,    89,
+      71,    72,     0,     0,    90,   224,     0,    73,    74,     0,
+      75,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    76,     0,     0,     0,
+       0,   179,    77,     0,     0,    78,     0,     0,     0,     0,
+       0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    79,    80,
+       0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    81,     0,     0,    82,
+       0,    31,    64,    32,    65,     0,     0,   178,     0,     0,
+       0,     0,    83,     0,     0,     0,     0,    10,    66,    67,
+      84,    85,     0,     0,    86,    87,     0,     0,     0,     0,
+      69,    70,    88,     0,     0,     0,     0,    89,    71,    72,
+       0,     0,   180,     0,     0,    73,    74,     0,    75,     0,
+       0,     0,     0,     0,    76,     0,     0,     0,     0,   179,
+      77,     0,     0,    78,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
+       0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    79,    80,     0,     0,
+       0,     0,     0,     0,    81,     0,     0,    82,     0,     0,
+     254,   255,   256,   257,   258,   259,   260,   261,   262,   263,
+      83,   145,   146,     0,    31,    64,    32,    65,    84,    85,
+       0,     0,    86,    87,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
+      88,    66,    67,    68,     0,    89,     0,     0,     0,     0,
+     180,     0,     0,    69,    70,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
+       0,    71,    72,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    73,    74,
+       0,    75,     0,     0,     0,   264,     0,    76,     0,     0,
+       0,     0,     0,    77,     0,     0,    78,     0,     0,     0,
+       0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    79,
+      80,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    81,     0,     0,
+      82,     0,    31,    64,    32,    65,     0,     0,     0,     0,
+       0,     0,     0,    83,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    66,
+      67,    84,    85,     0,   208,    86,    87,     0,     0,     0,
+       0,    69,    70,    88,     0,     0,     0,     0,    89,    71,
+      72,     0,     0,    90,     0,     0,    73,    74,     0,    75,
+       0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    76,     0,     0,     0,     0,
+       0,    77,     0,     0,    78,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
+       0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    79,    80,     0,
+       0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    81,     0,     0,    82,     0,
+      31,    64,    32,    65,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
+       0,    83,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    66,    67,    84,
+      85,     0,     0,    86,    87,     0,     0,     0,     0,    69,
+      70,    88,   128,     0,     0,     0,    89,    71,    72,     0,
+       0,    90,     0,     0,    73,    74,     0,    75,     0,     0,
+       0,     0,     0,    76,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    77,
+       0,     0,    78,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
+       0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    79,    80,     0,     0,     0,
+       0,     0,     0,    81,     0,     0,    82,     0,    31,    64,
+      32,    65,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    83,
+       0,     0,     0,     0,    10,    66,    67,    84,    85,     0,
+       0,    86,    87,     0,     0,     0,     0,    69,    70,    88,
+       0,     0,     0,     0,    89,    71,    72,     0,     0,    90,
+       0,     0,    73,    74,     0,    75,     0,     0,     0,     0,
+       0,    76,     0,     0,     0,     0,   179,    77,     0,     0,
+      78,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
+       0,     0,     0,    79,    80,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
+       0,    81,     0,     0,    82,     0,    31,    64,    32,    65,
+       0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    83,     0,     0,
+       0,     0,     0,    66,   154,    84,    85,     0,     0,    86,
+      87,     0,     0,     0,     0,    69,    70,    88,     0,     0,
+       0,     0,    89,    71,    72,     0,     0,   180,     0,     0,
+      73,    74,     0,    75,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    76,
+       0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    77,     0,     0,    78,     0,
        0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
-       0,    77,    78,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    79,
-       0,     0,    80,     0,   249,   250,   251,   252,   253,   254,
-     255,   256,   257,   258,    81,   141,   142,     0,    31,    62,
-      32,    63,    82,    83,     0,     0,    84,    85,     0,     0,
-       0,     0,     0,     0,    86,    64,    65,    66,     0,    87,
-       0,     0,     0,     0,   175,     0,     0,    67,    68,     0,
-       0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    69,    70,     0,     0,     0,
-       0,     0,    71,    72,     0,    73,     0,     0,     0,   259,
-       0,    74,     0,    31,    62,    32,    63,    75,     0,     0,
-      76,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
-      64,    65,     0,    77,    78,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
-       0,    79,    67,    68,    80,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
-      69,    70,     0,     0,     0,     0,    81,    71,    72,     0,
-      73,     0,     0,     0,    82,    83,    74,     0,    84,    85,
-       0,     0,    75,     0,     0,    76,    86,     0,     0,     0,
-       0,    87,     0,     0,     0,     0,    88,     0,    77,    78,
-       0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    79,     0,     0,    80,
-      31,    62,    32,    63,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
-       0,    81,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    64,    65,    82,
-      83,     0,     0,    84,    85,     0,     0,     0,     0,    67,
-      68,    86,   124,     0,     0,     0,    87,    69,    70,     0,
-       0,    88,     0,     0,    71,    72,     0,    73,     0,     0,
-       0,     0,     0,    74,     0,    31,    62,    32,    63,    75,
-       0,     0,    76,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
-       0,     0,    64,    65,     0,    77,    78,     0,     0,     0,
-       0,     0,     0,    79,    67,    68,    80,     0,     0,     0,
-       0,     0,    69,    70,     0,     0,     0,     0,    81,    71,
-      72,     0,    73,    10,     0,     0,    82,    83,    74,     0,
-      84,    85,     0,   174,    75,     0,     0,    76,    86,     0,
-       0,     0,     0,    87,     0,     0,     0,     0,    88,     0,
-      77,    78,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    79,     0,
-       0,    80,    31,    62,    32,    63,     0,     0,     0,     0,
-       0,     0,     0,    81,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    64,
-     150,    82,    83,     0,     0,    84,    85,     0,     0,     0,
-       0,    67,    68,    86,     0,     0,     0,     0,    87,    69,
-      70,     0,     0,   175,     0,     0,    71,    72,     0,    73,
-       0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    74,     0,    31,    62,    32,
-      63,    75,     0,     0,    76,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
-       0,     0,     0,     0,    64,    65,     0,    77,    78,     0,
-       0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    79,    67,    68,    80,     0,
-       0,     0,     0,     0,    69,    70,     0,     0,     0,     0,
-      81,    71,    72,     0,    73,     0,     0,     0,    82,    83,
-      74,     0,    84,    85,     0,     0,    75,     0,     0,    76,
-      86,     0,     0,     0,     0,    87,     0,     0,     0,     0,
-      88,     0,    77,    78,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
-      79,     0,     0,    80,    62,     0,    63,     0,     0,     0,
-       0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    81,     0,     0,     0,     0,
-      64,   150,     0,    82,    83,     0,     0,    84,    85,     0,
-       0,     0,    67,    68,     0,    86,     0,     0,     0,     0,
-      87,    70,     0,     0,     0,    88,     0,    71,    72,     0,
-      73,    67,    68,     0,     0,     0,    74,     0,     0,     0,
-      70,     0,     0,     0,     0,    76,    71,    72,     0,    73,
-       0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    74,     0,     0,    77,    78,
-       0,     0,     0,     0,    76,     0,    79,     0,     0,    80,
-       0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    77,   241,     0,
-       0,    81,     0,     0,     0,    79,     0,     0,     0,    82,
-       0,     0,     0,    84,    85,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
-      81,    86,     0,     0,     0,     0,    87,     0,    82,     0,
-       0,     0,    84,    85,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
-      86,     0,     0,     0,     0,    87
+       0,    79,    80,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    81,
+       0,     0,    82,     0,    31,    64,    32,    65,     0,     0,
+       0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    83,     0,     0,     0,     0,
+       0,    66,    67,    84,    85,     0,     0,    86,    87,     0,
+       0,     0,     0,    69,    70,    88,     0,     0,     0,     0,
+      89,    71,    72,     0,     0,    90,     0,     0,    73,    74,
+       0,    75,     0,     0,     0,     0,    64,    76,    65,     0,
+       0,     0,     0,    77,     0,     0,    78,     0,     0,     0,
+       0,     0,    66,   154,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    79,
+      80,     0,     0,     0,    69,    70,     0,    81,     0,     0,
+      82,     0,     0,    72,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    73,
+      74,     0,    75,    83,     0,     0,     0,     0,    76,     0,
+       0,    84,    85,     0,     0,    86,    87,    78,     0,     0,
+       0,     0,     0,    88,     0,     0,     0,     0,    89,     0,
+      79,    80,     0,    90,     0,    69,    70,     0,    81,     0,
+       0,    82,     0,     0,    72,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
+      73,    74,     0,    75,    83,     0,     0,     0,     0,    76,
+       0,     0,    84,     0,     0,     0,    86,    87,    78,     0,
+       0,     0,     0,     0,    88,     0,     0,     0,     0,    89,
+       0,    79,   246,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    81,
+     254,   255,   256,   257,   258,   259,   260,   261,   262,   263,
+       0,   145,   146,     0,     0,    83,     0,     0,     0,     0,
+       0,     0,     0,    84,     0,     0,     0,    86,    87,     0,
+       0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    88,     0,     0,     0,     0,
+      89,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
+       0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
+       0,     0,     0,     0,     0,   264
+#define yypact_value_is_default(Yystate) \
+  (!!((Yystate) == (-240)))
+#define yytable_value_is_error(Yytable_value) \
+  YYID (0)
 static const yytype_int16 yycheck[] =
-       4,   120,   218,   124,    12,   108,   138,    11,    12,   116,
-     239,   182,     0,    41,     4,    27,     6,   124,     4,   209,
-       6,     7,     4,     8,     6,    59,    30,    37,     8,     8,
-      34,    35,    36,    37,    38,   138,   163,   112,    26,     8,
-      78,    69,    67,    29,    10,    11,    12,    13,    14,    15,
-      16,    17,    18,    19,   175,    21,    22,    10,    23,    24,
-      88,    21,    22,    21,    22,   204,   173,    59,   175,   107,
-      29,   174,   204,    61,    21,    22,    21,    22,    17,    18,
-      19,    21,    22,    76,    35,    72,    69,    38,    39,   123,
-      94,    10,   128,    28,     4,   131,     6,    56,   288,   107,
-      81,   204,   106,   107,   132,   109,   110,   117,   133,    75,
-     114,   115,   140,   240,   101,   331,   120,   107,   107,   112,
-     132,    31,   132,    58,    43,   153,   133,   134,   113,    69,
-     237,   123,   121,    52,   138,   112,    75,    90,   354,   143,
-     247,   248,   132,   132,   315,   284,   132,   175,   152,   378,
-     132,     0,   284,   133,   133,    50,   259,   185,   109,   163,
-     188,   165,   166,     1,   133,     3,   337,   133,   113,     3,
-     135,    90,   388,   133,   162,   133,   123,   298,    65,    74,
-      99,   284,   301,   139,   103,     4,     4,     6,     6,    43,
-     218,   298,    30,    88,    89,    70,   224,    84,   154,   118,
-     204,   205,    77,    21,    22,   209,   124,    69,    46,    47,
-      85,   106,     9,    31,    68,    53,   134,   349,   222,   108,
-      58,    64,   226,   394,    21,    22,   329,   134,    54,   104,
-     258,   126,   260,   237,   355,    61,   240,   265,    44,    45,
-      78,   360,   361,     9,   272,    99,   349,    54,   355,    92,
-      93,    31,    21,    22,    61,    21,    22,   128,   133,   130,
-     132,   382,   100,    32,   118,   372,   294,    70,   276,   107,
-      44,    45,   276,   116,    77,   382,   133,   134,     5,    82,
-     284,   119,    85,    81,   288,    93,    55,   125,   133,   134,
-     128,    21,    22,   133,   134,   132,   124,   301,   133,   134,
-     328,   104,     7,   331,   133,   134,   427,     7,   133,   134,
-     133,   134,   340,    80,   318,     5,   133,   134,   133,   134,
-     427,   133,   134,   133,   134,    80,   354,     5,   133,   134,
-      69,   133,   134,   133,   134,     4,     5,     6,     7,   132,
-     459,   133,   134,   133,   134,   349,   133,   134,   133,   134,
-     132,   132,    21,    22,    23,   474,   360,   361,   134,   478,
-     388,   132,   390,   125,    33,    34,     7,   132,   372,   132,
-       7,    11,    41,    42,   133,   107,   132,     8,   132,    48,
-      49,     9,    51,    60,    20,   133,    69,    56,    57,   133,
-      71,   134,   133,   421,    63,   132,    83,    66,    83,   132,
-     428,   120,    60,   132,   121,     7,    95,    95,    82,   413,
-      79,    80,     7,    95,     7,    40,   420,    73,    87,   132,
-     132,    90,     5,    27,   134,    90,   125,    90,   132,    83,
-     132,   132,    98,   102,    98,    94,   440,   441,   466,   132,
-      36,   110,   111,    96,     7,   114,   115,    93,   132,    40,
-     454,    86,   456,   122,   134,   459,     5,   132,   127,     4,
-       5,     6,     7,   132,   133,    10,    40,     7,    91,   103,
-     474,   133,   133,    97,   478,   132,    21,    22,     7,   134,
-     132,   172,   321,   456,   441,   107,   222,   247,    33,    34,
-     140,   349,   466,   144,   173,   248,    41,    42,   104,   126,
-     149,   131,   394,    48,    49,   411,    51,    -1,    -1,    -1,
-     186,    -1,    57,   186,    -1,    -1,    -1,    62,    63,    -1,
-      -1,    66,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,
-      -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    79,    80,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,
-      -1,    -1,    87,    -1,    -1,    90,     4,     5,     6,     7,
-      -1,    -1,    10,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,   102,    -1,    -1,
-      -1,    -1,   107,    21,    22,   110,   111,    -1,    -1,   114,
-     115,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    33,    34,   122,    -1,    -1,
-      -1,    -1,   127,    41,    42,    -1,    -1,   132,    -1,    -1,
-      48,    49,    -1,    51,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    57,
-      -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    62,    63,    -1,    -1,    66,    -1,
-      -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,
-      -1,    79,    80,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    87,
-      -1,    -1,    90,    -1,    10,    11,    12,    13,    14,    15,
-      16,    17,    18,    19,   102,    21,    22,    -1,     4,     5,
-       6,     7,   110,   111,    -1,    -1,   114,   115,    -1,    -1,
-      -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,   122,    21,    22,    23,    -1,   127,
-      -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,   132,    -1,    -1,    33,    34,    -1,
-      -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    41,    42,    -1,    -1,    -1,
-      -1,    -1,    48,    49,    -1,    51,    -1,    -1,    -1,    75,
-      -1,    57,    -1,     4,     5,     6,     7,    63,    -1,    -1,
-      66,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,
-      21,    22,    -1,    79,    80,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,
-      -1,    87,    33,    34,    90,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,
-      41,    42,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,   102,    48,    49,    -1,
-      51,    -1,    -1,    -1,   110,   111,    57,    -1,   114,   115,
-      -1,    -1,    63,    -1,    -1,    66,   122,    -1,    -1,    -1,
-      -1,   127,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,   132,    -1,    79,    80,
+       4,   128,    12,   142,   124,   244,    41,    11,    12,   120,
+       8,   223,     0,   187,     8,    23,    24,   128,    10,   110,
+       4,    27,     6,     7,   214,     4,    30,     6,     8,    59,
+      34,    35,    36,    37,    38,     8,    71,   209,    26,    50,
+       4,    59,     6,    21,    22,    29,    21,    22,    76,   168,
+     113,   142,    37,   180,    43,    90,    78,    28,    67,    21,
+      22,   143,    29,    74,    21,    22,     4,   178,     6,   180,
+     209,    21,    22,    69,   125,    63,   158,    88,    89,    68,
+     113,    17,    18,    19,   135,   113,   108,    58,   179,    56,
+      10,    72,    96,    31,   124,    54,   107,     0,    90,   109,
+       9,   136,    61,   293,   108,   109,   124,   111,   112,   144,
+      99,    81,    21,    22,   118,   119,   127,   289,   209,    69,
+     124,   102,   157,    43,   336,   134,   245,   133,  


[4/4] incubator-quickstep git commit: Added PRIORITY clause in parser.

Posted by
Added PRIORITY clause in parser.

- SQL statements (right now only SELECT statements) support "WITH
  PRIORITY N" clause.
- The priority value should be a non-zero positive integer.
- The priority value is a part of the QueryHandle class.


Branch: refs/heads/parser-priority-clause
Commit: 604ed99b7e82a0dbb1840cc2db3c5771600de0ab
Parents: 8e825f1
Author: Harshad Deshmukh <>
Authored: Fri Jun 17 16:01:19 2016 -0500
Committer: Harshad Deshmukh <>
Committed: Fri Jun 17 16:01:19 2016 -0500

 parser/CMakeLists.txt                 |    8 +
 parser/ParsePriority.hpp              |   94 +
 parser/ParseStatement.hpp             |   27 +-
 parser/SqlLexer.lpp                   |    2 +
 parser/SqlParser.ypp                  |   37 +-
 parser/preprocessed/SqlLexer_gen.cpp  | 1257 ++++---
 parser/preprocessed/SqlLexer_gen.hpp  |   31 +-
 parser/preprocessed/SqlParser_gen.cpp | 5342 +++++++++++++++-------------
 parser/preprocessed/SqlParser_gen.hpp |  307 +-
 parser/tests/Select.test              |   43 +
 query_optimizer/QueryHandle.hpp       |   11 +-
 query_optimizer/QueryProcessor.cpp    |    4 +-
 12 files changed, 3892 insertions(+), 3271 deletions(-)
diff --git a/parser/CMakeLists.txt b/parser/CMakeLists.txt
index 2488d30..607926a 100644
--- a/parser/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/parser/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ add_library(quickstep_parser_ParsePartitionClause ../empty_src.cpp ParsePartitio
 add_library(quickstep_parser_ParsePredicate ParsePredicate.cpp ParsePredicate.hpp)
 add_library(quickstep_parser_ParsePredicateExists ../empty_src.cpp ParsePredicateExists.hpp)
 add_library(quickstep_parser_ParsePredicateInTableQuery ../empty_src.cpp ParsePredicateInTableQuery.hpp)
+add_library(quickstep_parser_ParsePriority ../empty_src.cpp ParsePriority.hpp)
 add_library(quickstep_parser_ParseSample ParseSample.cpp ParseSample.hpp)
 add_library(quickstep_parser_ParseSelect ../empty_src.cpp ParseSelect.hpp)
 add_library(quickstep_parser_ParseSelectionClause ParseSelectionClause.cpp ParseSelectionClause.hpp)
@@ -227,6 +228,10 @@ target_link_libraries(quickstep_parser_ParsePredicateInTableQuery
+                      quickstep_parser_ParseLiteralValue
+                      quickstep_parser_ParseTreeNode
+                      quickstep_utility_Macros)
@@ -264,6 +269,7 @@ target_link_libraries(quickstep_parser_ParseStatement
+                      quickstep_parser_ParsePriority
@@ -328,6 +334,7 @@ target_link_libraries(quickstep_parser_SqlParser
+                      quickstep_parser_ParsePriority
@@ -407,6 +414,7 @@ target_link_libraries(quickstep_parser
+                      quickstep_parser_ParsePriority
diff --git a/parser/ParsePriority.hpp b/parser/ParsePriority.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89806d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parser/ParsePriority.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+ *   Copyright 2016, Quickstep Research Group, Computer Sciences Department,
+ *     University of Wisconsin\u2014Madison.
+ *
+ *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *   limitations under the License.
+ **/
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "parser/ParseLiteralValue.hpp"
+#include "parser/ParseTreeNode.hpp"
+#include "utility/Macros.hpp"
+namespace quickstep {
+/** \addtogroup Parser
+ *  @{
+ */
+ * @brief A parsed representation of PRIORITY.
+ **/
+class ParsePriority : public ParseTreeNode {
+ public:
+  /**
+   * @brief Constructor.
+   *
+   * @param line_number The line number of "PRIORITY" in the SQL statement.
+   * @param column_number The column number of "PRIORITY" in the SQL statement.
+   * @param priority_expression The PRIORITY value expression.
+   **/
+  ParsePriority(const int line_number,
+                const int column_number,
+                NumericParseLiteralValue *priority_expression)
+      : ParseTreeNode(line_number, column_number),
+        priority_expression_(priority_expression) {}
+  /**
+   * @brief Destructor.
+   */
+  ~ParsePriority() override {}
+  /**
+   * @brief Gets the PRIORITY expression.
+   *
+   * @return PRIORITY expression
+   */
+  const NumericParseLiteralValue* priority_expression() const {
+    return priority_expression_.get();
+  }
+  std::string getName() const override {
+    return "PRIORITY";
+  }
+ protected:
+  void getFieldStringItems(
+      std::vector<std::string> *inline_field_names,
+      std::vector<std::string> *inline_field_values,
+      std::vector<std::string> *non_container_child_field_names,
+      std::vector<const ParseTreeNode *> *non_container_child_fields,
+      std::vector<std::string> *container_child_field_names,
+      std::vector<std::vector<const ParseTreeNode *>> *container_child_fields)
+      const override {
+    non_container_child_field_names->push_back("");
+    non_container_child_fields->push_back(priority_expression_.get());
+  }
+ private:
+  std::unique_ptr<NumericParseLiteralValue> priority_expression_;
+/** @} */
+}  // namespace quickstep
diff --git a/parser/ParseStatement.hpp b/parser/ParseStatement.hpp
index 65acc68..fd6673d 100644
--- a/parser/ParseStatement.hpp
+++ b/parser/ParseStatement.hpp
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
 #include "parser/ParseKeyValue.hpp"
 #include "parser/ParsePartitionClause.hpp"
 #include "parser/ParsePredicate.hpp"
+#include "parser/ParsePriority.hpp"
 #include "parser/ParseSelect.hpp"
 #include "parser/ParseString.hpp"
 #include "parser/ParseSubqueryTableReference.hpp"
@@ -83,6 +84,10 @@ class ParseStatement : public ParseTreeNode {
   virtual StatementType getStatementType() const = 0;
+  virtual const std::int64_t getPriority() const {
+    return 1;
+  }
   ParseStatement(const int line_number, const int column_number)
       : ParseTreeNode(line_number, column_number) {
@@ -480,14 +485,18 @@ class ParseStatementSelect : public ParseStatement {
    * @param column_number Column number of the first token of this node in the SQL statement.
    * @param select_query The top-level SELECT query.
    * @param with_clause The WITH clause of common table query expressions.
+   * @param priority_clause The PRIORITY clause of this query. If not valid or
+   *        not present, this is NULL.
   ParseStatementSelect(const int line_number,
                        const int column_number,
                        ParseSelect *select_query,
-                       PtrVector<ParseSubqueryTableReference> *with_clause)
+                       PtrVector<ParseSubqueryTableReference> *with_clause,
+                       ParsePriority *priority_clause)
       : ParseStatement(line_number, column_number),
-        with_clause_(with_clause) {
+        with_clause_(with_clause),
+        priority_clause_(priority_clause) {
@@ -518,6 +527,14 @@ class ParseStatementSelect : public ParseStatement {
     return with_clause_.get();
+  const std::int64_t getPriority() const override {
+    if (priority_clause_ != nullptr) {
+      DCHECK(priority_clause_->priority_expression() != nullptr);
+      return priority_clause_->priority_expression()->long_value();
+    }
+    return 1;
+  }
   void getFieldStringItems(
       std::vector<std::string> *inline_field_names,
@@ -536,11 +553,17 @@ class ParseStatementSelect : public ParseStatement {
+    if (priority_clause_ != nullptr) {
+      non_container_child_field_names->push_back("priority");
+      non_container_child_fields->push_back(priority_clause_.get());
+    }
   std::unique_ptr<ParseSelect> select_query_;
   std::unique_ptr<PtrVector<ParseSubqueryTableReference>> with_clause_;
+  std::unique_ptr<ParsePriority> priority_clause_;
diff --git a/parser/SqlLexer.lpp b/parser/SqlLexer.lpp
index ac1c708..677e41a 100644
--- a/parser/SqlLexer.lpp
+++ b/parser/SqlLexer.lpp
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ class ParseOrderBy;
 class ParseOrderByItem;
 class ParsePartitionClause;
 class ParsePredicate;
+class ParsePriority;
 class ParseSample;
 class ParseScalarLiteral;
 class ParseSearchedWhenClause;
@@ -247,6 +248,7 @@ unsigned_numeric_literal {exact_numeric_literal}|{approximate_numeric_literal}
   "partitions"       return TOKEN_PARTITIONS;
   "percent"          return TOKEN_PERCENT;
   "primary"          return TOKEN_PRIMARY;
+  "priority"         return TOKEN_PRIORITY;
   "quit"             return TOKEN_QUIT;
   "range"            return TOKEN_RANGE;
   "real"             return TOKEN_REAL;
diff --git a/parser/SqlParser.ypp b/parser/SqlParser.ypp
index b07c48e..0318104 100644
--- a/parser/SqlParser.ypp
+++ b/parser/SqlParser.ypp
@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ typedef struct YYLTYPE {
 #include "parser/ParsePredicate.hpp"
 #include "parser/ParsePredicateExists.hpp"
 #include "parser/ParsePredicateInTableQuery.hpp"
+#include "parser/ParsePriority.hpp"
 #include "parser/ParserUtil.hpp"
 #include "parser/ParseSample.hpp"
 #include "parser/ParseSelect.hpp"
@@ -205,6 +206,8 @@ typedef void* yyscan_t;
   quickstep::PtrVector<quickstep::ParseSubqueryTableReference> *with_list_;
   quickstep::ParseSubqueryTableReference *with_list_element_;
+  quickstep::ParsePriority *opt_priority_clause_;
@@ -308,6 +311,7 @@ void NotSupported(const YYLTYPE *location, yyscan_t yyscanner, const std::string
 %token TOKEN_QUIT;
 %token TOKEN_RANGE;
 %token TOKEN_REAL;
@@ -546,6 +550,9 @@ void NotSupported(const YYLTYPE *location, yyscan_t yyscanner, const std::string
 %type <opt_sample_clause_>
+%type <opt_priority_clause_>
+  opt_priority_clause
 %type <with_list_>
@@ -1106,13 +1113,35 @@ assignment_item:
 /* Select Queries */
-  select_query {
-    $$ = new quickstep::ParseStatementSelect(@1.first_line, @1.first_column, $1, nullptr);
+  select_query opt_priority_clause {
+    $$ = new quickstep::ParseStatementSelect(@1.first_line, @1.first_column, $1, nullptr, $2);
-  | with_clause select_query {
-    $$ = new quickstep::ParseStatementSelect(@1.first_line, @1.first_column, $2, $1);
+  | with_clause select_query opt_priority_clause {
+    $$ = new quickstep::ParseStatementSelect(@1.first_line, @1.first_column, $2, $1, $3);
+  {
+    $$ = nullptr;
+  }
+    if ($3->float_like()) {
+      delete $3;
+      $$ = nullptr;
+      quickstep_yyerror(&@3, yyscanner, nullptr, "PRIORITY value must be an integer");
+      YYERROR;
+    } else {
+      if ($3->long_value() <= 0) {
+        delete $3;
+        $$ = nullptr;
+        quickstep_yyerror(&@3, yyscanner, nullptr, "PRIORITY value must be positive");
+        YYERROR;
+      } else {
+        $$ = new quickstep::ParsePriority(@1.first_line, @1.first_column, $3);
+      }
+    }
+  };
   TOKEN_WITH with_list {
     $$ = $2;